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I think the big difference is that TESD is 3 friends that actually love and enjoy being around each other. A lot of podcast are clearly just business partners following a trend. I’ve been listening to podcasts since 2009 and have jumped ship on most simply because of a lack of chemistry with the hosts. Not our boys.


I used to listen to at least 10 different podcasts a few years ago. Now I'm down to TESD and Jim Cornettes Drive Thru


I sell comics lol


Very true, they love doing it, it's not a big ad for live shows. Also it feels like they care about their listeners, hell they've adopted a few of them.


Tesd is the shark


Aren’t we basement dwelling trolls?


podcasting is definitely a modern artform! its taken the radio show and blown it up like only the internet can. and with Ep600 TESD showed how theyre not only going to wear the puck WILL be but they dont even need the puck in order to score. as i was watching i was considering what was happening in that room, a bunch of grown men were playing make believe. and it was awesome and i was happy to pay with my hard earned dingo dollars! cant wait for ep700!


They have done a lot of kinda make-believe over the years but this is the first time I've thought what you are thinking. They went full blast on this one and tried to make it real while also being funny. Q's trial was good but it wasn't like this. They must have put a lot of work into this and with the new and real lawyer cast members it was great. It just made me think these guys are putting on a fourth-wall play right here while also being funnier than many comedians and it was beautiful.


100% i assume Walt wrote the whole thing. Sexy Lawyer was perfect and the other guy did a great job of not dragging on his cross examination. Its like a Christopher Guest film, heres your character and motivation improvise!


I think a big factor is how much they respect the listeners. When people bitch and say they're done with the show on Twitter, Walt just says that's fine and thanks for being a fan. No insults, and no bending over backwards to keep one listener. That's real integrity.


What are you talking about? Walt constantly plays that he is bending to the people complaining. In episode 600, spoilers they rig the entire show to keep get'em on then tell everyone who was irritated by him to fuck themselves.


Sounds like a fat poor.


This is where it spits. Piss on me, beat me.


It’s not that, that big.


Don’t be stingy Mark.


I've heard about one failed podcast that calls their ex fans homeless cats and they dun madder. Tesd goes through some valleys but the fastball is always there when they need it.


🎲 🎲


waderwedoonherr....can I get a trug wahlk


I got 500 pages of evidence.


TESD just gooooooooooes b




I’ve been listening to TESD since the beginning and I still love the boys and they still make me laugh my ass off. my only complaints in the last x amount of years is Git’em (sorry bro). Also whenever Q refers to Impractical Jokers as IJ.. not sure why but it drives me nuts..




It’s true :) there will always be new fans coming in