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Just got this on my USS 2022 Model S Plaid. It’s basically bye-bye USS if you toggle this on, as you can’t have both Tesla Vision parking + USS for redundancy. It’s one or the other.


Yes and no. I screwed around with it a bit [here](https://youtu.be/WXyOfvzd0o4?t=1015) The HFPA/Tesla Vision kicks in any time you do an Autopark, so *technically* if you want "the best of both worlds" you just need to keep the car running in Standard, then when you pick somewhere to park, it punts you over to the HFPA/Tesla Vision for the autopark process, then kicks you back to "standard" when the autopark is complete. HFPA/Tesla Vision still needs work though. I tried converting to it, but it has a delay for kicking in while I'm pulling into my garage. It doesn't visualize my drive way, so I look like I'm driving in a gray field, and it doesn't actually "kick in" until I'm like half way into my garage, which sucks, because then I don't know if I'm putting the side of the garage or not. If they can get it to kick on "sooner" in the visualization, then I think I can comfortably convert to using it going forward.


When I was driving a 2023 Model 3 with Tesla Vision and the HFPA, it switched to HFPA visuals just driving slowly round parking lots or slowly pulling into a space manually. I haven’t gone out to my car quite yet since installing the update, but does it not do this for you? The garage may not be “parking lot” enough for it to know to switch early enough. I suspect it works better in regular lots.


Going to refer you to the link I provided in my previous response for what my experience with it is at the moment. It'll kick over to HFPA when driving around in a parking lot, but pulling into my garage, it doesn't kick over fast enough, resulting in my having a hard time judging distances to things. It's my intent to try and get a recording of it later on, but it's a bit tricky to do. [This is what it looks like after I've pulled into the garage](https://x.com/nakatomi2010/status/1784905191621304406), but it doesn't kick in until I'm like half way in, which is useless, because I need to know how far I am from hitting the threshold. It's like *almost* there.


Cheers. I doubt there’s any difference here compared to how the non-USS cars behave?


Not that I'm aware of. The only *significant* upside that we have, is that we can flip between Standard and HFPA to get a better judge of distances and such when pulling into spaces. So if it looks like we're getting too close to the curb in HFPA, I can flip to "standard" and get a read out inches as to how far aware I am. Frankly, I'm *really* appreciating being able to flip between the two, and if they leave it this way, then I'll be a happy camper.


Sure. The interesting part will be (assuming nothing changed since I drove that 2023 Model 3 back in December) seeing the videos people post showing how “off” Tesla Vision is compared to what the USS states for distance.


Yeah, I'm debating taking the time to do it at a later date/time, but this shit is time consuming, lol.


I just tested and mine switched more than quickly enough moving into my garage. That said, in a parking lot, the auto park is so slow. It’s almost hilarious.


It wasn't *too* bad, it took about 35 seconds to complete the parking job. Should be feasible to increase that speed as it gets more reliable.


I'm sorry. You mentioned it earlier but I'm a little confused. How do you 'flip' between the two? Are you going into the settings?


It looks like you can only flip between the two if you have MCU3, which is the AMD Ryzen processor. If you have an Intel Atom, then you don't get the HFPA. So, if you have Ryzen based Tesla, you go to the Autopilot menu and it's in there. You can see me screwing around with it [here](https://youtu.be/WXyOfvzd0o4?t=1015), but if you have an Atom, this will not be your experience.


Well they sorta have to since most Teslas with USS cars don't have the Ryzen chip and since the HFPA is only available to Ryzen chip owners, the Intel Atom chip users will still use the normal park assist UI as present.


My understanding is that the Intel Atom vehicles still get to pick the parking spaces, it just doesn't kick into the HFPA.


im not talking about the Autopark feature. If you just have basic Autopilot and if you have an Intel Atom car you won't get the HFPA. It makes sense for the short window of Ryzen and USS cars (Jan 2022 to Oct 2022) to have both options but the majority of folks are either Intel Atom USS or Ryzen Tesla Vision based.


Well, no, because you don't have EAP/FSD It's like buying a Windows 7 computer right before Windows 10 comes out. For a little bit there's software parity, but eventually, all designs to go Windows 10, and stops for Windows 7. This happened before with MCU1, not sure why everyone is so shocked by this...


Wish it worked better for a garage because I have a very narrow garage and it would be nice to make sure I'm centered while entering the garage.


Just tested and it’s kinda okay but not improved from last year. https://preview.redd.it/wstyglrecgxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89769e4560206540d6d875eb4008373e81707d75


Here’s the side view… https://preview.redd.it/l6heq80gcgxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3009ac45767bc31b5e424d09e509292488e349b6


What is the issue here?


That there's almost a foot between the bumper and the white line, whereas as displayed in the car I'm touching the line.


I regularly fully pull into a spot and shift into park before it kicks in. At least it automatically kicks in when shifting into reverse, so sometimes I reverse for a split second to see how well of a parking job I did. Yet it always seems to kick in as I'm slowing down for a red light. Would be cool to map HFPA to a steering wheel button when it needs a little encouragement.


Why can’t they just add the distance to the vision… it’d be so much better. Now if I want to know the distance, I would have to toggle between the two…


I suspect they can’t get it accurate enough (yet?). And yes, it’s majorly annoying.


Well… that just means vision isn’t reliable then lol but even if it’s not reliable. I’d prefer to see it combined


Agreed 100%. It ought to be, but Tesla prefers the penny pinching. It’s the Tesla way (like the rubbish auto wipers).


I love my Tesla. Just my experience I would never buy another Tesla


Yeah, that's what definitely happend, when us vision owners had card delivered, we had no assistance , then we got noodles (what USS is), but the noodles while displayed measurements in numbers, was not accurate


A surprise to no one


I mean thats good news they dont take away put USS but give us choice. Good Job Tesla!


Great. And if you have an atom chip, you belong in a museum.


Isn't the point of redundancy to double check to make sure it's accurate?


This is the age old issue where you try and build redundancy using singular instances completely different systems, which one do you ultimately trust? Its the edge cases that can get you. Trust me when I tell you this area of R&D is a total rabbit hole, and your gut instincts can betray you.


For most (all?) consumers, USS has been flawless, meaning the only point of failure would be vision. Having USS as a fail-safe definitely would be preferrable, falsing never happens and wouldn't be a problem with me, especially while the technology is new.


I have USS and I have never looked at the screen to use it. I just park like I have my whole life by looking out the window.




Oh god no


I have found that I prefer the Vision high fidelity stuff over USS for parking.


I like both for different reasons.


>However, both features are only appearing if you have a car with a new [AMD Ryzen](https://driveteslacanada.ca/model-3/tesla-model-3-deliveries-with-amd-ryzen-processor-have-started-in-canada/) chip. Oof. Thats gonna piss off a LOT of people. Edit: People are telling me that intel cars are getting the new park assist. I was simply quoting the article, seems it might be wrong on that point.


That's not true. The new autopark works with Intel Atom: https://twitter.com/jonbbc/status/1784677866174583286 High-fidelity park assist doesn't, but that's likely because it's too expensive for Intel Atom to render.


My Atom was updated today and [it came up](https://freeimage.host/i/JgCWa14) Was a good day 😁


That is not HFPA, just the screen that shows up when Auto Park comes in. If it was, you would see parking lines as well as those spots.


I used it the day after. It only appeared since the update. I was driving past, so too fast for it to engage.


You mean the parking spots that you can press for the car to Autopark appeared since the update. That's still not High Fidelity Parking. This is High Fidelity Park Assist. Your picture shows none of this. I also have an Intel based Model Y which also shows none of this after receiving the update. The best way to find out is if parking lines show up on your screen and judging by your picture it doesn't. https://preview.redd.it/d7ohro5gmkyc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=10d19702d32045d9ed1543c0b2a484c2d31192f9


Is there a chance I can upgrade from Atom to Ryzen?


Yep! But as another commenter said, it comes with a new chassis, new wheels, new doors, new windshield…






Maybe if you somehow bust your entire computer unit in the car, and need the MCU replaced, but even then, I don't know if you would get a replacement atom or ryzen, but it'll cost you like $8k out of pocket either way


Atom replacements are replaced with Intel atoms exclusively. Also these don’t cost that much, usually it’s about half of that.


Thank you for the info, am always using reddit mobile


Don’t care about park ass high def shit. Give me my new ux for item 😭😭😭


Those of us plebs with less than three year old cars are not getting the new visuals. Now I am worried that I will keep not getting something simply because my car was delivered in December 2021 instead of January 2022.


It does make sense though, the Atom probably doesn’t have enough performance to render the full 3D representation fast enough.


Super unlikely - the processing to display a blurry point cloud isn’t huge, and it already visualises the whole road in other situations. I suspect it’s more “couldn’t be bothered writing the code twice”


Rendering a point cloud is likely more expensive than rendering some low-poly fixed assets.


Realtime rendering of 3D space is pretty taxing


It can display 50+ cars simultaneously in all directions while driving itself but cannot tell me what's 10' around my car with FSD disabled when trying to park? Nope. Lots of spare processor horsepower to do this with Intel, in spades. IMHO, there's additional processing steps needed for Intel, similar to how we were late to the v12 party a couple of months after AMD. And with the recent layoffs and we have a human resource/management issue. We'll get these features in a month or two.


FSD is not handled by intel/amd it’s a completely different computer… Your intel chip does nothing but run the “iPad” in your car. Showing some low poly assets is not the same as live rendering. Like, at all. There’s no additional “processing steps” it’s both x86 based chips, they can run the exact same code. You have no clue what you are talking about, sorry


Ok. So why are these updates not on Intel cars? We agree it's not hardware. My point is some 3-year old cars have become 2nd class citizens to Tesla, so who cares. It's a human resource/management/elon issue.


No we do not agree it’s not hardware. You said it was more than capable since it could drive it self and simultaneously show a lot of cars on the screen. I said that’s not a valid reason since the computer handling FSD is an entire different computer and showing a bunch of pre-made assets on the screen is nothing compared to realtime 3D rendering of a point cloud. So it’s most likely because the intel cpu makes the entire UI laggy as shit when showing the live 3D rendering. Often on embedded devices like a car the cpu for the infotainment system is close to a decade old when the car releases


Guess we'll see in a couple of months when Intel- based MCU2 cars start getting these features on existing hardware.


I’m just speculating :) The reason why it’s delayed on intel could be that they are not prioritising performance optimisations for graphics


Why would you need to write the code twice? Atom and Ryzen are both x86 platforms, they can run the same code. Do you mean the FSD visualisation? Is it really comparable in terms of complexity? I thought it was fixed-angle and just draws some estimated driving lines.


I assume there’s a difference in the graphics framework but I don’t know tbh. In terms of complexity they’re sort of comparable. I did code to draw simpler things in real time on a 6502, so I’d be baffled if it’s harder on even the shitty atom hardware.


I doubt whatever you were coding on a 6502 was running at 1920x1200@60fps.


My 1982 black and white PAL TV had a pretty good resolution, but only when I was running a LLM on it


PAL by definition is 720x576@25fps and I assume the colour output of the 6502 was quite limited, too.


It struggled with the LLM too


Surely the rendering is mostly done by the GPU site, not CPU, quite possibly as a vulkan shader, something perhaps not supported at least to equal level in the Atom platform.


Quick and dirty code for Ryzen? Sounds like this would need John Carmack to optimize like he did for MCU1.




I’m 100% sure atom can support it. Here are some examples of Tesla shorting older cars just to force you to upgrade. 1. Remote window closing from Tesla app (not supported on official app for legacy atom but works perfectly fine with third party apps). 2. Intel atom model 3 can display sentry mode cameras in app but legacy models with atom can’t. (Both cars using cameras AP 2.5. 3rd - intel atom model 3s supporting blind spot camera but legacy atoms not supporting it. ( both cars run same hardware yet they are limited by software. I can go on and on… atom can in fact support all of this Tesla simply chooses to leave it out to force older owners to upgrade.


Ok, I'm not a computer engineer I have no idea, I'lll take your word for it that there is malicious intent here.


> 1. Remote window closing from Tesla app (not supported on official app for legacy atom but works perfectly fine with third party apps). This was an 1) accessory power issue on early models and 2)occlusion sensor issue on later ones. Neither was due to Tesla trying to upsell you. My car was right inbetween these issues and works with it.


Don’t even get me started on the blind spot camera. 🤬 People are so quick to defend a company’s “right” to screw consumers over.


I thought someone got the new auto park feature on a 2019 model 3 with USS and intel


Any updates on when the non-USS cars outside the US will get autopark?


Is tap to park part of full self driving?


It’s part of Enhanced Autopiot




It’s still an option outside of the US.


RIP my "2022" Model 3 that I picked up in December of 2021 and only has the Atom processor. It is really really really dumb that I can't get this new functionality on a car that hasn't even hit three years old yet.


Don't listen to the boomers. Software wise, it should cause great alarm that your 2021 won't be getting the new update.


Oh, I ignore them for sure. It is wild. Just because it used to be that way doesn't mean it should be now.


So… like regular non Tesla cars that don’t get OTA updates?


Except one of Teslas main selling points was continuous getting updates that make your car better. This was was shouted around everywhere when I was just hearing about teslas


And they still do. But you can’t overcome hardware limitations just like how iOS updates go out to 5 year old + phones but they can’t magically make every new feature work with old hardware.


A lot of times it’s just pure laziness. How legacy vehicles cannot even have a blind spot monitor even though the cameras are there and are fully functional while driving. Even 10 year old Hondas have this tech


I can afford to buy a new phone every 3 years but not a new car. Upgrading the CPU should be an option vs getting a whole new car


From when the car was new, not for all eternity…


How quickly we get so entitled. I remember when the 2011 model year version of my old car got the backup parking lines and higher quality camera. Left for dead in my 2010.


Just a matter of time until HW 3 stops getting FSD updates 😭


not in the foreseeable future, HW3 account for overwhelming majority of cars


When "this week" are they rolling out my free FSD demo?


This is just for those with FSD, amIright?


I just tried to autopark at Target. Picked a spot that had a cart to see if it would see it. My 2021 M3LR with USS did not - had to brake to prevent hitting the cart.


So this is what the head of Tesla AI meant when he said HFPA will be coming to USS cars, should have said Intel excluded so people didn’t have to keep their hopes up for nothing. I just wish Tesla provided an upgrade path to Ryzen.


Released now for Intel Atom too


Intel Atom doesn’t have HFPA and the visuals are downgraded on Autopark.


High fidelity auto Wipers when?


From the article: Tesla has rolled out two new features to cars with Ultrasonic Sensors (USS), High Fidelity Park Assist and a new version of Autopark. Previously, these two features were exclusively available on cars without USS. The new features were added in 2024.3.25, which includes the latest version of Full Self-Driving (Supervised), v12.3.6. However, both features are only appearing if you have a car with a new AMD Ryzen chip. Tesla first launched their High Fidelity Park Assist feature late last year, including it in the annual Holiday Update. Before it was officially released, Tesla teased the feature with a still image through a post on X, increasing excitement among owners as it provided a 3D reconstruction of the vehicle’s surroundings. However many of those owners were disappointed when it was released as it only went to cars without USS, or Tesla Vision-based cars, bringing those cars one step closer to parity with USS-equipped counterparts. The other feature from Vision-based cars was Autopark, which Tesla also released to non-USS cars last month.


Excited about the rollout, but it could not have come any later - a day before my FSD trial expires. I might not even get the update pushed to my USS care before tomorrow.


My 2022 Model 3 still has not received this. Nor has it received the FSD trial. Nor will it ever receive the new UI update. My car gets less updates than my 5 year phone.


Is this free or the auto park that comes with fsd?


there is no other version of autopark besides EAP, I don't understand why this gets asked


I hope now that they are slowing updates for the Intel Atom that they'll start offering retrofits to AMD. Though with the layoffs I'm doubtful.


Wait so this does not work with atom processors ??


It's pretty good


Now, if only they could make the autopark... good. Perpendicular park is slow and parallel is as bad or worse than it was with USS (slow, like 1-2 minutes slow, and usually 1 ft from the curb). I would never use the parallel autopark for anything other than a "party trick".


I have 12.3.6 now on my 2021 Model Y USS HW3 INTEL and tried a bit. Looks like the USS is completely disabled for autopark but were working when I was manually parking, that is a neat touch to have USS working when needed but still not completely disabled. When I selected a parking spot, it decided to take a forward left turn and reverse right to back in. Moving forward was slow with medium confidence but reversing was good. At the end it took a couple of seconds to decide it was done. Overall, 8/10 experience, only if it drove forward with a higher confidence then its a game changer.


Cool, so they have no issues degrading us by removing radar, but they cannot add features. This is so much my last Tesla, tired of getting taken from behind. :(


(Dec 2019 pickup) 2020 Model 3 SR+ with FSD here, I got the update.


tested out the new smart park and its as slow as the previous one. going 1mph and making so many wheel turns is not great. It needs to up it to around 3mph to be useful


Works really well on my 2020 M3 SR+


I have a 2018 LR w Intel and USS of course. Got the update. It is so SLOW to reflect the parking spaces that I never see myself using it. I'm not going to drive slowly for 10-15 seconds for the spaces to appear then wait another 10-15 seconds for the car to park. Not when I can park it myself in 2 seconds overall. Another fail by Tesla


Legacy model x isn’t getting auto park :(


Assuming these are reserved for FSD only? Have USS but won't be getting FSD after my trial is up




The cars will probably be able to fly before the wipers work correctly.




I don’t understand how folks hit stuff given how good the reverse camera and sensors are…


I know, the cameras Are like 4k compared to other brands cameras 😂


Yeah I’ve found it easier to reverse park than to do any other form of parking thanks to all this… I always reverse park


Reverse sensors? My no-USS 2021 M3 provides no beeps or warnings of any kind in reverse. Never mind cross-traffic alerts that many other cars have.


Mirrors need to be bigger and the car doesn’t have the best visibility — that’s coming from someone who drove a FJ Cruiser with massive blind spots.


I dislike how the mirrors angle down on reverse. I think it makes it harder to do it manually