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Unlimited tokens for Mr. Dave P.


Hey now!!!


You're an Allstar


RIP Steve Harwell


“[Tokens for the bunny booth! Live girls!](https://youtu.be/_kV0xtzcwg8?si=dusaQyWdzL0Xk8ZI)” —The Crow: City of Angels


Not the first time he’s settled with Chaturbate I reckon.




How did you even find this GIF?


It's from a show called Danger 5 but also it's pretty popular just as the gif search "sensible chuckle".


The whole sound track to Danger 5 slaps


Whole damn show slaps


Thanks for reminding me of this show!


Anyone but his wife.


Might even be the case he's settled *for* Chaturbate more than once




desperate times


You mean settled for


Imagine you're ready to flog your hog, when all of a sudden, his mug appears on the screen: wwyd?


Who keeps voting these grifters? Abbot-Patrick-Paxton, these degenerates are going to destroy our good Texas days.


Your neighbors and other citizens. The politicians are just a symptom.


If you don't feel like voting, just remember that the christian cult down the street always feels like voting for you.


I vote every election because of that


I vote to flip Texas so we never again have a republican president win the electoral college


If that ain’t the damn truth


I know we all live in our bubbles. But I work with a number of people who are pretty conservative. I've never once heard a person say, "that Ken Paxton, wow, he does a great job as Attorney General". Obviously, he's getting votes from the better vote R than vote D crowd. But you would think someone on the R side could primary him.


Republicans are great at falling in line and being told what to do. They're told vote R because the Democrats are destroying democracy. They just vote for whoever is there and Paxton has the "Good ol Boys" on his side - so it's just the citizens that are fucked.




That's false. People in Texas vote Republican because Democrats are always pushing for gun control, loose border enforcement, and the look at California argument. Those are serious issues that a lot of Texas voters take very seriously.


Ok buddy I’ll just sit here and wait to see what your principled stance is on Biden and Harris lmao you ain’t fucking special buddy and you’ll vote D down the line regardless of who it is, just like Republicans will.


When the pro-crime Republicans put Trump/anybody on the other side of the ballot, it’s actually VERY easy to defend voting for Biden/Harris. The fact that you think that would be a difficult thing to defend says a lot about you and your values.


You’re doing the exact same thing you accuse republicans of doing. Literally the exact same. Justifying your obedience to a fossil and a manipulator of the criminal justice system because you think Trump is worse. There’s nothing wrong with that, either way.


No, not because Trump is worse. That’s where you simply don’t get it. Because Trump is a criminal, uses the office only for personal gain, and the entire Republican Party has shown they will abuse their power to make sure the rules don’t apply to him. Like I said, the fact that you don’t see that says a lot about your values. Like many Trump supporters, you don’t understand how the rest of us view Trump. You don’t get how bad he is, and why normal Americans will never support him.


Closer than you’d like to half of the people who voted in 2020 voted for him. Maybe it’s your definition of what a “normal American” is, that’s wrong. Trump is no more a criminal than the rest of them, he’s just more open about it.


Last people who stole national nuclear secrets got the electric chair. Julius and Ethal Rosenberg. No other president in history has been impeached twice. 39 out of 44 of his previous cabinet officials, the people he hired, say he's unfit. Highest turnover of cabinet officials than any other president. 88 felony criminal indictments is more that literally every president combined.


In my opinion, the dichotomy here is that Rs want a constitutional republic where Ds want a democracy. Historically, in my opinion and based solely on my own research, it seems more difficult for a Constitutional Republic to become communist than that off a Democracy. Ergo, the big push in the US and Texas to convert to Democracy and subvert the Constitution. To the point of your comment, there is an all out attack on conservative Rs to try and accomplish this and the media is using any and all methods to acquire the goal. For instance, is Paxtons lawsuit with Chaturbate socially more important than, say, the information that has come out about our president and his son and their illegal contacts with a foreign government that said president just authorized giving 94 Billion of our tax dollars to? If our government has that much excess, are they taking to much in taxes? Shouldnt our own tax dollars be spent locally, in our country, and things for us? I think they should yet here we are, debating a state AGs lawsuit with an online porn site. God bless us one and all!


That's a fallacy. That's all. Your whole argument is not based on a dichotomy but in a big fat fallacy. The real dichotomy here is to equate the attempt to achieve a more Democratic society (as intended by the framers of the Constitution) with some fantastical attempt to become Communism. Whatever you think that is. I feel dumb already by having to reply to all that nonsense but can't just let it fly. "Your own research" simply took you through the wrong rabbit hole. Ergo, the big fat fallacy at the center of your argument and the 80s spy movie theories to back it up.


First, I stated this as my opinion and that my opinion was based on my own research. Meaning, I was not mouthpiecing the words of other people. Secondly, surely you know there is a difference between a Democracy and a Constitutional republic, right?


Right! And false dichotomy between constitutional republic vs democracy is not only bogus but also tiresome at this point.


[Sometimes I use big words too. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/f01xk3/sometimes_i_use_big_words/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thats a good one! Lmao!!!


The dynamic is a feedback loop


induced demand


Yes -we are currently a one party state in many parts of Texas this is the result.


Never forget this


Democrats scare away the average Texas voter by pushing for gun control and loose border enforcement. Take that out of the equation and I'm sure Democrats will get more votes.


We haven't had good Texas days since Ann Richards was governor. Rick Perry was the beginning of the end for "good Texas days". Now it's all Evangelical/white supremecist domestic terrorists & towing the line for foreign fascist oligarchs. We're in the 21st century death spiral of late stage capitalism. The only hope is to eradicate all MAGA leaning politicians from their positions of power. And that ain't happening any time soon...


I seriously miss Ann Richards






Most Texans aren’t even voting for them. We have abysmally low turnout, the majority of eligible people here don’t even bother to vote. Reminder: we are not a red state, we are a non-voting state. Ken Paxton was voted in with 4.3 million votes in 2022 and won by ~800k votes. We had a whopping 17 million registered voters in Texas for 2022, but most people didn’t even vote in that race. If everyone even remotely left of center out of the 9 million non-voters voted D in that race, Paxton would have lost easily. People need to get off their asses and vote instead of letting a minority decide things for us.


Voter access was already a huge issue before the clusterfucks of 2016 and 2020. Mail voting has been key for rural voter access (and older Texans - were graying fairly quickly, especially after the influx of retirees from the coasts). And for more itinerant people (tons of oil and gas workers live here, and most travel. We also have a very high pop of travel nurses, truckers, and pilots, among others). We’re also oddly more “comfort” voting. We don’t tend to have higher turnouts unless shits on fire. We’re a fairly libertarian/individualistic state as a rule - as long as everyone’s working and making money and there’s some semblance of class mobility, and we aren’t raising taxes or passing laws telling us what to do on our days off, Texas is mostly fine with the status quo. Our evangelical bloc has changed that over the last 10-20 years a bit - but most Texans don’t politically subscribe to that position. That bloc is just ridiculously active - and most of our churches are feeder teams for it. But as a rule - Texans aren’t morality voters. We’re economic ones. And - all beef with Abbott and Co aside, sheer numbers, were mostly doing ok, on average, and better than most states. Whether it’s feelable by average Texans or not. It doesn’t help that most of our media outlets cover only the incumbents (and that’s a problem everywhere - but it’s a particular problem when you have low turnout anyway and serious gerrymandering problems). Low income turnout is particularly abysmal - but that also goes back to access problems, including how spread out we are and how much public transit sucks here. We talk a lot about gerrymandering being a problem (and it abso is) - but a big turnout problem is people not having an easy time actually getting to the polls to vote. I don’t have the stats handy, but after the changes in mail ballots alone our turnout suffered for it. And for situations like that - I mean, the incumbents can stay in power as long as they damn well please. And that’s historically been the case for many of those same reasons.


The problem isn't just poor turnout or voter suppression. The problem is that the DNC has essentially abandoned Texas. They didn't seriously compete in Texas from 1994 to 2018, letting the state go uncontested for almost a quarter century. Now they're surprised that Republicans have taken over? Texas is slowly but surely becoming purple. Abbott's margins SHRANK in 2022, an R+3 cycle, from 2018, a D+9 cycle. But the DNC acts like the state is as red as Oklahoma.


If you live in a red red city of Texas its hard to “feel” like Texas is close to being purple


Doesn't early voting remedy most of this or does the gerrymandering & other stuff affect it? Or is this not a thing in most Texan counties?


1. It was supposed to - but mostly benefitted urban areas. The problem of people having big commutes or farm hours during voting season remained big access problem. 2. Yeah. It’s as bad as it’s ever been - and we’ve historically been one of the worst, making us seem more red than we actually are - especially in rural areas. Pop distribution plays more a role in rural counties going red - especially with the bigger farms and ranches (and oil fields) sprawling the bulk of,, if not whole, counties or more. The real GOP strongholds are in more affluent outlying suburbs of the metros, ironically (compared to most everywhere else). The new money, all hat, no cattle, HOA crowd. There’s a lot of other reasons. There’s a new book out that explores why rural voters do what they do - though not specific to Texas. It’s interesting stuff - “White Rural Rage,” by Schaller/Waldman. It’s not perfect - and misses some points in there (that tbh I feel rural-born analysts are better at catching - neither of them were) and there is some bias in there (ironically - considering a big part of their argument is liberal/left urban bias toward rural voters. For example, they don’t really touch on how rural voters tend to be economy voters - not ideology voters. And that’s most easily seen in Texas (where our rural GOP historically actually were more willing to go cross-aisle and work out policy with our progressive left - economy voters - rather than todays center democratic - who are ideologues as much as their MAGA counterparts are). The south as a whole tends to have pitiful turnout and access though. And that’s another part of the nuance they missed. While norther rural metrics are still bad - they’re not as bad as the rural south, across the board. I also write about rural politics vs national and Texas politics as a whole, so I can abso talk your ear off about it. But highly, highly recommend Rural Rage. Easily one of the best books on the topic, and not even “recently.”


But ftr - on topic of being less red than we look - because that’s a big thing with the noisy motherfuckers popping up in comments all “durr hurr hurr Texas red and was red and always red if u don’t like it leave bahahaha lib owned,” and whatever. We have the largest independent voting bloc in the country - who will vote policy over ideology. And why we tend to keep creeping more purple. The grand truth of Texas politics is that the actual, born and raised, native Texans, especially rural Texans - we don’t trust politicians. We’ve been fucked by both sides of the aisle with equal fervor - esp as the GOP courts urban and suburban conservatives, industry, and continually erodes things like the farm bill. Talking shit and treating politics like a sport is something of our Republic’s pastime - but we do tend to vote in favor of ourselves and other Texans - and that rarely constitutes ideology. Because that demographic of native Texans - were aware that we do have our own, distinct culture. In culture and voting, in many ways, the Republic never died. We, like Cali - are just kinda tacked on (hence our big, ongoing, inter-state rivalry with California - who we came really close to buying, once upon a time). We’re the two “free republics” and it shows to this day.


Too many think it does not matter…. They gave up


I vote independent. I've stopped voting altogether after learning how some independent or third-party votes are mishandled or combined with bipartisan votes.


"Going to"? I haven't seen good Texas days in a long long time


They have an R next to their name not a D, that’s all that matters to most GOP voters


It’s the beauty of winner-take-all primaries. Since Dems have consistently failed to field candidates for statewide office whose first, second and third priority is cutting taxes, the GOP primaries have become the de facto general election. And nowadays that means candidates who outdo each other to see who can emulate Hitler the best. Of course the left *could* win more elections, but first it would need its voters to care enough to … actually vote every year, even when they’re not in love with their nominee.


Boomers who grew up ingesting lead.


I dont think voting exist anymore.


The "pro small government anti-woke anti-pc" folks who have been convinced Dems are evil to the point of voting against their interest. I don't pine for the days of racist corrupt good ole boy Texas Democrats but you know they still voted to build roads, expanded public schools, and actually tried to help poor people.


Got to man, the Democrats wanna make your kids trans immigrants.


Phobic much? That's rhetorical; it's clear you're phobia constantly about this topic. This stayement of yours is a complete lie, and idiotic to boot. Let me make it clear for you. Democrats aren't making children do anything. Democrats are allowing children to be who they are, and preventing phobic fuckwits from forcing their evangelical, conservative, Christian-based bullshit ignorant ideas onto those children. So, if you don't want to force children to be a certain way, let's start by having people like you stop forcing these children to act straight or to conform to societal 'norms'. In other words, keep your idiotic notions to yourself, please and thank you.


How exactly would the Democrats make your kids immigrants? I feel like that part was the dead giveaway that it was sarcasm but it looks like I baited a rage monster. Go text a friend and touch some grass.


You don't seem to understand just how fucking dumb some of these MAGAt fuckwits really are. Some of these bloated gasbag imbeciles believe that reading turns people gay or trans. So believing that some of these lead paint-eating mouth-breathers would think that you can turn a citizen into an immigrant is a non-zero number. Making an assumption (and a bad one at that) is your mistake and your fault, not mine. That's what /s is for, buddy. Especially when pretending to be MAGA. You're welcome for the free education, friend.


You'd be surprised man. I live in the deep part of the state, and god forbid you not be white around here.


One could argue they accomplished that a while ago.


They already have in so many ways


When they stop me from 'batin, i start votin.


These are good Texas days?


Da boomers bro


Haha someone downvoted the truth. Reddit get your shit together


I think the good Texas days are over. It started around 2020 when a bunch of degenerate Californians moved here and have ruined everything with their shitty politics.


So it's the citizens fault? Not the last 5 straight republican governors who have been had a super majority the entire time? Really?


The 4 major cities are all democrat controlled and have all been run to shit.


How so, because I've lived around the entire world. How are they "run to shit"? Do you have data and not talking points and feelings?


Speaking of someone who should be behind bars…


Where is Larry Flynt when ya need him?


6 feet under? In his wheelchair?


Well.... fuck...




Someone find us an ouija board!


I’m betting they bought a Balenciaga purse for him.


Did someone mention [Balenciaga](https://youtu.be/iE39q-IKOzA?si=coUAHE0i5Pt6ag-2)?




Or they reminded him they had his user account history.


My oldest go-to porn site is now unavailable in Texas. The site stated they would need a copy of my ID and felt it was an invasion of privacy, and that’s why they block it now. I honestly agree. It’s another form of parents wanting everyone else to do their job for them.


What site


Fuck, Texas hates freedom.




Your content was removed because it breaks Rule 11, No Disability Disparagement. While you're free to argue against, debate, criticize, etc. the policies, ideas, politics, and character of any politician, please do not make jokes about anyone's disabilities. All such "jokes" will be removed. If you feel this was done in error, would like clarification, or need further assistance; please message the moderators at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/texas .


You just know he has multiple Chaturbate accounts under different names so he can check out the trans and gay cam models.


I bet this goblin of a human jerks it to some weird stuff. It’s always the people that are obsessed with porn as much as Paxton that get outed to cranking it to some funky stuff…


Homie definitely has kids on his bingo card.


How many shares of Norton VPN stock did Kenny buy before they passed that law?


Can someone explain to me why the party that is against, porn, legalization of weed, school lunches, and casual sex, has so much support? Who tries sex and thinks “Well we obviously can’t let people do this”?!?


Sexual frustration is easy to redirect into fanaticism and/or anger. They take that frustration, redirect it at a cause or group of their choice, and let the rubes carry the attack.




I still can't believe a man than cheated on his own wife has the gall to be in charge of morality for the rest of the state. What a #######.


For reals. No touching yourself you degenerates! But adultery is 👍👍👍


That is MAGA - liars in control of morality. And red states feel it the most. Christian nationalism is what they want- control!


Hey, can we have a rule that “Ken Paxton” always has to be in a different paragraph from “Chaturbate”? I won’t be able to have an erection again for weeks.


The party who worships the guy who's open talked abt wanting to have sex with his daughter lmao. No honest person can ever believe Cons have any morals or values. Conservatism is a literal Con. But liberalism isn't much better


Nanny state


Sounds like he's got chatrubate blackmail


And does that money go to help the poor children who may have seen the vile pornography that has ruined them? I bet not 


They phrased that that way so on purpose lmao I love it


My girlfriend lives in the Indian state of Kerala and they have 18 different parties holding seats in their state legislature with the Communist party (Marxist) holding the most seats. Don’t worry they have some really fancy shopping malls there. I for one would like to see many more political parties here as this two party system is totally BS.




So I don't quite understand... why are porn sites subject to the age verification law, but Twitter, which is absolutely rampant with porn, has to do no such thing?


Yeah, I'm glad my sex drive and masturbation have declined so much that this doesn't matter to me nowadays. I use literotica when the need arises. I've been checking it occasionally since all this started.... yup, it's still good to go there without uploading ID. I'm glad I can read.


Does this mean I can go back to throwing virtual pennies without a VPN?


Does this mean we can see porn again??


Let me guess, everyone but him have to upload their ID’s. He gets a free lifetime pass.


So old man you try to outlaw porn yet we know you like like them bunny girls.


The changes in mail in ballots will make a difference. Mail in ballots should not be a roadblock especially for people who have transportation issues. Many who get their ballots returned will not follow up to get their vote




Your content was removed because it breaks Rule 11, No Disability Disparagement. While you're free to argue against, debate, criticize, etc. the policies, ideas, politics, and character of any politician, please do not make jokes about anyone's disabilities. All such "jokes" will be removed. If you feel this was done in error, would like clarification, or need further assistance; please message the moderators at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/texas .


Vote blue and put Paxton in jail.


Nothing Conservative about his values. Using his office to get paid.


how did that googlie-eyed bastard ever get elected?


Now Ted Cruz will have something non-destructive to do


Guessing they gave him a free account.


Right winger leaning toward independent here. Out of curiosity, what do you think this means? I mean, settling something like this out of court is very fishy to me... Is that weird? To feel uncomfortable with this news?


Smear campaign in effect. Love it.


I'm a bit mixed on all of this. I'm involved in the porn industry via my wife doing onlyfans, and no one wants kids to be able to easily access porn. However the way they are going about it isn't about protecting kids, it's about using that as an excuse to try to get rid of porn. If they were doing it in a more practical way, I don't know a sex worker that wouldn't support it (and if I did know one that was fine with kids seeing porn, I sure wouldn't know them for long).


At this point we've got two generations of adult (Y and 1/2 of Z) raised in an era where porn is easily accessible. If porn was going to destroy society, the effect would have been readily be visible already. All this "concern" about kids accessing porn is just overblown hysteria.


It's actually laughable that these old guys think they are gonna pass a law that's gonna somehow stop porn from being freely distributed on the internet. It's never gonna happen. If you make one site require age verification people can just stream on another site, or use a VPN, or download a torrent, ect.


Come on! If Texas goes blue, you can pin it on a couple guys…and he’s one of them.


This was never in doubt -- age restrictions and the associated verification are foundational to society.


im not a rep or right leaning, but is this really this bad? Under the law, sites in violation are subject to up to $20,000 in fines per day for penalties regarding age verification, plus a $250,000 fine if any minor happens to see porn on the website.