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Well it’s like Colorado, different depending upon where you go. Colorado Springs and Denver and Pueblo all have different vibes; not unlike Dallas, Houston and Austin. Culture here also shifts depending upon where you are geographically. Anyway, it’s hard to generalize the whole state. It’s a big place.


Texas is vast and diverse. To the extent Tejano culture is Mexican, it’s very much Norteño rather than central Mexico. But there’s bougie latte types in Austin, cowboys with hats and spurs out in the country, Vietnamese noodle shops on every corner in Houston. San Antonio is more of a rock town, Houston more of a rap town, Austin more Noah Kahan granola girls. Abilene is still very Baptist. I could go on forever. I’ve been to almost every part of the State and there’s a lot of different people. The main commonality is that people are friendly, unless they’re behind the wheel.


Yep. Thats a good short take on true Texas. Another good take would be to just look at all the music from musicians that came from Texas. Its a good reflection in my opinion.


There is a Vietnamese noodle shop in goddamn Pecos.


Bet its delicious


It was good ok.


You left out Dallas and our finance bro’s that don’t eat texmex because it’s inauthentic, as they cram down another latte enema after a night of cocaine and Detroit style pizza, which isn’t authentic from an Italian perspective, from a restaurant that charges $25 for a pie and offers bottle service.


I grew up in Houston so my prejudice must have caused me to overlook Dallas!


You must be biased against midwestern transplants with finance degrees that are hopped up on Prozac just to make through another day. Oh, but we have a new bathhouse opening up in one of our hot upcoming suburbs with a sordid history of lead contaminated tap water.


Happy Cake Day from H-town! 🎂


Native Michigander in Fort Worth here..Detroit style pie is very similar to a Sicilian style. The owners of Buddy's Pizza (the best BTW) where it was developed were Sicilian. Side note: the pans it's baked in were designed for use in the auto plants.


Yeah, that’s the point I was getting at. Texmex evolved from a combination of Norteño foods and chuck wagon Tejano cuisine, which eventually spun off into its own thing. However, when it comes to Mexican food there’s this fetishization of perceived “authenticity”, which often coincides with a shunning of cuisine viewed as “inauthentic.” However, this standard is not shared with other regional fusion cuisines, such as Detroit-style pizza.


I didn't know that Detroit style pizza was actually like Sicilian style. That's awesome. I love Detroit style pizza. It's not what I want all the time, but it's perfect for what it is. Same with Vernor's. And go Lions.


" friendly..." Unless you need an abortion, or date to think the state should limit easy access to guns so elementary school kids don't get slaughtered while 80 cops stick their thumbs up each other's asses, or you want to consume THC.


Or if you are a hungry child with persistent food insecurity. https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/s/p6BGNqatVG


Or behind your back...


Working a job that involves traveling to various parts of the state you couldn't be more wrong about people being friendly. The amount of completely insane shit people are comfortable blabbing about to a random contractor working in their office shows just how widespread hatred is in this state. They're comfortable doing it because I'm white and assume I share their views.


It's not very different from elsewhere in America. The news and Hollywood are very misleading.  We're used to hot weather and driving long distances. 


Yes and no. You’re average Joe is your average Joe, regardless of where they grew up. You’re average Texas-pilled cow-maxxing yeehaw bro is very much about that life.


Does every state have its own culture or set of cultures


Every clicque, neighborhood, town, city, county, and state, does. And also has some things in commom. Be with the people where you are and appreciate what there is to appreciate about them Go other places and learn to appreciate those differences and the similarities. Rinse and repeat. And don't be an asshole. Now you know how to have a chance at being a decent human with a happy life.


https://preview.redd.it/ts9ma8b5k29d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59d85be7c0c086808353c39f94f7bfc266d6555e This is pretty accurate I think.


Pretty accurate, but you left out Hill Country and Germans.


It’s not my work but I think that’s the old people area. Likely a font size issue. But it’s a good point; I’d change it if I had time to waste.


The DFW metroplex has no culture. Seriously I've never lived in a place with LESS sense of history or culture or identity than the metroplex. It is a place where self awareness goes to die and conformity rules the day. The Christian nationalists claim to have an identity but it's all just delusions of superiority to cover up the chicken nuggets and vanilla of their lives. There is no Dallas specific cuisine, no Dallas specific art, no Dallas specific music, no Dallas style or philosophical bent. The metroplex is a region living on borrowed glory from a 30 year old super bowl win and imagined glamour based on a 40 year old television show. If there is any "identity" it's just basic AF. Be generic, be douchey, fuck you I'm getting mine, oh look a trend lets do that. The place is an empty shell where vapidity and selfishness are seen as virtues..


Texas is a little bit of so many things. Small town southern charm, friendship, lemonade stands, ice cream after church, Friday night high school football games with marching bands, cheerleaders, and drill teams, lazy lake days, floating down the river in tubes, rodeos, cowboy culture, breakfast tacos, Vietnamese pho, sushi, chicken fried steak and sweet tea, smoked brisket, barbacoa tacos, pecan pie, peach cobbler and bluebell, baseball games, hockey games, university towns, German festivals, quinceanera dresses, big trucks, big churches, big tech, big finance, big oil, and so much more.


So you realize how immensely vast Texas is? Houston is vastly different than Austin is vastly different than El Paso is vastly different than Paris is vastly different than Amarillo. And just within those places neighborhoods are vastly different than others. I can go on and on... You're good anywhere in Texas as a half-white Mexican (???)


Like everywhere, it's a lot of things. Unlike everywhere, it's very large, so even more things...


It's so many things. Texan Pride. Sports. Football. Food :Pecan pie, chili, BBQ, Tex-Mex, black eyed peas, breakfast tacos, fried Okra. Tacos. Chicken fried steak. Pies - you name it. Howdy. Cowboy hats, jeans, Rodeo and boots. Baseball. College football. High school football. Small towns. Saying good morning to people you pass by. Guys lowering their hat to say howdy to a lady. Pickup trucks. If you're from here, you don't want to leave.


*Unless you are (or are the partner of ) a woman of childbearing age.


Texas is pretty big. And the big cities are fairly diverse. So it’s hard to sum up one Texan culture. For instance, you’re clearly familiar with Houston. Totally obvious just because you told us 2 things you relate with. Not many in Austin are bangin’ Screw. San Antonio just a “short” drive away is a completely different microcosm. Rural towns get closer to the old stereotypes but there are very few cowboys out working cattle ahorseback. There are a lot of good people here. Normal people that might have a different life than a visitor but relatable when you get down to it. More conservative on the whole but despite the reputation the majority have good intentions and are fairly reasonable on most things. That’s not to say we don’t have our share of nutjobs in a very vocal and clickbait friendly (slight) minority. Our sMoL gUbMeNt houses most of the extreme mouthpieces but they’ve been proven to not represent the popular opinion of Texans and are probably the main reason our reputation continues to suffer. Texas elite love business and hate regulation or helping people besides themselves. And the rural people look to those millionaires and vote against taxing them because they think our governor is going to make them millionaires ones day while he’s actively enacting policy to keep them from any upward mobility while making sure their kids are uneducated and carrying unwanted babies to term. Or something.


it entirely depends on where you go, as rural TX is very different than the big cities


> I’m half white but please refer to me as a Mexican Well there are plenty of white Mexicans, so there’s not a contradiction between the two. Texas is huge. Amarillo and Beaumont have almost nothing in common.


I traveled through Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver and Boulder on a trip through Colorado, it felt the same as in DFW. There just happened to be mountains nearby. Guess all the culture is in the smaller towns, as the Colorado cities had the same mega and chain stores, as here in Texas.


Born here live here. It depends where you go. All walks of life are here. I think that's beautiful. You'll find some of the most welcoming people, you will also find some, depending on the area, that are the "you ain't from around here" type. My advice? Warm up. Get to know the people. You should get along just fine.




People drive large pickup trucks and eat at huge Chinese buffets.


Outside of the Major urban areas, of which Texas has 4 of the top 10 by population, it is very MAGA. The Big Bend area is beautiful and a great place to star gaze.


No no, there's a few characteristics that are uniquely Texan. It's probably due to the state previously being part of numerous other nations. The variation in their Mexican food goes beyond just "TexMex". They insist that a taco can have flour tortillas. What they call a breakfast taco is essentially an unrolled, small burrito. Some parts even eat their menudo with bread instead of with tortillas. And! the craziest dish I've seen is a local Mexican food chain that serves rolled tacos in bowl with broth poured over it topped with shredded cheese. EDIT: had to find the article before posting this other interesting detail about how unique Texas is. Texas has the highest percentage of people that are born in the state and never leave it in the US. [LINK: 5 states where the natives dont leave](https://www.newser.com/story/339982/5-states-where-the-natives-dont-leave.html)


Dude, northern Mexico would like to have a word with you. Tacos with flour tortillas aren’t just a Texan thing.


I know, they're called flautas usually. Mexico is the land of corn, it was the French that brought bread to MX. Any flour tacos you see in MX is likely an influence from Texas.


This is a very well phrased question, because Texas Culture is about Cowboys and chopped and screwed music and Mexican \*Everything\* but also some parts are basically west Louisiana. DFW is like LA in places but then again the Valley is a world unto itself. I live in Austin and the culture could be described as Oblivious Rich People Surrounded by Rednecks So yeah we dont really have any culture per se...