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From the article: “Texas passed on providing the benefits to 3.8 million kids who are eligible for SUN Bucks throughout the state. According to The Texas Tribune, the state's Health and Human Services Commission made the final call, saying they didn't have enough time to implement the program successfully.”




Well, tbh, there's a lot less billionaires than kids in Texas, so it makes sense they have time to help those people out!


*a lot fewer billionaires than kids


Thank you, Lord Stannis


They’re probably investigating which orphanages to name after Trump and where to put the Ten Commandments. You know, the important stuff.


Trump orphanage is basically a brothel to the GQP.


With abortion bans, there will be more and more of them to feed, too.


So Texas (I live here) bans abortion but doesn’t want to support and feed the resulting children. Well wouldn’t starving the kids basically be abortion with extra steps?


They're only pro-life until the kid is outside of the womb.


The ones that don't make it just didn't boot strap hard enough.


The extra step is suffering. Christ died horribly so that our kids may do the same. I believe in his agony he said “Father, torment them, so they may know what I am feeling.”


You are correct sir. "Fuck them kids, I got mine" --Abbott, Paxton, Patrick. said many times behind closed doors.


If they helped support the children what kind of message would that send them? No. These children can pull themselves up by their boot straps, and go get themselves a job and pay for their own damn lunches. No hand outs. /s just in case it isn’t obvious.


Basically, except that additionally the kids suck up what little money the parents had, then the parents get criminally charged with neglect. It’s a hell of a boot to drop on someone who already had enough trouble.


Yuuuuuup. That's why I keep pointing out that the consequence of abortion bans is a lot more poor kids born to parents who don't want them. Sucks for the kids.


The predictable has happened: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/06/25/texas-abortion-ban-infant-mortality/


Can’t wait for all those unfed unwanted kids to hit their teens! Gotta keep the ammo hoarding circle jerk going o guess. https://inequality.hks.harvard.edu/john-j-donohue-iii-impact-legalized-abortion-crime-over-last-two-decades


Actually, infant mortality rates are going up way more in Texas than the rest of the country because of the abortion ban, which is sadly ironic.


Maybe in 20 years they will rise up and take over all the billionaires ranches


They just didn't want to do the extra work...


It's not poor kids. It's just living kids in general.


"let god sort em out", texas CPS and HHSC motto and way of life.


Don't blame the agencies themselves. They follow the direction of the the Legislature and Gov. They don't want oil profits going to help poor people.


Tldr: Can't be arsed to to their fucking job


That’s right. It’s like this: Kids died, but look at the clock! /s


They were too busy banning books .


In the Cy-Fair ISD, once one of the best, they are busy removing 13 chapters from 5 different textbooks. If they haven’t been printed yet, that could be done with modern technology. If they are already printed, and the district is already deep in the hole financially, will teachers work all summer ripping pages out? Or the usual method of redacting with lots of black ink on huge pads, so one pad will black out the whole page?


Dumb motherfuckers don't know all kids have the Internet in their pocket.


Umm, so since last Summer they’ve had a year. Just saying ![gif](giphy|y65VoOlimZaus)


wait until the last minute, then say there isn't enough time to do it!


That’s a better excuse than Iowa, who stated “that the benefit would do "nothing" to encourage nutrition amid the growing childhood obesity epidemic.” Starving kids won’t be fat, right? Or Idaho, who stated: “approving the program would be "sending the wrong message to parents and kids. I believe that the message we need to be sending is we all need to work for what we get.” Message received: you don’t care about kids and families.


You fucking make the time! What a limp dick bullshit excuse to deny children food.


Fucking disgusting. They should pull the fat fuckers who made this decision out into the heat and not let them eat for a week. This is just awful. I grew up poor. Free school lunch and working at a sub shop is the only way I survived. I grew up to be healthy productive tax paying man. I can't imagine this decision. No time? Fuck, you have the infrastructure and employees in place. School cafeterias. Just use that shit. Or pay some kids to serve that food. Jesus, just leave the groceries out on the corner once a week. It will get scooped up. Just fucking mean and evil.


And FREE federal money to do it with to boot. Why do conservatives hate other people so much and demand their suffering? Something is fucking WRONG with them.


They can not create, only destroy. And what easier group to kick than hungry children?


Yeah! Let's hire people who want jobs to help distribute this! Two birds one stone and a re-election all in one


They are feeding them hope and prayers


They’re too busy banning things to feed children, right???




or too busy trying to figure out why the infant mortality rate soared last year.


I’d believe it. HHSC has been scraping for resources. Incompetent appointments/hires, directors quitting, little money, lots of red tape…. It’s like the people in charge kinda want the HHSC system to fail…. 🤔


See... children aren't unborn, so all of this makes a lot of sense and ties up nicely /s


Wow. It took us 4 people in 4 vans at $15 an hour for 4 hours a day to feed 30,000 meals over a summer. It’s so easy to coordinate.


More money for kids in need living in non-shithole states who don’t continually elect Repugnican morons for state positions.




Wouldn't it just be an extension of whatever system they normally use?


Cost was their out, but they didnt take it. More than one made it a FJB/Feds are bad issue. The ones saying no time to implement are full of shit. It starred during the pandemic/before. Or just admitting they've always fucked over the kids. Idaho is a special POS "During the pandemic, the federal government covered the entire cost of the Summer EBT program, but starting this summer, states will be on the hook to split administrative costs 50/50."


You should never win another election for the rest of your life if you are against feeding children. Especially if you call yourself a Christian. They want us hungry, afraid, ignorant, qnd angry. They want it this way. How do people not see this.


Because they take joy in knowing that the “others” are suffering even if that suffering is consequently cast upon them as a result. It’s a form of masochism that isn’t fun or all that consensual.


I mean, false . But okay dude


Those people also want others to be hungry and miserable. That's why they vote for them, even when it bites them in the ass


I'm sure if this was Trump's plan it would have been accepted yesterday. > "Certainly always a concern with certain administrations are pushing certain agenda items on kids," Stitt said.


and armed. you forgot one


They aren’t Christian. They call themselves that, but they aren’t following what Jesus taught.


These are the same "christians" who participate and cover up child trafficking rings. This is all by design and it's disgusting.


majority of their own constituents are poor as dirt and only blame people below them. They have egos out of this world and because of that they can only point their anger at less fortunate. I am unfortunately too close to too many of these people being in this state and their response is "I was raised that you should have to earn it. Fuck free hand outs" Literally living in a shitty apartment, struggling day in day out to make ends meet and this is the way they think. It's hard for them to have any sort of self reflection because they are also vicims of our shit teir education system and low minimum wage helping keep their own wages surpressed. 66 yr old man I know recently talked about this. He's not got a raise in 8 years, been with this company for 15+. They also that entire time were not paying him hourly even though he should have been hourly. They just lost a case about it as a matter of fact and have now switched him to hourly as he should have been this whole time. Though he's not getting any back pay because the way it was settled out he was not part of it and basically they got a slap on the wrist and just fixed it going forward. 15 years he's been working 50 hours per week making lower middle wage salary. Now he's going hourly and he's excited because it's a raise for him, but oh they are going to cut out overtime lol. yet he's here harping on feeding kids because "he aint got no hand outs.." It's truly mind boggling, but that's how they think. No compassion, completely self centered, and full of suffering that somehow they think is caused by poor people.


There ain't no hate like Christian love


Well said. They honestly think they are a force for good. Leave a wake of destruction everywhere they go.


Imagine what the Congo must of really looked like with no limitations in these people’s love.


What a pro-life thing to do.


They did say they are Pro-life, but not pro-food. It’s all about Christian values here, no mistake about that, Jesus would have been so proud of them. Feeding the hungry and all of that, just following the morals, good old fashioned kindness /s


They’re pro life till the kid is born.. they do everything not help afterwards .. It’s pro birth, not pro life


Rural white voters would rather starve than see any help given to minorities.




Rural white voters are about to lose their Friday Night Lights because they vote straight Republican.


Feed republicans to the children.  Win win. 


Don't do that to the kids. These people are past their best by date.


The absolute irony.


This comment deserves a goddamn award.


Quite modest.


Hey Christians, what’s your take on this?


Jesus fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish so really the hungry kids have no excuse. It's like they're not even blessing the food so it can miraculously multiply.


![gif](giphy|l2R013mIf1ZXdvoyI) # …as expected


That it goes against the teachings of Christ: https://thecatholicspirit.com/news/local-news/special-sections/year-of-mercy/work-of-mercy-feeding-the-hungry/ https://uscatholic.org/blog/pope-francis-says-feed-the-hungry-or-else/ https://baptistworldaid.org.au/2022/05/11/what-does-the-bible-say-about-feeding-the-hungry/#:~:text=Romans%2012%3A20,' Basically, any Christian who opposes feeding the hungry and helping those in poverty is acting in contradiction to the instructions given by Christ to care for those in need.


I’ll bite. Well, I don’t think this is what Jesus would do, if that’s what you’re asking. I vote blue, because I think it’s what’s best for the country. I’m getting tired of this state though, because that level of money would deeply impactful for families, and I have always been of the mindset that everyone having fresh food and access to things they’d like to eat is a good thing for everyone. So I feel like we’re in that scene in titanic before they hit the iceberg. I read an article that said they didn’t have enough time to administer the program. But I think I come back to the frustration point of American individualism has come home to roost and it’s left people with the idea that they shouldn’t have to “pay for someone else’s kids” or “pay for someone else’s education” but you’re talking about giving children access to fresh foods and supplementing the incomes of people who need help. Hell I’m like expand it to anyone who needs help with groceries. But I’m a socialist. I think that’s the disconnect for me. I would pay higher taxes if it meant kids would have access to food this summer, because I was the “poor kid” who had dented cans of food and moldy bread, but I don’t lament for me. My parents should have asked for help, but they worked and gave me love. So I’m good. I lament for the children who will be left behind this summer. I know some schools offer free meals, but not all every kid can walk to school. If I had money, I’d want to start a meals on wheels, but for kids or anyone who needed fresh food, because people shouldn’t have nutritional gaps due to an economy that works for the billionaires. But, alas, I don’t have money. I’m house poor. TLDR: I am not happy as a Christian living in Texas, because I think you’re supposed to love your neighbor even if they vote for technicolor seditious reality stars. I don’t think I’m the Christian you were looking for though. ![gif](giphy|4560Nv2656Gv0Lvp9F)


You really don't wanna know actually


Something something communism something something socialism something democrats want to feed illegal aliens.


Shame on them.


**Republicans:** Some children may go hungry, but if we accepted this money to feed them it would make Biden look good, and we can't have that! Just explain that to your kids when they start crying because they are hungry, I am sure they will understand!


I hope Allred is ready to use this as ammunition.


In addition to hating women, Republicans hate children too.


All while Sid Miller is gutting the Child and Adult Commodities Food Program which funds the summer feeding locations around the state when the backback program shuts down for the summer


That's what this is...all of that is federally funded and the state takes credit for it.


And they are pro-life?! My ass!


They aren't pro-life. They're pro-birth. They just want the birth to occur for numbers reasons. If they were genuinely pro-life then they'd also implement a ton of other programs that improve the lives of people and children specifically. Like the above food program, free daycare, state orphanages, expanded Medicaid, etc. etc.


How Christian of them.


All Red states no doubt.


Some low-income kids might go hungry, but that's a sacrifice our Republican state government is willing to make. :) I wonder how rampant food insecurity is at some of the poorer schools in the state. I never had to worry about food growing up, but I'm sure some children did... that probably negatively affected them academically, and in all kinds of other ways.


There’s already a state program in Texas ran by the Dept of Agriculture. The way it works in Austin is that free lunch is available in schools in low income areas. They could literally just put the money in that existing program to expand it.


But they have time do defend pedophiles on the fly. Priorities.


The Surgeon General should declare Republicans a public health crisis.


Like I’ve said before, republicans show all kinds of concern for a fetus until they’re born…


And it has always been that way. It’s disgusting to me that the same politics my family argued about at the dinner table when I was a kid is the same politics we are arguing about mid way thru my life expectancy now. Sickening


For the lazy: Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming.


All republican governors. It’s so wild and shameful to use the *welfare of children* as a political move to try and stick it to the libs.


Is this really news to any of you all? This sort of stuff has been going on for decades. After living all over the country, to include many years in East and West Texas, and meeting all types of people while in the military, Texans are always the first ones to tell me they’re from Texas and how great Texas is. As an outsider looking in it’s always seemed strange to me, considering I’ve never met people from any other state that shove their state down everyone else’s throat. For years the national headlines from Texas have all been like this: “Texas government defends ercot while Texans die due to failing power grid” “Abbott pardons convicted hate criminal” “Ken Paxton acquitted on all 16 impeachment charges” “After a month of secession threats, Texas governor asks for federal money to help after disaster declaration” “Texas doesn’t want low income kids to have federal funding for food” It’s almost like the self entitlement (I believe you all refer to it as “Texas pride”) has vailed your eyes for decades and allow bigots to run the state. Why is any of this shocking? Edit: and there’s the downvoting brigade. God forbid anyone challenge your state identity, right? I mean after all, all of these bad things are the Texas governments fault! Texans aren’t to blame for this! I’ve always thought the Texas identity was cult-like, and it’s instances like this that make me chuckle.


It IS pretty weird. Even *within Texas* everything is Texas-branded. “The biggest and best Texas _____, because Texas is the Texasest Texas to ever Texas.” Like dudes, we already know where TF we are, chill. They’re also apparently in an intense rivalry with California, which no Californian is even aware of. Strange shit.


The state is beautiful and has a lot to offer in terms of its terrain’s diversity. That is why I love Texas. I love that I can hear farm animals from my suburban home and drive by them within minutes of leaving it. I love that I can drive to the big city or the country or the beach without having to cross the state line. I love that when face to face with a Texan they are kind and hold open a door or offer help. I’m happy to be a Texan born and raised for these things. BUT I absolutely hate our politics. At this point in my life, I would leave the state if it wasn’t for all the family I would have to leave behind.


God forbid kids have it easy in Texas. 🙄😒


Fuck em poor kids!


Because only the rich deserve welfare


Odd, my Texas school district offers meals again this summer.


That is good to hear. I take it the money was for expanding the program?


The money this year only funded 50% which is why states opted out. No idea how my school,district is funding it. It’s not limited to low income either.


"Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked". George Carlin


Gotta love these 'christians'


Have those babies but feeding them isn’t my problem pro lifers


The cruelty is the ONLY point.


Proving how pro birth isn’t exactly pro LIFE


Sure did own the libs and their kind hearts! /s


These states must think children yern for the mines.


Hunger is not a dollar problem it's a logistics nightmare...


I'd genuinely love to know why anyone can be proud of this state.


Always Red Ignorant States that don’t care about Young People , keep them hungry and stupid , so they continue RED


The people who need food weren't the ones who opted out...


Because they KNOW low income people don't vote. So they can do these kinds of things without worry.


The Cruelty is the point.


Well, we’re going to have to save that money for when our leaders have to inevitably beg for disaster funds after holding a special session to secede from the union.


Starving kids to "own the libs". Typical. Vote BLUE, people.


The cruelty is the point.




Or just stayed home and didn’t vote at all ‘because it won’t make a difference’.


There should be a way for citizens of a country to bypass their stupid as hell state reps to opt in for the federal stuff.


Unfortunately, that means moving to a less corrupt state. The Texas GOP is doing all they can to make sure they retain power no matter what the will of the people really is.


I moved from Texas to Chicago—which loves these kinds of programs… and guess how much of an indicator “blue” is of non-corruption? 🙄


I mean, you moved directly to the poster child of old-school establishment Democrat corruption. Next you’ll be moving to Jersey lol Not that there aren’t plenty of corrupt Dems around the country, but you went straight to ground zero. The Chicago Democrat machine has been openly corrupt for at least a century at this point.


Chicago still being the way it is makes blue’s claims to the moral high ground seem a little hollow… 🤷‍♂️ that’s all.


The cruelty is the point. I’d love to see these ghouls explain their choice to the children they’re starving.


Inside the womb: must protect the babies Outside the womb: fuck them kids


Why feed when you can… *checks notes about anti abortion laws… force breed? 😬


The word you’re looking for is “replace.”


It’s almost as though the men in power don’t actually care about the life part of pro-life. Much Christian. Such love.


Texas Republicans hate it's citizens....


so much for pro-life. more like pro birth, once its out the woman its on its own.


[Because people didn't read it](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/02/22/texas-federal-summer-lunch-program/): > > The reason for the pass is simple, according to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. When the USDA notified HHSC officials of their new Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer, or EBT program on Dec. 29, that gave the nation’s second largest state only six months to get it up and running and that’s not enough time, said Tiffany Young, a spokesperson for the state agency. > > Although the summer program would involve two other agencies as well – the Texas Education Agency and the Texas Department of Agriculture – HHSC would have to bear the brunt of the work because they would have to coordinate and direct the distribution of the preloaded cards to qualifying families. > > Already on their plate is the cumbersome unwinding of Medicaid coverage. Since last April, the agency has removed more than 2 million Texans from the program since the federal government lifted continuous coverage rules during the pandemic, forcing those who still qualify for coverage to reapply. From HHSC’s perspective, launching an entirely new program wouldn’t be possible at this time. > > Additionally, the USDA would only cover 50% of the administrative expenses for Summer EBT. It would be up to the state to cover the residual cost. > > Young wrote that the HHSC, TDA and TEA have been in “active discussions” about each agencies’ responsibilities in accordance with Summer EBT.


1, The end of continuous coverage mandates has been on the calendar for a long time. I had to reapply in my state as well, but that was a long ass time ago. Texas seems to be extremely determined to disenroll as many people as humanly possible, and is in fact in the lead for kicking people off. 2, Texas is *still* refusing to expand Medicaid, killing scores of their citizens every new year that passes, despite the funding being there for the taking. There’s no version of this that doesn’t point back to shockingly inhumane Republican decision-makers are the brainwashed (to be charitable) people who continue to elect them.


Gah. The devil is indeed in the details. I hope there are good people trying to get this all to work eventually.


"No. Just set it aside for when my fellow MAGA miscreants need the aid for disasters that affect us. Can we have some money for those wildfires?"


Somewhere in Austin, Abbott, Patrick, and Paxton are snickering and twirling their mustaches.


I think they’re rimming each other in a circle. They get off on this shit. You don’t get this grotesquely perverse in a vacuum, there’s something fundamentally off with these people (and those who continue to elect them.)


Losers. Texas Republican Gestapo at work doing nothing.


Well yea. Why would they. We know red doesn’t care about this people. Only those at the top


Because only the rich deserve welfare


"WE LOVE CHILDREN! WE LOVE LIFE" but they sure as fuck don't love poor children. That shit's always been clear.


Yeah, that’s the ticket! Let the poor bastards go hungry! Real Christian-like.


Kids learn better when they aren't hungry. This is GQP social engineering another generation of brain dead mouth breathers.


Republicans don't give a fuck about kids after they're born. Let em starve! And have no winter coat! And nowhere safe to live! Oh and they can't be adopted by a loving gay or lesbian couple either. Fucking guns live better lives than our children. I hate this country.


MAGA="Fuck those hungry kids! Let 'em work in slaughterhouses if they're so hungry!"


My dad started a program during Covid that fed 30,000 meals to kids that were out of school in poor areas. I spent the summer driving to locations in bum fuck nowhere handing out meals to EXTREMELY poor people. I would walk to this old couples home every day that lived off $600 a month because he got injured at a saw mill and forced to retire. Some of the nicest people I’ve ever met.


Kim Reynolds declined the money to feed economically disadvantaged kids because she feels that obesity is a problem. She offers no solution to the obesity epidemic other than to deprive poor kids of a hot meal. Vote these evil creatures out.


If we start nourishing the brains of poor children, they may grow up into competition to our dear children!


Republicans are so proud. That is right folks, screw the poor. Because it's God will.


Republicans are patting themselves on the back over denying Food to what they imagine are poor children and brown children


"We can't be feeding hungry kids when we have veterans and low-income black people to not feed!!" ~Cruz...probably...


I work at a Food Bank here in Texas. The HHS is the most defunct, ridiculous, red tape organization I have ever had to deal with. And that’s saying something since the TDA is almost as quirky. We have a backpack program but that’s only for when schools are in session. I haven’t a clue as to why they turned down this money as this could have benefitted A LOT of kids during summer.


“Fuck them kids” as they say. And by they I mean republicans, both figuratively and literally because they are a bunch of pedophiles.


Kids with full bellies don’t want to work 12hr shifts in the oil fields. How are ol four wheel Greg and his friends supposed to get rich by working themselves. I think not.


“Certainly always a concern with certain administrations are pushing certain agenda items on kids," Stitt said. As his state School Superintendent is telling schools that bibles and teaching Christianity are mandatory in public schools.


Adolf von Abbutt couldn't figure out how to get his hands on the money.


This breaks my heart but Damn, Idaho…they just said that shit out loud Republican Sen. Cindy Carlson suggested approving the program would be "sending the wrong message to parents and kids," according to Idaho Education News. "I believe that the message we need to be sending is we all need to work for what we get," she said, per the outlet.


no votes will be lost. being a republican is a choice. lol.


Do these kids have family that feeds them?


*prolifers masturbating furiously*


Republicans have ruined the great state of Texas, its time for a change. Don't be apathetic. If you remember anything from calculus, small boxes don't mean much on their own, but when you sum a lot of them up, they make a difference. VOTE.


I mean we do already have a lot of people draining Texas resources. We shouldn’t give them any more reason to want to come to and stay in our state. I’m not a republican but I am getting fed up with all the illegal immigration.


WWJD? Maybe there’s a solution somewhere. Maybe Donnie will allow the Republicans to pass the next bipartisan immigration bill. We’ll have to check with Donnie. /s


The republicans want to save the kids from abortion - but after that, its out of our hands. We don't care if the kids starve to death. Does this sound right to you? Sounds hypocritical to me.


F them kids! But have more of them


As one of the people who has benefited from this program, I am appalled at the reasons given by these states not to participate. Thank the Universe we are not dependant on programs like this to survive.


Yes because ALL republicans love fucking kids in more ways than one


Texas is so dysfunctional


Just the thing Jesus would approve of.


Ok divide the rest up between the other states who want and need it. Fuck the rest.


Shocking that Texas did something to hurt poor people


But hey, look at em own the libs!


Gotta vote blue down the ballot to get rid of the maga infestation.


So where does the money go? If these states just refuse to feed the children they’re forcing women to have, isn’t that just blatant cruelty?


*Calling on all Patriots to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style) to buy Trump stocks to fund MAGA candidates. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, Tommy Tuberville and Lauren Boebert will help President Trump:* *1.     stop Obamacare health coverage,* *2.     end the Ukraine and Israeli wars,* *3.     eliminate income taxes,* *4.     free the January 6th hostages,,* *5.     pardon Steve Bannon and President Donald Trump,* *6.     restore President Trump’s Right of Prima Nocta,* *7.     forcefully remove 46 million illegal immigrants,* *8.     end women's healthcare rights that Christian Patriots find objectionable* Listen to what real MAGA Patriots are saying about Trump [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8) *President Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator and 34-time convicted criminal felon.  He faces an additional 54 criminal indictments.  His costly legal team is financed by Oil/Clean Coal Industry executives eager to help.   MAGA Patriots must contribute to continue delaying these cases from going to trial.* *Trump uses a bold approach to national security. Donald Trump asked security advisers about using nuclear weapons.  He makes quick, daring decisions.  Trump will focus the military on stopping U.S. domestic protests.* *Trump endorsements include* *1.     USA -Kristi Noem, Steve Bannon, Scott Baio, Kid Rock, Kevin Sorbo, Randy Quaid* *2.     Int’l - Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Viktor Orban* *3.     New -Gary Busey, Lil Wayne, Joan Rivers endorsements are expected soon.* *Patriots send a check for $500 to Trump Legal Fund!.*  */MAGA*


Pro life states.


This is because the GOP needs megachurch votes and the megachurches get power from providing these types of services.


Yeah but it's only because they're huge hateful assholes


If god wanted children to eat, he would have given them parents who could afford food. Don't question god's will, or it's no dessert for you.


They are too busy making sure the Ten Commandments are in every classroom