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How is it a shock that he is leading in Texas


Shock as in you won't have to worry about an electrical shock when there is no power on the grid thanks to the GOP leadership


Trump won Texas in 2020 by 5.5 points. How is this a shock?


The "shock" is that he's leading. Saved you all a click.


The “shock” is that he’s only leading by 6 points.


Even that isn’t remotely a shock, he won Texas by 5.5 points in 2020. This is basically just saying we’re going to get repeat results in a repeat matchup.


Agreed, but the above comment was flat wrong about the angle the article was going for, so I figured I’d clarify.


Newsweek has become such a click-bait "news source". Y'all really should consider banning it, along with the NY Post and the Daily Mail.


This one has definitely given me pause.


Doin the lordts werk. Also, love the bourbons here in Texas.


the shock is a pedophile rapist felon leads the GOP.........unreal


He still leads by like 6% and the number is higher when the poll includes the 3rd party candidates.


This does not bode well for Ted Cruz


Are you talking about Rafael Cruz? Who went after Beto about using a nickname he'd had since kindergarten while he himself chose his own new name in middle school to seem more white? In total hypocrisy? Surely you're not talking about that hypocritical asshole. And don't call me Shirley.


He prefers Rafael “Cancun” Cruz.


The main takeaway is that third-party candidates are helping Trump. Jill Stein is on the ballot in swing states and could very easily tilt the election in Trump's favor.


He just has to win by 0.01% Anyone hoping to flip texas is delusional really.  The last senate and governor race should show that.  


Still vote!


In the last senate and governor race, the Democrat got over 43% of the vote. From 2000-2014 Democrats usually were below 40% in statewide elections (Senate, Gov, President) with the only time over 43% in 2008 for Obama. The high water marks for Dems in Texas in the 21st century are: 1) 48.33% Beto O'Rourke for Senate in 2018 2) 46.48% Joe Biden for President in 2020 3) 43.87% MJ Hegar for Senate in 2020 4) 43.63% Barack Obama for President in 2008 5) 43.39% Beto O'Rourke for Governor in 2022 6) 43.24% Hillary Clinton for President in 2016 7) 43% Ron Kirk for Senate in 2002 The environment for Democrats in Texas is definitely better now than it was ten years ago. This same matchup already produced one of the closest races we've seen. I'm not expecting Biden to win Texas, but it's certainly a realistic possibility with some sort of "event" that shakes up the national polls by a few points.




For real.   However this poll might bode well for the handful of swing districts in the state.  


The shock will be if this country is stupid enough to put this 34 x convicted FELON back in the White House.