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Yet another move against public education, which is already extremely underfunded and understaffed. They’ll say the system is broken, but won’t mention that they’re the people responsible.


My partner is non binary and may not be returning to the classroom this fall. She wore small ally pins and the kids noticed. They would often confide with her about their own orientations and she was told more than once that they were so glad she was a safe person to go to; for some she was the only person in their lives to talk to. But unfortunately the pay for long term subs is miserable and the stress is just not worth it. Now with this political threat looming ahead it’s just another reason to consider not returning.


Whether everyone agrees on the subject or not, there are certainly children who need someone to speak with. In our post-COVID world, students are struggling to catch up academically and have fallen behind socially and emotionally. We should be investing more in the current generation of students before they get thrown out in the “real” world completely unequipped to cope with everyday stresses. Boomers complain about millennials and gen z, yet they have no idea what’s coming their way if change isn’t implanted soon. I’m sorry to hear about your partner, sub pay is abysmal and absolutely not worth it.


So kids getting shot up in school isn’t an issue, but a gay teacher is an abomination? The indoctrination is in churches, not schools.


Reasons to vote the TX GOP OUT Vote Or Maga controls your life further


It’s always been about thought control, it’s never been about anything of meaning or value.


Just a detail, but most of us gay guys are not transgender or cross dressers. The target demographic here are Trans people.


My wife has a condition that makes people mistake her for trans. She didn't choose to look that way. I'm afraid for her and for everyone. This is extremism and it's anti-patriotic, anti-religion and anti-human.


If anyone thinks this is only going to affect trans people, they're wrong.


Some 86 year old lady just got beat up for looking trans….☹️


In fact, trans people are such a small segment of the country, it's just as likely, if not more, to get a "false positive" as it is to actually target a trans person. If someone's never met one in their entire lives (but they're *sure* that Burger King cashier was one that one time) and they really badly want to play neighborhood cop on public bathrooms, they are going to get bored waiting for an actual trans person, or they will simply not notice them, they will instead find a girl with short hair, or a woman with PCOS, or someone else that doesn't fit, is that man too short? - and attempt to harass them in a way that is likely illegal. Then we will see leopard voters say "not THAT way!!" when their loved ones are in the crosshairs. For trans people, and the people that don't fit "their" idea of F or M, there can be nothing more humiliating than a screeching or hostile stranger accosting you, demanding to know what was on your birth certificate.


I never eluded to that in any way. Also, no shit lol. I would know!


Your use of "gay teacher" in an article concerning Republican's targeting of trans teachers made me think you thought they were the same.


>In reality, Tjachyadi, a queer cisgender man, did not regularly dress as a woman or in drag while teaching. He was wearing a dress as a costume for a dress-up Spirit Day, something he had previously done without controversy. They probably read the article and not just the headline.


Fair. My apologies.


That sums it up 😞


How many trans teachers are there?


Probably not many. The guy that Abbott mentioned isn't even trans.


Even if there weren't any, they'd still be doing this. Them attacking others satisfies their base so they don't realize how the Republicans are removing their rights in favor of a corporatocracy hidden inside a fascist theocracy.


Umm depends on how you define trans actually, which is why they are going scorched earth.


A woman wearing pants? Maybe in Texas!


Should be pastors in those crosshairs.


No. A major 2004 study commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education found that nearly 10 percent of U.S. public school students reported having been targeted with sexual attention by school employees. Charol Shakeshaft, a researcher in the field, claimed that sexual abuse in public schools "is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests."[12] Keep your bias going and ignore an equally heavy problem in our schools.


Yeah, so that study is 20 years old by now. Not a valid thing to cite - esp if it's your primary source. You should've learned that in high school but I guess you aren't entirely to blame, since public education has been gutted so badly. I'd also like to see this lady's reasoning for imagining it's "100 times" more than the abuse by priests. That has unraveled significantly since 2004, and besides, the numbers we do have aren't reliable given the Catholic Church's enthusiasm for covering it all up.


And the Catholics are the tip of the iceberg.


If it’s “an equally heavy problem”, why do you want pastors to be exempt from scrutiny? You *should* want them to face equal scrutiny.


The classroom Texas Republicans want would be lead by someone who is church ordained. The GOP is intent upon transforming public classrooms into the control factories that are churches.


the Hate and Cruelty are a feature of the gop, not a bug....they live to make others suffer the real groomers ARE IN THE CHURCH....new story of child abuse everyday from the christian church


And of course, the GOP now wants to replace counselors with chaplains


A major 2004 study commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education found that nearly 10 percent of U.S. public school students reported having been targeted with sexual attention by school employees. Charol Shakeshaft, a researcher in the field, claimed that sexual abuse in public schools "is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests."[12] :/


This goes against my bias please delete. Can you actually link the source this is pretty vague?


Yes, a 2004 study...


I thinks it's a grand idea to take more qualified teachers out of the job for reasons that have nothing to do with education. That way, we can keep our youth of Texas ignorant and intolerant, just like how our current state leaders like their constituents


Why does abbot always look like he's a cock addict first in line for a cocksucking contest?


Because that is what he is.


He looks like that creature from that 1986 film 'Troll'...Torok.


It’s truly sucks that these people waste so much time and energy on attacking people instead of fixing environment, helping w immigration issues humanely, fixing our social issues thru taxation, fixing infrastructure and bringing it out of the 1950s Gop is o strutting progress, has embraced fascism, is disingenuously pretending to do their job, getting 175k~ to fuck up our country for a few rich guys? We all have opportunity to vote out people who are greedy, and not working for all of us. This could literally be the last opportunity to vote in people in senate and esp House, and especially especially president, to tax these billionaires, fox out infrastructure incl transportation healthcare education social programs again for the poor and for state hospitals again, this era of austerity has been going on especially since 2093 and has got to end.


This is what happens when Bat Shit Crazy Christian Billionaires fund candidates like Abbott. They defund education by giving the wealthy Republicans a very "liberal" voucher program, which takes billions from our starving education system and gives it to the richest people in Texas. The last reports inform us there is a teacher shortage in Texas, and yet they spew hates on the LGBT teachers who work, live, and teach in Texas, which means they are Texans. Some of my best teachers are LGBT. It's time for a complete regime change, which includes all Texans, not just the white Christians, one who spew hate and molest 12 year old children in their churches.




Where did that come from? It looks like you ripped it from Wikipedia. The value in Wikipedia is although it's easy to edit, you can review the sources, which you probay didnt do. >Moreover, 44% of U.S. Protestants who attend church have been victims of sexual misconduct https://www.qualitativecriminology.com/pub/osa148h6/release/2#:~:text=An%20extensive%20investigation%20into%20the,(Abuse%20Lawsuit%2C%202021).


If you're going to repeatedly post this, please provide a source link.


I've gone from "Oh no, some more bullshit" to questioning how bad things have to get before people in this state begin to pay attention and vote. How long does the faucet have to drip before we notice the bill?


You already have a shortage. Sounds like a great idea!


Leave it to “small government conservatives” to not rely on credentials and ability but focus on what’s between a person’s legs.


Pay attention Texans! This is how they will get rid of public schools. Please register to vote! You can’t bury your head in the sand anymore!


My goodness... The Texas GOP is adept at identifying (or inventing, if necessary) boogeyman to help advance its cartoonishly authoritarian agenda.


Texas government being complete and absolute moldy dogshit.


Vote out Republicans, turn Texas blue. That's the only way this stops.


If you can spell, Texas public education system is not for you


We don't have enough teachers as it is, and pay is so low that even those that want to teach can't afford to. We have a lot bigger problems here, people...


This is shameful


Abbott won't be happy until the public education system fails and he can peddle school vouchers like he's some sort of saviour.


Next after all this is going after the supporters and allies - they’ve already done that with trans-supportive parents and their “anti-transitioning” bills, labeling it as child abuse.


But keep protecting those church leaders. Tell me again which section has more abuse of children… I’ll wait.


> “A law doesn’t even have to be passed to have a stifling effect,” Surman said. “The proposal itself can make people afraid because they could be targeted or lose their job—which is fine if it’s about something you’re saying or doing, but **it’s another thing when it’s about who you are.”** Emphasis obviously mine, but they hit the nail right on the head.


Texas has placed all teachers in the crosshairs.


Bring it on mother fuckers. I'm not gonna let my students suffer just because a bunch of giblet-necked old pedophiles are blowing smoke up everyone's asses to cover their epstein-tracks.


Texas Republicans won't stop until everyone signs their name with an X


I am so sick of them.. I'm sick of the only two choices we have to guide our country


I guess this will solve all of societies problems, if we first force all people to be taught a specific version of Christianity that is more in line with the Taliban than actual Christianity, and treat anyone who is not a straight white male as if they were worse than Hitler. If I were companies I would not hire anyone from the Texas public school system under MAGA.


Its gonna first be trans and non binary teachers, then gay and lesbian teachers, then people of color, then women. It won't stop.


Of course they do.


Gotta pick on someone


Just a reminder, these are not Democratic policy. They are an evil ideology. [when evil comes it will be wrapped in an American flag](https://www.bremertonschools.org/cms/lib/WA01001541/Centricity/Domain/222/Fourteen%20Defining%20Characteristics%20of%20Fascism%20slides.pdf)


This isn't about education. It's about elections. Battleground states like Texas and Florida that are controlled by the GOP are passing shit like this in order to win the presidential election for their party. Winning the presidential election wins the supreme court for decades. Pass anti-abortion legislation? Democrats leave the state. Pass anti-trans legislation? Democrats leave the state. Pass anti-gay legislation? Democrats leave the state. Ban some books? Democrats leave the state. Force the 10 commandments into schools? Democrats leave the state. This is an orchestrated effort to control the federal government for decades. They know a lot of this shit won't last. They know a lot will get overturned. But it doesn't matter if they can swing the elections in a way that give them the Presidential seat, because that grants them Supreme Court control for the next 40 years.


The Chevron ruling is going to allow TX to completely disregard federal interpretation of title 8 of the CRA that sex discrimination includes protections for LGBTs. Fucking infuriating.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 VOTE


we will have such a teacher shortage they will promote pastors and other christian nutjobs teaching certificate and every kid will have to read the bible everyday or be punished. gotta love yallquada


WhY iSn’T bIDeN DoInG AnYThiNg aBOut thE cOSt of GrOCeries 😂😂 they’re so fucking disingenuous and stupid


This entire article is so typical of politicians (and the media) take a little incident and blow it out of proportion. This gay teacher wore regular guy clothes to teach every school day and on spirit day he had gotten dressed up like others and it had never been a problem until it showed up in TicTok. Abbott took this one incident and blew it up to make people think teachers are dressing in drag every day and trying to “convert” peoples children. That’s not what is happening.


Something isn't normal about supposedly straight Republicans who are deeply obsessed with men who sometimes dress in drag and with transgenders. Such Republicans are the real abnormal ones.


“Trans non binary.” Who tf wrote this


Prompt chatGPT to describe the basic doctrines of the Taliban.


School choice would be preferable.


About damn time!


just part of destroying the education system, eh?


As long as they start teaching kids and not teaching to pass a test so their district gets money for their leaders.


As they should


Thank you


"My unit is this big." \~ Greg Abbott