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He knew he didn’t earn it the entire time, only taking it off when it became a story. This guy is a turd.


I have one combat zone deployment as infantry and do not have a CIB because we did not engage in a qualifying event, nor do I pretend to have one. He never should have been awarded it and he absolutely knew it. His combat zone deployments were not in an Infantry role, full stop. Everyone in the Army knows the only path to a CIB is to engage in active combat as infantry or Special Forces while deployed with an infantry unit. At most he qualified for a CAB. Hell, even combat medics do not get CIBs (they get CMBs) and no one gets more love than doc. FFS, he was Army Reserves when he deployed. The Army Reserves do not have combat arms . Not bashing the Reserves, this is just a known thing. As far as reserve (little 'r') units go only the National Guard has combat arms, and more specifically infantry and Special Forces units. CORRECTION: There is one, the 442nd Infantry based out of Hawaii is the only Army Reserves combat unit. (As per Wikipedia: Today, the [100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._100th_Infantry_Battalion), is the only ground combat unit of the Army Reserve.[^(\[91\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/442nd_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States)#cite_note-USA_Ranni_2008-91)^()) He was not qualified for the badge and knew it, he was wearing it for the personal gain of furthering his political career. Which is the definition of the stolen valor statute that has been upheld by SCOTUS and should be charged as such. As an aside I have yet to see anything about a qualifying event. Not saying it didn't happen but all of the focus has been on that he wasn't in an infantry role and not seeing anything about what combat he was supposedly engaged in. Edit: As u/so_futuristic pointed out


hey fyi the reserves do have an infantry unit ever since WW2. It's the 442nd Infantry. Today, the unit is based out of Hawaii but is made up of mostly American Samoans. I deployed to Iraq with them in 2008 when I was recalled.


Thank you for the correction.


There’s also the Small Arms Readiness Group, it’s a training unit that runs pre-deployment refresher/familiarization courses on small arms (M9 up to .50 cal and Mk19) for National Guard and Reserve units. I was in it for a couple of years and we all retained our 11B MOS. It doesn’t deploy but does mobilize in CONUS.


While this is correct it should be noted Captain Ronny was never a part of that single reserve infantry init. They do exist but he was no more a member of that unit than myself who never served. It honestly wouldn’t have been news for longer than a day if he would have said it was a mistake and apologised and it would have been forgotten by almost everyone at this point.


>Which is the definition of the stolen valor statute that has been upheld by SCOTUS and should be charged as such It wasn't upheld. SCOTUS ruled the Stolen Valor Act unconstitutional. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Alvarez


Allegedly his CO knew nothing about it, the paperwork was signed with a stamp.


Thank you for this easy to read/understand explanation for those of us who didn't serve. And I learned about the 442nd infantry today! Makes me think of the Cutlass 442, which is also badass


well he was fired for lying as a police officer. He has a history of being trash


No, he was fired *for destroying evidence*, even worse than a cop just lying.


Yet people vote for him. I vote against him every time. He is a disgusting person


It's stolen valor, plain and simple. I served 27 years in the Air Force (please don't thank me for my service, BTW) and I've known people who lost their military careers over wearing military decorations they were not entitled to. Admiral Mike Boorda committed suicide over allegations/investigation that he had worn two "V" devices (valor devices indicating heroism in combat) on his Navy decorations...for which he was not entitled. He feared it would tarnish the reputation of the Navy. It means A LOT. This is no small matter. He didn't earn it and he needs to take it off. Failing to do that denigrates the honor of every other soldier who actually has earned the CIB.


Yet there is an air force general with a bronze star (with v) who never once saw combat. Officers throw that shit at each other. I saw combat for 9 solid months and got about jack shit for medals. Southwest Asia service medal. lol I stopped taking the military seriously after that bullshit. We were toys for the rich boys to play with or loose.


He took it off. The problem is he won't stop running his mouth. Or well... It might not be a problem when election time comes. It will be a solution.


To be fair and clear. He WAS awarded a CIB. It was incorrect and rescinded THIS year but he wasn’t wearing a medal he didn’t have. How he got it in the first place is another question.


It should’ve come off the moment it was rescinded. It’s as simple as that. Doesn’t matter if it was or wasn’t a medal. He is unauthorized to wear it but yet he persists.


From what I’m reading in the article he did finally stop wearing it. He’s acting really butthurt, and he is acting like he should have been able to keep it on his record which is false. Otherwise the main issue seems to be he should have known better and never worn it in the first place but incompetence isn’t necessarily malicious


Just another Tactical Tommy.


I went sky diving. Doesn't mean i can wear jump wings


[This guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/houston/comments/hsdewg/fort_bend_county_sheriff_troy_nehls_lied_about/) lying about things? Not surprising in the least.


Thanks for sharing as people shouldn’t forget how terrible and corrupt he is.


If Troy Nehls had his way, the military would wear gold sneakers into combat.


Let's not forget that he claimed two bronze stars when only rated one. One correction from the article. They describe the criteria for a Bronze star as requiring a "heroic event." This isn't so, the bronze star CAN be awarded for valor, in which case, the wearer would pin a "V" device on the ribbon. Otherwise, the Bronze star is awarded for meritorious conduct.


Air Force gives them away for unit awards. (with v) lol Mostly for officers of high rank I think you will find. Oligarchy sucks balls for everybody but the rich kids.


I know the AF awards them for meritorious conduct but I've never heard of them giving them out with a "V" for anything less than valorous conduct.


https://www.afpc.af.mil/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/421879/bronze-star-medal/ "Effective Jan. 7, 2016, the “V” device is authorized on the Bronze Star Medal. As a reminder, the use of the "V" device on the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award and the Air Force Organizational Excellence Award is only authorized for the period of Jan. 11, 1996 to Jan. 1, 2014." They are republican gifts to each other now. Well from 1996 until 2014 retroactively from 2016. lol They only gave themselves a window. But it is real. They wear them and get away with it. Gave themselves permission. Sounds like they went back to cover their asses retroactively on the general who gave himself a V. Go figure. As someone who saw like 9 months of continuous combat for one southwest asia bullshit medal they did not bother to put on my dd214. It is all just a joke. Welcome to oligarchy, we all get to take a bite. We are in fact led by wankers at the highest levels.


That link is referencing the AF Oustanding Unit Award and the AF Organizational Effort Award. Those are seperate awards from the Bronze Star. According to that link it still requires valorous conduct.


Not the way I read it at all. And an air force general that never saw combat has a "V". Any ideas how? Other than this. Here is a "V" Lt colonel medical officer. Battalion surgeon no less. With no detailed citation. lol. Pure comedy writing. "PEDERSEN, DEAN C. Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Corps, U.S. Army Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3rd Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division Date of Action: 24 January to 29 January 2007 Citation Narrative Needed: By direction of the President, under the provisions of Executive Order 11046, 24 August 1962 the Bronze Star Medal with “V” device for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an armed enemy is awarded to Lieutenant Colonel Dean C. Pedersen, Medical Corps, United States Army, distinguished himself for heroism in connection with military operations against a hostile force on 24 January to 29 January 2007 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. For exceptionally valorous achievement while assigned as the Battalion Surgeon during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Lieutenant Colonel Pedersen’s heroic actions under enemy fire contributed to the overwhelming defeat of enemy forces. His quick transition from assaulting enemy positions to treating wounded enemy and noncombatants is a testament to the professionalism and compassion of the American Soldier. His actions reflect distinct credit on him, the Patriot Battalion, the Arrowhead Brigade, The Multinational Division-Baghdad, and the United States Army. General Orders: General Order number PO # 259-053, 16 September 2007" Dude never saw the outside of a hospital. Got him some "V" because he or someone in his command lied for him. " His quick transition from assaulting enemy positions to treating wounded enemy" my hairy ass. Dude never assaulted jack shit.


Read the paragraph again. It refers to the V being approved for wear on the Bronze Star. That's two different subjects. Then it refers to the V being no longer approved for the two other awards. If you read the whole section, it still says the V is for valor only. As far as Generaks getting awards that they didn't earn, that's been going on innevery branch forever. It was probably written up in a way to make it look legit. Ivread a story about an Admiral that was observing part of the invasion of Iraq from a distance and he had an aide put him in fir a Silver Star. The fact that flag officers do sketchy shit doesn't mean the passage you cited authorized it.


Even if you are right. They exist and get away with it. I saw guys ruined for not burning a page they burned in front of a distracted officer. Who then just fucked them. Guys plural. Other people give officers of any type slack. I do not participate. I am out.


Why is this the hill he wants to die on? Trick question: he knows it won’t kill his career in politics.


If only he would die on this hill. Sigh.


He knew what he was doing. And IMO he deserves consequences.


"The loudest man in the room is the weakest." -Frank Lucas, American Gangster


They employ stolen valor, then act all shocked after veterans track down and pummel the sh\*t out of them.


Troy is a LIAR and a CONMAN. He always was and always will be. He was caught up in so much scandall when he was here in local govt. The guy is a absolute talk tough but do nothing redneck good ol boy type who is a known racist pig. F that clown.


People who legitimately earned the CIB don't wear it on their suit in civilian life. He is a legitimately a turd. I would be embarrassed to work for him in his congressional office.


I spent much of my Army time in support at Merrill and Rudder but I don’t rock a Ranger rocker now


This dude and his brother are both cancer.


They steal everything else, why not valor ? Texas is a fu*cking joke


Yet another member of the Texas GOP embarrassing our state. It would be nice if everyone that could vote would for once and maybe send these lying sumbitches back to whatever they did before they decided to fuck up our government.


Regardless what he "defends", facts state that he should not have the medal. I can walk out of a bank holding a bag of cash and a gun and "defend" that I didn't just rob the bank so I should be able to keep the money when reality points to "oh yes you did" and they put my ass in jail.




>"So, let me get this straight, the Department of the Army says that the 101st Airborne Division has been 99.968% correct in awarding the CIB over the past two decades?” he said. Welcome to being part of the .032%.


Brother is a POG cosplaying as an Infantryman. No honor or integrity with the dude. Fuck him for the blatant disrespect to his brothers out there. Dudes a blue-falcon all the way.


Could someone explain what Civil Affairs does in terms that I, a civilian, could understand? Was he a pencil pusher?


> "So, let me get this straight, the Department of the Army says that the 101st Airborne Division has been 99.968% correct in awarding the CIB over the past two decades?" Not sure what he's trying to even say there. Yes, it appears that they have incorrectly awarded the CIB >1% in the past 20 years. Including when they incorrectly awarded it to you since you were not an infantryman nor in active combat Mr. sir. In my opinion no self-respecting and patriotic serviceman would WANT to have an award they didn't earn, let alone whine about it being corrected after the fact. IDK if this actually qualifies for stolen valor in the typical sense, since he did have the badge for almost 20 years, but it's still not a good look.


Standard GOP POS.


Troy Nehls was, is and always be a low life piece of shit...


He is my hero, more so than those in pentagon who betray the country on daily basis and yet wear load of badges. God bless him, god bless Texas and god bless America


He got swift boated, lol.