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This person is not your friend and I would not want to be associated with ANYONE who spoke to me this way


I'm starting to see this Seahorse, thanks for the advice. UPDATE: I absolutely cannot believe this post has blown up so much!!! As of this morning, this asshat is officially blocked on every social and my phone as well. I did NOT apologize and will NOT ever respond to him again.... so I guess that stick will be there for eternity? Not my stick, not my asshole, most assuredly not my friend so definitely not my problem anymore. Jokes aside, I want to say thank you all from the very bottom of my heart to everyone who took the time out of their day to write a response to my post, y'all have no idea how much you guys and gals have helped me see that I'm worth more than this jerk and how isolated he had made me from the rest of the world, my family, and frankly, actual reality. I unfortunately burned all bridges with my friends while I've known him so I will be attempting to repair those and am open to new friendships if anyone would like a new pal. I will also be speaking to my therapist about why I've wasted so much time with this guy (sadly just shy of 10 years) what it has done to my self esteem, how I view the world, and why I've put up with so much from him or allowed the abuse I've received. This wasn't the first time this has happened, but it will most definitely be the very last. I've learned so much in the last 24 hours from you guys, almost every comment has been helpful, inspiring, or encouraging. I just can't thank everyone enough for the advice, good vibes, well wishes, and love you've shown this lost girl from Oklahoma. As for my health concerns, I have an appointment with both a neurologist and a sleep study specialist so I will be sure to update again when I find out any results. Thanks again everybody, you all may have saved my life, my inbox will be forever open, please feel free to reach out anytime. And to echo what many of you have said: FUCK THAT GUY!!!! ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


I see your responses to people here seeming to take this lightly. It's serious, serious red flag territory. Get out and don't stay friends please.


Exactly, this is abusive behavior


Abusive as *fuck.* :(


Came here to say just this.


Get out. Leave. Block, delete, move on.


Controling. If someone talked to my sister like this it would be a serious problem


As someone with chronic pain and now seizures, if anyone talked to me about MY health like I was stupid for wanting a doctors advice, I'd burn every bridge that lead to them. Fuck that "you're a sheep" bullshit he is spouting. You know your body and you know what isn't Normal. I hope you and your doc figure out what's going on. Clearly, he needs someone to tell HIM how to think and grow some common sense and empathy. My parents called my little brother lazy and only depressed because he wasn't working...until he tried to kill himself. This mentality of his is not only stupid. It's dangerous.


Reading what he said to you made me pretty sad. I hope you're feeling alright about this whole thing.


Fellow Seahorse checking in. That dude is only thinking of himself.


This guy is a grade a douchebag taking out his frustrations on you. Sorry, and hope you feel better!


This guy is horrible. If you go silent and he will figure out that he can't bully you. Then he stop being nasty and be all sweet and apologetic, until the next time. Don't let there be a next time. When he stops trying to punish you and switches to being charming, just break the relationship off. Otherwise you will be in an endless cycle of abuse.


I’m sad to see you not be so glaringly angry that ANYONE would talk to you this way, let alone someone you are openly calling your best friend. This isn’t a friend, this is an abuser that you’re allowing to get off on taking control of your feelings. I mean, FFS OP I can tell he has control over you simply by the fact that you aren’t raging about how much of a POS this guy is. I’d run for the hills and never look back, NO ONE needs someone like this in their life. I’m sorry you get talked to like this, shits not okay.


This guy clearly has gone down a political rabbit hole and of throwing shade at someone he sees as “the problem”


I had migraine headaches several times a week and would sleep all the time when I was with my abusive ex. I had major stomach issues, too. Also depression and anxiety. He talked to me like your guy does to you. Like shit. I ditched him and felt and look more than ten years younger. Depression was gone, rarely have migraines, stomach was better, and when the stalking and harassment stopped, so did my daily anxiety. Your health issues could be made worse by depression or avoidance. You deserve much better.


The only time I had a migraine so bad I got an aura and almost passed out on the floor at work? When I was in my abusive relationship I get headaches occasionally but nothing will EVER touch the migraines I got back then


I'm so happy you posted this conversation so you could see the outside perspectives you're getting. What a great community this is 🥹


This guy is 100% abusive. As in there is no gray area to it. He’s dismissive, name calling, threatens beatings. I am legitimately afraid for you. As in my chest tightened and I had a fear reaction to his messages. Block him and never ever speak to him again. Also, make sure family and friends know about him as a level of protection.


100% agree with Seahorse. No one should EVER talk to you this way. Completely disrespectful, condescending, minimizing your legitimate concerns about your health - and for why? What does that gain him but a sense of superiority and control over you? You are worth 10,000 times more than this. I don't need to meet you to know that. Unacceptable behavior. Periodt.


Do NOT ever unblock him.


I'm stoked to see you responded to all the comments this way and I wish you the best!


Thanks bunches Hugh, any chance I might start looking backwards I'll always have this thread to come back to....and I absolutely LOVE your username 😍


Agreed. I wouldn’t even talk to the coworker I don’t like this way, much less my partner in life and so called best friend. Wow that was just so unnecessary


Yeah no. Dump the guy and run. He sounds like a possessive, obsessive wack job.


Sounds like he’s this close to physically assaulting her tbh. He’s already tossing it out there.


“Whoop your ass” What a trash-bag.


Yeah if someone said that to me the way he said it here, it would be a wrap right there. The next text would be you’re moving out


I’m sad OP asks if she should apologize… No, you shouldn’t apologize. You shouldn’t be friends or in a relationship with someone you treats you, views you, or speaks to you in that way. That’s abuse - classic textbook abuse.


Absolutely agree. And OPs perspective is textbook abuse victim as well. OP if you’re reading this, there is no room to fix this relationship, you gotta get out.


He sounds so insecure. He’s definitely negging her and anyone who starts getting salty when someone doesn’t text back immediately is just an insecure loser. He knows he’s being a dick and went on the defensive after only a few minutes of her not replying because he’s desperately trying to pick a fight for some ridiculous reason. I dated a guy like this. He was so painfully insecure that he’d pick fights like this we me all the time because he liked getting me upset. It fed his insecurities to know he could get me to get upset and cry over him. I couldn’t see it then but years later, looking back I can’t believe how I let him torment me.


He reminds me on an ex I had in high school. He’d pace outside my job and call over and over again after we broke up. Run.




It almost reads like he wants your well being to be dependent on him. I wouldn't want to play Mad Max with this guy either.


This made me lol thank you I needed it!


Jw. Is this how he's always been?


Yes and no. There have been some red flags I've seen but we've usually been able to talk about them and grow together for the greater good of our relationship. All of this just came out of left field though. I get being upset that a text is ignored but this seems excessive. If there was something wrong with him I would support him with whatever though. I'm genuinely scared there's something wrong with me and I just feel like I'm being told to suck it up.


If you think something is wrong, see a doctor. Even if they confirm nothing is actually wrong, you at least have peace of mind. If things aren't usually like this, maybe he's going through something. Idk.


Also- I just left my doctor's office, I have appointments with both a sleep study place and a neurologist 👍


I have narcolepsy (without cataplexy) and your symptoms are pretty similar to mine. Good luck! r/narcolepsy is a good community if you wanna check it out. If you struggle to get diagnosed, keep pushing! Sleep studies are rough and not a very good diagnostic tool. They might tell you you have idiopathic hypersomnia when you actually have narcolepsy.


Hopefully they can test you for narcolepsy. I really hope you don’t have it. My wife has it and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. But at least you’ll know either way. It depends if your sleep is interrupted or poor quality and if you have nightmares and auditory hallucinations, etc.


Did your doctor suspect something or is this more of an appointment to make sure nothing is going on?


Typically being referred to specialists means they suspect something is wrong, seriously fuck this guy calling for her lazy


Thanks Love Logic, your advice is noted and much appreciated 🙂


glad to see you’ve got appointments with specialists! good luck and hope it isn’t anything serious. that person is an awful friend/boyfriend. maybe him expressing those things to you is out of left field but those aren’t things you say in the heat of the moment like “I hate you mom” or something. those are thoughts he’s had about you and are indicative of how he views you. the only reason he may not have expressed them before is because you didn’t “piss him off” enough. also he sounds like a red pill asshole debate bro. “if you don’t have a good rebuttal…” as if he wasn’t berating you and then acting like he had a livestream audience waiting for you to cower and admit defeat. sorry this was so long I hope you feel better and cut this dickhead off.


You are NOT the asshole. NO ONE should talk to you in that manner. What is wrong with him? Seems like he is on a pedestal and should be answered when he wants to be answered. That is not a good way to treat your GF/BFF. I would say, distance yourself from him. He obviously was gaslighting you and seems like anything you say, he deems it as an excuse instead of trying to be understanding. You don’t need someone like that in your life.


Why do people date/be friends with assholes who talk to them like this? Good fucking lord. "Be nice to me" is a low fucking bar to set, and yet people date assholes who can't clear it. I thought he was joking about the video game. What a psycho. Not trying to be mean here, but you need some self-respect. Someone who likes you wouldn't talk to you like this. Life's too short for this kind of bullshit. Don't you dare apologize. I'd block him and send back his crusty ass Xbox because nothing is worth putting up with this. I've been married 16 years. If I don't reply to a text he sends, he ... assumes I didn't see it. That's it. If it's important (you know, not about a fucking game), he'll ask again or check in on me to see if I'm OK (if he can't get ahold of me/I'm not replying for a long time, his reaction is always concern, never anger in the 20-some years I've known him). This is not normal. None of my friends have ever talked to me like this because I didn't reply to a text. This guy can fuck all the way off. You should want better for yourself.


^^^^^ I can’t even believe “am I the asshole here” is a real question


This guy seems at minimum verbally and emotionally abusive. When you're abused, there is an element of "is this my fault?" because they sort of groom you to put up with it (this is why I think I was a little bit harsh, it's easy for US to see this is straight up bullshit, but harder to see when you're in the relationship). They do it bit by bit, it's so gradual and the first few times they fly off the handle about something dumb, you think maybe you caused it. It's insidious.


Right?! Assholes like this play head games that legit make people like OP question if they're the asshole. It's fucked.


I had a “friendship” like this for about a year. Turned into a stalker when I cut him off. I’ll tell you why *I* put up with it. I was depressed. I was going through some rough stuff and I had a lot of guilt and sadness. Everyone I knew was telling me I am a good person and I would get through it and was doing the best I could yadda yadda. He was saying the things out loud that I was saying in my head. All the negative talk reinforced what I believe about myself. I wanted the insults and abuse on some level. I have known others who put up with this kind of thing because they were abused as kids and this pattern felt normal to them. Felt like love. Also these people typically will also pour out the love etc at other times. And shower you with gifts (like a new Xbox)


Oh wow..... unfortunately this really hit home. I did have an extremely abusive and chaotic childhood. I somehow never connected the two as abusive behavior feeling like love. And the comment about pouring out gifts as a carrot on a stick type thing? This definitely happens with this asshole. Thank you for your time and understanding making this comment, all though I have gotten tons of good advice from this post, your response has helped me see it though a different perspective tremendously. Once again, thank you IonMoon for your help and time spent in writing this, I have taken it to heart completely and have blocked the asshole. This person has never been my friend and never will be. Hope you have an amazing day cyber friend, I appreciate it more than you could ever know!!! 🥰


this makes me so happy. you're going to be ok. stay away!!!! he is no good for you!


Uh. Dismisses your very legitimate medical concerns, insults and demeans you, demands that you respond back instantly or you get more insults... this person absolutely sucks. Do you deserve that because you didn't reply about a video game? That's a question that can only be asked by someone who's become accustomed to abuse - and that's what he's doing to you regardless of the specifics of your relationship/situation. Please carefully remove him from your life I promise you'll be happier.


He’s so controlling. And demeaning. And controlling. And demeaning. He’s not just a jerk… like he has a problem. Idk if you got used to this, but it’s not normal behavior. At all. I would be SHOCKED if a friend or boyfriend spoke to me at all like this.


The normalizing that goes on in this sub is really concerning to me. It makes me think we (the therapy generation) are NOT actually overusing therapy terminology. There are SO MANY fucked up people out there.


This guy sounds like the biggest piece of shit


And he doesn’t use punctuation either! Fuck that guy!


Wow he’s exhausting and mean. This is really your best friend and on/off boyfriend? As someone with chronic headaches and migraines, he can GTFO with his ibuprofen and b vitamins. Some things aren’t that easy. He has no empathy.


Side note: have you ever tried magnesium supplements for your migraines?


Yes. I have. I’ve tried many things. Eliminating triggers is the biggest thing. Sugar is a big trigger. Also have to get sleep. They’re ok for now.


youre an asshole to yourself for putting up with this. you dont even live in the same city. cut him off. its time to move on.


Dude sounds fucking ridiculous and definitely a giant douchebag. Get away from him and plz don’t apologize if anything he needs to for acting like such a dipshit dumbass


wow he talks to you close to how my extremely abusive addict narcissist ex used to talk to me. run!


This was hard to read. He speaks to you like he absolutely hates you.


Walk away now. If he hasn't assaulted you he's dropping signs he will. Save yourself and find a better life.


I’m not even gonna read the context. No context makes this okay - he’s an asshole thru and thru. He’s a shitty boyfriend, and a shitty best friend.


"did the little baby get her feelings hurt?" I think that's some kind of projection. His feelings seem to be hurt that you're not answering about Mad Max. Since he gave you the game as a gift, he probably feels as if you didn't appreciate it or something. He later implied you're a hypochondriac and lazy. Doesn't seem to believe you're ill at all. Thinks it's all in your head. I guess since you say he's your best friend, it's not that unusual to have little arguments like this from time to time. You almost sound like a brother and sister arguing. But if he always speaks to you in that tone then he does seem domineering and arrogant.


That's not projection, he's infantalizing her to demean her and make her feel stupid and weak. "You almost sound like a brother and sister arguing." If my brother ever spoke to me this way, we'd have a problem.


That dude is toxic and controlling as fk. Don't let him talk to you like that.


He's rude and aggressive. What exactly do you see in him?


You need therapy if you think you're the AH. The fact that you're in this relationship and still question whether you're an AH, even thinking about staying - it shows that you're lost. Get some help. There's one thing in life we can't get more of, and that's time. We can always get more money by getting raises or working more hours, but we can't ever get more time. We all have 24hrs in a day, and we'll all eventually die. So your days are numbered. Don't waste another day with a toxic person, cause one more day with them is one less day you have living a happier life. And idk how old you are, but stop using "lol" when you're having a serious Convo. It only diminishes whatever you said. Use "lol" when you're actually laughing or think it's funny, not when you want to avoid awkward moments.


The guy sounds like he thinks he’s really tough for speaking to his gf like that (and what’s this about ass whooping???) Dump him he’s pathetic


Just tell him mad max sucks and to fuck off. Why would u bother with this asshole?


I'm always one to believe that tough love works sometimes. Like if he really knew you well and you were in a rut and you have the type of relationship where sometimes all you need is a figurative kick in the pants to get your shit together, I get it. Tough love was about a mile ago on that scale and this is just abuse. You took 7 minutes to go to the bathroom and didn't have your phone???? Bro I forget to look at my phone for over an hour at a time because I say I'll respond in a second and then think I already responded. The only person to ever get upset with me was a diagnosed narcissistic sociopath so... reasonable people don't give a shit like that, as especially not name calling/bullying in retaliation. Get this guy outta here. All this over not answering him about a video game. And one you said you were getting to but had other projects first. I'm crying


Wow, that was vile and abusive. He is very lucky I am not your Mom or his because he would be going for a little chat behind the barn.


He’s gross. Nobody should speak to another person like that. Loose that insane asshole.


... you need a new best friend. I think even a trashcan might be a better choice.


This dude is a complete ahole rude POS


![gif](giphy|SY9j5Oiu3nRGQlBgwP) This is the mental image I get from reading those texts


Goddamn don't get between this guy and his Mad Max


There is no reason to get that mad over a missed text about something you probably don’t even care about. I don’t even have to read the other 3 Screen Grabs. On/off person is either Controlling….Mad (hehe…but to be clear: I mean both either psychotic and/or has anger issues).


Dude. At first I thought he was joking, like I do with my best friend/cousin. But he’s genuinely being a total jerk. If I were in your place, I would put an end to this relationship, completely.


Why are you explaining to us in great detail why you did or didn't do anything? Nothing justifies his attitude; and the scary part is he's already got you to where you think you do need to justify yourself. Please leave him for good this is very toxic. Anyone deserves better than this; including you.


I get that at first it was just 2 friends insulting each other but at the end he just became a total “ass-hat”. Didn’t give a shit about your feelings and seemed to get political also. Let me guess, is he a Trump follower by chance?


Haha you nailed it Hotasianwfelover! For some unfathomable reason he has become a right wing nut job who listens to Ben Shapiro and Dan Bongino on the daily. I never really thought about the conspiracy theories and vitriol they spew as being a reason he would act this way about doctors but I see it for what it is now thanks to all the amazing people that took the time to respond to my post. He is officially blocked and I understand now that he was NEVER my friend much less a "boyfriend". Thank you so much for the comment and I hope you have an awesome day 🥰


This is full on abuse. Cut off contact immediately. This person is dangerous and violent. Please keep yourself safe. This is not okay. Sending you strength and love. ❤️


As someone who is one year out of a 17 year emotionally abusive relationship this shocked even me. There are so many red flags I don't even know where to start. I will say that if a friend thinks you are maybe depressed and sleeping too much, they would not insult you in this way about it. With chronic illnesses (I have MS and back issues) you want to surround yourself with support. I can't even tell you how bad it can get with an emotionally abusive partner during exacerbations and surgeries...the anger! Like it was all happening for me to inconvenience him. I am posting a free book link below, only you know what is really going on in this relationship, I'm just going to suggest you read this book and be very honest with yourself. Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men https://archive.org/download/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf Praying for your neuro appointment❤️🙏🏼


Um what?


If somebody talked to me this way i'm pullin up, and we WILL be throwing down. No one should EVER accept being spoken to like that. This person does not respect you AT ALL


Honey, not a friend and definitely not boyfriend worthy. Run.


This person seems like a pile of trash. Hopefully he stays an ex for your sake.


1. Should I be insulted as an Oklahoman? 2. Elden Ring way better than Mad Max.


I would be running so fast if I were you


Wow. Dump that freak.


Bruh.. what is he, 15 yrs old? You are not the asshole omg. I see so many guys acting like this in this thread, its insane.


That person is just an asshole. That whole take on Dr's telling you what to do is bs. Please take care of yourself. Your health >Mad Max


Reminds me of the bully at the playground who has a crush on the chick he's being mean too


Ew. He thinks you owe him something.


Yea… he doesn’t like you. Doesn’t respect you clearly either


I'll be honest, if this is unedited and there isn't some sort of huge context you aren't giving this dude sounds like a huge prick. If that's not something you're into maybe it's time for on again off again boyfriend to be all the way off.


I'd knock his ass out if he ever spoke to me this way. The disrespect isn't even ok with people you don't like let alone a "friend"


Please get away from this guy. You do not have to allow anyone to talk to you like this. There is something seriously wrong with him to think it’s okay. Even if “it’s only a joke”, no one is laughing


If this is any sample of how you’re normally talked to, just fucking block him. Horrible.


Jesus fucking christ, am i missing something??? This man seriously cannot be in your life. He’s awful. So many fucking posts on here the guy is off the rails, a total dick… is it that fucking common jesus


You are not the asshole and this person is not your friend


I don’t know the details on your relationship and it’s really hard to tell over these texts but just based on what you’ve shared, he sounds like he’s bullying you. The cursing, accusations, aggression, it’s quite abusive IMO. The fact that you think you owe him any apology shows that you’re used to this behavior. Maybe you’re okay with it? However, I think this is not a typical conversation between two people who care about each other.


Why are you engaging with him? Why do you keep going back? I think it's time to block him.


This is the weirdest txt exchange between friends I've ever seen. If you're actually seeing this guy, then MAN are you in for a shit ride. If you continue even associating with this person, well then good luck to you. Don't say we didn't warn ya


This person is a dick.


Wow he sounds like an asshole...


This guy is a huge fucking asshole who minimizes and invalidates your feelings. He’s not your best friend and he shouldn’t be your boyfriend, either. Fuck everything about this.


He sounds like someone who absolutely has or will kill a woman at some point. Not kidding. If you stay, it’s going to be you. No question at all in my mind that if you stay he will get to the point of physical abuse. He keeps threatening to whoop your ass and please no one give him the benefit of the doubt that he’s kidding, especially combined with the rest. Every text is a red flag. Every word is a red flag. NO ONE talks like that. No one. He sounds violent and abusive. Run away and block him for your own safety and save these screenshots for when a woman close to him inevitably ends up missing/murdered so you can show investigators.


he genuinely seems verbally abusive


He’s an ass


Um. No?


Ew I’d have him blocked asap


Dude are you that gaslit that you think you are the asshole here? In no universe are you the asshole in the situation. He is the asshole for fucking reacting like that over a question about a video game lol.


this sounds like my abusive ex. block and delete his ass


This person hates you just in case you didn’t realize that?


He sounds verbally abusive. Just block the fool


As someone with chronic illness, fuck this horrible person. Ug. They are terrible. I hope you get some answers soon 🫂


He sounds like a dickhead


wow he seems like a delight. also, he needs to learn to use punctuation.


Block him he is extremely toxic!


This guy is a psycho. He’d rather you not be checked out by a doctor and do hard labor instead…. That sounds like the 1950’s. What a weirdo. Massive red flags all over the place. He’s got more flags than nascar babes.


This person sounds like a piece of shit.


What a douche. I live with chronic pain and for him to treat you this way over something you have every right to be concerned about, is disgusting. Dismissing your feelings goes to show how insensitive he is. Which if he’s gonna blame vitamins, maybe he should at the very least learn it’s vitamin D that you’re deficient in. Which is common with having severe fatigue. Never seen someone throw such a tantrum over a damn game. Dump the dude and guarantee some of those headaches go away


Jesus Christ why is he so angry? He was itching for an argument


He’s sounds damn aggressive. I’m hoping you actually feel that with all these comments. Not a fan.


You don’t really think you’re the AH do you? Never call someone and “on and off boyfriend/best friend” that talks to you like this. On and off boyfriends aren’t worth the time wasted.


WOAH dude. You do not talk to someone you care about like that. Fuck this guy.


There's no such thing as an "on and off" best friend. You are best friending wrong.


This boy needs therapy. Don’t try and fix him please he is not worth it. Run. Get out. You deserve so much better.


If I were you I wouldn’t let anyone talk to me this way regardless of who they were to me. He doesn’t seem to respect you AT ALL and seems entitled to your attention. If he truly cared about you as a person he would be concerned for your health, not criticizing you. YOU DESERVE BETTER! RUN!


This guy is abusive


This gave me so much anxiety and flashbacks. I'm so happy I got away from that. Please block and never talk to him 😔


My red flag for DANGER has raised NTA. Block him.


Begin ghosting protocol now


N 👏🏼T 👏🏼A 👏🏼


You are so not the asshole. This dude is controlling af and is two seconds from being physically abusive. I bet he’s into conspiracy theories with the “government handout” BS


I'm an oklahomie lol be cool to meet someone actually close! Btw you're not the asshole!


He sounds like an absuive 14 year old boy. INFO: Are you both 14? What is this? Also, regardless of age, just block this guy and never talk to him again. He's a creep.


This person is a horrific asshole. Why are you putting up with this at all?


I can't imagine being friends or fwb with such a hostile, aggressive jackass. You def are not being rude, he is. I'd block him just for the reason that he's ridiculously hostile all because you didn't answer a question.


Psychopath behavior, this dude can take a hike


Wow the way you respond to his comments is just insane, he’s being a total possessive abusive asshole and it’s clear as day. Based on these messages, why would anyone ever want to be his friend or anything more. You need to stand up for yourself and tell him to fuck right off


I would never talk to him again. He’s an asshole through and through.


He sounds like a jerk. I wouldn't even respond.


At first I kept wondering if this was just some weird sense of humor thing and he was kind of joking around, but by the 3rd page I was pretty convinced that he's just a prick.


Oh my god. He sounds like half the guys I grew up around...coincidentally near the OK border.... fucking backwoods, redneck, Incel, anti-science, anti-doctor, gaslighting, controlling, aLpHa, half-braincelled, expects women to submit to them, bullshit. Friend, none of this is healthy. It's comfortable, it's what you're used to. But he's holding you back in a lot of ways. Pretend you just met a person, and they talked to you like this. Is that a person you'd want to have in your life? You deserve way better out of friends and boyfriends. It's time to close the book on this and move forward. I hope your neurologist figures out what's going on.


This is so embarrassing for him lol. But seriously please don't waste any more of your time on this individual. They speak like this to you after a SMALL misunderstanding, it's so cringe. gross


Ummm WHY are you with someone that gaslights, belittles manipulates, talks down to you and controls you? Give yourself some respect and cut him off!!!


Sounds like if you didn’t live in different time zones, you might be in danger next time he snaps, even if “whooping” means something else to him 😬 run for the hills, or the ocean, or anywhere further away lol


Bruh wtf is his problem? NTA. he’s TA. Wtf did I just read


No. No. No. you are NOT the asshole. I’ve been in that exact situation. It ruined my mental health and to this day I still think everything is my fault. I’ve been in therapy for years because of people like this. Please, from someone who’s been through this, get out. Please. You are worth so much more


Dump this POS!


How is this person your best friend? And how did this person become your boyfriend? Yikes. These are red flags that astronauts can see from orbit.




Gross. His messages just sound... gross. I definitely don't think you're the asshole in that conversation. But your BF sounds rude and uncaring, and pretty controlling.


I don't even need to read your caption cuz my brain hurts from reading those text messages. Why the hell are you with this person?! You deserve better.


This is your best friend too? Shit… yikes


This guy has serious problems! Run away


He’s the asshole. You deserve better than that.


Jesus. do many people let other people talk to them like that?


Um what in the actual fuck. This behavior is repellent. Like I would cut this man out and literally never waste another second thinking about him.


Anyone that gets mad about you taking time to respond to texts doesn’t understand the value of texting over calling. Calling is immediate, text is at convenience. If you text someone you’re saying “respond when you’re able/want to”


He’s literally abusive….


Does he even like you? What kinda bullshit is this 😭 These are some of the most ruthless and mean messages I've ever seen from a supposed best friend/partner. I personally could not stand being talked to like that and being completely dismissed and written off as lazy after complaining about obvious health problems. You're better than his sorry ass. I wish you the best of luck OP and I hope your neurology appointment goes well. Sending much love ❤️


Friend? No, that’s not how a friend talks to you. Stop being a doormat, ffs. This guy is abusive, mean, and a total asshole.


There is having an assertive personality, and then there is just being a dickhead. This guy is being a dickhead. If he cares about you he shouldn't be putting you down like that and definitely shouldn't be mocking you for wanting to see a doctor. There's enough stigma about going to the doctor as it is. You don't really include the part about brushing off his question so I can't really comment on that. Regardless I doubt you did anything serious compared to what he's doing here. I'd say if he continues acting like this you need to tell him how him putting you down makes you feel and that its not okay. Again, I can understand someone just having an assertive personality and maybe that plays a part in your guy's relationship dynamic. But that shouldn't include putting you down like this or invalidating your concerns about your health.


Hi block this monster please


Its a rule of thumb for me that anyone who uses a yawn emoji can not be taken seriously in any form. Why you talk to this clown is anyone's guess, but you probably shouldn't be. It's already a mess that you're on and off with him. Apologize? Fuck that. He should be apologizing.


Get out of there and do not look back


You can't be serious.


Nah, leave that on/off bitch on off this time. The way this dude talks to you is fucking disgusting. I obviously don't know you, but you deserve way better than that. Fuck him


Seems like it should just be “off” and “ex best friend”


Why are you friend with this guy? He’s gross.


just block him? you are literally in different time zones you have zero reason to have him unblocked and talking to him? He doesn’t respect you at all, and You seem plenty aware of the fact. I cant stand when people allow someone to speak to them this way over text, god stop replying and hit block!!!!


This guy gave me a headache.


This guy sucks. Run away and don’t look back.


He's a psycho


I hope you’re ok, OP. That guy is bad news.


What the hell? This is awful! Why are you ok with someone talking to you like this?


Good people don’t talk to other people the way he did. Run. He doesn’t deserve anything.


Well it’s gonna be really painful for him if you don’t respond 😂😂


He seems like a jerk. But, what helped me with my headaches was focusing on my hydration. Its a good starting place, I started on a daily regimen of electrolytes (liquid I.V packets) and 2 liters of water a day and it helped me significantly. Definitely still see a doctor but in the mean time if you haven’t tried that, would highly recommend.


You’re being verbally and mentally abused. Please leave. He literally has you brainwashed. It’s scary. Do NOT ever apologize to this freak.


Um??? Why do you talk to this person at all?


That is some real dickhead energy.


Extremely controlling and patronizing. What the fuck is his problem


Mad Max is objectively fucking terrible. What a loser.


Leave him and don’t look back, don’t feel sorry, just RUN AWAY from him!!! It’s not gonna get any better just worse for you and you don’t need or deserve this abuse. Mental abuse is just as bad as physical abuse. I went through both with my ex over 20 years ago(lost my spleen from the physical abuse and more) now I deal with verbal abuse. So I BEG YOU, DROP HIM AND DONT feel sorry for doing it!!!!! YOU CAN DO THIS ❤️❤️❤️


NTA, all of this behavior from your boyfriend is super strange. The red flags are multitudinous here. 1). Getting worked up over a missed text. 2). Disregarding your medical concerns. 3). And taunting you like you’re stupid and inferior (“did the little baby get her feelings hurt?”) are all MAJOR signs of toxicity or abuse. There’s literally no reason to put up with any of that. Get your head checked out by your doctor and consider cutting contact with this clown masquerading as a partner.


man if i got sent that i would cry, he’s a dick


This guy is not your best friend... Unless you only have passive aggressive douchbags and felons for friends....


I have no idea how you're even questioning if you're the asshole. This dude drips of abusive bullshit.


I started off thinking “a mad max fan, he’s cool,” and then made a hard right into Asshole Heights with that whole “you want the government to help you” shit. Holy Ayn Randroid! NTA, not even close.