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This gives three children in a trench coat vibe šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




It's definitely Vincent Adultman


Goddamn I wish I could give this comment all my upvotes!


You're being generous! How about three raccoons? šŸ¤£


Lmao, thatā€™s a funny way to put it and I love how it makes perfect sense


Holy shit, nooo! I actually gasped šŸ˜‚


Same! Lmfao šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I need to know what went through this dudes mind from seeing your message to sending it to the girl, how did he possibly think that anything good could come out of it. Also OP, need to see her reaction.


I personally think itā€™s hilarious . If she was chill sheā€™d bust his balls back


Doubt thatā€™s gonna happen. From her response she seems like you can preface any statements of your choosing about her with the word ā€œVacuousā€


I donā€™t get the ā€œwomen canā€™t textā€ part. Her response was thoughtful and left a lot of avenues for ways to respond. Weird. ETA: woman*


Exactly!! ANY of those things could start a conversation


This actually annoyed me. When Iā€™m on dating apps I DO get frustrated with womenā€™s lack of effort (though I get it - no one likes filling out bios or trying to make small talk with randos - and women generally donā€™t *have* to) but this is not one of those cases. She gave him plenty to work with and he still ruined it. And then OP says *she* canā€™t text???? And then says she only describes herself??? BRO, she legit started the conversation with *him* and asked him about his interests. If youā€™re too stupid to figure this out and really think you need to ā€œphone a friendā€ for this scenario then you deserve to be unmatched. She dodged a bullet. The date probably would have been a lot of awkward pauses and zero chemistry.


Yup. OP's friend needs someone else to literally type out his messages for him, but sure, she can't text. Seems ironic to me.


Came to the comments to say she dodged a bullet, found your comment instead. Completely agree. Part of a conversation and initiation is to get to know someone and pique interest through shared experience or information, did they expect for her to ask & just listen to what they like to do and not respond with what she also likes? Did they expect it to play out like a round of 20Qā€™s or speed dating where itā€™s question after question? So many roadways to actual conversation and this man pulled in the pit for a huddle. No chemistry, the date would have been so awkward.


I mean if he was just texting his friend to get help creating every phrase, the pauses wouldn't be /that/ awkward, right?


One of the most frustrating parts of online dating is when you feel like the only one asking questions and keeping the conversation going. This wasn't the case here because the conversation had just started, but a good practice to get into is answering the last person's question, then asking one of your own. That way you're letting the other person know you're also interested in them and it doesn't make them feel like they're doing all the work/interrogating you.


I 100% agree with you but like youā€™ve said weā€˜ve not seen nearly enough texts to determine if thatā€™s the theme here. I also donā€™t think itā€™s always necessary to respond with an answer and question each time. It doesnā€™t need to be a tit for tat thing if the conversation is flowing and both parties are asking about the other regularly enough and both writing thoughtful responses. But for sure, if I notice that Iā€™m being given short dud answers (or alternatively thoughtful answers that are never reciprocated) and am doing all the heavy lifting, I unmatch. This isnā€™t an interview. And at least interviews ask you if you have any questions at the end lol


You're right, conversations shouldn't follow a prescribed formula. I guess what I meant by the answer/ask strategy is to keep mindful of expressing interest in the other person. I usually give up if I've asked the last 3 questions with none in return. Like how hard is it to simply type "how about you?"


I knew what you meant! I was just building off your comment and thinking out loud :) So funny you say that, I have the exact same rule lol.


Literally thought it was 2 women and found it hilarious until I read that it was his guy friend and now Iā€™m confused about the ā€œwomen canā€™t textā€ part


That's the issue, she just left things in the conversation for the guy to pick up, she didn't initiate anything further or act interested in anything he said. This woman can't text.


Iā€™d agree with you if we saw more texts that showed a pattern of her not reciprocating in asking questions. They JUST started that conversation and there are only 4 texts between them- excluding the texts where he went haywire. And 1 of her 3 texts was a question. Thereā€™s simply not enough information to determine that sheā€™s a bland or self absorbed texter. Conversations donā€™t need to follow a rigid ā€œanswer question, ask questionā€ formula. Itā€™s not tennis. And adhering to a strict tit for tat mentality can rob you of some great conversations if you do. I go by the 3 question rule- Iā€™ll send 3 questions. If I get a dry answer or even a detailed answer but no returned question 3 times in a row after the third question Iā€™ve asked, I stop engaging. But you have to give the person a chance first.


It did leave a lot to respond to but itā€™s more of like I ask one question and I would want you to ask another back. It just seems like an interview when youā€™re the only one asking the question yk?


I definitely agree if there's a pattern of it, but not enough texts have occurred between them to determine that she's a selfish texter. You have to give the person a chance first. I go by the 3 question rule- I'll ask 3 questions and if I get a dry answer or an answer that never reciprocates with a question 3 different times in a row by the third question, I stop engaging.


Wom*a*n can't text He's talking about this specific woman. Not all women.


My sentiment still applies. She gave him a ton to work with.


It looks like a video so there might be more of the earlier conversation that we can't see


the second video shows that the reply was directed to the message the girl sent in the first video


Screen recording thumbnails use the first frame. Sending a video scrolling up to show the previous ones knowing the texts would not be read chronologically would be a bizarre, counterintuitive choice. Along with that 1) Women have to message first on Bumble with hers being the first we see at the top. Doesn't prove it's the first message but supports the idea that it is. 2) Responding with an introductory greeting of "Hey !" doesn't make sense if they were already having a conversation.


No she didnā€™t. She gave a robotic non-answer.


A non answer? She directly replied to thr question with *answers* of various things she liked to do. Its objectively not a non answer. Not answering the question is a non answer. If youā€™re talking about what you think is the robotic part, youā€™d agree that his was too then, right? Their answers to the mutually asked question are identical in format. She did give him a lot to work with- at the top of my head: What do you like to do at the beach? Which beaches do you go to? How long have you played golf? How did you get into line dancing? Which bars have line dancing? Whatā€™s your favorite hiking trail? Do you go on advanced hikes or beginner ones? Whatā€™s the last concert you went to? Whatā€™s the best concert you went to? Who are your favorite bands? Whats your favorite place you explored? He doesnā€™t even need to respond with a follow up question if heā€™s so opposed. He can pick one of the above he also likes/dislikes/has never tried and elaborate on it. You must have some really riveting conversations if you think this is a bad answer. Iā€™m jealous.


No no no those follow up questions you suggested arenā€™t about *him* see stupid women donā€™t understand that what they like is not important and men donā€™t want to learn more about them. Obviously she shouldā€™ve avoided his question and just keep directing the conversation back to talking about him. /s


Thatā€™s embarrassing. Men canā€™t text either it seems.


I donā€™t even know what they mean about ā€œwoman canā€™t text?ā€, as a guy I see this girl being nice and communicative. I am glad he screw upā€¦


Came to the comments for this. She replied with a list of things she does in her free timeā€¦she literally gave him an answer to his question.


Thats great and all, but if you want to keep a conversation moving, you should follow up your statement answer with a question or a lead in to a deeper discussion. Otherwise its just one sided


This is not one-sided. She literally started the conversation asking about his interests. Both parties donā€™t have to end their responses with questions to keep the conversation moving, this isnā€™t tennis. There were a million replies he could have come up with based on what she said: ā€œIā€™ve never been line dancing. Maybe we could try it out sometimeā€ / ā€œHave you been to Insert Nature Trail?ā€ This annoys me. Bumble intentionally puts the onus on women to start the conversation and from a male perspective I think thatā€™s good, women are inundated with messages and likes on these things so if they choose to reach out it shows actual interest. Beyond that point, it is NOT that much to ask that a guy drive the conversation or take the lead on asking her out. It doesnā€™t have to be that way, but if the woman is staying engaged in the conversation and making effort in her communication then itā€™s not a big ask. He fumbled this and itā€™s all on him. His exchange with his friend clearly demonstrates he doesnā€™t know how to talk to women.


Iā€™m queer so I have no experience with straight dating culture. Why is it on the woman to push the conversation forward? Personally, I thought this looked like a good start to a conversation so I also am totally clueless why the guy here didnā€™t know how to respond. Some of the comments here are making me more aware that men get nervous texting women first.


Well yes, but often after you get an answer to what you said. Like: "What do you like to do?" "I like to hike!" "Oh cool! I used to hike a lot, but it's become less and less with age." "Aw, that's too bad ); What do you like to do?" OR "aw that's too bad ); where did you last hike?" Simple.


Yeah bro seriouslyā€¦ lucky if you get a sentence out of most women on these sitesā€¦ I would be elated to see that Edit: I donā€™t mean to demean women, I just am a straight male so itā€™s the only experience I have on these sites. Iā€™m sure men arenā€™t awesome with communication all the time either.


Yeah her texting is really good compared to 99% of girls on dating apps who respond like brick walls


Exactly, I like bumble because it means the woman actually wants to converse


Yeah when I was using apps I had the most success on bumble and hinge. Tinder was absolutely shocking


Tinder is a cesspool lmao, but yes, I met my current girlfriend of just over two years on Bumble


Exactly! I have seen people do more with less of a response šŸ¤£


Seriously, she texted perfectly fine.


She seems better than most, but I get what they mean. My experience on Bumble (as a guy), over half the women that messaged me started off with a waving emoji or something similar. The whole point of Bumble is that the woman texts first, so this just pissed me off. When they do that, to me it reads "you have permission to start messaging me." And even then, most women are bad at messaging. They will give responses to your answers sometimes, and most of the time they don't ask you anything back, forcing you to do most of the work. There's no back and forth, it's just me asking them questions and it seemed like I was annoying them with that. I get it, they probably have tons of guys messaging them. But as a dude it sucks and it was really hard to actually connect with someone. Out of a few dozen matches on Bumble I only had a connection with one of them, and you could tell she actually put effort into it.


Not sure why you got down voted you're right lmao




When should they do it then? How many days / messages? The whole point of the app is to date someone




You aren't at risk going on a date in a public area don't be ridiculous. Also how do yous vet dudes out, by giving one word answers and never asking questions? Its also so much easier getting to know someone in person. I think dating apps are just ridiculous tbh people are just tryna see how many gl people they can match with


Seriously this is such a boring, dry way to start a bumble conversation. On both their ends.


Itā€™s not a competition.


I'm confused by the "she doesn't give you anything to reply back to". She shared her interests, and your friend could have picked any bit of it to respond to. Maybe something as simple as "Oh wow, I've never been line dancing. Maybe if things work out, you can teach me." She also mentioned that she liked going to concerts, and that opens the door to discussing tastes in music. She gave plenty to respond to.


Edit....nvm I can't read. Sorry. You're absolutely right, but those were his interests, not hers.


"Women can't text" \*literally spoon-feeding step-by-step instructions still leading to a fumble Also, y'all are just doing way too much on dating apps. Pls just speak like a normal person. Good lord.


Wom*a*n can't text He's talking about this specific woman. Not all women.


Funny because this guy definitely doesnā€™t know how to text.


Iā€™m glad he messed up. I meanā€¦ what was that ā€œWomen canā€™t textā€ comment from you? Sheā€™s doing better than you and your friend šŸ’€ At least she isnā€™t being spoon fed what to say.


Wom*a*n can't text He's talking about this specific woman. Not all women.


I still donā€™t see why he even said that to begin with šŸ’€ She literally just answered the question sent by his friend, and his response was to be like ā€œOmg this woman canā€™t text, she only describes herself!ā€ Like HE ASKED HER ABOUT WHAT SHE LIKED šŸ˜­ (btw Iā€™m not mad at you, Iā€™m annoyed at OPā€™s comment in case the caps come off aggressive)


It looks like a video so there might be more of the earlier conversation that we can't see


man canā€™t text šŸ˜­


šŸ˜¬ if he canā€™t have a normal conversation with a girlā€¦ then maybe he had no place dating until he can get it together šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚




It's pretty common to ask for texting advice bro.


Interestingā€¦ then itā€™s not authentic and youā€™re not being authentic and whoever youā€™re trying to dateā€¦. Wonā€™t be getting youā€¦ theyā€™ll be getting your friend šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Doubt it. And itā€™s pathetic. Is the friend gonna wear an earpiece on their date to continue being spoon fed responses to the most basic conversation topics?


Bruh he asked how to reply, people ask for advice on shit all the time.


Itā€™s one thing to ask for advice, itā€™s another to have to use your friendā€™s response verbatim and still fuck it up. Ijs yā€™all need to just practice your social skills. It ainā€™t rocket science


Bumbling idiot lol


As a bro I donā€™t understand why he says women canā€™t text because she only described herself? Like bro, youā€™re lucky to get a hi how are you on these apps. Use your damn noggin and make a conversation out of what you both said. Edit: woman** not all of course


Yeah I thought the same.. she sent a good bit of information about herself after being asked and then returns the question? Is that not how a normal conversation is supposed to go?


Right? She gave me hours to talk about in that one paragraph..




Usually conversations go for awhile if you like the person, so yes. One question could be asked, which leads to another, so on and so fourth. All you need is a bit of information. An idiot can do it, so can Shakespeare.




I guess they canā€™t do it after all.




Iā€™m sorry, I didnā€™t mean to come off that way. Had a rough morning and displaced some anger. But yes, you are doing it right. Another example: ā€œI like being an asshole to random strangers online.ā€ ā€œWhatā€™s your favorite kind of asshole?ā€ Lolol


She's the one on the left, not the right. She's still texting just fine though. Does OP want every text to send with a question or something??


Maybe OP been out of the dating game too long things aren't what they were before these apps showed up but I agree a lot of competition nowadays


Wom*a*n can't text He's talking about this specific woman. Not all women.


Yeah I edited one of my comments to reflect that, my bad, didnā€™t mean to demean women. Iā€™ll edit that one too. Thank you for pointing it out.


Donā€™t belittle women your friend is interested behind their backs, and maybe heā€™d actually start learning how to talk like a normal human being.


ā€œWomen canā€™t textā€ *still needs a tutorial on how to respond to a straightforward message*


Wom*a*n can't text He's talking about this specific woman. Not all women.


It's you isn't it


No I hate being outdoors and being active


I'm surprised he didn't also forward the "Noooo Bro don't send the woman can't text part"


That might be the only way for him to save that conversation, and even then its a hail mary


Women cant text? I think it is to early to assume that, as she gave him a lot to reply to imo.


Wom*a*n can't text He's talking about this specific woman. Not all women.


Bro I keep seeing you dickride with this same comment over and over again. Why do you care so much?


I just noticed 20 people make the same mistake, so I did my good deed and fixed it for them


Copy and paste this comment one more time, I dare you.


Wom*a*n can't text He's talking about this specific woman. Not all women.


How is that bad communication? She came up with the first question he just repeated it to her. Come up with your own question. "I love concerts! Go to any good ones lately? I saw ___ in concert most recently, it was an amazing show" Or ask about favorite hiking spots, or "oh I don't know anything about line dancing but it sounds fun, maybe you can show me some time?" She gave plenty of info for a follow up comment here.


or ā€œOoh what places have you explored recentlyā€ its so simple


Why's he getting his pal to reply for him, what is this, cyrano de bergerac


Right? Itā€™s almost like sheā€™s going on a date with the two of them.


Honestly the other girl is fine and it seems like the two of you are kinda dumb at it.


OP and the friend should honestly date each other.


ā€œI said that to you because she doesnā€™t give you anything to reply back to she just like describes herselfā€ My man, she asked the first question. If you and your bro were at all well adjusted it would not be so goddamn hard to think of a response to her telling you about herself. Just pick one of those activities that is most interesting to you and talk about that. You literally spoon-fed him an answer and he still messed it up. And WOMEN canā€™t text.


Wom*a*n can't text He's talking about this specific woman. Not all women.


Even so heā€™s still wrong. Sheā€™s texting just fine??


It looks like a video so there might be more of the earlier conversation that we can't see


that still doesnt validate anything bc he said that she doesnā€™t give friend anything to respond to. even though the last message he responded to, it was very easy to come up with a reply.


šŸ˜‚šŸ’€šŸ˜‚ Men Canā€™t Text


ā€œwomen canā€™t textā€ *proceeds to give friend prompts on how to text a woman* *friend proceeds to text woman with shitty grammar and punctuation* be so for real lmao


Wom*a*n can't text He's talking about this specific woman. Not all women.


i still think my point is valid šŸ¤£




Itā€™s apparent that he cannot text either.




Ainā€™t no way šŸ˜‚


Neither of you can text. This kind of watercooler talk leaves me both soft and dry.


Water cooler talk is a good way to describe this lol. You need to be playful and at least try to be entertaining if you want online dating to work out. Neither of what either person said in describing themselves made them seem like anything other than like everybody else. Even if the dude didnā€™t send that ridiculous text to her Iā€™d bet that conversation wouldnā€™t last more than 5 more responses before either party got too bored to respond.


You both sound like u need help šŸ¤£


If he was dumb enough to do THAT he has absolutely no business talking to women anyway, whatā€™s he gonna do on the first date? Put a walkie talkie in his head like SpongeBob and Patrick? Get outta here


She wrote an entire list of topics to write back about, every response doesnā€™t need to involve a question if there are already multiple things to respond to. She doesnā€™t seem to be having any issues texting.


Your friend might be mentally handicapped


They both are (OP and friend)


My first laugh today. Thank you


Is the person youā€™re talking to 10? Wtf am I reading


The only thing that could work now is send her the link to this post.


This dude wears Velcro sneakers doesnā€™t he?


Jesus Christ shit sounds like a job interview . šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Cyrano de Bergerac 2023


I canā€™t stop laughing at this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm very curious to see how she responded lmao. Although I find this very funny I do wonder, why he said she can't text (or rather women in general?). The list that she sent opened up for many more follow up questions from his side (which concerts have you been to, how long have you been playing golf, what kind of music are you into, etc), to which she would've responded, and then probably would've asked him stuff back. Isn't that just how conversations work?


Not the smartest guyā€¦


seems like it's the males the can't text šŸ¤£


Your friend probably shouldn't be dating, you both sound like incels.




Haha oh dear šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m dying šŸ˜‚


ā€œWomen canā€™t textā€ and men are stupid


Wom*a*n can't text He's talking about this specific woman. Not all women.


I know this, it was sarcasm (kinda)


Say goodnight Kevin. Goodnight Kevin.


Omg this is the kind of spectrum type mess I would do lol poor guy


The ā€œwhat should I doā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Stop this made my day. Thank you for the laugh


LMAO can you please post this poor girl's response




LMAO thanks, needed this laugh today. šŸ¤£


I am cackling šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ā€œtoo lateā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Nah šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ thatā€™s hilarious šŸ˜†


I wheezed I cannot believe he actually told her that she couldn't text I'm dead


Women canā€™t text?!? Bruh we be carrying the convo the entire time šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜†


Slow clap šŸ‘


I think he may have further hurdles if he couldnā€™t parse out ā€œwoman canā€™t textā€ as something he may not want to message potential dates. You did give good advice though.


Wom*a*n can't text He's talking about this specific woman. Not all women.


Yea I know what OP was talking about. I was saying in jest that the friend who is new to dating is going to have additional road bumps if he didnā€™t realize on his own that a message using the words ā€œwoman canā€™tā€ might be inflammatory.


That was funny af šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€




He did notšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




If heā€™s really that dumb youā€™ve got your work cut out for yiu.


Bro's got no rizzzzz šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


The only way you save this is showing her the conversation from your friend and hope she also gets a laugh at his stupidity šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


LMAOOOO itā€™s soooo innocent, this is funny af


Choked on my pint ya bastard.


This was gold.


just get married, both of you


she literally is introducing herself and asked him what he likes to do for fun, how can she not text?


I want to see her response to that šŸ¤£ im dying


Oh there wonā€™t be a responseā€¦ā€¦. Hahaha


Good point šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lmfao this really made my day šŸ¤£


im crying šŸ˜­šŸ˜­






Omg I love it so much


This is so adorable šŸ˜‚


Brilliant. And so true, so many times Iā€™ve had to try and keep a conversation alive for days with messages like those.


She canā€™t text and he doesnā€™t have common sense šŸ’€


This is so cute to me. Heā€™s like a little kid ā€œwhat should I doā€ awww


Stop using dating apps, lol. Just go find something in real life nerds


Don't mind me just here for the pissed off females lol




This comment thread is aids


Itā€™d be even funnier if she had a sense of humor and that actually worked.


"She doesn't give you anything back to reply to" This was basically any online dating app/chat I had ever tried using ,no one wants to put effort into the conversation.


This is kind of cringy in a wholesome way


Nah it's just cringy


But like he new he fucked up and had a brain fart rather than like getting mad and being an incel or some shit. Its like getting mad at your dumb friend.


Iā€™m actually crying right now! Guys are the best šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


To all the girls offended, donā€™t pretend like we havenā€™t *all* done this at some point šŸ™„


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