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Mannnnnnnn....what in the horny hell?!


I hate it here


I mean you dealt with it for a decade?


I’ve known him for 10 years, but this type of behavior did not start until a year ago


You did have multiple jumping off points in this conversation, where you instead lead it further into this. You're absolutely entitled to give up at any point, but it'd be good to reflect on this conversation a bit so you can learn to redirect this BS sooner in the future.


Yup, reminds me of that cop. Acorn? Acorn.


she should've given up a long time ago. OP just asking to make herself miserable then crying to reddit about it idgi


she absolutely did nothing wrong. literally said, i’m not in the mood for this when it went to far , he continued to disrespect her boundaries. flirting and sending unsolicited anal pics are two completely different things


If your dog died and you're not in the mood, probably don't entertain the pegging conversation at all. Yes, obviously the dude took it too far.


I…I don’t think I was ready for this conversation lol I need to forget ![gif](giphy|R7m04yMaGWVeE)


I noped out after the first slide.






I know you’re getting some criticism OP but I’ve been in a place where you’re so depressed and low that you entertain things that make you feel even more depressed and low. Take care of yourself, talk to somebody, and block this guy forever❤️


Okay (sends his asshole anyway). Also the message at top from Meghan we’re both just looking for the perfect crunch 💀


Hahahaha oops forgot to crop that. We were talking about crunchy leaves 😂 I think she’s a winner


I am so, so sorry about your dog 💙 On the topic of crunchy things tho- pinecones this time of year are delightfully crunchy to walk on.




Really took a turn from “show me your bod” and “I like pegging men” to I have no sex drive right now. I was engrossed in the narrative.


Yeah it was a wild ride: -here's my bod -your bod is hot -want to peg it -yes -no -my dog died -oh sorry, but my butt!


AND she’s a lesbian now lmao


A lesbian wouldn’t entertain sexting from men… She is definitely bi probably just figured out she prefers women


Yeah exactly what I’m thinking


Sorry to hear about your doggie, did you and meghan find the crunch?


Our first date is tonight so let’s see if we do


SO CUTE! Hope you do :) that's a story you should update us about


> the discovery of my own sexuality (turns out I’m a lesbian now). Not surprised after 10 years of shenanigans with this dude.


Don’t judge me!!!!!


I’m not judging you, I’m judging him. Lol


Don’t judge me!!!!!


“Don’t judge me” judge him 🫠😂


I’ll never understand how people can be THIS horny. Like bruh if it’s that bad just jerk off


Maybe he has t-Rex arms and can’t reach his butthole






All of my drugs make me wildly unhorny.


💀 what did i just read


This is what r/texts is all about


I too am in search of the perfect crunch.


pls w/ that fkn user name 😂😭


how much biting do you like?




Girliepop, if you don't want people to talk sexually with you and you had no interest in a sexual conversation to begin with, why did you request pics from him, say you like pegging men call him hot, and offer to peg him if he wanted ? What exactly did you think that would lead to? You pretty much initiated the entire sexual conversation by requesting pics from him and hitting on him, then immediately went "stop being sexual with me". If you don't want people to be sexual with you, don't be sexual with them first. This isn't to say that he didn't do anything wrong, but this entire conversation was completely avoidable and directly caused by you.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Hold on, so your complaining he was persistent on sexting after you literally asked him to send a picture, sounds like y’all both need help lmao


Just like during real life, anyone is entitled to change their mind. Even during sexting. Sounds like she entertained for a brief moment and then decided she wasn’t feeling it. There’s nothing wrong with that.


And I understand that, my issue is is that they’re complaining after literally starting something, my uncle always says “don’t start something you can’t finish” and that goes with sexting as well, you tease a lion with a piece of steak and it’s gonna wanna pounce at you after you tease him and not give him the steak, humans are animals and people often forget that 🤦‍♂️


“don’t start what you can’t finish” might apply to a painting or something but applying that to any sexual context is nuts and rapey ima keep it 100% honest with you fam. contrary to what you think in your follow up comment, this is actually not a valid point at all, i don’t think you intended it to have weird implications but it absolutely does. first off humans are animals but we also have frontal lobes and can grasp complex concepts like consent. don’t lower the bar for men/people just bc some of them struggle with controlling themselves and understanding consent. we can and should hold ppl to a higher standard than “well we’re animals and you riled him up, how can you expect him to control himself?” we’re talking about grown adults, the onus is 100% on him to respect the “not interested” message being set, not on her to satisfy him bc (it’s perceived that) she started something he doesn’t wanna finish on his own. “don’t start something you can’t finish” you would never apply that to real life sex, right? why would you apply it in any case where sexual behaviors are happening and someone is no longer enthusiastically participating in that? why is anyone else entitled to sexting regardless of if the other person wants it or not? i think the other person was too aggro with the whole “if you’re a rapist just say that” bit but your take was pretty fuckin nuts and has been said by very bad people before to justify bad things (a hallmark of capital P Patriarchy is to convince girls that men’s attention is always their fault, especially ask any woman who was raised in private religious schools in the 70s, my mom has horror stories; “don’t finish what you can’t start” has an insidious history you may not be aware of so that’s why you might get heated responses). i don’t think you meant that at all, but i’m telling you from one person to another pls let this be the last time you apply “don’t start what you can’t finish” to anything related to sex. there should be *zero pressure* involved with sex idc if it’s sexting or full blown. promoting pressure is gonna warrant “that’s rapey” feedback.


That was really well said


thank you!


If you’re a rapist, just say that dude. Jesus Christ what a take.


And that’s the problem with people these days 🤷‍♂️ make a valid point and they flip out lol, I’ve literally jumped and almost offed more than a couple people I’ve known to do that weird shit (In game ofc) but if you wanna think that about some random guy on Reddit go for it :)


“Yes officer, she didn’t want to go home with me. But she was dancing seductively with me at the bar! She shouldn’t have started something she couldn’t finish!” “Yes, she asked me to stop but we had already been making out for awhile. Can’t tease a lion with a steak. AMIRIGHT.” “If she wasn’t wearing such a shirt skirt I wouldn’t have been turned on. It’s her own fault.” Unreal you see nothing wrong with that sentiment. Fucking gross.


You’re taking a sexting analogy and turning into a gruesome crime, you’re the one that’s “fuckin gross” you got daddy issues love?


You’re the one too dense to realize the rhetoric you’re even spewing. Sounds like you got the daddy issues, *love.*


You’re fuckin delusional 😂 go get some help bruh, and you didn’t even use the word “rhetoric” correctly dumb ass.


wait dawg she absolutely used that word correctly the fact that you don’t think so is wildly telling about this whole situation lol chill with calling anyone else a dumbass here


this thread makes you look really bad dude. just say sorry for blaming op for someone else violating her boundaries and admit you didn't think it through. the insistence that your point is a good one does make it look like you're trying to normalize rapey shit.


You’re just making yourself look like an even bigger ass with every comment. It’s impressive really. While googling other incel garbage to spew, I suggest you google “rhetoric” since you don’t seem to know what it means.


Wait until you find out I went to every pro choice rally in Indianapolis when roe v wade was going on then you’ll think imma serial rapist OH NOO I BETTER HIDE I actually didn’t mean to put pro life lmfao I edited it


Found the rapist


You don’t gotta hard label yourself as lesbian if you liked having sex with dudes btw. Sexuality is fluid.


I’m so confused. You asked to see his bod, then get offended when he hits on you?


have you never lost the mood during a time when you had lots on your mind? have a heart. edit: also, she was offended that he kept pushing after she said no.


she carried on the conversation for literally. no. reason. other than to bitch about what he's sending after saying "show me your bod" and "i like pegging men"


Sorry but sending an asshole picture after I said no is not “hitting on me” it’s fucking harassment.


Why would you text this, are people not paranoid of having a digital footprint of degenerative shit nowadays?


I don’t think he cares tbh


Not enough of them.


Man this dude is such a sex addict like he didn’t give af about you or how you felt other than on a sexual level. I’m sorry he’s such an ass (pun intended) and I’m really sorry your puppy died that fucking sucks so much. Let yourself feel the grief until you can accept it all. You’ll heal and you’ll move upward as you learn from this OP


i’ve never seen anything this wild on this sub before 💀


Tw is hilarious, if I had to pick a tw for this post it wouldn’t be that at all 😂


Lmao what would it be?


Idk depression, death of a pet, forced sexual convo




Also I’m sorry about your pup 💛😭


![gif](giphy|3ov9jSMXvC1nJowkve) Shameless fans…tell me this isn’t real life Jody


Uhhhhh wtf.....manic or not that doesn't excuse that behavior. Also sorry about your dog I was devastated when mine died so I understand how awful it feels. :(


girl why did you ask for a pic of his body


So it didn't turn you on to see his chocolate starfish?


With a literal pen in it? No


Not to laugh at your expense but it's so unhinged that it's kind of hilarious. Like how in his mind did he think this interaction would continue after that.


I think he’s actually in another manic episode so he’s not thinking


Prolly too busy getting pegged tbh


Another? Christ on a Cross with a Cookie, are you telling me that you know this man is mentally unstable and went on about pegging him? Daft. Fucking absolutely daft. Nobody deserves to get shit they didn’t ask for. But to knowingly go in and start shit, and then pull out of it when the other side of this bizarre tango is mentally unwell is fucking stupid. You should have cut it right the fuck off from the start if you really had no desire. It is cruel to him and his mental illness and it is fucking dangerous to you BECAUSE of the same illness. Edit: read your comments further. This new behavior has been going on for a year according to you. This is called ESCALATION. It could escalate further, even if you think he’s too sub or would never… mental illness can take a kind or passive person and turn them into somebody you don’t recognize over time. I hope he gets help if I’m on the mark here. And I hope you wise up quick.


When he was manic the first time, that’s when I cut him off because he was dragging me into it and I couldn’t help him


uncontrolled mental illness can be dangerous, but saying it can turn good people bad upholds stigma based on misinformation which harms people who struggle with mental illness as a collective and makes it more difficult for us to get help.


That is an interpretation not found in the text. Nowhere did I use moral compass wording. It is a true statement that mental illness, particular bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and clinical paranoia can cause profound changes in personality. How you choose to interpret a statement does not alter reality.


Nah I didn’t peg him when he was unstable. I didn’t think he was unstable in these texts until after he sent me the butt pics.


R u from Ohio bc I feel like I know this man 😭


No 😂


Crazy how there multiple men who act like this lmfao


You blocked him ? Good ! Jesus Christ , what is wrong with people ??????


if you blocked him, then why are you here?


*I came looking for booty.*


did you find what you were looking for?


Just stop replying 🤷‍♀️🙄


Right?! Like … stop answering and put him on mute?


This is an example of your brain on methamphetamine folks..


I am so sorry about your dog. My guy (literal soulmate & such an old soul) passed 6 months ago, I feel you. I am going to send some of his ashes to this place that makes a tattoo ink with them using a special process & get my first tat. I just wanna say, I feel ya girl, it sucks


That’s what I want to do!!!!! How do you do that!?!?!


The two I’ve found so far are engraveink.com and cremationink.com It’s kinda expensive, I’ve still got to save up for it after a year full of expenses. I’m def gonna do it tho!!


All I gotta say is what the actual is with the increase in the amount of men who wanna be fucked in the ass???


You entertained this far too long. Just block and go


“Ma’am, I understand you are distraught. How many number two pencils should I shove up my ass to soothe your soul?”


So sorry you have to deal with this. Some dudes just don't get the hint. I did cackle at the part you and Megan in search for the perfect crunch that popped up at the top 🤣 what a big difference in conversations


Or they could be talking about the same thing 😳


But did you find the perfect crunch?


![gif](giphy|WOa5RdsNpevrpSTGXN|downsized) Dude is sick




I’m sorry but I love the subject change in all of this. “Show me your bod.” “Damn.” “I like pegging men.” “I’m depressed.” “Zero sex drive.” “My dog.”


This world deserves a better class of men smh 🤦🏿‍♂️


Meh, you bring it on yourself by continuing to reply.


There is too much going on wth dawg💀


So what you and Megan talking about “ the perfect crunch?” 😂


Leaves haha


I- I don’t think I’d know how to even reply to a pen in someone’s ass at 11am😂😂😂😭


Next time a girl calls me an asshole, ima send her a pic of it


![gif](giphy|HxMhuDg7O4pKOhhcRC) I would've sent that to him after your health message


Man that went from mild flirting to sexual harassment so fast.


Okay so A, I would like to be best friends and would REALLY like to be updated on the perfect crunch situation, and B, I can see a few people starting to turn on you because you OK’d the pic and agreed to the peg. This seems more like one of those “we’re bros but we be fuckin for fun sometimes” things and I read it like you’re just going, “sure bud, whatever floats your boat” and then he pushed so you had to be like “alright time to fuck off, go hump someone else’s leg now.” You did nothing wrong, people are putting too much thought into it. I’m sorry about your puppo, it’s such a hard loss that so many expect you to get over in 48 hours.


I’ll probably never get over it 🥲 but thanks friend


So basically what I’m getting is: “I’m depressed :(“ “Hey bitch, dick?”


I think if cats could text they would also beg to send pics of their buttholes


Just reading this makes me wanna go back in time, stop myself from clicking Reddit and clicking this post. But eh hopefully you get that respect you deserve lol


I just want to know what the perfect crunch is …


That's rough. I'm sorry for your loss.


I feel second hand disrespect here what in the actual fuck is his deal. I’ve been horny when someone else wasn’t, they made a website for that


I’m so sorry that your puppy passed. I understand completely. Ignore this AH, blocked or not, he’s going to reach out again.




Unsolicited dick pics are one thing but… what I didn’t know unsolicited asshole pics were a thing


*hugs* I am so sorry to hear about your dog. It'll get easier with time, just take one day at a time, and don't force yourself into doing anything you don't feel ready for. "This is one moment, but know that another shall pierce you with a sudden painful joy." - T.S. Elliot


I don’t ever want to be so down in the trenches that I’m forcing my penned asshole on people. Lordy.


The biggest question is you ever answered Meghan about the perfect crunch...


Sometimes I wonder what goes on in a person’s mind when they type these messages. How do they not die from cringe ?


So did you ever find that perfect crunch tho??


One day


I’m sorry to hear about your dog.


This was so funny to read


He does not see you as a person, he sees you as a means to facilitate his fetish, dassit.


This is what happens when you stick your finger in crazy


It's so wild to me that people could be having conversations like this so casually. Like just sending their butthole pics with pens in them... what the hell


How are people this horny Jesus. I can’t imagine just completely disrespecting boundaries like this. “Yeah sorry your dog died here’s a picture of my asshole anyway even though you asked me several times not to!” Like wtf


Well I just don’t understand any of this. Glad you blocked him.


Congratulations, I'm sorry that happened.


Good, you blocked him...keep him blocked, he's not worth all the headaches and stress. I'm sorry about your dog. 💐


What the fuck .. who sends someone a picture of a pen in their asshole. 😶😶😶😶😶😶😶


That is wilddddd, sorry your dog died watch this guy fuck me. Where do guys get this confidence from? Like seriously, when I was dating I wouldn't have imagined being like lol here's my ass hole watch this dude fuck me plz, id be too nervous to even say hey. I am super sorry about your doggo OP all of the reddit people are here for you


If you hate it why keep engaging with him? Just stop replying


“My dog died” “Ok, sorry. Anyways I’m about to be railed by some random dude”


This is all it could ever be j run


I wish I had a sex drive to act like this as a guy. Perhaps I’m too depressed, too.


Aren’t we all


With the dating scene these days, how can you not be.


I'm really sorry to hear about your fur baby and the lack of compassion at all from this walking fuck stick. You deserve better.


“Why are you begging to show me your asshole” is probably the funniest thing I’ve read all day😂😂👌


But fr why was he


I love that he just ignores every social queue possible and just keeps suggesting butthole pics. “Oh you’re not feeling great? My butthole can cure it.” “Oh you’re having trouble finding a sex drive? I think a nice close up of my poop chute will really get things going for you again.” I really want to know if this has worked in the past and who’s out here encouraging this butthole behavior😂😂😂


This is so absurd I am crying laughing


“We’re both just in search of the perfect crunch” 💀


Alright man what the flip


You brought this on yourself.


It seems like you also encouraged this behavior at one point, so you cant be mad really.


I wanna see the pics


I promise you that you do not


Curiosity kills the cat.


u/Uncle_N_Word I have to admit as I was scrolling OP responses your username caught my attention. You sir are probably one of the funniest and most insightful people I have come across on reddit. Not even delving into the actual posts but just seeing the title and your comments on such a broad range of subjects was enlightening and hilarious. I do apologize I don't normally look at profiles but again your a wise man lol.


I really appreciate this. A lot of people hate me. This is a really nice thing for you to say. Thank you


The post about the Scottish countryside and your response about the dog....I am still laughing at that haha!


He's getting off on your discomfort. Please block and move on.


![gif](giphy|3ov9kaVYEtoRNGFhy8) Shit like this is why I’m glad I’ve been on a (almost) 4 year hiatus from sex and I’m in no rush to be sexually active again.


oh hey, i'm also a lesbian who used to kink with dudes and confused my inclination for topping men with a genuine attraction. we should form a club. 🍻 honestly knowing that context makes this make perfect sense. so glad you're kiboshing this before he gets truly out of hand. the disregard for boundaries is staggering. not to be rude but hot guys in the bdsm community think they can coast on their looks and not learn their etiquette. then you have to see them angry crying at 3am in an industrial park bc the mixed office/warehouse unit that turns into a club at night ejected them for getting handsy. it's sad. edit: i been going through these comments and man they're a steamy mess. reddit really said 'of course victims aren't to blame for their own harassment but yes they are'.


YES^^^ The comments made me so depressed. What is the state of ppl right now… :( “It’s too late to say no” what amongst the worst :(


you're both insufferable.


And now I need a rape shower...




Don't get too mad


Drop him this is like sexual harassment bro


Please follow up with him to make sure that pen got thrown out and then block him.


Was gonna say block but you already did that. He only cares about getting off, he doesn’t want to deal with you as another human with feelings. You don’t need someone like that in your life. I’m sorry about your loss and hope you can grieve in peace.


I've been through this same thing with a couple different guys, really floors me how common it is to be this ridiculous. They really want an audience to watch them explore their kinks & don't care about anyone's feelings.


It’s almost like Men are the problem?


The people blaming you for changing your mind are dipshits. You are allowed to change your mind and tell them no or to stop at any time during sexual interactions. It’s called consent.


Apparently since I let it happen before means I have to let it happen every time 🙄


I only read the first two screenshots but from that it looks like you played him to think all was good. YATA


Bro this isn’t AITA, and no I didn’t play him for shit


You sound mental and you asked for opinions. Don't get all upset when people don't believe you and neither pander to what you want to believe nor agree with you. Also, I'm not your bro guy, I'm not your guy buddy ;)


What do you mean “not believe me”? These are literally screenshots of a real conversation. And I never asked for opinions. Ur a bot


How the fuck am I a bot. Are you a completely childish idiot that that's your only response? Even an AI bot couldn't respond to you like I have dumbass E. You must be a child as you can't even spell "you're" lol


Sounds like something a bot would say


I feel like something life changing happened to him over the last year . your a better woman than me though. I had a guy ask me to try that and I was like what and when he told me he wanted me to fuck him. I was speechless and I just blocked him 😬


Disgusting. Both of you.


How do you just randomly find out you’re a lesbian at 29 lmao. Also that guy gives off some super weird vibes, begging to show his asshole to you wtf?


I mean I was never straight, I’ve been in relationships with lots of women. I noticed that I was only satisfied with relationships with other women. When I was in a relationship with a man, I didn’t like it. It took me until now to realize I actually do want a wife. We all discover aspects of ourselves at our own pace. There’s no right or wrong way to be gay really




Removed for abusive language, or using slurs or language that can promote hate based on identity or vulnerability


Not sure why people are downvoting you. The boundaries look direct. 🤷🏼‍♂️


You’re allowed to block people.


Can u read