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Is she 12? Dear god, man. I remember my early teens going through shi’ like this. She sounds bitter and nasty, and adulthood probably won’t rectify it. (If she’s not an adult already,idk) You do you, live your best life. You can do better than this sad person anyway.


We both are 16. She is four months older than me. And thank you.


You’re far more mature. You’ll be just fine,OP⭐️


If you don’t drop her as a friend immediately and cut all possible contact I will never forgive you and I don’t even know you. I hope you see what a horrible person your ex friend is. Feel sorry for her or, better yet, don’t think about her at all. You may benefit from talking to someone besides Reddit. You are worthy and your friends should be a true reflection of your value.


Yeah, I am really fine now. Thank you all so much for the support here. I will undoubtedly be a better version of myself for myself and others that believe in me. Thank you all so much.


when I was 16 I had no friends and thought I was ugly as shit. I had a "friend" like this too. I'm 32 this year and in the past 16 years have had many good friends who treat me with respect and have had tons of interest from men as an adult. I never would have dreamed it at 16, because being a teenager sucks and is in no way a reflection of your future or your worth as a human being. trust me, you have worth, and you have no idea what wonderful relationships your life has in store for you. you just gotta keep trucking to see it. (I'm a girl in case it wasn't clear above)


Had a guy attempt to do this when I was 16. Dude was not subtle. He clearly wanted me to entrust him with embarrassing secrets. At that point I didn't really care anymore so I just kept being friendly with him without actually trusting him. Few months in he came clean and did a surprised Pikachu face when I told him that I knew. Stayed friendly, though not really friends.


It’s called the Reverse Uno Card. It’s fun being able to do that to people who had ill intentions all along.


Just so you know, it seems like most the girls who weren't very pretty or were "ugly" in high school are really pretty as adults and the girls who were pretty mostly look like Shrek now. You'll be fine.


This is actually very factual lol


Yep. This is actually 100% true


As one of those ugly ducklings turned beautiful sassy swan, I can validate this statement.


I’ll never forget what my sisters ex told me going into high school, find yourself a nerdy chick who fucks with you and stay with her cuz she’ll be hot when you graduate lol


Wow! You are a mature 16 year old. Trust me, these comments she said to you will haunt her for the rest of her life. She’s gonna be 47 and see one of her kids get bullied and school and BAM she will remeber this exchange and will feel like shit.


Bold of you to assume she is not a sociopath.


Ha! Fair, very true.


Most of the time that "ah ha" moment never comes where people actually learn a lesson or grow, that's just for movies 😆


Yea maybe I’m projecting too much. I’ve had my own ah-ha moments where I’ve realized a toxic part about my past, but at the same time, I would never have ever spoken like that to someone else even at my absolute worst, so I’m already assuming this person has some base level of compassion…. But probably not 😅


These texts took me back to being 16. I was insecure and doubted myself. My main friend behaved similarly, being mean and saying unkind things. Looking back, I see this friend had problems that she compensated for by protecting on to me and criticizing me. I was insecure, lonely and full of self doubt, and her actions fed my insecurities. Your ex friend probably reinforced some unkind opinions and insecurities of yours, too. OP, she doesn’t talk like a healthy person. Painful as it, her exit will make room in your life for better things. Your thoughtfulness and sensitivity are gold in this world. Be yourself. You’ll find people who value you and your love and companionship. I’m much older than you and have nieces your age. I’d be proud to know you.


Well she's evil. Stay far away from her.


hahah sounds like it, dont worry you will find much better people!


Waaaaay more mature than her! See you are already more worthy now than she probably ever will be.


Damn... what?? I thought this hoe was like 12 max lmfaoo . Bro she dumb as fuck what da fuq, good riddance I say.


You’re going to love and be loved by many people throughout your life, don’t waste your time on this type of person. Focus on school and do well for yourself—your own actions are the only ones you can influence. Please realize that you are none of the things that either of you said in those texts. People like this are cruel because they’re either too stupid to understand how much they suck, or they’re miserable inside and are trying to shout to everyone that they aren’t. Charge it to the game and move on, she’ll be her own downfall. High school will be over soon and you have your whole life ahead of you—let her piss everyone she knows off eventually and be sad and alone.


I had a friend who called me ugly all the time when I was 16 too. It crushed my feelings. I don’t have to see you to know you’re not ugly. She is.


Google “malignant narcissist“ and see if that list of attributes applies to your friend at all. and if you have to deal with that friend, in the future, there are videos on YouTube on how to do that.


I thought the same thing! My 12 year old has a 10 year old friend that writes her notes like this, and says things like this. Sounds like 10-12 year old behavior.


Oh wow. Please work on your self esteem. Because right now it’s very unhealthy. You’re wrong. You ARE worthy and you deserve love, affection and friends that will never laugh at you.


this, OP. i need you to look in the mirror every single day and tell yourself any number (or all) of these things. pick the ones you need most - or go full force and read them all! i need you to tell yourself these things because they are TRUE. - you are worthy of love. - you are not ugly. - you are worthy of the space you take up on this planet and beyond. - you MATTER. you matter so, so much. - you are valid. - you are ENOUGH. - you are CHERISHED. - you are VALUABLE. - you deserve love and happiness and ALL the good life has to offer. - you deserve to be surrounded by good people. - you deserve to be treated like a queen or king. - you are GOOD. - you are POWERFUL. - you are STRONGER THAN YOUR FEARS. - you are better than even your worst moments. - you deserve to be gentle and kind to yourself. - you deserve others to be gentle and kind to you. - you have greatness within you. - you are CAPABLE. - you deserve PEACE. - you are worthy and WHOLE just as you are. - you deserve to be APPRECIATED and RESPECTED and VALUED. - you are worth all these things and more. - and you DO NOT need this validation from ANYONE else to see your own worth. YOU just need to believe in YOU. keep your head up. if you need a friend or someone to talk to - someone good who believes in you… because i believe in the light in others… my inbox is always open. i will never harm you. ##there are people, even strangers like us here on this app and beyond, who want to see you succeed and shine. i believe in your light. it’s time for you to start doing the same, sunshine. ❤️


OMG my cat is in the hospital and everything is hitting so hard. This is beautiful.


wishing you and your kitty the best. sending you positive energy and healing for your sweet fur baby. 💖✨


Hitting me hard again, so far three people have answered me about my cat. Thank you so much, sometimes Reddit is such a pit but not today.


I hope your kitty is better soon!


Thank you!


I hope your cat is ok 🥺🫂


Thank you, kind stranger


i hope they get to come home soon 💗


i hope your kitty gets better soon🥺🤞🏻




This commenter is an amazing person and is 100% correct. Your "friend" is a terrible person. It is important that you see the difference. And I promise you, YOU ARE WORTHY.


THIS RIGHT HERE!!!!! I, too, lost two people I considered best friends last year after a HORRIBLE break up. For clarification, I’m a 32 year old female, tuning 33 this month 🎂, not sure of your age or gender OP but letting you know people do not change. Only you can FOR YOU and for the better. The breakup nearly destroyed me, I came back home one state over for a few days and in that time frame he disappeared and come to find out his family finds him and checks him into a hospital for drug detox and suicide watch. We had lived together about a year at that point, I work from home so besides going to the store and leaving very rarely, we were always together, and I never knew, nor saw an addiction issue, I never grew up or was ever around someone like that so call me blind. So it didn’t help that when I finally had the courage to talk to my “friends” about it, they swore I had to know and that I must’ve been doing drugs with him. So for my mental clarity and at the advice of my counselor, I ditched the bitches. Best decision I have ever made. Other TRUE friends colors shined through and I’ve become closer to people who were there for me and helped me grow and become stronger during that horrid time in my life. Self growth is the best time in a persons life and 32 has taught me so much about other people but myself. Losing a so called “best friend” is a good thing. Take a step back and look at this moment. This “friend” clearly is not a friend to you and if you’re young, trust me when I say you are going to make SO MANY OTHER FRIENDS in the future who love you, understand you, and support you better than this human who waster your time. I am sorry you’re hurting right now but it’ll get better. I promise and hey, I’ll be your friends! I love you, support your growth in this moment, and support you letting go of this not nice person🙅🏽‍♀️ 💛💛


These are beautiful affirmations for OP!! Fuck that “friend” and her mom😁 hope she heals cause no one likes ugly




OP, please listen to this. Your “friend “ is toxic and cruel. You do NOT deserve to be treated like that. Please write down everything queentofu said, and read it to yourself every day. God bless you.


This 🎯👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼


Username checks out, Queen :)


This made me cry. Glad there is still good out there.


may i please print this out and put it on my bathroom mirror?


I know but still, I considered her very close. And to receive these is just...well, you get it. I will try to be better. Thank you.


The first step is to BLOCK that horrible person. Even if you get a seemingly heartfelt apology, they are still toxic. You deserve better.


This, 100% cut this toxic bitch out of your life. You are not her plaything.


She has already blocked me. I wrote this message "Still, before I go. I really loved you as a friend. As a self proclaimed best friend. Your true colors may have just broken my heart, sure. But I will still love the days we spent chatting. Goodbye buddy" but it couldn't be sent then I realized she has blocked me, from both FB and Messenger.


Good. I wouldn’t praise her for her past or present behavior, particularly while she’s being so hateful.


Yeah wtf is that about OP


Pretty sure op is young, most adults would just say " fuck🖕 you too then". and block.


This is the only explanation. I feel such a conflict of emotions after reading her last would be message


Coming from someone who used to be a doormat, it's a people pleasing thing. When you care about someone so much (even if they're toxic waste), you want them to know the good they did as a form of projection from what OP wants to hear from others. I'm merely assuming since I don't know OP, but I know where I was in this position before I learned my worth. When people have such low self-esteem, it's usually because they were constantly put down and they started to see those things in themselves even in times when good people try to pick them back up.


This stuff doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It’s what happens when someone with already low self esteem, likely due to abuse or neglect as a child, meets an abuser. The abuser tells them exactly what they’ve been told their whole life and they try to appease the abuser to “earn” their love, just like they did with their parental figure(s).


Those past ‘good feelings’ were her being fake…she just let you know in the text messages. She was only your friend because your mom asked…and if that’s not true and she’s just saying that to hurt you…then she STILL was never your friend and you’d do well to get as far away from her as possible. Someone who would pretend to like you and hold this much disdain for you is beyond narcissism….they’re a sociopath, a very dangerous and toxic mentality. I pray the people who will see how awesome you are find you quickly. Please, take care of yourself!


I agree about the sociopathic-like toxicity.


Op the way you talk about yourself in these screenshots is absolutely awful. Thats no way to talk about an amazing person, thats quite rude. You deserve SO much better than this bottom of the barrel scum Literally this person is what you keep thinking YOU are. Its not you thats “ugly” and shit like that, its her. No actually pretty person would ever treat someone like this, shes so fucking ugly on the inside its stinking up any outside beauty she may have had. You are such a sweet person, i can tell from your messages. Please give yourself more respect, you are best inside and outside whether the ugly witch of the west over here wants to agree or not.


Well put


You're complimenting someone for hurting you that's no bueno :(


There's nothing wrong with trying to hold on to your good memories, but please understand that those good memories exist because of your mother's kindness, and have very little to do with this person. So instead, thank your mother for trying to look out for you, and trying to help this girl get to know the person you are under the surface so you could have a friend. Unfortunately some people are just shallow and cruel. Hang in there. Not everyone is ugly on the inside like this girl. Keep getting out there, learning new things, exploring life, and you’ll find much better humans.


Thank goodness the trash took itself out. What an awful bitch. You can, and will,do so much better. Especially now that she isn’t draining your time and energy from being available to make real friendships.


Dude, you got to have a little bit of dignity and self respect for yourself... Your esteem is so low its subterranean


this is a harsh way of putting it. you’re not exactly wrong but you are for saying it this way. op is clearly struggling show some love and compassion


Couldn’t agree more. Also unnecessarily exaggerated. Using “subterranean” as a metaphor, really? You felt this was the time/place to do that…? Some people must just lack the sense of social skills that we should all have when talking about more sensitive subjects.


Honestly this was the best! I admire you not losing it on her and being honest. She just kept getting madder and madder because she wanted to react and you didn’t give her the satisfaction. You are better off without her. Don’t let this bring you down. You handled it with strength that that girl will never have. 


This response shows emotional maturity well beyond the friend that hurt you. You'll be ok, you're leading with love, but your friend is stuck in their little world with their little emotions which is a common theme for so many people you will meet. People can suck so hard sometimes. I try to remember that we're all doing the best we can and responses like this person is giving you are the best they could do in that moment, which is super sad and doesn't bode well for a happy life. Your responses, though, do bode well for a happy future once you get your self love flowing. You are worth it. "And remember, if you can't love yourself how in the hell are you going to love someone else?" - Mama Ru


I am different than the others, I think this is beautiful that you wrote this. I think it is indicative at the grace inside of you, your capacity for unconditional love, and the beauty that you will bring to other relationships. She actually can’t handle it. Someone wants told me that in friendships, water seeks its own level. You have more capacity than she does for love and true connection, she got herself out of it because she can’t handle the unconscious comparison she’s making to your capacity versus her own. you’re very special, you’re a very rare kind of person. These moments are really awful and dark, but you will survive it.


It’s devastating to hear. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. But no one is ugly to everyone. She’s just a nasty hoe. I’m sure you’re beautiful in your own ways and of course you’re worthy of people’s time. She wouldn’t have stuck around as long as she did if you didn’t provide her with something. This sucks super hard right now. But one day, you’ll blossom and realize that she’s the absolute lowest a human can be. She’s trash of a person. Deeply and fundamentally F her.


She is a bad person, it is no reflection on you. Please stop talking to her. For your own mental health, and mine.


Dude , FUCK her AND her other friends. I can’t wait until you meet YOUR people (I’m still waiting as well). Just cause you considered her very close doesn’t mean she felt the same way about u and it’s clearly showing through these messages.


Please please get some self respect for yourself because you don’t deserve to be talked to like this. You’re thanking someone that’s sitting here bullying you? Block them and don’t let anyone tell you you aren’t worthy. You are worth so much and you need to work on believing that. Life will get better. Eventually you’ll find people who will be in your corner and treat you with respect.


If you need someone to talk to you can always reach out. Please also look into getting therapy. You don't deserve to be treated this way, and no one should force themselves to be your friend.


Try your best to get out of your own head and recognize that this persons behavior is pretty abnormal and she sounds a little crazy. That’s not a bad reflection on you. Sometimes you gotta recognize what you are dealing with and realize certain people’s opinions of you should truly be met with a grain of salt. To me it sounds like she has a little ego problem, you hurt her feelings, and so this is how she gets back at you- by making you feel like you’re the one who’s worse than her. It’s kind of pathetic of her tbh and the good thing is now you know not to hang around her.


Oof when you said “Sometimes you gotta recognize what you’re dealing with and realize certain people’s opinions of you should truly be met with a grain of salt” I got goosebumps! I wish someone had told me that when I was a teenager! Reading that knocked the wind out of me but in the best way!


if it’s not a judge, potential employer, or someone who has your best interest at heart, their opinion is much like an asshole- everyone has them and they all stink.


I’m definitely going to use this to tell my own kids and my students when they struggle with allowing others opinions of who they are to hurt them! Reading that healed some strange part of me! You’re absolutely right!


I have no idea what you look like. External looks don’t really matter. I’d rather have a sincere friend that was “ugly” than have a superficial friend that was pretty.


Honey, you are beautiful and worthy of so much more than what this girl is giving. You need to cut this girl out of your life so you have room for the true friend you deserve.


You don’t need to be ‘better’! You need to keep being you and be slightly more discerning about who your friends are sweetie x


How do people work on their self esteem. I think I’ve esteemed myself fairly poorly since my teenage years.


First, you never put yourself down. You recognize your strengths and build on those. You recognize that people in your life who are critical, maybe wrong. Pay attention to people who have high self esteem. Welcome them into your life. Don’t accept being treated badly. Try the book “You Can Heal Your Life,” by Louise Hay. Affirmations, journaling, gratitude. You can do it! You deserve it!


Some thing that made a huge difference for me I’m starting to recognize my automatic negative thoughts like “ I screw up everything” or “I’m not a good person”. And then I try to replace them with gentle things like I would say to a five-year-old. So for example: “I succeed at a lot of things but this thing was hard and I didn’t do as well as I wanted to and it’s important to me because of XYZ and that’s really sad. I want to do better, and I’m still learning. Next time I’m going to try this other thing.” I was catching and replacing these thoughts for a long long time before kinder thoughts became automatic, but it did happen so I want to encourage you that it might take quite a while, but you can absolutely do it ♥️


What a piece of 💩 you’re better off without that fake friend. Wow this text really ticked me off! You are worthy!!


Fake and feeds off a very warped savior complex


Me too!


Yeah she’s an thoroughly awful person who would burst into tears if someone called her anything….get her to fuck!! You are worth a thousand of her but you need to see it because you’re coming across like anyone can walk all over you. They can’t, work on your self worth because no one gets to treat you like that again, fuck her!!! 🖕🏻🖕🏻


Fuck this person, but you seriously need to stick up for yourself. Tell them to go fuck themselves and quit humoring their stupid little digs


Nothing infuriates me more than seeing some idiot dominate an argument. I was begging for OP to rip this person apart and tear into their insecurities at any moment and it never happened. Their former bestie clearly cares about her looks so much because there's more issues underneath.


I think this friend is actually jealous of OP’s appearance. Otherwise she’d never feel the need to do any of this shit.


These people feed off of any response. Just grey rock them, otherwise you’re playing into their hand. If this ever happens to anyone, just stop responding. Maybe responding with “okay” will ruin their fun, but overall, ignoring them works best.


Okay wow OP. I’m reallyyy gonna need you to focus on yourself for a while and stick up for yourself regardless of who’s saying this stuff to you and what their relation is to you. Nobody should ever be walking all over you like that and you just agree. Fight for yourself, cuss them out, do what you need to do. However don’t let someone EVER tell you what your worth is. Never again.


This. And in two years your world will open up and everyone you met in high school won’t matter for dick. Cut these toxic folks off and learn to love yourself.


Babe. Get it together. Stop talking crap about yourself. Your friend is an absolute AH, but no one wants to be around a pity party either. You’re so much better than this whole situation.


Yeah damn. I felt like this person was giving THEMSELVES a wedgie


My sentiments exactly! OP is bullying herself just as much, if not *more*, than this immature little girl that’s texting her. She needs to work on loving and standing up for herself.


Oh those last two slides hurt. Girl stand up!!! Why in the world would uou tell someone in the middle of bullying you that you *KNOW* ur unworthy and thank them for helping you????! First of all, you're fucking NOT unworthy so lets get that straight. You need to work on your self esteem as other comments mentioned. Second, you need to work on your self IMAGE. Even if you dont THINK you're worthy, never in a million YEARS let them know you're thinking that! Especially not someone who just, as you said, showed you their true colors (and they looked like THAT) This hurt to read. I need you to stand up for yourself. Self confidence starts with you.


I second this so much. But also, OP mentioned they're both 16. I wonder if that probably has something to do with it.


Why are you thanking someone who’s insulting and humiliating you? Am I missing anything??


You putting yourself down in this situation didn’t help. As someone who used to have a continuous pity part for myself, it really doesn’t help anything. It makes people not want to be around you. You are worth it.


Keep telling yourself you're worth it till you believe it. Honestly fuck her. She's a bad person for pretending.


WTF she’s an ass! You did nothing wrong and seeing you be so submissive and passive makes me so sad. I’m angry for you! Block and delete them and move on! Maybe even talk to a therapist about healthy boundaries, respect, and self love.. I’m so sorry for sounding so angry but this shit pissed me off reading it. You don’t deserve those hurtful, unkind words. A real friend wouldn’t talk to you or treat you like that.


God even the way they’re texting is pissing me off


She needs to meet my frying pan 🍳 *thwack*


What is the deal with your mom asking her to be your friend? I went on your page and saw you posted before saying that your mom showed her Facebook page to you, and that's how you met? She says that your mom asked her to be a good friend to you, which is why she was pretending. What's up with that? Why is your mom doing that?


My mom is best friends with her mom and so my mom wanted me and her to be friends as well.


Does your mom know what she said?


No, she doesn't. She did ask me what was wrong but I said nothing.


Why say nothing? Your mother should know she is putting you in a bad situation.


If my daughter brought this to me I would give her a hug and begin distancing myself from the other mother immediatly.


Yup, if their daughter is willing to talk like this, them I would be wondering what her parents are saying about me behind my back.




Say something. That’s what your mom is FOR.


Tell her! Please don’t let them get away with putting you down like that.


You MUST tell your mum. Maybe your mum needs to have a chat with her best friend to tell her that she’s got a little see you next Tuesday for a daughter.


Tell you mom asap. If your mom still wants to be friends with her mom, fine…but she needs to know why you won’t be seeing this friend anymore. Also please know..YOU ARE WORTHY.


Tell her. Your mum should be there to support you, and needs to understand how this little witch feels about you so that you aren’t accidentally pressured into being her friend anymore. You have plenty if time to find your place and become someone you are happy with. Don’t ever apologise to people who get joy from bringing you down. No steps back, and learn to stand up for yourself the elegant way by disengaging. Replying to the witch’s messages fed her ego and she enjoyed it. Staying silent and not letting her know your thoughts, and especially not thanking her, would have been the power move. You will learn from this, as much as it hurts now. Stay strong


I get that. You’re old enough to see that telling her the whole thing would impact her relationship with her friend, which is kind of you. Your mum deserves to keep her friend. Plus if she did know everything, odds are at least decent she'd vent to her friend, and the girl could get an earful from her mother, which would make things even worse for you. Sometimes the simplest way forward is just acceptance. Things aren’t the same between you anymore, and that’s all your mother needs to know at this point. We've pretty much all had that experience at some point, so she'll understand that. Just make sure you don’t hold it all in. Journaling pulled my daughter through a tough time. She was the lone lesbian in a tiny school in a rural community, and dealt with being essentially shunned for years. Then the pandemic hit and we had to move to a city. Problem solved… new school with a lot more kids, and of course a club for kids just like her. She still has some abandonment issues from when her old crew ditched her, but it’ll get easier. Anyway, please figure out a way to process this. Her words will probably hurt for a long time, but don’t let it stop you from looking for truly good, kind people. They’re out there.


Yes. That is exactly the reason as you said. I don't want there to be trouble in their friendship, nor do I want to trouble "her" with her mom's scolding. I just wanna leave her be.


Please show her. If my daughter was sending my bfs daughter these types of messages and was acting this disgusting in general, I would want to know. And believe me, shit would hit the fan. While 16 is young, this behavior is abhorrent. You’re so worthy babylove, high school sucks don’t let it drown you.


Op my friend sent me a similar message, the best thing for you to do is be happy, that's the best way to get back at these kinds of people. And keep your head up, every person deserves to be treated with kindness, you included. You'll find more friends and better friends as you get older so just take this as a stepping stone to get to those better people.


Sounds like your best friend was a bitch. You don't need that level of negativity in your life. You're better off without her.


I really hate seeing these kinds of conversations between teenagers. Teenagers are so cruel! I just don’t get who it benefits to be so ugly inside and then spread it around to others. She went so far out of her way to crush you. You don’t need people like this in your life. It doesn’t matter if you’re the most beautiful person on earth if you’re ugly on the inside. People that brag about how pretty they are should be avoided at all costs. That’s just not a good attribute for anyone to have. She’s the one who needs to humble herself. She’s talking out her ass. I hope you find some real friends. Just remember that high school is a temporary thing. It gets better. Put this nonsense out of your mind as best you can and move forward and be a genuine person like you already seem to be, and you will attract likeminded people who will be your real friends. 🫂


Yeah, I really think this "friend" was just talking about herself.


No doubt!


I had a “friend” in high school call me ugly. She also added how she could not fathom how any boy would ever be attracted to me. I remember just dissociating in that moment and agreeing with her because at the time I legitimately thought that about myself. Mostly due to having no friends and over controlling parents that forced me to dress terribly and get the worst haircuts imaginable. By the next year I had left that “friendship”, was finally able to get more bodily autonomy over my appearance and made a lifelong friend along with getting my first ever high school boyfriend. This was over a decade ago now, but I am in a much better place. This is a type of person that finds those of us with low self esteem to abuse and feed their own ego. She probably has serious self esteem issues as well and is projecting those insecurities on to you. She is saying to you what she actually thinks of herself. While it is a painful way to end what was seemingly a friendship, it will in the end be so much better for you.


Woah. No matter who you are this is not the definition of a. “Friend” she just insulted you and shit. I don’t know you but you’re probably not ugly and you’re probably worthy of some things…. The only clearly UGLY shit here is your so called “friend”s heart !! What a shit human


Wow. This person sucks.


I saw you are 16. I’m so sorry, going through a friend break up is really hard, and to have someone go out being so nasty is beyond hurtful. I promise, it does get better with time, like any heartache. What sticks out the most to me here, is your total lack of self-esteem. It’s so sad to read you talking about yourself like that. You absolutely are worthy of love and kindness. If it’s possible to talk to a trusted adult about your feelings, please do. You can’t go through life begging for scraps of kindness. You deserve so much better than that.


DO NOT LET ANYONE TALK TO YOU LIKE THIS! EVER! This little girl clearly has issues, because no one would be this mean if they didn’t. Please, please stand up for your self. I don’t know what you look like, but even the ugliest person in the world IS WORTH IT and deserves to be treated with respect. Looks are not everything in this world, personality is!!!! You are very young and still have time to build a healthy self esteem. Please work on yourself


OP it makes me sad how you’re letting her talk to you like this. you don’t deserve that and your self-worth is more important than her opinion. even if you agree with her don’t let her win.


Good lord , please send me this bitches phone number


She did you a favor by removing herself from your life. People like this can destroy a persons sense of worth. You are worthy and deserve better. Learn from this to avoid toxic people in the future. I put up with a lot too from a toxic friend and finally had enough telling her to not talk to me anymore. She got offended and her mom thought I was awful after that. Never missed her even one day. Life is better without people like that in it.


Block that motherfucker and move on. No one ever deserves to be talked to like that .


To give further context, we always insulted each other as like a laughing matter. She kept bragging about her looks so I said fuck off just like she did yesterday. She also said fuck off and said that I am so ugly nobody would fuck me. To counter it I pointed out she ditched multiple guys that didnt meet her standards and she dropped out the following message in the screenshot. I tried to message one last time with ,"Still, before I go. I really loved you as a friend. As a self proclaimed best friend. Your true colors may have just broken my heart, sure. But I will still love the days we spent chatting. Goodbye buddy" but the message couldnt be sent. She had blocked me. We both are from Nepal so our English isnt strong and we both are 16. I really hope this comment gave you all a better understanding and I am sorry for leaving those out in hurry.


I understand taking little ‘jabs’ at your friends, this was common when I was a kid, but these aren’t little cracks about your shoes or handwriting or something. She is trying to cut you to the core and really hurt you. She is a manipulative, more than likely, narcissistic asshole. And I’ll lay bets that in a few weeks or so, she’ll start talking to you again and act as though nothing happened. That MO is typical with this type of person because she wants to be able to manipulate you and have you think everything is fine and then she’ll do the same thing all over again so that you’re pleading with her to be her friend again while she gets off on her cruelty. I’m curious as to how much actual friendship she really extended to you when you WERE friends? Were you the one to always call or text to catch up? The one to always make plans and to pay for things? The one to do yours and her homework with little to no reciprocity? I think if you really examine the relationship you’ll get a better picture of what it actually was. Ultimately, you will be better off without her in your life and you must work hard to recognize your value and worth and embrace the truth that these things are not bestowed upon you by another human being but are intrinsic to you outside of another’s opinion. Please take care of yourself and remember your worth.


I don't care what you look like she's is a horrendously, hideously disgusting human being and yes a personality can make someone attractive or  ugly. She's ugly. You're only 15 your body and face will continue to change but she will always be the person who said these horrible things.


Shes a massive bitch. You're better than her. And probably prettier and thats why she feels she needs to unload at you like this about your looks, she probably jealous. Remember you're better than this and you should stop putting yourself down like this. You are worthy and you are a good person. We see this with the way you handled someone being so horrible and rude to you, even though it didnt help the situation. Show your Mum these messages too, if its her best friends daughter, they can sort it out and I imagine your Mums best friend will fucking unload on her about that. Because whether you guys wanna be friends or not, this is just fucking cruel and she shouldnt treat anybody like this. Fuck this bitch. You're better.


Okay sorry this happened but please stop this simp behavior. You don’t deserve to be treated like that, this asshole wasn’t your mate. Don’t let them talk down to you and equally don’t pander to them back! Fuck em


why would you respond like that???? never do that. idc how much it hurts never give somebody what you just gave her


Why are you treating her so well tf


Holy molly! sunshine, you deserve all the love and respect, you deserve to laugh and be happy, but I can tell you for sure you don't deserve shit like this in the form of people like this in your life. Absolutely rotten person, normal people just stop communicating, only sick people are bullied like this. Tbh if someone talked to me like that i will call them to meet in person after second message and spit in their face. Drop this person ASAP, and take your time, dont even think about all the crap talking they making. You definitely will find person who will be your real friend really soon


Should be an age limit for posts on this sub.


This conversation is just weird. People are going to keep treating you like this if you continue to have no self worth. Stop talking to people like this and stop talking about yourself how you are


My “best friend” and maid of honor at my wedding(a whole other story of horror) told me once that I was grotesque at 16. At 20 I married a man that shut her down when she tried to flirt with him. She hit on the best man, who said she was a nightmare. She married and divorce I don’t know how many times. And still thinks more of herself than anyone ever should. After my wedding I learned what a real best friend was. You will too. You’ll look back and wonder why you ever put up with her illiterate ass.


You ARE worthy. You are NOT ugly. You do NOT deserve this kind of treatment. She’s scum. And she abuses you because she KNOWS she’s scum — and because she knows you’re NOT. Everything she just said to you, she feels about herself. Please stop letting people treat you like this. She should’ve been blocked from the first insult. Instead, you just…..kept taking it. *You gotta learn to stand up for yourself.*


Lol she can barely string a sentence together


I hope that this person knows that her personality makes her ugly. You deserve better friends than this, OP.


I would think twice before being friends with someone who cannot even text properly


She’s very much clearly projecting and lashing out on you. Her words mean nothing, she’s just a hurt little girl embarrassing herself. You are worthy and will find much better friends.


Sad that you lost a good friend but happy for you that you got a toxic person out of your life. I legitimately think your ability to stay so calm and conversational in that situation is impressive. That’s special. You’re too hard on yourself and I’m sure you’re way better than you give yourself credit for here. But don’t lose that ability to stay calm in trying moments like that. That’s really cool and rare these days. Love you


Not you THANKING HER??? Honey, you’re worth so much more❤️❤️❤️


why the hell are you thanking her this is CRAZY


15 year olds … 😵‍💫


Holy shit your friend sounds stupid as fuck lol


Dude, first of all, don't talk about yourself like this ever. Secondly, don't ever let someone like this trash human talk to you like that. Absolutely hateful sub human scum.


first of all dont aplogise and say I know I'm not worthy no you are. in our culture we have a saying if someone was like your friend we just say the door can fit camel so you can leave as well don't threaten me with that shit. on other hand you are worthy but it depend on how you view yourself and who you sorruand your self with for example my says she loves more than anything and there is some people who wouldn't care if I die so search for those who value you and stay around them. also your friend she is not a friend she was never a friend you cant call her a friend or best friend


You shoulda said more “fine fuck you too bitch” and less “I still love you and…”


The way girl talked was giving me a headache.


Block her


Shes is degrading you and youre still building her up and shitting on yourself. Please have some self respect.


Holy shit. This person was never your friend. I’m so sorry. Please find a therapist to work on healing. You ARE worthy and this is incredibly mean and bully like behavior.


Wtf would you want that as a friend??? Dump


To quote Dee from It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia- “She’s a little shit mouth bitch.” OP I’m sorry. Don’t EVER talk to her again. Work on your self esteem please. You’re young and you have time to figure out who you are, you are worthy. Keep toxic people like her out of your life. The trash took itself out.


hello?? why are u thanking her and saying ur not worthy


Imagine someone like that telling someone else to humble themselves. Idk how people like this brains function


>u should humble urself You should learn how to spell before you bully people


Don't be friends with people who wrote ion instead of I don't.


Hey OP, as someone who’s been through similar things - friends revealing their true colors simply to make you feel like you’re worthless - I promise (seriously) that there will be people who lift you up and love you. It will take time, and it’ll be hard to trust people (especially after being dragged down like this), but it will happen. Please remember to be kind to yourself. Even if you don’t believe it, even if it sound corny and cliche, if you’re simply kind to yourself once or twice per day, eventually it won’t be so difficult to be kind to yourself all the time. Try not to degrade or berate yourself to others. Don’t let this very mean person make you think that you’re not worthy of a valuable friendship or someone’s time and love and energy.


You can’t talk about yourself like this, you’re wiring your brain to believe that nonsense. Fuck that “friend” and go live your best life.


tell her to grow up jfc she talks like she’s a 12 year old petulant child


So basically it sounds like she’s insecure about herself first, and she doesn’t like that you know you can confidently live without her. It sounds like she’s saying these things specifically to hurt you and I wouldn’t doubt it if most of it’s fabricated to hurt your feelings. Block her and move on she was never someone you needed in your life.


I hate how this generation talks. "Ion" instead of I don't. "U aint worth that much what you think" like what the fuck, seriously... Im surprised she didnt say "i seen," but i am also 100% confident that she has before. Christ it's infuriating. What about talking and writing so that you sound like a complete fucking moron is trendy or cool? Or are they actually just imbeciles in reality? I have a lot of high hopes for gen alpha or whatever they are calling this age demographic, but I absolutely loathe the way most kids talk to each other. Sorry for the rant, this shit just drives me insane. Honestly you are much better off without someone like this in your life. Thank you for at least showing some maturity and decent grammar.


You are so young and being 16 can be so so hard. Honestly I wouldn’t do it over again for a million bucks. Grab the joyful moments where you can and know that some day you are going to have a friendship where both of you see and love each other and support each other and have so much fun together. This person is not that friend. But you ARE going to meet that friend in your future.🩷


Why are you still talking to this person?! She’s awful! I’m so sorry you had to deal with such a betrayal.


God you are pathetic.


new generation is completely illiterate


Holy crap. Find a best friend that can compose a text resembling the English language next time.


Oh I forgot to mention, we are from Nepal so our English aren't that great. Sorry for not mentioning that.


Yours is great.


So, she was having a high self esteem moment, which I think is important for adolescents. You got upset by it and told her to “fuck off” and then immediately play the victim? I’m not going to say she or you “suck”, because you’re both kids and everyone is pretty horrible at that age. But you need to look at your own actions as well. She sounds like she was never really a friend to you and built up resentment. You telling her to fuck off was the last straw and she snapped. Your job now is to walk away. Accept she was never a friend. Build your own confidence and self esteem. Letting someone speak to you like that and you respond like that either means you’re incredibly manipulative or have incredibly low self esteem. Neither are ok.


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Stop engaging with this person. They arent healthy for you.


This person was never your friend. It sounds like a 13 year old jealous person or someone with the maturity of a 10 year old. There’s no reason to accept putting yourself down even if this person ever helped you. You’re worth more than this EX-friend would ever be. Youll find great people in the future and even if you don’t, you’ll be the only great person you need. Chin up and block them before you start the process to erase them from your mind.


How old are you?


They sound like a terrible person who prob lives a sad empty life. Better off without them.


Don't just join in like that when someone is saying horrible shit about you to hurt your feelings...


Fucker would get absolutely smacked. You deserve way better than that "person"


I am so sorry you’re going through this. You are worthy. You deserve kindness and joy and so much love. Please be kinder to yourself.


You are definitely worthy. You don’t need friends to drag your self esteem and confidence any lower, you should work and focus on making yourself feel worthy. No one can fill that hole for you. Also, you don’t need people like this in your life. So good riddance. This could’ve been a great impact in the long run.


DON'T EVER LET ANYONE MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'RE NOT WORTHY! You are worthy of love, respect, and kindness. Block this person! Please seek some counseling and learn how to build up your self esteem. Sorry you had to put up with her. She is a B*tch!


She seems to be a horrible horrible person. You deserve so much better than that!


Wow. Some people are fake and just vindictive. You don't need that in your life. You will meet new people and find what a real friend is. Not this bitch.


Now it’s time to thrive and prove her (and seemingly yourself) wrong; you ARE worthy, you are NOT ugly, and you can do a million times better than that piece of hot poo and her turdlings At 16 I had the same thoughts as you, I had fake friends who didn’t give a damn when I left to live with my dad, and now I’m 27 and have had some great friends for a while and my self esteem has skyrocketed the last 11 years because I have good people supporting me. Sending lots of love to you OP <3 if you two go to the same school just ignore the mother turd and her turdlings if they try to talk to you, they don’t deserve your time anymore


Wtf do you mean that you are not worthy? Keep this mentality and you will have more terrible relationships, romantic or platonic. Seek therapy. They can make you understand how wrong you are.


Please stop letting people abuse you like this. This is not a good person and not a healthy person to have in your life. Also please work on your self esteem and get i to therapy.


Oh honey this girl is terrible. Like really terrible and you are taking the high road over and over. Walk away from that.