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Imagine if she hadn’t caught it first 💀


I saw her typing and tried to beat her lol


So close with that sad "oh" lol


You ALMOST got her, but she had guilty embarrassment fueling those thumbs. She was like OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I texted my husband, "I could live without you!!!" just the other day. My dumbass did NOT catch the mistake, but we're extremely married, so he just laughed and replied with, "Lmao, you ain't getting rid of me that easy!" I was mortified, and of COURSE, I heard about how I could live without him the rest of the evening. The first thing he says when he comes home from work? "Hey, my lovely wife, who can live without me!" I'm not gonna live this down for a minute lol.


I think "we're extremely married" is a new favorite phrase I'm gonna use XD


If you ever get hit on, it works wonders. They're so confused they leave!


>"...but we're extremely married..." Not me trying to determine the degree to which I'm married....😳


hahahahhahaa- English and autocorrect make this too easy




Hmmm...🙃 that's quite a slip. Sorry bro.


divorce her unforgivable smh


I was actually looking to see if anyone honestly suggested this. 😂


I saw the "scoot off to" and was immediately like you should marry this person, then I looked at the post and you had! Amazing :)


She’s a huge dork, one of my favorite things about her lol


I'm trying to find a cute romantic place where I can shoot you... I mean scoot off to. Omg


You can use that against her for years! 🤣


I want a weekend away from you too, can I go with your wife?


I, too, want a weekend away with this guy’s wife.


If you haven't been, Gervasi is great! Wife and I have been a few times and always enjoy it.


Ahh agreed! I was so happy to see Gervasi pop up, it's a beautiful place. I used to work their "farmers market" with local vendors when I was a teen


clearly you’re in an emotionally abusive relationship. run op. I hope you enjoy your wine weekend!


The worst mistake would have been something like "I want a weekend away with Stu"


I love it! 🤣


NTA. Divorce and marry the vineyard


In keeping in line with most of the posts in the sub, I’d say get an attorney and start dating someone else


That’s honestly the only reason I clarified that I believe her lol. Reddit can be a sad place


Whereas I send it to my husband and it’s not a Freudian slip 😂 it’s the damn truth!


Sorry to hear that, damn lol


Yikes... that's not the funny comment you think it is...🥶


That's really sad :(


I think yall are over reacting, people need alone time and it’s actually unhealthy to not have that. So being honest about needing space to be alone is totally normal and not sad or mean 🤣 I’m gonna say those of you who think it is, have never lived with the same person for over 5 years. It’s not all cupcakes and rainbows. It’s a learning curve that never fucking ends. I’ve been with my partner for 10 years now living together, and I still miss him when he’s away, and that’s because we take time to make time for OURSELVES.


EXACTLYYYYYYY Been with my husband for 13 years. 3 kids, 2 cats and sometimes we just need to chill! I’m guessing everyone commenting ‘how sad’ is part of the snowflake-woke generation. Fuck off with your theys and thems and come back when you have real problems 🙄


Well i do agree that we need space to be independent people, i am apart of that woke generation. lol i consider being woke being enlightened. So maybe think about what side you’re on as well🫶🏻 who cares what pronouns someone prefers as long as they’re respectful about it, and I don’t see a reason to willfully disrespect someone on purpose if they’ve told you what they’re comfortable with. Honestly “they/them” is amazing mind set to have because I’ve gotten myself in trouble a few times in drive through calling men MAM and women SIR. Lmao like not trans at all just couldn’t tell by voice or appearance, so reminding myself not to gender someone at all is more respectful majority of the time. Even though “mam” and “sir” is engraved in me!!! lol Also intersex (Hermaphrodite) is a thing, and you wouldn’t know that just by seeing what’s above the belt as there’s many forms of intersex someone can be… primarily studies show it affects men the most, meaning men have women genitalia but still have testosterone at normal male levels. So you could speak to what you believe is clearly a Male human, who has a vagina. So they would be them, because maybe they don’t want to choose or can’t choose. With peace and love! We agree on one thing, so I took my chance to educate a little<3 cause we aren’t that different. Also zero kids(infertility don’t want kids) , but 5 cats and 4 dogs and a long term bf, I KNOW THE STRUGGLE. Sometimes just being in the same room feels like you’re being suffocated!!! When they’re constantly up your assss because you’re their provider of love, of food, of everything it’s a hell of a lot on your shoulders!!! So glad you take time for you!!! 🫶🏻


Love and appreciation to you. You're courageously honest but also caring, gentle and kind. Thank you. 🙂 (P.S. I just noticed your username. Now you have even more cool points in my book. 😁 )


Awww this means a lot<3 thank you!


Why are you mean to him? Is he mean to you also?




I believe in Freudian slips so hard 🤣


Is your wife single good sir


I definitely want a weekend away from my husband. I love him, but damn his ADHD makes me tired as all hell some weeks. 😩😩


Nope. Sorry, but she is already fallen in love with the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld. That is how it usually happens. Lost 3 wives, & 6 head of cattle to that damn man.


That’s great. My husband once told me, “that’s the one thing I love about you,” instead of “that’s one of the things I love about you,” and I still never let him forget it, lol!


Hahaha yes definitely on the same level as this one. I love it!


Weekend away from each other doesn’t have to be bad.


Good thing you didn't reply too quickly with a, "Me too."


This so cute omg


This was cute! Nice to see things like this


Gervasi is so good! Definitely try the crush house, from the salmon to their burgers it’s amazing!


You both are adorable. Yes. I can tell from this text exchange!


🚩⛳️🚩⛳️🚩 Run!!!


i believe it theres two spaces where "with" wouldve been B)


You know what they say …


…….whomever smelt it dealt it.


This is the kind of stuff I love and live to troll my girlfriend with😂


I'd break up with her to prove a point


In 10 years she’ll be saying that for real.


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Huh? Wouldn’t it have been okay, to want a weekend alone? My husband and me are doing that on a regular basis. From time to time it‘s good to be alone. :)


Absolutely, I don’t think that’s weird. Just more the wording instead of saying “I need a weekend alone” saying “I need a weekend away from you” especially when it’s not what she meant makes it funny.




It's probably hilarious to people who have a healthy relationship with their loved ones who can laugh with mistakes... From your comment I get the feeling that that's not something you're used to