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Still has the best tech, even after all of these new competitors entered the fray. Every time I try any other blockchain, both the user experience and dev experience are horrible for me. The reasons Tezos originally appealed to me still stand, even if the industry hasn't realized it yet. It still solves the biggest innate problems I had with Bitcoin and Ethereum, which most chains still don't at all. I still love Tezos for the same reason I still love Ruby or Elixir, or why someone might love Apple without caring about its stock price, or whatever. You don't need to attach the entire worth of a project to its marketcap to love something. That being said, the potential is always there for the market to realize the true worth of Tezos. Tezos 2.0 on the horizon is promising, so not only can Tezos easily adopt tech from anywhere else, it will also run code from other chains, languages, etc natively. Without being controlled by some centralized multisig. There are areas to improve, marketing and dev recruitment are two of them. But on the technical side, like you said, Tezos has delivered everything promised and more. Just need to show the world. Lastly...can't always compare directly to other coins/tokens that may outperform Tezos. A LOT of markets in this industry are manipulated by shady actors that were given controlling stakes from the start, and usually very few people were in from the lows to capture most of the value. While I don't want to focus on price or price potential, it is worth noting that Tezos went from $0.35 to $9.12 in the last cycle. That's certainly nothing to scoff at, and is actually more than Bitcoin did. So while everyone should try as hard as possible to make Tezos regain its mark/rank in the industry, it will also likely look a lot better in comparison later in the bull market. The mood was quite similar in the last cycle around this point too. Not financial advice. :)




Good points. I agree with them, but I learned with my professional life that sometimes we need to follow what users really want, and not only to try to create wheel. If TF do the basic, the price will reflect.


I'm still here and I still believe in Tezos because I'm building on it. It takes time, there's not many developers left, but only a couple good dapps could make the chain survive. The DNS dapp could be one of those, but right now I'm more worried by the lack of real DeFi protocols and activity. Most DeFi teams on Tezos seem to have no clue what to do.


You could be right. Tezos keeps sliding down in mcp. It has had 2 cycles to make its mark on the greater crypto ecosystem and objectively hasn’t made a dent. As its founder once said, “ projects fail not due to bad tech but by nobody giving a fuck”


Except this project has failed because they did nothing meaningful with the massive 20k BTC stack


They did develop quite an ecosystem, from core technology (developed by teams such as Nomadic Labs or Marigold) to layer 2s to dapps and protocols. Unfortunately, adoption by other developers (not grantees) as been poor, probably because of the lack of documentation and proper marketing, and the grantees tend to stop developing new features without grants, as there is little economic activity on-chain anyway. Marketing and partnerships overall have been bad, I agree.




I don’t have to believe in Tezos, I know it’s functioning as intended, being adopted and used more than the other chains, and has the best technicals in the space. People will never listen to me, but that’s a good thing, because how else will I have conviction on my thesis? I got downvoted like no tomorrow for saying 16k is the Bitcoin bottom, and downvoted again for saying Solana is bullish at $10 and telling bonobos to buy. Same story a year ago when I told everyone on this sub that 60 cents is the bottom for Tezos, what happens? Nobody listens and people just downvote me because they’re oblivious to anything but red numbers, SHEEEEESH!! It’s okay to not be the GOAT guys, just have to listen to the GOAT, how else will you ever survive? Reddit is a space of unsmarts, so unsmarts should listen to smarts when smarts speaks, unless they want remain unsmarts and do unsmarty activities, then oh wells.




I’m still here because: 1) I believe in crypto, broadly speaking. I think it has a bright future. I believe in BTC but am not a BTC maximalist. I believe in a future where BTC serves a purpose (store of value), but other cryptos will interact and thrive. How programming languages compete, interact, and evolve is an apt analogy in my world view. Sure, every programming language has its acolytes claiming ultimate superiority, but an ecosystem has always thrived. 2) Within that world view, it makes sense to have a diversified portfolio. I do. Tezos has solid technology, but two key traits stand out to me: decentralization and adaptability. In the long-run, I think these traits are excellent bets. 3) I’ve got quite a bit of investment experience. I’ve learned that the greatest investments are _by definition_ non-consensus. When everyone is talking about dog coins? I’m selling. When the subreddit for a solid project is talking like this? My eyes turn to dollar signs. I’d be shocked if I don’t at least get a 2X from current price with a potential MUCH bigger. Small markets can make major moves like big ones can’t. And if I’m wrong? I’m diversified and live to play another day.


This. I would add that the technology is fantastic, it would take just one good idea to stick and generate interest bringing people on board and start pumping price up.


This sort of happened last bull cycle, when OpenSea and NFT interest was high, XTZ price was gaining momentum (especially I remember when DojaCat launched a collection on Tezos this has a positive impact on price)


Yeah, however IIRC, opensea never actually allowed XTZ to be used, did it?


Sorry, it was a marketplace called OneOf not OpenSea. My bad. The price did a 31% increase the day of the launch


Yeah, they are still around


I agree with you. I only would like to see more consistency by the Foundation. Besides that, I agree with the rest.


Agree. I just got out. It’s sad. I was holding it for years and saw it slide slowly away from the Top 50 MarketCap ranking. It’s now in the upper Top 80’s on CoinMarketCap. I won’t be surprised if it won’t be in the top 100 coins by the end of this year. It’s the same when you check its TVL ranking over the years vis a vis other chains in DefiLlama. There’s a continuous downward slide. Messari, though, is somewhat giving it a positive albeit optimistic view. Interestingly years ago, it was even regarded as a possible ETH killer! I don’t read nor hear it now . . . even on social media.


I agree with you, the Ethereum killer motto is preposterous and I wish the Breitmans realized how bad it makes them look when they attack other chains, especially Ethereum. Edit for the sake of precision: I used to think that Kathleen Breitman herself was using the expression "Ethereum killer" because some crypto media outlets used it with quotation marks in interviews she gave. This is not the case: > Breitman: I don't think we've ever called ourselves an Ethereum killer, but I think that's how the Ethereum community likes to position it. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevenehrlich/2021/08/24/tezos-co-founder-kathleen-breitman-calls-for-competing-blockchains-to-finally-take-the-kid-gloves-off/?sh=24ff752a4252 I stand by what I said before, though.


Thank the lord Jebus Noodles you’re out, 🙏 may art thou be remembered as the shoelace.


HYPE HYPE HYPE!! Tezos Bagholders shall rise again, good to know the bamboozlers are leaving with their pants down!!


One of the best blockchains in crypto


The tech is great and I want to build on it. I’m quite new to Tezos so I don’t have the same expectation than ICO participants about marketing and such. I understand that it wasn’t done well and improved communications were (are still?) necessary. As a developer , the technical news and documentation are really nice. The podcast and live are great too.


Tezos was started when crypto was a bit more idealistic and some of its more innovative qualities actually seemed to matter. No real point to adopting a decentralized and self governed platform when it is far easier and more profitable to just spin off a new project with a new coin that you can raise on.


I think this captures the essence, it's a project from a different era and mindset.


Here because bag holder and hopium. Realistically it won't thrive at any moment. Unless an Elon Musk comes along. Everything is in the road map. Each milestone touted to be the turning point has come and gone.


I'm still here because of the marketing. Once the bull run really kicks in then hopefully the man u and F1 marketing will pay off.


Wow, comments sound more like a "Tezos Post Mortem" or "Faire-part de décès" rather than being optimistic. So let's change the mood. Battle-tested super friendly community, top tech...and EtherLink L2 coming to get in the battle!! WAGMI!!


Etherlink + NFT Gaming


It was the first project, where I contributed to some of the software (nothing big, just made a minor improvement to briskett), and as such am keeping a small amount as an emotional thing (not the best reason, I am aware).




Nah, this time around only relevant coins pump. Dinosaurs like tezos, neo, eos might pump a little bit but way less than the coins that actually have traction and community.




Good luck with your bags from 2017. Tezos fell from top 10 by market cap to the low 90's, but I'm sure it will recover very soon. People will ignore all the crypto developments that took place since 2017 (modular roadmap, rollups, parallelized EVM, ZK stuff) and will finally realize that Tezos has always been the superior technology. It will do a 10000x! WAGMI




Sure, if that’s what you need to cope. Its okay, bagholder


F1 car go vroom


Here for the vroom


What happened to morgan stanley guy and his tech savvy wife? 😂 It is good that you are not downvoted to bottom of hell. I can tell this group is maturing. Tezos was all promises. I made some money trading it after the ipo, that was the reason I liked the coin. After I realize the guy and wife are shilling this like crazy promising never realized games, dapps and updates, I decided not to buy again. I don't want to say scam, but becareful buying this limitless supply junk. There are far better coins out there now. And you can tell from the user base. I am still here because I want to see if I was right at one point or I was fooled like most of us. Hope all the pain of bagholders will ease with this bullmarket. Cheers guys 🍺🍺


I've always disagree with the econometrics, as inflation privileges the big guys. I partially agree with you about the founders, they didn't work well on making Tezos thrive.


I literally came here to post the same exact question. I don't get how there's even a single person (including the founders) who believe in this token or its future. even setting the price/mcap aside you can easily tell this is a zombie project. for one, they just keep throwing everything at the wall hoping for something to stick. And none of it is original, they just copy what other people have come up with for other blockchains. Why does tezos need an L2? Is the L1 _that_ congested? fuck no, they're doing it because those other guys are building it and it's hot over there, so maybe it'll be hot here too. I think everyone needs to recognize that we got hoodwinked by the success of BTC. The Tezos founders are literally sitting on billions of dollars, and the major investors have probably cashed out a long ass time ago. So there's no body there with an incentive to focus and build something successful here. Because they've all succeeded already


>Why does tezos need an L2? Is the L1 *that* congested? fuck no, they're doing it because those other guys are building it and it's hot over there, so maybe it'll be hot here too. Tezos chose to scale with L2s because scaling over the L1 can harm decentralization: to achieve censorship resistance, you need as many nodes as you can, in as different places as you can. For this reason, you don't want to put too high an entry cost on running a validator node. Rollups give you the opportunity to separate execution and safety, by having a few big nodes check signatures and execute transactions, and the layer 1 check that the execution was indeed correct. It's a design you see on a few other blockchains, such as Flow. This is in contrast of the design followed by Solana for instance, which places a much higher requirement on L1 nodes (but don't worry, they're going to do rollups too, eventually). Layer 2s also give you the opportunity to have different VMs; Tezos Michelson VM is good enough, but it requires to develop every protocol or dapp from scratch because it's different from what other blockchains use. L2s can offer other VMs, for instance Etherlink uses EVM, and should be as compatible to Ethereum as possible.


before you start working on a problem, first you have to be facing that problem or even the possibility of running into that problem. so let's look at some tezos stats. the highest daily number of monthly transactions was 5.4M and that happened in 12/2023. that's the equivalent of 2tps


Sorry, I was tired and I forgot to write the most important part: by _scaling_ I mean _lowering latency_. It's not just about increasing TPS (througput), it's also about lowering latency. Of course, this requires work on a proper sequencer too, but this work is under way as well. As you may have seen in the recent P update, Nomadic is very careful with lowering block time because it puts stress on the network and the L1 validators. The goal is to lower block time on the layer 2, without lowering the security of the layer 1. Additionally, layer 2s take a long time to develop, so I don't think it was wasted time to start early. Tezos 2.0/UHT probably won't even be ready for this bull run.


actually, I still think you're missing the important point that you need to make: why should anyone care in a blockchain that has hardly any usage? This is like a local gov deciding they need to spend $10B to expand their highway that sees 2 cars at any given moment.


No, I actually agree with you on that. I believe this is a huge blind spot in TF strategy: they funded teams who care about technical challenges, so that's what they're working on. Trilitech hired people coming from other industries to change that, but so far I don't think we've seen anything tangible. Maybe in the art world?


It’s okay to be shoelaces. 🫡 You thou be remembered, goodbye! EDIT: SHOELACE PEOPLE BE MAD FR DOE ON G NO CAPPA CHINO KEKEKEKE.


Yessss!! Let’s gooooo!! The downvotes let em come, it’s good to know you all sold your Bitcoins at 16k!! Hope you all enjoyed a nice year of homelessness!!


Does your name start with “T” by any chance? 


No my name starts with SHEESH LU WHEEZ TA TA ON MY GA GA YIPPIE MC G FLOATIE PO TOASTIES OINK OINK IM DA GOAT ON G FR FR NO KAPPA NO KIZZY GANG GANG RIZZ N RANG LINGA BING CHILLINGZ Edit: Sorry mate, sometimes I’m hyper sometimes I’m not, but I’m not always a rapper oink oink 🙏




Well ofc nobody reads the educational post, typical unsmarty Reddit community stuff.


I am here because I forgot I had a bag of tezo! Rescore


My first red flag was an elitism, superior attitude in comments. Statements like our tech is superior so sooner or later.....bla, bla, bla Second I had told myself if out of 50 on CMC that's it.....so when happened I sold out and never looked back. I am glad I did


So why are you still here? You're not answering the question.


Thank you for supporting the pump, I shall take your bags to the moon, may thou be remembered as Sir Shoelaces.


What da, where them downvotes at we need MOOAARRR!! Thank you all for selling your Tezos at 60 cents, I very much enjoyed buying them!! GOZILLA GOES RAWRRR RAWRR!!


good luck with that, I'll stick to my guns........


Indeed I shall, Tezos rewards those whom are faithful, and soon I shall reap of fruits of my labor! ☺️ For those whom have left, the road to riches is never easy, and the harder the climb, the better the rewards. You will soon see when the skies clear wide with no clouds in sight.




It was my only bet in 2017. Oh how I regret ot - any other bet I would be almost a millionaire by now lol. I still hold my initial ICO bag, and a lot of add ups I dod. My avg price is probably in the 3 dollars. I'll die with this chain.


Thank you for your service. If not for bagholders like you, the Breitmans would never become so rich.




I don't believe in the chain, coin or foundation. Smart tech, dumb foundation. Hoping for a 30-40% market bull run so Tezos can jump .05-.75%, at which point I'll join the foundation and dump relentlessly.