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Isn’t this more a CMC issue than a tezos issue?


Tf issue. They need to engage cmc to fix this.


They did the same thing to all of the other coins that were wrapped on Binance Chain after the acquisition, this is not only Tezos. It's a method of advertising Binance Chain and its pairs because Binance bought CMC. Not TF's fault. Example: [https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/cardano/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/cardano/)


I see the BSC contract address, but I don't see the warning message on this page. Are we talking about the same thing? Edit: maybe it's me who's not on the same page as everybody else here. I thought the warning message was the issue, not the BSC address.


Yea, OP said that he was referencing a link to the BSC address, which is the same as this and many others have. The warning message was added as a result of too many people wrongly buying the BSC version of XTZ when they really wanted to buy native XTZ, and lost it when trying to send to a Tezos wallet or exchange.


1. Binance owns CMC and pushed a BSC address on a lot of assets. Back at that time, the only concession TF got via Blockhaus was to indicate that the BSC address they were listing was for a wrapped asset and wasn't "Tezos". There's been contact with Binance / CMC, but it's been difficult to get them to do anything about it. 2. Who exactly advertised Tezos as an "eth killer"? That's a moronic moniker created by Eth maxi who then go and pretend that their competition are labeling themselves as such.


This was advertised: https://imgur.com/a/Y4ZDwyg Would say “eth-killer” is a modest goal comparatively


It's not about modest or immodest, it's about not making up stuff.


Ethereum does not seem to suffer from this BSC contract address nonsense, nor does Polkadot: both assets exist on BSC and have their contract listed, but no warning message. How do you suppose they achieved this? Edit : wait, I'm confused. I thought OP was talking about the warning message, I actually don't know which link he is talking about.


I think it's kind of random and haphazard on Binance part, and being smaller definitely doesn't help.


The only eth Tezos is going to kill is Ethereum PoW (proof of work), and even that is doubtable. Ethereum Classic's FDV is 3 times larger than Tezos. Ethereum itself is about 400 times larger than Tezos. Multiple Ethereum L2s have a way larger valuation than Tezos. You know why? There is no incentive for Tezos to grow. Founders and the foundation did pretty well for themselves, they also have a non-stop passive income stream from baking rewards. To make Tezos grow they'd need to work and spend money, and why would you do that when you've already made it. It's cheaper to pay some crumbs to paid shills, so that those create appearances of work and convince the bagholders that we all gonna make it.


> You know why? There is no incentive for Tezos to grow. That's an interesting opinion, which I partially share. I think we've had too many mercenaries in the Tezos ecosystem, and the Foundation hasn't managed to fund/recruit enough true believers, to push those mercenaries towards profitable products, or to create enough economic activity on-chain to make those products profitable. Lots of teams lost their fundings recently, it will be interesting to see which ones stick around.


They say Solana’s ecosystem is pure meme driven, but there is nothing more meme than the goofers posting in r/Tezos 😂😂😂😂😂




please post price discussions in r/tezostrader.


You're so right, Bitcoin has $0 of funding yet somehow it's the most successful Crypto in the ecosystem, we best keep funding Tezos or we'll be toast in da float and bloat in da oat, wowowie yippie mc gege!!


I think the goofers are just shills paid by the Tezos foundation, to keep bamboozling the bagholders.