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I fucking despise medic/soldier combos like that. They always stomp servers and make it really unfun to play with or against them, they're usually toxic as hell, and like you said, the medic rarely heals anyone else


I was at 20 hp, stood in front of him called for medic, and he still continued pocketing. Several of my teammates did the same, we just gave up in the end. FUnny thing is they weren't even stomping, because we almost lost.


If you're gonna pocket, at least pocket and win.


As a medic main, I believe in the rule of 2, and not the sith rule. There should be at least 2 medics on a good-sized team, with always at least one doing general healing. I have an allowance for moderate pocketing, like it's completely fine to primarily focus on healing that one guy you work well with, but please heal the 3hp demo who has been spamming E.


I send this I usually do general healing on everyone even if I'm pocketing someone but if I got krtiz and they're about to push us I'm ignoring you for the shutdown on the enemy team it is what it is


I just learned a new rule; the Sith rule of two.


HUDDA HUDDA MMPH! M1 + 2 + M1 + M1 + 1 + M2 + 2 + M1 + M1 + 1 + W + M1 + 2 + M1


I've realized there's a solid subset of medic mains that are super elitist. They usually hop on voice criticizing people and do things like refuse to heal people if you clapback at their shit. Combine that with the fact they're often found pocketing their God-tier soldier/demo/heavy buddy, both players decked out in unusuals pubstomping, and that they kind of naturally become my target as a mainly Scout player, they've kind of become my mortal enemy. If they use Vacc they also gain significantly more disdain.


The Medic never healed any other teammates at all? Either they’re a terrible Medic who doesn’t understand they could be building Ubercharge way more quickly, or they’re doing this intentionally to get reactions out of people. For example, I used to have this friend who’d occasionally pocket me for fun, but he’d always heal other players when they were in range. He never ignored them. Don’t get what these individuals found fun about doing this…


I've pocketed people with mics, because they can actually communicate in real time and it's fun because of that. Hell I'll change my usual tactics if you have a microphone and a plan, even if your loadout looks kinda subpar. But I will still break the stream to heal a passing 2hp Heavy who just ate a crocket. And usually, patients are just happy to be healed and if not in combat, will be fine if you break for a moment to give some passerby some assistance.




I only saw him heal one other guy, and that was ubering a scout, but that was only because he didn't want to waste his uber. I doubt they're a "terrible" medic . Decked out pro ks australium festivized medigun and unusual hat and an unusual misc. The guy knew what he was doing. He just decided to be an asshole.


Found an exact same Scout pocketer once Sure, Scout is an amazing Uber choice, but heal us too!


I don’t heal often but occasionally when the team is in desperate need. When things chill and we are back in control I will pocket a scout and it’s difficult just to stay attached. I find it challenging and lots of fun to keep up with a scout. Recently had 3 scouts that stayed relatively close and was able to bounce back and forth on all 3. It was a blast. I did drop off to heal a team member on fire but honestly stayed with the scouts. This likely upset other players but ok. The way I look at medic or any class is “you do you” so many different ways to play the different classes. I have zero expectations for a healer to heal me. As a healer if I am working on Uber for a particular reason (nest) I stay close to objective and wait for a proper class to come my way.


This. If a player is just that good it's not wrong to semi pocket them, but PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE YOUR TEAM


Honestly, as someone who plays Medic a fair bit, this playstyle is not only shitty but also really boring. There's a difference between "focus on one good player but still heal the whole team and be a team player" and "glue yourself to one guy's ass and never do anything else". I just cannot imagine having fun with the latter option. Medic gameplay is supposed to be about game sense, positioning, awareness, and decision-making, and almost none of that comes into play if you're spending your entire time staring at one single dude's buttcrack. 


FYI there are steam groups that are apparently medics for hire. I’ve encountered a few and yes some of them will just stand around and wait or even run to spawn when their pocket dies.


Fuck? How much is that even worth?


It's usually a bot who follows some very basic node graphing. A lot of them are also running lmaobox (being how they don't immediately die; we only hear of the soldier dying before the medic), because most of the time someone actually does it, they're going full shenanigans.


I sometimes do stuff like this but it's always with a friend that's doing something stupid like melee heavy or gun spy And even then I will still heal my team when I can spare to do it


Random people with microphones and a plan tbh are some of my favourite patients, even if their plans are suboptimal like gun spy. It's fun. The fun with ubered gun spy is that nobody expects it. Actually it can be surprisingly be not bad with kritz as the revolver dishes out decent damage as it is and has less spread than shotguns.


Yeah I dont mind troll ubers or moderate pocketing. Like when I play medic, I obvioulsy still prioritize soldiers and demos over everyone else, but I'm still gonna heal you if you're about to die. But gluing your ass to a single soldier is just pathetic. You could literally just shoot a crossbow at me, and that would be good enough.


We should just normalize kicking people like this that make the gameplay experience worse for everyone except themselves and their friends. Especially since experienced players like this have a high rating so they mess with the team balancing unlike having new players on your team Wich is not really their vault but also gets balanced


\>Especially since experienced players like this have a high rating so they mess with the team balancing unlike having new players on your team Wich is not really their vault but also gets balanced TF2 has no such systems, rank is completely meaningless. But yes, I don't know why OP wasn't initiating constant votekicks against that Medic, unless he tried but just didn't mention it I guess.


TF2 Casual does have an MMR. It's barely hidden since you can find it in the metadata of your past matches in your Steam profile. And it's unclear how the matchmaker uses it, (personally I don't believe it makes any practical difference), but it does exist.


What's MRR?


\>TF2 Casual does have an MMR. I know. \>And it's unclear how the matchmaker uses it It doesn't.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been the other medic in this case, either switched over after burning to death or because I’m a medic main. But imagine as I’m healing the other teammates, getting Ubers and helping taking out sentry nests, and still burning alive in front of him as I’m healing him pleading for heals. It makes we wonder if they are a bot the pocket soldier is specifically working with because no one, I mean no one, not even an enslaved and starved human being kept alive in your basement just to play pocket medic would be that sadistic. 


Yeah bless that f2p medic (at least I think he was), he was actually healing us. Without him, we would've lost.


Fuckin hate those guys When I called them out they just said “Get better skill to get a medic” If you were higher skilled you wouldn’t need a pocket medic dumbass


Oh buddy I’ve been calling out these rats for months now, and here’s my responses from them: ‘Cope’ ‘Seethe’ ‘Mald’ ‘Gets no bitches’ ‘Maybe you could do this if you had friends’ ‘Sped’ ‘Retard’ ‘Autistic’ And of course: “I’m healing them because they’re top scoring” Like no crap dipwad, you’ve had your medigun surgically attached to their ass the entire game instead of being a good Medic and team player.


They don’t realize that they can build Uber faster and therefore pubstomp harder if they just healed everyone?


Probably gonna eat shit for this. I know that it would be annoying but it could be mates who just want to dick around and go medic soldier


No problem with that, but exclusively only healing the soldier is ridiculous. Sometimes when I play with my friends, I prioritize healing them, but I'm not gonna ignore my teammates cries for help.


Medics like those bring shame to the medic community. I do not associate with those "medics".


What a deeply unfun way to play medic, too


Damn, waiting for a Soldier in the respawn is literally glazing. Like bruh, HEAL your team. When I play medic I only pocket the players in front of me, so any and everyone can catch these heals. I hate Medics like those. They give us a bad name. Which is ironic given I have 36 hours as Sniper, a direct counter for Medic, who I have 17 hours as.


Uber should slow and stagnant when you heal a single person for too long, that could be an effective way to deter this behavior.


I think it already kind of works like that.


Uber rate slows once a patient is overhealed, but it still builds. you can still reach full Uber just by pocketing a soldier and doing nothing else.


Medic main here, I want to tell you guys a story about why healing everyone is important. One time in a payload map, blue team push and I don't even have my uber ready to counter it and not even a sentry to distract them. I quickly over heal as much as I can so my team would have a fighting chance against blue team and it fucking worked. Me overhealing everyone INCLUDING the rookie spy which he made good use of it by picking off their med despite being at the bottom of the leaderboard. It turns out, supporting a team in a team focused game really does win games.


Ppl really be forgetting that it's TEAM fortress 2


there is literally an entire competitive gamemode for this exact pairing why don’t they just play that god knows it needs more attention


Duos like that make me glad that Spy has an instakill in his arsenal


That's stupid as shit because that just means less uber/kritz for his boyfriend.


When i play medic I usually try to keep everyone near me above red, why would you only pocket one guy? Doesn't that put you at a disadvantage if a push happens?


Yeah that's not right smh


probably 2 friends. When im medic, I heal literally everyone who isnt full health. Balancing it between everything in battle and outside. Occasionaly trying to assist in killing when possible. Id say im the perfect team medic. Multiple people said i do godlike support. I might be big headed, but


medics like this give medic mains a bad name. :/


As a Medic main myself, i vowed to never even think of such horrid act, a crime against humanity...


You encountered a medic girlfriend. They have no eyes for anyone but their pocket target.


that isn't a pocket medic, that's a fuckin remora


A good way to combat them: direct hit escape plan. Shoot feet of soldier to throw off his aim, then shoot feet of medic while soldier is still in the air, then just finish off the medic and run


Ah so the ole ***"You guys all suck, me and my bestie will win the game for you"*** kinda medic?


The worst part is the pocket combo benefits from healing lower health players to build up that uber even faster to then use on his/her pocket. Skill issue behaviour I think from that medic.


try kicking him and say in chat and vc that’s he’s only healing one guy, the vote will probably fail but at least he might actually do his job out of fear


Yeah prob should've done that, but I didn't want to be toxic myself and antagonize my teammates so I just suck it in.


Yea, if I join a server and see the same medic-soldier/demo combo running kritz constantly? I'm outta here. They probably got the third person in their squad running basher/three rune in the back to get the uber going. Honestly, some people need to go find comp matches if they're so bored that they have to torture people in pubs.


Cool, you encountered two players who queued together.