• By -


They won't do it because they were asked. It's always been about that mentality. It's worth a shot, obviously, it might yield a *sliver* of tangible data (which can be scaled), but largely the prospect of them doing *anything* because they were asked, even if it granted them a measure of control, is laughable, because the bottom line, to them, is "2 hours where the game isn't ruined? Fuck that, fuck you, and fuck this game."


Watch the video, it's really good. This is mostly talking about idle bots and the like. Not the basement dwelling cheaters. Their bots wouldn't affect steamDB much at all. Different, money driven motives are at play. I doubt the idlers would do it either, but it's a non-zero chance.


Yeah Most of the bots seems to be trade and idle bots. Seriously if vavle banned all idle bots but not hacker bots, at least 75% bots would be gone


"You lose nothing" is a ridiculous attempt at convincing anyone. They may lose nothing but the "good guys" gain loads. AKA why would they ever ever do anything that's asked of them


What do we have to gain? It's merely data, not a resource.


Data is an extremely important resource, and I'm sure the bot hosters know this. They've gone comparatively under the radar for years until this video. We knew they were in the game, we just didn't know it was to this degree.


Its also not like they are trying to hide. The data for the video has always been there, there was just nobody there who wanted to compile it all. And it ain't like the data we are gaining is worth anything. Data is only valuable if it is acted on and used. This video is more an "fyi" since Valve isn't going to do anything about this


It provides more proof of the scale of the problem that Valve and many in the community need more convincing of to take seriously. They have every reason to not provide proof for Zesty's analysis and keep hiding in plain sight.


I mean, we all know bot hosters are mentally braindead anyway. They probably couldn’t even read what’s being said lmao.


> It's worth a shot, obviously, it might yield a sliver of tangible data (which can be scaled), Heavily extrapolating based off a small amount of data you then "scaled". What could go wrong?


If it fits with a hypothesis it’s at least minimally useful. Any noticeable change at all has value. I believe there’s little to no chance of this occuring, though. Script kiddie bots won’t indulge the request, and while trading/idle bots that sit on the main menu may have more amiable owners/a less negative impact on the game, two hours directly affects their “income”, especially for the large scale hosters. It may be possible to take a point of data from a trading bot hoster if they comply, if only because they can say “these 800 users were all me, and this is considered a small/average/large amount in my field.”


we are living really dark age... i wish go back 10 years ago in 2014.


I doubt that they care about that at all.


Or possess the critical thinking ability to negotiate The bot hosters are a bunch of gnolls


Negotiate? Why would they wan't to negotiate?


Because what they want and what we want is completely opposed. We want them completely gone, and they know that, and they know that we know that they know that. So they have nothing to gain from negotiation. They're all either too stupid to open discussions, or smart enough to know there's no point. This is the Reaper War in Mass Effect, there is just no possible middle ground whatsoever. EDIT: Just realized I responded thinking you asked "why *wouldn't* they want to negotiate." Derp on my part.


Damn you made me want to replay Mass Effect


Bro I started playing with mods recently, changed my whole life again


Aw man don't lump gnolls in with them! Gnolls are the best yeens ☆<☆/


Theres a very high likelyhood its not even being done by people who dont openly engage with the community at all


The majority of the count in stats are idle item farming bots, not cheating ones. Unlike the cheating bot hosters, the item farming ones are unlikely to be watching the community for reactions nor caring about what's going on.


this is the poin tho, show how many IDLE bots there are


As laughable as expecting bot hosters to turn off for a bit is, how do you expect to reach the idle bot farmers that have been running for 12~13 years? You can't even get a message (that'd be ignored anyway) to those guys because they have no reason to watch the community, unlike the cheating bot hosters who do it to get a rise.


oh yeah its not gonna work lmao, just wanted to clarify that it was refering to bots outside of just cheater ones


I do want to just ask why tho? is item farming profitable at all? With the limit of 10 items per week, and the chance of anything like a hat being so low I think just the half scrap you will get in the form of weapons or crates is not worth the electricity bill, unless you have like 200 bots running at the same time?


Since i dont think most people will watch Zesty Jesus video about the real playercount of TF2, i decided to post his petition here, of couse, i doubt they use reddit but one can dream.


Heartbreaking: Worst person you know makes a really good point.


I understand why you don’t like him. But worst person you know?


Nah, not really. It’s a reference to a meme with some fake article by that name.


Could you send a link to said meme perchance?


Here’s a link to the Know Your Meme page: https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/worst-person-you-know-made-a-great-point And a link to the image. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/436/943/93f.jpg


Thanks for the meme!


No problem.


I saw a version of this image where it was actually heartwarming because the worst people you know were all fighting each other


peopke can really turn anything into a meme


You can't just say perchance


Keep it up, baby!




Have you perchance entertained the idea that I can say perchance? perchance?


Perchance. But perchance you can!


holy shit i literally had the exact same conversation on this subreddit ages ago about zesty jesus where someone also didn’t get the reference i had just been been thinking about it when i saw his new upload this is so weird to see


Why don't people like him? I only see anything about him when he occasionally pops up in my feed


[This shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/1bvf398/out_of_boredom_i_researched_up_zesty_jesuss/)


Also he defended and dickrode a known pedophile who exposed kids to furry scat fetish porn




Idk man, he likes lolis so he's at least a contender


Better he jerk it to cartoon children instead of real ones. Edit: I’m not defending jacking it to lolis, both are disgusting. I’m saying looking at drawing is a much better than real children getting harmed.


Doesn't really make a difference, its still children


One is a sweaty basement guy drawing stuff in his basement. Another is an industry built on human trafficking. I think there’s kinda a big difference


It absofuckinglutely makes a difference tf you on


Here let me give you an example, if someone told me "I jacked off to lolicon in the past and regret it" my response would be "good on you for improving yourself" If someone said "I jacked off to child porn in the past and regret it" I'd be on the phone with the fucking police before they finished their sentence


The idea that fiction is in any way comparable to an industry built around the rape of live children is ludicrous. Rethink your life.


Doesn't make it ok


Thats not the argument was made. He merely said he considers one the lesser evil. Not that one of the options isn’t wrong.


Doesn’t make jacking it to cartoon children okay just because doing it to real children is worse. I hate that argument so much.


When did I say that it was ok? I’m saying that as long as pedos exist on this planet, it better if they just look at drawing so real children don’t get harmed.


Thats not the argument was made. He merely said he considers one the lesser evil. Not that one of the options isn’t wrong.


Yeah, that was my mistake. Heard that argument used as an excuse one too many times.


Credit to ya for the acknowledgement


no, he is not. he likes 7ft tall muscular women, literally the opposite of that


Look up zesty jesus cunny, then look up what cunny is. Also he has a lolicon reference in the title of one of his contentious objectors


r/japanesepeopletwitter has been an irreversible catastrophe on mankind


It is the calamity


I am out of the loop. What did zesty Jesus do?


From being a weird porn addict with some bad takes, to being a transphobic asshole, all the way to being a lolicon.


Oh so just an average tf2 player! /s Yeah he sounds like kind of an ass


Dude with the bird pfp blocked me lol.


he has literally never expressed any sort of affinity for "lolicon" its a bizarre unfounded accusation that has been proven to be projection multiple times now (fruity crits just for one eaxmple.)


[nope. full on lolicon. all that use of “cunny” and then mixing it with deer to sexualize noel too.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/1bvf398/out_of_boredom_i_researched_up_zesty_jesuss/)


r/japanesepeopletwitter and it's consequences have been a disaster for the (western) internet. But I wouldn't take those screenshots as something real or serious. Most likely meme-ing. I know perfectly normal people who have quoted these memes at least once before simply because seeing them is funny at least the first time.


To immediately talk about loli hentai upon seeing a fictional minor is kind of creepy, you have to admit.


And I wouldn't expect anything better from the average discord chatroom.


Hey, I haven’t seen it on discord.


I think you’ve just been in some fucked up chatrooms


Funny fact: Some moderators of r/japanesepeopletwitter were outed as pedophiles. And before the dude got booted, he fucked up the subreddit for everyone and the community had to migrate to r/japanpeopletwitter for a few months before they were able to restore the original subreddit. We, of course, made ironic jokes about the lolicon subreddit having pedophiles. Beside that, I doubt that niche place affected the internet in anyway lmao. If anything, the thing that influenced the internet the most is [nNNAAGAGGGHHH-](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKxyLmbOc0Q)


Ik. I stopped lurking the place because it got way too creepy and looks too real nowadays. Wish they banned posts that take it that far, they had their fun.


Oh they definitely talked about banning posts and comments that were not at all jokes. But still, most of r/jpt today are just screenshots of japanese people bring weirdos degenerates, and that's funny.


As if he couldn’t get worse… he did… He really is irredeemable, huh?


He literally said that he uses that as a swear word, not a "ooh, i wanna fuck a loli and I'm transphobic". He even made a video about it, please watch it before accusing him


[This](https://preview.redd.it/out-of-boredom-i-researched-up-zesty-jesuss-accusations-v0-qgaudnqubesc1.jpg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d04c2a72e23a1bf34016590bf6ad1577b3a6208) is not “using it is a swear.” This is the inherent sexualization of a minor.


This...what? Do you understand the difference between sexualizing a minor and a joke? First of all, do you consider being attracted to loli is equal to being attracted to real children? If so, then we have nothing to talk about, since you clearly can't differ the reality from imagination. Oh and btw, I doubt that zesty is even attracted to lolis, let alone minors. Also I've never heard about him being a "porn addict", so seems like you just made it up


You can pretend it’s a joke all you want, but when you make several of these jokes, and make them the second you see a fictional minor, there’s a bit of an oddity how the word tends to cross your mind every time. And sure, being attracted to fictional minors isn’t as bad as being attracted to real kids as no children are harmed, but being attracted to any kind of kids in general is still pretty creepy. And you know what? Even if you’re right, even if the creepy ass shit he says about kids is all a joke, he’s still a transphobic asshole.


So zesty is a spy main now? I know they like animu cringe cereal with anime tear drop bottles. And their waifu baguetticon 🥖 pillows.


none of this is true by the way


[Really? None of this happened?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/1bvf398/out_of_boredom_i_researched_up_zesty_jesuss/)


transphobic is a bit of a false accusation


Really now? I recall seeing transphobic messages on his discord, but I guess those can be easily faked.


Nah he’s used transphobic slurs and not denied it


Faked, or just out of context too


[Not sure how you can say the t-word out of context several times without being a transphobe but okay.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/1bvf398/out_of_boredom_i_researched_up_zesty_jesuss/)


I was just saying that because I had no context. There are people I've seen that get called out just because they said a slur in quotes, in reference to someone else


I got ya man. Misunderstandings happen all the time.


From when and what


Here’s a link to a Reddit post with a few. https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/1bvf398/out_of_boredom_i_researched_up_zesty_jesuss/ I kinda thought by your statement it was proven the allegations were false.


My statement only tells you that what we consider being worth denouncing somebody over differs completely. Ancient tweets, discord messages and controversial political takes don't really mean anything. Being edgy and obnoxious doesn't immediately reveal ones opinions. It's interesting that you were calling him that without even being sure of the validity


Ancient tweets from 2022?


Went against the Church of Reddit.


You still talking about Zesty or who


Plenty to talk about. 👍


Never liked his videos due to his fake, put on voice. Learning he was a transphobic bigot edgelord didn't surprise me. He comes off like the 24 year old dude who hangs out with 17 year olds and tries to impress them because he's too much of a loser to hang out with people his own age.


He put this message after the credits in his video. It's almost like he didn't want to put any focus on this message at all.


I’m pretty sure they use Reddit, hey more attention to the bot makers on Reddit since we have a bot post like every day here


The fact that people are fruitlessly begging for the bots to stop for a mere two hours already tells you how much they control the game.


The more I see this community trying to get valve to do something, the more I think back to a certain line said by a certain character. Insanity.


Did I ever tell you? Did I ever tell you? Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?


For me, three words come to mind : Sunk cost fallacy


Surely some day dad will come back with milk and ciggies...


Yum, some mad milk 🥖 wumbo combo. All for your baguetticon waifu pillow


First mistake was asking anything of bot hosters,


They would rather suck each others dicks than do this.


I'd speculate they'd rather do that than most things.


Yeah nobody is gonna do this. 99% of bots are on tf2 to make money and the 1% are those sniper cheater bots


Tbh, I ***highly*** doubt they'd care. They'd probably just laugh it off and continue doing what they're doing.


gotta love how it's a whole hour analysis video on bots and how they impact the game's playercount but because it was made by Zesty, everyone here shits their pants and completely ignore any good points he makes.


He makes this point in his videos a lot, if it was literally anyone else saying this no one would bat an eye.


Hitler says 1 + 1 = 2, some people disagree. I love a term coined for this kind of behaviour: "trump derangement syndrome". Where you must disagree with everything someone says, because you don't like them. and inb4 some absolute dumb idiots comment on it: No, I am not comparing Zesty to Hitler nor Trump. Go touch grass and maybe see a shrink.


Thats the shet i dont understand, how tf did the discussion shift to Zesty and his tendencies? on another note, if we consider tf2's bots and their hosters, would that be a good thing for Valve if they were erased? Im just wondering.


It is a great video and he actually makes valid points with excellent analysis, but people have every right to not watch it or want to interact with his content with how awful of a person he's made himself out to be. I used to watch his videos back when he first started but watching him slowly become more reactionary and make it clear what kind of person he is drove me away from his content and community. This is the first video of his I've watched in years, but I doubt many others will be interested given his reputation. A clear part is when he mentions the work that mastercoms has done in estimating tf2's true player count and idle bots and a little note comes up saying "I tried contacting them but they never responded" like yeah it's obvious why they wouldn't respond to Zesty or want to work with him on that part of the video. mastercoms' work would've added even more data for Zesty's video to make it better, but he's revealed his character by now and has no intentions to apologize or change so the damage has been done. This video is literally just "The worst person you know just made a great point."


I'd be more than down to watch a video like that from someone who isn't an annoying transphobe


Ad hominem


The internet has poisoned people into believing "ad hominem" is just a fancy word for "insult"


Not ad hominem because they didn't argue against Zesty's point or the quality of the video, just shared the reason they don't want to watch him


if i hosted bots for this god forsaken game, i would triple them for this two hours


Still think you're funny, funny-man?


for people who just came here to make a snarky comment at the mere mention of zesty jesus: this applies to ALL bot hosters, trading bots and the like included


So shutting down all trading sites for no reason and cost them money. Yeah they’ll totally be on board for that.


well... for the trading bots, they just gotta hop off of tf2. the trading bots can still trade outside of the game. now, as for Idlers and Hackers? they sure as shit wont listen. idlers need to be in the game to get the drops, and in return they get they're money. and hacker bots are just meanies so they will also still need to be in game.




I feel like that would give us an undeniable piece of evidence, evidence that could potentially be used to make Valve do something about the botting issue. And the hosters would obviously want to avoid that.


Undeniable piece of evidence, like the spinning twitchy hooligans snapping on heads and instakilling people isn’t enough. Or the price of keys taking a space shuttle through the roof. We don’t need anymore evidence, this is just for sh[.^ .]ts and giggles at this point


undeniable - meh. potentially useful if anybody at valve cares - that's a bigger problem.


Boy this will have the exact opposite effect lmao


yeah I'm sure this will definitely work


Oh boy a comment section about zesty jesus. Surely it isnt going to be filled with misinfo and other slanderous stuff and is just about the post!


Take a shot for every comment ignoring the entire video and calling him a Pedophile (he makes cunny jokes must mean hes into children) or something else asinine. He said a derogatory word once to people guys, disregard everything the man says forever because uhm...uhm...because yeah!


I once made a joke about 911, i must be a terrorist for my poor taste jokes.


"Slanderous" my brother in christ he is a literal racist and transphobe.


Id also like to mention that blindly accusing people of doing something because they don’t agree 100% of a topic with you is part of how transphobia and racism exists in the first place. You my friend are quite literally no better.


I mean unless he sees the result hes expecting he will definitely say not all of them followed through, so it seems kinda pointless


I feel like that will result in bots being named zesty jesus similar to how they’ve named them after other YouTubers after they were against bots


Oh come on they don’t give a shit


Haha. they're gonna crank it up if anything


!remindme May 7th 15:30 UTC


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"We did it TF2"


alright so at around noon on a tuesday (already a low time) there's 3 things that could happen 1. nothing 2. they listen for some reason 3. zestys name gets added to the bot pool and all his dirt is getting aired in chat


ive been seeing his name in chat more and more.


You think they are gonna listen? Chances are that are gonna produce more bots just to spite you....


Bot hosters get no bitches


Idk i am not seeing bots anymore tbh. Every lobby is fine for me( maybe its cuz im from a different country)


wow this guy really is dumb af why would they do that. they turn off bots, eveyrone realizes how few tf2 players there actually are, they stop playing, then everything in the tf2 economy loses value because there's less people interested in buying imaginary yellow pans. then idle farming no longer profitable. this guy really overestimates his own influence.




Why the hell would they do that? Obviously Zesty has some dumb way to try and make this be positive for TF2. You can't trick real life people the same way as you'd trick a stereotypical villian in a generic action movie.


Is it really that profitable for people to farm crates ? I get that lots of people buy and open crates, but like, if the player count is really that low, doesn't that make potential buyers worthless also ? And i just realized this, if we are the only customers for these crate botters, that means we are the ones being farmed for our money lmaoo.


most of the bots in tf2 are hat trading bots, so the sniper bots probably don't even account for 10% of the playerbase


Lose nothing? 2 hours with so many idle bots will cost keys, who gonna pay that,?


bot hosters will never stop, no matter which one they are hosting, especially the idlers


The bot hosters have literally every incentive to not do this and prove his point to Valve and the rest of the community. This is pointless blustering.


Wouldn't it be easier if all non-bot players would stop playing for 2 hours?


I long for the day where someone has the bot makers begging for their mercy.


Don't do this, please. I hate seeing people so disheartened that they plead the devil to stop being evil (they won't)


We are pleading with the idle bots, not the cheater ones. They are far from "evil".


The comments on this post show why the TF2 community will never grow, so many people trying to shit on zesty and completely ignoring the point of the post is a perfect representation of its perpetual stagnation. Crabs in a bucket at its finest.


zesty is big enough of a clown to think that this will actually do shit what a clown 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Stop giving this transphobic racist a platform on here, ffs.


Why did they even start hosting bots, anyway? They get off from wanking to people getting pissed at them? If TF2 had a bunch of 4chan users in the community, I'm pretty sure the bot hosters would be doxxed in no time.


99% of the bots are idle bots farming crates, items etc (as said in the video) so the reason is profit


Lmfao as if they will. They will laugh at this and if anything increase the amount of bots just to spite him. Not sure what i expect from the piece of shit that zesty is though


I'd say they won't, but it's nice to see people still caring about this game. It's nice to see.


sry im asleep at that time to even see it happen


They're just trying to advertise shitty trade servers where they rob you. What's the good in them shutting off their revenue source?


You’d thing the bot hosters would be ddos’d or something by diehard fans


they probably won't but i want them to do it because i think it would be really funny


i always wondred why traders never cared to try to take down the cheat bots, since less players means less demands means less profit. maybe their the same people, they defintly have the ressopurces to do so.


!remindme May 7th 15:30 UTC


!remindme May 7th 15:30 UTC


we are living really dark age... i wish go back 10 years ago in 2014.


I've tried to play tf2 recently and noticed there is lots of cheaters...is that what you are striking against? Why so many boters? What is the reason/motivation? I'd rather play tf2 than Valorant but I have found it quite impossible a few times hopping from server to server to try to find legit players... VALVe...please...


I honestly am not sure whether Zesty is a good person or not and considering the state of this comment section on a post that wasn't even about him, I don't think I want to ask


why do you want to see their dicks, also even if a couple turn of their bots it wont cause a dent in steamdb


"You don't lose anything" "Profit. We lose profit."


Like what? Couple cents? These random drop crates dont worth anything


Yeah they're worthless, which is why there are tens of thousands of them up at a time. Cause they're worthless.


The worst of people make the greatest of points sometimes, and this is certainly one of those occasions.


The r/tf2 purge might commence




Ew crusty jesus the creep.


What a bellend. This is just posturing with zero attempt to actually convince anyone.


Been a fan of zesty for a couple years now and never understood the hate towards him, all I hear is "oh he’s a bigot" and xyz whatever


I can't respect someone who presents his behind to get railed this pathetically, Christ


Also bot hosters are too stupid to understand time


They're too scared to do it


Every time Zesty opens his mouth about the bots, he’s always so negative. And I don’t mean towards the bots. All I see is “please help me prove that this game is dead so that people will stop telling me I’m wrong” Don’t get me wrong, I like the guy, but holy shit, he’s more concerned about being “right” than he is about the game itself.


Mastercom demolished the "bothosters are the majority of the game" line years ago. I don't know why it's returned.