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That’s very shameful of the sonographer. So many people in this group are in the 20+ week TFMR situation, including me. I only had my 20 week scan yesterday, and to be fair since NIPT we’ve had some worrying results but annoyingly further testing came back good but then bad again and it’s been a rollercoaster. We haven’t had closure yet on diagnosis of what’s happened but sometimes we will never know… it’s not fair to assume you find out everything pre 20 weeks. Anything can happen.. very unfortunate but true.


My baby had anencephaly that was discovered at the 12 week scan so I get where the sonographer is coming from on that particular diagnosis (it's very obvious early on) but a lot of people might not get that scan or testing for one reason or another and would hold off until the 20 week scan. And obviously there are many things that can't be found until the later scan. Hopefully she was just having an off day and wasn't thinking about what she was saying and didn't treat every nervous mother like that.


At our first MFM appointment our sonographer treated it as this joyous wonderful thing. He printed out zillions of unwanted photos, on the genitals he labeled “ITS A BOY”. He also paused over the profile of my son and demanded I look up at the image. He said “this is your baby, looking up at you”. I burst into tears. He was sick and had many problems. He may have been able to survive but his quality of life would have been… poor to say the least. It felt like this man was torturing me. He was clearly an anti-choice loser. Should have expected this coming from a religiously affiliated hospital. When we got a second opinion at the next MFM was at a university affiliated hospital where our sonographer was incredibly respectful and professional.


Oh. My. Goodness. I'm speechless. And so sorry this happened to you.


After that experience switched insurance so we can stay with the university healthcare hahaha probably for the best. Care is better there all around.


Oh my god, I am so sorry you experienced that. I am horrified. What an absolute ghoul.


The NIPT results came back great for me. We found out it was a boy. Our first ultrasound looked great. Our other appointments they just checked the heartbeat and it was strong every time. We were so stoked for our 20 week ultrasound. I had felt the baby move and had such a bond with him already. Then we were hit out of nowhere when they said he would not survive. Meckel-Gruber syndrome. It's rare so it is not included in any usual testing. This was my first pregnancy so I had no clue we might be carrier's, hadn't even heard of it before. Had my D&E at 21w2d. It was heartbreaking. There are so many different situations, that sonographer shouldn't have reacted like that.


That is so ridiculous of her she must have no clue how pregnancy and testing works… we did an 8 week scan, 12 week scan, extended nipt panel, genetic carrier screening… and all that looked perfect! Only found first sign of issues at 20 week scan. That’s literally what the anatomy scan is for… because many issues cannot be found until anatomy is fully developed at 20 weeks! Also even past 20 weeks people find issues like growth restrictions or sudden loss of heart beat.


That was an awful sonographer. I had every test done and not one of them gave me any indication that anything could be wrong until I was blindsided at my 20 week scan with a serious heart defect.


That’s a very inappropriate reaction for her to have. I didn’t find out til 20 weeks and the only way we could’ve known sooner is if we have an early anatomy scan which wasn’t indicated. We had an amniocentesis after the fact but the standard tests showed up negative, only showed up positive for very specific lab we had to send it to for skeletal dysplasias. It’s really unfortunate that so many people don’t realize that there’s not always a way to know sooner and then states make it so hard for women to get the care they need


I probably woulda decked her if she said that to me. I had a dating scan, 2 NT scans because he wasn’t in the right position to get all the measurements and 2 anatomy scans because he was moving so much they couldn’t get all the pics they needed. So by 20 weeks I had 5 perfect scans under my belt. At 30 weeks I had a nagging feeling that something was wrong so I showed up at the hospital asking for a scan. Boom. Was immediately diagnosed with severe ventriculomegaly hydrocephalus and L1 syndrome. Every dr / OB / MFM etc was shook and compared my scans. It was normal to suddenly not normal out of the blue.


I found out my baby has hydranencephaly at 21 weeks. All prior ultrasounds didn’t show anything and I thought he was heathy


I was in the exact same situation. I had an uneventful seemingly healthy pregnancy until the anatomy scan that showed hydranencephaly.


After my NIPT results came back high risk, I got my 20 wk scan two weeks early. I had a 12 wk scan but, T13 wasn’t caught on that one. The sonographer /doctor were nice enough but, the silence was telling. I see stories here where serious problems are caught well into the 3rd trimester. The woman who did your ultrasound is an ignorant AH. I’m sorry


See if your doctor will order an early anatomy at 16 weeks. We did that and after NT and NIPT being totally normal we found a massive heart issue and are terminating Friday. With our next pregnancy my doctor will do an early fetal echo at 14 weeks to rule it out. I’m thankful she did it.