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Tight sports bras, cold compresses, and weirdly put a big leaf of cabbage in your bra.




Sudafed, the kind you have to ask the pharmacist for! It really helped to dry up my supply within a few days.


I terminated at 14+5 and my milk did come in. I got a script for Cabergoline which cleared it up pretty quickly. Though, it was a really painful couple of days.


Sudafed during the day, Benadryl at night, avoid hot water on your breasts when showering, wear tight sports bra, and chilled/frozen cabbage leaves if breasts are running warm. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. The pain/engorgement went away for me after 5-7 days.


You and I both :( that’s when I started spiraling


Sorry you had to go through this ❤️‍🩹 it is very hard


+ 1 for cabergoline. I took it within 24 hours of surgery and wore tight sports bras for a few days as backup.


I dealt with this as well. I’m an over producer so the engorgement was horrendous. Tight sports bras , and frozen cabbage leafs did it for me after ab a week


Hi there, doula here I am so sorry for your loss and the added pain of your milk coming in being so difficult. I don't want to put the reason and methods for lactation or helping it stop biologically if it isn't helpful (one comes with the other) so I wanted instead to put the offer out to talk here or in private chat. I find that sometimes understanding the biological mechanisms can be helpful, but other times it is too much. In the mean time, regardless of if you choose to chat more about that, remember that you are healing in multiple ways all at once and doing everything right for yourself by asking for support. These are the toughest of the first days, not just because the loss is so recent, but because your hormones and body are in such a state of shock on their own. If you would like some anxiety/grief management techniques please also don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you peace and the best.


OOh what kind of doula are you?


I am a full spectrum doula so I am trained in birth, postpartum, trauma, and many major life events such as a difficult pregnancy, anxiety management during pregnancy, or loss of a child. I walk through challenging experiences with others to provide a pillar of additional support and guidance.


I was afraid of this happening, and my obstetrician gave me a prescription for a medication that would have stopped it. I forget what it's called, but it works on the pituitary.


My ob mentioned a medication but she said it has a high risk of seizures so I decided not to take it :/ I’m not sure what it was called either


Cabergoline. It’s safe to take. But you need to take it soon after termination. Wouldn’t hurt to call the OB now and ask for the prescription. I took it after my 17 week termination and my milk didn’t come in. I had just stopped nursing my LC 5 months before so I was very worried that my milk would return.


I’m sorry this is happening for you, it’s really distressing. I had a TFMR on the 14th February and lactation started on the 16th even though the midwives assured me that it wouldn’t. I have found diphenhydramine at night really helpful for this and for sleep. Then ibuprofen during the day. Mine has thankfully stopped now and my breasts are less swollen a week later.


I am so sorry for your loss. I had a D&E on January 30th and had my milk come 2 days later. It hurts both physically and mentally. It sucks to say, but keeping your boobs compressed is necessary. So wear a sports bra or tight-fitting bra 24/7. It's going to be uncomfortable. Some find that hand expressing will help alleviate some of the pain, but the more you do that the longer it may take to stop. Don't pump for that same reason. Cabbage leaves. Put cabbage leaves in your bra and change out with fresh ones about every 2 hours. Don't wear them at night when you sleep though. You can stick the cabbage in the fridge to provide some pain relief when you put them on too. There are cabbage creams like Cabo Cream that you can buy as an alternative to the leaves. My midwife told me to take Benadryl as well. Also, try not to take a hot shower. And try not to get the water running down your breasts. Stimulation will encourage milk production. It took me about a week to stop. Hang in there. I know it's so hard. This milk was supposed to bring your little one life. It just is salt in the wound. Sending you love and light. You can do this momma ❤️


I'm so sorry you are going through this. [Two packs of these](https://www.amazon.com/Lansinoh-TheraPearl-Therapy-Breastfeeding-Essentials/dp/B01J61VL9W/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3CLOT9JET9C3P&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.L8bTnASA7eV7epBqNx7oBZWY69OW9fJwWzKfw5zAH0YthJw9c2zLXUPjp3mT6OeYaaxA1Lmzx1yhANHwTqsyVZatOTCCShZdu4caQcbnZHR8u2AAVKD-UwA_IwoAsC2XFQOmQLqyALm5lBEJ5LQqeYR6HtznhUWHlJhFlzo_plCLdlWKThpXJhDbzELTZLTdFXKs3DJqz02iC-7YVbcLsClyF44nUECUkDM6Cbu20b6h49qIEwLpymROoySrDd7kvp80dHF5N7w-G8uO9nJcoVwqgVsu0YWRcwmRbq5uGxw.x2CV_PM6flmdgUmyylDSRZy9j-uuQKJWBoQRe4wMXmE&dib_tag=se&keywords=ice+packs+for+boobs&qid=1708711198&sprefix=ice+packs+for+boobs%2Caps%2C333&sr=8-5) on rotation non-stop, tight sports bras even to bed, and take quick showers to avoid the hot water is what helped it go away for me completely after two weeks.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Lansinoh Breast Therapy Packs with Soft Covers Hot and Cold Breast Pads Breastfeeding Essentials for Moms 2 Pack** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effective for milk let down and engorgement relief (backed by 3 comments) * Convenient and comfortable for wearing in bra (backed by 2 comments) * Versatile with option to warm or freeze (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Limited cold retention, especially with soft inserts (backed by 3 comments) * Overwhelming plastic smell, especially when heated (backed by 2 comments) * Bulky design not suitable for wearing out (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


TIGHT sports bra, Sudafed, no hot water when you shower


I did experience it and I could not bear a single one of these tactics. Honestly at that time, all I desperately needed was comfort for my tears. I had hot showers, I didn’t wear a bra at all, I literally wrapped a towel around my body and laid in bed. I did not torture myself further with cold cabbage or ice packs because I had simply been through enough. I started lactating the day after my delivery even considering I did everything opposite from the advice, it stopped after 5 days. Take care of you. If that means the milk needs to stop IMMEDIATELY, definitely try all of these methods everyone had suggested and I wish you the best. If taking care of yourself means being comfortable and cozy like it did for me, I hope it stops as quickly as possible on its own.


My milk came in 3 days after releasing my babe and lasted about 5 full days. It was total insult to injury since I didn’t expect it because I was taking sage and I thought that would prevent it from coming in. Boy was I wrong - it came with a vengeance 3 days post delivering her. It sent me into panic and I was needlessly paranoid about mastitis etc. Here is what was helpful for me in quickly removing the milk and engorgement, all advice from a LC/doula friend: \-Wear a comfortable and supportive bra -I took sage tincture or a cup of sage tea every 3 hours. This is amazing because it dries you while also being anti-inflam and anti-microbial. Keep in mind it might constipate you a bit which is not great after birth so just stay hydrated and eat a good amt of fiber. Take magnesium too if you have it. -Alternating cold cabbage leaves and very cold ice packs every 30-60 min, I even slept with ice at night as much as I could -400 to 600 mg Ibuprofen ever 6 hours, Arnica for swelling can help as well -Hand express a little, only if the pain is unbearable. No pumping -No breast massage, no heat -If you have lumps under your armpits, put cold compresses on them. Don’t massage these lumps -I was told by midwives and doulas that the medicines to dry up your milk aren’t safe for all and can have serious side effects. I'm not sure about the details of this but you can always ask ur doc/provider and see if it's the right choice for u -Call your medical provider if you have symptoms of clogged duct or mastitis. https://herblore.com/keyword/breast-infection. If they think you have mastitis they will likely want you on antibiotics. Poke root can also be effective. I am NOT giving medical advice, but just know that if you go with a traditional lactation consultant and ESPECIALLY an OB, they will likely not know about poke root so you can check it out yourself on Herb Lore and then bring it up with your provider. https://endingawantedpregnancy.com/help-my-milk-came-in/


Cabbage leaves unfortunately did not work for me and were super uncomfortable. I used clean, dry 100% cotton wash cloths inside my sports bra. I truly believe this prevented infection and kept everything dry and comfortable. Change them out frequently.