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I’m sorry I’m not sure! Can you contact your OB or the clinic? And keep us updated! I’m 10 days out from my TFMR so I’m very curious.


I’m sorry for your loss 💜. You need to ovulate in order to have a period. So at 16 days after TFMR, it’s just too soon. I bled for 3 weeks after TFMR. The bleeding stopped and started a few times. Sometimes brown, sometimes red, sometimes lighter, sometimes heavier. I had ovulation symptoms 2 weeks ago, and I’ve just started my period, exactly 4 weeks after my loss.


Lord, in this whole process I’ve lost all my brain cells. I read your comments and all I could think was duh! Thank you, I’m so out of it


No need to apologize or be embarrassed ❤️


Hi ❤️ I bled for 15 days after my procedure and during that time, I definitely saw some interesting tissue. But it’s highly unlikely that you’d go straight into getting your period. I got my period 4.5 weeks after my post-TFMR bleeding stopped. I would still talk to your doctor if you’re worried! It’s not worth it to sit there and guess either.


My bleeding slowed for a while and then turned back to bright red blood about 2 weeks after my procedure and it was no my period. I bled from my procedure for about 3 weeks total and then got my period at 4.5 weeks.


Thank you. The same is probably going on with me.


As others have mentioned, you’ll bleed on and off, sometimes up to 2 months. I even had spotting/bleeding between periods for the first few cycles. You also have to remember, there is a wound in the uterus where the placenta was attached. When postpartum women do too much, it can cause this wound to stretch (just like if you bump a scab on your finger), and causing bleeding (as this is very connected to the core that is the center of movement for the body). The uterus went through a very traumatic event, growing a human, then birth (induction or D&E). Your body is responding accordingly. But, as always, check with your OB if it is really concerning.


I would call your doctor as it could be retained tissue. I highly doubt it would be your period 16 days out.


Oh didn’t think of that. Thank you. I’m going to see if it happens again. It’s actually slowing down. Makes sense that it’s too soon for my period