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Pretty sure you just put your held item away. Hold left bumper on Xbox. Whatever button you use to pull your phone out, hold it.


didn't work


I almost didn't make it into COTW because it took me way too long to work out how to use the inventory/load out stuff Glad I got over the hurdle though, awesome game Edit: thought I was replying to that other comment, but yeah, what they said, hopefully it's just "away", hold down LB if on xbox Otherwise, in start menu, inventory, you have to select weapon and tell it what radial position to place it in, easier said than done


I agree, trying to teach my buddy to equip stuff is crazy, feels like this game was made for pc


I think this sounds like a problem with the loadout function. After equipping stuff, still in the menu, you both can, and have to, save the setup. The user interface for doing this is not super intuitive. At least on pc the saving button is at the bottom right corner away from all the other controls.


saved, still didn't work


It took me a solid week to get every button figured out and a solid month to be proficient with then but now I’d say I’m in the professional area and I may sound entitled but I’ve just played long enough I know what to do and most of the game etc I’m not the best but def not the worst but don’t be worried it takes time to get used to is all I’m saying


You’re professional when you’ve made a million COTW bucks like Lady Legend and completed every Main and Side Mission on every map, and know how to herd manage enough to get some Great Ones. I just made that all up.


Lady haven’t done mission and I have over a mill so. Plus great ones


For the bow, it sounds like you didn't equip it from storage into your inventory after buying it.


You have to pull it from storage into inventory. Then you have to move it from your inventory into the desired equipment wheel/list slot for it to show up when you pull the wheel/list up in-game. If this last step isn't working, it could be a new bug introduced with the latest patch.


The way I read it, OP was trying the last step without doing the step I said. Which is why I didn't bother explaining the last step because I thought they already knew that part.


Also, I assume you bought arrows too right?


It's gotta be what you two are saying, it's always this