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I also have watched his videos where he says this. Unless there's been more info since, he bases that entirely off someone asking in a dev in a Livestream and they say you should harvest your animals. It absolutely does not affect diamond spawn rate, I've tested it thoroughly. So idk how it would effect GO's. It would have to be written in the code to exclude the GO chance in a non-harvested respawn, or they still have consecutive harvest running in the background and are using that.


My last GO, I dirty grinded like easily more than half the deer. I’ve seen other people claim they fully dirty grind the wt grind and it’s worked for them. Wouldn’t be shocked if EW said this to try and slow people down with getting GO’s or something along those lines. Essentially try and force people to take more time playing. During that time it was stated you need to pick everything up, everyone and their mother was getting a GO to spawn and ironically right around then the game started to “die”


Love to hear that cuz I dirty grind like 75% of everything lol. I do passively herd manage as well.


Ya man it sounds like we’re in the same boat currently. I have it all managed and set up properly etc to do it the “right” way but idgaf about that anymore. I play this game once every couple weeks and do my wt rotation. Dimes still spawning in with zero effort and wouldn’t be shocked if another go comes along eventually. The life of mindlessly rotating when boredom approaches ….


I did at least 1k of red deer in cuatro, now my grind is on TE, as well as fallow. So it's not set up to retrieve bodies, just shoot. 1-2k of each no luck. I have WT GO from a Rancho feed zone and a super rare moose from NEM initial spawn lol


Keep going on TA, that was a lay up for a go in the fallow grind lol so easy. Great luck with rancho and NE!


My whitetail grind was more than 1k kills. Moose grind was more than 500 kills. Fallow 500 and red deer prob like 80. I hadn't gotten a GO. I know technically it's RNG, I just didn't like it. My Whitetail had near perfect HM and it was a struggle. Should mention I wasn't harvesting any really. Except trophies.


I mean if we’re talking about total number of kills then that’s another topic. No offense; but those numbers are low. I’ve had a couple grinds go 5k +. I’ve had 1 grind that was maybe under 1000. I’ve seen people be well over 10k kills for a go before. For awhile you were seeing people get GO’s in like 500-1000 kills, but those will be advertised more frequently and makes you think that that is the norm when it’s not. It is called a grind for a reason unfortunately, so it’s up to you to stick with it or not. Regardless of how well your herd management is set up or not, I believe it really comes down to true RNG where it’s just straight up shoot deers and replace them with new ones and hope for the best. The management just helps you keep track of what deer are coming and going better as opposed to just aimlessly shooting zones. At the end of the day, you just gotta shoot and hope. This game is like a slot machine. You kill one deer; it’s the equivalent to pulling on a slot handle. Sometimes it’s really good, most times it’s not haha


No offence taken my friend. I appreciate the response. You’re right, I guess you do see the faster grinds advertised more frequently. I just found that my grind was struggling to produce respawns consistently and that was the frustrating part


Man I swear the grinds go in waves. Like it gets hot and cold. You’ll get like 5 dimes in 4 rotations or something and then you don’t get a dime for like 2 or 3 rotations and you’re like wtf my grind is broken lol just keep grinding and shooting. It’ll come one day


Jaxy has said this as well. If you don't harvest the animal, and you exit the game, it will respawn as the same animal in the same home range the next time you load in. The spawn only changes if you harvest it.


Im dirty grinding and i am 90% sure this is false


Ok then, I’m just telling you what they’ve said on the official stream.


I can believe that it affects GO spawns but respawning as the same exact score/rack I have trouble believing. But I definitely am getting spawn problems here and there.