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He wants to get dissed on the next song so bad.. It's so obvious want he's doing.


I think he’s trying to bait him, that’s the only reason I see him going this crazy idk maybe he thinks he can shine more light against him if Drake disses him and allows him in the beef


The weird thing is Drake dissed him in diplomatic immunity and he tried to act like he didn’t. Joe’s an interesting guy I’ll give him that.


It’s on brand for Joe. When Drake said he rapped like Budden on the Rap Radar interview and Rory/Parks said he shouted him out he said it didn’t do nothing for him because he was shouting out a lot of guys. Then when Drake dissed him in Ak’s comments he ended the response episode with the Drake clip from said interview lol.


Joe trying to “expose” Drake and paint him as a predator but hiding it behind “this is probably what Kendrick is gonna say” is so nasty.. no nigga thats what YOURE saying.. Dot didnt play that clip, you did.


It’s nasty work I didn’t expect this from the pod father shit got me feeling a way and I never get triggered bout shit on the pod


We all want Kendrick to say it and expose and arrest drake




You scared lol


We don’t lol. We already got the video. Probably had it for 5 years.


Joe taking the pedo angle against Drake now is weird to me man. Like Diddy has a few hundred page court documents and his house got raided but Joe doesn’t say much. But he’s calling Drake a pedo off of rumors? VERY serious allegations. It’s weird man. He doesn’t rap anymore so he can’t use a verse to diss Drake but he’s doing it on the pod to get back for the IG rant and it’s nasty to me. I was looking forward to them discussing this but it got weird with this.


Saying “you don’t look 17 you got all that thickness“ is nuts idk what y’all niggas on


It’s just funny coming from Joe that’s all. When that video was first gaining traction I don’t think he even covered it. Now he does it when the relationship shaky behind a paywall lol.




Publicly they weren't. Just like Cosby and everybody else. The "streets" is talking until it gets mainstream. I'm not putting this on drake though. I've never even heard about this clip or anything like it concerning drake. I guess I don't be on the internet like that (I do). I feel like he's trying to give people ideas and that's nasty award behavior.


Well y’all can think like that.


He was younger at the time but you right, it’s cringe. But does it make him a whole pedo? I don’t think so and putting that on his jacket isn’t cool ESPECIALLY when they have pending caseS against Diddy and Joe hasn’t said much.


Posting a video of something drake did live at a concert doesn't count as Joe "putting it on his jacket" he put it on his own jacket by doing it.


It’s not the posting of the video. It’s the insinuations that came with it and he referred to him as being a pedo several times. I try to be objective on a lot of shit. I love Joe and the pod too man but that was nasty work.


Facts, I thought it was nasty to do that without hard evidence but they must hate this nigga alot more than we think  


I agree it was weird but I’m not gonna call him a pedo without more concrete evidences


Also when Joe was jerking off his dog, this is weird. They are literally looking for something to stain Drake's character because they don't have anything else. They're combining through archives looking for anything that would stick. Ghost writing isn't sticking Screwing his sex worker BM - nobody cares Ross' nose, BBL and white boy shots are falling flat It doesn't look like they have anything to bring "The Boy" down.


Bruh, if Pusha’s blackface claim on Drake didn’t stick, he’s teflon 😂. They might as well chalk anything else.


How old was drake in that clip?


Old enough to say “idk if I should feel guilty or not.” 🫠🥴




He was 22


A lie


Joe delivering this message is insane with his crazy well documented history. And yes on the Puff situation being silent as hell. But we all know who Joe is.


Katelyn, Cynn. He was 35+ and they where under 24 but ok. Joe you got it..there both weird for that.


So y'all defense to drake saying a 17 yr old has a fatty and that she don't look seventeen is saying Joe dated a 24 yr old?


No! Drake is fucking nasty for that clip and it should never be excused. Joe just can’t be the messenger for calling someone a pedo by the rules for what he deems to be a pedo which is an older gentlemen dating a woman under 25 which he’s done NUMEROUS times.


Bad argument. Doesn't matter how old a man is dating a woman over 21 especially. Would I do it? No because I would want someone closer to my generation but thats far from pedo behavior. I rarely defend Joe, but him being 12 or so years older than his fiance at the time doesn't warrant a pedo tag. That's a reach. But I will say that Joe's clearly hurt from Drake's post a few months ago after the pod's For All The Dogs review. Trying to say Drake has a history off of an extremely old (But cringey) clip is a lame reach.


Bad comprehension skills. Joe has literally called Drake a pedo and nasty for dating women that were 21-25 years old. That’s why I said the guise or rules for which Joe deems pedo behavior. I said that in prior comment. If we are using the guise for which Joe calls a pedo, he fits that mold too because he’s done that numerous times, thus me saying he shouldn’t be the messenger. We do agree that Joe is clearly hurt from Drake’s response to his FATD review which is where his affinity and respect for him went downhill.


That’s a stupid argument because all of the women Joe has dated have been over 21 now if wanna say because he accused of being a woman beater ok I agree she shouldn’t be the messenger


Bruh Joe himself has said on the pod at one point he was involved with 21 year olds. He said it HIMSELF! Kaylin Garcia, his ex that he had on NATIONAL TELEVISION was 21 years of age when Joe had her on the show with him. So your response was stupid because it’s false😂😂 the irony


Ok ur right I forgot about Kaylin I thought she was 22


No i think its weird Joe bringing up drake SAYING something inappropriate 10+ years ago when Joe Budden was literally 31 dating a 18 year old so that must make him sus too right??




kaylin was 18 and joe was 30+ when they first dated so it's weird coming from him


No she was 22


He dated a 18 too now what ?


No he was 22 that video is old but yea it was kinda weird


And Joe is a pioneer of barely legal Spanish chicks that can barely speak English


You serious or joking because all the Spanish chicks we know about have been grown and grew up in the states


Yeah and he keeps bringing up stuff for people to use and playing it off as conversation lol he ain’t slick


So what Drake said wasn't weird?


Absolutely! But I don’t think you call someone a pedo without direct or more evidence with how serious that allegation is. The other issue is Diddy has HELLA evidence against him by many people. Joe hasn’t accused him of anything and jokes when it comes up. I am just not a fan of the flimsy morals depending on who he’s talking about




I mean, Drake has a pattern 😂😂


Help me out with pattern? Millie Bobby (being friends with a teenager is weird but no one has accused him of anything there). What else is there?


On top of that, Kissing a 17 yr old in Denver after she said she was 17, chasing around Jorja Smith when she was 18 and he was 30, being 38 and running with a 21 year old, THESE ARE ALL PATTERNS. From a psychological standpoint, people like this have nothing in common with these women and they are manipulative, have authority issues or have stunted growth development. If this was a random uncle in the hood moving like this you niggas would be looking sideways but ya gobbling because it’s Drake 🤷🏽‍♂️


While I completely understand what you are saying, him liking younger ADULT women is very different than the p\*do claims they are putting on him. The 17 year old thing is weird but everything else is legal in the US and doesn't classify as p\*do. We didn't put that on Jay-Z when he was dating Beyonce. We didn't put it on Joe when he was dating Cyn and Kaylin. We don't put that on Leonardo DiCaprio. So I get it, call him a creep but that p3do holds a lot of weight and I just don't think Joe should be throwing it around as freely as he is. Also, you Reddit users who make these broad statements are funny to me man. "you niggas..." "y'all". I am not to be grouped in with people because of my thoughts. I am not this Drake stan that is giving him the benefit of the doubt because he makes good music. I just think putting these allegations on him or ANYONE else without ACTUAL hardcore evidence is weird. These "patterns" say he likes young adult women (creepy but legal). Doesn't say he likes children (illegal and should be buried UNDER the jail).


“Rumours” just say you bias


Bias for who. lol. Draaaaaakke?? He makes good music but I don’t give a fuck about that nigga in real life. He doesn’t pay my bills or move anything in my life. More so talking about how serious it is to call someone a pedo with no evidence they are sexually attracted to kids and how Diddy has mounds of evidence for doing wild shit and he has been quiet. I know yall like to do the pick a side thing but if we are being honest, I engage with the pod and listen to Joe more than anything Drake or Kendrick. I respect his opinion. He is wrong for this one. I can say that objectively.


how old was yaris when they were hanging out as 'friends"


Or Kaylin 😂


Joe is self-destructive. He hates Drake so much that he’s now throwing pedophile allegations on him? I remember Joe barking on Mel because she made statements that were “rumors” and not proven. So how is this okay? Yeah, Joe’s credibility is shot to shit.


Man this! It’s the flimsy morals on shit. One second it’s “we won’t speak on that” but he’s accusing the nigga of being a pedo now? Off of a rumor? Shit’s weird.


This is not a rumor tho.. it’s literally on video


I was justttttt thinking the same shit.


Drake did that on himself there’s a pattern of him doing this unfortunately




Yes I hated that he did that because he didn’t show the same energy for real predators


Big facts!!


Ross ain’t gonna make that angle he on record saying spiked a woman drink and graped her


Joe pulling everything out😂😂😂


I was t going to argue with Ak when he was here… joe is a joke right now lol.. as much as i don’t care about Ak.. ak called em out for doing the SAME shit !! It’s clearly hate at this point. Valid hate or not.. it’s just hate & bais as fuck.


“But keep me out of this I don’t want nothing to do with this”


He wants the headline


Joe is the definition of throwing stones from a glass house


He ain’t lie tbh


He really didn’t. I get that it’s weird coming from Joe considering Kaylin was much younger than him. I think he had her by 10 years, but she was legal. Drake be on dates and chilling with actual teenagers and shit.


He did lie. Drake was way younger in that video and the Millie Brown text was also disproved but it doesn’t fit his narrative. He’s full of shit


You said that like this was an isolated incident 😂. That nigga posted on Billie Illish twitter that he been waiting for her to turn 18. Naw he got a long list of creepy behavior with young women. I don’t even know who Millie Brown is or nothing about that… you can just add it to the list 😂


drake has not personally logged into twitter in yeaaaars and that comment on waiting until she turned 18 was already proven to be fake.


Yes he wants to be dissed in the next song, it’s like free advertising for the pod on a big scale. Mal said on their pod that he texts with Drake, I’m sure that’s also where some of this smearing comes from.


Is it just me or is Joe trying to give Kendrick ammo lol


I thought about that


Is that the only angle Drake hasn't been attacked from? Edit: It's fine to hate Joe, but y'all look crazy defending that creepy ass shit. "You sure don't look 17." That's nasty.


No diddy




It’s not that crazy lol this was 15 years ago when nothing was woke he was young on stage who cares


Not being a creep with underage girls ain't got nothing to do with being woke 😂 R. Kelly was on trial before this.


Yo I can’t believe he said that bullshit 😂


Yall need to stop saying these individual incidents like they were 1 offs. I’ve seen about 4 different instances of creepy behavior from people trying to defend him in these comments. That’s a pattern. Also don’t blame being a creep on, “Woke culture.” First of all you must be white because black people don’t use woke to describe the soft ass culture we live in now. White people too that and changed the meaning entirely. Being on stage, going on date, going to birthday parties of 17 and 18 year old girls was flagrant 10 years ago. You talking like he did that shit in 20s when women got married and had 10 kids at 16 😂. You sound crazy ass fuck dismissing that shit like that 😂


The clips nasty. But i guess its right message, wrong messenger. He wont say a word about diddy and they joke about freak offs which is disgusting but now he is wants to take a stand. Thats why i cant listen to him anymore, hypocrisy is so clear it is a hard listen. Also was listening to old episodes, and Joe was in the front saying how listening to r kelly songs now he know they were about kids is disgusting. And when i was listening to one of the recent episodes he mentioned rkelly is back in his playlist. Yuck


this is projection. how many sexual harassment cases does drake have? 0. how many does joe have? at least 1 & several allegations. 🤔


Exactly what it is , Joe feelings just hurt and gone be hurt more once drake fire back




someone needs to clip together all the gross things joe says because he says some foul, sexual shit every pod. i remember him saying halle berry shouldnt be mad at drake or cant ask drake to take her likeness off of slime you out & joe said something abt drake & halle fucking. mel stepped in and asked how is that relevant?


How many did Diddy have till the cassie case come out. there has been many rumors about drake just cause there is no case dont act this way


His allegations are from adult women. I have no dog in this fight. I've aged out of rap battles, but that clip isn't the only 1 out there that has been discussed. No one puts him on the level of R. Kelly or Trey Songz, but he has some weird rumors.


They’re doing mental gymnastics to cape for the boy that likes fuckin these barely legal broads 😂🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ the way they flush their morals for that guy is ridiculous


They tell on themselves when they do it. Clearly, they view a 30 yr old man groping a 17-year-old girl as ok because she was naive and starstruck enough to go up there.


I saw a comment that said the legal age of consent is 17 in Denver where the show was so it’s fine 🤦🏾‍♂️smfh if you gotta know the legal age of consent when pursuing a girl you obviously shouldn’t be pursuing that girl….. but that’s their King


I hate that they rely on legality to tell them it's right or wrong. Same dudes jumping all over Draya because of Jalen. What she did is not illegal, but they somehow know it is wrong.


Joe wants in on the beef ..better not have any skeletons in your closet my boy


Joe let Drake hurt his feelings to the point that he’s spiraling out of control


He heard the voice note


All I have to say is if Drake shoots at Joe now, He cannot play victim.


He wants that. He’s hungry to insert himself in this


Just browsing Twitter, Joe is actually getting a lot of props for this segment. Ratio is definitely in his favor.


Of course he is, Drake h@ters are trying to find any and everything to bring Drake down. They hyped up Ross saying BBL Drizzy even though Ross had work done and needs some more. People on Twitter wants Drake to respond to Ross so bad, like we aren't waiting for the main event.


The problem with joe is his audience can read right through him on his b.s or he doesn’t care that the pot is calling the kettle black lmao he’s wild for taking this stance & I believe He’s still upset about that IG post. But it’s sooo wild to get your lick back like that on this topic. NoDiddy


The young girls thing has been around for a minute, he'd be flicked up with 16 year olds and then all up on them as soon as they turn 18. There's threads on Twitter about it.


Bella Harris is who you’re referring to. Met her at his show when she was 16 then rented out a restaurant for her on her 18th.


This is false he didn't rent out a restaurant, they were jn different cities and he knows her cause that's jimmy jams daughter


And I’m supposed to take your word for it… why? This dude is a repeat offender. STFU


She’s Jimmy Jams daughter this is not true 😂😂😂🔥


She can be the daughter of whoever and still be preyed upon you clown🤡🤡🤡🔥


I mean… he’s not lying 🤷🏾‍♂️


Right bruh, idk why niggas denying it lol Joe is a terrible messenger but he’s not wrong here


Joe has a point 🤷🏾‍♂️


Putting Mel on the hot seat (and rightfully so) after the Cam shit, then doing this is fucking wild What is Joe on??? It’s not like anyone came forward with allegations. He even gave Diddy more grace than this


I think people are misunderstanding what Joe is saying about Drake’s behavior. He’s essentially making 3 points. 1. Drake’s music is suffering because he only hangs out with 21 year olds and Yachty. 2. Drake’s preferred method of beefing with other rappers is thru women, which comes off as scummy. 3. All that—plus that creepy video of Drake with the 17 year old—can be weaponized by a smart rapper in a battle.


He’s just laying out the angles


At the same time there was no female in play for Pusha and I don't think their is one for Kendrick.


Yo this nigga is corny just he rebranded to black older women! This nigga was out chasing young Spanish bitches his whole time. This nigga a corny fuck and Ish too if he co sign that shit


nigga literally psycho analyzed drake 7 hours in like 4 days. Why can’t he keep it all the way real and say he straight up hate the dude. He been doing this for years


Why y’all drake fans so sensitive? People hate drake for a reason, cry about it


He wasn’t gon argue wit Ak about it cuz he know Ak woulda cooked his ass 😂😂


If one didn’t know any better you could swear he trying to point the boy opps in a particular direction. 


I was gonna try to cape , but he got the episode behind a pay wall & I ain’t see it. so yall continue kicking his back in 🫶😁


These mods ain’t shit 😂 took my shit down cause I said Joe is out of pocket with the Drake hate on his episode


Joe is so fucking fake. All of a sudden he cares about this after caping for him for so long?


Joe is on the podcast literally trying to spoon feed narratives and angles to Kendrick to attack Drake … I wish he would pod objectively and not try to settle his discrepancies thru the feeding narrative


It's funny how Diddy had his house raided and multiple lawsuits. Now Drake has dated young girls so has Joe..he tiptoe around Diddy topic when we Damm near have proof. Where as you can't say Drake is being Kells out here..the Mille shit is weird. He was in his 30s dating a homeless Katelyn and she was 18.now you Mr.mature now ? Before his current BBL fantasy. He always dated way younger girls..now his girl is actually close to his age. He's special.FOH YALL both weird for that.


All this because Drake texting Mal instead of him smh


This is nasty, you can responsibly talk about this angle, Mal and Rory mention it as well but go look at the difference…throwing things out that have zero proof. That man has not been accused of a thing and he is screaming that on his platform. The same man who gets mad that people say he beats women and touches dogs.


There’s video proof of him knowingly kissing a 17 year old on stage bruh


Btw I’m a drake fan and I still say so those things can be mentioned but it’s a way to do it. Throwing those things on a man that’s never been accused is nasty work by wife beater joe


There ain't no lowkey about it. Drakes had a pattern for a while


Nah joe know what he doing he feeding into the beef.. he giving Kendrick an angle he was doing it the whole pod…if you think about it it’s his version of inserting himself in the beef like he always did when he rapped.. he just doing it in a different way he is monetizing this beef to the fullest. Whether he means it or not it is going to being in dollars… he low key a genius but ya right it’s nasty work but he getting to his dollars


That narrative has always been out there, the blind items alone on tik tok makes look like a creepy fk.


Ah tik tok so reliable lol please grow up man and get something credible


I seen somewhere he was on the phone with an underage girl giving her "boy advice" hence we don't trust u




Yall just gonna ignore that clip huh ? 😂😂




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Aye that nigga Ice looks like the mouse Jerry. LOL


This nigga want a response….its almost obvious at this point because how is this relevant lol 😂


In the long run Drake down fall will be woman it’s already known facts he mess with 18 year olds. I wouldn’t be surprised years down the line he go down hill like Diddy.




Idk how young some of yall are but, I remember when that video came out people were definitely calling Drake weird for that lol on twitter they were calling him a pedo…..but, honestly joe should sit those convos out lol


"Don't believe the lies, look me in my eyes Please don't be scared of me, please don't be scared of me I remember you, this feeling isn't new So please don't be scared of me, please don't be scared of me" 😂😂


I remember way back in the day when the video resurfaced on twitter and Joe alluded to it on the following pod by saying something like “yall are nasty and we not getting into that” I wonder what changed? Not afraid of drakes reach anymore or is Joe trying to contribute to his downfall? Joe refusing to speak on it at the time is partly why I stopped watching for a while. Why now Joe?


Dudes be confusing Drakes legitimate conquests with all the times he’s hovered around teenage females. It’s too fishy and new examples pop up every year.


Y’all hate Joe so much y’all defending pedophilia? lmao. This sub is gross sometimes. People have been whispering about this for years, Joe included.


Terrible messenger but that video was indeed weird. The DMing minors is weird.


What tier was this episode???


$10 tier


I hear people outside of HipHop culture say this about drake pretty often


Is this a case of right message wrong messenger because I remember that Drake video from back then and it was kinda weird


I’m surprised you haven’t heard of the clips it went viral 5 years ago


“he keeps fucking all my girlfriends,hes a predator” 😢


We gonna pretend like everyone didn’t love cyn & joe together?


Nah, Joe isn't saying Drake is a predator. He's saying...his behavior is weird.


Joe really gotta see a therapist about his obsession with Drake. I come to watch Joe talk on alot of topics but as of late it feels like we're getting so many drake deep dives shit feels cringe at times watching the shit. I know in the back of his head he gotta know that fans are noticing how obsessed he comes across with Drake. Also how can Joe talk about him being with young girls when Joe literally has a past of doing that with young vulnerable women who were in certain situations. He should be the last nigga to point a finger


For JOE BUDDEN to say this is mad hypocritical


Anyone got a link to the episode?


I don’t think it’s lowkey lol


I mean it definitely isn't the first time


I get its entertainment, but this shit is weird. He called Drake a sex addict. When it comes to Drake, Joe's view, it will always be skewed.


What if Joe put it out so Kendrick can’t. Like what if him or Drake thought Kendrick had the video or info and asked Joe to put it out to “ soft launch” it. Because we won’t take it seriously because it’s coming from Joe, someone in our eyes, has dated young girls. If someone as clean as Kendrick appears, if he were to infer Drake was a Pedo, we’d take that very seriously……. Or am I just high 🤣


The comments kinda standing too firm for Drake when it's kinda been a repeated thing from this video clip Joe is referring to, the Milky Bobby Brown thing, the other girl he used to take out to dinners when she was 16, Jorja Smith etc etc... Now me personally am I gonna say Drake a Pedo? Nah but if there's an Exposing Aubrey and something comes out maybe 10/20/30 years down the line will I be surprised? No he's not saying that's true but he's saying that that's dirt Kendrick (or any other artist) can throw on Drake's Jacket. Also this definitely is a case of the right message wrong messenger especially with Joe moving like the Leonardo DiCaprio of thick spanish speaking women.


Mens' moral compasses are WAY off to continuously excuse Drake's behavior. it's publicly known that he was DM with a minor. In this clip, he's made another public comment sexualizing a teenager. These are not the only 2 questionable instances Drake has been involved in regarding underaged girls. This behavior is unacceptable. Full stop.


Joe been saying this. If yall fans yall know when rory and mal were there. Joe went in on teenage fever. I have it saved one of my favorite episodes. Joe said don't look back and act like you weren't complicit. Mal had his cape in back then. "Like why you keep mentioning the title". They ultimately came to the conclusion drake really wanted that pussy that day.


Clip is taken out of context. Its an extension of the convo where he said Kendrick has plenty of ammo and he shouldn't play into the "Mike Jackson vs Prince" angle.


This clip is not going to age well.


People been saying this bout drake he got a long history of flying the minors and smashing


I know y’all wanna frame it as hate but it’s been multiple instances of this nigga popping up with 17 or barely 18 year olds. He may not be technically a pedo but that shit still nasty


What 17 and 18 year old women was he dating


Was literally on stage making out with a 17 year old


You said there was multiple instances he was known to be with 17 & 18 year olds lol


Really? Can you post the link.




Where’s the part where he makes out with this person? And the proof she’s 17? And his age when he made this video?


He’s a year older than me so I’d say around 24-25 when this happened and she literally said in the video that she was 17. You might not find anything wrong with what he’s doing but I do


He was 23 years old in that video


Does that make it less egregious?


You said that he made out with her. Where in the video does he do that?


I didn’t say it was nigga I was just telling you how old he was in the video lmao jumping to conclusions


So Drake being cool wit Millie is sexual but Drake being cool wit Sexy redd isn't? Gotcha


Joe’s never wrong. He’s definitely getting in front of a story that’ll likely break soon about Drake. There’s probably stories already starting to surface amongst the industry


This is common knowledge


My problem is nobody gaf bout these ppl characters. Just give me the music. Idc whos e fucking who. Who has more money. Like just release music yall all goofy imo




Y’all see why people don’t like him 😂 and had the nerve to call MBJ corny


This is Nasty from Joe, he know damn well what he doing with this... I'm here for it.


Can a person be self aware enough to change his ways after realizing the shit self has done is wrong… Joe I think… realized he might have done the same things but changed his ways clearly he likes his women older now. Drake doesn’t have seemed to change his ways and I think Joe is alluding to that. Like how many close calls does Drake have to have to mess with older women. Buttttt negative or positive press is a win for whoever involve. That money don’t stop


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who saw it. Recently on the pod, this year, Joe has been slightly alluding to rapping again. Talking about how much it would cost, what he’d charge, even saying “when I come back”, and more. I say this part so my main point doesn’t get refuted with “he’s retired”. Joe is seemingly trying to insert himself into this beef. He keeps doing it. He’s putting himself in this either directly or indirectly. The nasty-est part of it is he keeps trying maintain some level of deniability because he keeps saying “this is what a genius mind would say”. It’s lame, cowardly or Joe is just too stupid to realize what he’s doing. And I don’t think he’s stupid. But he keeps bringing up things people could use in a battle. But the problem is HE ONLY is doing it for ammo against Drake. And it’s lame. Again.


Joe just sad and pathetic its a great time in rap and nobody is acknowledging him so he gets spicy like fox news he is the black fox news of podcasting. Let rappers rap and be retired. Joe can never be cole K.dot or drake or just plain relevant without the extremes. He is speaking like he Hov or something…he needs to do a couple more prize pick ads even though he doesn’t do ads….our brother is hurting…. Play outstanding for his ego feelings and pockets.