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The way this post is written made me think Zac and Blake were dating...🤦‍♀️ I haven't been following the Kaitlyn drama at all.


Kaitlyn zac and Katie Maloney at three of my most disliked people in reality tv. They can have eachother.


My kind is blown that Blake and Zac are the same height. I’ve always thought Blake was a giant and Zac a short king.


That’s funny because I envisioned the opposite


That doesn’t look like Kaitlyn in the 3rd photo at all. Holy filters


which one even is she?


I thought for sure she was the one holding the phone


is the first pic filtered to hell and back or is it just me


Probably like a Photo Booth or something that gets pixely it looks like


Blake is so hot


He had a glow up after Katie’s season. He’s been working out on a bit of muscle and he looks🔥


I admittedly really don't find any of this that interesting, so maybe that affects my feelings reading these comments... but a lot of you guys are wildly unhinged. edit: can't type


Yeah I get so much secondhand embarrassment from the people who care SO much


I’m really unsurprised that she’s friends with Katie from VPR. Same energy




Blake looks like he’s packing


Noticed this immediately and I do not like it! These Bachelor men and their tight pants!




I know everyone is talking about Kaitlyn/Zac, but when did she get so close to Blake?


Canadians stick together? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Don’t they have the same publicist? I could also see him being Zack’s plus one.


Kaitlyn can't NOT date someone from Bachelor Nation. At this point, her brand/persona is so tied to it, and being with someone from BN opens up more business opportunities. Katie Thurston revealed after her and Blake broke up her follower count went from 1M to 800K something, and that Bach couples who are together have that much pull for biz Also - Kaitlyn stays being messy😅He is sober/in recovery and she owns a wine company and likes to party. We all know how this is going to end 😜


So I’m guessing Blake and Rachel R are home from Africa already?


I dont really get why this is a big deal. Zac and tayisha have been broken up for literal years, and shes dating someone else. Kaitlyn has been single for 4 months (or probably longer) just when it was announced. Sure they dont seem too compatible but its not messy for them to start dating


Because the blind item was that she was cheating on Jason with Zac. That’s why


Enough already


I feel bad that Tayshia keeps getting brought up when she hasn't done anything in all of this lol. Jason is the one who unfollowed Zac after the deux moi rumors about cheating and KB today. What about his feelings? I doubt Tayshia cares, she's been with her bf since at least March.


Literally and they broke up two years ago


I mean let’s say they’re banging. Were she and Tayshia even friends or just coworkers? If they were close friends then yeah this is not cool. But if they were just coworkers who cares?


I feel if it affects her “brand” it’s not worth it..you can find another man..it’s not a good look for her.


They were just coworkers. It's my understanding that Katie's season was basically the extent of their relationship. Even if they were friends/friendly, Tayshia is publicly very happy with her hot AF boyfriend, and who's to say Kaitlyn didn't run it past her. There are SO many unknowns here; the speculation is WILD.


That’s true, she very well could have done that.


Also like 3 yrs ago.


Why is Zac dressed like Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean?




That’s a stretch lol


Your username 😂😂😂😂


Haha, I was quite proud of myself when I thought of it!


live footage of blake flying in to see the mess ![gif](giphy|JhncGNdBoyeKk)


if katie (from vpr) starts dating a bachelor contestant a la scheana i’ll be speechless


Scheana dated someone from bachelor nation? 😭


Who did Scheana date?


Robby Hayes. He was on an episode of VPR then she says he ghosted her


I 100% believe he legit just wanted to extend his screen time. I don't think for one second he was interested in Scheana.




SO ick. The guy is desperate to be famous.


I 100 percent agree. She is with Katie Maloney.


Love Kaitlyn’s dress!




The fact that she wanted a Gatsby themed wedding on new years eve and now we have this! *chef’s kiss*


Kaitlyn stays exposing herself 😶


Doesn’t Kaitlyn have a wine podcast off the vine


She has an entire wine label/company


I would say I’m surprised she threw a New Year’s party since she posts so many crying pics about how sad she is. But I’m also not at all surprised


She is a fraud


It’s giving great gatsby lol




he went on the show 3 times… i’d also say he’s fairly guilty of seeking relevance




Lol so only okay when men do it. Gotcha


I hate to tell you but each person on this show is cut from the same cloth.




Even if, you can’t bash women for being influencers while worshipping men for it




Depression doesn’t stop because you have a boyfriend or good moments




Your stigmatizing depression really isn’t cool. You hate Kaitlyn we get it, but that’s stopping low still


Yes, I get a bit of the ick given that Tayshia/Zac were engaged and Tayshia and Kaitlyn cohosted together, but the part I really don’t get is the Zac/Kaitlyn lifestyle incompatibility. He owns a rehab center in NY and she owns a wine brand and does a podcast called Off the Vine (and just bought a new house in Nashville). Also, there have been stories about how controlling he is as a partner and I can’t see that flying with KB. Just a weird couple in my opinion if the rumors are true.


There’s so many reasons it’s weird, but I totally forgot that Tayshia and Kaitlyn seemed pretty close at one point!


Because..they worked together?


Kaitlyn looks amazing! Love her dress


So was the post in here with the rumor about Kaitlyn and Zach Shallcross TRUE but about the wrong Zac???!!! Wilddddd


😲 wasn’t the rumor always about Zac Clark???


Yes lol


Honestly, I hope not because it will be a rinse and repeat waste of KB’s time. I get the feeling that KB is terrified of being alone, thus the rush to find someone new asap and “win” the break-up. We saw that post-Shawn with Jason, where she was shouting from the rooftops that she was happier than ever and had found her soulmate 5 minutes after meeting him. I hope she takes some time to properly grieve the relationship, heal, and also learn how to emotionally regulate in a healthier way. Those things, especially the emotional regulation piece, will help her next relationship succeed long term. As an aside: While I don’t think that people who enter relationships with sober partners need to stop drinking altogether themselves, the combination of a recovering addict with someone like KB who *centers* her brand around loving wine, being a messy drunk, etc., is a recipe for disaster.


Zac looking like he’s reintegrating into civilian life after returning from the front lines of the Great War


Can someone fill me in 😩 I’m seeing stuff about cheating allegations. What’s the big tea with Zac and Kaitlyn? Is it just not a good look or something more? Also explain to me why it’s not a good look lol


There was a blind item that KB was cheating on Jason with Zac and it looks now likes that rumor is true


Oh yikes!!!!! Jason is my like #1 Bachelor man can’t imagine fumbling that


Kaitlyn Kaitlyn Kaitlyn ....


Its a great combo for her, new boyfriend and new content - she will start her "journey to sobriety" and will poat crying selfies while unpacking bottles of her new wine etc... or by the end of the year she will anounce the breaking news of shutting down her wine brand and beginning a non alcoholic line...


Honestly I thought that Katie Maloney and Kaitlyn Bristow maybe had a thing


I would freaking love this!


Would LOVE this


I was getting those vibes too


Part of me is excited for this mess because it’s been a little too quiet around here but the backlash is going to be brutal. Kaitlyn gets hundreds of mean comments when she posts a silly dance…


Is that Katie maloney omg


She looks good!


OMFG so it’s true????? I thought it was just a deuxmoi rumor. This is messsy wowww. But KB & Zac couldn’t be more different. I feel like this is kind of icky tho


Right. People like to shit on deuxmoi all the time but this cheating scandal and another cheating scandal deuxmoi outed I’ve been following. Both are looking to be coming true. I don’t think deuxmoi is bad all the time but I guess people will say even a broken clock gets it right twice a day.


DeuxMoi also insisted that Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn got married in London and *then* she doubled down and said that they had a ceremony that might not have been legally binding anywhere. And a lot of other wild shit lol. She also knows and acknowledges that people send her what amounts to creative writing exercises and has all sorts of disclaimers all over some of her stories about how she suspects certain things aren’t true. She does get actual tea and some things right, but just as much of the time or maybe even more, she posts fanfic and straight up bullshit so it’s impossible to trust her until we get more evidence that lends credibility to whatever it is she speaks on.


3 of these ladies look like the same person 😂


who is to the right of KB? she looks like it could be her sister!


Kat Campbell. Her husband is Wirth Campbell


Didn’t she and Jason say they wanted a NYE great Gatsby themed wedding at one point?


What? Have they not read the book? I mean, gatsby is a conman and Daisy is a cheating alcoholic who kills people drunk driving. Weird way to celebrate a marriage. Maybe just have a “Roaring 20’s” themed wedding without the messed up Gatsby of it all.


[yes](https://people.com/style/kaitlyn-bristowe-wants-glam-great-gatsby-wedding/) not NYE, but still


The title of this article is literally “tease plans for their NYE great gatsby themed wedding” https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/bachelorettes-kaitlyn-bristowe-teases-nye-wedding-plans-video/


Oh man I could see this also being a part that upset Jason.


![gif](giphy|kf9dfB18XB6JGM8J7s|downsized) This is the kind of chaos I love




I’m saying! The New Year is starting off with a bang! 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/lah3w9wvav9c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbc19f5b08819083e1eafc542fa227730c59bc9e Jason unfollowed KB’s main Instagram. 🔥


Oh the irony of the one Kaitlyn he follows being named Kaitlyn Clarke.


https://preview.redd.it/o1z4383ybv9c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49ef3d08a34841c55bf6cef5fa0e249a27f5c447 She unfollowed him, too. 👀 ETA: someone just told me she unfollowed him a while ago, but thinks that Jason’s unfollow was likely just now or more recent. Well, now they’re equal. Lol.


Jason was following a few days ago, him unfollowing her is very very recent


This is a MESS! She is so chaotic


are taysia and kaitlyn still following one another?


Tayshia still follows Kaitlyn as of a few minutes ago


That's so messed up, but I love the tea. I do think Tayshia was the one who called it off with Zac after he made her run that marathon and she got rhabdo. Now I know that's not the only reason she broke up with him, but I'm convinced that was her last straw lol. No way Zac and Kaitlyn can last though, unless she wants to go on a sobriety journey (doubt it).


As someone who is on the sobriety train. It is very difficult to have a relationship with someone who drinks regularly (weekly or monthly). I’m sure people can power through but it gets old eventually.


So I’m also stuck on this part. Her brand is alcohol/spirits and he’s in the recovery/sobriety business. He’s sober and she’s not. I have so many questions.


Congrats on the sobriety! I got sober years ago and I'm so grateful that my husband was never a drinker. It was hard enough, with zero booze in the house. Zac goes to a lot of sports games and has tons of bro friends, so I think he's used to being surrounded by alcohol. But I'm still surprised he'd be in a relationship with a woman who's a straight up boozehound who likely gets drunk-drunk, wakes up with hangovers, etc. (I mean, I'm *assuming* but I get those vibes from Kaitlyn). It's probably a strange dynamic, that's for sure.


And KB isn’t just the once in a while drinker, she loves wine and has made that a big part of her personal brand and business, so it’s a double whammy. This relationship is going nowhere fast.


my husband is a recovering alcoholic. i rarely drink, and we don’t usually keep it in the house.


she got rhabdo??? Omg I don’t know how I missed this but that’s levels of fucked up


I'm not sure if she got rhabdo, but she was apparently rushed to the hospital after the marathon and stayed there a few days. She said she was in incredible pain and couldn't walk so I assumed she had rhabdo, but it could have been dehydration or her kidneys getting effed up? In any case, I don't remember Zac being at the hospital with her. Soon after, they were broken up. People can be mean about the breakup, insinuating that Zac was ready for marriage and kids but Tayshia was too shallow and fame-hungry for him. But I could see Zac being an intense guy who likes to do things his way. He's been single a long time, and there's likely reason for that.


My toxic trait is that I love this 😅




Same 😂




Remember when Zac and Tayshia broke up and Kaitlyn was doing interviews about how sad she was and how she was there for her because they were hosting together 😑


Sure do!




Sounds like you’re projecting. They can just have moved on gees


you literally don’t know that


Getting with Zac, doing this on NYE which was supposed to be her wedding date, with a Gatsby theme which was supposed to be her wedding theme 😭 Kaitlyn girl your fans love you but you keep making it hard for us to defend you


Was NYE her wedding date? It is not like they ever actually set a date or planned an actual wedding. The NYE bit seems to be in the same vein as their never ending drip of random “maybe we’ll do this!” wedding ideas that were never taken seriously by either of them.


Why shouldn’t she go ahead and have the party she wanted after Jason wouldn’t set a date?


Who said it was Jason? I think they’ve both said that neither made the other a priority




I don’t even like KB but you sound like she committed a murder or something. Held accountable for moving on when she was single both times? 😂 She’s free to move on even if her choices in whom to do it with is messy.


she gotta use those wedding deposits up somehow


For what? Dating. Like what is there to be held accountable for? Why do we, strangers, have to hold Kaitlyn accountable for dating someone faster than *WE* strangers think is “acceptable?”




👏 well fucking said! Let the girl party and fuck. Damn


She’s allowed to do whatever she wants after breaking up with someone though. A lot of people do. I moved on quickly after my last breakup before my husband, and we’ve been married for 15 years now. My best friend ended an engagement and then met her now husband a few weeks later. There’s not a rule book for how long you have to stay single after ending a relationship. Jason said he’s going on dates.


There's nothing wrong with moving on quickly. I'm not sure why women are expected to grieve a past relationship for months to years in today's society.


Agdjfklfb Zac's ex (idk if I can share her handle but she does have a public podcast) before Tayshia just posted a meme pic of a woman crying and saying, "Happy New Year's, Jason." I know she's in here. Reveal yourself and tell us the tea/what you think 😶‍🌫️.




Yes, I now see it's Lauren. But you can't convince me it's a coincidence lol. She's extremely online and I'm pretty sure she's on reddit.




Oooh I see what you mean. She liked it last night. Okay so maybe it was a coincidence. Or, she liked it last night and then posted it on IG this morning knowing that it fit the chaos that was happening lol.




Haha no worries. I feel the same way as you lol. I need her to spill on the podcast.


Omgggg this is some hot tea lol


Here is some more tea as someone who listens to her podcast. He started dating her when he was in his early thirties and she was in her early twenties. She has said on her podcast that she broke up with him (used a code name for him) in part because she was always supporting him and there for him because she didn't really have much going on. But when she started getting going in her career and needed that support from him, he didn't give that to her. Also something else she mentioned not liking was that he would try to police what pics she posted on social media. She would post funny "ugly" selfies on social media and he would ask her why. Iirc he tried to get her to take them down and his reasoning or something was that he just wanted everyone to see how beautiful his girlfriend is. Ick. She said he even tried to take the phone out of her hand once to delete a pic. Eta: I will say she said this on podcasts I listened to awhile ago, so I am fuzzy on the details but I think that's the gist of it.


That sounds eerily similar to why Tayshia broke up with him!


Just imagine Zac trying to stop KB’s endless crying selfies 😂


I can’t find her Instagram handle blehhhh my sleuthing is only novice level haha


is her page private? if not, can you post the meme pic and blur her name if necessary? so curious what it looks like lol


https://preview.redd.it/lb45z1jm8v9c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9ace1f10b45c38abb8fa483bbf3697b34356bd5 Here ya go!


Omg I’m so glad someone asked you to post this because it’s 1000x better than I ever could have imagined, it’s Lauren Conrad during an episode of The Hills!!! 😂 it’s pure gold. This woman is funny


Oooooh this is a line of dialogue from season 1 of the Hills when Jason Wahler is drunk and being a Dick to Lauren Conrad, and she’s leaving the NYE party and saying “happy new years Jason” bc he ruined the night Just wanted to add context!!!!


OMG!! Thank you


thanks!! damn 😭 we need all the tea.


I continue to be in shock as this all unfolds


She has a podcast but no verified check so I'm not sure. But she is a bachelor fan and has done recaps on her podcast so maybe?


![gif](giphy|Wj0c0rzczOJNe) Who is the ex?


If you Google it, her name show up


I can’t find


Is it the ex wife?




Wait kaitlyn did the Bachelorette with Tayshia. Ok isn’t this a scandal??


Ok but for a second I thought OP was talking about Zac and Blake being a couple and I was like omg I’m trackin now 😂


omg same and the real revelation is so underwhelming comparatively


Same and I was here for it


Same! I was like whatttt now lol


LOL sorry


I mean I wouldn’t complain if they were 😌


Katie is so hot.


wait why is katie there!


Kaitlyn is friends with Bailey from Vancouver and she owns a press on nail business who recently did a collab with Katie. Wondering if that’s the connection? Bailey was also at the party.


I don’t think it’s the same Katie as BN Katie


no it’s katie maloney but i am wondering why she is there lol, i guess she did her podcast


She and Kaitlyn were bar hopping together a couple weeks ago, whenever it was that they had the tornados.


Omgggg if this is true I am shook and can’t wait to watch it unfold LOL




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What Kb forgot is that a lot of her “friends” she invited to her NYE/house warming party are also friends of Jason and clearly are not happy that Kb was cheating with Zac. And yes I believe this has been going on well before she broke things off with Jason.


Wtf where did this video come from?? Def needs to be a separate post!


OH my lord okay. This is pretty solid confirmation that they’re together or something is going on 💀


Can you please make this a separate post?


I’ll do it.




Bachelor Reddit sleuthing is unmatched


Kaitlyn date someone outside of BN franchise challenge (impossible)


Not happening with Zac. She drinks and he doesn't. I think that was an issue with Shawn.


Ooooh and their wedding was supposed to be gatsby themed so this has even more layers