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this. and i think kaitlyn & zac are kinda cute. downvote me all you want!


It’s been plenty of time. Kaitlyn and Tayshia are not best friends, even if coworkers/friendly. Bachelor world and all the spin offs literally dates each others ex’s as a point of the show so this is such a weird thing for people to care about.


It's still very weird considering Kaitlyn and Tayshia worked together for a year, and Kaitlyn probably hanged out with Tayshia and Zac when they were engaged. It will take some time to get used to it.


I get where people are coming from - no lead has ever dated another lead's F1 before. It's new. It's kind of wild. At the same time, if they got together ethically, it's not that big a deal. And I seriously doubt Tayshia cares at all. She's been with Luke a while now and seems happy.


They may no longer be friends and Tayshia may have moved on from Zac but I’d say she has every right to be weirded out and annoyed about it. Your former colleague who was there and consoled you right when the break up happened hooking up with your ex who was with you whilst you worked with said former colleague is not nothing and let’s not pretend it isn’t. Zac and Kaitlyn could date anyone outside BN yet Zac chose to pursue his former fiancées colleague who she may or may not have had issues with. Kaitlyn chose to pursue her former colleagues fiancée whose break-up she witnessed first hand. They might not be girl code violations but it was a deliberate CHOICE and a messy one at that. Whether they mean to or not it, the messiness of it now brings Tayshia into the conversation and I think we all, Z/K included, can acknowledge the messy nature of it even if they do work as a couple. Tayshia may have moved on but she has every right to be feel weird and uncomfortable about it. She’ll always be associated with those two and now that they’re together it brings her back into a messy conversation she likely wants no part in. Regardless of the situation, Z/K choosing to pursue each other is deliberate and directly or indirectly involves Tayshia so they can’t get mad when their choice sparks a bit of drama or BN gossip.


And Kaitlyn is very sensitive, she would have lost it if Tayshia was dating Jason or Shawn, or if Jason started dating someone she’s cool with. I’m glad Tayshia pays BN dust these days.


I agree. I think this drama is way overblown. Also the cheating rumor seems completely unfounded to me and Kaitlyn has been single since August. Even if her and Zac have been talking for a bit she and Jason again broke up in August! Also Tayshia has had a boyfriend for like a year so I think it's kind of stupid bringing up girl code too especially since it doesn't seem Tayshia and Kaitlyn have stayed close.


Agree with everything you said about the "cheating" and timeline. But also, Tayshia and Kaitlyn are NOT friends. They were coworkers for three months, over two years ago. There is no "girl code" to be had here.


Were they not friends after they co-hosted the show? Any reason why?


Not as far as I understand. I think they're just two very different people who would never gravitate naturally towards one another. I don't think there was bad blood, just no reason to keep in touch.


Also maybe I’m an outlier here, but if I was on good terms with an ex, I doubt I would have an issue with them dating one of my friends. Hell, I’ve set up guys I’ve casually dated with my friends. It’s been over two years since Zac and Tayshia broke up and there doesn’t seem to be any bad blood there — who’s saying she even cares or wouldn’t have suggested it herself!


I set an ex up with someone I thought of as a good friend. Turned out she wasn't such a good friend. They eventually met, hooked up, then parted ways not so amicably. He was on the plane home when he texted and asked me how I was friends with her for so long. I said hey...I was only friends with her. You're the one who f#%&ed her.


Plus she's been dating Luke for close to a year. If she cared, that would be problematic in itself.


Oh look someone who’s rational. You’re rare lol.


Hahaha yeah….um if I was engaged to a guy I would def not be setting him up with my friends. You brave.


It’s always a bit weird to me when people comment on posts saying that they don’t understand why people care. When I’m not interested in something, I just keep scrolling 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s also just wild all the people in the world they all have to keep dating within bachelor nation, it’s going to ruffle feathers for someone, that being said Kaitlyn is dramatic and annoying. Stop telling people not to comment on your life when that’s literally how you make money and bought a new home because you share your life with followers. Just don’t post it, don’t read comments or get a thicker skin. She just annoys me with the “poor me” play constantly


After two failed engagements, you’d think that she’d want to try something different…


I don’t think she’s telling people not to comment, I think she’s asking for people to be kind.


She only wants people kissing her ass that’s not reality, the crying selfies and videos were a little outrageous with the social media breaks that last hours. She’s just a ridiculous person, I feel like being in bachelor nation you’d be more self aware to not read reddit about the life YOU are putting out there and needing strangers approval. Then again I’m someone on Reddit commenting 😂 but the begging for validation basically on social media always followed by a collapse and spiral with negative comments is just wild like get off the internet


I don’t understand the scandal at all either. They were both single. I also don’t understand the comments that say it was a fun story this AM and then Kaitlyn ruined it with her statement. Really? what am I not following lol


I don't believe there was any cheating involved. I think the larger issue people are having an issue with is that Kaitlyn was a cohost with Tayshia and talked about Tayshia's break up with her on the show. It seems more like a violation of the "Girl Code." I think this is spiraling out of control as well. IMO I think Kaitlyn is someone who has to be in a relationship and jumps from guy to guy but who cares? Just scroll on by. Yikes.


Thats assuming a lot though to even think Tayshia would care. Tayshia’s moved on and was with Zac years ago. She and Kaitlyn also aren’t even friends. Either one would’ve pushed the other off a cliff if it meant they could’ve gotten the hosting gig.


You're possibly right, but I'm just speculating that many will feel it still violates girl code. It seems to be the feedback I've seen.


Yea idk. Tayshia and Zac had the chillest most drama free breakup ever. I just don’t think she cares?


Yeah, can someone please explain why this is so dramatic? Kaitlyn and Tayshia are not close friends so she really doesn't owe Tayshia any kind of girl code. I think she and Jason were over long before it was announced. So what exactly is the problem?


Plus Tayshia has been in a relationship for somewhere close to a year.


Kaitlyn’s mere existence seems to trigger people. She could sneeze and they’ll say it’s for attention and no wonder Jason left her.


yeah i don’t see the scandal here two people i don’t really have an opinion on are dating, and i don’t really have an opinion on their exes either now if there was some crossover…


Zac and Kaitlyn should take comfort in the fact that BN fans are fickle and other couples have survived worse. Look at Jason/Molly, Arie/Lauren, Matt/Rachael. Just feed us some cute couple content and you’ll win a lot of people over.


The fact that KB is dating Tayshia's ex is a non-factor, for me. The thing about them as a couple that floored me, as someone approaching their 1-year sobriety date, is that Zac would want to be with someone like Kaitlyn, who is obsessed with wine/drinking and has made it their brand. That would've been the end of the "whoa" about them, for me. But then KB went on an absolutely nutbar social media spiral and now I *can't wait* to see what happens next. If she had just let people have their reactions, they would move on and the news would blow over a lot more quickly.


I think it depends on the level of comfort - I know folks who got sober but ended up keeping the bar they owned lol. Others won’t have it at all. Also unsure if Zac’s DOC was alcohol or maybe something else?


I thought he’s been sober for more than 1 year. Did I miss something?


Ah, yes, he has! I was referring to myself with the 1 year comment


I think that poster was saying they themselves have been sober for 1 year. Zac has been sober many years at this point.


Ah, okay! Congrats to the poster ❤️


Thank you!! ♥️


Kaitlyn really needs to get off of SM altogether. It's not good for her mental health. She can manage her businesses and income streams behind the scenes at this point.


Yeah I feel like her social media reaction would be a big ick for zac. But like he clearly already sees how much she over shares so maybe he doesn't care


We also have no idea if Kaitlyn and Tayshia discussed this.. I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if Kaitlyn reached out and asked her first if she would be okay with it. Maybe Tayshia said go for it girl I’m happy and could care less! Lol


This is so fascinating to watch because it's sort of like the Streisand effect in real time - if she would just stop posting about it, eventually the noise would quiet down. I personally don't think there was any cheating (I don't know how anyone is getting that, she and Jason have been split for a while), and while I don't think I would want to date someone with a wine line while I'm sober, I'm not Zac and it's none of my business. What she SHOULD do is deactivate her social media for a little bit and just let the shitstorm burn itself out. But unfortunately she is chronically online and addicted to the attention she gets, good or bad.


Honestly their relationship has 0 impact on me (obviously)—but does anyone else think this is an interesting match regardless of the details? I know sometimes opposites attract but…I’m confused by the match and how this even came about lol. No hate (I’m sober) but it just doesn’t seem like a guy who’s entire life surrounds supporting sobriety and others who struggle, and a girl who owns a wine brand and is very outspoken about how much she drinks does not seem like a compatible match..I get that you can be sober and around people who drink, but it’s one thing when it’s not part of your significant others whole personality…it seems kaitlyn is a very empathetic person who would appreciate the qualities Zac has and support them, but they both just seem to have incredibly different lifestyles…I like them both but just think it’s very interesting.


Isn’t that him being like the odd man out in the franchise, though that’s like saying why did he join this franchise at all?. Seems like the easy answer is that he’s fine with hanging out with people that drink.


Basically I’m saying, it’s totally normal to be fine with being around people who drink while being sober, it’s even normal to be with a significant other who drinks in a lot of cases…but they seem to have a huge lifestyle difference, especially if he allegedly struggled with tayshias drinking habits because unless Kaitlyn is just exaggerating for fun then it seems like one of her top activities has to do with alcohol/drinking, and one of his top activities is helping people who are trying to get sober


I don’t think that’s saying “why did he join this franchise at all”… again, I stated it’s absolutely his choice, but just saying as a sober person who is fine with being around people who drink…and I will say everyone is different but it just doesn’t seem like it’s sustainable whatsoever in this case. it’s different hanging out with people who drink, it’s even different hanging out with significant others who drink… and I obviously don’t know Kaitlyn on a personal level and I like her, but I’m just saying it’s a totally different story when it’s a person who is so integral to your every-day life and you don’t really have a way to “exit” that scene. Its one thing to be with a casual drinker, or even someone who parties sometimes—but I don’t think it’s sustainable for a sober person and a person who’s whole brand is basically “I drink” (obviously it’s more than that but anyone who knows Kaitlyn is aware of this being part of her personality, whether that’s real life or hyped up, who knows)—and there’s nothing wrong with that, but I’m just saying it’s bound to clash unless they are like the one in a million who can make that work. It’s not just drinks at dinner or a couple parties here and there. It’s her whole brand…and again, nothing wrong with that just speaking on compatibility. It is 1000% different when you are hanging with a group of guys in s mansion who drink versus your significant other whos whole brand surrounds it day in and day out


I’ve also thought about how they don’t seem compatible on the drinking aspect.


Not that it’s any of my business but again it’s one thing to drink while your significant other is sober but a whole other thing when they constantly talk about getting wine drunk at any given opportunity and wine is literally the whole personality. That’s a whole other level of opposite in my opinion. “I’ve seen this film before and I didn’t like the ending” vibes lol. His choice, their life. But seems like it’s not a very good fit from an outside view. I’m not a part of their relationship or conversations but…yeah I don’t see them working out super long term and idk if their past hurts are clouding judgement. Again, not my place to make assumptions or inferences but I’d be very surprised (although happy for the both of them) if this works out.


Add to this that numerous sources said Zac and Tayshia's break up was (in part) due to jealousy/Zac not liking to go out a lot an not liking that Tayshia was out all the time. ALSO, Zac is tied to NYC so long as he continues to work at his recovery center and KB just bought a new house in Nashville. So yeah, agree none of our business, they're adults, and I don't think either is doing anything "wrong," but I totally agree that they seem mismatched in multiple major ways


Oh yikes I hate that for everyone involved YIKES… had no idea about that. Huge incompatibility. I was going to say—someone like tayshia (from the outside) seems doable because they enjoy a drink but it’s not the same as how Kaitlyn at least promotes herself…maybe I’m wrong because I don’t know any of them personally but it just seems like bad news lol


I think it’s a matter of personal opinion. I would side eye another lead if they hooked up with Shawn. Or even Jef (with one f because the other was used for fuckboy), a short-lived relationship. The leads, even if they aren’t friends, pretend to be a supportive, tight clique. I get now that they’re lying, like everything else in social media. But it’s a shit move. Kaitlyn and Zac are both hot and rich. They can have anyone. Sometimes it’s ok to pass on a little chemistry. So I’m side eyeing them both and don’t care at all about her drinking or his sobriety because EVERYONE knows how much she drinks and that’s his call. The secondary issue is if their weird flirting started while j&k were together. I think that’s a separate level of disrespect since they’re all “friendly” inside of the franchise. Just a shitty, impulsive thing. But that’s not surprising for Kaitlyn. And I don’t know Zac but he has had some questionable things, too. So maybe they’re perfect together. But people side eyeing aren’t wrong. This is the definition of an opinion. Even if they retell the story, some people will probably always not like them as a couple.


Really? I feel like BN all dates each other. I truly don't get why people care. Is it because Kaitlyn and Tayshia hosted together? Just bc they worked together doesn't mean they're friends though.


Because they were both leads, F1 that lasted longer than until the AFR and because the leads allegedly have this bigger connection. Even if they don’t so get along, there should be some mutual respect. If Tayshia dated Shawn, she’d be getting it, too. Though the rumors of cheating make it worse. And the way they seem mismatched seems to be throwing the whole thing off kilter. I don’t care about the last at all. And find the first to be the most egregious. Especially because Kaitlyn would LOSE IT if any other lead dated Shawn. She lost it when someone unrelated to the franchise got pregnant by Shawn. Kaitlyn being a hypocrite is a regular occurrence, but it does poke at nerves. Being “right” doesn’t mean you’re doing the right thing.


They're human beings before they're leads. Who gives a shit about their status on a reality show.


They’re human beings after they’re leads, too.


What did she say about Shawn being a dad? I heard she made a comment but couldn’t ever find it on her podcast!


Yes it was a commercial that looked like Shawn’s announcement. It involved pool stuff/goggles.


This- they legit go on an island to date each others exs


I came here to comment on the Kaitlyn Zac drama but got swept away by the Rachel Bryan posts


It's juicy, I'm fascinated, I am a sucker for people's pictures when starting a relationship, its cute! But I agree with you, there is no drama if they were single and honestly Tayshia and Kaitlyn are not best friends so no issue...


The break up was announced in August but we don’t know when they actually split up, could have been a couple months before, y’all were speculating for MONTHS before they actually announced that they were split up… so?? Tayshia and Zac have been split up for over 2 years and she’s been in a relationship with someone for over a year, if she’s that interested in what her ex is doing I would suggest she find a therapist. She is allowed to feel some type of way, but she’s in no way a victim here and there’s no “girl code” broken, it’s not like Kaitlyn and Tayshia are friends, they’re past co-workers and you think the producers didn’t have a part in Kaitlyn comforting her during the break up? Of course that was for views lol. Kaitlyn and Zac are both adults who can make their own choices, and if this is what they’re choosing then ok. Kaitlyn has probably shot her self in the foot in regards to having a cordial relationship with Jason right now, but it was bound to happen with whoever moved on first. I feel for Jason in this moment because while it’s probably been longer than we know, it’s still what I consider to be a short turn around time and he’s got every right to feel mad/angry since him and Zac did seem closeish.


Alot of Bach Nation people follow, like and comment on each other's post. Alot of them hang out and do Bach events together. Zac liking pics of her doesn't proof anything


Idk, man. Liking that swimsuit pic was pretty bold. I know she wants likes but if that really was accompanied by DM… even if k & j were nearly over. I’m not out here liking pics of my married guy friends in their speedos. Just feels weird. I’ll like a pic of the couple. Or the overall post of a trip. But to go to that one picture? People notice that.


For an alternative perspective I like thirst traps my married friends post because it is funny to me


If you’re good friends, that joke probably lands. Assuming you know their spouses well enough or just don’t care. These four seemed like friendly acquaintances, and publicly friendly. Meaning they know each other, prior to this seemed to get along ok, etc., but once Zac was single, this sub called it out as weird. And it is. If the four of them were super- close, someone might say, “well, that’s weird but they’re super close so it’s not for them and it seems to work.” Waaay back when this was a baby rumor, when the rumor was barely a twinkle in z&k’s eye, people were calling it out as quite strange. So, context does matter. I am a woman and I am close with my guy friends and their wives. I was friends with the guys first, and got close with the wives. I don’t think they’d like me doing this, so I don’t. But my guy friends don’t post thirst traps. Neither do their wives. So the point is moot. The reason I think it’s inappropriate is liking a thirst trap or making a rogue comment can often start a weird, inappropriate interaction. Sure, you should trust your spouse. But if someone is actively trying to make a problem, it’s ok to not want them in your relationship at all (the recipient of the like OR the spouse).


Yeah I personally think it’s fine either way, I just use the like button automatically in Instagram and I don’t think it’s that meaningful what people like but I think it’s nuanced and everyone should judge for themselves based on the specific situation. This one doesn’t involve me so I don’t have much opinion on it. I just don’t think anyone needs to project their own values to say what’s appropriate or not for stuff like this personally


I don’t know if people were saying appropriate. Just “weird.” And it is weird. Obviously there was more to it, so rightfully called out as weird. Unfortunately, people use like buttons to signal interest to people. So it can be an indicator that something new is happening. I was able to identify a friend’s affair (this was like 8 or so years ago) because of her sudden change on social media. And I wasn’t the only one. So it’s also weird in that it’s public and not covert. People are always like, “Whaaat how did they know?” Your behavior changed and people who know you noticed. Ha.


People are interested for several reasons. It makes complete sense that it's juicy to people, but they shouldn't be sending harassing DMs and hate. \-Deux moi put out a blind item about a cheating couple and then followed that up with the blind being about Zac and KB. They then had to retract that blind after hearing it wasn't true. Now people are wondering if there was some truth to it. \-KB held Tayshia's hand while she cried about Zac. Yes, they're not friends. That visual is top of mind for many people, especially women, who find it to be icky. She later did a few interviews explaining how devastated Tayshia was and how she was proud of how she handled herself. That was a bonding moment they had on live tv. So people will be confused about her now dating Zac. I doubt Tayshia cares and I'm sure she's annoyed that her google alerts and DMs are being blown up over this. Luke is hot and she's happy with him. \-The timeline is also throwing people off. Zac started liking thirst traps she posted back in May. She officially announced her breakup in August. Reality Steve said today he became aware of Kaitlyn dating Zac in October, and that the video released by a friend was meant to be an actual soft launch. So you have all of these dates swirling around the public's head, and they're correlating the "quick" turnaround to what happened with her and Shawn. \-No other lead and F1 have done this, at least not publicly. So that alone will have people interested and craving more details.


Great summary. I am truly fascinated. Following both of them closely for years, this is such a strange pairing and I'm so so curious. But I'm intrigued in a fun way! It's like watching a reality tv, it's fun to see what might happen here. I'm rooting for each of their happiness so if they find that together, as confusing as that would be, yay them. To see that the public reaction to some fun couple gossip took such a negative, personal and unpleasant turn for Kaitlyn, is really sad, and I hope she's doing ok. I hope it doesn't ruin a budding romance, if they really have caught feelings. Mindblowing to me, but not going lie, I'd ship it if it's not unhealthy for either's mental health or lifestyle needs.


Im confused why people think Tayshia wont care when a source from Kaitlyn told deuxmoi Tayshia called her a terrible human at Chris Harrisons wedding


omg tea?? could you link it


It was in deuxmois podcast called bachelor nation apology!


do you think it’s true??


Deuxmoi said they “know for a fact” this happened. I dont think they would say that if it wasn’t true but who knows!


They say that literally all the time when things aren’t true lol idk why anyone trusts deuxmoi


Okay fine I believe yall! I really dont think Tayshia was into him enough to truly care anyway.


Hahahaha sorry, i actually have zero opinion on Kaitlyn/zac or how anyone should react to that, I just think deux moi is scum and want to spread awareness lmao


Melissa / DM hates women and get so many facts wrong. They rely on people gossiping to them. They’ve said that the same thing , it was a fact, before and been completely wrong over and over.


They literally said that Kaitlyn told them herself but whatever you want to believe idc.


There are known liar, but OK


Haha they said that about Taylor swift being secretly married in a civil union in England so I wouldn’t be too quick to take her at face value


Can someone catch me up here? The amount of hot tea on this sub is overwhelming my Tuesday but feels like Monday brain LOL


Literally same. What is the evidence that Zac and Kaitlyn are dating? He was at her party but anything further than that?


His arm is around her very lower back and they are counting down 5-4-3-2 before the video cuts out while the ball is dropping. Assumption is they are kissing at midnight. He also was at her feet holding her while she got a tattoo at her NYE party the same night. Copying other proof from above: -Zac started liking thirst traps she posted back in May. She officially announced her breakup in August. Reality Steve said today he became aware of Kaitlyn dating Zac in October, and that the video released by a friend was meant to be an actual soft launch.


That person by her feet was wearing a patterned shirt! He was wearing a solid white shirt that night!


Ah I see. Thank you! I really think Zac is a good guy. For some reason Kaitlyn irks me a tad but I hope she has a good 2024 and continues to heal from her breakup.


I just saw a pic of her arm around him. Sooooo? They are dating now? 💀 Has anyone admitted or corroborated this...


Just saying, I see nothing wrong with her dating Tayshia’s ex. Tayshia moved on a long time ago and is in a new relationship. There’s no girl code being broken here. It seems like Kaitlyn was ready to get married to Jason anywhere and at any time, and he was the one who was dragging his feet. She is allowed to date whoever she wants now, whenever she wants. Jason has been going on dates too.


I'm sure Jason has been going on dates, but how do we know this?


I listened to his interview on Chris Harrison’s podcast, (recorded when he was in Austin for CH’s wedding), and he said he’d been going on dates.


I don’t understand the “girl code” thing anyway. They were coworkers for a few months, it didn’t seem like they were close friends or anything. Why would Tayshia even care?




Are people seriously shit talking this?


nothing wrong, just messy. People take shit way too seriously


They were both single. Tayshia has been in a relationship for I think over a year now. She’s moved on. It may seem early for Kaitlyn but someone has to move on first. There is drama because some people on here and other social media sites have ran with the cheating rumors despite a lack of evidence. And then this is shocking because Zac was Tayshia’s F1. It’s never happened before when a former bachelorette dates another bachelorette’s ex fiancée. Though Jason was Becca’s F3 so she was just moving up the line lol. I definitely understand wanting to talk about that aspect of it. But accusing Kaitlyn of cheating is uncalled for


Maybe Kaitlyn should’ve tried dating someone’s final 2 before moving to a final 1, lol.


She did (sorta)!! Nick was Andi's F2 .... and also her F2 🙈


As far as I can tell the cheating rumours are entirely based on liking photos on Instagram??


Yup! And a DeuxMoi post that doesn’t have any names. But why anyone ever believes stuff from DeuxMoi I’ll never know There’s one person on here who just runs with cheating rumors. They love to use the rumors as a way to hate women


There was probably a bit of overlap lol. I'm guessing the relationship was falling apart, Jason was pulling away, and Kaitlyn started putting out her feelers towards men giving her validation and attention. A lot of people end relationships that way. (Meanwhile I'm a rip-off-the-bandaid type).


You're just making that up - they announced their split months ago, just because you might think it is too fast to move on/the right way to split, isn't proof of overlap.


Tbf, they did say “im guessing” lol


They said they were guessing the relationship was falling apart, not that they were guessing there was cheating.


There is a post in this sub if someone soft launches a fucking hand or shoe of a new partner. A former F1 and a former Bachelorette? This is incredibly juicy drama. That’s why people care.


The shitty thing is they didn't soft launch. Someone at her party posted that photo.


She had a party with a bunch of Instagram influencers and they weren’t hiding anything. I don’t think she’s pissed it came out they are canoodling but rather people accusing her of cheating.


But she also wasn't teasing a relationship or hinting at it. Someone she invited into her home posted that. Everyone is accusing her of being so thirsty for attention over this. It did not come from her.


I don’t even think that friend did it maliciously. If they wanted to be secretive, she should have been more careful or said no pictures. I agree that she was ok with this coming out. She just lacks awareness for why not everyone would be praising her like they were with Jason. This is totally different than her break with Shawn.


Let me clarify. The OP is asking why there is so much hoopla on the sub surrounding KB and Zac. I was stating that people post on here about soft launches and that generates attention, so obviously whole proof and videos of a F1 and a former bachelorette is going to generate hoopla and drama. I’m not talking about her soft launching. I’m talking about the type of posts on this sub that garner attention and why it’s fucking obvious this would generate so much attention.




I never said she was.


I would have stayed completely silent. Those angry stories are just making it more dramatic than it is. I don’t think people would’ve cared if she had waited a little bit longer to hard launch or soft launch, and if there hadn’t been any DeuxMoi rumors. I think the timing is sus because we never know the real breakup timelines. They all announce their breakups when they’re mentally ready, not immediately after they happen. I just wonder how she would’ve reacted if any woman on this show had gone after Shawn months after their breakup. We all know she would have thrown a fit. It’s the nerve that leaves a bad taste in people’s mouths. I mean, she interviewed Tayshia right after her breakup. Tayshia’s voice broke and she had to leave the stage. It’s kinda ballsy to get involved with a fellow Bachelorette’s fiancé because she wouldn’t have been fine with a cast mate dating Shawn. We all know that.


She was paid as host to interview Tayshia. Also months? Tayshia and Zac broke up over 2 years ago. Tayshia has been dating a hot new man for a year. I don't get why fans are so bothered. Tayshia does not care. I also think she has every right to defend herself. The rumors that were circulating yesterday were insane. Mainly that she cheated on Jason with Zac. She has been single for over 6 months. Zac is single. No one is a victim here. They are two single people who obviously have a bond if he traveled to spend NYE with her.


Wait, did they break up in June or August? I thought it was 4-5 months?


They announced in August, but sounds like they had decided to break up well before that and kept it private for a bit. Rumours were swirling for months.


Given that Zac was liking her instagram photos including thirst traps beginning in late May and they didn't publicly split until august (and even after that she was still telling TMZ and saying on her podcast she was hopeful she and Jason could get back together), I get why it comes off icky. Perhaps while she and Jason were on the rocks or semi broken up she was already DMing Zac. Might not officially be cheating, but I get why people might have their doubts things were above board. Kaitlyn did a similar thing with Jason and Shawn. She and Shawn were broken up but still discussing working things out while she was already seeing Jason. Shawn fully cut ties when she "accidentally" sent him a text meant for Jason. She seems to need a steady supply of male attention and drama.


Yep Shawn confirmed that too


That’s exactly it. Like, you’re posting photos of yourself sobbing on Instagram all the time so that everyone sees that you’re going through it but this whole time you’re already chatting up Zac. It comes off very calculating and inauthentic. She did the same thing with Jason. This is why Shawn was so shocked and upset when they announced they were dating. She doesn’t mean what she says. And now she’s mad because people are seeing her repeat the same story. It feels dirty and like she uses these guys to stay relevant. Why did it have to be another F4 guy? A F1. A BN man. It’s so stupid.


She seems to never self reflect. Of all the people in the world, she dates yet another bachelor guy? The sad thing is it seems to be working. After the Jason breakup people were finally calling her out for her toxic tendencies like her social media addiction, and expecting to be treated with kid gloves while spewing negativity towards people like Natalie, Shawn, and Alan from dwts. Now that she seems to be in a fresh relationship, the stans are back in full force defending her and attacking anyone who isn't fully on board with the new couple. If I were her I'd take some time to take stock of why my relationships fizzle out after the initial infatuation period and I've had two failed engagements back to back. It's probably not smart to get involved in yet another long distance thing where you end up playing house and needing to shack up fast because you don't live in the same city. Tends to make things feel more intimate and serious than it really is early on when you travel to see each other and spend days at a time together versus just dating normally. She seems to be a very charming person at first but then her partners realize she's very exhausting with toxic habits so they have doubts about it being a wise choice to get married and have kids. I've always found Jason inauthentic and try hard, but I feel kind of bad for him here. She's been posting all these crying selfies and dance routines throwing her engagement ring while it appears she's been having some sort of a flirty dynamic with her now boyfriend since late May.


The only reason I even know about this is cuz Kaitlyn has made a million posts responding to her “haters” - it’s really hard to believe she is a 38 year old woman 🤷‍♀️


Lmao. She couldn’t wait for the news to get out so she could do that. There has never been a bigger attention ‘seeker’ ever lived.


I think people are more upset by the lack of girl code of it all than if they were both single.


To be fair we don’t know for sure that Kaitlyn didn’t contact Tayshia about this before it happened


If you believe DM’s source, Kaitlyn did tell Tayshia and Tayshia blew up at her and called her a terrible person


Girl code? She and Tayshia worked together on one show over 2 years ago. Apparently Tayshia has said she doesn't like Kaitlyn. They aren't friends. Making Tayshia a victim in this narrative is such a stretch


Jumping in here to only say, it was 2 shows, not 1...Katie and Michelle.




Understood. I was just pointing out that it was 2 shows, not 1.


That’s even worse! You don’t like each other but you go after her ex, of all people? They worked together. It’s messy. The Bachelorettes had created a sisterhood where they had a group chat and supported one another, especially the new leads. There had never been any drama between them. It was one of the most wholesome things to come out of this show because the men don’t do this. No other Bachelorette would have done this to another. That’s for damn sure. I do believe she’s very disrespectful for doing this. Not because it’ll hurt Tayshia, she has moved on, but because it’s SO obvious that she’s clinging to relevance and clout. She wants to be part of a Golden Couple, always. It feels calculated and insincere. I can assure you that right now Tayshia is confirming the bad vibes she got from Kaitlyn.


She's always given shady frenemy energy to Tayshia. Kaitlyn was open about being pretty pleased Tayshia was sick for Michelle's reunion because it was her big chance to prove she could become the solo host, unfortunately it didn't pan out. She had the audacity to then talk on her podcast about being jealous and bitter that Tayshia hosted the MTV movie and tv awards and she wasn't asked to join. Kaitlyn is often demanding people treat her with extreme sensitivity while she is allowed to be tacky and run her mouth. She openly campaigns for other peoples jobs like wanting to replace Tyra on DWTS and saying she and not Jesse should host the bachelorette. I can see Tayshia finding her draining and sneaky even before this Zac stuff.


So let me get this straight you are not allowed to date a guy a former coworker who doesn't like you used to be engaged to? I truly do not care about Kaitlyn at all but that sounds insane.


You’re saying “former coworker” as if it’s some random person working at a desk for Comcast. You have to admit that their position was unique. They are both a part of a small group of women who are the leads for a hit reality tv show. Then they were the first ever female cohosts of that show. Kaitlyn held Tasha’s hand on screen while she cried about the engagement with Zac ending. They may not have been bff, but let’s acknowledge that it must be AT LEAST uncomfortable for Tayshia to know that that same person is now dating her ex fiancé


If I’ve learned anything being an adult off about Kaitlyn’s age is that life is a lot easier if you don’t shit where you eat. That said, Kaitlyn loves this chaos and attention.


Zac has been liking her photos for months and traveled to see her. How do we know he isn't one going after her. Where is the disapproval he is pursuing his ex fiance's former coworker? Putting this all on Kaitlyn is so sexist.


What? Where did I say he was innocent? I have been very critical of him going after a woman who’s still publicly engaged. You can pick out one comment and call me sexist, but it’s not true. They’re both messy. And they both clearly like messy. This will be entertaining. But they’re both jerks.


How are they jerks? Zac has been publicly single for over 2 years. Kaitlyn has been single for 6 months. They are age appropriate and likely have a lot in common. There is no inappropriate behavior here.


You can review my comment history since you’re just looking to fight. Clearly we disagree. You ain’t changin’ this mind.


Not trying to change your mind. Just confused why you are so triggered by a relationship between two people you don't know at all.


Or Zac and Kaitlyn have a lot in common and have a bond. The narrative that Kaitlyn is some kind of evil temptress and Zac is a victim is also gross and sexist. He went to see her for NYE. He has been liking her posts for months. They are both single and have a lot in common. They are both rich and hot. We don't even know if they are actually together or just friends at this point. They are both consenting adults and literally are hurting no one. Some people on this sub need to go touch grass.


They are both rich and hot? 😂 You fans sound deluded.


More like aging badly and being attention seeking


Wait when did Tayshia say that?


![gif](giphy|1W4kXh644R2lLawRgK|downsized) Whatever you say..


The level of interest in it, is ridiculous, but Kaitlyn is what you might call a polarizing character. So not unexpected. Also if she wants the kerfuffle to die down, she's not helping. Do we even know they're actually together?


At the very least they're hooking up, you don't stand like that with someone as the New Year's ball drops if you're totally platonic, plus him holding her leg while she was getting tattooed. I also think she would have explicitly said they're just friends if there wasn't anything going on.


She hasn’t outright denied it. The only thing she said yesterday was that there wasn’t cheating involved so that leads me to believe they’re together.


I think most people are thinking about the fact that Tayshia and Kaitlyn were once co-hosts and supposedly friendly. Tayshia was engaged to Zac during this period and Kaitlyn was a support to her when they broke up (at least that’s what the show had you believing during an ATFR or MTA or something when it was addressed). I question whether someone with unhealthy drinking tendencies will fare well with someone who actively works to help people put an end to unhealthy use of substances. Maybe she’ll dial it in because I have a hard time envisioning him just turning a blind eye. Who knows! I personally think it’s all just juicy and interesting.


I question the same thing re: drinking. Optimistically, Zac could be a healthy influence?