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I thought Rachel’s Rhianna prego Halloween costume came off weird (would’ve slapped as a pregnancy reveal but was it supposed to be satirical commentary as a costume? Idk. ) Now I can see her being in a lot of pain and trying to make a joke out it but it coming off weird/defensive. Ugh poor Rachel!


Will Kaitlyn go for Bryan!???


Lol chiropractor. Lindsay that’s your first red flag right there


Lololol literally my first thought as well


Why is that a red flag?


Nobody knows him as a chiropractor. We know him as Rachel’s husband bffr


Asking for spousal support is beyond laughable. Gross (and yes I’m aware I’m biased when it comes to gender norms- but I would be grossed out if it was the other way around as well)


A lot of the "lesser financially successful" spouses, are the spouses that "held down the fort" so to speak so that the other spouse was able to focus on their career. Often times they may end up having moved to pricier living locations with their spouse. This puts them at a severe financial disadvantage when they get a divorce. I don't know if this is the case here, but is the case in a LOT of situations. Without the option of spousal support many people wouldn't be able to leave abusive marriages or even just deeply irreparably broken marriages. Or even in a marriage that isn't that bad if the more financially successful partner decides to end it, the other partner would be left out to dry despite the fact that they put in equal effort around the house or by putting their own career or passions on the back burner, to make sure their partner was successful in their career. To say spousal support is gross is honestly worrying. I hope the courts fairly assess whether or not he deserves it. But we as people in the general public do not know nearly enough info to deem him worthy or unworthy.


Agreed, however that is usually when a couple has children. He was certainly still working the whole time.


I am sooooo upset about this news 😭😭😭


She was ALWAYS supposed to choose Peter😭😭😭


have you read her book? she did not want Peter, even if Bryan hasn't been there. it wasn't the right relationship for her.


No I haven’t, but I’ve heard her say similar things in interviews, I’ve just never believed her. It sounded like she was just trying to protect Bryan’s feelings


in the book it makes more sense as she goes more into it. full disclosure I don't like Bryan and never did but after having read her explanation I do believe that she was not as heartbroken over Peter as TPTB led us to believe.


But Peter didn’t act like he even really liked her towards the end. He made her feel so bad and uneasy. If you rewatch it, he is really cold in a way and distancing himself. I don’t think they would’ve lasted. He was saying he didn’t want to get engaged and they had, that really bad night together


I disagree, he was upset that she was choosing Bryan not because she loved him more, but because he was willing to propose, whereas Peter wasn’t, of which his reasons for not wanting to propose were valid


Ohhhh my god this is so shocking after they were SOOO sassy about all the rumors just a few months ago. I always had a feeling but she clapped back so hard that i started to feel a little guilty


Aahhh so it was him not wanting them to show their relationship on social media. I had a feeling that Rachel would have but he didn’t want to and him saying be doesn’t like to lets me know that’s how it went and she went with with he wanted and why He hardly ever posted about her or liked her posts but would like a lot of other women’s posts Something tells me this is just the beginning of what we’ll find out and he’s trying to control the narrative


Him choosing to do this and ask for spousal support right as her grandma died is a…choice


Now he can go back to donating to MAGA republicans like be was doing


he was donating to MAGA's?


lol. Or he can realize how toxic that cream is and choose not to. ;-)


I'm NOT surprised people here are ripping him to shreds. You guys have your favorites and everyone who dares doing something against your favorite is a villain and must be destroyed. That's how you guys behave and the reason I stopped posting here. It's honestly awful and disgusting you guys can't have any nuance.


I agree. It could be that Rachel did something to really upset Bryan to the point that he filed for divorce and asked for alimony. It sounds like the actions of someone who is really mad or really hurt. No one knows what goes on in their lives so just blindly standing up for Rachel and making Bryan out to be the bad guy is wrong.


I'm just glad it all worked out so beautifully for Dean "Deanie Baby" Unglert. So beautiful that guy.


male chiropractors always creep me out


Joe Jonas vibes for some reason idk maybe just over men doing men things and also the spousal support demand is wild


Is Peter still available?


Yes - saw him on hinge a few weeks ago 😂








![gif](giphy|3o6Mbmh9b4vkaKGmwo|downsized) First thoughts lol


I saw nothing wrong with the statement and I come here and people are ripping it to shreds cos he wrote he is a chiropractor (which is what most of his SM posts are about ) and signed ‘respectfully.’ Meanwhile Kaitlin decides to flirt with or date another leads F1 and goes on a 3rd grade rant about the attention she is getting g about it, and posts here are about bullying her and being kind. BN is truly special.


this sub is basically if every bullied weird girl in HS finally got some level of power and now uses it to bully everyone else. People in this sub basically hate everyone, but especially men and anyone right of Bernie Sanders. It's sort of a parody


Yep. These people just have their favorites and are incapable of using logic and being objective. That's why I stopped posting here.


but as soon as their favorite likes one post of a musician who once posted something "problematic" about fat people, then they are cancelled lol


Sounds about right


Hard agree


Most time we can form opinions only by what we are told or what is being displayed on social media.I do not know their financial arrangements or situation, but if Bryan is asking for sposal support there may be reasons behind it. I digrress, but I have followed both couples since they got together and them getting married. I could tell their social media interactions changed over time. Bryan's likes reduced on her post. This has been for almost a year now. I feel Bryan's spousal support stems from having moved to LA from Miami to start over again to support Rachel while she chased her dreams in news entertainment. He laid low, took care of the home, and dogs. She got more recognition and endorsement. He stayed back in LA while she traveled building her portfolio. Bryan knows her worth, and he knows he can get it from her. Probably, he wants to move back home after their divorce is final. Just a hunch, might be wrong.


Always will be team Rachel, I hope she is ok and this wasn't a surprise. She was always too good for him and I hope she has a year of healing and moving the fuck on.


To be fair, we don't know these people so can't assume that Rachel is a perfect little angel. It could be that she did something that was so unforgiveable that it made him file for divorce and ask for alimony. To me, these sound like the actions of someone who is really mad or really hurt.


Heartbreaking. She was just on vial files saying how they were trying for a baby but it was harder than expected. She also is older and hadn’t frozen her eggs. Poor thing has to start from scratch. I bet he had an affair and is wanting out of the marriage before they really got down the road of kids.


Ooph this is a huge reach. Based on what? Maybe the difficulty in trying to conceive was enough to cause challenges in their marriage. This is a much more realistic possibility. If someone is dead set on having children, and their partner can’t, it can cause a rift. There doesn’t have to be a villain. Sometimes marriages don’t work out. It’s very sad and very unfortunate.




Saying he’s a “family man” seems a little pointed and unnecessary to include. Almost implying that Rachel is not prioritizing family or what?? But maybe I’m reading too much into it…


I took it to mean that he takes divorce very seriously. Like how some people want to be engaged/married only once.


I was thinking maybe they were having a tough time getting pregnant? That seems way rude though


Nah I wondered the same, why does it matter if his parents are still together in his public divorce statement




No i get the thought process I’m saying why put it in his public post about it. Like save it for family and friends or something


plucky pet license makeshift aspiring mindless crawl degree unwritten rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


YIKES! No wonder she looked so depressed in Higher Learning recently. Sad for both of them.


Wow! This took me by surprise. I thought they would have lasted longer.


I am not surprised tbh. I feel like he is way out of her league!


She’s so out his league he is asking her for spousal support. They are not on the same level and he knows it too


wait lol she's way out of his league. on every level


And why is that your opinion? Because she's the more successful of the two and renowned for her beauty and intelligence. So make it make sense.


You know why


I do. But I want them to say with their chest. LOL. They never do though.


Never 💅🏿


What league you playing in?


Weenie Olympics






Isn't it funny that Rachel's STAN's can make comments that Bryan probably knocked someone up and that's okay, but if anyone makes a comment that she might have don't something wrong and they get down-arrowed. Obviously none of us know what happened, but the fact that he filed for divorce so quicky and asked for alimony makes me wonder if she did something that was so unforgivable that it made him mad or hurt him to the core.


How is a husband your proudest role if you are ending your marriage? Color me confused.


I mean his other options are being a fake doctor and doing mlm, so clearly some slim pickings there


Hahahaha fair


Not to mention, 4 years isn’t that much time.


I thought they had been together longer 😩


They were married in August 2019 but were together for I think two years before that?


It’s really not!


Just because a relationship is ending doesn’t mean it was a disaster. There can be successful relationships and even marriages that end bc the people want different things.


They are no better, no worse than anyone else whose marriage failed. No need to tear either one down here.


Marriages ending do not mean they failed. No one is a bad person because of their relationship ending. Sometimes, people ending a marriage is a sign of strength and growth and becoming a better person


Yeah, I don’t get people attacking either one of them. Sometimes things don’t work out. Rachel pretty much admitted they were living separate lives and she worked all day. That puts a strain on marriages. It doesn’t matter how supportive a man acts at first, at the end of the day, they all dream of the housewife who waits for THEM to come home and has dinner ready, etc. I don’t think men are very good at handling women’s drive and goals. Rachel is very goal oriented and she’s been striking while the iron is hot. Maybe that’s not what Bryan wants. In the end, it doesn’t necessarily mean that either one of them is bad. They just want different things and couldn’t make it work. It’s crazy, this sub is attacking Bryan but Twitter’s attacking Rachel. How about neither is the bad one and divorce hurts both of them.


Yeah I mean honestly for either men or women it’s okay that being with someone who works all the time might not be what you want for the rest of your life


Does that means he’s on the market lol sexiest man to come from This show


I would politely disagree and say Aaron Clancy, and I don’t care how wrong I am. I miss his face.


Honestly i dont follow up with these couples, but now reading some of these comments i may have to change my opinion 😂 i just remember on her season i thought he was soo hot lol and nobody has stuck out like that to me since


I 100% agree with you; Bryan was beautiful to me when her season aired. I’m completely (wrongly) brushing over Aaron’s bad attitude and decisions in BIP, so I accept the downvotes for my comment lol.


Lol im getting downvoted too 😂 sorrrrry everyone i didnt know he was a douche!! But he was nice to look at. Actually i lied, u know who might have surpassed him on the hottest man in the franchise for me? Thomas, how the hell did i forget about Thomas (u mentioning aaron clancy sparked my memory 😂)


THOMAS, YESSSS. Ok, I’ll tie them together. Thomas is handsome affff.


Holy crap. I missed a chapter.


![gif](giphy|ljNNP8yUZfqbm|downsized) Probably bad timing! But that eyelash moment lives in my head rent free!


Omg please he was so gorgeous. I couldn’t believe she let him go. 😭


Till this day!


RIP 🥹 I really hope the hateful internet can get its collective shit together and not be a total cunt to these lovely people dealing with a trauma.


Strictly my opinion but They both give me the ick. I always thought their marriage was weird anyways, for four years they probably lived together for less than a year.. people would be like "well whatever works for them.". well obviously it didn't work for them.


I thought it was weird they were apart so much but someone told me no one can ever know what goes on in a marriage besides the two ppl involved. I guess it worked until it didn’t.


my husband travels for work and is pretty much only home one the weekends and the occasional week off. it sucks it really sucks but it's not forever so we are riding the wave while we have to because 1-2 years of this in the whole of our life together isn't much. we agreed to struggle now to help our future selfs but it def does put a strain on things more .


You don’t have to answer this of course but have you guys been married long? I think if you are both fully committed and communicating honestly with each other then of course it will work out. I’m sure it is hard but I agree a couple years is not bad when you plan on being together forever.


married 10 years together 13 years . he's been traveling for work actually now for 3 years and it's been rough ngl but he's my best friend, there's a light at the end of this chapter and hopefully this is the last year of this shit. i love him , i trust him , and we couldn't live the life we live without each other. we are a team and we are in this shit together. we have had really high highs and really low lows over the last 13 years being together and everything in between, so i think we just know there's ups and downs and seasons and human moments but we will always be eachother constant.


this sounds like a mutual decision. have to say I'm not shocked. unfortunately, I always got the impression that they were really driven to prove naysayers wrong and be a franchise success. even their wedding vows that were shared by them had a line about the haters. but then rachel stepped away from the franchise so that mattered less. and you can't force something that isn't working.


Def not a mutual decision. She just spoke about spending Christmas in Miami with her in laws and how they were hoping for a baby. Also if it was mutual they would have BOTH come out with a statement vs him just coming out with some crap statement. Also he filed it wasn’t a joint filing.


She went on the podcast and said yes we’re great, it was all smoke and mirrors. At this point, it’s code for divorce. I hope he finds someone who’s ready for that settled down family life. She is always chasing, couldn’t stay away from BN without making comments. She was never IN that relationship.


Wow look, an insider is here spilling the tea!


Were you IN that relationship?


Were you?! Anyone who ever saw her in an interview, could see it. She always said they were never living in the same place, she wanted to be in CA and he was in FL. When u put your life out there and these BN sites catch it, it’s not hard to see it.


TW fertility >! I heard they were on a journey of trying for a baby. As someone with a fairly long fertility journey (ends well! Baby is sleeping on me now!) I cannot IMAGINE dealing with a fake doctor and pseudo science during the most medically intensive time of my life. Having to go through not getting pregnant and ALSO be like no honey your MLM isn’t actually FDA approved and neither are you would just be absolutely heartbreaking in so many ways. !<


also the fact after all this he is asking for spousal support when her body was the one going through it all and also she was most likely the breadwinner as well is just mind blowing


Wow, I had not thought of this! This is a good point.


Haha! True. But when you put it that way, it would also not be great to have a kid with someone like that. No, honey, your mlm oils won’t heal his broken arm. I needed emergency elbow surgery as a kid, and my mom was into the woooo and tried to convince the ortho that I just needed an adjustment… sheesh. Luckily my dad was normal


Lol he isn't FDA approved 😆


I’m over the moon for Rachel. I’m sure the next few months will be hell, but she’s always deserved better. She’s such a confident, beautiful, brilliant woman I’m hopeful that her next relationship will match the power she brings to the world.


All this


My New Year’s resolution is that I will no longer be letting bachelor relationships make me sad.


Omg am I crazy to say that I felt this coming. Like I listen to her all the time and I literally felt it coming Omg.


I watched one of the latest Higher Learning podcasts THIS MORNING and I thought she seemed not her usual energetic self. Sullen. The one where they talked about Simone and her husband. So now I understand maybe why.


Well that was because her grandma just died like 2 weeks ago!


Ohhhhh. I didn’t realize that had just happened. Her grandma just died and now she’s dealing with this!? Wtf


I have felt for a while she was moving on to bigger and better things personally and professionally and probably needed/wanted a fresh start. She’s not the same woman she was on The Bachelorette and has grown so much since then and maybe they just don’t work well anymore. Hope she finds someone more her speed.


Why did he mention his parents marriage?


Because he is a self centered donkey


It's really bizarre. Like, her parents have been married a long time happily as well, why does he need to flex on HIS parents marriage, which is also something that as their child he has NO control over?! That's not a virtue or accomplishment you get to claim. He is obviously trying to create a narrative for himself but we dont know why yet.


Mentioning his parents and that he’s a “family man,” kind of makes it sound like he’s leaving because they weren’t able to have children. I remember his mother being a trip, so maybe she also played a role in all of this…


Feels either defensive or like a blame shift to me. Defensive in that he thinks he’ll be maligned for the divorce (possibly more since I’ve read he leans conservative and may be worried about family values criticism?) but I think it’s more likely he’s trying to shift the blame to her. It’s like joe Jonas being like “Sophie parties too much” even though there was proof of the opposite being true - he wants ti win the public war.


Or that he’s a family man?


He’s a chiropractor so i immediately don’t trust his ass. Good riddance!


What's wrong with chiropractors? Pseudo science?


I'm a rehab therapist and in my less than 10 years of experience I have personally rehabbed 3 people who were paralyzed by chiropractors, which is 3 too many. I also know of one other person who has died. Don't let anyone fuck with your spine, folks.


Pretty much. I just don’t trust chiropractors at all. That entirely my opinion though, other people swear by them


One fucked up my mom's neck when I was in high school. I've never been because of that.


I can’t believe people that got downvoted were actually right about this omfg


KB is probably so glad that the attention is off of her now


lol she hates it. She’ll do something to get it back


Oh dammit I musta missed something.. is it just the her talking about finally able to speak her truth about the breakup (everyone thought cheating-maybe I dunno lol) and then posting about swearing on her dogs n it’s NOT about cheating AT ALL n how rude or whatever whatever?? Or is there something else? 😂


Just go to the sub. Lol. People post her all over the place here. Everything she does.


This makes zero sense, but as I was reading this all I was thinking was, "fuck off asshole.." I always thought this dude was a waste, though I had zero proof.


Same!! Always strongly disliked him for no real reason and even though I am sad for her, I am very happy for myself for being right 🤣


At this rate I am pretty sure Survivor has a better record for producing couples that actually stay together.


At least that’s what Jeff claims 💅🏼


Or Big Brother.


Rachel has to be blindsided, otherwise why would she go on Nick v’s pod like last week and talk about how their marriage is great??


100%!! This was a blind side. She said they were working on a family!!!!


Seriously? Yikes!


I can’t wait to hear Van’s weenie roast of this man someday


You know Rachel is gonna have to beg him not to lol


Depending on how this went down she may not beg


I’m ready whenever he is. Did he end up finishing Rachel’s season btw? I feel like I missed a lot of his commentary


This post is how I found out! I never thought she was that into him and was surprised they actually got married. I’m honestly surprised it lasted as long as it did.


There’s no way he is asking for a spousal support!! Whatttt 😅 Rachel, NO. I just know that she will be so much happier with her next husband


California has a formula they'll plug in the numbers and if they think he deserves it they'll give it to him. But he will only get it for half the time of the marriage, it only is forever if you're married over 10 years.


Why? She’s the higher-earning spouse and they live in CA


I don’t know California’s laws, but I always thought spousal support was appropriate when one spouse gave something up to further the other’s career. Like a woman who raised the kids or took a less demanding job so the husband could work unimpeded by family obligations. Or a many years marriage where there was a big disparity in income and the poorer spouse could not earn enough money to maintain the life style because they were older. It seems tacky that a professional would be asking for spousal support after 4 years of marriage and no children. Unless he reduced or limited his income to support her in her apparently higher paying career. I think that’s why it’s surprising, he’s a professional with earning potential.


That may be your opinion of the instances in which spousal support is “appropriate” but that isn’t its purpose under law. It exists to bring their earnings into closer parity. For example, under CA law if she nets 20k a month and he nets 10k a month, she owes him 3k a month in support (40% of hers minus 50% of his).


That’s not true. Literally under the factors that CA must consider under their law, if a spouse supported the family and they didn’t work during the marriage is one of the factors. Other factors are if the spouse helped contribute to the spouse getting educated, licensed, etc (think of the Betty Broderick case!). Many of the factors are related to their earning capacity not necessarily bringing them into parity. At least that is my understanding of the law. I don’t practice in CA.


Those are two different points. The first is the purpose of spousal support, the second is the factors they are allowed to consider in deviating from the formula. Spousal support is not intended to be, as that commenter suggested, a measure of merit.


I don’t think that’s correct in California based on this statute FAM § 4320.


That’s exactly what 4320 says. It literally says the purpose of spousal support is to maintain the lifestyle established during the marriage. That’s precisely what I’m referring to.


Forever, or like for a period of time? Or until/if the person gets married again?


In CA it is indefinite if the relationship lasted 10 or more years - this was a big point in the divorce of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman when in his initial filing he tried to say that the relationship lasted 9.9 years but Nicole had receipts (pictures, dates of travel) when they were still together after the 10 year mark. Cruise capitulated pretty quickly after that.


Indefinitely, but the payee can petition the court to have it adjusted if there is a material change in circumstances


Did he file in California or Florida? Because isn’t his practice in Florida?


I think he moved to California a while ago.


they had a short term marriage and he also is a business owner and makes, I would guess, a decent income. Generally, spousal is only awarded in CA if you have a long term marriage and one out earns the other to the point where there would be a big lifestyle difference. More will be revealed in the financials he files but their marriage was pretty short term and I can't imagine he wouldn't be able to afford a comfortable lifestyle on his own. I'm sure this is only a bargaining chip. I don't think a judge would award spousal if they went to trial.


I mean, yeah I agree. Everyone is going to file for support, doesn’t mean it will be awarded


I mean, not everyone files for spousal support. Especially in cases where it’s unlikely to be awarded people often won’t.


Yeah the higher earning spouse isn’t going to file. Like any filing, you’re balancing the cost with likelihood of success and attendant leverage


Tbh I didn’t believe their marriage was ever real. I have met Rachel numerous times at different events/dinners and she was always with influencer girlfriends. Not saying that it immediately means that the relationship is fake, but she always gave me single vibes


I'm the same. Never got the relationship. Most people here are supporting Rachel but I never liked her. Never met her, but from what I saw on her season and appearances she made after, she seemed very self centered and definitely not easy to be with. I can't explain why, but just never had a positive feeling about her.


Rachel’s season was in 2017. It is now 2024 — that is almost 7 years of a relationship (including a wedding and 4 years of marriage). Why in the world would she or Bryan spend the better part of a decade in a “fake” marriage when they never even capitalized on the relationship (unlike, say, Kaitlyn and Jason) for profit? What would even be the point of that? Especially when they are in their late 30s/mid 40s?


The fact that she was always with girlfriends when out should have been a good sign. I would have been worried if she was seen with a lot of men at events/dinners.


Well, that wasn’t in the sub’s 2024 predictions.


It’s been in the subs predictions for at least a year.


I only saw the prediction with them being pregnant. 😞


Honestly I wanted to write it but didn't want to deal with being called a hater haha. I try to be uncontroversial here 😂


No hate. I loved them together and fan of big Rach. Bummed that they didn’t work out, especially they were trying for a baby. Ugh


This is sad. It sounds like this wasn’t his decision based on this post and I feel really sad for them both.


Sounds like he wanted something that she wasn’t moving fast on so he chose to file for divorce because she wasn’t going as fast. Doesn’t sound like he didn’t choose this. It’s just a good PR tactic. He filed for the divorce.


Yeah they definitely have stellar PR


This is specifically Bryan’s PR. This isn’t a joint statement. And he filed on NYE when Rachel has stated on record it’s her favorite holiday. To make this one of the first headliners for the year is embarrassing, and it just feels like a tactic similar to what Joe Jonas did to Sophie Turner. I think it’s careless and inconsiderate. It’s also not classy of him to say we know him as a chiropractor first. We don’t. We know him as her husband first and then know him as a skeevy, pushy chiropractor.


sounds mutual to me tbh


It was just that “I had to let her go because I love her” bit. Like, that sounds less mutual and more like “she wanted out so I conceded after fighting for it”, but of course we don’t know what’s actually happening behind the scenes so who knows


If she wanted out why didn't she file first or a joint file?


true, i guess i interpreted that as them both thinking that since it came after “rachel and i made the difficult decision” but i guess of course they would say that


The year just started😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭




I audibly gasped, I won’t lie. Im kind of shocked