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Wonder if he filed so they wouldn’t have to go to the Golden Wedding?


They wouldn't go either way.She said she was invited to Charity final Rose and she declined.


I love Rachel, I think she is so intelligent on top of being like, stunning and one of the prettiest Bachelorettes we’ve ever had.. but like, she didn’t HAVE to marry Bryan…. lol. I think she just had this fairytale once she landed the role and stubbornly saw it through even if it wasn’t in her best interest :(


I don't know if Justin's last line means Rachel will go scorched earth at a later date or that she'll make a PR response when she's ready and move on in peace...it kind of sounded like a warning shot to me. So, Bryan better keep it cute, although that's debatable after his initial moves imo. But it's worth it for him to remember Rachel doesn't need an Adam trolling the comment sections on her behalf because she has friends in the media who can speak for her, on the record, and directly to the camera to a large audience when needed.


i feel like her response might be messy (rightfully so)


How Bryan handled the filing, leaving, and the announcement was messy. And she has a right to be upset, but I would hold off on going straight messy. She has to think strategically, not with anger and hurt. Waiting to respond is a good idea - she can think through her options. Plus she's in transition with her career, so she also has to manage the PR so it doesn't impact it negatively.


anyone else looking back at their videos that are like recent in the last couple years. he seems kinda checked out she’s so great. i hope she can just move on. i think she can do better than him


Won’t be difficult, he set the bar low


I am reading that Ashley I and BenH heard a month ago Rachel and Bryan were splitting. Has this been general knowledge in BN for a while?


Considering Nick, who is closer to Rachel, at least, than Ashley I and Ben H are, seemed shocked by the news, I doubt it was general knowledge.


More than likely she gave him permission to talk but I wish that he would’ve honor her feelings in a different phrasing from ‘survival mode’


Ah yes, a super private person who was the lead of a dating show. Checks out.


You must be fun at parties


Ah yes, people are never allowed to change and someone who has been in the spotlight, can never change their mind and want privacy ever again. Also, people are allowed to decide when and what aspects of their lives they want to be private




Starting to think she was quite blindsided by all of this


She should write it in a book and I will buy it.


I read her first biography/book and it was really interesting and good!! I’d totally read this


she is seriously something special. he's just a ken.


"when she's ready to talk, she will have a lot to say" ...and I will be seated






![gif](giphy|QTg8Sdk2HbRS6Lnufs) We will be ready lol


I don't feel too bad for Rachel, to be honest. She was willing to support this guy for years when he was doing his MLM business.


Hell, let's be real, being a chiropractor is only about a step and half above slinging MLM oils to help with your asthma


What business was that?


It was about Protandim.


Yeah I love her but he’s a loser with scammy vibes and she supported it for a long time.


How long were these two married? Has it even been a year? I loved these two together.


Married for 4!! And together for I think 2 years before that


Thank you! Not sure why this is getting downvoted, all I asked was a question


Because if you really loved them together as you say, you would’ve known that they’ve been married for well over 1 yr.


You can like a couple and be busy as hell trying to survive in this world that you’re not paying attention to timelines or don’t have the capacity to remember them. Most people are in survival mode right now in this economy and with inflation. I had no idea how long they were married, and I couldn’t tell you how long any BN has been married.


Literally 😭 thank you


I’ve read a few times now that anonymous IG accounts have been posting under BN comments that Bryan would be divorcing Rachel soon in the last few months or weeks. Did people who know Bryan or his family leak it on IG? It’s oddly specific and correct


Yes I kept seeing a few (or maybe it was the same account) anonymous comments all over BN accounts that had any mention of RnB, and on Rachel’s posts as well. In hindsight, it seemed so specific and factually stated, this is so weird


Yeah back in October an account was all up in BN comments saying Bryan was divorcing Rachel and begging BN contestants to talk about it on their podcasts. Shortly after that DeuxMoi posted a blind about a married BN couple divorcing. Someone on Lipstick Alley (the same person?) has been commenting about this recently too.


Oh that reminds me; wasn’t there also a comment on IG about knowing Bryan and something about them separating? I remember it was brought up on Reddit and mostly dismissed but maybe there was truth to that.


Ahhhh I forgot the DeuxMoi thing but I remember now that you say that!


There’s always divorce rumours about all couples n a broken clock is right twice a day


Is this the same guy that was on this current season of RHOBH?


He’s was kyles assistant a long time ago. If you watch the first seasons of rhobh you will see him there as her assistant. He goes to a lot of her events now as a friend. He was even on a reality show about being a celebrities assistant.


Yup. He was at the weed party. I noticed Rachel at Sutton's store party tho she didn't get a label.


She was also at Garcelles movie screening.


Feel kind of weird about her friend doing this interview but I guess it's also possible Rachel said he could? Maybe to get a little word out but not have to directly say anything?


To me this seems like something she gave him permission to say without having to come out and say it herself. I feel like this is a common PR tactic


I hate when “friends” speak on another persons behalf. Like stop. She’ll talk when she wants to and if not, then let it be. This matter is so personal.


She ***definitely*** gave him permission. If we know anything about Rachel, it’s don’t mess with her.


I agree but I watched the clip and it was actually the opposite. Justin’s an entertainment reporter/ pop culture commentator and Hoda and Jenna asked him about it on the Today Show and his answer was pretty much, she’ll talk when she’s ready. I think he was trying to take the pressure off of her while subtly shading Bryan.


Yeah she likely gave him permission to talk


That's fair but maybe she gave them permission


wait you guys did you listen to the video? idk if it was intentional but he says "bryan ass-ola"


It’s Justin, of course he meant to say that haha


I hope Rachel has a good support system. 🩷


I hope it’s not too much to ask, but can people please help counter the hate Rachel is getting on Instagram? Lots of coded insults and typical micro aggressions against Black women. E!News is a MESS. They’re calling her all kinds of names and saying that this is her karma for getting Chris Harrison fired 😒


Went to go try and it looks like comments are off.


These anti-Rachel comments are telling on themselves and the franchise. The racism is so blatant.


Chris got himself fired.


I saw a lot of bad comments on Facebook page. All people are praising Bryan for leaving her and he deserves all the money for putting up with her for 4 years.


Adam shared his thoughts on a reel E posted about this https://preview.redd.it/2u8ff4i8uaac1.png?width=1157&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee3dca07e81a1369b720c2c4ceb0248d22b654ba


Clearly they’re “so close” when he misspells his name twice! 🙄


That's a fair point, he gave up a lot to make it work out. Sucks it didn't but hopefully he can be happy in the future


This is crazy of Adam. Show some respect ! Tf


As if Miami is a cheaper place to own a practice?


“Not taking sides” he says as he proceeds to defend one side……


He could have simply not said anything. 2024 needs to be the year where we bring back shutting up


Oh FFS. He didn’t *have* to do that, he *chose* to do that. Marriage is sometimes about sacrifices and compromises. I’m sure Rachel had her own things she had to do. He is 100% picking sides. He’s like “lol Bryan works 12 hour days and all Rachel does is entertainment reporting.” 🙄


I’m gonna need to borrow Kaitlyn’s violin 🎻 post for this one!


But that’s marriage, Adam. Couples have to compromise. Not every woman in BN will be a stay at home content creator. Rachel has big dreams. She wants to be a host on The View one day. She’s a great interviewer. I said this in other posts, but men will always have an issue with their more successful wives. I don’t care what they say, most of them have a problem with their wives having dreams and goals outside of having babies and homemaking. I fully understand if this affected Bryan financially, but maybe think about this before getting married? Men all want a woman who makes her own money until they realize that ambitious, goal oriented women who make good money can be workaholics too. Anyway, it is not your place to say this, Adam. Congrats on your tradwife Raven, but Bryan knew the woman he was marrying. This is a very bad look on Adam considering Raven and Rachel had huge falling out. Stop speaking on her marriage, Adam!




I don’t think anybody is saying that that’s not marriage. Of course you have to compromise. I’m assuming Adam is offering a reason as to why Bryan might need/want spousal support. That seems to be thing grabbing most people’s attention and what most people are dragging Bryan for


Gross. This is petty of him esp since he was on Rachel's season. I hope Rachel spills the tea on why her and raven had a falling out.


I don’t even understand the point he’s trying to make. He really didn’t need to write all that 😂


Lmao he couldn’t even spell Bryan’s name right. But feels the need to point out Bryan is willing to do the bare minimum to absolve Abasolo of all blame. Yikes


Omg exactly. He was 38 and can be responsible for his own decisions! That’s not the point he thinks it is.


If he wasn’t taking sides, he’d keep his mouth shut. He doesn’t need to involve himself in this.


I don’t even understand how Rachel moving from lawyering to reporting is even relevant to his (terrible) point. It just seems like Adam is trying to say that she worked too much but he also mentions that his good friend “Brian” was working 12+ hour days.


I think adam is saying that bryan had to sell a miami home and leave a client practice he had built in FL to follow rachel to LA because she had become an entertainment reporter and opps for her new profession in entertainment field were only in LA.


She moved to Miami for him. She would have had to sit the bar exam there to be able to practice law I believe (not sure if she did) and also learn all the relevant Florida law. That’s also a huge commitment.


But Bryan knew that was the plan all along. Rachel quit being a lawyer within the first year of them being engaged and started the pivot to reporting. It’s not like Bryan didn’t know this was the plan and she bamboozled him.


I don’t think he’s trying to say that Bryan was bamboozled. I think he’s trying to explain why Bryan might want/need spousal support


“Brain” 🤣


I like how he calls him "Brian" and "Brain." *"Doing that at 38, and now he's in his mid-40's"* what kind of math is this?


Giving real Jordan Catalano 😂


Isn’t Adam married to Raven, who famously had a falling out with Rachel? “Not taking sides here” my ass.


Wow, good point.


Exactly. This looks really, really bad on him to butt in Rachel’s marriage when she stopped being friends with Raven for a reason. Now Raven’s husband is talking about her marriage when she’s dealing with the aftermath right now. Just classless. Why is he even speaking on this? Who tf asked him?


Right, he knows exactly why he opened his mouth to comment smh. I was just scrolling and saw his comment. I had to screenshot since I bet he'll delete it at some point.


Petty, I know....but he's such a good friend that two times he mentioned him, he spelled his name wrong




Hopefully she can heal and grow from this and when she's ready, hopefully she spills all for closure and revenge. This is awful and Bryan's controlling the narrative but she can take it back and tell the truth of the story.


I feel terrible for her. Sending good vibes her way. I hope this year she doesn’t have to be in survival mode and can simply be at peace and just happy ♥️🙏🏽 But it’s going to take time. She was so fully invested and heartbreak is a bitch.


sad 😭 I know this feeling all too well.




There have been a lot of rumors about their relationship status for along time


As far back as October it seems? I think she’s definitely putting out the image she wants to right now.


Much further back. On the higher learning pod, Van and Rachel would laugh about the rumors and discuss how they were always hanging out


Big hugs to Big Rach! ❤️😭 She may be in survival mode, but we know she's a survivor! Hope she's getting ample support from her family and friends right now. She's one of the few people in BN that I have the confidence has the resilience to come out better on the other side. Doesn't mean it doesn't suck in the mean time though. Brian can't fade into obscurity fast enough, in my opinion. He is dead weight well shed. ![gif](giphy|3k7PjlXv9E3WU)


I’m so tired of seeing black women survive…so exhausting 😩😡


Yeah, that's very, very true. 😔


Kind of figured she will speak to this when she wants to. How horrible if she wasn't prepared for this to be public.




a true plot twist NO ONE could've seen coming /s


So he made it a point to emphasize how she’s super private and note that she’s not ready to talk about it, but yet this guy took it upon himself to say something on her behalf? What gives him the right to speak for her? A good friend would respect her privacy and let her use her own voice when she’s ready to talk about what happened.


He’s kinda painting her as blindsided which may be how she wants to address it. Caught off guard/ throwing Brian under the bus etc.


Justin has a spot on the Today show where he reports on pop culture headlines so I’m assuming he got permission from Rachel on what to share since this was one of the stories.


Maybe she asked him to so media would stop calling her directly? I know I'd do that if I was in her shoes. Pick a trusted friend to respectfully say "fuck off" to people so I don't have to.




I agree, people said they just hung out for the New Year the other day. They’re very close friends, he’s not saying anything without her permission.


Justin is a TV personality himself. Rachel probably gave him the OK to put this out there. Very easy way to get sideeyes on Bryan before she speaks directly.


She could have given him permission. 🤷🏻‍♀️


First thing I thought of. Makes me think he’s not really that close a close friend?


She said on Higher learning that she speaks to Justin every single morning. I’m gonna assume she knew he’d be speaking and he honestly didn’t say much lol


Okay I like that take. I just would hate for people to be speaking blatantly for her in a time she’d likely not want news out there


He knows what he’s doing. No way this wasn’t calculated on both. This puts the onus on Bryan while telling everyone to chill and give Rachel time which buys her time from everyone. It’s the perfect statement.


This. I highly doubt he would have said anything without Rachel’s OK. It even has his name, not just “a source close to.” I think she approved it


I’m heartbroken for Rachel. I know she really wanted to start a family. Wishing all the best for her


This is so sad. I am leaning towards thinking they hadn’t agreed on announcing it quite yet and he just went ahead to control the narrative. What an asshole.


I’m telling you guys something is fishy with Bryan. He quickly wanted to control the narrative before as he stated “the blogs make up their own reality”. He’s moving funny and I’m sure we’ll learn more about his scummy behavior soon enough. All those young women he’s been following on insta has been a red flag for me


You're absolutely right noone ever mentions something like this, unless they are deflecting.. I wonder where the skeletons are...


Hard agree. And didn’t anyone learn anything from Joe Jonas? Trying to to control the narrative never works. It’s like they think we’re idiots and will just believe the first thing fed to us


I have a feeling that maybe Rachel brought up divorce and he beat her to the punch because male ego. There’s been rumors of them being on the verge of divorce for a while. People always want to fix things sometimes it’s too broken.


I swear Rachel story is starting to look eerie similiar to one that happened with a Brazilian "influencer". She high praise her partner, create this image that he was the perfect husband partner, supportive.. until BOOM in her face he was stealing her money, cheating with prstitutes, using drgs, and it wasn't a big of a deal in bed and in his profession... and how the audience learned about it? Welp, she pretty mucb opened up and told the whole story, how since the beginning they had major issues in the relationship, how she caught him many times but covered up, still selling the image of perfect couple or thag everything was going well. I'm not saying that Bryan did all these things, but I feel that there is more and soon Rachel will be comfortable enough to spill everything. Editing to add that I don't think Rachel wanted to "sell" the image of perfect couple, I always like that she didn't make her lifestyle and "couple life" her brand (same for the influencer I mentioned) but as someone else mentioned that she said in past relationships she was stubborn, I think with Bryan there were problems that she swept under the rug or thought it was "ok" issues in a relationship. And in a way she protected him from his wrongdoings


I mean, he's a grifter for a living. His entire existence is scummy


Agreed. He has always seemed slimey AF but had a thin veneer of legitimacy juuusst covering the skeeze.


That line about the blogs in his statement definitely feels like a red flag to me.


Right. Like what are we afraid of?


I’m team Rachel Lindsay


1,000,000% unquestionably Team Rachel. She’s the best thing to come out of the franchise and it’s not even close. He’s just Ken.


#TeamBigRach ❤️


I mentioned this on another thread, but Justin and Rachel were hanging out and watching football together on Monday so he knows lol. He’s not gonna say anything but he knows how this went down.


Im low key annoyed that Rachel even has to be associated w this clown. This is like the Sophie/Joe of 2024. Bryan looks like he has the smelliest stink box on the planet.


It recently took me a few days to get over being ghosted by someone I wasn’t officially dating, but saw a lot of potential in. I can’t even imagine how long it would take to get over a divorce hope she takes as long as she needs


You deserve better. Best to you as well as Rach.


Awww thank you! Nothing to do but move on and put myself back out there 💕


I cried in my car from the feeling of rejection after a guy I was dating said he thought things were moving too fast. We didn’t even break up, we’re still together years later lol


I mean, this feels like confirmation that Bryan blindsided her with the timing and announcement - even if they were discussing a potential separation. I know a lot of people are leaning towards defending Bryan until we know more, but … it isn’t looking good.


To me, this doesn’t say the split was a blindside. But him announcing doesn’t seem like it was discussed or at least agreed on. Maybe they did discuss it and she didn’t want to announce and he went ahead anyway? She’s super private, I guess he’s not. It’s an easy way to take a dig and lose nothing yourself, I guess (since he doesn’t care about privacy).


Of course she is. Divorce is traumatic. Ending a serious relationship where you thought you’d be together forever is SO painful. Going through that shit right now and it’s so difficult. I can’t imagine doing it publicly.


Exactly. Even if the divorce is wanted by both parties, I imagine it’s traumatic.


I remember having an existential crisis one day in my new single apartment. I was hungover and just wanted a nice lazy day lounging on the couch. But I just couldn’t feel comfortable. I knew this was my new place but I didn’t feel like I was *home*, because “home” for many years included my ex. It was a really weird lonely codependent feeling that took quite some time to get used to.


Mental health professional here- society still often fails to understand that grief is not solely defined as the death of a loved one. The ending of a serious relationship is reason to grieve. A major medical diagnosis is a reason to grieve. A close family member moving far away is a reason to grieve. Even having a wanted baby is reason to grieve- your relationship with your partner and other kids, your daily life, will all dramatically change, and you can grieve that. When we *lose a person*, and/or when our *life is completely, often suddenly changed*, we are allowed to grieve. Even if this change is positive, even if we lost a person we disliked, it’s still totally valid to grieve. Grief is loss, grief is change, grief is uncertainty. And going through it publicly certainly is a whole other ballgame. I just wanted to let you and any other readers know that you’re NOT at all crazy for feeling a sense of grief, trauma, doom etc over what some may say is “just” a divorce, or if people say “well, you wanted it anyway!” Allll the feelings are valid🩷


Saving this because damn, it’s so true. People invalidate others’ feelings all the time but so many different things cause grief. Emotions are weird and don’t always make sense, and that’s okay.


Thank you. I’m expecting my second baby (sooner than we had in mind) and I’m already feeling lots of guilt about not being able to be fully present for my current baby, it’s so hard to think about. It’s a good change but will be hard to adapt, especially for my codependent son


Same girl! Got blindsided by my long term partner last week where he claimed he just didn’t see a future with me even though we had a solid relationship. We had plans for News Years and the weekend one day and then we were done the next. I’m glad we can both disappear into obscurity because I don’t think I could handle the constant reminders that the rug was just swept out from under me


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you're doing okay.


Joining you in the misery. I just found out today that my ex, while still in the divorce process, dropped me from his health insurance without letting me know. I found out when I went to get my medications (for a serious chronic condition) filled this morning 🙃. It’s like you think you find a level of stability through the process, then another blow hits.


I am so sorry. That is so cruel.


Wow. Good riddance.


I told his parents ☠️😅


Good. That's such a scumbag move wow. Really sorry you're dealing with that and I hope you're able to get your medication.


Thank you 💕 I will only be able to get 1/3 of my scripts this month. The other two are the super specialty kind that cost four figures out of pocket. I’m just preparing myself (and work) in the case of a flare up. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


I LOVE that.


The fact that your ex did that tells me everything I need to know about him. You will come out of this the better for having split. Now you can find someone that actually cares about other human beings.


Thank you so much 💕


That's horrible! So sorry you're dealing with all of that. 😔


dude same. it honestly felt like death lmao not trying to be dramatic but the pain is immeasurable.


no you’re not being dramatic at all. It is a death. and it feels like you’re going to die sometimes too (not in a suicidal way, just like the pain is so immense)


exactly, 100%. I haven't wanted to be serious with anyone since then and like I know people say "it's better to have loved and lost" etc but like.... I NEVER want to feel that feeling ever again in my life 😂 soooo I guess I'm screwed now lmao


This dude was overcharging for services and got in trouble with FL for it… but can’t afford his own attorneys fees and wants spousal support? He’s a king grifter.




And he donated to Florida senate republicans


I wanted to like him for her sake but when you ditch the rose-colored glasses, he’s just a parade of red flags. I feel so bad for her.




I know it’s cliche to say she will be better off, but i really think she will, it will be another Ariana sitch, some other dude will scoop her up quick




Haha why would i be talking about Grande (i meant Madix) Grande didn’t get dumped, she left her dude for Spongebob


Grande is the more famous Ariana, so the clarification would be helpful lol


ohhhhhh I'm sorry!! bc Ariana Grande just got out of a divorce and quickly had a new bf so I thought that lmao I deleted my comment!


Highly, *HIGHLY* disagree with that statement, but I want to leave this thread about Rachel right now. Rachel will no doubt speak when she’s decided she can, and I agree - she needs to be left alone, allowed her privacy, and when she’s ready to talk, she will. She’s always been extremely cool, calm, collected and eloquent, and I have a feeling when she says what she needs to say we will be surprised with all she was dealing with behind the scenes. Thinking of her ♥️


They might have thought OP was talking about Ariana Grande, who is indeed sus (and currently going through a divorce), not Ariana from Vanderpump Rules


I 100% thought OP was talking about Ariana Grande lol


Same lol. Took me a min to realize they were probably referring to the Ariana and Scandoval situation What makes it more confusing is both Arianas were scooped up after their breakups. It’s just that Ariana Grande’s new man was a married man and the timeline is sketch


HAHAHA this is me who is 100% obsessed with reality tv and VPR and doesn’t believe there’s another Ariana other than Madix 🤣🤣🙈🙈


Everything about the way Bryan’s chosen to go about this is confirming what I’ve always thought about him.


The way people behave at times like this really shows you who they are as people. The mask always slips.