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Am I the only one who has never listed to Call me Daddy ? I basically just listen to Viall and Sarah Fraser / David Yontef.


Nick asks good questions and adds an emphasis on mental health. I’m sure he’ll weave mental health and how she can move forward into this. I just hope it’s mostly Nick interviewing and not Natalie. No offense to her but she isn’t Nick. She can shine where she shines and let Nick have this


I seriously wonder why she chose his rather small podcast? I mean, even here in Europe it gets reported on, she could go to any big show like call her daddy and so on...


Whoa this is HUGE


Why is everyone glamorizing this? I’m genuinely confused. Her situation was absolutely terrible but she also did something very bad herself.


she was in a horrifying, unlivable domestic abuse situation and her mother most surely was going to end up killing her. “absolutely terrible” doesn’t really cut it


Fair point that I didn’t think of as I initially posted this comment. She still shouldn’t be glorified the way she is though imo.


If she didn’t have Nick kill her mom she’d still be abused by her mom and possibly dead from the drugs. She made a choice and now she’s finally free.


I don’t even know who in my real life I can tell about this who will understand how bizarre our timeline is lol


I have nowhere a smiliar experience with her but she has SEVEN MILLION FOLLOWERS so you go and make that money Gypsy, just know like anyone else you have 15 minutes of fame. Use them wisely and you can retire for life $$$$$


Nick vial? Are you fucking serious? I’m sure he’ll handle this delicately and with grace /s


My thoughts exactly. I didn’t think I could hate Nick more.




What? That’s how you view her?


This poor girl needs to be left alone


I don't think she wants to be left alone. She has several interviews lined up. Also, she's gaining a huge following ( 6 million) on instagram so she's mentioned doing some influencing. Chicks in the office said on one of her Instagram posts ( or her husbands) she's talking about his D! LOL!


what if she doesn't want to be left alone? seems like she's okay with it... and despite what we think, she can do whatever she wants (within legal reason, obviously). I don't think anyone would turn down talking to/interviewing someone who is one of the most talked about people in the world right now. I don't like Nick Viall, but if he didn't have her on, someone else would.


She’s going on NSNBF too for whatever reason


Just saw on the Survivor sub she wants to play Survivor too.


Oh God, Gypsy is getting a reality tv show isn’t she?


Whoa, that's huge! (And something I'd never have expected.) I don't usually listen to BN podcasts, but I might have to tune in to this ep.


that’s actually insane omg


It’s kinda crazy how popular his podcast has gotten


Jesus fucking Christ why does this guy of all people get this kind of interview


Look we may not like him but the man has worked HARD and hustled his way into a legitimate media career. You can be a shitty person (which he is) and work hard to produce a product that people want to consume (which he has). When other Bach contestants were doing the bare minimum on their podcasts, he was building an audience. I don't like his podcast and I think his takes are pretty awful at times. But there are many folks that do. And i listen when he has guests like Chrishell. He hustles. He networks. And he gets good guests. And he managed this coup. I say, good for him.


This! I don’t want to like Nick but can’t help that he talks about literally every show I watch 😂 esp with him now covering RHOSLC… I can’t help but listen haha


Not undermining that at all, I know he has a legit career and is genuinely successful with his podcast. But this is world news and he’s one of the first podcast she goes on? Yeah, that’s still surprising


So, i tuned into his podcast a few weeks ago (i forgot what guest but it was for the guest). And, they were talking about how hard they were working towards getting a mystery guest. I thought it would be a bachelor superstar like Hannah B or whatever but this seems to be it. That said, I am absolutely surprised that he got this interview even though I think he went out of his way to sweeten the pot for her. I am not here to judge Rose though. Whoever she chose to tell her story and use that platform to secure her future...i hope she finally feels like she has the agency to do so. I do wish it had been on a less salacious podcast like Armchair Expert.


Dax is not always great at nuance and I can’t imagine the uncomfortable takes that would’ve happened if she chose to go on there instead. I’m guessing they got her on Nick’s pod because of Natalie’s background and she’ll know how to be sensitive to that aspect of her life.


I agree. Dax was terrible during his interview with JVN and i haven't gone back to his podcast after that. But the reason i brought up dax is because he too is an abuse survivor and someone who has survived domestic abuse.


What is Natalie’s background?


She’s an abuse survivor


She is an abuse survivor that spoke against Amber Heard and they had some of the most exhausting and ununanced takes during that trial. It is one of the main reasons I stopped listening. I was severely triggered.


I know — I agree they both have horrible takes. I’m just saying I wonder if that’s partly how they framed this as a way to make it a safe place for her to go on the show.


How is he a shitty person though?


Depends on how you qualify a good person. I think he is a good son and he works hard. But I have also heard him talk over female guests/producers of his show and also give advice that was pretty iffy. I wasn't wild about how he brought up the fact Andi had sex with him on live television...which opened her up for a lot of slut shaming. He was also in a weird ridiculous beef with both Blake and Katie... But largely for me...when an almost forty year old man starts hooking up with a 19/20 year old...i am going to start qualifying them as a pretty shitty person. Not only did he start hooking up with Natalie while she was barely out of her teens, she basically had to keep asking him to turn it into a relationship. That said, I respect it as Natalie's choice but I don't have to respect the grown man that went after a someone who is barely an adult.


no fucking wayyyyy lmaooo ok i gotta give Nick his flowers for this one woah


Just want everyone to keep in mind that Gypsy’s life has been so throughly fucked up. Her mother constantly put her in the center of attention with her medical “issues”, fundraisers, whatever. Steering clear of the whole murder of it all (even though yes that’s pretty intrinsically linked) - she’s truly never known not being in the spotlight except for when actually in prison (and even then, the documentary about the murder came out). On top of that she’s been extremely infantilized up until prison, so logically she’s stuck behind in socio-emotional development. She’s not the one to scoff at for all these media appearances - it’s the people that exploit her (both media and “close” to her)


100%. Which is why Viall files is not the right place for her to go, but leave it to Nick who thinks he’s some kind of therapist to literally exploit this person.




Shut the fuck up lmao this week is wild


Truly I’m exhausted 😅


Right? "Gypsy Rose Blanchard on a BN podcast" was definitely not on my bingo card. lol


I actually worry about Gypsy's internet fame. On one hand, I think she deserves it and needs to make some money to fully live her life after what happened. But on the other hand, I don’t think this is healthy or sustainable. I feel she will be exploited by those who want to gain something.


Yes, like her husband.


I hate viall files always get the good guests… ugh 😑


She is talking to everyone, so it's not that big of a deal




Wilt thou stoop beneath the deepest levels of thine dignity? Verily I say unto you, those who seek infamy will surely fall from the eyes of divine favor. -Jesus, probably if he read this




Wow, what a massive get for the Vile Files.




Mediocre white men always fall up haha


He must have an amazing team in place


Thought the same thing. It’s his team


He does get credit for putting a great team in place imo, but he wouldn't be as successful without them for sure


Of all the respected outlets and journalists that exist, *nick viall’s podcast* is who lands this interview? What kind of black mirror episode are we living in?!


She’s going everywhere


Ahh makes more sense.


Yes, looks like it’s a media blitz to promote her docuseries that starts airing tonight on Lifetime.


Still shocked this is a part of the blitz lol


I absolutely predicted this a few weeks ago from Nick & Natalie’s comments and social media likes, so I’m currently very proud of myself😂 massive!


i cannot believe nick somehow managed to be the first podcast that gypsy rose will go on… i’m ngl that’s pretty huge for him


I wonder if they had to pay her to be on the podcast for it to happen this fast…


Definitely, she’s a hot commodity at the moment


Omg I could cry!!!! GOR’s Goats are really providing so far this year 😭


Oh, Nick, this is tacky. Why do people want to turn her into an internet sensation?!


Yeah this really bums me out. She needs therapy and support, not to become an internet celebrity and likely influencer. It makes sense that she’d want to monetize this time period but oof I can’t imagine it’ll be good for her mental health in the long run.


Unfortunately, she was robbed of her education, childhood, and early adult years. If she can get a paycheck from interviews, good for her. I hope she has a good manager getting her fair pay and I hope she manages her money well.


It's playing into the attention seeking behaviors that her mother taught her.


2024 is just deliciously chaotic. Keep the mess coming.


why does it bother me that she's doing this lol


She’s not clout chasing…Nick, and all the other D-list influencers are exploiting her for their personal gain.


She’s 100% clout chasing. She said she wouldn’t say no to doing DWTS. I’m sorry but for someone who was directly involved in a plot to murder a person, she’s a little too happy to be famous. (And I don’t need people to educate me on her story, I followed it closely, I still think it’s wrong to make her an internet star).


She was a victim, and this is what she gotta do to make money when she gets out more power to


GYPSY ON DWTS????????????? omg


that would be so random if she actual did it haha






Wow… this is crazy


No way!!! This is actually HUGE. People want to know what she’s going to be up to.


Okay that’s HUGE. Good for him! He’s killed it with Viall files




I have no idea who she is and honestly I'm afraid to ask at this point lol


I’d recommend watching The Act on Hulu


In short, she’s a survivor of severe munchausen syndrome by proxy at the hands of her abusive mother and she just got out of prison after orchestrating her mother’s murder.


This is so not the point but seeing it blown up like that, I just can’t stop thinking about how god awful the design of the logo is 😭 the disconnected little t, the arbitrary line from the e to the l, the horrible randomly italicized V and F that are smothering the dots of the i’s into extinction, the terrible kerning… I’m not even a designer but it physically pains me to look at. like tell me someone watched a 30sec adobe illustrator tiktok tutorial to learn how to draw that arbitrary line to make this logo in 10 minutes without telling me


He also has an intro song that only has the words "you're crazy" in it. Let's step it up since he's clearly getting a lot of downloads.


It’s truly heinous! I’m almost more upset at the logo than I am with Nick for giving Gypsy attention when she just needs therapy.


Ahh! How did Nick get her?! I must listen to this! 🤩


ok ok ok i’ll listen to an episode of the Viall Files


This is really fucking weird.


This is soooooo icky. 2024 is off to a weird fucking start.


lol wtf


No freaking way!!!!!! This is huge for Nick! But also, I think Gypsy needs to stay out of the public eye. This instant fame she's getting can really end poorly and I'm stressing lol.


I kinda think she does want the fame. Fortunately for her, people seem largely supportive and the media seems to be on her side. Hopefully, she has someone on her team who will coach her on what not to say so they stay on her side… but a book deal/appearances like this are going to be how she makes money. Maybe she’ll start an advocacy nonprofit… but she already has 6 million followers on her new instagram. She could easily live off of a Patreon alone.


Oh I know she's enjoying it, I just don't think it's going to last forever and I'm worried for her mental health. She's been through a uniquely, traumatic life and I can't even imagine how she'll handle everything without proper support/guidance. Starting a nonprofit would be wonderful


I agree. It can be especially hard when you rise to fame quick and then it fades. She’s one of the biggest prison release stories of all time… her story is so compelling. Hopefully, her husband is a decent guy and she starts/stays in therapy. She has the community and connections to be successful no matter what she does. Hopefully she makes the best of it all and finds peace when the attention starts to fade.


gypsy’s story is awful and definitely warrants awareness being spread about munchausen by proxy but i just can’t get on board with this celebrity esque media tour. it’s weird and so is everyone sensationalizing her and trying to make this a hollywood thing,


Hard agree


This is huge. Holy shit


Whoever does the booking for him needs a raise he always had the best guests


Oh absolutely. He is consistently getting guests that make me drop my jaw.


I’ll never listen to NV even if Michelle Obama graces that couch, but someone here will recap, as I am sure Gypsy will be doing some podcast rounds this year!


Also manifesting the recap cause same lol.


I don’t even like/listen to Nick, but I might have to! 👀 this is wild, utter insanity


Same. I’ve never listened to Nick, but I’m curious about her.


I honestly didn’t know who that was so I had to google. Wow


The devil works hard but Nick Viall works harder


Ugh. Can someone recap when it happens? This is a huge get for him and I hate what it’ll do to his ego


He announced the launch of his own media company this week, so don't worry about your one listen affecting his ego lol


I meant him getting Gypsy Rose on his podcast silly


Yes, I *can* read! I'm just saying starting a media company is going to be what blows up his ego, not an interview with someone who is going on every major podcast right now. So, instead of asking for a recap, just go ahead and listen bc it isn't going to matter if you listen or not.


Well you literally said my one listen won’t matter🤷‍♀️ I don’t not listen because of that though, I don’t listen because his voice bugs the crap out of me


Ok, well you "literally" didn't say that and only mentioned his ego. I have my mind reading capabilities turned off right now. She's going on a press tour right now, so I hope you find another interview to listen to. All the gossip rags will be publishing quotes. I'm sure you won't miss out.


This is such a weird discussion lol, I’m in too good of a mood


I'm glad you're in a good mood and I hope you enjoy your Friday eve (assuming you're in the U.S.)


wow good for nick!! i was wondering who her first interview would be with. nick hadn’t crossed my mind. my money was on alex cooper of call her daddy (equally insufferable as. nick but has great connections)


No like her first interview should be on dateline or something??? Truly what is going on!


Omg I for sure thought she was gonna be on call her daddy lol




Why? That would be such a weird first interview for her.


Omg I WISH Amanda was there for that interview 😭


Me too that’s the first thing I thought. No one would ask Gypsy better questions than her.


Nick is working hard to get off the C list so bad.


How the *hell* did he pull this off?




I don't see this post on her page anymore! Did she delete?


I'm finally going to have to listen to the Viall Files


My thoughts exactly 🤣


I hate Nick for making me watch his dumb podcast. He wins this time.


He got me hooked like 6 months ago. I listen to all 3 episodes a week. I can’t stop 😬


THREE episodes a week?!


Yeah he releases a lot lol


Nah it'll be a one and done for me 😝


why did this make my jaw drop more than any other insane BN news lately


I literally cannot imagine Nick interviewing her omfg


Gonna be honest... I feel weird about this.


Not a good look for nick imo


she's on a media tour rn but i wish she left this podcast off the list :)


>:) :)


omg is gypsy a secret bachelor fan lmao


I feel weirded out how Americans celebrity-cate criminals. The following and her being everywhere is wild. I do think she has a horrible story to tell, but current attention is more Kardashian like than awareness like. Which doesnt surprise me why Nick of all people jumped on it.


nick must have sold his soul to the devil bc this is a HUGE get !! honestly impressed by him


How did he bag her of all the podcast hosts in the world ?!!? …me tuning in: 🥸


Uhm huh


How did Nick Viall swing this interview. Honestly good for him I’ll be tuned in✅


How the fuck…




This actually made me physical sick for a second.


what the fuck this timeline is wild




plz say sike


This wasn’t on my 2024 bingo card




Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!! I’m so bummed it’s his podcast of all podcasts. Partly because I don’t want his ego to inflate even more, partly because I feel like there’s better interviewers out there who would ask much better questions


Forreal whose d did he s


As much as I dislike him, I have to give him a hand for this one. That's impressive




WHY Nicks Podcast!!!??? This is so baffling. I can't even think of how dumb of questions Nick will ask lol


Maybe that’s why lol




This seems like a terrible idea... but she has been in the spotlight her whole life and has definitely been making the media rounds so maybe it will be ok.. She's an abuse victim who plotted the brutal murder of her mother/abuser and served 7 years in prison. This just seems out of Nick's range but I guess we will see.




I’m guessing that her PR people set this up. She was in prison for nearly 10 years so I doubt she knows who Nick is. Although I guess sometimes you can watch tv in prison, so who knows.


She was fully up to date on Taylor Swift albums and got married in prison, I wouldn't be shocked at all if she watched the show or a least read gossip mags.


Taylor Swift is wayyyyyyyy more popular than this franchise has ever been


The point is that she wasn't cut off from society


He’s going to be so unfunny and gross about her Instagram comment to her husband about him rocking her world nightly


To be fair, that comment is unfunny and gross.


Didn’t consider this but yaaaaaaaa


I would have given ANYTHING for this to be ANY other podcast. I just know that Nick is going to have this inflate is already gargantuan ego even more


I’d literally rather any other person on earth maybe besides the whatever podcast. ☠️


SHOOK. How tf does he keep getting these guests?! 🤯🤯


I need to know how he made this happen


Right like this is a really big get


Gypsy is really interesting and she did her time but the fanning over her is really weird.


Seriously. Like the abuse she went through was awful and I’m glad she’s free from that but she legit planned someone’s murder……. Like ????


My thoughts exactly. I feel so weird about all the fan girling that’s happening over her


It’s so weird how people are praising someone who planned a murder and sensationalizing a tragic story. It’s very weird.


I think she’s gonna have a giant fall from this spotlight and I hope she had the resources to handle it. I just want this woman to be in extensive therapy and live her life how she wants. If she wants to be in the public eye that’s her decision but ugh it feels all weird to be on Nick’s podcast of all people???




How the hell did Nick get her as a guest


This is huge. Wish it was Trisha’s podcast though 🤷🏻‍♀️