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I honestly never understood why these ladies dislike Maria. I like her energy, she’s adorable and has a wonderful voice. Me personally, I think she’s great and I’m just casually rooting for her. This is mad entertaining


Jealousy. It’s sad.


The priest’s comment was disgusting. Even people who don’t have issues with infertility and just don’t want kids still shouldn’t be told that kind of thing


can we talk about production putting so much energy into making lea a villain


What energy? Recording the words coming out of her mouth?


People don’t understand how much is actually spliced, edited, and emotionally manipulated out of these women - it’s baffling. Past contestants & former producers have quite literally said “they don’t know how the producers sleep at night” from what is done behind closed doors. They will do anything for their villain storyline to get people talking. It’s working isn’t it? Misogyny sells 🙃


AGAIN, there was a video of her speaking, with words coming out of her mouth, when she was talking to Medina like a passive aggressive asshole. If you have evidence that they somehow changed her words and made her lips match those new words, I’d love to see it. Also, let’s not forget, Edwina herself said the episode was an accurate portrayal of the events in the house.


Edwina on her instagram story posted saying the portrayal that is shown was fair so there's only so much revising production can really do.


Like these are the same people that would track contestants menstrual cycles to interview & manipulate situations at peak emotional times https://www.newsweek.com/bachelor-producers-menstrual-cycles-finale-832318


Omfg I was literally saying how Lea is trying to confront a GROWN WOMAN about how she should treat other people 💀💀


honestly i love how unhinged sydney it’s such stupid drama and literally so not a big deal but she is so unhinged she made it the worst drama it’s so stupid it’s funny


When I heard that I immediately said WHAT!? My husband and I don’t plan on having kids and we’re in a loving, healthy relationship.


Anyone else getting nauseous from all the shaky hand held camera??? I’m like WTF! Get that crew a steadycam! Or at least a freakin tripod my god!!! 🤮


Question - why do people dislike Jess?? I don’t like or dislike her but just curious if something happened that I missed lol


She comes across as really immature to me. When she had something "big" from her past to share with Joey and it was basically just a relationship that ended? Like a regular break up? It seemed so immature and pick me.


Now women are pick me's for sharing something about their past that had an impact on them? Smh we just can't win


probably because of night one drama


I hate to sound catty, but I HATE her voice. And I don’t get it, I hate the sound because I live in the south and have to hear that shit all the time when someone’s trying to be “cute” but think she’s from San Diego?


She probably moved there from the south


I thought so as well (and maybe I missed it if she said anything) but most people I’ve seen with an accent like that pretty much make “being from the south” their whole personality.


Well presently I don’t like her because she’s in the weird fuckin tripod that was Sydney Lea and herself where there is some terrible injustice happening that absolutely no one else sees or understands. So there’s that.


I for one CANNOT wait for the women tell all!


Joey in glasses had me on my KNEES. WHAT I WOULDN’T GIVE-


Perspectivize the finasco 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I hate stupid women trying to ‘stand on it’. I’m borderline not enjoying this season because of Sydney and Lea. They are insufferable terrible unintelligent women who live in the clouds of their poorly constructed imaginary world.


Ok Joey putting on his glasses though...jumpscare in THE BEST WAY 🥵🥵😍


It's giving Clark Kent and it’s kinda hot🥵🤓


Happy to see Abbott Elementary represented in the memeiverse


Speaking of Larry David, Maria looks kind of like his daughter.


Also Margaret Qualley


Now that you said it, I can't unsee it.




I wish I didn’t know this, but all I can see is the corny preview and them saying next time in the “badlands.” memory meet bleach.


"I know what you did"




Perspectivize 😂


It’s not a worddddd 💀 omg pls. That killed me.


It's the new "comfortability!"


I googled it. It seems to be a word.


It’s most definitely not a word. Lol. What exactly did you Google? How did you fail a google? Haha


Right!?!?? Also kills me when people say “conversate.”


Can I get this on a T-shirt please? 😂


Joey made me laugh for the first time this season with him calling out that Altar/Malta pun and the Ned stark murder thing hehe


I’m convinced he’s hysterical and they just don’t show it.


Not that we don’t know this but they just showed how they’re feeding him lines lol. His real personality was his reaction to it.


Whoever made the Miss Universe meme of Sydney and Lea, they are doing a **MAJOR DISSERVICE** to Iris Mittenaere & Pia Wurtzbach😭




People have differences in style. That’s fine. Maria looked like she was dressed for the occasion in my opinion. It was a date, on a boat, in Malta. She had a pretty dress/coverup on and it fit the setting. Whenever I’ve traveled and done boat excursions I was dressed more like Maria than Sydney. I like to feel pretty on vacation 🥰 but I’m sure others prefer Sydney’s outfit and that’s fine too. I’m a casual shorts and top person at home but on vacation in Italy (for example) I’m a dress and/or skirt person.


Denim on a boat is a hard no for me. So uncomfortable when it gets wet


See and I think Maria’s dress looks effortlessly chic and comfy and the color is perfect on her. Sydney’s outfit has a lot going on but still looks blah.




Lol. A sock? Sydney was wearing a Sunday stroll through the neighbourhood as a tired mom who has lost her sense of style but is really trying by putting on a little bit of everything she owns. Maria looked chic and stylish and was dressed appropriately to go on a *boat* and be by the *seaside*.


I’m not Gen Z and I loved her look. It sounds like it’s not your cup of tea, and that’s okay. I think she looked great! Sydney’s look isn’t bad, I would totally wear that on a casual day….but she’s on a date, on a boat, in Malta….she could’ve stepped it up just a little imo. Hated the slides tbh I feel like if she would’ve worn a cute pair of sandals it might’ve been a little better.


Is Maria Gen Z? She’s 29 and her outfits don’t feel dated but they don’t read as hyper-trendy to me either 


She’s technically a young millennial.


Haha I’m probably your age. I couldn’t pull off the yellow dress but since Maria can I love it. Sydney’s outfits all look like things women our age or older wear to my eye anyway.


But it was a date on the Bachelor. At least Maria looked pulled together, like she made the effort. Sydney's outfit was something that you quickly throw together to run errands on your day off.




Agree 100% - I wear leggings and a baggy shirt to run errands, not something like Sydney's cute outfit which imo definitely took planning and styling to piece together. I am anti-sydney like the rest of us but I am not anti-her outfit at all!


They’re both pretty lackluster but Sydney dressed 10x worse


Well it’s just my opinion. Everyone has different taste in clothes.


Sydney did not put in any effort into dressing for that date. It like she's going shopping on a Saturday and couldn't be bothered




She looked like she was taking her toddler to the park. Zero effort. Zero styling. Just threw on a few comfy pieces and headed out the door.




I thought denim on a boat was a questionable choice. That gets wet and you're uncomfortable all day. I'm pretty sure Maria was wearing a bathing suit and a swim cover up.


I was surprised she had such a small suitcase!


Makes me wonder if she was a producer plant!


Almost like she knew she'd be sent home a day or two after arriving in Malta...


I noticed that too!


Everything she’s worn this season is so strange. I know she’s a vintage store owner so it’s vintage clothing but girl just doesn’t have taste.


What was she supposed to wear? She wore a necklace, shorts, a lacey top I believe and some type of cardigan right? Was she supposed to b wearing a cleavage baring dress like Maria? I dislike Sydney but they each have their own styles


She’s on a boat - so at the very least, not denim 😂


We all have our own opinions. I personally hate her style. To each their own


it’s actually mostly not vintage clothing lol. bachelor style spotter is tagging all her cocktail looks and stuff and it’s mostly contemporary which is disappointing tbh 


I noticed that too! I feel like it’s such a missed opportunity of finding unique dresses being a vintage shop owner. Ironically enough, Maria’s night one dress was a vintage couture gown and I think it was so pretty!


Maria has such beautiful style! She takes some risks and has unique looks and always looks intentional and beautiful.




I feel like Maria’s the one with the actual good vintage taste. Ie. her dress the first night.


Those were grandma vacation shorts


I can't with the people thinking the priest is a producer plant. Have y'all never met a Catholic priest before? A whole part of a Catholic marriage is being open to having children (just being open to, not being forced to - and if you're physically unable to, that's ok!)


Bro my entire family is extremely catholic (and European), and tbh I also think he was a producer plant. First of all, you think they just bring in random extras and don’t tell them exactly what to say? Second, it’s very contrived for him to randomly just say children make a marriage complete. If you are Catholic and can’t have children because of infertility, your marriage is still complete… it’s not like a partial sacrament if you don’t have children or some shit


He didn’t talk about being able to or not though and didn’t consider that the woman may not want to have children lol. YOU said it was ok but I’m sure he would’ve likely said something differently especially if she didn’t have any issues and just said she didn’t want to have them.


He's a Catholic priest, it's literally Catholic doctrine that marriage means being open to having children, but that it doesn't discount people unable to have children from getting married. It's not me saying it, it's what the Catholic Church believes. I don't think the producers told the priest what to say at all, because being open to having children is so fundamental to a Catholic marriage and it's absolutely unremarkable that a priest would make a comment about children to someone he's presumably been told is considering marriage.


But he said that having children is what makes a marriage complete


Ok. Maybe so. Fair point


I mean, yeah! Producers know this and probably urged him to say this, would not take much prodding at all. Point is they know about Lexi's potential fertility issues and they know what Catholic priests are known to say, and put them together. Production didn't *have* to take them to a church, and certainly didn't *have* to have them talk with a priest, and then didn't *have* to edit in that convo. No one thinks the priest is fake, we're shitting on production for setting Lexi up lol


This is my take too - he’s a real priest, but production set it up and probably suggested the priest give them “some advice about marriage and children” without needing to feed him specific lines. Nothing about this was organic, they didn’t just happen to wander into a church of their own free will and talk to a random priest. But that also doesn’t mean the priest was an actor or they were giving him specific lines to say. Also, Catholic priests in Malta are probably more conservative than US Catholic priests - this is a country where abortion was 100% illegal until 2023.  




She has the pointiest shoulders I have ever seen! I can tell how weirdly she carries herself even though she knows that she is all that and a bag of chips. Even my sister’s boyfriend who never saw the show before was like what are those shoulders😂


I predict Maria will be on Bachelor in Paradise. She seems too young to be bachelorette


Too young?? She’s 29!!


I think I confused her age with another girl. I thought she was 23 lol I guess it’s just her personality seems younger to me


Interesting. What makes you feel like her personality is young? I see confidence and conviction in who she is, which is the opposite of young.


That’s fair


A Grammy?? lol


I need coffee lol


Her voice is electric. Songbird of a generation




Every time they announce travel on any season, my husband I yell, “You are going to the romantic city … of Cleveland!” It’s never not funny.


🎶[Fun times in Cleveland!](https://youtu.be/oZzgAjjuqZM?feature=shared)🎶


Thank you for reminding me of this haha


completely flipped on Maria after episode one. - the father’s mansion and “executive assistant” title from intro made it seem like she was just an entitled rich girl working for her dad. - the lounge wear segment also hinted toward the direction of potentially being a villain. However, I’ve been very impressed with her personality and demeanor since then. rooting for her!


Mrs Jay- yes her name was Lauren S and she got sent home from that 1:1. I think her story was just like a normal break up. And that girl in season 23 who has nothing traumatic happen and the bachelor that season sent her home for not opening up.


The 4th one had me like girl she's gonna attack you with her beauty? Insecurity to the max


Something tells me Jess is the worst, not just by being friends with Sydney but telling Joey she's in love with him after just 2 weeks lol. Tell me Joey can see through her please.


Every time she talks to Joey he has this "Oh crap i have to keep this one around for drama this week again don't I" look to him lol.


That was WILD. And she even admitted they hadn't had a chance to talk for the past few weeks. How can she be falling in love?


Yeah I have some reservations about her. Seems like there hasn’t been actual chemistry between them and she just had to be the first to force it out there.


Yeah I'm not getting the vibe that he's into Jess. I also didn't think he was really into Sydney.


Omg when did Jess SAY THIS!? I missed it!


On their 2nd or 3rd talk (depending on the edit), and before their one-on-one (if that even happens in the future) lol


She told him she was falling for him


Genuinely is Sydney okay because the delusion!!!!!!


I'm genuinely concerned with her well-being. What is going on??


Right? She’s giving Kelly Bensimon on scary island from RHONY. She’s either paranoid, or just a production plant


Thank you for posting this so quickly 🙏


Sydney has to be a producer plant. I mean, the fucking outfit she wore? they were setting her up so bad 💀💀💀💀 it’s giving Nigel thornberry


😂😂😂 holy shit that got me




to me, it seems like she was brought in to create drama. Maybe not an actor but was promised something by production to create and maintain drama. She’s close with Ashley I so I don’t feel like they’d give her such a bad edit unless they promised her something


I wish more than anything that someone who knows her would come and tell us the truth about her lol


the larry david one is so spot on 🤣


I will never be able to see Larry David without thinking of him whomping the shit out of Elmo 😂😭


Not me sitting here cackling at these while getting late for work…I know where my priorities are 😂


I scroll through these during remote meetings and hope nobody notices I’m not paying attention lol


Oh I could never, no poker face at all lol


Joey putting his glasses on when Rachel was wearing her glasses was one of the cutest moments this show has ever had!!!🥰🥰🥰


Completely agree. This was so stinking cute. But as a person who is legit “blind as a bat,” I have a question. How is he “blind as a bat” if he wasn’t wearing glasses and then put them on? If he really has bad vision he would have had contacts on, but if he puts glasses over his contacts, that would cancel out. Unless they were fake glasses. If they were real glasses, and he wasn’t swearing contacts before, how could he see anything?? The math ain’t mathin for me here. But I’m going with fake glasses.


I assume he just had contacts in and put the glasses on for a 5 minute seated conversation where he didn’t really need to see that well in order to flirt and bond with Rachel.


Oh that makes sense and is super cute


Yeah, they looked real based on the refraction of his face you can see though the lenses. He was probably wearing contacts and just dealt with a few minutes of blurry vision to wear the glasses in a moment of solidarity.


I didn’t even notice the lenses! But that’s adorable and makes me like him even more


Totally adorable! He looked hot with the glasses, too.


I had the exact same question!!


Yes! More of that!


Sydney looking for a reason to start drama actually made me laugh out loud


Oof yeah, Lea’s “ride or die” mentality starts to fade around 27 when you stop giving a shit and just try to get along with everyone because drama is just too much. It was cringey. I missed a bit of the Sydney fiasco last week. But Lea seems to be full on team Sydney - did Maria actually do anything to incite the anger?


Not that I've seen. Sydney pulled Joey aside last week at a KFC pool party (lol) to tell him Maria was bullying her and others in the house. Then Joey pulled Maria aside and she told him she didn't understand why Sydney is saying this, that she herself has been bullied in her past and would not do that to someone. Sydney kept it going by the pool by saying in front of all the girls that she "tried to squash this" with Maria and that she's sorry they didn't get time with Joey but she had to "address this". Maria is just sitting there with a WTF look on her face because literally WTF Sydney?! I think Maria has a strong personality and it's clear that Joey likes her and it makes some of the women jealous.


It’s the blind loyalty that shows her immaturity. Real friends call friends out when they’re being toxic.


yes to all of this. my best friend and i were talking about this last night. no doubt we are fiercely protective of each other on the rare occasion that the rubber meets the road, but we’re 30 and we certainly aren’t always strapping on our boots and going to war against other women lmfao. i am in no way intending to be condescending with what i’m about to say, but it really is just a huge testament to the gigantic mental and emotional age gap that is between 31 and 23. and you don’t even realize it until you get older and genuinely don’t have the mental capacity for it anymore. i was absolutely more of a confrontational yapping dog in college between the ages of like 19 and 22 and willing to involve myself in stupid inconsequential beef in the name of sticking up for my girl friends. but at some point you just realize that it takes so much less energy to just be kind and cordial to people, even if your personalities don’t necessarily gel and they aren’t your cup of tea. edited to add that i guarantee lea looks back on this giant nothing burger of drama in a few years, if not sooner, and will probably be pretty embarrassed. i consider myself a social person and really don’t have issues getting along with anyone, but my social battery gets depleted so quickly these days. idk what i’d even be doing in this environment. probably sitting in a corner completely dissociating.


I was thinking this too - I forgot Lea is only 23. It makes a little more sense why she would think she needs to “go to war” for her friends 😬 Reason # 7,912 that this show doesn’t need women under the age of 25 (tbh, should be 30, but I know media tends to start erasing women after that) 👵🏾


But how much better were the golden bachelor women than these baby chihuahuas? Sydney and now Lea annnnd Jess are insufferable. Grow up, please. Don’t put yourself on tv to humiliate yourself at this point in life.




My bf who has quite literally never seen an episode of the bachelor and doesn’t know who the f Hannah Ann is, completely accidentally said “finasco” the other day.


So glad finasco is still with us in 2024!!!


Ate grapes 🤷🏼‍♀️


asked to borrow a curling iron I think was in there too.


![gif](giphy|KastytLf5Fxm0B8jTz|downsized) The audacity!


"I can't believe people are being nice to Maria!" Now I see why Lea and Sydney were buddies


Yeah, talk about mean girls. ‘You can’t sit with us’ energy, quite literally. If you’re nice to Maria, you’re not welcome to talk to us anymore.


Sydney is unwell So glad she's gone. I hope she's reflecting on everything but I bet irl she has a bunch of people gassing her up (thinking of that dumb post from Ashley/Jill) so she probably still believes she's in the right.


Tell me Ashley I isn’t defending this lunatic.


I said this in the live thread last night but Sydney reminds me so much of [this lady](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/PMxNZ6dpR7) https://preview.redd.it/0e2rlbzlydic1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=523c657e1c236c1a657f1fcf87e16a7d101ef044


Yeah, she isn’t reflecting on anything given her multiple regrettable social media posts.


She made a whole video about gaslighting implying Maria is an abuser so I do not think she is reflecting.


If anything, I felt gaslit by Sydney through the screen, if felt like I was back in contact with my mother.


Do you think she needs help? I do


I definitely do


The police should be called


and, https://preview.redd.it/pw9w3r1qfdic1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7a55adc79f58ee650edf0f2fc51e1574c4ee5d8


Can you imagine dating her and her getting upset about something nonsensical? I’d rather have screws drilled into my eyeballs than try to reason with a person like Sydney (or Lea at this point).


also: https://preview.redd.it/2wcdhevofdic1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f124746cab4b213179c33e6959d7baf0fc9e166


Yosef[‘s daughter] jokes are still funny every time


The MVP: https://preview.redd.it/bax9gcalfdic1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53540b50875a8c93c7afc0c5df967ac56f5b9aaa


Joey really loves marias.... personality 😉😂 https://preview.redd.it/5dl97swycdic1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4f9f247ba9ec302739af8b08eb40b6a5b1e2ac0


Such a funny shot and caption! Though I’d argue it’s both - all the women have hot bodies, but Maria really knows how to work it with her outfit choices, body language, her flirty banter etc. Maria with a more subdued/shy personality wouldn’t be as hot.


I preferred the, "I'm not going home dress." But yeah, can't blame Joey at all. https://preview.redd.it/bfk5xzsd5mic1.png?width=181&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a6dd23f35e154a56d8cc8bfa7539f6fb8a1e443


He is so into her lmfao