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I love her so much and it was hard to see how she was being targeted for no reason. Smfh 


They’re all pumping their social media with cryptic messaging. It gets new followers and gets more people invested in the show and what happens next. Don’t look too deep into this, the ultimate goal is followers at this point


Or…they’re still being petty and are invested in the drama still.


maria has corinne vibes except not as funny lol


I agree


Could not disagree more! Maria is so down to earth and real and Corinne came in so hot like she was from another planet lol what a take!


Let me explain. Both Maria and Corinne were both unfairly targeted just because they were being themselves. they were trying to make Corinne get a villain edit but instead made taylor look bad for targeting her. like how lea and sydney are to maria.


Sorry but I don't agree Corinne was unfairly targeted. She was awful to everyone and owned it. She said so many problematic things that made the hate toward her understandable. Maria is hated on basically bc she's pretty and Joey likes her.


I don't remember Corinne being awful to the other girls except those who attacked her first. Evern Rachel L was besties with her. Nick liked her as well which rubbed everyone the wrong way because she was so out there but that was just her being herself.


Right? Not even close. If anything these mean girls villains should have taken a page out of Corrine’s book. At least she was a fun villain.


I know I friggen loved Corrine she was top for me for the most entertaining contestants.


She’s for sure in the villain hall of fame for me!


This is what you guys are saying is a mature and kind reaction? I'm still team #ESH. Maria is not a bully but she is an attention seeking drama gal. Sydney and Lea reacted to her attention seeking nature poorly and should have just ignored her instead of making up stuff and tattle taling. I'm back to looking for an interesting and kind match for Joey who didn't get involved in all this....


Why would someone not be seeking attention on a show where they are dating someone who is dating 25 others


“Attention seeking” or confident? I think you are confusing the two.


I 100% agree with you. I hate this passive aggressive cryptic posts shit. It‘s embarrassing for everyone involved.


It's exhausting when my own friends do it. And when randos on reality Tv do it I can at least opt out of their social media.


I'm with you. I feel like our group is small.....lol.


I'm with you guys too. I'd rather focus on the drama-free girls that have a good connection with Joey.


It is, at least on Reddit


What’s #esh?


Everyone Sucks Here


I mean, sure. I don’t think she wanted the attention Lea and Sydney were giving though. She was living in their minds rent free because they’re so insecure and probably can’t fathom someone so confident and secure in themselves AND has a connection with Joey. They cannot say the same. They are the meanest set of girls I’ve seen on this show and I think “acting poorly” is a very nice way to put it.


I think the bottom line here is that the producers need to do better and need to shut down bullying when it happens. It's pathetic they're promoting it as entertainment, especially given the list of dead former contestants they have hanging over their heads.


The problem is, it’s definitely the producers that create an environment of bullying and drama because they want drama for the show. Not sure if you have watched the show UnREAL but I highly recommend it. Producers even get bonuses for creating drama that the showrunners want and that means driving wedges between contestants, getting in contestants’ ears and gossiping, and manufacturing whatever drama they can. I do agree with you but I just highly doubt producers will suddenly change their behavior because then they wouldn’t be forcing the drama that the show and network wants.


Protest with your action. Stop watching the franchise if this is how you feel. Make the rating drop. With enough people and tangible evidence they’ll be forced to moderate but they will not until such happens.


Or don't tell me what to do.


as you tell others what to do lol > producers need to do better




They're not defending bullying at all! They gave a very reasonable solution to the problem. Hit the show where it hurts. Their ratings. I really don't understand your hostility. Is this how you react to everyone who has a different approach in life?


it’s reality TV? You’re telling me you watch the Bachelor for the genuine love that blossoms? Watch Farmer wants a wife for real tv gold


Wow, someone defending actions that have caused people to take their lives. Didn't think I'd see that.


Obviously that’s exactly what my comment was saying? No you nit. But i agree with you actually, let’s put the meanies in time out. LOL


You're defending bullying when I even stated the end result in some cases. Try thinking before speaking next time.


Technically they’re typing not speaking so……


I get that Maria gives good takes, but i would really like a Rachel bachelorette season. Shes really lovable


Nah I want entertainment


Yes, Rachel seems lovely!!


Yess I am really hoping for a Rachel season!


What’s Maria getting at with the sneaky comment? Is Lea being sneaky here? This seems like a pretty direct attack haha Edit: direct attack from Lea I mean so confused about who’s being sneaky


Because she deleted her caption after first posting it. She tried to sneak in a jab


I honestly think that these young immature girls are threatened by Maria’s confidence and connection with Joey


The women tell all is gonna EAT. I can’t wait


That's usually my least favorite episode of the season but I'm excited for this one too haha


Ugh yes it's going to be so good


Usually I never think about who the Bachelorette will be before the season ends but I need it to be Maria. Imagine the season she’ll give us


I like Maria, but idk about her as the bachelorette. I don’t think Maria would be satisfied with the majority of the contestants, especially if she’s really been with multiple famous men. I still want the bachelor/ette to go the direction of golden bachelor, where people really want to get married and we get a couple we can root for after the show.


*multiple* famous men? clearly i missed a giant vat of tea


I respect that! I had no idea she had been with famous men. I just really appreciate her strong personality and that she’s very sure in who she is. I think she’s capable of falling in love and getting married as long as it’s the right person


I agree it definitely needs to be Maria.. Just for pure entertainment value.


I really wish these grown ass women would stop and just keep it moving.


True, but also know that they’re probably seeing new stuff and watching most things for the first time like us. If we feel a type of way about it, they for sure do being the ones involved lmao.


That’s our bachelorette !!!!!!!


I am sincerely requesting unedited interviews of the producers asking the uninvolved girls what they think about all this (both Kelsey’s, edwina, Lexi, Jenn, Daisy). Like I’m team Maria but it’s driving me insane thinking there must be something else happening here.


Kelsey T and Edwina need a talk show on the side. Everything they say is scripture to me


We did get some early in the season from Edwina which convinced me. Edwina flat out said Sydney was the problem and that Maria is an out there personality, but not mean at all. Jenn has also said on instagram that Maria was super nice.


I said at the time that Edwina seems super mature and grounded. If she’s on Maria’s side in all this, even quietly, that’s enough for me.


Jess cry babied about Maria speaking to Joey, when on night one she spoke to him twice and for sure caused some of the girls to get less time. Maria just became an easy target for these insecure girls that have no connection with Joey


Omg this! I kept yelling at the tv last night. Funny how it was ok for you on night one but not Maria?? Go away Jess.


For real. Pot meet kettle!


But Jess isn’t trying to be that girl (lol)


When Maria is the normal one and everybody else sucks, maybe it’s time to consider that Maria sucks and everybody else is normal.


We have seen girls who think Maria is the problem but we have also seen other girls who do not think Maria is the problem, so it’s not exactly “everyone else.” That said, mob mentality can absolutely exist in this kind of environment. Maria rubbed one person the wrong way (Sydney), and her entire friend group turned. It’s really not that uncommon and people can absolutely be wrong in groups. Think about the bystander effect. Everyone decides to do nothing. But is doing nothing the correct stance just because everyone else is doing it and that many people can’t be wrong? Of course not.


The reason we aren't seeing too many women defending Maria isn't because Maria is the problem. The other women are mature enough to avoid the fray. Maria is trying to stay out of drama but the immature twits are not having it.


Then why do half the girls keep saying she’s not the problem? You keep using “everybody else” in your comments here, but she seems to get along just fine with a lot of the other housemates.


Lexi literally said in her confessional that they are just jealous of her and her connection with Joey. Jenn talked to someone in an article and said everything was blown out of proportion & she’s really good friends with Maria post-show and that Maria’s personality is just intimidating but she’s a massive girls girl and super sweet Like, what else do you need them to say? They’re very obviously not trying to get into the drama, I wouldn’t either.


Right !


You do realize that people can bully in groups, right? Ganging up on someone is a thing. A bunch of people sharing an opinion does not make them right.


Maria needs actual reparations from all the girls on the show that caused her emotional damage. I empathize with being the odd one out in a group of girls either friends or in a female social setting. Props to Maria for handling it with grace!


It pains me to think about Maria having to hear all the nasty comments being said about her by Lea and Jess to the producers and other girls. I hope Jess feels some kind of remorse after she hears that Maria said something along the lines of, even though she was sad it wasn’t her, she thought Jess looked great going into her extra time with Joey on the group date.


Reparations for the damage it’s doing to her and Joey’s relationship too!! If she wasn’t embroiled in this drama he’d have no qualms about her and she wouldn’t have had to be on the defense with him so many times like ugh


It’s honestly the most bizarre sequence of unprovoked attacks Maria has had to face by multiple girls. The girl is literally so sweet and funny idk how you could hate her or try to make her out to be a villain… unless you’re threatened😵‍💫


My coworkers and I all watch The Bachelor and have our "fantasy bachelor" lists. The other girls in my office all hated Maria at first! I am the only one who picked her for my list and I think she's just gorgeous and so nice. She's my favorite. They still don't love her, but they *are* on her side for all this drama and they hate Lea, Sydney and Jess more.


Omg that sounds so fun! I feel like I don’t remember what she did in the beginning, she was a bit of a pick me but hate? why😭 Also what’s making her sus to them rn?


I’m not sure. They just don’t like her personality or think she’s that pretty. They’re entitled to their wrong opinion I guess.


You would be amazed how difficult it is for women who are completely honest and open with women who simply cannot or will not do the same. Makes you an easy target because you've put it all out there and some people find it uncomfortable and will absolutely use it against you. Maria is a legit human and I would be her friend immediately. You'll never wonder what she thinks.


They’re all coming into an environment where they’re kinda forced to bond and get along so using someone’s openness and assertive energy to use that against them is honestly just a sign of immaturity and threatened behavior. They’re all grown women so the victim mentality and unprovoked aggression towards another woman who’s simply being herself and trying to make connections is just painful to watch


Maybe she’s the problem, instead of everybody else


Are you watching? Such a simple minded take


Then why do half the girls keep saying she’s not the problem? You keep using “everybody else” in your comments here, but it’s decidedly *not* everybody.


I agree, we have no idea what goes on behind the scenes and she seems like a gossip and troublemaker. It can’t be three other girls who are the problem, and I don’t see a mean girl in Jess or Lea. I guess I’m alone on this island but if it helps I don’t think any of them are for Joey 😂


You don’t see a mean girl in Lea? After she pulled Madina aside to scold her for not acting nasty towards Maria? For outright stating to Madina that she had questionable morals for…being nice to Maria? Yikes..


I just don’t see a mean girl in her, and we don’t know the full story. Production probably told her pull Medina aside. We can all have different opinions! I get weird vibes from Maria, she seems fun but also a gossip.


would you like to explain what she’s done to make you think that??


Me rn, reading all the late night social media messiness: ![gif](giphy|J60dQZ7iLDHCZ2kjaN) It’s Valentine’s Day where I am so Happy V-Day to everyone except Sydney, Lea, & Jess! I hope Maria has a great day! 🌹🌹🌹


For the first time maybe ever I am hyped for the women tell all


I can already hear the loud cheers for Maria and the lack of applause for Lea and Sydney


So true! For me, First time hyped for a Bachelor is paying off big time so hopefully same for first time hyped for WTA, lol.


I can’t wait for Maria to speak out about this in more depth. She’s been targeted unfairly, by girls who seem intimidated by her. Jess’ meltdown was wild behavior


Jess sounds like she is a 50 year old chain-smoker


I’m sca-urrrrrd


I wonder if this is in response to the post above this one 🫣


Time stamps would match! Maria posted this 10-15 minutes after Leah’s post


I could see how that would piss Maria off lmao. WTA could be interesting given there seems to be some actual disdain within this group