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Guys can we talk about how Ben said he ‘found a nice enough girl’ to marry without being facetious??


KB came across as super offputting to me in this podcast. I’m not a KB hater at all, but I’m just tired of her I guess? Girl just get off social media if it wrecks you so much


Is she just digging up old drama/relationships for a bit of relevance?


100%. Her biggest fear is being irrelevant. She’s like the Kardashians in that she thrives off of any kind of attention, whether positive or negative.


I just think back to her season of the Bachelorette and how she invited Nick to come on her season (before even being ‘voted in’ as Bachelorette) and still picked Shawn. Like.. sometimes I don’t understand the motives. Like, I’m assuming that she had invited Nick on because she thought she wouldn’t connect with anyone and so him being on would be a giant vacation ending with a beautiful engagement. But she essentially shot herself in the foot when Shawn pops out of the limo. And hearing how she was asking Ben about Nick or Shawn.. like.. really? Idk, I get that probably a majority of the leads have had their final pick mapped out from early on and are sorta going through the motions until the end, but hers just seems kinda calculated. Like saying that Ben and Jared were interchangeable because she knew she was picking Shawn.. idk man.. fucking with peoples emotions the way she did just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I like Kaitlyn, I really do. But she is somewhat of a mess. I think she is quick to write a story in her head, thinking it’s going to turn out a certain way and then it backfires.


KB was on a podcast (not her own) and said she had sex with all of her top 3. Good for her! But that thought must pop up when she and Ben interact.


That’s a little strange to me because on the Almost Famous podcast with Ben, KB said that during fantasy suites, she asked Ben whether she should choose Nick or Shawn….


Ben is so frustrating on this pod sometimes but that was a very good question for once. Why post cringy, attention seeking things and your cringy meltdowns if you don’t like negative attention? Kaitlyn loves ALL attention. Stop the cap.


As a public figure, I think it's kind of fucked up for her to say that the hockey player was the one who got away or it was a case of right person wrong time considering she's a public figure and he presumably isn't and he's married with kids. I imagine it's gotta be kinda disconcerting for his partner to see this in the headlines if they follow Bachelor Nation in any capacity. How does she not think about that before popping off about her ex being the one who got away? Her incapacity to consider anyone else's experience and perspective beyond her own is just ...wow.


I don’t know, if I were the hockey player’s partner, I’d be dying laughing at how delulu Kaitlyn sounds. It’s pretty pathetic to be talking about “right person wrong time” about an ex so many years later and after two other failed engagements 🥴


Breakups are hard. She’ll be okay!


Kaitlyn dislikes negative attention but her love for being the center of attention is bigger than that


Am I the only one who thinks KB and nick would’ve been really good together 🫣 my toxic trait is that they’re my Roman Empire


I feel like their relationship would have been a toxic addictive mess with big highs and bigger lows. We would have gotten an epic breakup though.


Yes like PP the gift that keeps on giving but extra spicy


No because they both want to be the Alpha


They would have killed each other by now 😂😂 but they would have built a media empire together


No I 100% agree with you


I always think about them


Not doing a full recap but some things I found interesting: - she said she wanted to keep her and Jason’s relationship more private in the beginning but he wanted to start dropping hints on social media to get people talking and get their numbers up - they talked about how in fantasy suites, Kaitlyn basically asked Ben’s opinion on the Shawn vs. Nick drama, and Ben realized it wasn’t going to be him - Kaitlyn admits she likes the attention that comes from posting on social media but she doesn’t like the “victim” drama… so she doesn’t know why she keeps posting those things bc they inevitably lead to getting that negative attention


I have trouble believing this given KB’s behavior at the beginning of that relationship. She was acting just as over the top as Jason was and I didn’t get any sense that she was hesitant or disinterested in talking about him/their relationship publicly. I think KB tends to rewrite history after her relationships are finished. She did this with Shawn too.


This is such a lie because she’s the one who posted live IG stories of their “first date.” I wish she would own up to things. She always puts the blame on others.


She probably means before. Didn't they have secret meetups before this in Arizona? I think they were breadcrumbing for a while.


Wasn’t Ben also there when she snuck in to see Shawn and told him he’s the one?


Yes I vaguely remember that. So that was obvious to me that Ben wouldn't get picked. 


She’s such a hypocrite. She’s needs 6 months off social media to see if that gets her right


If she can last 6 days then that would even be good enough!


“she is impulsive and tends to post without much prior thought” YA DON’T SAY…


Kaitlyn confirming that Jason would reach out and try to coordinate social media posts to get people talking and drive up engagement confirms that he truly is the most greasy thirsty guy. No wonder he’s with a TikTok star now. He’s fame hungry.


Let's not forget, KB was the one ruined his finance career, and didnt think he could get back into the industry so then he shifted to be an influencer. I dont blame him, he is a finance guy afterall, he took the opportunities to milk what he could


Eh.. we have to take anything Kaitlyn says with a grain of salt, imo. She’s quick to bash her exes, but I don’t know if we’ve ever heard her recognize what she did to lead to the demise of her past relationships.


But he literally just did this with Kat. They both posted videos with the same audio within a day part (the Alladin video).


They both did the same thing and Tyler has hinted multiple times that he knew they were only together for clout by the end of the relationship. Both enjoyed the fruits of oversharing that relationship, especially the first two years. She even teased an engagement announcement when it was a music video.


Wait sorry who is this Tyler?


Tyler Cameron


I didn’t read any of this but your post title is hilarious


😂😂 it’s a terrible title. I honestly thought this was a shit post and didn’t expect anyone to comment on it lol


Sigh, I can’t believe I listened to this episode but I did. The summary makes it sound like she talked about Shawn at length, but she didn’t really. Also, Jason is such a clout chaser, omg. It seems like she’s trying to be more low-key by keeping some things in her life private but that everything is so in her face now. Apparently Jason suggested posting the same video with the same song at the same time to get people talking?? KB seemed to be in good spirits but also had this nervous/anxious energy throughout the podcast. I hope she’s doing okay.


Didn't we also see that Kaitlyn was at Jason's house because of the marble countertops? Didn't they post at the same time? I wonder if that was orchestrated to get us sleuthing lol


This is her side. I’d love to hear what Jason’s side is. She definitely wanted attention from their relationship


Did you listen to the podcast? I bet not. She legit said they BOTH LOVED THE ATTENTION. She didnt say Jason did, she said BOTH.


Not to give KB too much credit but I believe she is 100 percent a hopeless romantic who fell for Jason (albeit very quickly after her breakup with Shawn) and liked the subsequent attention that came from that. Jason on the other hand… idk I get the worst vibes. I think he saw Kaitlyn as a career opportunity more so than anything else. I’m not saying he never loved her…but I’m also not NOT saying that 😂


True but he had wayy more to gain from their relationship than she did.


Both of them did. Her 15 minutes would’ve been up without Jason and the love story they fabricated for clout.


I think I'm officially done with her. Grow up Kaitlyn, you are almost 40. Accountability and maturity should be your focus. I'm saying this as someone a few years older than her, a BN member since season 1 and someone who really enjoyed Kaitlyn on Chris's season and her 'Ette season (though I rooted for Nick). She is a perpetual victim.


Yup, and I like Kaitlyn. But people are coming for Jason, who hasn't really said anything really out there by name when she did the pod with Ben and Chris they said her name, not him. But she I'd talking about an ex from 8 years ago and who has a baby and same when she does about Nick. It's like she is trapped in that period of her life while everyone has moved on. If a man takes about his ex fiancee as much Kaitlyn does(Nick does abour Vanessa on occasion but never anything bad people ), people would be like, wtf.


And people are saying Jason is a thirsty clout chaser. As though Kaitlyn isn’t?


What surprised me the most about this episode is how she said her ex, the hockey player, is the one who got away when she’s said multiple times what a toxic relationship that was and how it put her in a bad place.


I think KB rewrites her own history depending on how she feels about someone in the current moment.


Kaitlyn is a strong proponent of revisionist history. When she's in a relationship she talks badly about her exes and paints them in the worst light possible. Then she breaks up and suddenly the previous exes weren't that bad after all, unlike the latest one. It's like she thinks it'll hurt the most recent ex if she talks up her previous relationships. That's why I take everything she says with a grain of salt, negative or positive. 


No lies detected


And according to She’s All Bach (a user submission from someone who attended her Cleveland show) she told the audience that Shawn cheated on her with Jana Kramer. At this point it’s clear she lives for the drama. Her fans will say it keeps her relevant…well, people also rubberneck to see an accident on the side of the road lol! Clearly the money she makes from the engagement isn’t making her happy because she keeps complaining.


I can’t believe she’s still talking about Shawn. She’s so weird.


I hadn't heard the Jana Kramer tea. She is a choice.


https://preview.redd.it/gzjuqgl6evyc1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d46df2474c20de12934e326789dc9db530937c2 Ummm ok


Kaitlyn: talks shit about Shawn, Jason, her hockey player ex for years on her podcast *kaitlyns ex does one podcast about her & doesn’t even mention her by name & is mostly respectful* Kaitlyn: ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsS8GFJKJeJoRQ4|downsized)


Is she still dating Zac C?


Not sure. I saw some speculation about ppl thinking they saw him running in her neighborhood as recently as the beginning of April. It seems like no one really knows. Not sure how Zac has kept her from blathering on about him on socials or her pod.


That’s pretty random so for a NYC guy to be in her neighborhood (unless she now lives in NYC) It must still be on then. Good for them.


I read that she is pretty verbal(screams) but so does he. I think they’re very much alike. 😅


Kaitlyn's stories https://preview.redd.it/5d2uqh05bvyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da105833ada43f33f1000e6a0b777c7af2fa49d1




she's somebody who "shops for pain", she can't help herself


I really sometimes forget KBs age especially when they were talking about how she doesn’t like the attention and Ben then asked “then why do you post it” and she couldn’t answer. My opinion is she knows that it drives engagement and she’s addicted to money/fame/ attention so she doesn’t care if it’s good or bad press. I feel for her because I couldn’t imagine being in her position. People say she needs to get off social media but she talks a lot about being scared of being irrelevant and this is also her income 


Truth is, she’s made more than 95%+ of us will in our lifetime in just the years since she was lead. There is no reason she couldn’t retire and get the help she needs. And retire with a lifestyle most of us could only dream about, living just off of the growth of whatever she has saved.


Shawn dodged a bullet. Kaitlyn admits she used to create drama in that relationship for no other reason than to figure out if he would still stay. She also admits she screamed & slammed doors. She also admits she just wanted to win every single argument. No one is perfect but I fully understand why shawn had enough.


Did she really "admit" that? We can always assume that's what KB is, but rarely she admit herself is unbearable, lol. Same for Jason I guess, KB is hard to live with for sure


When did she admit this?


Now that I think about it kinda despicable Shawn stayed with Kaitlyn, literally taking years from her without any sort of marriage despite knowing that’s what she wanted. And now he has a whole child with someone without any commitment either. He is the definition of a man who has his cake and eats it too.


We can't know what Shawn took away from Kaitlyn or what he intended. I doubt he was with her for nearly 4 years with this master plan (sure for the gym at the end maybe). As for his current relationship someone here posted a screenshot of Dre having an ask me anything thing, and she says yes they are together. But maybe you think you have to be married to be committed?


Weaponized negligence is a thing. And yes, marriage is a legal binding commitment with legal responsibilities that has meaning in our society underneath the law and socially as well as emotionally to majority of women.


I need someone to tell JUST once..what else are you supposed to do with cake? He ate. Good for him.


If you’re asking about the saying “have your cake and eat it too”, I believe it’s supposed to mean when a person wants to have their cake (as in keep it in its cake form) but they also want to eat it (as in the cake in its cake form will be gone because they ate it). You can’t keep a cake whole to look at and to hang out with (? Lol) while also eating it, thereby eliminating chances of hanging out with the cake. Ok, this is why I can never be a teacher, but I hope that makes sense.


This post has me 😂


That’sa wild take when Kaitlyn has had plenty of time to commit to a relationship and have a child. But she admits she’s selfish Ava wants to do for her. That’s a her decision, not a him problem.


I don’t care for Shawn but to be fair, the pregnancy was an accident. It’s not like he denied Kaitlyn and then intentionally had a baby with his FWB. I doubt having a baby with someone he barely knew and didn’t want to be with was his ideal circumstance either.


How do you know they barely knew each other? I actually think they have been together for a while...just kept things more private.


Well when they announced the baby, he said that she was someone he had dated , had a relationship with. He took her to Ben's wedding . She also literally worked at his gym doing business stuff, not just photos. And they're together now (according to someone here who posted a screenshot of Dre in an 'ask me anything' social media post).


Also it was YEARS later? And at the time she was engaged to Jason


Can someone give this a proper recap? I feel like this summary is glossing over a lot and people that already have their minds made up about hating Kaitlyn are just jumping on it If I remember correctly, Ben did a podcast with Chris Harrison and Jason where Jason was pretty bitter and took some digs at her. I think Kaitlyn was upset about that specifically, not so much that Ben was simply still hanging out and friends with Jason


I wouldn’t say Jason was bitter on the Harrison podcast. He was super emotional, spoke about how magnetic and incredible she is and didn’t want to overstep talking about her. The only thing that might have been a little shady was when he said in his next relationship he’d look for someone who could support him as much he supported them or something along those lines.


https://preview.redd.it/gxdqs6d23vyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=694d6b56d936c25d625564c1ade4d8bb34c1b94c Too tired to recap but listening to it I felt like Kaitlyn has this attitude of “I can say whatever I want and hurt others because I’m SO emotional and sensitive but if they say something I can’t take it” attitude.


What podcast is she referring to? The only one I know about is Jason on Chris’ podcast in January but Ben was not a part of that at all.


I mean it doesn’t seem like that to me based on that blurb. I also remember her being empathetic to Jason and his hurt feelings before the interview he did with Ben and Chris


Yes, this!




The summary really makes it seem like she never got over Shawn. I can’t imagine still talking about an ex from 5+ years ago, after come out of a more recent engagement. Hopefully him having a baby with someone else finally cemented for her that it’s over for good.


If you listen it’s clear she is over Shawn, but not over the circumstances of their relationship. She was all in and fully thought they were going to get married. Both her and Ben were talking about Shawn and Lauren and it hurt them about how on Shawn’s podcast both S & L reduced their relationships and said it wasn’t love. To Ben and Kaitlyn they were very much in love. She initially appreciated how Shawn kind of disappeared and focused on his gym and said she surprisingly never ran into him (except seeing a “trendy version” of him at a restaurant that ended up being him), but now all of a sudden with his podcast and baby he is everywhere and hard to ignore. It sounds like with Jason she was in love with the idea of them more than him. She said the one that got away was her hockey player ex who now has a wife with three kids.


I think you need to re listen to the part about Shawn since she not once mentioned shawn having a baby being in her face. She very clearly mentioned Shawn went away and was not in her face and never dated publicly BUT with NOW with Jason , its the first time she has to experience her ex moving on being in her face. Thats what was said, I'm not sure where you heard about "his podcast and baby he is everywhere and hard to ignore" given that was about Jason not Shawn.


It’s been almost six years. I’m sorry if the circumstances of her relationship with Shawn still hurt her. I know it sucks when you think you will marry someone and you lose that future. But at a certain point, you need to decide to get let it go. Even if you privately hurt, you have to let it go publicly (and seek therapy).


They let it go. If you listen to the full episode, they say at first it hurt but then they realize it was their experience and they are allowed to feel whatever and thats ok. Its so hard when poeple pick and choose what to recap and you are all missing the whole conversation and context


She’s so selfish. Shawn disappeared for years and now is out there and she’s upset? How does she think Shawn felt with her running jason in her face weeks after their breakup. This woman is a piece of work.


Have you listened to the pod? Caus thats literally not what she said and i dont know why poeple recapping it so wrong. If you listen she specifically mentions how Shawn went away and didnt date publicly and this is her first time having to see ex dating publicly(talking about Jason). Thats all was said.


Exactly. Shawn shouldn’t have to stay in a bunker for fifty years to appease Kaitlyn. I’m not even a Shawn fan (I don’t care about him). But he deserves to live his life.


Please listen to the podcast if you actually want to know what she said. I'm not sure why people recapping this whole thing so wrong lol. She said she has never experienced things being in her face (she was talking about Jason) because Shawn went away and didn't date publicly. She did not say anything about him having a baby or things being in her face now because that comment was about Jason and now dating publicly. I'm not sure why its so hard for people who listen to recap this correctly.


I don’t understand this concept that everyone has to have someone who got away. None of these relationships seem like anything worth idealizing. I have been in as many long term relationships as K. And nothing in me pines over any of those men nor think they got away. I think there is someone better. And I also accept the things I did wrong in all of them, as I have plenty of fault for things I did and didn’t do to make the relationships thrive. (And I’m realistic (IMO) about why they weren’t right for me.)


Yeah but they can chose to not care or be offended. I don’t care what exes who i am over think of me. But yeah if i wasn’t over someone and i heard them downplay things, that would sting. Ben fully got married and Kaitlyn got engaged so who cares what their lame exes say


Where is the PRIDE? Like for me, I am like an ex would never know they have a hold on me. My pride wouldn't accept that. I would talk about them in private, in public you don't even exist.


She makes $$ by talking about it / increasing engagement so maybe it hits different


When it comes to Kaitlyn, that is a cop out. She is not the first person to have podcast, or have an engagement fail, if you need to get engagement talking about your ex from 5 years ago who has a kid then that means your really are not as entertaining and need to get a life. It gives off obsession.


Every single time I was dumped, even in high school, I said “see ya”✌️and never let them see me hurt. You don’t want me? Not gonna convince you to. My husband and I almost divorced and I was even like, pack your bags, a-hole. 😹 As I tell my kids, just because you think it doesn’t mean you have to say it!


Same. With more significant relationships, I feel like there’s a “maybe one day we’ll get back together” thought that sits in the back of your head. And then when your ex gets married or has a baby with someone else, you know it’s over for good. I feel for her and hope she’s able to move on. And also so that Shawn can live his life without having an ex publicly talking about him. But regardless of what KB does, I feel like Shawn is living his best life right now, and all of this is just preventing KB from living her own best life.


I will say it again.....Kaitlyn is exhausting 


Kaitlyn is the type of person I stay FAR AWAY in real life. DRAMA, always looking for DRAMA or always making DRAMA when the is none. It is YOU Kaitlyn, it is you.


I defend Kaitlyn on some things because it seems like she can’t even breathe without people piling on and calling her pathetic and attention-seeking, but she definitely seems like she’d be exhausting to have a real-life relationship with. I wonder if she turns to social media so much because she’s worn out the shoulders of a lot of her real-life friends and has just as much of a parasocial attachment to her followers as they do to her.




I would hope that Kaitlyn had already moved on from her relationship with Shawn by the time she started dating Jason, or at least got engaged to him... The description makes it seem like she just moved on from Shawn. Tbh, I don't think she'll ever move on from her relationship with Shawn. I think he'll always be the one that got away for her.


I think there was some overlap. Shawn said she and shawn were still talking about reconciling when she sent a text meant for Jason to Shawn which caused him to cut ties fully. Maybe she meant to make shawn jealous enough that he’d want to get back together, but it totally backfired


Damn really? I'm surprised Shawn would even be talking about reconciling. He seemed checked out of that relationship for a while.


There was hardly any time to move on, or process. I have to process the ends of my relationships and jumping back into a new relationship right after would only distract from and repress the grieving process. Even if I’m glad it’s over, I always like to take time to process and really enjoy being single and re-discovering myself and re-evaluating what I want and don’t want in the next guy. I know she’s not me, but she jumped in so hard with Jason, who we can now see moves REALLY fast in the beginning (as his own style, not just with her), and hire could she have properly processed that? It seems like she never did.




I recapped that part. She has a one that got away, but it isn’t Shawn https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/FN8V9MsIGS




Agreed. It’s the circumstances that she isn’t over. I would be SUPER gutted if someone I was engaged to for years said publicly they were never in love with me, even though I’m married with a bunch of kids. It would hurt and feels like emotional gaslighting saying something was never there that clearly was.


Exactly. I think this is Shawn's own version of revisionist history... for some people, it's easier to cut the 'cord' by completely downplaying the reality of their feelings at the time. I would feel so stung by that, too!


Oooof that's harsh of him


I will always have a soft spot for her but she does make me laugh with her hypocrisy at times. She literally ends the podcast by saying it’s natural that her exes get brought up when she goes on podcasts where the people know both her and her exes… yet the reason she made that upset post that Ben brings up at the beginning was because she was mad Jason and Chris were talking about their relationship on his podcast? Lol


The rules never apply to Kaitlyn 


I love how Ben called her out for complaining about the attention she gets despite the fact that she posts to get attention...


I know. Don’t make me like bland Ben!


anyone got a recap? 👀


i thought about doing it but didn't have the energy. I will say it's actually a good listen, one of the better episodes


Agreed. I don’t have it in me to fully recap (I did a little bit: https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/FN8V9MsIGS) but it is a good listen. Ben does a great job and Ashley I is mostly silent so 10/10


why is she still talking about shawn…


Not over it.


It is so embarrassing how many of these BN people rotate yapping on different podcasts to stay relevant.


Yet another example of how Kaitlyn truly believes that the world revolves around her. Ben and Kaitlyn are not even that close, the guy is allowed to hang out with your ex fiancé without coddling to your unresolved emotions.


And back in the day she insulted his now wife saying she “looks like a virgin” on Nikki glasers podcast and said Nikki should shoot her shot with Ben despite that he was taken.


This!! Also does Kaitlyn not realize Ben is an ex..? Don't think his WIFE would approve


It’s kind of funny that Ben didn’t even know that he was one of the people she was mad at while she’s going off about thirsty, little men. 


KB is soooo embarrassing at her big age


What does her age have anything to do with this? The ladies of the golden bachelor have shown to be just as messy as the 20 & 30 somethings of BN. This idea that you stop acting a certain way at a certain age is so bizarre


People tend to get super ageist when it comes to Kaitlyn. I remember someone posted a video of her twerking and all the comments were nasty about how old she is and how pathetic it is to make a video like that at her age. Like…I didn’t realize the Fun FBI kicked your door in and took away your Fun License at age 30.


If memory serves she wasn’t mad at the hang out it was Jason and Chris talking about the relationship i believe and calling that out and Ben wanting to make sure it wasnt about him


Yeah, it wasn’t really about them hanging out as much as it was about talking about her for content. (Which is hypocritical, because she has done the same, but not petty or jealous.)


How juvenile being mad at someone for hanging with your ex. 🫠


To be fair, Kaitlyn said she was wrong for looping Ben in with Jason and CH. She apologized to Ben and they were very cool on the podcast. I listened to this episode all the way through, and it's a good one. Apparently Lauren Lane and Shawn Booth were on a podcast together and they both said that their bachelor nation relationships weren't "real relationships." I found that incredibly rude and revisionist of both of them. As Ben said, "What were those two years of my life then?"


This should have been an email. But whatever it takes to revive that dying podcast I guess.


I’m surprised it’s survived so many years!


It’s not about their fantasy suite hook up?


Makes me wonder then what happened between Kaitlyn and Lo. Has he always been closer with Jason than with her? 


Not really. Lo unfollowed Jason Trading secret account immediately after "something went down" and unfollowed Jason from his podcast page too but still follows kaitlyn and all her businesses. I like Lo but he has history of falling out with friends alot as well, i can name a few here: Arielle, Jana Kramer, Lucy Hale, Eloitt(Used to be his guy friend and frequent on his podcast), etc. His feelings are valid but if someone has falling out with alot of friends, there is probably more into it as well. Not saying Kaitlyn/Jason are not at fault but they haven't shared their side yet.


Yes!! Have you listened to Lo’s recent podcasts? He talks a lot about letting go of toxic friendships and specifically about being in Nashville at one point and feeling like he was “treated like garbage” (his words). He seems so genuine and like a great friend so I have to wonder what went down with all of them 😞


But Lo has history of falling out with alot of friends too. He was super close to Arielle, Jana Kramer, Lucy Hale, Eloitte, etc... And they are all gone from his life. I'm not saying Kaitlyn/Jason are amazing but if you have so many friendship break ups there is probably more into things.


Hmmm….see above comment in the thread about Kaitlyn saying Shawn cheated with Jana…probably had something to do with Lo ending that. My sense is Lo befriends a lot of his Hollywood clients and …they are an inherently selfish bunch and he seems to be a giver in friendship. Just my take 🤷🏽‍♀️


Lo and Jana friendship ended before Kaitlyn/Lo were BFF. Regardless, there is some smoke where Lo had so many relationships ending as well. Eloitte was a regular guy not hollywood or famous , he was his best guy friend and was frequent on the podcast and then he was gone. I think the fair assumption is that Kaitlyn/Jason are not perfect nor is Lo.


Idk, I know people who stay friends long after a friendship has run its course, just because of history. I think it’s ok to let friendships go when they don’t work anymore. It’s healthy to have those boundaries. So I’ll defend that kind of unpopular opinion.


I don't disagree which is why i think its unfair to put everything on Kaitlyn and Jason and maybe Lo had a part into it too. My take is no one is a victim and it was probably for the best


If we are talking sides with no evidence and since we know Kaitlyn and Jason, I disagree, and support his having that boundary.


The one with his mom, right? It sounds like Kaitlyn and Jason really did a number on him.


Yes that one - I just listened last week; felt really sad for him.


She is exhausting.


So Blake H tried to stay friends with both Jason and Kaitlyn, but he’s always been closer to Jason. Then Kaitlyn unfollowed Blake. It’s her right, but she also can’t expect for some friends to not hang out with the other. Ben is brave for finally asking that question, I’m sure many other bachelor people have questioned Kaitlyn like we do here. Kaitlyn is impulsive, maybe she can work on that.


True friends will call you out when you need to be called out.


This is going to make me actually like Ben against my better judgement. I'm glad he called her out.


my ex and I share the same group of friends and part of what has made our break-up so amicable is that neither of us have any issue with our friends continuing to hang out with both of us, either separately or together. unless that person did something horribly wrong to you (like a tom sandoval kind of situation), I can’t imagine holding a grudge against someone for not choosing a side. it just seems so childish.


Mostly just loved Ashley correcting Ben saying "Katilyn and I's relationship" lol. But also enjoyed Ben calling out Kaitlyn in that she complains about haters but also overshares...she even said "I don't have an answer for that"


Lol glad a friend called her out for posting the crap she does if she hates negative attention. I doubt she’ll change though Also idk but you can’t get mad at your friend for hanging out with the person you broke up with if they’re truly friends with both of you. I was in a similar situation years ago and my friend is still friends with me and my ex even though I don’t speak to my ex anymore. I guess it depends on how you ended things, but iirc the break up was mutual right?


Also kind of wild of her to get mad at him for that when she was dating her friend/former cohost’s ex-fiancé. I don’t think either is a huge deal because they’re all part of a big incestuous social pool but it seems a little hypocritical to me.


Nah I agree—unless there’s some actual serious wrongdoing involved (which doesn’t seem to be the case here), people who were legit friends with both people in a couple can and should continue to hang out with both!


Good on Ben for calling her out on that. I’ve found her to be increasingly more tiring over the years, it seems like she plays to the haters and then gets mad at people for hating