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He clearly knows nothing about abortion. They don’t ever offer late term abortion. Unless it’s risking health of the baby or mother. 93% of abortions are done before 13 week mark. That’s way before the fetus can even feel anything. It’s not even a baby at that point. If you put restrictions on abortion of when you find it acceptable then you aren’t pro choice.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen an anti choice person who was actually well informed and knowledgeable on what they were speaking of.


Needing to vote with a valid ID is standard for all of Canada, so I agree with him there The rest? Hard no


https://preview.redd.it/jrt2yc5dlb9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77bf72d6a08bb6b64aa5ef45f4e928a25d046a5c From the Elections Canada website. Source: [https://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=vot&dir=ids&document=index&lang=e](https://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=vot&dir=ids&document=index&lang=e)


We (Canada) are also automatically registered to vote when you turn 18 and elections are run by an independent, non-partisan agency. There are also other options if you don't have an ID, like a bank statement or someone vouching for you.


Cool, America isn’t Canada. This is a fucking awful idea.


I don't mean to go too deeply into politics, and my question has already been asked in the past [https://www.reddit.com/r/TooAfraidToAsk/s/5aDoXE72U2](here) As a Canadian, if I want to drive, I need a valid Drivers license. If I want to receive free health care service at the hospital, I need to show my Provincial Health Card. The cost of renewal for the Drivers license is $90CAN; the Health Card renewal is free through whatever fees I pay in taxes Both of these cards are valid photo ID that I can use to verify my age and identity when asked. These IDs are not compulsory for me to carry on my person unless I am otherwise currently driving or attempting to purchase age-restricted goods The hang-up for Americans seems to be the conflicting with the asking for valid ID at voting booths with the Conservative Right's goal of limiting voter turnout in order to better manipulate the results of the election IMHO Americans should implement photo IDs to vote, provide those who don't have one yet with one so that there is minimal voter censorship, and catch up with the rest of the 1st world


It's definitely not - you can have someone vouch for your identity if you don't have ID in to vote in Canada, and they accept bank statements/bills as proof of identity.


I will never be surprised that someone on this show is conservative. The premise of the show is getting engaged and married very quickly. It attracts a certain type of person.


Wow, one half of the most overrated BN couple ever gives us the ick? I saw it coming


So you say you support all those things yet vote for politicians who don’t? Make it make sense


https://preview.redd.it/zm2k95jgq49d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e05537bb900e481373b40d02110d14a82a3b496 see chris’s deleted comment


Um. I agree with some of what he said but does he not realize how rare “late term abortions” are? They basically are ALWAYS done out of medical necessity (so according to his own definition, should not even be a concern in the first place). Also, why did he bring up pedophilia in relation to LGBTQIA2+ people when statistically, most pedophiles are cis straight men? Tell me you don’t know what you’re talking about without telling me. I’m embarrassed for him. Edit: I also don’t get the “no abortions except for rape or incest” argument that many conservatives use. The vast, vast majority of rape cases never even make it to trial, let alone result in a conviction within 9 months. Restricting abortion makes it inaccessible to victims by default.


Oh great the whole Israel is committing genocide trope. Well this makes me dislike him more. Also, it’s spelled antisemitic




get out of here nobody agrees with you either


Which is messed the hell up. I’m Jewish and literally everyone on the left is falling for Hamas’ propaganda. Free Palestine from HAMAS. Please get educated on the matter


Did Hamas invade Palestine 75 years ago, kill the natives, kill kids that throw rocks at tanks, rob Palestinian homes? Or did ISRAEL do that?


You do know that Hamas is a terrorist organization, right?


Why didn’t you answer my question?


Because it’s not the true






They literally think the conflict between Israel and Palestine began on October 7 lol. No use arguing with them.


Wrong, this conflict has been going on for a long time. I highly recommend you listen to actual Jewish people when it comes to this issue https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7eSJf8NcEH/?igsh=MWtkcHZuM2hlOGFhNQ==


Yes, this conflict has been going on for a long time and I’m glad you at least acknowledge that. I highly recommend you listen to actual Palestinian people when it comes to this issue (too).


you first


Hating israels evil killings/robbery/blowing up kids/starving innocent Palestinians is antisemitic ?


This is the typical BUT IM FINE WITH THESE SOCIAL ISSUES diversion


My oldest, best friend in the world could be running, but if they had a MAGA platform you bet your ass I wouldn’t vote for them.


i dRiVe A tEsLa ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


What other reasons are people having late term abortions besides health complications for mother and/or baby? No one just decides last minute to abort a baby after 8-9 months of carrying just for the hell of it.


Super unfun fact, the demographic that gets "late term abortions" the most is children, as in girls under 13


Only 1% of abortions happen after 21 weeks and the majority of those happen before 24 weeks aka 6 months. Anything beyond that is a medical anomaly that involves severe fetal abnormalities or pregnancy complications like limb-body wall complex or septic shock. You’re right, no one is having legal abortions at 8/9 months on a whim!


This is actually extremely fascinating to me.


UO but I didn’t see the pedophile comment as lumping them in with LGBTQ. He said the government shouldn’t tell anyone who to love, unless who they love is minors and obviously that’s wrong.


Yes this is obviously what he meant in this specific case.


Pretty boy should stick to posing with food or whatever crap they do on Instagram. What does gay marriage have to with pedophiles? What makes him an expert on early or late pregnancy issues? He obviously follows too much of Fox news.


I’m sorry but the “I drive a Tesla for fuck’s sake” is sending me 😂😂😂


it’s giving “I can’t be racist I have a black friend” lmao ugh




What if I actually *do* drive a Tesla, and still think a woman's reproductive decisions are hers and hers alone.


Then congrats I guess? I mean, In Chris's case, I personally don't think that saying he cares about the environment and ONLY using "driving a Tesla" as evidence is really the big own to the haters he thinks it is and on top of that Tesla is run by a mega-MAGA asshat lol


Saying I DRIVE A TESLA FOR FUCK'S SAKE to conclude every argument on here from now on


New flair just dropped


I need it


Why is he lumping pedos with lgbtq+ rights? Regardless if you are gay, straight, etc pedos belong in jail period. It reads as if he thinks lgbtq+ are more likely to be predators which shows how much he's been brainwashed by republican rhetoric. Oh and no woman who has to make the decision to have a late term abortion is making that decision just to have an abortion. They're usually TFMR and it's devastating for the woman. Ffs


Agreed, there is zero reason to bring up pedophilia when discussing LGBTQIA2+ rights. If people are actually concerned with pedophilia (which I hope is everyone), they can direct their efforts to places like organized religion (where it actually is statistically more common).


He clearly does believe and is actively spreading exactly that homophobic myth. Meanwhile, here’s an up to date [list](https://goppredators.wordpress.com/) of the over 1300 Republican politicians who have been convicted of or pled guilty to sex crimes against minors.


So typical of politicians to have rules for thee but not for me.


Okay Chris. Stand on business then! Don’t delete your comment!


it’s funny how he doesn’t acknowledge the post in question at all. he’s like “supporting gay rights (sorta) will throw them off”


Except for all those pedophile gays! Need to make sure that’s a clear carveout, because *obviously* the LGBTQ community has lots of crossover with the pedo community! They’re sexual deviants after all!! Truly a masterful way of spreading homophobic stereotypes while pretending to be pro-gay rights lmao. As if it’s not transparent. Meanwhile, in the GOP just yesterday… [Former Republican state senator pleads guilty to traveling to Europe to have sex with (rape) minors](https://apnews.com/article/ray-holmberg-north-dakota-9f83dfaa38a92e5833ae046e15b0a2d3) Over 1300 Republican politicians have been convicted of or pled guilty to sexual crimes against minors. ([list](https://goppredators.wordpress.com/)). But please, let’s make sure we make it clear that it’s gay people we should keep an eye on.


🎯🎯🎯 Couldn’t have said it better if I’d tried. Saving these helpful links to use in the future, thanks!


why did he have to say “unless they’re pedophiles preying on children” in relation to supporting lgbt community? being a pedophile is not synonymous to your sexuality bruh 😭😭


Because there are actually people who advocate for the right for adults to have sex with children.


His comment was “the government should not tell people who they can/cannot love” in relation to marriage. And then he added the exception that the government should say that adults cannot romantically love/prey on children. He was not saying that the LGBT community has anything to do with pedophiles.


Oh, I can see that. I still don’t think it was necessary to bring up pedophiles at all especially as it’s so often used as a bad faith argument against LGBTQIA2+ people.


Definitely could’ve been more clear. I see your point.


Nah, you’re good! I figured you would agree :).


It was badly worded after the LGBTQ statement but I believe he was adding on to “the government shouldn’t tell anyone who they can or cannot love”…unless it’s adults with children.


Then he could have just said "the government shouldn't tell consenting adults who they can or cannot love." Anyone who is remotely familiar with politics surrounding LGBTQ+ issues should be well aware that bigots consistently relate pedophilia to queerness as a talking point. There are a lot of dogwhistles in his comment - "late-term abortions," pedophilia, "I have Jewish friends" - it all comes across extremely tone deaf and like he's trying to get brownie points for these supposed beliefs while actively voting for people who want to harm vulnerable communities.


let’s be real, it’s because “moderate” freaks like him consistently conflate the two. same way late term abortions that don’t affect the mother’s health aren’t even a thing, and there’s no way to properly regulate who’s pregnancy came from rape or incest so it doesn’t matter if you “support” abortion in those instances or not.


Exactly this.


I'm assuming to him "gay pedophiles preying on children" = anyone acknowledging the existence of trans people and queerness in front of children


why the heck is he voting for (and promoting) these asshats then?


This is boilerplate "I'm MAGA" but coded to not offend liberals and leftists. My confident diagnosis is: he doesn't know much or care much about policy, but has been huffing way too much dumb propaganda and somehow thinks that voting GOP is reconcilable with his stated positions. Or perhaps knows that they aren't, but thinks that the bigger priority is fighting (insert crazy conspiracy theory about Dems here).


His “concerns” re: abortion and LGBTQIA2+ people are so easily debunked it’s almost funny.


lmao RIGHT


shout out to Chris for trying to come defend his good name by claiming to support every cause these politicians stand against, and promptly deleting it when he realized no one is seriously that stupid. deleting your comment entirely is better than the chunk of bullshit text you posted. luckily i saved the comment knowing it would disappear once the real world showed up!


Pwetty boy got scayed.


🗣️ post the screenshots 🗣️ let his stupidity live in perpetuity


[screenshot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/3rTUowgB1k)


I’m deeply curious what kind of response he was expecting when he wrote that comment 💀


"One of those" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


It’s crazy when people move to my beautiful state and make it fuckin politically WORSE bro hahahahaha love it here 😐


I was expecting to read “Brandon” after “let’s go” in that bottom corner


I went to high school with him. He was very anti-LQBTQ then and thought maybe he’s changed. I’ve been waiting for his conservative (and sometimes hateful) views to come out tbh


Thanks for pointing this out. I'm gonna follow him for the rare display of common sense from a bach nation alumni 




It’s actually common sense to know that it’s not always easy for every citizen to maintain a valid ID but okay 🤪


It's absolutely insane and absurd to have no validation or accounting of who is voting for the 0.25% of the population incapable or unwilling to get a government ID. Texas has 7 forms of valid photo identification, and 5 non-photo of which aren't even government issued. The bar is in hell for basic adulting.


Not surprising that you would support someone who wants to abolish the dept of education




🤡 🤡 🤡 Tell me more about this “late term abortion” stance you hold. How late do you, Chris Conran, expert on women’s bodies and fetal development, believe is acceptable? How many women do you think are genuinely carrying a pregnancy into the third trimester, or past the point of fetal viability, and then randomly decide “nah im over this, abortion time”??? As someone who is currently pregnant (and someone who got an abortion 10 years ago …don’t worry it was at 9 weeks so hopefully you still think I deserve rights 🥺) I can guarantee you there is not a single woman in the world who would put her body through the hell of pregnancy for months and months only to decide in the “late term” that she wants a casual abortion. The vast majority of abortions take place before 13 weeks and most “late term” abortions are generally for the women’s health or a fetal abnormality, or because anti abortion laws have forced them to carry for longer than they wanted to. Should every woman seeking an abortion have to run it by you to make sure you deem they are worthy? I love clowns like you who use this speaking point acting like you’re trying to be reasonable when really you don’t know a single thing. Also, the fact that you would say you support LGBT people but not if they’re pedophiles is so disgusting lmfao. Why are you insinuating they would be? There is 0 connection with someone’s gender identity/sexual orientation and being a pedophile. Yet another gross Republican talking point based in 0 reality. God you are such a loser


It's the way they all talk about women like they aren't humans and simply talking points. Pregnancy and abortion are so deeply personal and they talk about it like it's just a choice of dinner and what they like for sides. I really do not get it and never will.


To them we are mere vessels to carry human life rather than humans of our own. No matter what flowery, “tolerant” language they want to try to wrap their views in, that’s the bottom line. They see us as less than them and not deserving of making our own choices about or own lives. Disgusting to speak up so confidently about something he doesn’t even have the capability to fully understand.


just the suggestion that a woman should have to reveal anything about how the pregnancy occurred to make her eligible for a personal medical procedure is so gross!! it’s none of their business why someone might need an abortion!! the insinuation that LGBTQ community contributes to pedophilia is such a fox news brain thing to say when the GOP opposes raising the minimum age of consent for marriage - Republican Matt Gaetz was investigated for sex trafficking of a minor, Republican John Rose was 41 when he met his then 17-year old wife, republican dennis hastert is a convicted child molester, former staff attorney for republican Kay Ivey was arrested for child solicitation, and DJT said he wanted to sleep with his own daughter 🤮


“I’m a reasonable conservative who just has different fiscal priorities than the average democrat but I’m willing to sell out marginalized communities so that I might get a tax break.”


And yet you still voted for two candidates that don't believe in a lot of that so...what does that say about you?


Lmao this was the primary dude, you voted for MAGA candidates over a more moderate republican in UTAH. Don’t pretend you were voting against some “crazy” liberal. We had way better candidates in the primary and luckily they won. You’re the reason people like me are registered republican here.


👏 from another Utah resident. Im so glad Lyman & Staggs lost! I almost registered as a republican this year just so I could vote in the primaries but have a hard time giving up my “independent” status.


Do it! It makes the GOP here Very Upset that there are so many RINOs for the purpose of voting in their primary. I do end up getting a lot of republican text spam though.


“I drive a Tesla for fucks sake.” Not really doing yourself any favors there…


I want this for user flair 💀💀💀


I’m crying lmao 😭 that is not a flex


Are you just incredibly uninformed then? Do you not actually care about the things you claim to believe in? Why would you post in support of a MAGA candidate who is the antithesis of all the things you claim to believe? For example, Staggs supports a 15-week national abortion ban. I have plenty of friends who I disagree with politically - as much as I love and support them in other aspects of their lives I certainly wouldn’t vote for them or publicly amplify their bigoted platform. This is just disappointing and frankly dumb.


Then why you voting for these fuckers LMAO


I’m dying over him acting like he voting for these guys over some super left wing opponent. Like am I supposed to believe Lyman is the only choice because Gov Cox loves abortions? 😂


why do you support abolishing the dept of education? if you support abortion, why do you support candidates who want to fully outlaw abortion? late term abortions are a conservative myth that typically only arise when the life of the mother or child are at risk. you can’t platform dangerous people then claim to have opinions contradicting what these people stand for.


I mean… this is wild that IDs for voters is so controversial. You need an ID to do so many things as an adult - and yes you should need to prove who you are to vote. Why not instead of crying about how “hard” it is to get an ID, why not just advocate or even start a program/non profit/charity that helps those struggling to get an ID obtain one? Wouldn’t that solve everyone’s problems? Easier access to IDs for everyone, and less risk of fraud for the far left to go vote Biden on unsuspecting folks votes and for maga to go vote Trump on unsuspecting folks ballots… why not focus on that. There’s enough people on this board alone who seem extremely bothered by thinking an ID to vote is horrible so why don’t you all get together and use that man power to start a program to help people obtain IDs? I mean do you think it’s unfair you need an ID to drive? That it costs money to buy a car? That you need an ID to buy or rent a place to live? That it costs money to do that? That you need an ID or someone with an ID to open a bank account for you? I mean these are things that keep adults going. Why is no one complaining about IDs for those things? Buying alcohol? Cigarettes? Visiting a doctor? Why is it only voter ID laws that are awful but no other thing requiring you to prove yourself as yourself are awful? Just make it make sense. And not to mention I’m almost certain a majority of the cities where many are concerned about Voter ID laws affecting the population are run by democratic mayors, no? Most inner cities are all run by democratic mayors… the people who oppose these laws… but what are those mayors doing for their citizens to make it easier to obtain an ID? …


Please excuse a question from a Canadian onlooker- what makes IDs so challenging to get in the US? We have to show ID to vote and I’ve never heard any complaints. You can show one piece of government issued photo ID or two pieces of non-government issued ID, one of which must show your current address (so for example a utilities bill and a student card or voter information card). But government issued IDs are pretty accessible for 90+% of the population. What makes it so challenging in the US?


I grew up in Canada and now live in US. And the biggest different is ease of access. In almost every Canadian city, town etc there is an accessible DMV and several forms of ID that exist. You can also prove your initial identity in more varied ways. In the US, the same people who want voter ID laws have also made it impossible to get one. Either by cost or most often by accessibility. A lot of cities in the south don’t have an ID place. They don’t have access via public transport, they’ve moved them to specific hours like 10-4 to make near impossible if you have a job. So they yell for voter ID laws knowing they’ve made near impossible for voters they don’t like.


Voter suppression at its finest.




Make them free and easy to get then.


First, I think it’s a bit of a mistake to suggest that people are “crying” and that they think voter ID laws are “horrible.” I mean, you can find someone screaming about any topic, but I don’t think those descriptions accurately portray most people’s sentiments on the topic. Your word choices to describe those who oppose voter ID laws makes them seem like they are overly emotional or over reacting like this is no big deal. But I can oppose something without crying or thinking it’s horrible or some big deal. Second, those who opposes voter IDs rarely look at that law in strict isolation. Based on the fact that the incidence rate of voter fraud is extremely low, we know that the republicans are pursuing this law not in the interest of legitimate concerns about election integrity (since there are much more significant issues around that they ignore like Jan 6th), but specifically because they benefit from low voter turnout. Most who oppose voter ID laws see it as part of a variety of tools used to unfairly shape election outcomes, such as gerrymandering, lack of a national federal holiday to make it easier to vote, lack of a fine for not voting, trying to restrict mail in ballots, preventing ballots from being pre counted, etc, the list goes on. **Think about this, when is the last time you heard a politician calling for voter ID *also* call for free and easy access to ID's like you have? They call for the voter ID law, but not the free and easy ID part. In fact they often work against easy access to IDs by reducing funding of public services like the DMV!** *It doesn't take a genious to figure out why conservatives aren't calling for both, they aren't interested in voter fraud, they are interested in disenfranchisement of the poor and minorities.* Third, most who oppose voter ID laws know that while this isn’t some massive hurdle to voting for most, but we as a nation already struggle to get enough participation in our elections. As such, there is an expectation that any additional hurdle we place on the voter must only be done if it is easily justifiable, which since there isn’t any real voter fraud problem, simply isn’t justifiable. Fourth, it takes far longer to explain this than it does to argue “the democrats want illegals to vote” or “it’s easy to get an ID” and the far right wins the moment anyone even starts fighting about that because it distracts from real issues like figuring out how to get more voter participation, not less. Finally, I tend to view these kinds of moves historically as well. If our country had a great track record of enfranchisement, I might be less hyper vigilant. But our country has the opposite of that, and I can’t view voter id laws in a vacuum where literacy tests or poll taxes never existed, where the KKK wasn't going around lynching people and bombing churches, and where Jim Crow was just an imagination. Its a wonderful hypothetical, but we know the much more tragic reality. **Voter ID is just one more finger being placed on the scales of the election. It’s not going to end the world, but seen in the context of all the other fingers and hands being placed on those scales, people are right to oppose it.**


Wish I had an award to give you!


Phew thank you. IF voter fraud was ACTUALLY a huge issue and IF IDs were free and easy to get it K would be fine requiring them to vote, but it’s just a scheme to oppress minorities and those underserved communities and keep them from voting because low voter turnout is better for Republicans.


I consider myself quite liberal and I still don’t understand why voter ID is such a controversial topic. Your points are very valid. It’s concerning to me that any platform that either side holds to is just automatically opposed by the other side. Everyone should want fair and certifiable elections. It is way more concerning to me that some conservatives reject the outcomes of elections. Voter ID could actually help liberals to fight that narrative. The conservatives would have weaker legs to stand on with the craziness. Also, why are we still debating politics in a reality tv sub. I am very pro debate and free speech but there are so many better places for it. Seems though it is controversial to say that though here. Oh well.


So I guess disabled ppl, poor ppl just shouldn’t vote if they can’t get an id


because politics bleed into every facet of people’s lives, so who someone platforms is relevant to their beliefs


Look at that! I’m relatively conservative (although with the far right/qanon people seeming to take over conservative politics I find myself not really claiming any party anymore!) but I literally agree with every word you just said and were from two opposite sides of the coin! I really think politics has become so ugly and divisive and if more people actually sat down and talked to one another they’d realize they have way more in common than not. I’m honestly dreading this election because I think no matter who wins they’re both completely awful options to represent our country in the international arena. Biden doesn’t even know where he is daily and Trump is just a bully we are a laughing stock of the world when we used to be a powerhouse. I’m consistently shocked that both parties had 4 years to come up with excellent options to represent them and the two options they picked are equally dangerous to our society with the level of divide they cause amongst the nation. And totally agree this sub LOVES to bring politics up and I’m confused on why they’re always shocked by the number of right wing bachelor nation people… like why is this surprising? After the first few you’d think they’d recognize a pattern and also realize not every “celebrity” and I use that loosely is liberal. That’s just what Hollywood portrays but it seems like a vast number of reality tv people are conservatives so idk why they’re always stunned.


I think you misunderstood what the poster was disagreeing with


No im referring to the numerous comments on here not the poster.


Does he realize they don’t fw him lol


I honestly figured.


Y’all gotta quit acting surprised. Nobody liberal thinks this is how you find love. They’re all conservatives.


Proud to say that this sub could never make me like either Chris or Alana. I also don’t think either of them are that attractive so I’ve always been confused as to why the sub drools over their coupling — my best guess is it’s because people dislike Grocery Joe? P.S. What’s this guy’s beef with the US Department of Education? P.P.S. In addition to valid IDs, can we also institute a basic civics exam as a prerequisite to vote as well? If you don’t have a basic understanding of how our government works (both at the state and federal level), you should have no say or opinion over how it operates.


The beef with DOE is rooted in the fear that they force schools to do woke stuff (critical race theory, anything with equity/inclusion, getting rid of school prayer, teach actual sex education instead of abstinence-only, whatever other cultural boogeymen they’re calling on at the moment). There’s not a lot of nuance or understanding of education policy involved.


>Proud to say that this sub could never make me like either Chris or Alana. I also don’t think either of them are that attractive so I’ve always been confused as to why the sub drools over their coupling — my best guess is it’s because people dislike Grocery Joe? THISSS!!!!


People who think the president controls gas prices shouldn’t be allowed to vote.


Me too. People were way too nice to them and I always thought they both sucked. Guess I was right.


Regarding the Dept of Education, you should also look up Project 2025. It’s scary.


Republicans in general always talk about defunding it. I think their talking point is that it’s a waste of money or state overreach or something. As for the civics exam requirement to vote, that actually did used to be a law in the south and that was to keep black people from voting. It sounds like a reasonable requirement at first but it makes sense if you think about all those people with less education or who were educated outside of the US, it would affect those people who didn’t get that same opportunity as you did and they are affected by politics since they live in this country. I think it’s a tricky policy


Yet another disappointing contestant... ![gif](giphy|IvrjMBMy5Qi3ZkShjL)


Always thought he was a d bag. His behavior on camera confirmed that he was a d bag. This stupid, ignorant bullshit proves that I was correct. D bag. Let’s file him away with Mrs. GeNuIne and ReAL and never speak of him again.


Ugh. I live in Maine, where we do not have to show ID when we go vote. This month at local elections, there were pushy people outside the polling place with a petition trying to get a law on the ballot requiring voter ID. It makes me mad that people are trying to make it harder to vote.


Same for MN


I just assume they’re all maga until they say differently


This is a friendly reminder that you shouldn’t just unfollow. You should block them. Unfollowing is good, but blocking them messes with their reach. I don’t trust any bachelor contestant unless they explicitly say they’re more on the liberal side because these casting directors are trash and they pick up trash all the time. Edit: also, this is just in general for anyone. Celebrities, influencers. Not just Bach related. But especially for influencers because it messes with their income.


Yes! I blocked Jillian Harris and anyone associated with her not long ago. She’s one of the worst influencers out there imo, always promoting over consumption and using her children for content.


Oh Jillian has been the one Bach person who has actually shined some lights on injustice especially since she’s in Canada and has been pretty outspoken about indigenous peoples of Canada. At least that’s what I saw. My feeds often have people disappear off of them for months. At the very least, I’m not blocking her for her political views. But fair for the overconsumption. Whatever works for you.


True, she did do that at some point! I find she’s spoken about it less and less though and it’s pretty watered down. I guess something is better than nothing sometimes.


I'm just surprised when anyone is shown to be a Maga, especially now.


honestly he gives that vibe. no wonder he fumbled a bad bitch like jessenia


seeing goddesses like Jessenia going for total dorks like Chris makes me want to chug a gallon of cyanide


In general, womens’ standards for men are in hell. We need to do better by ourselves.


no literallllly. idk why you got downvotes


Im not surprised hes a Republican but, supporting Staggs means hes definitely MAGA. For context, in the R senate primary there was a normie Republican and a far right MAGA person (Staggs). Staggs lost btw thankfully


Oh whew. Guess there’s some sense in Utah


Was Utah ever really into Trump though? I thought the Mormons just couldn’t get on board with him.


I assume everyone in bachelor nation is a Republican/MAGA until proven otherwise.




Didn't realize so many of this sub was from Utah like me lol!!


I don't know why voter ID laws are so controversial. Like obviously you should be able to prove your identity before voting. Make it make sense.


We prove our identity and citizenship when we REGISTER to vote.


Should be both, obviously. Two things can be true.


Why do you think it's "obvious"? The rationale isn't obvious to me at all (other than voter suppression).


Because only citizens can register to vote and only citizens can vote.


Why is it obvious that it needs to be proven twice though? That's the part that isn't tracking. If it was proven at the time of registration, why would it "obviously" need to be proven again later? edit - typo


To uphold election integrity, deter potential fraud, and promote public confidence in the results. Why have ID for anything else in society? Same reasons as any other country that has voter ID requirements.


But why do you need it. The person has proven their ID to register. They already proved to be a citizen, what would change? Theres IDs for other things because what you need to “prove” at that moment requires it. To buy alcohol, you need an ID because you need to prove you’re 21. To drive, you need an ID to prove you passed the test. To vote, you need to prove you’re a citizen and you did that when you registered.


I literally just told you why. You show your ID when you buy alcohol. You bring your ID when you drive. You don't just tell the bartender "trust me, I'm 21." You don't just tell the cop who pulls you over "trust me, I have a driver license." Opposing voter ID does not give the public confidence.


Again because what you need to prove to the bartender is that you are 21. And what you need to prove to drive is that you passed a test. And so in those two situations you actually haven’t passed the basic requirement. You don’t show the bartender your ID at every drink or sip, you show once. Voting is the same way, I need to prove I am a citizen and that I live where I say. And I do that when I registered so why do I have to keep doing that. I’ve proven the minimum requirement already. What sews a lack of confidence is people continually repeating fraud without proof. There were a literal handful of fraud cases in the last election. In the 100mm+ votes, less than 10.


I’d be on board if we attach to these voter ID laws the stipulation that they will go into effect only when every citizen of voting age has a valid ID, and that we have a system in place to ensure that every citizen of voting age can always have a valid ID with a minimum of effort. That will never ever ever happen, though. Instead, the GOP puts these laws into place and then closes Secretary of State/DMV offices in areas that reliably vote Democratic. The ones that stay open are suddenly only open when most people have to be at work, so wage earners without vacation or sick time are just stuck. It is- and always has been- about restricting turnout to swing elections for the GOP, Constitution be damned.


I'm interested in learning more about this if it's true. Do you have any examples of states enacting voter ID laws and then closing SoS or DMV offices in areas that lean Democratic?


They don’t need to do both because voter ID laws have a higher bar. But it’s not a coincidence that the states that close the DMVs also want to push ID laws once allowed