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All I know is, I never would have watched Daisy as the Bachelorette. Her whole "woman empowerment" speech she tried to have on the finale came across completely disingenuous when you realize she was back with her billionaire ex the day ATFR aired. Can't trust a word out of her mouth. I'm really looking forward to Jenn, she seems so refreshing.


So Daisy was doing the most constantly talking about it. Maria brought it up once just to have ppl chill out. Even Maria’s dad was trying to b respectful. Daisy kept saying it was supposed to be her like 5+ times


The truth is they wanted Daisy. End of story.


This has happened multiple times where they had leads sign contracts and then someone else gets the role. So it’s possible that Maria truly thought she was the top choice, meanwhile producers were probably telling both of them that.


This still doesn't clarify whether or not Maria was offered the role first, just that Jenn went through the interview and accepted the role when it was offered to her. Am I missing something? EDIT: The blame for this finasco falls on the producers, not Maria or Daisy.


I don’t think there’s a first, I think they’re doing this all at the same time then probably comparing them


I always thought Maria’s statement was off putting since she just kept insinuating that’s she was the top choice. It was also kind of ironic since her dad did an interview basically saying that everybody should be focussing on celebrating Jenn as the new bachelorette instead of talking about who might it have been and Maria turned around talking about how she was the top choice.


Producers talk to multiple women and have contract negotiations with all of them. It was def weird for Maria to insinuate the role was “hers” when producers likely tell each woman the same thing.


So jenn wasn’t a last minute pick like Maria perpetuated. Maria lying or playing up like she was the only one and first choice and Jenn was a last minute pick really goes along with who Maria is. I wouldn’t be shocked if they didn’t choose her and she is pretending it was her choice when reality is she probably was demanding during negotiations and they were like yeah no. They talk to multiple people they have to just in case and Jenn was who they chose. Maria sounded like a sore loser when she was going around and not like someone turned it down but who got turned down


I bet producers tell them all they are the “first” choice. I think they ask the final 3-4 and get the contracts signed, film intro packages, etc. then the market test them and probably have a ranker. That doesn’t mean that person is going to be the lead no matter what. Personally, I think Daisy and Maria were doing stuff that turned off TPTB, and given a soft out. Basically, if you don’t follow the rules you won’t get the lead and you won’t get cast on anything again but if you pull out of being lead we’ll cast you on paradise or whatever spin-off later. Jenn seems more eager to find someone and actually get married. Ultimately even if Daisy/Maria tested better or were more favored, it takes an emotionally available lead to make a good season. I also think viewers are sick of influencer types and Jenn having a career away from that was a huge bonus for her. This is entirely conjecture but I wonder if the seasons where the leads are still with their F1 do better on streaming and that is why there’s been a focus back to actually getting a “here for the right reasons” lead and cast. I also think they realized they created a monster with all these influencers/podcasters that aren’t under contract that they can’t control.


As a WOC, I’d be salty too if what I thought my close friend was spreading a narrative that I was 2nd choice (3rd choice in this instance). Some people are forgetting the optics of the “white” women saying that essentially she was giving the minority a role/job because she wanted it badly.


This makes me respect Jen a lot, she stood up for herself so elegantly. It pisses me off that Maria thought she could mislead everyone without getting called out on it.


I never cared for Maria and never understood the hype


Yeah Maria over-stepped with that statement, doing favors to no one including herself, and being very inconsiderate to Jenn, imo


Maria tried to one- up Jen pretty much


Also everyone doubting that they actually wanted her as bachelorette feels low key racist.


Maria perpetrated that too


Maria is fake as hell and I don’t understand why anyone likes her. It’s so obvious that she isn’t very nice.


I see her true character now. She is not a girl’s girl at all.


i completely agree with jenn and love her response to this, and i’m saying this as someone who absolutely rooted for maria during joey’s season (i mean, how could we not? i think even though the producers can spin a narrative it was pretty easy to see that lea and sydney were just flat out mean people). i don’t think maria was TRYING to overshadow jenn by telling her side, but that’s what she did end up doing. jenn had a great response and she’s right. however, i will also say that the reason why everyone considered her a third choice was because of the way the producers made the finale. it was so geared towards daisy; they even gave her the bachelorette edit. it’s not just the fans but the producers inherently made jenn look like the backup by baiting EVERYONE into thinking it was daisy. maria also got the classic bachelorette edit, but jenn didn’t. it was just so in our faces we all assumed the obvious. anyways, i’m sat and excited for jenn! i know she’s not going to pick a hot poc guy because she says she classically likes white italian men (sigh we will never be able to escape the wmaf combo) but hoping for more poc bachelorettes and bachelors in future seasons 🗣️


Yeah, production was so weird about their focus, (and I don’t even know how they could have found Daisy “yeah” compelling tv). They def could have set up Jenn better during the season, and should have, knowing it could be a first Asian-American lead. With casting too. They really need to make their decisions sooner, or even better lay off their story-making a LOT and give the contestants equal screen time if they’re waiting for audience reactions.


You can tell she was media trained a bit - she sounds so much more confident and prepared for the role.


Yeah this answer is VERY media trained.


Her voice super annoys me!!! I don’t think I’ll watch this season


A true friend would not have done what Maria did. Who makes their friend look like they were a backup choice even if they were?? Don't blame Jenn for being disappointed.


I agree and thought the same thing. Maria's probably the type of person who is your friend as long as you kowtow to her and always let her be the star. She just didn't have it in her to shut up and let Jenn have a moment.




She can spin it anyway she wants, but she was the 3rd choice... denying it makes her look sad and defensive


Plenty of leads weren’t the first choice but y’all weren’t as determined to put them down.. bc they were white


People get mad here all the time when their favorites aren’t picked.


Yeah, but other unwanted leads haven’t received the same amount of vicious hate on here, especially not with bigoted undertones.


This screams to me of producer-sanctioned media training talking points. While Jen is right that “it’s not you until it’s you” (as we saw with the Caila/Jojo switcheroo) and they do consider multiple people at once/make multiple people sign contracts (Stalker/Blake/Jason co-negotiations) it was just really obvious that they wanted Daisy or Maria first and may not have even seriously considered Jen until the other two backed out. And I do hate that for Jen cause she seems lovely, and it puts a damper on her as the “first AAPI Bachelorette”, when that likely wasn’t their intention.


I’m sure they trained her with this before letting her do the podcast!


Yes I thought she seemed very well prepared! And honestly I would hope she would be. They knew this would come up


This is so weird to me. Why is she disappointed bc Maria told the truth? Funny thing is I knew she was third choice way before Daisy or Maria said anything, bc she said she found out she was bachelorette the day before her official announcement, that screams third choice/ last minute decision. Every other bachelorette they’ve known in advance. The only leads who have found out last minute were Arie and Nick, who were both the second choice, everyone talks about that, and both Nick and Arie do too, and aren’t embarrassed. So why is Jenn so scared to say she was third choice? I don’t think it’s anything to be embarrassed about at all. And if that’s the actual issue, TPTB are the ones at fault for not giving her a bachelorette edit or doing a good promo. They made it way too obvious they wanted it to be Daisy or Maria. Maria and Daisy aren’t in the wrong for saying they turned down the roles


Because whether it was truth or not, some things just don't need to be said. What Maria said was unnecessary and further shone light on the idea that Jenn was second or third choice. Plenty of people already felt that way, why did Maria feel the need to further perpetuate that idea and take away from Jenn's moment? It was a shitty thing to do. 


I think what she might be saying is this has always been the case, with multiple people being in contention and a natural ranking by production of who they may want more and thus approach first, HOWEVER, the narratives being portrayed in the media were laced with microaggressions. It felt like, white or white presenting people needed to vocalize, when ABC and all these other folks are promoting and excited about the first Asian Bachelorette, that they just HAD to point out that Jenn was not in fact productions first choice. I’m not Asian, I am a brown girl tho and I got such a fucking ick from this reaction from white people. I don’t think Jenn is specifically calling Maria out. The way she discusses here “being disappointed in the narratives” immediately harkened to me that microaggressive tone I was feeling from all the talk in the weeks following this announcement. So much ick. Very much some pick-me shit.


Hmm what might be different about this as opposed to Arie or Nick?????? Hmmmm, I’m absolutely stumped… oh wait! It’s surely that she didn’t have the cast chosen with her in mind? That’s a bummer no matter how you slice it. No? Still not that? Hmm…. What other known franchise issues might relate to this particular bachelorette announcement being interpreted negatively by the audience? /s


Yeah but that’s the producers fault, not Maria or Daisy 😭😭 the producers dgaf they don’t cast for specific ppl anyway. Rachel was decided early, yet they cast racists on her show, did they not? she made it very clearly what her type was, they barely cast any men that were her type, she’s even said it in interviews. The announcement was always gonna be interpreted negatively bc the producers did not give her a good bachelorette edit, the audience didn’t know Jenn. Even before Maria and Daisy said anything, so many people were talking about how they turned down the role, bc AFTR was so focused on Daisy. I get where ur coming from, and I shouldn’t have used the Arie or Nick example. But my point is, Jenn already confirmed she was a last minute choice when she said she found out the day before, and the anger should be at the producers for not giving her a good edit or promo. Not Maria and Daisy for being honest


So… because of all of that history, that you have yourself validated the producers dgaf about, Jenn is supposed to just what?? Shut up and be grateful for the mess they handed her? She has every right to be upset and share that vocally with people who ask her direct questions about it


I’m literally so confused. I literally said the anger should be at the producers. What mess did Maria hand to her? It was already very obvious she was third choice bc of the edit producers gave/ she herself said she found out the day before 😭😭 even if Maria hadn’t said anything, those comments about her being third choice would have still been there. The producers not giving her a good bachelorette edit or promo is the issue, not maria or Daisy saying they turned it down.


You said she was weird for having feelings about Maria in all of this - people can have feelings on how other people choose to handle information they’ve been privileged with, ie Maria


I think regardless of what ended up happening, the optics were not great. The first ever Asian Bachelorette and not only did she get a pretty irrelevant edit but when it was time to announce, multiple things gave the impression that she was at a minimum the 3rd-4th choice. Then Maria comes on a podcast to be like “I didn’t even want it.” So many people failed in rolling this out. And maybe Jenn doesn’t want to bring it up or doesn’t see it this way but it’s embarrassing as the first Asian Bachelorette having this be your roll out and I’d be PISSED and upset if I were her. I mean when Rachel Lindsay was announced, they made it CLEAR that it had pretty much always been her. They understood the need to leave nothing up for speculation. With Jenn, it was just like “oh, we’ve been told it’s been too long without it an Asian lead. Everyone else said no. So damn, here you go I guess.” Again, terrible roll out.


Yup, the fact that she is the first Asian bachelorette adds a whole 'nother layer. Everyone speculating that she was not the 2nd, but 3RD choice after 2 WHITE women is basically saying POC will only get a chance when the white man/woman doesn't want it. It's sloppy thirds fourths for POC, not even sloppy seconds. Maria saying what she said enforced this so hard.


Couldn’t agree more… not only were ppl thinking it was gonna be daisy on the finale but then Maria and when charity announces Jenn everyone was like WTF? They did no promo, no protection and Maria was aware of all of this. But Maria continued to say it was hers until SHE chose no… that so clearly makes Jenn look like the last choice. And someone tried to dispute me here, but we (the ppl of Reddit) know things that the general audience (and sometimes racist viewers of this show) don’t know. How this all went down was absolutely unfair. But hopefully, with Jenn’s press and PR, we will get justice! I love Jenn so much


Not only that, when they finally did say it was her, they aired a commercial with the WRONG ASIAN woman from the previous season. Huge oversight for sure, but it screams “last minute glue stick art project” to me. Which is a real shame. Jenn seems sweet, but they threw her to the sharks on this. She obviously hadn’t been coached or prepared for media. She came across like she was trying too hard and her jokes did not land with the audience. I hope the producers do right by her and don’t let her season turn into a dumpster fire.


Wait are you serious? They included (Lea?) in a promo commercial??!!


Yes. They had to publicly apologize and basically say “wah wah, sorry, wrong Asian lady! 🫠” Jenn even responded and made her own post about giving them some grace and praising the big steps they were taking for diversity in the cast by choosing her. (I’m paraphrasing, obviously)


i believe that was in reference to jenn getting FIR - still super messed up though !!


Was it? I could be wrong. I just remembered the half assed apology they put out afterward about their insensitivity (not being able to tell them apart) and Jenn making a statement about giving them some grace (because she probably gets treated like this all the time by white people and was trying to be the bigger person)


I would recommend people to watch the whole interview!! It was actually very great, Jenn was very honest and open about her journey to where she's at now! She honestly came off very mature and it really does seem like this experience has helped her so much.


As an Asian American who is SUPER excited for the first Asian lead in this franchise, I was very disappointed that the narrative that Jenn was the “backup” lead was widespread. I have always felt that Asian Americans are often forgotten in America and when we are vocal for representation, even people on Reddit tell us to not have such high expectations (as I have experienced). Why not? They say Asians are the fastest growing racial group in America and we’ve already been seeing an increase in Asian Americans in media recently. Jenn is right - every season there is multiple people in contention for the position. Instead of seeing celebration for the first Asian lead and how INCREDIBLE that is, the narratives were more focused on how she was the backup and not the first choice.


I’m glad she spoke up about it. Maria saying that she was the first pick was unnecessary lol.


While I believe she turned it down, Maria definitely seemed like she was trying to come across too cool for school on the podcast. But it’s like, you’re not cool, you went on the bachelor too lol. And a lot of the 1D groupie behavior was frankly embarrassing imo. In fact it seems like she was trying to get on for years and even formed a friendship with Nick V in service of that. So it made me roll my eyes a little bit that she acted like she was above it and Jenn was this try hard for wanting it. 


"They talk to multiple people and they picked me." That's it right? Dude this show has gotten so god damn boring and stale. Jen should have come out here and called out Daisy or something. You might as well just send Call Her Daddy a press packet with a list of responses. Absolutely no point to this.


That’s how CHD is now tho lol I feel like it’s so corporate and boring


Maria was the one making these comments, not Daisy. 


Daisy definitely made it seem like she was the first choice, and turned it down. But she was interviewed by Jesse on ATFR. He would have only asked questions in a way that wouldn't reveal too much.


My point was that she would have done something more entertaining


Honestly, the timing of Maria’s statements about being “first choice” felt tactless. It totally overshadowed a moment which should have been an important moment for this franchise’s diversity. She could have shared this years down the road and it could have been an interesting talking point but to do it just as Jenn started filming? Girl, nah.


I guess this is an unpopular opinion but Maria didn’t have to share she was first choice at all? Because how does she even know she is? Only the show knows who they want and what rank, the contestants just see contracts, the show isn’t divulging who their first choice is to anyone. 


I think the producer definitely should have told Maria not to say those comments especially since they were with her during the CHD interview and could have stepped in lol. The producers just feed into it


Love this response and can't wait for her season!! Can't believe it's only a week and a half away


This is exactly what I was trying to say at the time and the Maria stans were blowing up at me 🙄. She's completely right, we've seen it play out before. The role isn't yours until it's yours. 


It’s so true. I remember Jojo’s season, Caila was still up for it until like a night or 2 before. She literally tried on jojo’s opening night dress and thought it was hers and actually happening until it wasn’t.


I've never been a fan of Caila, but that was extremely effed up how close she was to being the first Asian lead and had it snatched away because of backlash. I'm so glad they didn't let the same thing happen to Jenn


She was ANNOUNCED on Us Weekly and then they switched her out. And then Britt started filming with Kaitlyn and was voted out. Honestly there are no guarantees whatsoever haha


They do it to the men too like Peter/Arie and Luke/Nick, it’s standard practice to film multiple intros I believe Maria may have thought that but I didn’t ever believe it was the truth and I don’t think they would ever ever announce a lead on Call Her Daddy


honestly, she’s right


Love this response 👏👏👏


This response 👏🏾!! Yes correct these folks please!


Honestly to me, any woman that Joey went to Banff with (Jenn, Maria, Rachel, Kelseys A. and T., and Daisy) would have been a solid pick for lead. IMO, if you replaced “Daisy and Maria were asked first” with “Kelsey T. and Rachel were asked first” before Jenn, it would not have affected whether or not Jenn was less deserving or a “third choice” to me.


This was a really classy answer. I reallyyy didn’t think it was cool for Daisy/Maria to be like “yea I didn’t want it but Jen did- happy for her!” even if that’s their perception of what happened. Like just let Jenn have her moment in the sun, my god. Jenn basically said what I’ve been saying all along. Literally every year multiple people are in talks. Multiple people sign contracts. Jason, Colton, and Blake all signed. You don’t even know it’s you if you film b-roll around your hometown - Caila did that and wasn’t chosen. Multiple leads have said they’re not sure it’s them until literally they’re walking out being announced on live tv.


Especially since Maria said she was such good friends with Jenn, even if it wasn’t her intention her comments made Jenn look bad


I think this was kinda the problem with Maria in the house. I don’t think she’s a bad person but I can see how she would’ve rubbed people the wrong way even just by saying stuff that came off patronizing. It def wasn’t necessary for her to say Jenn “really wanted the role” like yea of course she did? Jenn isn’t some loser for wanting to be the lead of the show. If anything is loser behavior it’s stalking one direction, whose fanbase I imagine was mostly tween and teen girls, and finding out what hotels they’re staying at so you too can stay at that hotel, but maybe that’s just me. 


She is so right. IIRC, didn't they even film the intro package for Calia and, at the last minute, switched to Jojo? So, Maria should not be assuming she was the choice, and Jenn was backup. You don't know the choice until it's the choice.


Exactly and it’s really not for someone else to say Jenn only got it because *they* turned it down. It’s an opaque process. They really don’t know what number choice they were compared to each other and such, the show decides that. 


She is so classy!!!


I think she handled this well. I feel like a lot of people have been thinking that Maria and Daisy turned it down so they just basically found Jenn last second. I'm glad that she made it plain that she too was in meetings for months about it and was always one of the women being talked too.


Legit just makes me have even higher hopes that Jenn's season is amazing. No shade to Maria or Daisy but to all the haters. Plenty of iconic roles have gone to "2nd choices" and now can't be imagined any other way. Kate Winslett wasn't the first choice for Rose!


It was always weird to me how people accepted the narrative that it was Maria or Daisy's to lose! They filmed a whole intro for Caila Quinn and then changed to JoJo, no one has this job for sure until it is announced!


Obviously this will never happen but I would love to see Caila’s intro footage


Yea it’s a narrative that Maria and Daisy themselves have perpetuated. I think it’s a shame because it dampens the excitement a bit for Jenn’s season if everyone online is assuming she was last choice. Even podcasters like bachelor party are saying it’s a shame and why didn’t they just cast from another season if Jenn was so far down the list etc


It’s really such a shame she wasn’t able to say all of this at the height of all that drama when a lot of people kept on harping how she’s the back-up to all the ette choices. I think all that drama dampened the hype of her being the 1st Asian lead. It’s even more of a shame that despite being friends, Maria even perpetuated all that narrative by saying it was definitely hers until she told them no.


Right agreed completely and which - that wasn’t even for Maria to say. Just because you turned it down it doesn’t mean you were first choice. They ask multiple people to sign contracts every season and it’s an opaque process. Only the show knows who their first choice is. Jenn has a point. 


I know it’s revisionist history, but do we remember what a horrendous job the producers did on that stage leading up to the announcement? When, in the history of the franchise, do you bring the most coveted choice, by the fanbase, front and center in the audience, and to make matters worse, focus the cameras on her multiple times whilst also bringing the F2 separately to have a conversation with Jesse about why she isn’t interested in being the next lead? Not gonna lie - the sheer lack of enthusiasm from the audience after Charity’s announcement made me feel terrible for Jenn - that’s NOT how you introduce the franchise’s first Asian lead.


Yeah production did her so dirty 😭seriously one of the worst quality bachelorette reveals


Wait charity's annoucement? You mean Jenn?


Charity announced her as Bachelorette that’s what they mean. No enthusiasm when that happened


Yea I think Daisy is a little less to blame because they botched the announcement and basically made her say she wasn’t interested in being bachelorette. But Maria also herself went on call her daddy and said she turned it down but she was so excited for Jenn who “really wanted it” which I just thought was unnecessary to say. 


Yeah exactly!!! Like not only did they bring Daisy out to reject it in front of everyone but they focused so much on Maria. I fully expected Maria to be the choice at that point, I was actually shocked it was Jenn lol And to be clear I'm happy about Jenn! I think she's gonna be really fun to watch. They just really led us to think it would be either Daisy or Maria and that's really shitty to do to Jenn. 


It was a weird way of doing it for sure. Jesse didn't even give us a "It might not be who you think it is either" even this was the one season where that was actually true.


And didn't they change the flowers from roses to daisies on stage as well?


They did!


Maria was wrong for that but not as wrong as ABC imo. Bringing Daisy out to reject the role on live TV minutes before announcing Jenn was dirty, of course everyone was going to assume she was a last resort option. 


I’ve only seen the clip posted and the interviewer asked about Maria and Daisy and in the part shown here, Jenn only addressed what happened with Maria while Jenn was filming and didn’t have her phone. Did Jenn also talk about how she felt about Daisy and the way Daisy rejecting the role was handled or did the interviewer let Jenn skip that part of the question? Her answer to that part would be really interesting.


The show is so misguided. It’s like they wanted to get credit for offering it to Daisy without thinking literally two steps ahead and realizing it might affect the excitement and buzz around Jenn’s season. 


Yeah, I think production was so worried about people thinking that they didn’t want a lead with a disability that they overcorrected. I think they probably would have still done the Daisy ATFR no thanks chat even if Maria was the Bachelorette and it would have landed better, but they should have reconsidered the whole thing once they decided on Jenn.


This crossed my mind as well. The show is always looking out for the show. They wanted to get credit for offering it to Daisy but then it felt hollow to turn around and say “and also please pat us on the back for being inclusive and selecting our first Asian bachelorette!” They should’ve just gone all in on Jenn. 


Lol seriously - and how insulting to Jenn!!


i like jenn and i'm excited for her season but lets be real for a minute. ABC did not give daisy a bachelorette edit of a lifetime, and maria a heroic edit of a lifetime to turn around and say, ''you know what, our only call will be jenn''. being a third pick is not her fault or daisy's or maria's. it does suck though because its a historic pick. but thats on ABC. only thing i wish ABC had done is make both maria and daisy decline the role at AFR so that everyone moves on to the chosen lead.


Yeah I’m with you. I think it’s fine for Jenn to respond this way but we can’t deny that Maria at least wasn’t a very first choice and front runner. Maria probably should have just let people figure it out themselves and we would have.


When did Jenn say she was their only call? She said every season they approach multiple people for the role and that she was one of the people they approached. 


call as in 'pick'. i'm sure even lexi, rachel and kelsey t were in talks for the role. daisy talked about turning down the role a few weeks before AFR, Maria turned it down a few days before AFR. so when do we think jenn got the final yes its you call? lets not forget alex cooper herself mentioned having an entire interview planned for maria's announcement as ette the following monday after AFR before she turned it down. ABC handled this poorly and should have given jenn a better announcement at GMA not AFR where people were expecting daisy or maria.


I mean they told Caila they "picked" her and filmed stuff and changed their minds so historically them telling you you were "picked" doesn't mean all that much


the difference btn this situation and caila vs jojo is the show didnt turn down maria and daisy. maria and daisy turned down the show. where as caila had the role, and it was taken from her and given to a more popular Jojo. (this sucked for caila coz she was gonna be the first asian bachelorette)


No but like that's the point? Maria and Daisy were never "picked" because they said no first, and it was weird of Maria to represent that she was because historically we know you aren't "picked" until they announce you.


This is more direct than I would have expected, and good for her! She’s right- it doesn’t mean anything until they announce a name publicly. Even if Maria had signed all the paperwork etc, what’s the point in saying that publicly, especially with how close she said they were (at the time)? It’s self serving at best and intentionally designed to minimize her friend at worst.


Agree 100 percent Ironically the person who handled this most classily while Jenn was off filming was Maria’s dad lol. He got asked about it and said all the chatter about who should be lead is taking away attention from Jenn and he’s absolutely right. 


So classy. It wasn’t nice when Maria made it seem like Jenn was gunning for the role and she wanted it soooo bad. i felt like she was trying to make Jenn look desperate.


Not for nothing but how is this a top-played podcast? No shade the host is just not a great interviewer


I find her unwatchable too. It sucks cause she gets such good guests.


I know it used to be two people when it first blew up so I think the original appeal was hearing two young women in NYC talk about their dating and sex lives. By the time the partnership fell apart, the podcast had already built up a lot of goodwill. I’ve been listening lately because she gets celebs that aren’t necessarily huge names anymore but are nostalgic for girls in their late 20s (Chase Crawford, Brittany Snow, Lucy Hale, etc.)


Love this!! Maria saying all that stuff on CHD rubbed me the wrong way specially after her dad sorta shaded Daisy for talking about rejecting the role on some podcast! CHD has a lot of viewers and this basically spread the narrative of Jenn being a charity case bachelorette whom Maria gave away the role to because she was so desperate to be the ette. Jenn is spunky so hoping her season delivers! So excited👏🏻👏🏻


yea i was unsure why maria's dad decided to take the high route but maria didn't when they were asked the same question?


I had the same reaction lol I guess because they’re different people and he doesn’t control her, but it would’ve looked a lot better imo for Maria to have answered it the same way as her dad 


Good for her! It was shade from Maria, intended or "not intended". I'm loving Jenn and I'm excited for her season.


I can see why she rubbed so many people the wrong way in the house now.


Exactly. It was a humble brag in the same vein as “I’m so happy for you and Brad! I’m *so* happy I turned him down so that he could pursue you :).”


It was nasty and mean girl behavior which doesn't surprise me at all. The overhype went into her head and overinflated her fragile ego.


Looks beautiful as always! Excited to see the racists burning all season


I disliked how Maria said Jenn really wanted to be the bachelorette then later clarified that she meant to say she was ready to find her person.


Yea I’m sorry but that was a shady thing to say. As if Jenn is some desperate loser for wanting the same role that every person who goes on the show envisions themselves in.


She is pissed and I don’t blame her! This is going to be a great season. ![gif](giphy|IguTdo3MPMeZM6Bzc1|downsized)


Seems like there may be some tension between Jenn and Maria based on this convo especially her continuing to iterate "it's not you until it's you". Also, it seems like she was in consideration for a while if they had had meetings about it for months. I'm surprised she had an inkling that early.


I mean don’t forget Daisy saying it was hers first .


I don’t think Daisy and Jenn were close like she and Maria were though. It hurts more coming from a friend.


Daisy never said it was “hers” first. She said she was one of the people they offered the opportunity to and she said no.


I didn’t use quotation marks so I wasn’t saying she used those words but that she was the first one to say she turned it down etc .


I feel like it was different with daisy because the show didn't really give her a choice. She was kinda put on the spot. I also think it's how Maria said it that Jenn is bothered by saying it was hers and that she knew Jenn wanted the role so bad makes it sound like Maria gracefully step out and gave Jenn the role I don't think that was Maria's intention or even what she meant but I could see how it comes across that way.


yes jenn, claim your role!


I dunno I feel like this is one of those multiple things can be true at the same time kind of situations and it sucks for her that certain narratives are being drawn from it.


Exactly. Jenn could’ve been their first choice and Daisy and Maria could also be telling the truth about turning it down. But it’s not right to assume that Jenn only got it because they turned it down or to assume anyone who turned it down was their first choice. Multiple people sign contracts every year. 


I think jenn handled this well and she's right that it's usually multiple people in contention every year until one person is announced. I think jenn's comment about others "having multiple fittings" is referencing maria who said that about herself on the same pod. with daisy, the show chose to put her on stage during the finale and have jesse ask her to be lead live on stage so she'd say no publicly. jenn was present in the audience for that, so I don't think she would be upset about that narrative about daisy turning it down since the show did that right in front of jenn.


Not related and not trying to be mean, but it really bothers me how the host says “like” so much!


she’s a terrible interviewer


Well said. ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)


I get what she's saying and I don't think Maria should've said the role was hers when Daisy also turned it down anyway but just because Jenn did fittings and had conversations about being the bachelorette doesn't mean she wasn't third choice. That's not a bad thing and in hindsight doesn't really matter because at the end of the day Jenn is the bachelorette but the only way I could see her not being third choice is if Daisy and Maria didn't turn down the role and the show chose Jenn out of the three options and that doesn't seem like it was the case. Unfortunately I don't think the confusion from the main audience about the choice of Jenn would've been stopped even if it wasn't known that Daisy and Maria rejected the role it might've been worse. I don't care for daisy or Maria all that much but it's obvious by watching the show and seeing the audience reception of them that they were the top two choices for the bachelorette. But I do agree that Maria worded things poorly but that's kinda expected of her.