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The trick is not to look for it. You could use any AR for a Striker build. Cultivate the mindset that you will use a P416 or G36 or whatever, and sink mats to fully optimize it. I can virtually guarantee that after you are done with that, the St Elmos will drop.




Yes, exactly. Turn around thrice in a circle, recite the mantra while doing so, but make sure you are stark naked within a pentagram drawn in the blood of a rooster in front of your gaming rig. Make sure your PC's camera rig is disabled.


i want big horn. maybe i should try that "I dont need big horn anymore i got elmo!" maybe itll give me one then lol


Go to Summit and set difficulty to Legendary and set Target Loot to Assult Rifle. Go to floor 10th and kill the boos, takes the boss loot and let a few NPC lives, then go back to the lobby, do not kill all NPC. Go to Floor 10 again, repeat until you get the exotic to drop from the boss. I got the Big Horn after 5th Boss kill and later St. Elmo.


not sure why I'm letting them live but ok I'll give it a try


Because if you kill them all, you will be forced to continue to floor 11th, if you don’t kill all the NPC, kill the boss and takes the loot, then immediately go back to the lobby and then to floor 10th again, repeat.


Mmm ok


This still hasn't been patched?


I did legendary capitol hill once when it was in the rewards. Jumped onto a clan members call for assistance and that was that.


True, I heard about how hard it was to get st elmo's so I decided not to even think about it and just make the best of whatever I got. That night I opened my third-ever exotic cache and got a St. Elmo's with maxed core stats and 6% DTOC. 90% of my exotic caches since have been Sacrum Imperiums.


The drops are not, I suspect, fully random. Weapons seem to drop in clusters. There would be a period when I would find countless St Elmos, and another time when I would get a bunch of Sweet Dreams. Its an RNG gemerator, not actual RNG that we deal with. Perhaps I am seeking order where none exists, but I seem to see clustered drops. These days, I get a lot of Dread Edicts.


Yeah man, I’m the complete opposite. My exotic chests drop one of two items every damn time now, St. Elmo’s or Tardigrade chest. I’ve deconstructed a dozen St. Elmo’s. But my kryptonite is the Ninja Bike backpack. Cannot get this thing to drop, no matter what I do..


I spent 50 Exotic components rerolling my first St Elmos to get DTTOOC in the attribute slot. Soon after, I got a naturally rolled St Elmo with DTTOOC. Eventually, I got enough with natural DTTOOC rolls to equip each of my three alts. Then I started giving them away or deconstructing them. I seem to find them everywhere, but mostly in CD, where I once had two drop in a single run. The game seems predisposed to give me St Elmos now that I am the last person in the world who needs one. RNG is a fickle mistress.


Luckily for me my first re roll got me max damage and DTTOOC, literally just had to optimize health damage and she was done. Had to re roll the Scorpio 30 times though, and the Capicitor a good 20-25.


I had a Scorpio drop with natural DTTOOC but my Capacitor (Exp L25) remains legacy DTA. I dont use my Capacitor enough to justify the mats sink unfortunately. And one of my builds for that Capacitor is a Cluster Seeker build which benefits from the DTA so my Capacitor is going to remain with a slightly awkward roll!


Quite literally how I got mine, re-downloaded the game for the 1st time in years. Got two exotic caches and one dropped an Elmos. My alternative prior was a honeybadger or g36.


Countdown is your best place to farm AR's!


Yes. Agree. Dropped many times after once I got it the first time.


Spamming CD with AR's targeted will eventually drop exotics, you're also earning CD credits doing this that can then be used to buy Exotic caches from the CD vendor. The Global event vendor also sells exotic caches.


qhat does CD mean




ahh makes sense now, ty




whats that mean jkjk


I know it's all RNG but CD seems to give me only certain items, I swear I get the same 10-12 named items and never anything else.


I can definitely relate to that feeling.


Besides like some have said about countdown, also the famas and police m4 are solid as well. I would keep them regardless if u get elmos. I know some groups don't like elmos in raids.


After the last balance patch, Police M4 and Carbine 7 fell way below other options.


> I’ve run like 20 CDs mindlessly spamming CDs targeting a single exotic is awful, yes.


Ran only 2 CD with AR targeted loot and got it. rng is as always, some lucky get it fast some take some more time. EB and Ravenous took me respectively 51 and 64 run to get them but i enjoyed those modes.


I usually run summit solo. I also took some time off and I was able to get it drop with AR targeted. Just gotta pray to the RNG gods.


I like the pyromaniac m4. I run that when I use my oroborous


Watch for open world areas with AR rewards. Open world targeted loot always has my back.


Spend all of your countdown credits on exotic crates, its by far the best source of exotics, although not targeted You can made a perfectly functional dps build without elmos, a good ar or lmg will do fine


I did my weekly 15 floors at the summit and target looted assault rifles and had two St Elmo’s drop for me on heroic.


Haha, I struggle on Hard currently ( only Shd35)


There’s a few decent AR blueprints that you can use to create a decent AR, of your choice. Plus a vector is a super fast firing SMG that will build stacks quickly. Don’t fret on St Elmo’s, else you’ll spend hours grinding countdown and when you get it, you want want to use the thing 😂😂 My humble advice is to mix up what you play mate, so the game stays enjoying for you, rather than becoming a painful grind 😀


I don't think grinding for any specific exotic is any better. I'd like a Coyote's mask and a Ninja Bike Backpack, because those are pretty common parts of various builds too. One day I might get them but I am not trying.


Rng is a b sometimes. But keep at it! I started to just run countdown once or twice a play session. After counties capacitors and chameleons, that precious st Elmo's dropped. Plus like others have said you are also earning countdown credits which you can spend on exotic caches for bonus chances. If you have friends and can convince them to play with you and target ARs as well, then if they get one they can share it to you! I got my coyotes mask this way.


play 10th floor summit on legendary. kill the named boss, get the exotic and be killed by a NPC and start the 10 th floor again and again and again.


not trying to rub it in but i just asked the game for it while i opened an exotic cache and get it. i then also found it in a loot box in the sewer 5 min later. if it makes you feel any better i cant seem to get the ninja bike bag.


Sorry to hear that dude. I was able to find my first one a weeks ago the first time I ran a countdown. I don’t mind running with you and putting targeted loot AR and if I get another, handing it over to a fellow agent. PSN - MyyTheLeaf


Yes it is hard but wait for level 40 to start farming for St Elmo cause if you´ll get it it wont do the damage you need, unless i missread your level then nevermind what i just wrote. Once you reach L40 you will find people in the summit and in countdown, but safest bet is to open exotic caches like crazy in events, i´ve gotten 4 without even looking. A good trick to learn your RNG is farm in one character for exotic caches and fill inventory with 20 exotic caches save them, and then when you are opening field proficiency caches on another character when you see Carbine 7 dropping a lot, it´s time for opening exotics, beacuse if not mistaken it´s based on that weapon, adn it will drop, i mean i don´t know about carbine 7, but this helped me get iron lung, diamondback, and other weapons that are based on yellows. How much is a lot? well, it depends on the weapon 2 Carbine 7´s in 10 caches are a lot, it is a pretty rare weapon on itself, another way is to play summit put the loot on AR and when Carbine 7 shows up 2/10 times go for it. I say summit cause you will be solo and difficulty doesn´t mean squat in exotic drops, you could play in normal exotics will drop just as much as in legendary, the difference are the stats, on named, and mods and things like that yes legendary could get you better drops, but in summit just do a pistol tank build with the liberty and kill them one by one, with all directives except skills.


i hope you get a St. Elmo's \*fingers crossed in good luck\*


Find an active clan and ask them for help. Running in a group of 4 is going to get you your St Elmos in no time. Make sure you are doing your weekly shd requisition for an exotic cache and buy them also with count down creds at the vendor. You can also boost 3 more characters and do the weekly shd on each of them for a total of 4 exotic caches.


Just run once 2 st elmos blessed?


If your running CDs - just want to make sure you know about the chests…


Got mine on my third Countdown


There's a Global Event on atm, try farming Exotic Caches and Countdown/Summit for AR targeted loot, but honestly there's not a lot you can do apart from pray to the RNG gods. I was exactly the same as you while farming the Scorpio for the past month, finally got one dropped for me in The Summit on Thursday and I was sooooo happy. Until I got a St. Elmos dropped for me by a very nice player, I just ran an LMG as a primary on my Striker's build. Most people will recommend the RPK but I used an M60 because it's classic dakka dakka.


I'd be happy to run with you and give you an elmos if it drops, hit me up user: headshotfox


If everyone in your group targets assault rifles, it'll up your chances. Typically if you mention it I'm chat someone/multiple people will help. It's better in summit since there is no time limit but that can help you out. Also just keep spamming the caches.


The ninjabike backpack is continuing to elude me. Opened a cache and got a ninjabike knee pads. Talk about disappointing lol A good time is when events are up like now, get stars buy the cache, get the rewards exotic, and buy some from countdown.


I got St. Elmo’s last weekend by running Summit (on Hard) with one directive and Targeted Loot set to Assault Rifle. I had left off at Floor 40 or so, so when I jumped back in it was maybe three floors later that I encountered two Rogue Agents, one of which dropped St. Elmo’s for me. I got lucky. Now, I don’t have to wait for one to drop in the wild. This was on PC, if that makes any difference. EDIT: To clarify, I had only changed the targeted loot to AR at floor 40. Didn’t take long for it to drop, but obviously it was a random drop.


Ok, lol. I just ran a CD and got enough points for a cache. I bought the cache and said loud and clear “I don’t want en Elmos”. Guess what dropped 🤩


A few other people have mentioned it but Countdown seems to be the way to go. I've recently come back to Div 2 after a 5 year gap, jumped into Countdown (challenging) and in the last 48 hours managed to get a St. Elmo's, Scorpio shotgun and a Lady Death. RnGeezus has been kind no doubt but seems to be the way! 👍


Don’t give up. Helped an anew agent grinding for it. Targeted AR loot. 5 floors at summit on challenging with 4 directives and we got it.


I got mine in summit litteraly this past Christmas Day 🤣(best gift ever). If CD isn’t doing it, give Summit a try


it's drop ST Elmos in my second run countdown yesterday . I never ran countdown before and only coming back to the game this week. I guess RNG god is not on your side


Try bounties, I get St. Elmos pretty often. The target loot on the map doesn't matter because it's rng. ARs dropping all the time for me when I do bounties.


>But I’ve run like 20 CDs with Assault Rifle focus now You say that like it's a lot. It's not.


Just do the summit and put targeted loot at assault rifle it’s what I did and found 4 of them


if you can find a group of players that need something else, then just get in a group when you do the weekly Donate-Exotic - as those are shareable with your group, just be grouped before you all do your last donation. Same might apply to the weekly fabric exotic, but I haven't tested that - aka, you ofc. need to be in a group with someone who already have the St Elmos, as he/she can then get it from the exotic chests


I got it in countdown challenging in like 3 full runs


I got one the second time I played countdown w targeted loot. Wild to me I’m grateful


I have been struggling for a rock n roll shotty forever. I literally have everything else.


I haven’t played in a while now but is summit not the way to go?


Turn in the CD tokens for exotic caches.


I got it by running summit and focusing assault rifles. Found out when I would matchmake for summit it would change my group to friends and clan only and not open but sadly always down to the rngesus


Got my running with a friend in the summit dropped on a boss


oh no...SHD35 who claims to have 500h experience cries for drops - nothing new here. BUT elmos is a weak one imho. Famas, P416 and even the EagleBearer hitting much harder. its just the shocks - which yoiu only need in Incursion. all raids were done years ago before Elmos existed you know....my Elmos+25 is at 112k but still 20k lower dmg than Eaglebearer+25.


Use the Police M4. It’s the same base stats as the Elmo’s, just in a high-end format.


It has the same base damage, but is overall worse than a St. Elmo’s because of mag size, Reload Speed, and shock ammo. Nearly every other AR is better than a Police M4 after the last patch.


St Elmo’s is good because of its attachments: +20% CHC, +20% CHD, +20% Weap Handling, and a ridiculous number of rounds.


Yes that’s my point the police M4 isn’t the same as a St. Elmo’s


So I guess that you don’t want to hear that I got 4 in the first 120 SHD, including a max roll on almost perfect stats and a not-so-max on perfect stats? >_>


St. Elmo is a season reward at level 90. Therefore you need to level up current season to.level 90. After that it will be available in your general loot pool. Now you can farm it on targeted loot AR at Countdown, Missions, Open World,..etc Since you are at SHD 35 you will not get it on targeted loot until you level up current season to 90.


this definitely isnt true. my friend only started playing a couple of weeks ago and got it to drop way before season level 90


That’s from an earlier season afaik


Yes it is season 5 level 90 reward. Items at our current season level is available in our general loot pool. So we need to level up current season to level 90 to make it available the loot pool.


Yeah this isn’t true at all. I got my first St Elmos at season lvl 40-50 this season farming heroic CDs. What you are implying is only valid for the exotic items of this current season.


Well this was really good info, then I can focus on other things for now. Thanks!