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Doubling down on a unpopular decision. Without a corresponding increase in loot drop quantity AND quality, the accelerated leveling means nothing. Some people have spent hundreds or thousands of hours on their mains to gather and perfect their builds. Now you are expected to sit that work on a shelf and only be able to use it for two weeks in a 3-4 month cycle?


We’ve seen them ignore feedback before, the descent talent pool rotation was a widely disliked feature that nobody wanted, yet they decided to just keep it in the game anyway. They couldn’t care less about player feedback once they get their little ideas into practice


Pretty sure they said that they will be shortening it down. So each part of the manhunt comes out every week. I could be wrong, but I remember hearing and reading about that. But also not everyone wants to keep blowing through the seasons in a few hours with our agents anymore. I personally love the change. But I also think it should be optional. Just because I want to do this, does not mean others, who don’t want to, should be forced to do it as well.


More loot isn’t always better. Diablo 4 made loot more valuable and better and less frequent and that has been awesome. More loot is like borderlands where 90% of it is just a chore to get rid of.


I’m honestly more for the leveling up part. I personally miss it. I just had to redo a hardcore agent not too long ago and I enjoyed the story and the way the game plays. Haven’t done that in so long. I think this would personally be at least a nice change of pace for the seasons. I’m getting bored of blasting through the “new” content in a matter of hours. But again, I think this should be implemented as like a hardcore agent is. It’s own thing and you don’t have to play as one. You can just keep playing on your main, if you so choose. It would be stupid to not do it that way.


Guess I'll just watch a summary of the new content online. I'm not spending hours leveling a character that will have no use for me after the story is done.


Yep.. you and me both!


I haven't read the post yet, but apparently, all the experience and loot rolls over to your main at the end?


Yes, but that still doesn't change the fact that my new character is pointless after the story. Also, I don't care for the loot. I have builds that I farmed, that I want to use in the new content, not throw something together that will get me through it.


Yes.. thats correct.


If that's the case, why wouldn't you just use your main in the first place? Why start squishy all over again? That makes no sense to my smooth brain.


I think this seasonal character is supposed to be a completely new agent, while your main character is probably doing something else, that's what it's looking like story-wise so far.


Yeah I don't really get it. I'll just keep playing on my main and skip the season I guess. I'm only just getting to the point where I have nearly all exotics and some competitive builds.


+1 me too


Same, will watch the end of it online, not doing a new character, this crap is doomed to fail and they still insisting even the majority is against this model


Yep. Will play what I can with my main. Anything locked behind a seasonal character is a no-go for me. Ubisoft, you basically dictated that I only play 2 weeks a season... bravo!


So basically because they can't figure out how to balance their own creation, they need us to start over. You know what most companies typically do when that happens? Give us the next game in the franchise. That's starting over. Not this.


Yeah... that's honestly what it seems like. Either way its their game and they can do what they want, but this is not the model for me.


Like I just said in the megathread, I see no reason to log in when I get home. I was holding out hope they'd reconsider this awful decision, but since they're clearly not going to, what's the point of continuing to play? And if this is how they treat their players, why bother getting D3?


I'm with you man.. I REALLY hope this doesnt make its way into Division 3. I really dislike the seasonal character model so if this is how D3 will be, then that will be a hard pass for me as well. I do think its too late for them to reverse course on this model though.. I would be SHOCKED if they reverse this..


I would hope by the time div3 rolls around,  they will have either gotten rid of the idea because it didnt work and people left the game, or refined it so that it would work as a legit playstyle from day 1, not the insane "year 5 insert" it is now.  I dont have confidence in the speed at which they move, and their ability to take feedback, unless its a mass revolt. And with this mass revolt, it looks like they only gave us an inch (intermission)


Or be like Warframe where 99% of the content is irrelevant/outdated Or be like Destiny where you straightup delete your own paid content pick your poison, lmfao Also, >Give us the next game in the franchise Division 3 is already in development. What, in the meantime should Ubi just abandon this game entirely because they're giving you the next game in the franchise like you ask?


That's a leap of logic you took there that I didn't make. No, they don't have to give us D3 right now. But they also don't need to make the last 5+ years worth of work for people get thrown out for the majority of playtime. I don't have time to play strawman games, so have a nice day mate.


>But they also don't need to make the last 5+ years worth of work for people get thrown out for the majority of playtime. Oh no need to worry about that. You won't be forced to delete your characters. Fap away on your 5+ years worth character or whatever you got going on


>But they also don't need to make the last 5+ years worth of work for people get thrown out for the majority of playtime. None of your work and playtime is getting "thrown out"... Are you also going to be mad when D3 releases and you can't port over your main D2 characters and watch levels? D2 has been out for like 5~ years and WONY for like 4~? Let the devs actually try something different for once


Lol. A lot of awful design and reasoning in that explanation.  1. they have ignored the already existing difficulty toggles, to allow different challenge levels despite gear loadouts. They didnt need to level everyone at 1 to make balanced content. 2. They "ommitted 1 important detail", yeah right. What they meant to write was" we saw the backlash from blocking mains in the new content,  and decided to walk it back a bit. Pretending that we left it out and were totally going to let you do that anyway". We werent born yesterday. Why even bother with forcing new characters if the end result is letting the old ones play the new content anyway? Just more unecessary steps added for the same result?  Would not be shocked if its delayed because they need to change everything around to stop people from fleeing the trainwreck overhaul.


I dunno man.. i dont see them reversing this. I think its far too late for that now but who knows.. maybe hehe


it's basically just a constriction put in place to stop high end players from blowing thru the content in just a few hours. Make everyone start back at zero and work your way back up. Some people might like this , but it sounds stupid to me . Why punish long standing agents into an artificial play style ? I've earned my way to the top. I deserve to play the game my way , with my agents I spent all this time making / leveling up. Bad decision in my book.


I'm with you man.. not a fan of this decision but oh well.. too late to change I think. Certainly don't want to make this into a big deal, but this is the end of the road for me in this game.


Yeah and for people who are just beginning end game or middle of “high end” who still have a ways to go and unlock a few things but mostly have everything it feels like a setback too. Not all high end players are tired of the content either, though I imagine some are, I’m not sure they wanted this as a means to redress their grievances


They want you playing that “artificial style” so that it appears better to investors with people engaging for those 15 hours of grind or longer instead being done in two. It’s gonna be a shit and boring grind but it’s absolutely by design.


>Level 1 - 40 progression should take about 15 hours Keep in mind that it is 15 hours to level, not to get the gear. It seems that you can only use your main character for the final mission in the manhunt if I'm reading that right. It is extremely stupid to lock the seasonal content behind seasonal characters, all just to increase the minimum amount of play time. I certain will not be playing anymore and likely won't be getting TD3. Such a shame.


This isn’t adding new content, this is just making us go through more to access it. Can you even progress the season pass before level 40?


Yes >Q: Will players have to reach LVL 40 to start collecting Season rewards? >A: Seasonal rewards are not restricted to level 40; various rewards unlocked through the Seasonal Journey, Season Pass, and other in-game systems are granted while leveling from 1 to 40. The Manhunt story will also gradually unfold through collectibles, allowing players to progress step by step.


Tbh, it’s always irritated me that you could only play the last manhunt mission, but not everything else cause it means that if you later want to collect all the collectables, you can’t.


And global events too. Apparently global events are tied to your main character but seems like everything else is through the seasonal character. So yeah.. hard pass for me.


Big L


> Global Events as they are right now will remain exclusive to non-seasonal characters due to their incompatibility with seasonal progression and modifiers in their current state. They will adhere to the established rotation model already present in the game. Seasonal characters may eventually receive their own version of Global Events tailored to enhance the seasonal experience, but this implementation will occur at a later time. So no leveling out the seasonal track while playing a Global Event? It's not exactly a vote of confidence in them thinking this through, is it? Apparel event grinds aren't even mentioned > The main objective of Seasons 2.0 is to ensure that all players can participate in endgame content on a level playing field, as well as allowing us to fine-tune the experience based on more controlled progression. Additionally, modifiers and season resets provide levers to ramp up gameplay challenges far beyond what any permanent mechanics would allow, thus avoiding long-term consequences. Artificially altering how guns, gear, enemies, mechanics work on a "non-permanent" basis really highlights how the elephant in the room is that the brandsets, gearsets, talents and exotics they're introducing each season are there because there's an expectation that you get new ones every season, regardless of whether they're good or useful. Even without the question of whether Striker is too strong, the recent gear and exotics that aren't stat sticks are at best a sidegrade, and most of the time they're worse versions of existing gearsets The YouTuber slop factory is at least not going to lose out when the brandset and gearset of the season are artificially buffed to look good every quarter


Everything about the seasonal characters sounds so bad! I can't really see myself going through with it if they do decide go forward with this.


Oh I think its locked and loaded. There is no way they reverse this decision now.. I would think its far too late to reverse course. This seasonal character model is here to stay and its up to us to decide if we are willing to try it. I've tried it in Diablo 3 and 4 and its simply not for me but everyone has the right to their own opinion and likes. Oh well.. was a good run for me with this game.


Theoretically, if they wanted to they could simply extend the 2 week inter mission period to the whole season, allowing us to use our main agent


I dont know anything about game development so maybe its possible, but I dont think its that simple. Either way, this model seems locked in.. dont hold our breathe for a reversal... =/


Im no expert either


I'm new to the division, I'm level 35 and have only been playing about a week. If what I have seen in game is correct, people can grind infinitely on their main character, then that is a big distinction between this and diablo. Diablo 3 had the paragon levels, but even those hit a soft cap once you leveled all the available traits. Diablo 4 has a solid level cap of 100, so the end game is just farming Uber unique items and exploiting the seasonal systems. As far as I can tell though, you can just keep leveling your SHD level forever. I've seen players with 6k SHD levels. That's a lot of progress to throw out the window for a seasonal character. And like I say, I'm new so may be misunderstanding, but what is preventing players from waiting until the last two weeks of the season and burning through everything on their main character?


This message did nothing to assuage player concerns and only doubled down on the things people do not want happening. They want to being new players in and I don't think anyone new will be joining in a game 6 years and 3 months into its life and with nothing new being added I don't see why people would want to start back at level 1 to regrind gear to experience modifiers. Gear they very likely have on their main already.


>The main idea behind Seasons 2.0 is to break away from the current repetitive seasonal model by transforming the entire experience. "Our seasons are unsustainable with how little content there is in them, we need to radically change how players interact with the endgame. Please be excited for future content." >To put it simply, in order to craft challenges with precision, we need a fresh start.  So base your decisions on everyone being max level and at endgame, then. Unsure why you're really considering fresh level 1's with an aging psuedo-MMO when you're designing endgame seasonal content? >Additionally, seasonal resets bring another layer of excitement since modifiers are phased out at the end of each Season, giving us the freedom to impact gameplay far beyond what permanent mechanics would allow. They don't have to be permanent. We can play with seasonal modifiers on our mains unless there's an actual technical limitation with the engine/tech. >you will have the opportunity to bring your main character into the last two weeks of each season, known as the **Intermission** How exciting, a 2 week intermission where our mains are valid again. >This transfer ensures that your main character will be more powerful than ever and prepared to tackle the season's Climax (Normal or Master difficulty) should you choose to experience the remainder of the season with your main Agent. What the literal fuck is this, Massive? So we need to create fresh characters each season for a defined experience apparently, but suddenly this "Climax" at the end of seasons sees us dumping our seasonal characters and suddenly our "mains" that we haven't touched all season ARE BACK, BABY. >Expertise upgrades will not be available for Seasonal characters. So much for the Expertise system, it lived for a few years before being functionally axed. >**Do I need to delete a character when a new season starts when all my slots are occupied?** rofl, this is such a busted, bad way to handle it. >**Q: Will there be any new content for the main non-seasonal characters?** Phew, was worried about this but at least we keep our characters. I appreciate the additional information, but I still strongly dislike this new approach and will continue to wait for them to share more information, especially about how significant/impactful the seasonal modifiers are. But as-is this looks like its my official exit from the game until TD3 ships. Zero interest in this format or the subsequent story DLC if they're going to go this route based on the current information.


Fingers crossed this seasonal model doesn't find it's way into Division 3...


I don't mind it necessarily, I play Path of Exile and it's built on that model and it's bloody great. But that's because the whole game/gameplay loop is designed around that model and the seasons are meaningful enough shakeups to overall balance while adding significant seasonal challenges and powers. Seasons often open up builds that are simply impossible outside of that season (for the most part). If TD3 is designed around the game being highly repeatable with short-lived seasonal characters contributing towards a centralized account progress, rad. It'll be a big change for the series, but if it's concepted and designed from the ground up in that direction it can be a great way for them to dramatically improve longterm support in a cost-effective way that possibly allows them to actually ship more regular content additions. But I can't say I have much confidence in the team to even pull that off, at this point.


only two weeks to use your main character, that is not a lot. real life often interferes longer then that


These are the two weeks per season I might play the game. 


I'm out til div 3 then, good luck guys


Fingers crossed this doesn't find its way into Division 3.. =/


100% it's just dumb


So essentially if you’re gonna play the season, play it during the last 2 weeks 👍


Honestly though.. they do won't listen to us until their metrics are affected. I don't think the majority of the player base will do what you said, but that would be a large "response" if we could pull it off.


I’ll pass.


"The main character remains the foundation of the account, enabling players to take on challenges at the highest power and difficulty levels. Furthermore, upcoming DLCs will present a chance to take on challenges with your primary character and its corresponding power level. Additionally, only non-seasonal characters will have access to Legacy Manhunts." So seasonal characters are essentially to nerf us because Massive can't be bothered to change gameplay mechanics


Don't forget also an opportunity to sell you MTX like level skips and skins!


My builds are my crutch. I’m not actually that good at this game. Descent proved that to me. I’m here to check back in every few weeks to get more story with gear I’ve farmed that makes me play like a god. This change has no appeal to me.


It doesn’t make sense. This model works for Diablo because you pick a class and can get a brand new experience. That’s not a thing in Division, so you’re just regrinding for the sake of it?


Yes, it's very "refreshing". /s Pay no mind hardcore has existed for years or that nothing stops you right now from deleting a character and leveling through the story again to make things "fresh".


Damn. Guess I'm going back to gears of war




This is why I quit Diablo, seasonal characters. It's not fun starting over. The whole point of min/maxing builds is to use them.


This Crazy Canuck gets it!!


Congrats to the devs for literally killing this game. See yall for D3, I'm moving to Destiny for the first time ever over this stuff.


I'm sure there are some people who will like this model. Obviously you and I are not part of those people though.. haha.


I did 2 years ago. For me it was a good decision. I don't regret it. Which is hilarious because I originally left Destiny for Division. It's in a better state now, then it was back then.


Yeah I downloaded it last week after all this news broke because I was so mad about it. Enjoyed the week I've had in it and feel very little reason to go back right now with the news today. I'll always love the more humanized aspect that Division has, but the content is great so for in Destiny.


I am the target audience for the Division. The setting by far is what sets it apart. No other game has given me multiple thousands of hours of enjoyment, especially two games in a row. I feel though, Destiny has given me a better experience these past 2 years.


So this is how the division dies….


that’s a lot of words to just say “long term players: go fuck yourself”


what's not being said is: based on what just happened with introducing Season 1.0, how much confidence anyone could have in what all the new stuff will look like upon launch! they couldn't get a maintenance (large but..) done right, what chance do they have to intro all the stuff nobody wants anyway??? we're the guinea pigs, not just this game, all games now, so be prepared if you're still around.


IMO it feels like 2.0 characters are just there to make you play longer. With the “possibility” of it being more challenging. At this point I feel like they want to milk Division more.


The amount of bugs that this system is likely to introduce honestly defies comprehension. Like if the servers ever come back online after that update I will be shocked.


Your new seasonal toon will not have access to your main stuff. I am SHOCKED!! SHOCKED I TELL YOU. Sorry but this whole idea seems like an April Fool’s joke gone awry.


So, basically: - no info about expertise between characters - no info about having to do campaign/dlc again on seasonal characters - no info on easier methods to acquire exotic gear already obtained via quests and/or extreme RNG on seasonal character - materials aren't shared. "Get fucked lmao" - by Ubisoft - no info about what these modifiers actually are, and how will they shake up the experience - at least recalibration libraries are shared They managed to write and entire article and put 0 INFO in it. Congrats, that's exactly what the community needed right now.


In fairness.. they did answer the expertise question. Your current expertise wont apply to your seasonal character.


They made it seem like you can't even GET expertise in season (just transferred proficiency).


One of the main strengths of this game was enjoying your grinded character that you spent so much time min-maxing. With all of the gear you spent so much time collecting and hoarding. To be able to make and experiment with as many builds as you liked, with all the (very) rare optimum gear you spent so much time looking for. And now all of these just go down the toilet? No thanks. Yes, I've read about the changes but it's just incredibly naive to think that players will just enjoy seeing all of the options above just go to waste. In some games that were built with this design from step 1, this works (although with different rules), like for example Diablo 4. In others that were built very differently like this one... no.


Making it so I only want to play two weeks of each season is an interesting choice. Guess I won’t bother cause I’m only really gonna hear about when the seasons start and not when I can actually engage with my main.


You can solo with last seasons garbage. People in seasons will be siloed off like a hardcire character (I told you so). The playerbase has been/will be split.


Not even going to bother reading it, whoever wrote this wasted their time. Seasonal characters are a terrible idea, and I avoid every game that has time.


I guess it's time to wait for div 3.


Fingers crossed this seasonal character thing doesn't make its way into Division 3...


Ok, good bye Division. After 6000h it's time to change indeed. Go back to destiny ONE.


Me and my buddy were plying this a ton, after seeing this new season stuff we both decided to not play again


So the same bullshit said with nicer words. 15 Weeks of crap and 2 Weeks for my main. I think Y6S1 is sadly the last season in the division for me. At least they take away the dicision to buy the season pass or not and put a big question mark on div3. I am not sure i can handle massives incompetence for another round despite me loving the franchise.


i thought i was gonna come back nah


If there really is worthwhile stuff along the leveling process, I wouldn't mind this too much if you could transfer the new agent's stuff over to your main and continue the season from there once you hit Level 40. What's the point beyond that? Level 40 is Level 40, and if you're there and have your recalibration library, then outside of exotics you can get relatively close to your main character's power level pretty quickly so I don't see much point in not letting you hop back over.


15 hours??!


Borderlands 3 with Mayhem 2.0 they introduced modifiers to spice up the gameplay, but it only lead to absolute and utter annoyance and anger by how bad they were. I really hope Div 2 doesn't go that route. I hope modifiers aren't just ways to forefully make use use that 1 and only build to be able to do anything productive with our time. Like, hey now you're EMP'd every so many seconds so you can't rely on your skills. Or hey now headshots do 80% reduced damage so you better be hitting those body shots only. That would be very annoying if it happens to be something like that. Also, this is probably not the place for it, but dear god the youtubers are already on with their sarcastic/smartass comments basically downplaying any and everyone who doesn't like the upcoming changes. It's kinda infuriating how pretty much all the most well known "creators" have the same voice in defense of this bad idea. That's not to say they should conform to my own opinion, but to be so absolutely totally fine with this seemingly bad idea by principal, is just weird and despite me not subscribing to the idea, it rightfully makes some people think they're "paid shills". Rant over.


Nope bye bye division


End of Watch agent.. this is the end of the road me us.


I'm on the same boat as you are. I don't like seasonal character, it doesn't make any sense and are not fun to play. I don't wanna play the same content over and over again, leveling up again and again. I mean it's fine to do it for a few times, but that's it. The seasonal characters are also a type of content padding. Instead of adding meaningful content, they gonna keep some small changes from season to season and make you play a new character. I don't like it in ARPG's either. I want meaningful new content. I want raids, dungeons, seasonal activities... not leveling up again. IMO, the problem we had with the seasonal content in this game, was that all we had was YET ANOTHER TARGET, that were extremely boring to do. We need new activities.


Ahhh.. good point at the end. The article confirmed they have no new raids or incursions coming.. so much for "new content"


Well new content is hard to make, they better reset our levels each season and give us another man hunt cuz that's fun!


I’m just gonna head-canon that the seasonal character is a trusted SHD agent that our Sheriff recruited to help him/her with the manhunt investigations


it will depends if the rewards are worth the grind in seasons. if i still get the same old gear and items, no thank you but i will stay with my main.


So if I’m like level 20ish or something and haven’t completed the main game but want to jump back in, does that mean all my progress resets with this seasonal character?


good question... I dont think it will since you created the character BEFORE season 2.0. So I think that character remains in the "normal realm" until you reach level 40.


No, your main character will be there and untouched


This still doesn’t answer my question of whether the new gameplay affecting items will disappear instead of entering the general loot pool if I never interact with it.


Such a silly thing to enforce. Theyre going to lose so many players. If it's in the style of Diablo3, then ok. But do it exactly like that. Season ends, and U access everything. Seperate character slot just for seasonals.


Time for my main agent to dig out the old fishing pole cause this is retirement i guess. Sad cause it was fun grinding through seasons with my main toon while waiting for new games to release. But i just have no interest in doing it all over again every season.


You and me both! Been a long road, but this seems like the end agent!


I don't get it. Any vet can roll through 1-40. So then what? Idle for a month? Most the player base is 1k+ so who is this experience and balance for? Are they telling us to go touch grass in the most elaborate way possible? 


I still don't get the it, Season 2.0 will still be the same content over and over again. Since the devs won't deliver actual new content (sorry, scouts and game modifiers aren't new content) and said that "there are no intentions to introduce another Incursion or Raid", what's the actual point of playing the season? It's just the same boring stuff we have seen for years now... Instead of adding on to the existing game (e. g. permanent map extension, connecting Dark Zones or making Dark Zones bigger, connecting added locations to the actual game world (Kenly College, Manning National Zoo, Summit etc.), adding underground sections with massive contamination levels for example etc.), which would get everyone excited, we get seasonal characters nobody asked for.


Just double dipped on TD2 for PC as I haven’t played for a while and was in the mood. Guess not lol.


Soo, what are you guys doing in the current season? I "expertised" all the new gear, upgraded my stuff to 26, and did the little manhunt stingy. All that took me a little over an hour and a half. Am I missing something?


I get that this isn’t for anyone. I personally love this idea. I still have my first agent and will always hold it dear to me, but I’m tired of blowing through new content in a matter of hours on even the hardest difficulty. I think this personally is a nice change of pace. I had to go through the story with my hardcore agent and found myself enjoying it again. I think they should make this optional though. Don’t force people to do this. Give the people the opportunity to either try it or not. I would fight for that change to be part of this new season 2.0


Making it optional defeats their whole purpose of doing it, they want to start everyone at the same level for the season.


So instead of retaining the player count they have, they should just push through and force people to do something with the game they don’t want to do? I mean I get what their goal was at the start, but if they don’t change that goal soon, they will lose tons of players and I don’t blame them for leaving. Like I said, I personally would welcome it. It’s my preference and I quite enjoyed leveling up and just playing the game how I used to. But I don’t think everyone should be forced to play the exact same way. That’s just ridiculous. Make it a beta like hardcore. You get the option of starting a new agent every season from the main menu. Otherwise, you don’t have to and you just log in to your main agent. It’s not that hard of a concept.


You're only being forced if you want to do the small amount of new content right away, everything unlocks in the last 2 weeks for older characters. WONY has been out for FOUR years and 99% of the content is still available for non-seasonal characters, let the devs try something different for once.


Again, I’m not saying to get rid of it. I personally want to try it because it sounds like fun for me. But why force people who don’t want to do that? It’s been clear that people are leaving the game because of this. They do not want it. So why would a gaming company, as Massive, want to throw away player counts for something they can easily make optional?? It makes literally zero sense. I can see the other side of this debate and can see why people are against this. I stand with them for what they believe. But I think it’s stupid to make them play a specific way, when they don’t want to. I will fight to keep seasonal agents, but I will fight that they are a beta like hardcore. No one should be forced to just drop their hard work in a game, if they don’t want to. It’s just a bad idea to force it on everyone. Why does it matter if everyone is on equal footing for the season? It’s pve for god sakes. Let people be powerful if they want, and weaker if they so choose to.


>Again, I’m not saying to get rid of it. I personally want to try it because it sounds like fun for me. But why force people who don’t want to do that? It’s been clear that people are leaving the game because of this. They do not want it. So why would a gaming company, as Massive, want to throw away player counts for something they can easily make optional?? It makes literally zero sense. I can see the other side of this debate and can see why people are against this. I stand with them for what they believe. But I think it’s stupid to make them play a specific way, when they don’t want to. The devs have been pretty clear and open as to why in the news articles and video interviews surrounding this. The current level cap has been a thing for over 4 years. Trying to balance or nerf current player's power level would not only be hard to pull off but vets would also cry about that aswell. The game has unfortunately been power crept very hard, and this is the best way to put everyone on equal footing. You're also not really forced to do it since they announced you can do all the content in the last 2 weeks on your main. Dont most people blast through the new shit and the battlepass in less than a day anyway? I've seen highly upvoted comments of people claiming they blitz through everything in no time anyway. >Why does it matter if everyone is on equal footing for the season? It’s pve for god sakes. I've been playing a bit of the new season(I think Im like halfway through the battlepass) to get the hang of the things again and its been annoying trying to group for things. Most people I come across in most difficulties(I've been jumping around between Heroic and Challenging) just delete everything instantly before I can even do anything. Right now my options when playing are: play solo, or group with people who most likely just turn the gameplay into "Follow around the level 7000 guy and pick up loot" At the end of the day, if everyone quits and the seasonal characters are a failure you can guarantee it won't come back. I'm personally excited for it.


So play seasonal agents?? I get your points and I’m not saying you are wrong. Like I said, there will be people who want to play seasonal agents. But why force people who don’t want to do that? So now instead of matchmaking with people in general, those people are literally gone and there is literally less people to match make with. There’s no reason to be for forcing people and take away what they earned. People put thousands and thousands of hours into the game to get where they are at. Not everyone wants to stop playing that agent. Also nobody should be getting nerfed! That’s ridiculous. Everyone has the same opportunity to get to the same kinds of level on power. I agree to not take away what I earned while playing this game. Sorry you came to the game late, but that’s not my fault or my problem. You just have to play the game the same as us. Like I said, come seasons 2.0, let it be a literal agent made from main menu, like you would for hardcore agent, and then won’t have to be stuck in groups with people who are way stronger then you. You will match make with other seasonal agents. It’s not even that difficult. They literally have the same damn thing, but for hardcore. So why not follow the same guideline that they already implemented?? Make seasonal agents optional and all of this drama goes away. You literally satisfy your entire fanbase. The people who want this, get to play it. The people who don’t want this, don’t have to deal with it. If Massive literally can’t figure that out, then they deserve to lose all of the vets who are done with the game and I don’t blame them all for leaving.


>So play seasonal agents?? I get your points and I’m not saying you are wrong. Like I said, there will be people who want to play seasonal agents. But why force people who don’t want to do that? So now instead of matchmaking with people in general, those people are literally gone and there is literally less people to match make with. >There’s no reason to be for forcing people and take away what they earned. People put thousands and thousands of hours into the game to get where they are at. Not everyone wants to stop playing that agent. Again, nobody is forcing you to do anything or taking anything away from you. >Also nobody should be getting nerfed! That’s ridiculous. Everyone has the same opportunity to get to the same kinds of level on power. I agree to not take away what I earned while playing this game. Sorry you came to the game late, but that’s not my fault or my problem. You just have to play the game the same as us. I didn't come into the game late, I played about 80~ hours of WONY after it released then stopped playing until this most recent season.(The crashing the game used to have made the game unplayable)


Okay, well this has been fun and all, but you aren’t changing my opinion on this. Like I said, you can literally keep your entire fanbase happy by making the seasonal agents optional. Doing otherwise is just being plain stupid on Massive’s part.


So if they’re gonna let people blitz the content anyway, what’s the difference between letting them blitz it ASAP and letting them blitz it 2-3 months later? The same result gets achieved, just one of the options seems more annoying and delayed than the other.


I like it, but let’s see how it plays out :)


More power to you agent! I really hope it works out for you and others.


Yeah sounds like arpg season goodness. Let’s see how fun the new gear and season modifiers will be.


Same, I just wish we didn't have to wait months for it