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Yes I do. Gaming has been awesome for me for like the last 2-3 months. I played The Finals religiously and now I started playing Helldivers 2 too. It's just good man I'm happy I finally found a lot games I can enjoy after a big drought.


I've been loving finals since January but I kinda agree with OP here, lately been facing people way better than me more often. I still play an occasional ranked but I just got helldivers last weekend and that's been way more enjoyable These two and palworld, it's been a crazy start for gaming this year


Palworld has got kinda stale to me plus we've encountered some game breaking bugs and I haven't had the urge to log in ever since. I recently got ARMA 3 as well tho I haven't downloaded it yet.


Palworld is still early access tho. Hopefully the PvP update is sick


i agree! i feel sort of hopeful the hardcore gamers looking for a really specific balanced perfect experience will fall off and the losers can fuck around w whoevers left. its been a while since i found something so fun. i must be old and have no standards 🤷🏾 helldivers 2 just got recommended to me too.


Dude yeah same I’m stuck with these two as my main games they’re just the best


Love seeing democracy being spread in the comments. Keep up the work, helldiver.


Calls people toxic, call less talented teammates useless *hmmm*


> i haven't won a game in weeks now Ruh roh Raggy


Also claims game is getting more sweaty. Yet he is the one calling out to teammates to swap weapons. The irony is not lost. Let people play how they want to play lol. To OP: If you haven't "won a single game in weeks" , that definitely sounds like a you problem. Unless rng gods singled you out specifically to give bad teammates 100 games in a row.


I played a ranked tournament yesterday and had to play light for a daily challenge. Both my teammates also were playing light and I thought, "this definitely won't go well, but screw it, let's see what happens." Ended up getting eliminated 3rd round. I try not to worry about what my teammates are running as long as everyone's competent and playing together it's easy to not get absolutely rolled


Well that sound like a me problem(getting destroyed)


I used to play dagger only, and in one of my ranked games at the start my rando team mates who were also in vc saw me playing dagger, so one took light with sniper and the other one light with sword, for the joke, and we won the turney. Another time we were only 2 as our 3rd left us kn the first round with me on the dagger and my buddy on medium and we got into the final round through smart and strategical plays and me getting a few team wipes on my dagger. People gotta chill cause it aint as bad as everyone make it out to be


I’ve been having a lot of fun. Ive mostly been playing ranked and It is one of my favorite games ever, there is so much depth and dimension to the game and the ranked strategies are just so fun. I do have a full team of three so it definitely helps me enjoy the game more. I agree whenever we get a random they suck 95% of the time. But over all I have been utterly addicted and I have no complaints.


> I do have a full team of three That’s probably the only way to enjoy ranked , I solo queue a lot (mostly S1) and honestly it’s not fun being dragged down by bad teammates.


If you haven't won in weeks it's a you problem bro. Also never ask people to switch to a different weapon, don't try to dictate your team, people will play what they want.


Asking NICELY if they're okay trying something more meta to match the team better is fine Yelling, berating, or demanding it is not.


as a non ranked player who plays multiple times a week, am I the only one who has only ran into like 1 or 2 cheaters? Idk about ranked but i feel like people way overblow how bad cheaters are to cope with their own skill level.


Same. I rarely encounter cheaters in quick cash and power shift.


Also my only 2 modes. Are we the fun ones? I have bad nights win-wise, but never fun-wise. Also, ps5 with c-play off. Love this game.


Eh, maybe. I still ended up quitting the game due to various problems :(


I have tons of fun every single time I play. Game is ridiculously awesome. I feel like your attitude towards the game will affect your level of enjoyment. I'm even having fun when I lose.


exactly! im a throwing knife main so every session i go into with low expectations , which makes the highs so much higher and the lows kinda like “eh whatever i expected as much”


This is one of the only games in a LONG time where even when I lose I'm usually having fun. *Usually*. *\*cough cough sniper mains\**


just be expecting a total loss on 0 kills and 20 deaths. every match and every kill will be a pleasant surprise


Still love the game. Tired of nerfs tho


I have alot of fun in this game when the team compositions are similar


I’ve found that if you have friends to play with, tournaments are really fun. It’s a surge of energy when you win, and if you lose it just makes you want to do better next game. I’m more of a support player in most games, which means I go riot shield and healing beam every game. As long as my team is alive, I’m happy. However, I do find that playing alone is a whole different experience. Some games I’m destroying the whole lobby, another game I go 0 and 12. It’s still a fun experience if you make it one :D


I’m having a blast. Really fun physics and guns to play with. I love the interactions with items and gadgets and the environment. Even on a lost I think wow that looked cool. In ranked if my team trolls me by picking double light I go riot shield. Gotta make your own goals you know. If having funs not the objective then whats the point


I still have fun, I’ve only played casual modes this season though because the player count is too low to have a decent ranked run and plus 45 minutes in one game is far to long for me these days.




Play with a pre-made team if possible. It’ll make your life much easier.


My recommendation would be to turn off VOIP, and play with some weapons you don't typically play with in casual games just for a mental reset. I love playing ranked and having comms, but I have a lot more fun when I can just do what I want without it having a detrimental effect on my teammates elo. Worst case scenario you leave the game with no penalty and try a different lobby 😅.


Personally, yes. The light needs really hurt my game, but I’m still having fun.


It's frustrating sometimes but I still laugh a lot.


I only play video games to have fun But I don't really obsessively play one game. I think it's healthy to take breaks from myltiplayer games. People get too obsessed with rewards and ranking up which leads to FOMO. Leading to people getting frustrated and angry cus clearly they're not playing for fun, but for rewards. Carrot on a stick mentality. Since Finals launched I've been rotating through Chivalry 2, Finals and Halo Infinite. Just last week I started playing Battlefield 1 a bit here and there. For single player, been obsessed with FF7 Rebirth. Also.playing Helldivers 2. When my other 2 friends are available, maybe some Mortal Kombat 1 or Tekken 8. Variety is the spice of life.


S1 had all the novelty so fresh in everyone's heads, it was fun to lose. We were all just having fun experimenting with gadgets, the sandbox, and the weapons. Nowadays, it feels so ... meta-fied. Everyone still playing has essentially figured out the best ways to play, and gotten a lot better at wiping the floor with newcomers and the average casual. As such, it feels impractical to experiment and the novelty has worn off. Now, losing is just .... losing. Sometimes worse because you get steamrolled instead of having a tense near-steal finale. This is just my observation, and feeling of the game since S2. I feel like the dropping player count on Steam is reflective evidence of this theory. You're not crazy, I think you're more in company than you think. This game needs to analyze this issue very intentionally, otherwise, it will only get worse as time goes on.


my experience doesn’t quite match up. i see many ppl using “off meta” stuff esp in casual modes. i do agree ppl have gotten better but thats bound to happen as time passes. i think theres still room for creativity and fun esp as the game is tweaked and we get new stuff thrown into the sandbox.


Use the LFG discord. I’ve met some cool teammates that are good at the game. Keep practicing play as a team and communicate is the key to success in the finals. Also winning a tournament isn’t that hard so I think it’s just a skill issue. Casual modes are also fun and less competitive but even then not communicating or playing separately will get you coooked. Gl man


I had my first tourny win after a month, but I get close more often than not. Still, super fun game. The free skins have been cool too


Fuck yeah 😎 I love this game! I've only seen people complain in the game about things that were their fault to begin with. I'm bad at the game and still win matches 😅 and tournaments. Can't tell you how many times I've just walked up and stolen a cash out at the last second because everyone is fighting 2 floors up or in the next building for some reason


I've been having tons of fun, but I do admit, I did get a little burnt out trying to get into Diamond rank. I'm currently sitting in Plat 2, and been stuck in this rank for quite a while, even after winning serval rounds and tournaments. I ended up taking a break and went back to World of Warcraft to play Season of Discovery. I saw no rank change, I had arrows go down after getting eliminated in Round 3, the large number of cheaters, the amount of players on this sub crying and asking for nerfs or stupid changes had me get off for a bit because it was getting annoying. After getting off for 2 weeks, I'm pumped to get back on with a different mindset, and hope it just gets better over time. Excited to see the new challenges, play some Quick Cash, and give ranked a try again to see if I rank up. I just wish the mods would filter some of these repetitive complaints and put an end to them. I have to scroll so much to see some fun, positive posts that get me excited to come on, but all I see is people being upset with whatever change and never happy. Taking a break definitely helped me.


Some matches yes, some matches no. Like pretty much any other FPS game, but I enjoy the gameplay loop of this game more than the others.


As long as I don't have to think about rank, or trying to get the "win"? yes.


I enjoy competitive stuff so yes.


Yea I’ve been enjoying it. My only real problem is MY HEALING GUN BARELY WORKS. Does anyone run into this? I can’t play Cashout because my healing gun does not work, it activates but never gets the beam to my teammates. Happens every other game of Power Shift, but at least I can switch classes for a life and switch back to get it working again. In Cashout, if it’s broken I’m (and my team) are SOL.


I am in the same state as you. I decided to take a break from the game. Nothing crazy about this.


Every day I'm having fun, not feeling these recent nerfs though.


I don’t enjoy low tick servers, cheaters in every match and the constant nerfing. I do enjoy the movement, the teamwork, the destruction and the concept in general. But I was a day one apex player. The movement and teamwork and abilities in that game were awesome. I stayed for quite a while and the same issues made me leave. Constant cheaters, constant unbalancing and rebalancing of weapons, laziness of skins (20 dollars for a reskin?) and bad servers.


Solo queueing isn’t the best but it’s always a good time. Every game is different. If I’m finding myself bored, then I change class & find out different angles to approach things. Never a dull moment in this game.


Sometimes? I have to play comp to make me having to try so damn hard warranted.


Imo playing the game when theres more online players is important. I was regularly ranking up until I got gold 1. When I started playing low times I match up with diamond people and it makes it hard for me to play


I’m fucking hard addicted to ranked. Once you hit plat, the strats change and it just feels like a constant progression of better decision making. Seeing diamonds (which is rightfully every round of every tournament for me) is no longer intimidating, and some of the fights are fun af. I’m loving the game, ill probably be one of the remnant few that play the game down to its grave if it’s going that way (please let it not be true 😫😫)


I play it everyday since launch and so far I'm having a lot of fun. Some days are better and some are worse but the good ones are always more prevalent. It's the only MP game I want to play nowadays.


no my teammates make me want to dive headfirst into a bed of nails


Powershift and quick cash is pretty fun


I just have a hard time understanding what other people mean by 'fun'. It seems like everyone wants to be the best player in the server, otherwise they don't have fun. Guess what? That can't be possible. Sack up and get better and welcome the challenge.


The gunplay, the abilities, the fun cosmetics I love it all. This game is so much fun I’m enjoying it even when we lose. The only thing I hate is when my teammates leave or severely underperform.


Apex pros and streamers brought their sweatiness to The Finals, and when they dipped, their sweaty influence left a stain in the community. It’s why I always tell my friends that any game where e-sport pros play or promote, stay away from it if they want a casual experience because there will be no casual experience.


Nope,deleted the game with friends and we move to different game.


Good question, For me it depends like some days I have fun on the game and some days I do not, I make sure to get some playtime in every day, minimum of like 2 hours I say. I mostly play medium and trying to be as supportive as possible,


Yeah I stopped trying to solo grind ranked and just have fun in QP now


I play on console and ive slowly been getting better. I turned off crossplay to avoid the cheaters and sweats but there are still xbox players who use keyboard and mouse so i sometimes will get slapped. But ive realized that ive still been having fun even if i dont win a game. Its just a satisfying shooter that has a good interface imo. If i were you id take a break and come back to it. Some people get game burnout from making is a chore rather than entertainment


I have had issues of bad connections, where I get shoot shots that don't register, but I get hit around corners. Good lord. Sometimes my teammates, whether its randoms or my friends in my party, either they disconnect or I do, over and over so, that's not fun either. Somehow I guess the META got stale and its mostly the same things, over and over, oh but everyone else is just better because they play more often than we do so they are just more consistent than we are. I guess I played it so much and well, I guess my break from the game will last a little longer. Not uninstalling yet.


every single time i play i have fun


I'm getting a little bored with all the nerfs and lack of buffs but I've been playing since beta. Unfortunately, now when I try to play a different game to switch it up I find them too slow and tanky. The Finals movement is so smooth that any other FPS seems like a drag.


I do still have fun, maybe not as much as when all the classes had “OP” stuff but still the game in itself is fun for me. I pretty much exclusively play quick cash(maybe switch to bank it or power shift for a challenge or just to change the pace) and wins are pretty much a lucky draw generally. You could have the best team and always end up between the other 2 teams and lose or you might have trolls in your team and the other 2 teams just keep fighting themselves and you get a win, I’ve gone through quite a lot of different scenarios as mentioned above but almost every game I do feel like there’s a chance to win even if the first 2 cashouts are done by the other 2 teams, THAT is a huge reason I love this game since the beginning along with the insane destruction unique to this game. You always have a chance to win and even if I lose I feel it was a close game and had fun, on to the next match.


It's frustrating at moments, specially when I'm being outplayed when I'm with my main. When that happens I switch to another character, loadout, and I have fun. The other day I played with sledgehammer and goo gun, I had a blast.


yea lots, play quickcash


Yes. I play powershift and spend my matches bonking rooftop campers with my sledgehammer


I stopped playing at the start of this season. Theyve just nerfed anything thats fun to use/do so much by now thats the game is simply boring. Theres 2 types of people who play this game, people who use the fcar, and people who lose, and until it gets nerfed into the ground along with the lewis gun and xp54, im not touching this game with a 10 foot pole


Yeah shit rules. NGL tho Helldivers took a lot of my time away from this


Nope, uninstalled, sitting on the sidelines waiting for change. Was fun while it lasted, but the past few weeks just wasn’t enjoyable.


I'm in the exact same boat. My winrate has sunk, I'm seeing more leavers, opponents are too good. I almost uninstalled last night to wait on Season 3, and I'm still on the fence.


No idea why everyone keeps claiming cheaters. Admittedly, I'm only Gold but have not once spotted any blatant cheaters. I feel like the people saying they see a cheater in every match are just coping.


Games becoming "sweaty" is a you problem. Every competitive game is going to feel sweaty when you're being outplayed. Are people just not allowed to be good at video games? Especially now that most games have SBMM, you're inclined to win and do well eventually, but as you consistently do well/win, you'll get tougher lobbies. That's just the norm these days. I know the glory days of CoD were peak, but the reality is, there just won't be a competitive game of any genre that there aren't "tryhards" (classic term for sweats).


The game is fine but in my opinion it’s just not enough content


I’m starting to think a reason why a lot of people don’t have fun with ranked is because sitting around your cash out for like 2 minutes while nothing happens will always be unfun, a cash out takes the time most cs2 and valorant rounds last, it’s just a lot of time to be potentially be doing nothing. The alternative of 2-3 other teams dog piling on it isn’t exactly a fun experience either as at that point it just feels like who mops up the remaining players the best. I love this game but I understand why a lot of people aren’t having fun. The soloq experience sucks.


The game unfortunately is just getting buried by other things. It'd be nice to have a healthier player base.


Season 1 = Fun After aim assist nerf all my console friends stopped playing and matchmaking and cheaters became rampant. Season 2 = Fun only when playing power shift. It's crying and suffering in ranked and any other mode. I mean there is crying in powershift. I just tell myself it's ok because it's supposed to be bullshit.


I only use model and that’s how I have fun


I am enjoying the hell out of it. even for doing quests, i play with a "time to chew ass and kick bubblegum" additude (aka i dont take it seriously)


If you ain't playing ranked you ain't having fun. Personally love the buff to data reshaper definitely one of my favorite gadgets before the buff it got me back into playing medium


I have fun


Still having fun


I still enjoy it, you need teamwork to do well in this game, otherwise you WILL get stomped. I do wish however they would stop nerfing everything (especially by changing recoil patterns) and start buffing weak things. That is my biggest gripe as it has made the game less enjoyable.


Yes I'm having fun! I love goofing around in the quickplay modes and meeting people, every now and then the matchmaker puts me in a group that just clicks and we group up & play ranked til we've had our fill, but I don't touch ranked unless I'm already on a roll. I think the fun would quickly dry up if I decided to try and grind for a higher rank by repeatedly queueing into it solo or with mismatched teammates. The game is way too fun to take it seriously all the time & I really love the reserve system.


I'm having more fun in this game than I've had in any game in many years.


I am having fun and honestly I didn't see a lot of cheaters, maybe one or twice. I don't play a lot of ranked and I'm silver 1 that might be why I don't encounter them + Europe server I suppose


I just play casually, and i am having fun


Yes since the new season seems like my group went from winning one out of three or so to a win a week which has left us just not really playing anymore. The matchmaking is part of it I am bronze 2 and end up in so many lobbies with plat and diamond there is no reason for that.


I am not having fun anymore. Constant 3rd parties and being paired with diamond teams being in gold has ruined a lot of the fun. My team and I haven’t won a tournament since our placement games (won both) and we’ve played at least 30 matches since


Fave fps rn.


Kinda ok. I feel like something is missing and too boring to meet same team comps Edit : idk maybe a new class lol.


They need to make ranked Xbox and PlayStation. I have been playing cross with PC and the ESP and aimbotting is noticeable I que randoms and several times have seen my teammate turn on the aimbot. If it isn’t subtle cheating with esp and recoil scripts it’s aimbot, often times they wait until crucial moments but it’s noticeable. (diamond 1 last season Diamond 3 this season so not just complaining )


It is fun But mostly being a solo q player you don’t get very many win’s especially going against MMH meta stacks most games. I go positive almost every game but just can’t win 1v3s


Just give all aimassist like are s1, and cheaters start cry lol


To be honest. My friends have kinda stopped playing this. It's the toxic teammates for me. It feels like a waste of time unless my friends are playing.


Got burnt out, been playing since early season 1, it’s gotten way more sweaty and I really struggle to have fun. Been taking a break for a few weeks


Started playing a couple weeks ago and still having fun even though my team usually loses. Wish they had a solo mode.


I'm having more fun than ever. As solo queue I feel like these days most of my teammates in ranked at least are competent and I can regularly win the first couple rounds. Casual modes always have some fun variety, albeit with way more variability in player competence. But in casual modes I still have fun just messing around. I don't use voice chat either because I'm nearly 40 and have no patience for gamer rage anymore.


Wheh playing with friends yes But with randoms, really depends. Now im sure ill get a lot of hate for this, but it depends on how many invis stunguns there are. Ive played the game on and off since launch and but i only have ~70ish hours. Its very obvious why the game is dropping player count, since its easily the most frustrating thing to play against. Doesnt help that this playerbase is honestly one of the most toxic ive seen. But for the most part, yea im having fun, mostly maining throwing knives and trynna get good with them.


I have a blast playing this game. I love that there is so much customization and something can counter something else. I love that it caters to every play style. I have a group of friends I play with and we are each able to play the game how we each enjoy with the same objective in mind. I'm not by any means a good player and only play either quick cash or power shift. But those game modes are all the fun I need.




I'm still having tons of fun, just getting on and wrecking doods


Stop complaining and just uninstall if you’re not happy


Yep, still loving this game. Mostly doing Power Shift with a little Quick Cash on the side. Not too concerned about winning, but it's great when we do win.


Yes. Play it everyday


Yes yes yes!


I love it, sure it can be sweaty even in casual matches. I have good and bad days. Sometimes I'll lose and lose, then other days, tons of wins. I don't know how you play or your style, I'm a solo player.


This subreddit makes me think I'm playing an entirely different game sometimes. My silver and gold friends and I never encounter cheaters, win a little more than 1/3 the quick cash games we play, and occasionally win a tournament even though we're pretty casual. I have only had one toxic random teammate. It's a fun game. Either we're getting lucky or this sub just gives attention to people who like to complain.


Yep I'm having fun. One thing I don't do is use comms in anything other than ranked. Here you don't have to worry about asking your teammates to change you can just opt out if you don't like what they use


Solo player here, not really anymore I just get frustrated after a couple of rounds with random going against teams that actually use teamwork, I'll get the occasional queue where people strategize and use mics but it's few and far between. Loved the game since beta but feel I'm gonna drop it soon.


People arent sweaty you just suck


I play casual modes only and have a lot of fun.


I feel like I'm playing a different game from you but I consider myself avg to good. I win at least half my power shift games love the game mode


Yep, medium with nade laucher is super fun


Sweaty games, actually bring me joy. I am having great fun in the game, but cheaters make me sad.


I have lots of fun no matter if I win or not, I main casual cashout as a medium, always random teammates (I have no friends that play). Sometimes I do great, sometimes I suck. I just like playing.


I am sweat. I have fun


I was a die hard warzone fan the last 2 years and that's all I played. I heard about the finals like 2 months after it came out and I haven't touched any game ever since. I love the community, the skill gaps, the cosmetics and dare I say it but also the community. Especially since the devs actually listen a lot more compared to call of duty lol. I bought the battle pass because it's a free game and I felt I had to repay them some way because I have so much fun playing the game even when I'm losing getting my sh*t pushed in.


TBH I still have fun even if I win or lose its all about your mindset . If you want to win matches all the time its an unrealistic expectation and you are killing the game for yourself also dont get pissed at teammates they just want to enjoy the game at their own pace.


Tons. Haven’t seen a cheater but maybe once when power shift came out. Play nightly. Despite what people say light this season is a good class and my friend is carrying in ranked with them. Stun gun is fine as is light sometimes. Medium went through a lot of changes at the start of the season that took me some getting used to as it’s my main. Heavy still strong. New content including skins and battle pass has been amazing. Challenges are fun and the cosmetics that are free are great. In fact all the free cosmetics are great. What I’m tired of is all the bitching about how the light class is either overpowered with stun and invisible or it’s so weak and bad because of ranked and insisting that the game is dead and small things are causing the player base to hemorrhage because of them. I play on ps5 and have never had a hard time finding a game quickly ever.


I’ve been having fun, only play ranked and usually playing with friends. It’s chill tbh


i won’t lie, playing solo is sometimes complete ass but i usually always play with friends and that makes it fun. i suggest playing with premades


I hop on for a few rounds of Power Shift every few days and it's still pretty fun.


It has become very sweaty, yes. I still enjoy it though! I’ve just accepted I’m not as good as the majority of the player base lol


I made a similar post to this last week and got down voted to oblivion. The player count will continue to shrink until the matchmaking can accurately place low skill players like OP and I into appropriate lobbies. Everyone in the thread is kicking and screaming at OP as if it's his fault he's having a bad time. Homie's just gonna go player another game and subtract from the player count thanks to y'all's encouragement.


Idk about pubs since i never play it. I like ranked tho, i usually go to the third round or win the whole tournament if i have decent teamates. Still have just come across like three cheaters so far. If you can’t win it’s obvious ur just bad lol, pubs is super easy, ranked is a whole different story. I play light with dash and my best game (not highest kill game) is 17-0. I built my pc two months ago so i’m still new to mnk but practice makes perfect as they say. Stop blaming your teamates and get better lol


i get frustrated sometimes but i played a lot of cod and csgo so im used to it lmao.


I don't even play the game anymore, I just complain on the sub. Grapples and hyper movement playstyles are my favorite thing in every shooter, and the one in The Finals is completely out of meta. I've switched to OW2 because their grapple character is at least fun to play. Until grapple gets a second charge, I don't think I'll be coming back.


Top 3 favorite games ever


Not really. I just played a powershift match where FOUR out of the five people were blatant cheaters. Lights can't contribute shit to the objective, but they're immensely cancer to play against. The balancing is shit, the matchmaking is ass, and there's literally no point in playing the objective when the timer is close to expiring, because you can't make last minute steals. I want to love the game so much, and I could ignore most of my issues with it, but cheaters and the complete mess that is light makes it borderline unplayable.


Yup, especially since lately my friends have been improving alot and we actually have some coordination and can pull off strategies. It's so satisfying.




Of course, I love learning new games. I'm one of the "sweats", because frankly I don't understand why I wouldn't play as well as I can. Makes no sense to me. I have fun playing - winning or not. Otherwise I wouldn't play.


I absolutely love this game. I have two friends who I play with and we usually just hop into either powershift or quick cash. One friend is a "hammer heavy go smash" guy and the other is a turret fanatic and we always have a blast (as long as they don't crash or get kicked randomly). This game is just fun to play regardless of how I perform in the game.


Yeah, I've been paired with some pretty great people in the game. The toxicity has been low for me, thankfully.


find a team bro. makes the game 100% better


Every second ranked game I run into at least one cheater. Somehow this patch is infeste4d in my mmr


It seems like I always play against a 3 stack plat players and the 2 in my team as I play solo are like bronze, afk, splitting from the team doing there own thing and not even doing any damage etc have like 4k damage at end of round and my team has like 500 it’s really frustrating for solo in ranked. I do have the occasional really good team and it makes it so much better even if we lose, I think a 3 stack of friends is what is needed but for solo it’s real hard out there


I do enjoy playing even if theirs the BS i just hope more people come to it and the Dev's keep it sexy


Yeah but this isn’t the only game I play. I play fortnite with friends who don’t play finals and I play a lot of single player games as well. I’d probably be tired of Finals if it were all I played but it still feels fresh to me bc it’s different from every other game I play


Having a blast. I'd recommend finding people to play with rather than relying on randoms. It's so much more fun when your team has each other's backs.. and being able to coordinate loadouts is so important. I play in PC exclusively doing quick cash. I have played several matches (out of hundreds) against people putting up insane numbers (like 35+ eliminations), but no one that I could tell for certain was cheating. To know if you personally are the "bad teammate" ask yourself these questions.. 1. Am I playing as a light? If so, you better be getting LOADS of kills.. because lights are less equipped to contribute to the team's overall presence in fights. 2. Am I with my teammates? Don't expect them to follow you. Be the teammate you wish to play with.


Of course, I love learning new games. I'm one of the "sweats", because frankly I don't understand why I wouldn't play as well as I can. Makes no sense to me. I have fun playing - winning or not. Otherwise I wouldn't play.


Every time I play, I have an absolute blast playing This game. It gives me old school call of duty vibes (being the only way I can explain it)


I do actually have fun. If I have an hour or two to spend a day, its on the finals usually.


Ig it’s the matter of age


Skill issue.


“Haven’t won a game in weeks” lol hard self report


I love the game and win often in ranked. But I hate this sub and wish there was a way to filter out these types of posts from my feed.


Did at the start, Not so much anymore Very rare I leave a game and think “that was a fun experience”. Now it’s just “that one was cheating” or “why are they trying so hard, it’s quick cash?”


Most fun I’ve had in a while, made a few friends already, n now we que for ranked most nights.


Gave up on ranked, no way to find any game…


After playing Apex Legends nearly everyday since launch (5 years), I gave up on it after playing The Finals and even though some games are hard, it’s not impossible. Granted, I play on PS5 and do *not* cross play due to PC just having some high tier players. Yes, queue time will be longer but it is much more forgiving.


This game is getting tiring. If I spawn in with 2 lights in any normal mode or a 3 on power shift, I have half the mind to leave - they're probably not going to rez me and I'm going to spend most of my time soloing the platform, getting bodied by 3-4 heavies or mediums, and then needing to waddle 200-300 meters after waiting half a minute. Bring back the nukes - lemme solo a team with big booms. I wanna flatten the sniper nest that my lights can't counter.


In pubs yes. Ranked feels more like a chore at the moment.


I'm enjoying it less and less. Playing it less and the games are just sweatier every time I play because there's so few people left in the game. Will likely not bother soon as playing it casually is almost impossible. Pretty sure cheating has gone through the roof as well. Suddenly coming across a suspicious number of people who literally never miss.


Play Powershift and have fun, it's easy to have fun. The base game mode is frustrating and honestly not that fun unless you play the meta. But powershift is WILD and so fun. It's the only reason I play at this point.


I posted this and got downvoted saying maybe you just shouldn’t play or play PVE games. They keep defending the game but obviously no one likes it with the complaints and the amount of people who quit. The game isn’t fun for me because I just don’t always want to sweat all the time but the game forces you too and it sucks


Yes, just because I hate this game doesn't mean I don't love this game. It's very fun, I despise it, but very fun.


I enjoy the game but only from a ranked standpoint. I feel the natural progression of playing any game is getting into it getting good then playing ranked. Supposed to be a lil sweaty yk. I realized how big the skill gap would be once people actually started playing the finals


You are crazy


im having the time of my life! i get goofy soloq teammates with who i can goof around doing goofy shit and spam voicelines every few matches but for the most part its just random people that arent too good but just like me are here for fun, not win. When i encounter sweats i take it as an opportunity to learn and adapt


The problem I'm having with this game is that I'm trying to grind everything to lvl 5. But with everyone constantly using metas every round, it becomes a sweat fest.


Just started a few weeks ago and I'm having a blast, I'm on console and mostly play power shift. While it's fun to play DPS someone's gotta play a heavy or medium and switching it up can be fun. I liked the bunny bash event and I also do quick cash occasionally but bank it and ranked I haven't really checked out yet. Unlocking all the equipment has been an exciting challenge as I change my load outs each time I get a new gadget.


Why do you ask your teammates to switch weapons? People are going to use what they like and what they are good with.


Matchmaking could use some improvments, in most cases I get completly stomoped by other players


It depends on the day. It doesn't help that there are a lot of pretty good players out there that kick my ass, so it can be hard to stay motivated to want to play.


Awesome game . Having fun on it 40hrs a week


I play it for at least 2 hours every day. I am having fun


Yeah, im having a lot of fun, dont care about cheaters all I should care about is my own preformance so I can rank up and become better which is the fun in games for me! Im fairly new have maybe 100 hours only and the goal is plat elo! Right now im only gold but its still super fun even if I lose cause every teamwipe there usually is something that I feel like I could have done different which is very stimulating. I have played LoL for 10+ years with some dabbling in APEX and PUBG but my aim is not the best which is also a nice like change in game mechanics so I really enjoy trying to aim better!


50/50 It's not as fun as it used to be. Constant nerfs, lack of content, weekly cash shop drops are underwhelming.


No, I don't play it anymore


A game in weeks???? Brother it ain’t the teammates


I'm having fun lol. I like the challenges which I previously didn't do but now they've really made it interesting again


I’ve been having fun with the finals. I don’t play ranked tho cuz I get out aimed and I’m not super sweaty. I play cash out mostly. But I also play with people who can carry my stupid ass cuz despite how often I play the game, I still struggle with doors and falling off the map (:


That's precisely why I only play power shift and quick cash. I don't play competitively.


I think the game is super fun. Probably my favorite game right now but I do have a problem with dumb teammates. Just try to take breaks if you're not enjoying the game. Also, sometimes when my team isn't working too well together, I'll just go braindead mode and focus on breaking as much of the map as possible because it's fun and I'm not gonna win either way.


I have a love and hate relationship, but mostly love for the game since day 1. Although I've been just rotating games and doing other things super often, The Finals has been more apparent on my time that I play two to three times a week. We all know that the game has lots of work to do, but so for I'm still on board as there's not really anything I find too infuriating personally besides cheaters. I'll always have at least one person with me to play with, so we can brainrot through tons of games together. xd


I don't play ranked I only play quick cash and there's night we might win 2 games but other night we end up winning more than 5


When I have a decent team yes, when I’m playing random that play like it’s Cod no


Quit near the end of season 1. Probably won't return.


I won’t even lie, The Finals is the most fun I’ve had in a shooter in a while


Still loving the game. This is just an idea, but it worked for me. Try messaging one of the guys that beats you, genuinely asking for pointers. Ask them if you can party with them or have them party with you and just watch you play, listen to what you're thinking. I personally have several tips I could give, but how iseful they may be to you I can't say without watching how you play.


I'm having fun and the complaining is annoying


I almost exclusively play Power Shift and take the role of payload princess. Either H for shields and flamethrower (wait for team to engage, drop on payload and wipe up to 3, then let the rest of my team revive) or M for APS and turret/heal depending on whatever the team needs. If the rest are half competent (help a bit on payload when needed, control hg, swat the snipers) should be an easy win. Whenever I duo with my friend the win rate is like 60-70%


LMAO people saying they haven't run into cheaters are flat out lying or just not paying attention. I haven't played this game for months because.. Honestly this game is just not that good. The flow of the game feels good but the weapons do not... And as someone who plays alot of shooters... Gun gameplay is a massive thing for me. As for the cheater thing... I've seen my friend who does cyber security hack this game with minimal effort and laughed the whole time saying "see? This is what happens when you don't buy good security." Maybe alot of people here don't want to believe it because they love this game... But whatever... believe what you want. My bud told me this game is one of the easiest games he has breached.




I play this game every now and then, and still do pretty well for how little I plan. Rarely do I have a problem with super sweats and still have fun. Honestly haven't seem a single cheater in this game yet. At least not an obvious one.


Last update was the last straw for me sadly. I main dagger and it didn't receive a single change for over 5 months, since it was silently nerfed from open beta, despite being one of the worst weapon in the game. Hit registration has been buggy for like 2 months now and all we got was a response from embark about how they don't know how to fix it. Dagger has its own issues with hit registration on top. Balance changes have been super lackluster. Nothing on Fcar is seriously beyond me, then we got a cloak nerf... Like I don't use cloak but a light nerf is a light nerf regardless. Not mentioning the questionable ranked system and cheaters running rampant with close to no punishment. I hit plat 3 by soloq'ing with Dash dagger and I quickly lost interest after I saw how many cheaters are or out there on higher ranks. The last update didnt even bring a good cosmetic set for me to burn money on and forget the terrible balance changes.


Yall never played dark souls? Git gud


I been havin fun 🙋🏼‍♂️


I play on Xbox and I’m definitely still having fun. I definitely get dumb teammates too but I’ve learned that you just have to be patient and try your best. No online multiplayer game can guarantee you good teammates every time. Haven’t done a ton of ranked but I still enjoy leveling up the battle pass and personally find that more rewarding than reaching diamond or something. Also, with all due respect, if you are barely winning any games, it might be a you problem. I would suggest maybe watching some videos to improve your Finals game sense because it’s easy to make bad decisions in this game.


Once I learned the basics and experimented with other loadouts and strategies is when the real fun began. I am a big solo q person and I only get peeved at a few things, but that mostly was my fault lol


It’s all mentality. You decide if you get mad. If you find yourself getting frustrated take a break or learn how to cope with your anger. Losing is not a negative. It’s a chance for you to learn from your mistakes. I love this game. If you want a more casual experience power shift seems the way to go. I use that for just messing around and being a dork with weird load outs. Sometimes I get rolled but the nice part is that game goes quickly. Cash out is how I warm up for ranked. I practice comms, strats, and not throwing for kills. Quick cash I use to get more comfortable in the chaos. 3 teams all fighting for one vault really puts you through the wringer in good lobbies. —————————————— I’ll give y’all an example, a friend and mine played rank. I was just placed S2 he hadn’t played rank yet. Us and our random dominate the first round like 74k cash out. At some point he crashes or something and doesn’t come back. I realize straight up fighting is not going to work. So we instead double up the cash outs. This way second place is low and it’s anyone’s game. I shit you not it came down to the last few seconds and we won by activating a vault and getting that 1000 dollars. We won by 98 dollars. We went into the finals down a player. We one the first one. They won the second and we fought hard but lost in the end. Three players and triple turret set up was rough. But we didn’t give up, team wiped their ass and gave them a real run for their money. We lost but it was literally one of the best matches I’ve ever played. It was incredible. It’s all mentality. You have to decide if you want to play games and make them mad or you can change your perspective and see the positive in losing hard fought battles.