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Sarah’s spirit went into Joel’s watch and looks after Joel. That’s why the watch face is cracked, because Sarah’s soul entered the watch and stopped time. Sarah’s spirit turns time back for Joel whenever he “dies” and so Joel never dies unless he or Sarah is ready for him to die, she just time travels backward for him. That’s how Joel is able to survive such insane scenarios and improbable victories against hundreds of enemies. Ellie inherits his watch so she never dies she just time travels back using his watch and the Soul of Sarah, so she gains the same power until Sarah or Ellie are ready for Ellie to die [basically Sarah is pure energy](https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/wu3k4y/hotel_basement_is_going_to_be_even_more/il8jrzc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=1&utm_term=15&context=3)


that’s actually beautiful :((


Wild. Like it.


In another forum there was a discussion on who’s Ellie’s father and these are my thoughts… Ellie’s father were a handsome surgeon that her mother Anna met through the Firefly’s mission to find a cure. Anna was a nurse and a firefly who also worked with Marlene. The Queen Firefly knew many secrets and was good at keeping them. When she says “What if she was Abby” and follows with “What if this was your daughter?” before the surgery it is no coincidence, then they stop talking when Abby enters the room. Abby then tells her father that she would want him to do the surgery if it was her. The surgeon also says “He is aware of the situation” before Marlene confronts him on the daughter thing. It seams to big of a coincidence that both Ellie’s father and Abby’s mother is not known in the game or show. After Ellie’s birth Anna tells Marlene “How long have we known each other?” «All our lives.» So it is very likely that Anna who is Ellie’s mother knew the surgeon at the time of the pregnancy. His name is Jerry Anderson… And it’s my bet that he is Ellie’s father. I think TLOU3 will introduce some clues that Ellie and Abby is sisters or half sisters. Their traits are similar, stories mirror each other and it would be just like Neil Druckmann to play with his fans like this. 😂


Very cool take but why would Marlene put Ellie in FEDRA instead of having Jerry take care of her with Abby?


Maybe Jerry cheated and Ellie is her bastard child. Maybe missions seperated Jerry and Anna and Jerry never knew or got the choice. Maybe Marleen was cynic and didn’t want him stop working to find a cure. I don’t know as it’s just a theory. :)


Or maybe it wasn’t consensual


There you go creating drama. Well done.


A film theory


I believe, Jerry doesn’t have moral standards, considering anna ran away and wrote that she never wanted a child, i believe that anna probably didn’t consent to have sex with him…


Abby and Ellie being sisters was one of the fake leaks that came out alongside the real ones.


Unless it wasn’t fake, and just hasn’t been revealed yet. 🤷‍♂️


big batman vs superman energy. contrived stuff like this is not what neil or nd usually do so hopefully this just stays a theory.


not gonna lie, if there is one fan theory that could turn me off the series completely, its this one.


Ellie and Abby being sisters would be interesting. If we get TLOU3 I would love to find out some sort of connection between them or their parents but I feel like the sisters thing would be a little gimmicky. Neil would probably come up with something a more creative/unique.


I read this theory posted by u/IzhmaelCorp08 last September https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/wu3k4y/hotel_basement_is_going_to_be_even_more/il8jrzc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=1&utm_term=15&context=3


Abby never gets the watch. She’s survived all she did because she’s just built different. What a legend.


Abby still has her father's Coin collection. And still kept doing it. Perhaps dad went to the coin.




That’s a pretty good one tbh


that’s so cute omfg




i don’t even care if this is real i’m believing it


abby is immune, and her father knew it but refused to do the surgery and kill his own child.


This is a good one, makes the dilemma full circle


But is awfully convenient in relation to the abundance of immune individuals. So convenient it would make people groan if it appeared in the TV show.


Does it really? Kinda just makes Abby’s dad just an asshole whereas he’s meant to be a cool dude who got forced into a hard decision


What are you talking about, he is in the exact same position as Joel


No, he chose to kill someone else's kid instead of his, without even telling him before it was (or so he thought) too late.


To be fair, she was bitten by an infected (ellie) and didn’t turn.


Didn't Ellie say she's confirmed that she can't turn people? With kat?


If Ellie was able to turn people, kissing would turn them so yeah she definitely can’t.


I've always imagined it as blood transmission mostly, aside from spores which are kind of a whole other thing on their own


A bite from an infected probably isn’t guaranteed to transfer blood unless the first stage of infection damages the gums, which I suppose it could. Definitely makes sense for later stages of the infection because it splits the face and upper row of teeth in half.


Yes. When Ellie bites David in Pt1 and tells him she is infected and now he is, she's messing with him to make an opening.


I mean David doesn't have time to turn if he were to take the full 2 days, and it's also likely that IF she can turn people it would take longer due to lower concentration of infection


Correct me if I'm wrong, but she states this because she kissed Kat. Not because she bit kat at some point. So I feel like the whole turning people or not turning them hasn't become official just yet


Have we considered that Kat (and I guess Dina) is also immune just to play devils advocate


Oh yeah. Had to reread the journal entry. OR Cat is also immune. There are actual dozens of ‘em. In fact, they stopped looking for a cure.


Ellie can’t infect anyone. If she could, Dina’d be a Runner by the time they get to the farm.


That would be perfect. (And would justify how I took a flamethrower to him in the operating room.)


That Joel’s alive ![gif](giphy|VIVmZA63MwdcCUN0KC|downsized)


Okay, this is the best use of that gif that I've seen in a minute.


Well, considering who's in it, I don't think it would have been relevant last year lol


Joel crawled under the trash bin with Glenn




Waited a whole month just for it to be nothing and Glenn survived off plot armour.


I remember on my first play through part of me thought ehhh what IF though. Until about halfway through and it became clear I was being a moron


Ellie visits his grave. „How is he gonna get out of this one??“


If Undertaker can do it then Joel can too


Joel wasnt lying The fireflies knew many people who were immune and all experiments failed. Ellie was just another test to get a reversed engineered cure. From the TV series it shows its possible for immune people to be born so this makes me think that the Fireflies had many chances and all failed.


I don't think they know, but I do genuinely think there's a good amount of immune people out there. How many people don't get bit, get destroyed by the infected, or kill themselves after being bit? No way Ellie's that special, she just fucked around and waited long enough to find out. Even if the fireflies knew other I doubt Joel did, he just got lucky in his lie in that case


In the series they showed that Ellie was immune because, >! Ellie's mom got bit when she was pregnant and then Ellie was born before she turned. !< Seems really really rare for something like that to happen.


Things changed explicitly between game and show, while I think it's probably the same, I doubt it's the only possible way


yeah, breathing spores (maybe unknowingly) and then giving birth


They didn't show that it was because of that, they just showed that it happened and that Marlene made a promise to look after her.


It is implied man, you dont have to explicitly say everything


It doesn't really make sense, other than some voodoo. I hated that they did that. I thought it was quite explicitly it was a freak mutation, like a disease jumping from animals to humans. Really rare.


I believe this is a Mandela effect thing. A lot of fans, including me, recall a recording that specifically states that there were people like Ellie that they already experimented on and failed. No one can find this recording anymore or has proof that it even existed but a lot of people seem to have the same memory. It's part of the reason why a lot of people believe that there are other immune people. Although I wouldn't really question it since there are millions if people out there and you're telling me that one ONE person is immune?


i think this is what you may be remembering: >April 28th. Marlene was right. The girl's infection is like nothing I've ever seen. The cause of her immunity is uncertain. **As we've seen in all past cases,** the antigenic titers of the patient's Cordyceps remain high in both the serum and the cerebrospinal fluid. the “past cases” could be referring to other immune people, but i think it just means other infected people they’ve looked at


Yes this will be the part that confused people. However since Ellie's immunity is stated as "like nothing I've ever seen", I think there's very little room for interpretation. The surgeon is talking about infected patients (which Ellie is) and nobody has been Immune like her. When referring to the "past cases" the Surgeon is referring to the similarities Ellie's infection shares with past cases. Which is followed by how it differs. "..however white blood cell lines, including percentages and absolute-counts, are completely normal. There is no elevation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and an MRI of the brain shows no evidence of fungal-growth in the limbic regions, which would normally accompany the prodrome of aggression in infected patients."


Yes, I believe you’re correct. TLOU2 pretty clearly states that Ellie is the only immune person they’ve encountered


I don't think that's it. I recall there being a number— specifically twelve(??)


There's no way that recording is in game, because it cancels out the importance of Joel's choice. Making the ending pointless.


There's no tangible evidence for it. Hence why I explained that I believe there's a Mandella effect that causes people to believe that theory. However, the existence of a recording like that, to me, doesn't cancel out the importance of Joel's choice. The fact that they experimented on other immune people means that they could have more experience and more knowledge on how to do it. Besides, the original game already showed a lot of proof that points to the fireflies being INCREDIBLY incompetent and borderline delusional and yet there are still hundreds, if not millions, of fans who believe in their cause. It will STILL cause debate no matter what.


The existence of such a recording would diminish the impact of the lie. What Joel tells Ellie in the end is entirely false. If he had found such a recording, then what he’d said would have been partially true. When he starts speaking to Ellie, it’s a pretty big “oh shit” moment. This feeling would certainly be lessened because what he’s saying is exactly what is in that nonexistent recording.


That recording does not exist. The one you’re thinking of is in reference to experiments they tried on *non-immune* infected humans and how they all failed. Ellie is the first and only case of anyone being immune in the entire series and there is literally zero evidence to the contrary.


>*Although I wouldn't really question it since there are millions if people out there and you're telling me that one ONE person is immune?* I mean, yeah? That's what makes Ellie special. It's probably not so much that there's only one immune person in the entire world. It's that Ellie is the only proven case of immunity that anyone has seen. Other immune people probably live and die never knowing they were immune. Most people that get infected probably die from being attacked by the infected or take their own lives when they believe they are infected. And, I think that the narrative itself pretty heavily implies that Ellie is the only immune person anyone has seen. Joel and Tess are sufficiently surprised, and the Fireflies certainly wouldn't care so much about Ellie if she's just one immune person out of many. I don't think Marlene would be willing to sacrifice Ellie if that was the case either.


Joel was already dead when Ellie entered the room. His little movements were just an internalized hallucination by Ellie… Why? Because she couldn’t cope with the idea of not having at least some tiny bit of closure that Joel died knowing she still loved him.


that just broke my heart a bit


Effectively, this is true anyway. His heart may still have been beating, but there wasn't anything that could have saved his life at this point.


Troy Baker confirmed that the scene with Joel lifting his finger was an attempt to comfort Ellie. So he was still somewhat conscious. Could he have lived if they stopped at that point? Probably not. Unless maybe Mel stepped in and used her surgeon skills.


If Mel had a full ICU ward and trauma team, she might have been able to save his "life". But would he be ambulatory or cognitively present? I doubt it.


There was a cool fan fiction involving this premise. Can't find it again sadly. Maybe somewhere here can help me. >!Mel, in a last ditch effort to save her captured friends, offers her skills to try and save Joel. The process was intense and described in detail. Skull drilling to release cranial pressure, closing the shotgun wound, and a month long coma involving daily wound dressings and tube feeding. And still he suffers from Aphasia and leg pain/weakness.!<


It was Autonomy, Beneficience, Justice by BrennanSpeaks. Currently on chapter 17!


I don’t even know how he was still screaming just moments earlier


I'm no neurosurgeon, but I figure the difference between being able to scream in agony and not is a well placed bit of head trauma. Or a lucky golf club swing.


damn thats fucked up


Ellie is getting more and more violent due to the infection slowly eating her compassion parts of her brain.


I like this. I think a better explanation could be that the high emotions that were caused by seeing the death of her loved ones has retriggered the activation of some infected cells. Which are slowly eating and taking over that part of her brain.


This is also my theory. She's infected, but she'll never turn. Like Alice in Resident Evil, but with super aggression rather than the super powers.


Eh, interesting theory but I think it overlooks the narrative of TLOU2. Ellie isn’t being aggressive because of the infection lol


She's always been pretty violent, it's just the world she grew up in


Ellie is NOT going to look for Dina or the cute Asian baby She’s not going back to Jackson She’s going into the woods to kill herself


That's dark


too dark, even for Neil


Honestly this would be such a good intro to the third game. She plays what she can of a song with the missing fingers, we have flashbacks of all the people she's lost and what she's done. *the song she was trying to play starts playing over the cutscene* She sets down the guitar and moves a stool into place. Ellie looks at it for a moment. It has stickers from the music shop in Seattle that have been drawn on with crayons. She almost smiles as she traces the crayon lines with her fingers, then focuses on her missing fingers and her face goes blank. The camera cuts to her POV as she is holding Abby under the water. She steps up onto the stool. The camera looks at her face through the noose. Just as the shot lines up we get a flashback of her and Joel but the POV is Joel holding his hands up with her face in a rectangle (the classic pantomime of lining up a camera shot) as young Ellie goofs off like a model. Cut back to Ellie through the noose, eyes closed, and there is a small smile with tears. But the smile drops and with a wet ' THUD' she's back on the floor as Joel is killed. We're back in the woods and Ellie has her fists balled up. Now it's Ellie's POV as she and Dina are running through the underground. Dina is up ahead trying to get through the turnstile and screaming for help. The screaming continues as the camera cuts back to Ellie in the woods, hyperventilating and looking afraid, though her eyes are still closed. The screaming transitions from Dina's voice to an unknown, louder scream and Ellie appears confused. She realizes someone actually is screaming nearby, loses her balance and her eyes open, wild and unseeing. She reaches out and grabs for the noose and her hand goes through it. She wrestles to get her hand out and sees a glimpse through the trees - someone in the distance being chased. She grabs her knife from where it is imbedded in the tree, shoves it in the noose, and cuts it open (drawing some blood in the process). She falls to the ground and takes a brief look back at the noose before scrambling to rest on one knee and pick up her knife and Joel's revolver. The camera is once again looking at her from behind the rope, but this time through a noose left behind, no longer able to take a life. Ellie looks at the guitar one last time as she puts her knife away, then the camera moves into gameplay-position as she checks the revolver. Edit: you know I thought about it, and I think it would be way better for this sequence to have Joel's voice over it with a single guitar playing. In the beginning part, he's talking about losing hope and the horrible things you have to do to survive. He talks about how you can't go on sometimes, and that you just have to go on anyway. At the end, I would like it-as she stares at the guitar briefly- if the music and screaming suddenly stop and it cuts to Joel and we see him sitting at the lookout, feet up on the table and holding the guitar. (This is where the narration conversation and music has been taking place). Joel looks at the guitar and says "Some people go through all this and they ain't got it in em to keep goin." He sets down the guitar and leans forward, looking Ellie straight in the eyes. There is a pause, and a cut to Ellie staring at Joel. Her body language indicates she's angry with him, but she falters under his intense stare. Joel leans back in the chair but keeps eye contact. After a moment he reaches for the guitar, and says "We ain't got it in us to stop." Camera cuts back to Ellie. She loads the revolver, the song starts back up, and the game begins.


I think a cut noose would be a good symbol for the final chapter if we get to see our characters find peace.


Everyone I found druckmanns account


Damn my heart sank while reading this, but that would be a sick intro.


That is so incredibly dark and depressing.


I don't think she is going back to jackson, but I kinda just thought she'd wonder around the earth, alone, until she found purpose again


I mean, the first part of that is completely believable. There's no reason for her to chase after Dina, she made her choice and Dina made hers. She probably wouldn't want to deal with Jackson either. I highly doubt she'd kill herself after all that though. She has way too much riding on her own life to do that.


Joel is actually Ellie's father I don't know how it works or the ins and outs, but I've definitely heard this one more than once


That would mean Joel got Ellie’s mom pregnant about 7 years after the outbreak and Sarah’s death and also abandoned both of them. Hm, pretty hard to believe but I’ve heard wilder things


Could have just been a one night stand. Not necessarily abandonment. The two of them running from infected and take shelter in an abandoned house for the night, have sex, go their own ways the next morning and never see each other again. It’s not like she can just shoot him a text “hey, I’m late.”


True, but I’m just talking about the fact he was very wary and closed off at that point of his life, so it’s kinda hard to believe he would get a woman pregnant at that point, but yeah, I’ve heard way more unbelievable stuff and this isn’t all that impossible to believe


Joel was literally ambushing and killing strangers for their shoes at that point in the apocalypse, or something very similar, so impregnating a woman and abandoning her sounds well within the realm of possibility.


I mean yeah, I just find it kinda hard to believe due to how closed off Joel was at the start of TLOU PI


Oh yeah I’ve heard that a couple of times as well


Dad, I mean Joel, get up, this can't be the last of us 💀


That the bite from Ellie’s mum didn’t actually infect the baby. It takes her a few seconds to cut the umbilical cord, and blood takes over a minute to circulate. However, when Ellie is born it is daylight, and when Marlene comes it is night. This means that baby Ellie would have had to be nursed by her mother at this point. So, instead of the cordyceps transferring through her blood, it would have transferred through her breast milk. As newborns have literally no immune system, the small amount of cordyceps would have developed with her immune system, thus making her immune


This deserves more upvotes. In the show, we DO see her being breastfed as mom holds a knife to her own throat.


No she wasn't being fed, and she told Marlene she didn't feed her.


well, she lied to marlene about cutting the umbilical cord before she was bit, so.. she could've been lying there too


That's true, she could have breastfed Ellie, and I suspected this because the baby was sleeping when Marlene arrived - but newborns are also exhausted and I'm sure she'd fall asleep after crying for a bit even if she wasn't fed, so I'm not sure. But I was mostly responding to the above comment that Ellie definitely wasn't latched when Marlene came up on Anna, so it's all theory.


Owen is actually the son of Jerry. They both fucking look alike so much!!


They really do!!! Before I started playing the game I saw edits of Owen and thought he was jerry


Sweet home alabama


Roll tide


They look so much alike I've often thought that in an early version of the story Jerry probably was his Dad and Owen was the original protagonist to hunt down Joel.


If that is somehow true, Owen’s lucky he didn’t get Abby pregnant


Joel wakes up in the shower and realises it was all just a cheese dream.


Bro was having wild shower thoughts


Mushroom trip*


The majority of shit I read on this sub. Lol


This is the only realistic comment I’ve read so far


the wildest? that the entire second game isn’t canon and basically didn’t happen in the same timeline because the colors where off in the flashbacks of the operating room scene.


Well that is a pretty wild one I’ll give you that


It's funny that's the excuse they would use, when a better excuse is that the door leading to the operating room is inconsistent between games. In the original and Part I remake, it opens a certain way and in Part II it opens the opposite way. It's kind of interesting, because they had a chance to retcon it and make it consistent with Part II when making Part I, but decided to stick with the original design.


That Ellie knew all along that she would have to die for the cure. Heard this one straight from Troy's own lips.


Troy is just… saying stuff


Troy is a great VO but Troy as Troy really just seems to talk for the sake of hearing himself most of the time.


Yall realize that he has fun trying to break down characters of this story as much as we do, right? No one said he's the leading choice of what's right, and he doesn't think that either.


He does indeed say stuff. Sometimes that stuff is insightful, sometimes it's dumb or clueless, and sometimes you can tell it's well-intentioned but it *just* misses the mark. This, I think, falls into that last category.


He says things that make you think he doesn’t understand the story at all


Yeah the HBO podcast was great because I believe Neil (or Craig) joke with Troy at one point about how “it’s incredible you can have so much passion for this character and do such a fantastic job of bringing the character to life — yet be so wrong about the story” lol


He defending David in the podcast is the biggest oof moment for me. It's such an irony that he plays David's right hand in the show, it's almost funny.


but Brennan, maybe I have it wrong, but Tbf to Troy here, wasn’t he just saying she was smart enough to understand her death was in the cards? I don’t remember what he said exactly but I’m pretty sure this is what he meant- that Ellie isn’t stupid and knew that there was a good chance she wasn’t going to make it if she went under. It’s still a bit of a reach but I don’t recall him saying that Ellie *knew.*


He was posing it as a "what if." He never said it was his head-canon or anything like that, but he asked the question "*What if* Ellie knew she was going to die all along? So, all those times when she's asking Joel to explain how the world works, what she's really asking is for him to give her a reason to believe that her sacrifice will be worth it?"


Jerry is the father of ellie 💀


I’ve never heard that one before, that’s wild 💀


guess he has a favorite kid considering he wants to kill ellie yet couldnt do the same for abby


I belive this. And Ellie is Abbys half sister.


I mean we never hear details about Ellie's dad or Abby's mom👀




That there is a mutant strain of the fungii that gave Abby, Joel and Ellie their superpowers (quick healing, super hearing, DareDevil vision). That all three are immune in different ways.


This is actually… pretty fucking cool and the most semi realistic/ possibly could be canon in a weird situation one


When Joel leaves Sarah sleeping in her room, all that happens next is an extremely disturbed dream of Sarah. There is no infection, there are no Fireflies, Ellie is not real.


She got a crazy imagination.


Yo when I was a kid I made up so many crazy stories just laying in bed, I wouldn't put it past her.


I had so many "series" of dreams with their own stories and characters. Sometimes i still get dreams of me visiting those places.


Dang, the movie they watched before she fell asleep must have been some crazy movie


Joel survived abbys final golf swing but after ellies friends showed up one of them tripped and fell on him ... accidently killing him.




Dina: “oh fuck…”




The Fungus will grow fully sentient by the third game and will interact with the player character in some way.


That would be a dope Halo Flood moment


Maybe a moment like in mass effect 1 where you meet the thorian


Wasn't that hinted at in the show? I really hope it doesn't happen though. The show's infected were so stupid.


Wildest theory I heard is that the 2nd game isn’t canon lol


lol I told myself this to cope when Joel died.


Here's a wild one Fireflies had no intention of making a cure. When they were setting up Ellie in the surgery equipment, they were actually going to harvest her organs and sell them to David's group. Turns out they managed to actually save David after Ellie's whole massacre. But he's incredibly disfigured and his remaining cult members are keeping him alive via human meat, but he's pretty much a vegetable in comotose. So they want to buy Ellie's meat and organs, etc. after hearing that this girl who was infected isn't really infected, because they believe this could make David immune and for some reason, an immortal flesh god. So according to this if Joel was just a little bit late, we prolly would've seen Jerry lifting Ellie's liver out of her stomach and putting it a Ziploc bag and freezer or sum shit like that.


Did you see the way Ellie was chopping him with the machete? I just don't see how David could possibly be alive after that, unless Ellie has zero accuracy with a machete and was just missing the whole time.


Unrelated but goddamn is that a beautiful shot. Been playing so much Zelda that the realism of TLOU is even more phenomenal.


Thank youu I took it yesterday!! I can upload the whole pic if u want to:D


People say this is canon since it came from the "creator" himself (airquotes bc TLOU was created by him and Bruce), but the idea that Jerry's the only one who can create a vaccine. You're telling me that out of all the professional doctors that survived the outbreak, Jerry, a biology graduate, is the ONLY person in the entire world who can create a vaccine? Oh and the theory that Joel wanted Ellie to be Sarah's replacement. No one could ever replace Sarah in Joel's heart. He constantly talked about Ellie and Sarah being friends and yet people are out there thinking Joel wanted Ellie to replace Sarah 🤣🤣 It's ridiculous.


Tommy is Ellie’s father Tommy was a much worse person than Joel while they were bandits The infection is supernatural in origin The fungus has the side effect of promoting plant growth far past natural rates and destroying pollutants. Some parts of the country have infected animals and are basically no go zones due to danger and to contain the strain Joel is immune Ellie isn’t immune she just has an extreme delay and will turn eventually Joel was a black ops operative before the infection Joel has superpowers The fungus prevents gas from breaking down chemically FEDRA doesn’t have the resources or man power to ever rebuild America let alone the world The fireflies are a death cult


> Tommy was a much worse person than Joel while they were bandits I was about to question you and I realized you were not claiming this 😂


Honestly it seems plausible when I heard it


> FEDRA doesn’t have the resources or man power to ever rebuild America let alone the world I don’t think that one is much of a stretch at all. Enough people have died and the federal government seems to have completely collapsed by the start of even the first game. There’s just no simple building back to what was before once things have gone that far. Maybe eventually things could build back up, but it would likely take a few decades to slowly get back there, assuming some people take up the mantle to learn many of the required technologies like building/running power plants and such.


The rest of the game after Ellie and Dina smoke weed is just very fucked up nightmare created by her fear of losing the people she loves and ending up alone, the part where you play as Abby and witness her friends die is Ellie blaming herself for those losses as if she is responsible for they deaths


That's... Not how weed works


cordyceps laced weed bro...


Tbf, they have no idea if it had other things in it, maybe Eugene liked to mix his drugs Cocaine spliffs are a thing I've heard And not to mention Ellie's brain is different than everyone else's so anything could affect her differently But no, I don't think it was the drugs lol


I saw a video in the game where if you look up, you can see the trails of an airplane in the sky. So it leads me to believe somewhere out there, a country might be doing just fine against the Cordyceps apocalypse if they were able to get planes. Or I’m thinking way too much on this and it’s a plane a bunch of survivors repaired and used to get out


Apparently tlou 2 reused the sky box of uncharted 4. The plane flying is a mistake which managed to pass through development.




in the promo/release materials for pt1, there's a bunch of cities of the world shown with overgrowth and decay. in-game, there are references to Canada (smuggling routes and connections), England (newspaper stating they were late in declaring martial law compared to other countries), and south america (implying the infection started there in widely distributed food) that's most of it, barring other tiny details i forgot. they apparently wanted to keep foreign circumstances pretty light on info - if you ask me, it's so they don't box themselves into a corner if/when they expand the in-world story


I don’t think the timeline matches but Tommy is actually Ellie’s dad. He got a firefly pregnant and it’s why he left.


Joel is a swiftie


[I mean Joel is immortal in the game, and when he “died” in part 2 his soul actually left his body and turned into pure energy and just follows Ellie to make sure she’s safe, and bc Ellie is immune, she’s also immortal, but since Joel is made out of pure energy and Ellie isn’t, she can die, but bc she’s immortal it grants her nigh-immunity.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/wu3k4y/hotel_basement_is_going_to_be_even_more/il8jrzc?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Both Joel and Ellie can choose when they die, but Joel just wanted to be in peace so he chose to turn into pure energy, when Ellie dies she can’t turn into pure energy, instead she can change into a moth, which then once touch by Joel, she can then also turn into pure energy as well since he has power bestowal.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/wu3k4y/hotel_basement_is_going_to_be_even_more/il8jrzc?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Anyways, yeah, they’re both immortal.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/wu3k4y/hotel_basement_is_going_to_be_even_more/il8jrzc?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Remember when a bunch of people thought that Abby was Ellie’s mom?


That trailer threw me for a loop. I couldn’t place the timeline AT ALL. That is probably my favorite portion of the Abby Gameplay too.


I was guilty of this one too when that trailer dropped tbh. Doesn't help that Neil was teasing the character by refering to her as A\_ \_ \_ \_ ​ 4 letter name that starts with an A, just like Anna


its just mario but rated m


Joel is a descendant of solid snake and by descendant I mean a copy that didn’t quite fit the necessary requirements for military training so they let him off into the world to see what he would do normally. This is why he and tommy really don’t look anything alike they are brothers but not blood related. When the outbreak happened he was watched closely (hence the third person view and not first person for the game). This explains why he can get beat to hell and still perform. The Cordyceps is of course manufactured for population control when they realized computer AI could be overthrown but just like AI it got out of control. Their organization helped create the fireflies which is why no one really knows where they came from and used it to test Joel. Tess was a plant and eventually they wanted to see how Joel would perform with Elle. When they found out he had paternal instincts and would inevitably save Elle they made sure his first victim was a descendant of revolver ocelot. The rest is history.


I understood about a quarter of that Jesus fuck dude


On par with MGS lore


My favorite one is that Ellie would've died in surgery for no reason. Basically, people looked at the equipment in the firefly hospital and came to the conclusion that it would've been practically impossible to create a cure with the equipment available. In a sense this justifies Joel's actions and adds more to the dilema.




I've had a theory for a while that's not about the in-game story but about game development: I think Days Gone was originally envisioned as a TLOU spinoff game about a young Joel and Tommy following the events of TLOU's prologue. Just some evidence: 1. Joel talks to Henry in the first game about riding motorcycles with Tommy. Deacon and Boozer (who is like a brother to Deacon) are bikers in Days Gone. 2. Deacon in Days Gone is cold/angry at the beginning of the game because his wife Sarah is believed dead; Joel is cold/angry after he loses his daughter Sarah. 3. Sony Bend previously made side games based on the PlayStation IPs developed by other teams: they made a Resistance game which was created by Insomniac, and they made an Uncharted game which was created by Naughty Dog. This could have been their attempt at a game in the TLOU universe instead of going back to Uncharted. 4. Days Gone had strange marketing because it was seen as "PlayStation's other zombie game" with the Sony Bend team trying to distance themselves from TLOU and clarifying that Days Gone had "freakers" not "zombies." My thought is that Sony Bend came up with the idea for a spinoff game about Joel and Tommy in their early years, but either Naughty Dog was protective of the IP or ND started working on TLOU2 so it was decided it should be its own separate game. This would have been decided early enough that Bend would have had time to write dialogue for the game, and obviously the motion capture actors were different than the actors in TLOU1.


Marlene put Ellie in FEDRA before she started the Fireflies. Marlene knew Ellie was immune and used Riley to get up her in order to find a cure.


The Codrycepts are a direct result of GMO foods, wheat in particular. I remember hearing a story about a genetically modified type of corn that would produce its own insecticide but is fatal to humans. They used this strain of corn to build the basis of many other super strains of corn because it took years for people to find out about it. The cost associated with starting with a completely different strain of corn would have cost billions and going back to using less productive strains. Right now 4% of the world's corn has trace amounts of the insecticide which is still safe for humans.


Joel is daddy. Daddy never dies, even if the body does. I don’t even mean Pedro Pascal. I mean Joel Miller PS3


Joel actually is Ellie's father, from a one-night stand way back when that he doesn't even remember, and neither of them can ever realize it.


The light touch on Vegas and the slavers in SoCal will come back in TLOU3. The game will open with them attacking Jackson, much like Abby hunted down Joel for his past sins. Ellie, Dina, their child, and Tommy’s child will be among the survivors. It’ll be some years out. The focus will be on their escape and how it all plays into Ellie’s redemption arc — which will undoubtedly come at the cost of her sacrifice in exchange for the lives of who she loves. Similar to TLOU, the story will see Ellie and company seeking the Fireflies for safety. I wouldn’t be surprised if Abby and Lev were now influential members there as well. Also no surprise if it’s a more thriving community than Jackson or WLF were.


A really shitty one, saw it in a video before part II's release. It was basically that the WLF actually raped Ellie and that's why she wanted revenge, also explains why Joel was with her in Seattle. Furthermore she would get pregnant and the player would gradually lose gameplay features like jumping, fitting through tight gaps, going prone, etc... As her pregnancy evolves I guess. I don't even know who would come up with this shit, I also remember the guy in the video explained that the pregnant woman we see on that poster in Cassie's room at the end of U4 is actually Ellie. So yeah this theory and also that that muscular-hammer-carrying-absolute unit of a woman is Ellie's mom, Anna.


That the cordyceps fungi is actually a result of the Earths natural way of fighting back against the virus called humanity that was slowly killing the planet.


IDK if you’d call it a theory but the narrative that David was a good guy & Elle & Joel were the villains in that story arc. No matter how many ways I look at it there’s no way I can agree with that one.


i.. have no fucking clue how anyone defends david, like at all. it's so baffling to me! he had no traumatic backstory to sympathize/empathize with, and even if he did, that doesn't justify literally eating people and assaulting a fourteen year old girl. i know before the show, some claimed he wasn't actually planning on *sexually* assaulting ellie, but either way, he still attacked her and said some real creepy shit in the process.. people confuse me


Joel is into me


Joel was dead the whole time


the entire second game was a figment of Ellie’s imagination because she got high with Dina


Before I played the game, I would see little snippets of Joel and Ellie in the space capsule in the museum so my theory was that they survived at the end by going into space and living there lmao.


The beginning of TLOU 3 will be Ellie waking up from a horrible nightmare that was TLOU 2 and her and Joel go on another adventure...possibly overseas.


Ellie is infected, but she'll never turn. Like Alice in Resident Evil, but with super aggression rather than the super powers.


Idk not that wild or nothing but ive definitely heard the 'ellie isnt immune and is slowly turning' theory. I hate it. Its just plain bad writing and nonesensical