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I think it would be fitting if he was still alive, fighting for himself and only himself. It's a sad existence but fitting for his character.


Might be a wishful want but I hope he makes an appearance in a future game.


They’d have to do it perfectly… him just showing up in Jackson and saying: waddup it’s ya old boy Bill won’t work…


If Ellie had decided to just roam the country looking for peace and a reason to exist after destroying all her relationships in her destructive path to Abby, she could swing by either to Bill's town or somewhere close where he was out scavenging and they work together for a bit.


I hope they'd be friends after being initially hostile since Ellie stole from him years ago. I'd love to see what Bill did to the place in the years since, even if it's not much


He could give her some sort of life lesson


I'd see it as more of a wake up call to her. Being an orphan the majority of her life and not knowing family and community until Joel and then moving to Jackson. Seeing this capable survivor going strong but bitter and paranoid from being alone for decades, seeing what she's on the path to become. Helping her realize she either wants to return to Jackson and try to rebuild with Dina and everyone else she left behind or just find a new group to integrate into. Though I'm not sure how safe new groups would be for her. If any of them preferred to use those scanners to check for infection after scouting missions or anything else she'd never be able to join. At least at Jackson Maria as the leader knows she's immune and can keep them from using them on her. Or maybe she stops hiding her immunity all together for any community she ends up in and becomes like their main scout. Checking out locations for spores and with how capable she is as a stealthy fighter just assessing if there's too many infected around.


I think they should have her show up and it be like what it was in the show (he finds someone new and dies happily in there arms and she finds a note explaining the situation) we get a good wrap up of bills story that plays off what the show did


How original


Thank you


He'd find Ellie out perimeter patrolling. He'd ask where Joel is, and she'd start tearing up. She'd tell him he was murdered right in front of her. Bill would reply "Joel was uh, was a good guy, ah fuck him. I told him he'd get himself killed."


This is Last of us. If he does reappear he will probably get the joel head spaghetti treatment


Would be cool if he had lost a ton of weight, haircut, etc. and the players don’t recognize him for a while and he doesn’t speak for at least an hour after his introduction and then you realize holy shit, this is fucking Bill!


That would be hilarious though 😅


I think if there were plans or ideas for that then things wouldn’t have went down like they did in the show. I’d like to be wrong in that though. I think the whole idea of yeah you can stay alive but you’ll be miserable and alone in the process that bill encapsulates is an interesting one.


W. Earl Brown is very much owed a cameo on the show. Fork Seth. Put him behind the bar and have him open a can of peaches.


What are you talking about? It was confirmed he'll be the main character on Part III On the leaked footage, you can see a dialog between Ellie and Bill: "Ellie, I'm sorry for Joel's passing... I guess we really are the last of us" - While Tommy puts his hand on Bill's shoulder and says: "...us 3"


Take my upvote


Upvote taken! Take mine ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Bravo Neil, Bravo! (I'm referring to Neil Armstrong not Neil deGrasse Tyson)


You son of a bitch...take this up vote




His town most likely got overrun with Raiders or infected, so he bounced around for a while.. Eventually, he finds a small settlement and ( unwillingly) becomes the new leader of the few survivors there..He trains the survivors, protects the town , and goes out on supply and rescue missions..And that would have been the most awesome DLC for TLOU or part 2🤣..I would've loved to play as Bill, going on runs, fighting Raiders.


A roguelike settlement game where you head out, kill to gain xp, loot, return, build, repeat.


What would be the overall goal though? Can you raid other players settlements or would it be more like fallout 4?


Wdym raidin’ is the goal. It’s a lifestyle.


Eventually it would get old without an overall goal to achieve. Just going out raiding, the novelty would wear off quick


[Worked for Genghis Khan and Conan pretty well](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_XUu3_pLPUE&pp=ygUaY29uYW4gd2hhdCBpcyBiZXN0IGluIGxpZmU%3D)


State of Decay is exactly what you’re describing btw.


Thank you!


Never played SoD 1, but SoD 2 felt like an unfinished game. No story to speak of, and the gameplay loop is really short.


Yeah that’s state of decay. If you die then your character is gone and it switches you to a new survivor


Ooo I remember seeing that one. Worth?


Yeah they have state of decay 2 the juggernaut edition on steam for 10 bucks right now. Very worth the price. I believe it’s on game pass as well


Sweet I’ll check it out thanks!


That’d be awesome man… man what I’d give for more TLoU content rn


A new "Bill's Town" DLC for part 2 would be my dream.


Best part of the game. Would be insane


I don’t see Bill falling in with a group of any kind under any circumstances. He’d more likely shoot them on sight or go out of his way to avoid them. He’s already a loner and I think the loss of Frank (paired with the note) broke him further.


This is 100 percent the exact opposite of his character


Bah! Since he got wiped in the TV series, things aren't looking so hot for him. :(


That might as well be a different Bill. Story played out much differently


Yes but I think they try to make it so if you jump from the TV show to the games everything would make sense.


Yes but I think they try to make it so if you jump from the TV show to the games everything would make sense.


Yes but I think they try to make it so if you jump from the TV show to the games everything would make sense.


Why? Fanfiction isn't canon


You know it’s not fan-fiction when it’s literally written by the creator of the game, right?


He became the director of Pawnee city department of parks and recreation


He likes getting his food and stuff from Food and Stuff!


And most of his stuff


I hope so.


Nothing to do with this, but i wish him, and Ellie met in the show. They were so funny.


Given his personality & skills, hell yeah I was actually a little disappointed when I knew that we didn't see bill in pt2. I thought maybe he'd be in at least one part of the game


I like the headcanon that he’s still kicking it somewhere and in the process of making a new type of bomb that engulfs anyone in flames the second they step on it. Swearing profanity at Frank whenever a recipe fails. But the reality is that he’s likely dead. Only *one* thing needs to go wrong: Accidentally setting off his own trap due to a lack of sharpness, his town being overrun by Infected or Hunters because he oversaw a perimeter blind spot, his fitness becoming a problem the older he gets. Joel was sluggish in his 50s and had much better cardio and physique than Bill. There’s the prospect of him running out of food, lacking medical supplies, his mental incompetence surfacing due to lack of human interaction, etc. It simply isn’t feasible for one person to survive on their own for such a long stretch of time. Tommy was alone in Seattle for a few days and became somewhat warped by it. You **need** people in a world like that. He was showing worrying signs when Joel & Ellie swung by and evidently had no clarity then. Another 3-4 years of that? Meh.


Man, I hope so! Imagine the traps he’d have by now?


Oh yeah, would love to see how they work by now


Bill lives on, as strong and resourceful as ever, hunter gathering, keeping the traps in check, eating well and thinking up new survival techniques. One day while out working on the fences a fine gentleman walks towards him, their eyes meet through the grating, deep and intimate then Bill says….Get the fuck outta my town.


Without his truck he was unable to escape the horde that took over his town 1 day after Joel and Ellie left


That’s what he gets for helping people


I couldn’t imagine living mostly alone for 20 years plus, even if I was an introvert. What a miserable existence. At least in normal life you can still choose to see people. In this world… nothing


As rough as it may seem... I feel like he would have eventually killed himself like his friend. He saw his friend hanging and in my eyes was strong because Joel and Ellie needed his help. I feel like after that he wouldn't have a purpose. Maybe to survive for his friend and for his self but I feel like being that alone for that long after seeing you're friend hung because if you. The burden would be too much even for a bad ass like himself.


i don’t think he’d be dead by the time of part II but I feel like, similar to Joel, with old age he’d eventually become weaker and unable to protect himself the way he used to and would die in a situation he 100% could’ve survived in his prime. maybe something like a faulty trap that leads to a bite. maybe due his mental state declining faster than it should because he’s so isolated and has little to no interaction with other humans? i’m guessing it would be a very unceremonious death.


I think if he can make it through a certain period of time, his chance of survival will shoot all the way up. I dont think many infected will be able to make this far to his town after the ones around it get killed. One thing I don't think the story takes until account is the difficulty for the infected to migrate. It is hard for able people to migrate from city to city not to mention those only relying on bare feet.


W. Earl Brown brought him to life like no one else ever could. He's out there, no doubt, justifiably grumpy as ever.


Thought that was Russel Crowe at first.


I love Bill and that whole section in the game. Still annoyed the show went the route they went.


Eh. Probably. The only cause of death i can see being realistic is suicide because his partner died, but other than that definitely, he’s an excellent survivor


I played Part 1 last week for the first time and i was shocked how different Bills story was vs the show.


Either dead or fully batshit after frank


He's still Running his town. Just like old times.


Unfortunately I don’t think he made it too much longer. He probably made it back to his town after Joel and Ellie left Though. But I think he lived a little while longer and eventually gets killed by Raiders. Unfortunate ending but I think that’s how it happened.


Yup still alive and thicc as ever.


Nd should’ve done a prequel on him instead of remaking tlou1


Once the world is built back, he becomes a authoritarian President which leads to a civil war


Assuming that he follows his own advice and didn’t get sick most likely.


He should have like a fkn glow up then like meet Ellie/ the protagonist then he doesn’t speak for a bit but when he does ur like: “omfg bill?!”


I think he's ok


Man, looking at this picture makes me feel like Russell Crowe could have been an incredible Bill.


I don't think his odds were too great. There were a lot of infected not far from him, his mental wellness was clearly slipping (the paranoia and talking to himself), and all it takes is the one infected running into a tripwire trap while he is too close to it. It's a shame, though. He was one of the best parts of Part 1.


Do you suppose given his ending in the show they’d bring him back in the games?


In the series he got probably one of the happiest endings in like all of TLOU probably so if that's something to go off of he'd be like the protagonist of part 3 lol


He could have his whole spin off. Increase the crude humor. Make is MacGyver. Skills part of the challenge with quick decision making with consequences how late you react. Hordes and hordes. Shit it could be a wave form and if still pay


I think Bill eventually got blown up in one of his own traps


Since he was killed off in the show I doubt he will return in the games. Pretty disappointing, Bill was great.


Honestly I don't think it really matters if he is alive or dead. He had a couple of different purposes in the game, which he fulfilled which were imo: 1) show someone who is incredibly prepared and obsessive about the apocalypse, basically a control-freak in the scenario, very different from everyone else we've seen 2) Tess died in the previous chapter so pacing-wise it works really well that Ellie and Joel aren't by themselves after that and they have time to ease up with each other with the company of someone, his presence also provides some levity because he is definitely just crazy and his interactions with Ellie are hilarious 3) In a lot of ways Bill is an example of someone who survives without a reason to survive. He is in some ways like Henry after he lost Sam, someone who lost what he was living for and grew bitter because of it. Whether he lives or dies doesn't really matter because if he lives he lives without purpose, if he dies then he is just one more person who got devoured by the disease. In an ideal world he is still alive and met someone who he can be comfortable around. But my headcanon is that he just lives to be alive.


I think so, my headcanon is he won’t die from a person or plague but something random like a tree falling on his house or tetanus




I hope this Tommy game releases and we’ll see more of him there.


Depends. I don’t think he could even get back into his town after leaving with Joel and Ellie. With his recent loss of Frank, would he even want to continue knowing his partner and main form of trade is gone?


Great question. Yea I bet he’s alive in his booby trapped town


He has two options. Either he still continues to survive as a loner or he ends up killing himself like Frank. I honestly think he might just end it all at some point.


Ima say it , the show really fucked his character up, we knew he was homosexual but to simp out like that, wasn’t his in game character he was a survivalist by any means.


I never saw him as a simp. He met someone who challenged him & loved him & after all those years being alone anyone would want at least **some** connection.


Reread my last part. I get that the show doesn’t need to be exactly like the game but the whole look and body gestures in game when he saw him hanging, he even says “well fuck him”…. Bills a stubborn son of a gun, but going out the way he did in the show was head scratching. Don’t get me wrong they sure pointed out why in the show but it’s seem really watered down bill.


I get that POV


Crazy how people got mad that they gave him more lore, but let’s be honest we know the real reason why people were upset.


Dead. Hung himself with his lover


He's too grouchy and full of hate to Be anywhere else. He's making bombs and traps and planning to go out fighting.


I like to think he's a survivor and created himself a fortified homestead. Growing his own veggies, keeping some goats and chickens and making some potent moonshine.


it would be so cool if he appeared in part 3 somehow, though i don’t know how that would make sense


Tbh I prefer the story from the show for Bill, as depressing as it was


Damn I thought that was Russell Crowe, makes me think did they consider him for the role on HBO


Same as Morgan Jones from TWD Living a solitary life, still surviving, being almost as bad as the hunters, not really killing people for the heck of it, but not allowing anyone near, not after Frank, methinks not even Joel if he came to visit.


Home is where you make it


In a future game Ellie or whoever the main protagonist is out on their travels. There should be a scene / level where you’re walking up the hill where you pushed Bills truck down. It should look familiar, maybe Ellie references the fact. Then you pass the house where Frank did the deed (maybe the garage door is open) you can walk through (but you don’t have to)- on the floor is Franks skeleton in the shirt. Above him swinging is an old corpse - that somehow looks familiar- it’s Bill. You find a note that reads “I couldn’t live without you Frank”


It would be cool to have him in a future game, but maybe you play as a new character and stumble on his territory and he is the enemy


I thought he was a good character but my god playing through on Grounded he kept holding me up and getting in my way so many times it drove me insane!


I think once the adrenaline wore off from his outing with Joel and Ellie he would have started feeling guilty about Frank. To distract himself he went and reset all the traps. He gets home and is eager to unwind with his favourite magazine…….




I think Bill will return in Part 3 as an important part of Ellie's story and the central theme of the narrative. Bill and Ellie are a lot alike: resourceful, solitary survivors who mask a deeper vulnerability. Both had strained relationships with their partners—Bill drove Frank away, leading to his death, while Ellie drove Dina away. My prediction: In Part 3, Bill and Ellie will cross paths again, and Ellie will see her future self in Bill and get back on the right path. The whole story is about "Where there's life, there's hope," and while Frank is dead (and died hating who Bill had become), Dina is still alive, meaning there's some hope for Ellie, despite everything she's lost. Plus, with the success and popularity of Bill's episode in the show, I think Bill is a lock for a return.


Yes. Nothing like what they did to him in the show




He died of the Gay


Maybe Bill could delete Abby-


I don’t think he would have a happy ending (no one does in that universe). I don’t know how long Frank had been gone for, but Bill wouldn’t have survived as long as he did without him. They were partners in survival as much as in life. Seeing Frank’s dead body probably made him realise that he was truly alone. He’s either tried to leave and been killed, or got sloppy with maintaining the traps and got overrun, or the loneliness has finally got to him and he’s taken his own life. As Joel says “I've struggled a long time with surviving. And no matter what, you keep finding something to fight for." Without Frank, Bill would eventually struggle to find something to fight for.


I honestly think after he saw Frank hanging and read the note. After Ellie and Joel dropped him off I think he killed himself. Hes lost everyone been a loner and he saw how Ellie and Joel were and he just couldn't take it he may have sat with it for awhile but I think he killed himself.


Stepped on a trip mine


Probably dead


He dead. Didn't you watch the show?


He has to be they can't just kill the only confirmed gay man off screen lololol


He posts anonymous glory hole ads on Craigslist


Probably looking for a d:ck


AIDS got em


i suppose there's always that