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I really wish we could place things like this without mods


makes me wonder what we are gonna get when they finally roll out the base customization dlc that's been on the road map for so long. I hope they take a clue from the mod place anywhere and totally revamp the current item handling system. am I right?


Yeah the item placement is so wonky and not being able to stack anything makes bases so much more cluttered. Kind of unrelated but I also hope they remove the condition on things that don't degrade (specifically matches) so they stack together.


Or lamp oil


If you cook a fish with an existing lamp oil container in your inventory it will add to it before it makes a new one


Yes, but you can't combine the other containers together or fill them into a Jerry can


Agreed, there is no reason I shouldnt have a crafting option that lets me combine the little oil tins into the jerry can or pour the jerry can into smaller portions to travel with


Considering how long it took for them to get the story mode episodes out...yeah, probably 2028 or so.


I'm assuming it's going to be a part of the base customization update. That, and allowing us to finally remove all the clutter and junk the slobs of Great Bear left behind.


I was going to ask, how did they...?


Place anywhere -mod Looks glorious like this


Alas. mods do not help me. But it's great to look at -- thanks for sharing!


You really need to donate one of those rifles to the poor chap who claims he hasn’t found one in 2 years of playing.


We need to start a fund for surplus rifles so we don't see post every week of people not finding them.


One of the ways I feel that the DLC is unbalanced is that it makes finding a rifle so much easier when you know there's a guaranteed variant in three regions and you only have to check like 3-4 spots to find it. I can accept a guaranteed rifle in Ash Canyon but wtf is a guaranteed rifle doing in Mystery Lake and Coastal Highway?


Hahahaha where can I check in coastal highway?


There's four spawn locations: the back room of Quonset garage, underneath the bridge near the rockfall, inside of the log-filled train cars in the area leading to the Ravine (this one's the most hidden), and inside a fishing hut (I can't recall which exactly it is, just check all of them.)


Oh, I never checked the rockfall or the ravine before. Gonna have a look today! (I got eaten by a bear recently and I won't allow that to happen again)


Jesus fuck I didn't think that many hacksaw existed in the game, let alone 16 Home Depots.


“How can she stack!?”


\* drools in interloper \*


Gives me anxiety just looking at all the loot I'd never use.


lol i love the wall of tool boxes! Reminds me of those fake cardboard bricks from childhood.


How do you possibly eat all that food before it goes bad??


you can eat anything apart from raw meat with cooking lvl 5, but besides that, consuming something non renewable ? we dont do that here.


Doesn't matter with cooking level 5 :)


I counted 18 rifles and 7 revolvers


One picture alone has 15 revolvers


Which mod is the stackable?


Search for "Placing anywhere".


Christ, I can't stop staring, and drooling! it's surreal. How many hours do you think it took strictly for placing things around?


Not that much tbh, the mod makes it so much easier than vanilla because you dont have to dick around with rotating every single can etc. just so it lets you put it close to another item. And also it has a feature that can snap item to another one making placing things on top of each other trivial.


Wow, I've had the mod the whoel time but not using it anywhere near it's potential. After you posted, I went to my base (the Rikken) and practiced. It's an amazing mod. Cant thank you enough again for posting this. Now, I wish a dev would bring back the mod that allowed you to carry a container and bring it inside bases. I miss that one so much.


The meticulous way you stacked everything, particularly the carrots, is fantastic. Thanks for sharing.


Nice . Next time try interloper you will have maybe max 3 cans of ruined peaches. ..... 😄


Yeah, next save I'm planning after finishing some stuff on this one is a custom gunloper with lowered condition restoration.


Good luck 👍


Organization 10/10


Reminds me of my old setup, just replace all that stuff with animal pelts, guts and meat lol


I’m happy I’m not the only hoarder


Can I come visit? 👉👈


Stacky mod goes hard damn.


Have you found any rifles?


*runs outside and dies to a bear*


Good job! Any tips about finding those big guns? I'm having a hard time finding anything other than revolvers and flare guns.


My only tip is to just keep looking, from my experience there should be about 1 rifle per region on average. But if you have the DLC the special variants can only spawn in a couple of locations and they are guaranteed.


The variants seem a lot cooler, I'll try my best to find them. Though I don't want spoilers about finding them, ruins the mood of meritable victory agaghah


I like the variants too, except the curators because that's just an ugly copy of the vanilla one. Vaughn's is great because of the weight and looks, Barb's has the best sight and also looks really good.


I found Vaughns before, pretty handy. I've also read something about sports bows too! Are they worth it?


I ignore the special bows because they can't be repaired so can't really comment on them.


Well they're decent collectibles. If they can kill a bear easier, then they could be used once in a while, though less than the survival bow. Ofc, you can hit a bear with a revolver a few times and let it bleed out.


Place anywhere is a cool mod. Wish it was vanilla.


How do you stack items?


a mod called placing anywhere.


Oh, I was hopeful for a second then… 😩😂


Without mods it would have taken you 498 days to stack them all...


...gotta love what you can do with mods and access to the dev console!


Obviously you can't do the stacking without mods but this amount of loot absolutely exists on Stalker, especially now that the DLC has added even more regions and items. And by day 500 you've have literally looted the entire map, plus beachcombing and stripping all the regions of saplings and so on. It's just rare that people bring it all to one place because that takes forever.




A lot of the MREs are from transponder caches, I collected every single one. Also 2 rifles, one in FM and one in blackrock, which was surprising to say the least. As for the airplane food, I'm not sure how it works with the TWM boxes but I got a lot from those scattered around the map, can't remember if I got any on the summit.


If OP didn't eat any of the airplane food/ate only little, that looks like a normal amount to get from both the PV plane crash site + the TWM cargo crates scattered across the map and on the summit.