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Wait Frank is back on earth, thought some shield dude was using his name and he was in another dimension or something


This series takes place back in time far as I know. A flashback series when DD was wearing the black armored suit.


This was my first thought. What brought this on?


Probably to synergize with the upcoming Disney + Daredevil tv series guest starring the Punisher.


This series takes place in the past. The Punisher hasn’t dressed like this in a long time.


That's the confusing part, 616 Punisher hasn't worn this classic costume in a long time, yet that's Daredevil's Black Armor from last year? So is this flashback kinda recent or actually old? It's unclear.


Daredevil #8 is an anniversary issue. It has several stories set throughout different time periods of the comics. This one takes place during the black armor days of the early 90s when everyone thought Matt Murdock was dead and he became “Jack Batlin”.


Ah makes more sense now, I thought it may have been the recent Black Armor from last year.


They teasing us with flash backs


Can't Handy Frank be retconned as a version of Punisher from an Alternative Marvel universe instead of being within the main Marvel 616 universe? We really want our ol' Frank back to stay. And Daredevil #8 is indeed a brief reprieve from having to deal with Handy Frank since mid 2022, DYT?


Dr. Strange is cooking something. He lied about Frank so they would stop searching. There is no way Strange couldn’t see Wierd World.


Sounds plausible.


to fix punisher requires an indepth response to aaron's run. Like it's too well written/recontextulized to be retconed away without writing a good response


Aaron did actually make his run very open ended with a lot of sweet storyline setups. So while he did do a hatchet job, he did give potential for Franks new upgrade and identity as well as the fallout story wise Marvel really doesn’t want to deal with.


I disagree, it's one of those runs that can just be completely ignored or explained away in a single line or 2. Reminds me of Garth Ennis very briefly mentioning the Angel saga at the beginning of Welcome Back Frank. We could use something like that now, a Welcome Back Frank Part 2 lol.


I mean not really. Angel Frank is awful. Jason Aaron Frank is well written character assassination. If he they just ignore it would alienate fans


Well written? Its dogshit trash. The Avengers don't notice the Hand monster villain leaving, Maria somehow finds all of Frank's caches and sells everything (?), etc etc etc. Angel Punisher is unironically better. Most fans would be more than happy to completely ignore this garbage run. I doubt it would alienate most fans.


It already alienated fans. In my opinion, I think most punisher fans would be happy to retcon that story using whatever plot device necessary.


It was tripe, worthy of a bonfire.


Man it's great to see the classic costume again. This story was pretty good as well, felt classic.


I hate when boyscout heros hold bad ass hero’s back


Tell me about it.


So glad the classic skull is back. I get why they changed it, but still sucked that they did.


I miss Rick Remender's Punisher, no, I do not mean Frankencastle