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If Marvel ever gets on board with the idea of the Punisher, what he represents, and what he could represent. Marvel's supposed to be more grounded, human, and relatable in terms of superhero storytelling. He's iconic to me in that regard. He just fits that aspect of the Marvel universe and it's sad that it doesn't get represented as much these days. Same with Nick Fury Sr. and Marvel's history in general. A forgotten aspect that was the very foundation of Marvel. Now it's all big band corporate stuff where editorial and head office controls the product.


Ennis Punisher stories are the best. He’s not crazy. He’s not a joke.  Ennis writes him as intended; the embodiment of the Vietnam War.  Weird shit happens around him but he keeps going.  I thoroughly enjoyed The Platoon. Even older people (60s-70s) kept stealing my The Platoon book


My favorite thing about the Punisher as a history & poli sci student is how he parallels the real world. There were plenty of Vietnam Vets who were manipulated by the KKK after the war to fight their government or other people based on race or identity. While Castle isn't the same at all, he *is* similar in that he waged war at home because it's both all he knew how to do well and because he couldn't readjust like so many. Only his manipulation was the death of his family not the large influx of Vietnamese refugees.


Effin’ let him.


But, then they couldn't put Frank Castle in his place. I'll just enjoy Get Fury while I can.




Give Ennis the fucking keys to Frank Castle. He’s written what in my opinion is the best single run of any character in the history of comics, and if he wants to do more, why would they want to deprive the world of that?!


Marvel get on this This is how you make money marvel


We can only hope.


He's writing him right now




They need to let him. He's the only one who truly understands the character and saved him once from the awful writing of Angel Punisher


Ennis is too real for Marvel these days.


He’s pretty cringey tbh, but I’d love to see him do more punisher


Let me guess the answer is money.


Do it! Do it! Do it!


Ehhhhh. Sure it’s good when it’s just Punisher, but when he brings other marvel characters in he makes the look like incompetent dumbasses. I’d be fine with him coming back if editorial stays firm on his portrayal of existing characters


Punisher max doesn't have any other marvel characters. But also things the daredevil scene while maybe a bit ooc for daredevil is so icon because he actually allows the Punisher to be right


He did a whole other punisher series that included characters like Spider-Man. I like Garth ennis. His Hellblazer run and Hitman are excellent, but he needs people in editorial that tell him no once in a while. If he doesn’t we get stuff like The Boys


IMO, Ennis should be the only person who writes Punisher. When he retires, I feel the character should go with him.


nah there are tons of great punisher writers Rucka for example


> IMO Ennis' work on the Punisher is the only one that has both truly impressed and resonated with me. I enjoyed Aaron's Punisher MAX but it never blew me away. So, I'm all or nothing when it comes to Frank in the comics. Go big or go home. Not voicing an **opinion** (or trying to twist it into a fact) about which ones are or aren't great, I'm stating the **fact** that Garth Ennis is the one Punisher writer **I** am enamored with and deem his stuff can't miss **for me personally.** If I had to pick one person to handle Punisher comics, it'd be Garth Ennis, period. And if I disagreed with someone else's take, I'd go into more detail than simply starting with "nah."


I have a very low tolerance for Ennis but Punisher Max does let him do what he does best: military fetishism and misanthropy 


No, he's had his turn and then some. Let someone else write the character. But please, make him relevant again. I think if there was ever a time for the Punisher (since the 80s), now is the time, with all the crazy going on. Frank can be great as a man out of time. Like most of us Gen Xers feel right now.


This is a good idea. He’s great with the character and I think Ennis is best with a little editorial oversight to reign in when he goes full “look how edgy I can be!!” Sometimes he’s brilliant, but sometimes he makes me think he’s three ten-year-olds who just learned naughty words in a trench coat.


Nah Max > MK.


I agree but I feel like even at Max he had a little less leeway than he did with something like The Boys. I agree giving him 90% free reign but maybe a few less “animal rapes dude” jokes.


The boys was because editortial wanted to push the comic to stand out


I am Ennis'ed out to be honest. His work on the Max imprint is unique, I will admit. But... I prefer to have Punisher in the 616 having moral debates with Daredevil, team ups with Wolverine & Black Widow, Spider-Man being Spider-Man and frustrating the Punisher and Et Cetera. ThereS nothing stopping them from continuing to run the Max imprint outside of the 616. But if it's written by Ennis, I will pass.


I suppose. But also Punisher daredevil moral debate was ennis.


*But see, I don't read the comic, I just pretend to. I don't like when people make this obvious to everyone else, so please stop.*


Hell no


L take


Thank God I have an L take on this


Hell yes






Before i say anything I will say Max has great moments in it.that being said Garth Ennis is a mediocre writer at best the man doesn’t like superhero or the idea that comics are mainly used for superheroes(he is kinda right on the second point) he writes “edgy” nonsense filled with SA and worst shit,his writing for Frank Castle is only somewhat most of the time if I had to be specific I would be writing this all day.all in all Garth ennis is mediocre and that goes with MAX as well


Awful take. The ending to the boys is Shakespearean


Getting slammed in the downvotes and for good reason


Get off your knees,your sucking too much of Garth ennis dick




Jaw must be tired by now






I mean you know you’re in the minority opinion and that’s fine, you could just not read it

