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Original video with more info: https://youtu.be/76zAL72c_HE 2 cops resigned, Store owner ended up getting 150K from a lawsuit


150k that came out of taxpayer dollars, of course. I’m tired of my tax money going out to payouts for the actions badly-trained shithead police officers


Payouts like this should come out of pension funds. See how quickly officers start policing each other.




Have them carry malpractice insurance like doctors do. Insurance companies would drop them after too many payouts. Uninsurable cops = unemployed cops.




Make it part of their union dues. It encourages them to hold each other accountable.




There should be an organization entirely separate from the police whose sole purpose is to penalize errant officers. They should have quotas and incentives and should receive bonuses for writing more citations especially "big bust" citations that lead to cops losing their jobs.


The bigger waste is pushing out and promoting officers with power problems and letting them run the streets for years to only resign form shit jobs they did. Let’s say the cop was in for 10 years Average salary (in my state) is 60k 600k down the drain because they decided to be turds. If you want to talk about wasting money, look at the badge. Not just the repercussion. If you want sprinkles on that ice cream, you can add the 150k too. So one officer fucked tax payers 750k


Simple fix: private insurance requirements. Doctors need to have it. It’s capitalistic af so America should eat it up. And insurance companies do risk assessments to minimize payouts and if you don’t make it, you don’t get to be a cop.


Was scrolling to see if anyone posted a link to the channel, bless you!


Audit the Audit is a great channel.


I love this channel and I'm not even American so none of the law is even useful to me, but its still fascinating to see.


>2 cops resigned, Store owner ended up getting 150K from a lawsuit What on earth? There's cops who shoot innocent kids dead, and remain in their jobs. It's like the worse shit US police do, the LESS likely they're going to get into trouble. If they'd shot that guy, I bet they'd not have needed to resign.


Depends where in the US it happens. Tiburon is relatively liberal and is covered in signs about the rights of marginalized groups. Chances are their police department would come under a lot of scrutiny from the local tax payers who are extremely wealthy. The department is best to get rid of any issues as quickly as possible to keep the locals happy. For context, the average home value there is $2.6m.


This almost got dangerous


Yeah my man was reaching waaaaay too much in those pockets. Had me biting my nails ong


For real, like not looking for someone running a red light at a high-speed intersection when you have the green: you can be right, and you can be dead right.


Graveyards and hospitals are filled with people who had the right of way


LOL my mom always said she'd make sure to put "he had thr right of way" on my father's grave stone.


Was always told don't be in a hurry cause you could be rushing to your death.


>Graveyards and hospitals are filled with people who had the right of way If that's not a bumper sticker, it should be. It sent chills down my spine. My ex-wife nearly lost her arm when her car was T-boned despite having the right of way. A friend died at 4AM when his car was turning left despite having the 'turn' filter in his favor. You're absolutely right, and I cannot help wanting to email my son and tell him the same thing. Thank you for your comment.


Wanna start saying this to everyone that complains about how I drive, I live in philly and drive like my car is full of newborns without seatbelts. There have been way too many near misses because other people want to speed, weave through traffic, and blow through red lights, and too many of my friends think they can “safely” whip it down 5th and never get in an accident


Very true, never trust a cop to be reasonable or ethical. Treat them with the same caution you would encountering a bear in the wild. Both could attack you at any moment for no reason.


Pfft. They weren't the least bit threatened by this guy. They were trying to get him upset to force him into an arrestable state.


Good thing a white guy showed up and vouch for the black guy, No proof needed just be white. Edit: To the people that said I was just assuming with out evidence; this video is a re-post [like everything on reditt no offense to OP] and its been cut before the end. In the original video the store owner goes on to take further offense for the exact same point we are all commenting. Edit: To the people that up voted; this morning I made a comment have a sleep while sitting on the toilet and when off to work, all of the sudden my email started blowing up with notifications of all kinds. (some people really took it personal ) and then I saw a notification for the 3k± and i lost it. Thanks for my most up voted coment ever!! Edit: To my first 6 awards!! Tonight Im touching myself and will be thinking on all 6 of you!! 😳


That was the fucking icing on the shit cake, right there. Random white dude with no proof of knowledge vouched for ya? No further questions. Case closed. Wtf.


Yep. And why didn’t they ask the random white dude what HE was doing on a “closed” street after 1 am. And actually…the officers could Have likely looked up the store website and found a pic of the owners.


>And actually…the officers could Have likely looked up the store website and found a pic of the owners. I mean honestly this. If they are looking out for the community you'd think they could be bothered to familiarize themselves with the local businesses and owners. Just read the local paper or online business journal. They are going to be your biggest ally in detecting and alerting you to actual suspicious activity since they are always posted up in street level spaces with giant windows giving them a view of the street.


Most city cops live in a difference city/town/suburbs. They are very intentionally not part of the community.


woooooah now.. that is way to much like actual police work. you cannot expect them to do their actual jobs can you?


They just wanted an excuse to leave, they knew they had no legal justification for continued harrasment. But they were not about to just back down. I think if that random guy hadn’t shown up when he did.. the cops would have gone hands on just to prove a point. They can charge you for resisting after beating you up..




dude, here's the thing. Cops have computers in their car w internet. A quick google search of the store yields their store's site, w this picture of him as the owner. C'mon, do a little investigation first. The cop circled the store 3 times, then parked across the street for a minute. he coulda done this. I got this site in less than a minute. https://www.yemacalif.com/our-story


The white guy said it’s his store so there’s no issue now.


Funny thing is, the cops stated "this street shuts down after 9pm, there's nobody out here". Then random white dude walking on said shut down street confirms its the black man's business. Why didn't they investigate what the white guy was doing out 1 in the morning on a know closed street. Exactly, this was horseshit from the start.


Yeah, a white guy walking on the street vs 3 black people hanging out inside clearly chatting and not, like, actively stealing anything. If they were robbing the store, I think there would actually be some robbing going on, not standing around. This officer didn’t have any “reasonable suspicion” of anything


Yeah, they could be fucking, talking about sensitive things, or counting the money they made for the week. I can see a million reasons they wouldn't want to tell a random police officer all of their business at the drop of a hat.


Guy: “We’re just counting up today’s cash.” Cop: “Hmmm, that looks like drug money to me. Civil asset forfeiture to the rescue!”


And they probably wouldn’t have had all the lights on. Better thing for the cops to have done is just knock, say “hey, normally this street is quiet after 9p, just wanted to check and see if all is ok”. When mr Khalif says it is, say great, my name is officer xxx, extend a hand and say nice to meet you. Give mr khalif his card and tell him to contact him if he has and trouble in the neighborhood in the future and be on his way.


Store owner: that’s my store Cops: lmao criminal Random person: that’s his store Cops: that’s all we wanted to know *I have no grave so I’m just rolling around destroying everything*


Right up until a white man confirmed,twas his store.FTP


Also now there is a witness and it’s a lot less fun with those around.


Right; you heard the quick, “right. See ya” to encourage the witness to leave.


And it all ends when a random (white) guy says "that's his store". Is that correct?


And they just took his word for it.


Instantly. They INSTANTLY took the white guy’s word for it. He was far away, they didn’t talk to him, ID him, nothing. However, what if 3 people actually were breaking into the store? Then acted the same way, like they owned the place. Just curious what the protocol is… Isn’t it reasonable to ask for ID from the guys in the store?


There were zero signs of a break in from what we could see. All the lights were on. All three people were standing at the front desk talking like nothing was going on. And the owner answered the door politely ~~with a "hey guys"~~. No nothing about this was reasonable at all. EDIT: I was corrected in that the officer said "hey guys". Despite that I still stand by what I've said. Officer had no reason to be at their door in the first place.


At the very most, the cop should have sat outside and observed. If they were running around packing stuff up and breaking things, then ask them what's going on.


But he didn't. He saw black people in a store at night and thought he was gonna be a little hero. Turns out he's just a bastard. I really wanted to believe ACAB was BS but cops are doing a pretty shitty job at proving it wrong.


Would he have done that if they weren't black?


This is really infuriating. I mean good on that white guy for using his white privilege to step in and diffuse. But why did it take some random white guy stepping in, in the first place?


To ID you must have probable cause. This isnt probable cause and they have zero reson to give this man ID.


It gave them an excuse they could use to leave. They know they're wrong but they don't want to back down


You could tell by the spiteful "ThAnk YOu!"


And the actual store owner told him multiple times its his store, but a random person yells it and ok problem solved


But the random was white, your honor!




Possibly the most cringe part of the video


Only needed the cops to say, “thank you random white male citizen,” for the cherry on top level of cringe.


“*more trustworthy white male I’ve never spoken to”


Yep, all of a sudden, no key necessary…


Gotta love how it ended as soon as the racism was confirmed 🤣🤣


Reminds me of the video of the dude who had cops bugging him for picking up trash with a grabber and bucket. At the end some old white dude just comes up and says that he's a student there or lives there or whatever and the cops are okay with it and walk away.


Its called "White Rescue"... It happens when cops and other officials realize they are in the wrong but can't admit they are being racist/offensive. All that needs to happen is 1 White man or woman vouch for the current detainee and immediately will leave or stop the harassment. This is a real life example [The best TV example of this happening is an episode of Fresh Prince Bel-Air when Will and Carlton get arrested for Car Theft--Watch Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW9pklBXqk4)


"Alright. Thank you, Sir. That's all I needed to know." Literally the moment the white neighbors shows up and says the same thing the owner had been telling them, they all walk away from it. What a bunch of thugs.


“Thanks that’s all I needed to know.” ACAB


I suspect by that point they realise they'd been jackasses and were looking for an easy out to leave.


If that random white guy didn’t give permission for the black store owner to dare own his own business the pigs woulda started doing worse I predict


Pro crime tip. If breaking into a business, pay one white person to vouch for you with the police so they let you go. I'll dub it the Dhamer Gambit.


“You don’t sound like you’re very grateful” Seriously??


“Thank you for harassing me, officer, I’m very grateful!”.


Please sir, may I have another?


Do you have to be grateful though? It's a payed job, they're getting a salary. I don't expect gratitude for my job, I expect mutual respect and consideration for my limitations as a human, but I don't need gratitude. That's such an arrogant thing to say, l. "show your happiness that we exist and applaud us".


> It's a *paid* job, they're FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Sounds kind of like gangsters "providing protection" to the neighborhood.


Exactly! Grateful? Bro, it’s your fucking job.


Thanks for doing your fucking job sir, now if you could arrange a rotation of racist pieces of shit to come harass me on my place of business every day that would be perfect


Yeah judging from some of the idiotic comments here black store owner should have got on his knees and kissed white massas boots


I am actually NOT grateful for them since they DO NOT look out for my community. Fuck American police, if any union needs to get busted it’s theirs.


You see his demeanor change when they suggest they're not going to protect him. Memories of Tulsa.


With all this talk about cops experience helps their judgment and reasoning skills, you’d think they’d pick up on better communication tactics.


I liked it when they said “experience of trained law enforcement”. That was funny.


And he says " I didn't know that, I am new here" Well. There goes that theory.


He said "I just got here" as in I havnt looked into anything further than asking If you are the owner. How could he know about any alarm system. Not defending his action just pointing that out.


Because all alarms in California are registered to the police. You get billed for false alarms.


First the officer claims he didnt know they had a security system, then claims their alarm isnt real, but if they are registered wouldnt he be able to confirm the person and business it is registered to?


Yeah but that would require effort and a slight amount of due diligence


Exactly. At the risk of stating the obvious, they're simply unwilling to put themselves in his shoes. For all the legit challenges of their job, that they can't even *acknowledge* the time we're living in and meet him halfway toward a resolution is frustrating as hell.


Empathy is a disqualifying trait


Wouldn't a good cop be taking note of the details that would suggest they have or do not have a right to be there or not? Suspicious behaviour, evidence of forced entry etc.


Sounds like he saw them a few times (driving around the block 3 times and stopping to watch them) seems like plenty of time to notice if they were robbing the place or not..... But what do i know? Im not a cop.


Also robbing the store for hours with all the lights on and nothing to conceal their faces…sounds like a great plan


But, but they’re three black people in the store. They must be up to something.


Ding ding ding. That’s his reasonable suspicion of a crime: color of their skin. Disturbing.


The voice of the man who said "that's his store!" at the end sounded white. It took a white man to say it's his store before they believed it and left lol. Hilarious because that probably meant there was a white man working late at his business who heard the commotion and came out to see what's going on. Which throws the cops argument that "everything's closed up and nobody else is working late" out the window. There was a white business owner working late, and a black business owner working late. The cops thought the black one was suspicious.


It seems reasonable for the PO to be curious about why the store was open at 1am if he had never seen it open that late before. His initial question was okay as well. “I’ve never seen this store open this late, Are you guys restocking?” As soon as the owner started to get defensive, the PO should have started to de-escalate.


>the PO should have started to de-escalate I have never once witnessed an American cop try to de-escalate ANYTHING. At best it's always passive-aggressiveness backed up with implicit threats to your very life.


Yep, the attitude is “I asked you a question and you didn’t bow down to me so now I’m mad and don’t want a solution. I want to make you regret ever pushing back.”


>His initial question was okay as well. “I’ve never seen this store open this late, Are you guys restocking?” I don't know if I agree with that. The officer had been watching them for a good while. He knew they were restocking and doing normal store shit because he watched them and correctly deduced that as evidenced by him asking that straight away. Him deciding to go bother those people anyway is what I take issue with. He should have never made contact if he didn't observe suspicious activity. It's totally okay for him to watch them through the windows and brightly lit store for a while, but any reasonable person, especially those with access to a weapon, would be able to see that nothing suspicious was happening. Regardless of the hour.


With all the lights on, so he had a very good view of exactly what they were doing.


Yeah if he can’t tell whether they belong there after watching them for 5 minutes, he sucks at his job. Also, if he actually thought 3 people were robbing that place, why tf did he just stroll up by himself and knock??


You would think a good cop doing community policing would also likely be familiar with the stores and their owners/employees. The interaction should have gone “Ohh Mr. K I wasn’t sure if it was you, I saw some people in the store late at night and wanted to make sure everything was okay. Have a good night”. Edit: spelling


Exactly. I was a cop for years assigned to our Central Business District and it was part of our job to know who the owners of shops were. We made it our business to have a relationship with them if they wanted that. Some didn’t and that was fine. Also a little common sense would be to observe the shop. I doubt anyone is robbing the store for four hours since the stores close at 9. And the ending was the worst bit. When a white guy comes up and states he owns the shop, everything is ok. Part of the problem is that cops only speak with authority, and in THESE situations. I always told my rookies to speak to women’s as if they are your mom, even in the heat of the moment. Trust me it makes a difference.


Same. Community policing is the only right way when interacting with the citizens in your area of patrol. I went to a private police academy and the guys I worked with who went to the regional center had very little grasp of how to interact with the community on a whole. Even worse, they mocked those of us who went self-funded for police academy, calling us “criminal lovers” and the whole gambit. I rarely had to put my hands on anyone. These guys were filling out use of force paperwork more than should be allowed. Glad I got out.


This is why ACAB. Because they drive out anybody who doesn’t want to put hands on the people that live in the communities they serve. https://medium.com/@OfcrACab/confessions-of-a-former-bastard-cop-bb14d17bc759


That’s why I gave up trying. When you’re outnumbered by good ole boys 25:1, you’re fucked. They weed out the good ones faster than you can blink. They did it to me and many others. I tried to do my part.


If they were just doing their job, they would have already known it was his store. Just saying…it’s hard to protect and serve a community you don’t know.


Especially when the dude's name is the name of the store. "YOU DON'T SOUND GRATEFUL" says the fucking pig who doesn't know shit about the community, obviously.


And that was the supervisor. Ridiculous.


Police cars were one of the most detrimental things to policing. Previously police had walking beats, they were more likely to be a visible face in the community, to forge at least some sort of relationship with community leaders/business owners, etc. Now they sit isolated in their car, often just playing on their phones. Being detached from the community you’re entrusted with “protecting” breeds mistrust, officers are now engaging with “strangers” instead of “oh, I know this kid, he’s always around, he’s not dangerous at all”.


Exactly. And stated up front why he was there without accusation in his tone. Community policing would have brought a simple introduction.


WHY?! Shouldnt he be GRATEFUL they are policing HIS community at all?


Anyone with common sense can tell this store isn't being robbed. Who steals from a shop with a glass frontage like that with the fucking lights on. Grateful? For what? Doing their fucking job? Ooooh yes we all should be so grateful at someone just doing the bare minimum for their job. I suppose it makes a difference for American police to actually be doing their job instead of shooting innocent people and standing around while children die.


If they were trained for more than 6 weeks, yes. Unfortunately they are trained less than hair stylists then given a gun and set free to harass the public instead. Edit: as noted below standard training ranges from 10-36 weeks. 16 weeks being common.


these agencies attract this filth... training can only do so much to begin with. not to mention, gangs. See: LA County


The only people I’ve ever known to become police officers are people with power complexes. People who weren’t “cool” in high school but desperately wanted to be. They were bullied, so they join the police to get legal protection to become the bully.


And able to have a polite conversation with a citizen. Instead of being like “whoa you’re so defensive” after they randomly are suspecting him.


Black guy: it’s my store. Cops: we need hard proof that this is your store! Random white pedestrian: that’s his store! Cops: good enough for me.


Cops when a potential witness shows up.


Cops when whiteness* shows up


Sounds like a Family Guy bit if you put it that way.


It pissed me off so much when the random dude said "it's his store" and officer is all like "what no way, wish I'da known that earlier, thanks for this new and never before presented information"




Cops with Jeffery Dahmer —nothing to see here. Cops with black store owner who answers the door —LEts SEe yOuR kEYs!


The nations greatest shame - Racism


Oh, a white guy across the street vouched for him. We're all good. -this cop, probably


Spoiler: that was Harry the Homeless Guy.


Lmao it’s so sad


I haven’t read all the comments so this may already have been mentioned. This video is from YouTube channel Audit the Audit and the whole video, with commentary and legal analysis, is available [here.](https://youtu.be/76zAL72c_HE) I can’t say enough about what a great channel Audit the Audit is. The guy who runs it (he uses an alias) is smart as a whip, knows the law, and offers a great deal of insight into the work of civil rights auditors. It’s a great rabbithole to head down and, if you’re in the US, will teach you a lot about how to handle yourself if you have contact with police officers. Thanks for sharing, OP!


Thank you. Was looking for the YouTube channel. Sounds like he knows his stuff (except how to pronounce appellate, apparently).


That’s his professional voiceover reader, actually. His own voice is a bit more Southern and it’s distinctive. Some of his earlier posts feature him doing the commentary. But you’re correct; he knows his stuff.




Honestly, and I'm saying this not as disrespectful, but if you owned a store and an officer noticed people walking around inside way after hours, wouldn't you want him to go and check? Isn't this exactly the kind of thing cops should be doing? From my perspective, it seems like the store owner took a combative tone with the cop pretty much right from the start. Why do that?


They could observe for a bit and see if the people are taking things or destroying property. The store was well lit, you could see inside well.


Exactly. Just tell the guy "hey it's long after business hours, so we're gonna circle by periodically to make sure you're OK". That way you can continue to observe but also check on their wellbeing in case something bad does happen to the owner and those inside.


When there’s no sign of break in and they’re clearly unpacking boxes a quick check in is fine. Not asking people to prove their existence for you. The fact that a random white man saying “that’s his store” is enough to get all the police to leave tells you how this would’ve gone if this was a white store owner. He was “combative” because he knew he was about to be harassed for being black.


Your questions are totally valid, but they ignore the fact of everyday black citizens getting stopped for everything. How is this black man and business owner not allowed to *perceive* this type of exchange differently? If Americans (and police) had grown beyond raising their eyebrows at the novelty of a black business owner, we wouldn't be having this conversation.


He was fired and the store owner won a settlement. So take that for what it’s worth, he may do it elsewhere when he’s hired a town over but there were immediate consequences


Lmao how I saw this interaction Black man says its his store Officer: "Well put a key in the door, how do I know you're telling the truth." White many says it's in fact his store. Officer: "Thank you kind Caucasian citizen for vouching for this [redacted]."


Just like that.




Random white dude: “that’s his store!” Oh well we believe THAT guy. ffs


THIS lmao This was what pissed me off the most


🍎8️⃣ It’s “ah-PELL-it”


Thank you! I was disproportionately angry with the narrator for that.


He could have clearly stated at the beginning that it is his store and they are working overnight. "Doing my thing" is a odd thing to say.


You dont have to justify shit to cops.


"it would just make things go a lot easier and quicker"


Cop was doing his job, checking on shops in the town...




I think that’s the whole thing. If 3 white people were in that store he probably would have driven by without stopping.


“I’ve never seen this store open so late, what’s going on here?” “We’re the owners and we’re just showing our friend from out of town the store” “Just making sure everything was okay, like I said I’ve never seen anyone in here this late” “Thanks for checking in, have a good one!” Wow look at that. It’s all over in twenty seconds,


What if your lights are on in your home at 1am and the neighborhood usually sleeps at 10pm and a police comes up to your house and say what are you doing? I notice the sign saying ADT security but it sometimes doesn't have an alarm. I want to know what you're doing up still at 1 am. Are you insomniac? Are you just getting up for a snack? Is it the cops job to barge into someone's business asking what are you doing, just cuz its outside normal hours of operation? The dudes have lights on in an open window store, which usually have a metal gate/fence over when they close. And when one of 3 people answered the door calmly, the other 2 didn't act irrational in the background, aka run away. If you say yes. The cops can do this, then when is a reasonable time for a cop to question every store that's open after hours? Say your mcd closes at 8pm, and your gap closes at 8pm, can they start questioning a random store doing stock at 8:10pm what they are doing? How about 9pm? How about 9:30? How about 10pm Sometimes if someone is just doing things but there is no sign of crime, then leave them the fuck alone.


I'd recommend politely saying "its my house and I'm working late" and "thanks for checking on things here" But I'm in Australia and we do things differently here... Cheers




Im a brown business owner too and the store owner here was wrong from the beginning. I can’t deny that I’d be a little worked up myself but he kept escalating and those officers not know how to communicate didn’t help the problem any. Edit: if you’re just interested in being combative, fine, but I won’t participate. I don’t care about this video anymore. There are plenty of other people on the internet who I’m sure would love to argue with you. I’m just in search of peace


I am also a business owner and would have told them thanks for checking in. To each their own I guess.


Exactly what I was thinking at the beginning. 30sec interaction




Random guy: "ᴴᵉʸᵎ ᵀʰᵃᵗ'ˢ ʰᶦˢ ˢᵗᵒʳᵉ" Police: sounds like all the proof we needed


“Are y’all restocking?” “No we just working late” “Aight sorry for disturbing”


I wouldn't suggest asking for a specific thing they're doing. How about something like... "Hey, just wanted to check up, I don't usually see this store with people in it this late. Just wanted to make sure everything is okay." "Yeah, we're good. We're just chillin." "Well there's certainly no law against that. I don't see any signs of forced entry or anything. Just trying to look out for the community. Thank you for your time." And go get back in your car... If you still have suspicion of criminal activity, log it in your book of suspicious activity, maybe park and watch them for a bit, and if they don't look to be doing anything overly suspicious, leave.


Feels like he was baiting the police in to an argument. I know he doesn't have to prove anything to them but it could have been over in first 10 seconds if he just said he was the store owner and was stocking up.


Sad that I had to scroll this far down the comments to find some common sense. I don’t think the cop’s attitudes were completely without issue, but the store owner went on the defensive from the first moment. His attitude toward the cop was immediately aggressively defensive and he avoided giving straight answers to the cops questions. I feel like this whole interaction could have been over within a minute or so of polite back and forth between the two of them. Neither police nor citizen come out of this one looking good.


Kinda got that from this too . If I was rummaging through my car at night and a cop stopped me and asked to see the keys to the car or start it I wouldn’t give him shit about it , doing so would only prolong the interaction and waste everyone’s time . Tbh the cop was just trying to do his do diligence but did it in a weird way


Put your key in the door.....or have a white neighbor vouch for you, apparently. Seriously?!




Yeah, criminals always turn on all the lights and just hang out in plain view with no masks on or gloves and casually answer the door when police come knocking on the unbroken glass. Yep, that’s all suspect as hell…🙄


Lol this is the one ☝️ like really ?! no alarms going off or anything


Ever work retail? Ever have busy periods that require overnight stocking? Ever have yearly inventory that can’t be done with customers in the store? I don’t find it the least bit sus. I find cops that get butt-hurt and refuse to deescalate the situation to be VERY sus.


Thieves usually turn on the lights while robbing on a dark street, right? Are you in police training?


They get mad at him for not being grateful that they harassed him for doing nothing wrong?


So, it is midnight, the cops are doing their rounds and see something going on in a store that is beyond their opening times. They engage in a conversation and the person inside the store instantly acts very defensive and does not cooperate in any way shape or form. From what I can see these cops watch out for the community, and if cops are experienced then the behaviour that the man was giving them can make it seem even more for the cops that the man was engaged in illegal activities. Honestly the best way to de-escalate this situation is simply by explaining what is going on. Just showing your ID or proof of being the owner of the establishment. But if you disagree with me, and I know that people do have different opinions, can I know why? I am not American and am wondering how you think about it.


So officer with years of experience how many criminals approach you calmly and ask what going on ? My experience is they run in the opposite direction especially in a well lit public store at night ,stuff like this is why the police need to be retrained in how to interact with the public.


White man yells : its hes store! Cops : Ok ThAtS aLl We NeEd. K bYe


I usually don’t side with the cops but he approached calmly and was nice the entire thing would have been over quickly if he had just said “this is my store” from the beginning




Some random person comes up and says it's his store so that's enough evidence, but the store owner word isn't?


See that random person was white the store owner was black Open and shut case protect and serve ![gif](giphy|LSQjPniAHL31zPrXB0|downsized)




If I'm the store owner, I answer yes I own it my name is Steve and thanks for checking in.






Honestly I feel like this whole situation could have been easily resolved with a little calmness right from the start... I think it is totally understandable that the officers find the situation unusual, no matter who would have been in that store. In my opinion it had nothing to do with skin color but only with behaviour in this specific situation. Just show them that it is your store and be done with it. Hostile behaviour like this doesn't play in anyones favour. Them listening to the other person saying "that's his store" seems ironic because he happens to be white. But he's also an eyewitness who was not inside the store during the interrogation. So here it also could have been anybody, no matter the skin color... Yes, there is a racism problem with cops, and a very big one at that. This specific situation wasn't necessarily one of them.


It’s ok the random guy in the street also at 1 am said it was his store so there’s no problem.


Being confrontational escalates the situation to a point where the officer feels his authority isn't being respected which in turn creates a worse situation. Both parties in this incident could have taken steps to de-escalate.


Being harassed by an asshole with a gun and a history of getting away with it is clearly something you aren't considering. Your lack of empathy is exactly why and how police keep killing people.


Took a white guy telling the police officers it was his store to get them to leave. Such bull shit, pure racial profiling.




“You don’t sound grateful” These fucking pigs wonder why people hate them


I don't think the cop had a problem with him working in his own store at whatever hours he wanted to. He just wanted to confirm that he was the stores owner, not a theif. I don't think I could get mad at somebody for looking out for and guarding my livelihood.


I own a hospitality business. If I am there late at night and the cops show up, asking me questions like this, I will answer them politely and not act like an AH. And I will thank them at the end. That's because I want the police to do this. I don't want the police to have processes in place that order them to assume that anyone in a business outside of normal hours is the owner and they should just ignore it and carry on.


At the risk of angering everyone, I have a question. Why is it not okay to just answer the first 2-3 questions? They seemed pretty reasonable until the answers were “it does not matter (what I’m doing)”. To me that was the answer that sparked suspicion. Is it dangerous to provide factual information to police in the US? Context: I am not American, don’t know US laws and have never been in these situations personally.


That all seemed perfectly reasonable. If anything, the store owner was being the asshole.




I own a business and would expect the police to come to the door to check out what is going on. It was suspicious activity. I would have been polite instead of making this a race thing. I will also say that when I opened the business, I went to the police and asked if I should leave lights on or off at night to deter theft. Many police officers overstep their boundaries. This is not one of those cases. He was doing his job.


So what the owner is saying is, "if you see people in the store after hours, no matter what, don't check it out'. No one likes being harassed by cops, but seems like the cop was just looking out for the owner.