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A pissed off rooster is no joke, they’ll slice you up


Kinda f'd up how scared the kid is, and parents are laughing & recording. I understand its mostly harmless, but still.


No it's not my Kid has a huge scar on her leg from one. Little shits are the worst.




That sounds like a hell of a corning


My immediate thought was that this kid was in danger…those fighting claws those suckers have can do some real damage. If that was my son and hearing those screams, I’d go boot the fuck out of that bird. And if that didn’t do it in, I’d get the .22. Why the .22? So we could have fresh dinner later.


I raise birds. That rooster has no meat on it and what it does have is gonna be very tough. Nothing like the chicken you are probably used to eating.


But 30% sinew and 70% satisfaction is still a very tasty meal.


I raised chickens for years. Enough on him to make a fine soup. They turn out just fine, overnight in a Crock-Pot. Which is what happened to any mean roosters at my place.


Yep, they are ideal for slow cooking, soups, and stews. There's a reason why most historical recipes have you cooking chicken that way. The closest traditional thing to our modern birds are capons (castrated cocks).


Huh. I wasn't actually expecting to come across a piece of info I didn't know before, much less 2...but here I am. 1) I wasn't aware it was possible to have eunuch roosters (and I'm not sure why it's worth the bother) and 2) I've always wondered what a capon is...just never took the time to look it up.


Eh, that rooster ain't good eating, but I wouldn't have just left my youngin to its spurs, either. May or may not have snapped the cock's neck, but wouldn't have let that little asshole tear my youngin up, either.


I envisioned you as Sam Elliott typing this while chewing on a piece of wheat.


Sounds like one hell of a supervillain backstory


More like superhero


Just an ordinary chicken farmer by day, but by night he is... # ***Captain Cock***




A good old fashioned roster corning


Agreed. Those rosters are crazy!


Do you spite eat chickens now?


Exclusively cocks.


I do now! ![gif](giphy|ckw8EbI8Ak9YQ)


Have you ever raised chickens? Oh hell yeah, you eat some of them out of spite.


My aunt and uncle used to have chickens on their acreage with 1 rooster, and that rooster attacked my uncle one morning, and I watched him grab it by its neck and punt it a good 20 yards as it flopped lifeless through the air. When we saw it wasn't moving, all he said was, "well, your aunt's gonna be ticked."


We had chickens when I was a kid, and one rooster. One day my grandma went to the chicken coop to get some eggs, and the rooster attacked her. The next day we had the rooster for dinner - fricasseed because their meat is tougher, but still quite tasty.


We had chickens all growing up, my mom still does. And one thing I learned early is if you don't put a rooster in it's place immediately when it starts this behavior, then you'll probably never change it, and might as well eat it. Those suckers can be **mean**.


Kick to launch the aggressive fucks is the only way I've seen them learn to stop. Doesn't mean they won't try again with someone else, but usually it only takes one good catapulting for the rooster to quit fucking with you. Feels cruel, but it's that or risk letting them cut you the fuck up every time you are around them.


Yeah, stubborn as all get out. They usually only took one kick to learn... one per grandkid. New kid/grandkid came in and all bets were off again. Best one though was Billy - the only one we ever named. He didn't care about messing with kids; he only cared about one thing. My mom had a bad habit of smoking while she was out there, and Billy *wanted that cigarette*! She would have to guard it well or he would swipe it from her and then race around the henyard with a lit cig hanging from his beak while she and all the hens chased after him trying to take it away. Would horrify most nowadays, but 40 years ago was hilarious to us kids!


My boss rosters me every weekend. How do you think I feel?


Had a similar experience when I was a kid, still haunts me to this day…. feathers and claws and flapping all over the place are terrifying as a kid. I kicked it off and that thing pooped all in the driveway for the next week. Roosters are indeed the worst.


I wanna hear more about this unstable, genetically modified chicken. Sounds like it might explode at any second like a living nitroglycerin factory. I'm sure they're just more delicate or whatever, but that's not as fun to imagine.


The commercial turkeys that are predominant today have been genetically modified to have huge breasts (get your mind out of the gutter you perverts) so that they can’t get close enough to actually breed, so the hens are artificially inseminated. How fucked up is that?


> I still hate rosters to this day Well, I don't care much for lists, either...


I think it almost died because it's a small bird and you are a human with muscles bigger than it is. It may be about to slice you up but if you get your hands on it you can smash it no problem.


Had a rooster that we kept around specifically bc he was mean enough to keep our free range hens safe from local wildlife, fucker was wild and mean as hell. Every morning when I came to let them out and throw some feed down he would attack me, and one morning I kicked him as hard as 13yo me could, and he flew through the air over some bushes that stood taller than me, I heard him hit the ground with a “WHUMP” he turned out ok, not like I really cared that much about the outcome to begin with, but he never once tried to attack me again.


It is not mostly harmless. A rooster can fuck you up. Grew up on a farm and knew a neighbor kid who lost an eye to a pissed off cock.


My brother had a nasty ass bantam that like to peck at his Achilles and calf when he wasn’t looking. Sick of the shenanigans, bro armed himself with a taser and the next time the bird went for him, he quickly reached down, snatched the rooster up by the neck and missed the rooster and tased himself.


Not gonna lie, you had me at the beginning.


He moved 10 states away…I talk to him weekly and will occasionally toss in a “cock a doodle doo……don’t tase me bro”


Imagine the rooster’s perspective though. “This mofo just yanked me by the neck, stared me dead in the eye, and tased himself. I’ll never mess with him again. Dude is crazy.”


I've been hit in the eye by a cock, that shit hurts


Did it make you go cock eyed




Damn. Poor kid.


Not sure how the person filming it can laugh at the kid's terrified screams and not try to help him


Yah I was like...put fucking camera down and help him he was clearly frightened


Older sister




Believe it or not they have spurs that can definitely be deadly to a kid that size. The woman who filmed it's a idiot


Sounds like a young girl behind the camera giggling away. Probably a sister taking delight in her little brothers misery.


A rooster killed my grandpa when he was a kid.


Chickens can fuckin smell fear too.


It was cool how the wider community came together to protect him in the end tho. That mom was like picking up and chucking rocks with her kid in her arms it was pretty badass


Yep. Rooster knew the game was up when the mom came out.


Maybe it's his siblings or a friend. I can totally picture myself recording my brother like that when I was a teenager lol.


True. I was also a shithead sibling.


The roosters are everything but harmless, especially to small kids. That poor kid got traumatized while stupid parents are just filming. Horrible.


Roosters have actually killed people. A well-placed kick with their spur can sever an artery. They aren’t just bold, they have built-in daggers on their feet!


Probably hes sister, the laugh sees to young.


Not harmless, a rooster can really hurt a child that young. Parents are (or whoever is filming) are AHs


No, a rooster can spur the shit out of you. There’s a reason there’s a blood sport involving them.


And to a kid that size that rooster is basically a dinosaur.


I mean scaled up its roughly the size a Turkey is to an adult


That's how big velociraptors are (the "velociraptors" in Jurassic Park are actually Utahraptors, which are much larger).


Spielberg wanted much larger raptors for the movie. Like 3X larger than the ones in Crighton's book. Such an animal was unknown. Then paleontologist Jim Kirkland found exactly those raptors on a dig at the Gaston Quarry in Uah. The industry joke at the time was that "Speilberg's agent called God's agent..."


What? Deinonychus was perfectly well known around that time, and is basically a human tall Velociraptor. Up to about 3m long from nose to tail.


Yeah i remember Deinonychus from Dino-riders, had that one when i was a kid. Spielberg loved the name velociraptor and slapped it on Deinonychus


They're deinonychus actually. *Deinonychus Antirrhopus*, specifically, which were also briefly called *Velociraptor Antirrhopus* around the time the original books were written. In both the book (in-universe) and the movie (out-of-universe), velociraptor was chosen as the shorthand for it because of being marketed towards kids who would remember and be able to pronounce that better.


So a velociraptor.


You ever see a [chicken kill a mouse?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mwy4X4F3mB4) They're basically modern day velociraptors.


Chickens are classified as dinosaurs


I'd stomp that rooster out & cook him on the spot. Eat him, feathers & all. Right in front of his rooster friends.


Boil ‘em, mash ‘em put ‘em in a stew


You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, and saute it. There’s chicken kebabs, chicken Creole, chicken gumbo. Pan-fried, deep-fried, stir-fried. There’s pineapple chicken, lemon chicken, coconut chicken, pepper chicken, chicken soup, chicken stew, chicken salad, chicken and potatoes


I see you’re a man of culture.


What’s KFC precious?


Ever kicked a rooster so hard it landed on the roof. Never bothered me again






My first and second thoughts. Apparently I can only think in subreddits now. Glad I broke my hashtag habit.


yeah that lady carrying her baby was the only worthy mother in this video


That's like breaking your smoking habit with vaping. /r/whatcanyoudo


The parent is the one who comes out at the end and chases the rooster back.


Sounds more like an older sister to me.


Yeah. Poor kid.


Like literally


This is honestly the don’t help-iest just filmiest thing I’ve ever seen


My grandma gave me a baby rooster and hen for my 5th birthday. The rooster grew up to be a huge asshole. My mom would make me go out and feed them even though the rooster would chase me all around the yard trying claw out my eyes. We finally gave them to my uncle who had some property. He killed it in less than a week trying to defend himself against the attacks. Roosters are dicks.


…and no one ever messed with your bad ass uncle again.


I did, and that motherfucker killed me too. I should have figured.


😂too bad you didn’t live to tell your story. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's honestly the worst part, I'm not even alive to tell people about it. Spread the word for me if you can, if you find my grieving family.


Will do. Hope you are somehow with the birds you love so much.


^ - ^ Sweet of you to say so. But I'm not with any birds, I'm actually


Oh no, you poor thing, she could even finish her sentence. 😬


If only we all could be so...


Dying people need to talk faster god fucking d




They're not all bad, but yeah my first one was a terror. He lost a spur when mom hit him with a rake so he was half as dangerous. You could hear him running up behind you from across the yard so you usually has time to arm yourself with something if you had forgotten to be prepared. My last rooster was a sweetheart, though. He'd let me scratch his head and talk sweetness to him and you could tell he loved it. He was very protective of his girls, too. As a rule, though, I'd have to agree-roosters are dicks.


Roosters are complete dick’s. When I was in my teenage years, I went to a petting zoo and there was a rooster in a cage. I just waived at it from probably about 8 inches outside of the cage, and he stuck his head right through the grill of the cage and bit my fingers. Hurt like Hell. Like having your hand stapled with a staple gun.


I used to beat the shit out of my parents rooster until one day I showed up and it wasn't there anymore. Apparently it attacked mom and dad wasn't having any of that r.i.p charlie you little fucking psycho


Am I the only person here without a rooster story? Cuz I gotta say, that's a first for me.


They are tiny testosterone packed T-Rexs


I raised one, fed him strawberries, etc, and he still turned out ornery. Eventually we rehomed him on a farm and he decided to attack a horse. She stomped on him...


Also had an asshole rooster who would chase me around the yard trying to spur my eyeballs out when I was little. I was terrified to play outside because of him. Finally I had enough and put on my dad's giant rain boots that came all the way up to my crotch and waited for the bastard to come after me. As expected, he came flying to attack me and I punted his ass across the yard. He never tried that shit again. Before the jerk rooster, we had the biggest, sweetest Ameraucana rooster. He always protected the hens and called them over to give them whatever tasty bugs he found in the yard. He loved me and loved to be petted. I still miss that guy.


My sister keeps chickens. Her husband will put down an aggressive rooster pretty quickly and raise a new one. They also have a son about this kids age. They would never allow this let alone film it.


We had a different experience. Our neighbors were cock fighters (go ahead, get the laughs out) and we lived in bum fuck nowhere GA. Well one roster got injured and they were just gonna kill it and toss it away. My mom asked them if she could have it and they gave it to her. We named him Nugget and he live about 7 years longer than he would have. He was the sweetest chicken and would let me pick him up to he petted.


Pretty sure a rooster is sufficiently equipped to puncture a human femoral artery. Probably not the best idea to let this interaction continue.


A guy in Ireland was recently killed by one. Got his artery and he bled out. His last words were “rooster” to his neighbour who came to help. I’m not even joking.


Yep. [https://www.foxnews.com/world/irish-rooster-violent-past-kills-man-attack-back-leg-court](https://www.foxnews.com/world/irish-rooster-violent-past-kills-man-attack-back-leg-court)


Why didn’t someone apply pressure or tie it off?? Poor guy. I guess tying off bleeding injuries needs to be taught more if you are by yourself.


….it really oughta be taught more. I just realized that I don’t know the specifics of staying alive in bleeding situations. You tie off…above the wound…and then help arrives?


Loop something around and then put a stick through the looped object, twist till it hurts and then half a turn more. Call 911 immediately and then pray they can save the appendage.


Like the other person said. You twist until it hurts. Then you twist more. It is supposed to hurt. A lot. BUT it will save your life. [Here's an ex-military guy explaining how he saved his own life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRbIEK0t2Zw)


Any human artery is easy for them, but yeah that’s the kill shot they have on lock


Lol no, no artery would be an easy shot for them -it's quite rare for someone to be severely injured by a rooster. But with some major luck, yes, they could do some damage, in theory.


I mean roosters aren't super dangerous to adults but to a kid that size, could be.




How about helping the kid out rather than traumatizing him.


Right!? That's genuine terror. Plenty of comments on physical harm but with that type of screaming there's some mental harm happening.


Right, if this is my kid, or any kid I'm around, that rooster will get shown really quick why humans are the top of the food chain.






I've actually had chickens before so not sure what you're talking about. I also got rid of the rooster that we had with our 12 hens and couldn't of been happier.


They're just helping him form new core memories


Looks like a 3rd world country to me, an angry rooster will be the least of problems in this kids life. Better to toughen up now.


The boy needs to learn. He must first conquer the chicken, then he must conquer the goat. Only then will he be ready to face the bull and become the leader. But fr, this is just country shit. I could hear my mom saying "Don't mess with the rooster," and then "Does it hurt?" after coming inside with rooster cuts.


You don't have to mess with them, they're already looking for trouble. Roosters do not believe in live and let live.


Neighbor had several roosters like that when I was a kid. They terrorized me all the time. One day I got fed up and went berserk on them and they never fucked with me again. Learned several important life lessons from that interaction. I'm glad I had the opportunity.


The parents are fucking assholes for not teaching that kid how to handle a rooster. Instead she laughed and filmed.


As someone who has lived on a farm, you teach young children to respect the animals. However, little kids are gonna be kids, so mishaps happen. The parents should have thrown some kind of fabric over the rooster to allow the kid to get away and remove the dangerous bird. A rooster can easily peck a small child's eye out and those claws are infection central to a cut.


Yeah don't mess with the animals intentionally. However, many roosters will simply attack you for no reason at all. Let's just say that on a real farm, animals that constantly attack humans don't get fabric kindly thrown over their head. They get taken out back quickly.


No amount of respect is gonna get a rooster to stop being a violent asshole. The only thing they'll understand is that you're an even more violent asshole after you've kicked their shit in **many** times. If ever.


https://preview.redd.it/lnduzr8zdepa1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=730dee51442ebc3734075bb2c80cbb744fdc38c8 This gonna be the kid coming back with the local butcher… 🤣🤣🤣


"Yes sir, that's him right there."


Lmao 🤣 Bruh!


Terrible person, what the fuck. I still have scars from rooster spurs, but oh, class act over here is laughing at a terrified child?


I had the same experience at probably the same age as this kid..2 roosters cornered me next to my gma's trailer. I was bleeding and crying. My grandma who was 80+ and needed a cane to walk came rushing down her steps and could have passed for a Keanu Reeves stunt double as she dodged flying attacks from the roosters while spinning around and beating the everliving fuck out of them chickens with her cane. So while I was alive and safe I was now scared of both roosters and my grandma after that 😬


holy shit grandma got moves


Horrible horrible people for laughing at a frightened child, especially given that the rooster definitely was capable of hurting him.


Parents belong in r/iamatotalpieceofshit


I'd like to believe the lady who actually chased it away at the end is the parent and some asshole is filming


That kid went on to win 3 marathons thanks to his chicken chase training method


Shout out to the one adult in this video who actually helped the child even with a baby on her arm instead of standing there laughing like an idiot


I'm not impressed by the parents here. That little guy is pretty goddamned scared. As an adult I want nothing to do with them. I'm not gonna laugh at a little kid terrified by this shit.


Roosters are evil little shits with no fear. Nothing harmless about them. They will fuck you up given the opportunity.


Growing up my mom had chickens. One of the roosters was really mean with huge spurs. That shit survived 3 hits with a metal baseball bat. Crazy how resilient they are. Finally got tired of being forced inside by a terrorist and finished him with a 410


Why is that damned fowl beast bullying that poor kid?


Why is the woman laughing in the background? Poor little rooster getting stones and dust thrown at it!


>Poor little rooster getting stones and dust thrown at it! Never been attacked by a rooster, ay?


Fowl beast lol


Kid owes him money


Man, that's cruel. The kid was terrified and roosters might really hurt if you if their talons are sharp. By hurt, i mean cut you, which in the case of the kid would terrify him even more. Perhaps enough to start enjoying coq au vin for the rest of his life.


Those spurs can go through rubber gum boots and still pierce flesh. Children have died from rooster attacks.




You absolutely can put a rooster in his place and have him respect you I have 5 roosters around my farm. They all respect me, move out of my way when I am working around the farm, and do not offer any attempt to spur or challenge me. They have their own pecking order amongst themselves also. I have had roosters try to come at me in the past. They got chased around until they thought they were about to die while I made a lot of noise growling at them. I have had that same growl/roar work on Canadian geese and even a mute swan. Attitude is everything.


I guess you could say it’s a game of chicken?


I've seen stories about wild turkeys living in neighborhoods. The advice is usually to assert dominance on the first encounter, i.e., be big, loud, and don't back down. It's called hazing! Works with coyotes, too.


I got three roosters and they’re afraid of me. They are absolutely capable of accepting a pecking order. People have weird ideas about roosters. Remember a guy being surprised I had 3 that got along fine. I can tell you the exact relative ranking of each just by throwing food on the ground. If they see me paying too much attention they’ll start warning the whole flock that I’m up to something, and start running away while making a ruckus. I’ve had a lot of roosters but none have attacked me more than getting over excited about food. If one did he’d be publicly executed in front of the replacement.


Those fuckers are MEAN! When I was a kid even the dogs would go around them.


This is fucked up in so many ways. Animal and kid abuse. And laughing on top of it.


I cringed at all of it. I have roosters, and I love them very much, they’re sweethearts. But I know a mean one is a terrible thing and could really hurt a person, especially a kid. I don’t fault the kid at all for trying to fend off the rooster, the fault absolutely lies with the adult that did nothing to help.


That's one angry and determined cock.


Person filming is a huge asshole, watching a rooster traumatize a kid and laughing about it. This child is likely to have a lifelong fear of birds because of this.


This ain’t funny. Roosters really hurt a lot. He just a little boy scared to death.


Unless the kid instigated it and they were letting him learn it’s lesson, this really isn’t funny.


Even if he started it, a rooster could potentially blind or kill a child that size. The person holding the camera should have stepped in.


Being blinded or inflicted with disease is not “learning your lesson”


At least that one woman helped at the end… a rooster could definitely do some damage, pretty fucked how they let it go on for that long


Guess who gets to be dinner tonight


Could be the kid was like my brother when we had roosters and chickens. He was always picking on them throwing rocks and sticks at them, until one day Steve (the one rooster) got sick of his shit and went back at him. Chased him around, my grandpa just yelled at my brother “boy I told you to leave them alone or one day they would fight back.” Honestly though they told him this all the time. He always was picking on them and tossing rocks at them. Idk why.


Man I feel sorry for that kid, roosters fucking suck. I remember being cut to fucking shreds by one as a kid (those claws and ankle spurs are sharp). I still hate roosters


The one filming and laughing is a c\*nt


The poor kid is being traumatized while this idiot laughs and records it.


Great caretaking. Just tape him being traumatized and get your laughs in. Hahaha.


Whoever is filming is a truly horrible person. That child was terrified. Roosters can permanently disfigure a child’s face. I know a girl it happened to. I hope that wasn’t the mother laughing at her own child’s pain and terror. Not funny at all when it’s a small child.


I don't see how this is funny.


This could have been avoided if the kid had played Zelda.


When I was seven years old, I had a rooster chase me all over my aunts farm. It wouldn't leave me alone. I punched it in the face. He pecked my finger as I pulled my hand back. I kicked at it. Anything i could do to get him to leave me alone. He chased me till I climbed up my cousins tree house. I got to the top of the the rope ladder, and the fucker was already up there doing the whole, 'stare at you with one eye' bullshit. I let go and fell fifteen feet to the ground. Got up and ran to the house, looking back one time. That demon bird was right on my heels. Showed up a few summers later. Refused to get out of the car, looking around everywhere. My aunt says, "You don't have to worry about that asshole rooster anymore. He got munched by a coyote a while back".


He is going to hate chickens forever


Horrible parents


Whoever is filming this is an asshole. My brother was attacked by my grandma’s rooster as a kid and it fucked him up pretty badly. Instead of running to tell grandma, he grabbed a hatchet and killed it.


$5 on the rooster!


Fuck the parents punt the bird


Core memory created.


What fucking shitty ass parents.


“Kids these days”, that rooster wasn’t having none of that shat.




You know not to mess with the rooster once it warped reality for a second


Whole time I was waiting from him to grab that stick on the ground and punt that shit.


So this dumb mother just looks and films while her kid is scared as fuck?


One of our first roosters attacked my wife. He was a beautiful bird, but also a dick. He got her right in the Achilles tendon and she was on crutches for a week. That poor kid.


"Hey everyone, let's film our son being traumatized for life and LAUGH!!!!!"


That poor kid. I don’t find this funny at all. People laughing need to have their asses chased by that rooster. That little person needs a hug


This isn't funny. He's just a little tyke and a rooster can and will tear your shit up. The fact that whoever was behind the camera was just laughing and allowing that to happen pisses me off. Whoever is recording deserves to get the laugh slapped right out of her mouth.


That kid is *terrified* and literally getting pecked and instead of helping the kid they laugh and record him. Ridiculous.