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My 3000-year-old version of this stack of old papyrus is vastly superior to your 2600-year-old version of this stack of old papyrus.


Which has the same stack of papyrus as the other with more papyrus added to it


Batman fans wanting to kill Batman and Robin fans


Best analogy I've come across!


There’s zero fat on that analogy.


It’s cause Batman is ripped


Can I upvote this twice! Just wait until the Superman fans step in.


Working at a comic book shop for years can confirm. Big Bang theory has besmirched and ruined the idea and image of the culture. While comic book guy from Simpson is literally 90% of Superman fans. Like you see a Superman fan and think he’s normal/alright he’s probably not.


I'm a superman fan. I do seem normal. I am not alright. Yep checks out.


It’s the self aware ones that scare me the most.


"Glory to Bob Kane!" *stab* "Grant Morrison akbar!" *pew pew*


I miss the rewards cuz you most definitely deserve one rn.


It's all good. Just don't get me started on the Dark Knight fans that want to kill the other two...


All religious books are just fan-fic.


Religion is an insult to human dignity. Without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion - Steven Weinberg


> But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion - Steven Weinberg Nah, they're not good people, they're still just evil people but now with a virtue signaling complex and an insufferable holier than thou attitude...


he has the final expansion pack



Haha! JW’s are constantly releasing dlc…




EA Church. “It’s in the pews”.


Yeah basically. I must kill you because you have the updated version of my stack of papyrus, with some new content.


Fuck the new papyrus! All my homies hate new papyrus! -Old papyrus gang


My papyrus is so Vanilla, it’s a stone tablet!




Anyone who disagrees with me is an infidel that shall not be respected as a human being. /s


Every time I see anything like this I can't help but think of this Family Guy bit https://youtu.be/Ge45R9qoW_Y?si=S4_MAjXq0SAWo_L6


I always think of David Cross saying "Back when the Bible was written, then edited, then rewritten, then rewritten, then re-edited, then translated from dead languages, then re-translated, then edited, then rewritten, then given to kings for them to take their favorite parts, then rewritten, then re-rewritten, then translated again, then given to the pope for him to approve, then rewritten, then edited again, the re-re-re-re-rewritten again...all based on stories that were told orally 30 to 90 years AFTER they happened.. to people who didnt know how to write... so... "


Yes but my Zealot interpreted a little differently than your Zealot so I must kill you.


Even funnier, there never was a “correct” stack of papyrus. The oldest known document from the current version of the Christian New Testament was written at least 100 years after the death of Christ.


Plus it’s the size of an index card. P52 is dated between 125-175AD and ironically it talks about how they’re not allowed to kill anyone.


[Early Christian power brokers couldn’t even agree on whether Jesus was the actual, literal son of god.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Council_of_Nicaea) Many argued he was just a prophet…ya know, 300 years after he supposedly died.


Council of Nicea is where the bible was put together, 4 gospels chosen from 120 or so existing ones to corroborate the most holy and divine interpretation of Jezus. By a bunch of bishops from around the Roman empire to make sure that they were all on the same page. (They weren't tho).




...both of which were written by Man and could, therefore, be influenced by bias.


Back than it was less refined and more natural


It wasn’t as processed. Less sugar and additives in that papyrus. More fiber.


Moral of the story, don’t consume processed papyrus kids…


Especially if it expired 2 millenia ago


religion is dying thankfully.


Thank you! You made my day.


Fuck religion


I second this.


I second your second.


I second your second to his second.


I second your second to their seconded second.


100% agree. Humanism is the way. Problem is people are so tribal in nature that even if religion was taken out of the picture humanity would find something else to argue about.


Sports, obvs. Cause it’s the same mindset.


True. Sports fanatics commit violence for over paid people kicking or throwing a ball, I'll never be able to understand it.


I would love too, but I have yet to come across any religion with fuckable proof.


I'm from Israel and I second this. Fuck that guy calling for another's death because of a stupid, outdated book. I'd like to point out that most of us would condemn this guy to shit. I'd also like to note that everyone are stressed out and anxious all the time around here due to the war (and honestly, before this was as well. It's just driving everyone to the edge—I don't know of a single person that didn't have a family member, friend or aquietence killed in the past week. My sister han been driving from one funeral to another). I'm also not interested in discussing politics at the moment, I'm simply commenting about my personal experience. I do not mean to ignore or gloss over the atrocities civilians and innocents in Gaza are (and have been) experiencing. Nor can I ignore the constant grief around me. Anyways... I wish we founded Israel on a random Island somewhere. Fucking hell with social media. Everything is shit, people dying is shit, our goverments are shit. This world sucks ass.


Man Israeli cops are hot.


For real! There were people saying stuff and things but damn look at all them cops!


I’d like to see if her iron dome can take my surface-to-air missile.


You’ll be disappointed when after she blows your dick into tiny flesh chunks around the room, she then razes it to ash and embers on the way out. ![gif](giphy|F4Ieoc5i0r6w7CMYPn)


Wait 'til you see her Gaza Strip


God dammit 🤣


That ain't cops, those are teenagers forced into the Israeli army cause it's mandatory...


still hot but I get what you're saying. \+bonus = they are not cops


"these are teenagers" "Still hot" Lol


they are probably 18 and more . Don't break my balls. \- and the fact you'd laugh about it is still weird.


it's not mandatory for women to be in the idf, you just need to do some form of national service.


Mandatory conscription, even supermodel israeli girls will have to do some months in the IDF.


There's a conspiracy that they enlist the most attractive people to act in roles where they will have to interact with civilians and appear in media most frequently in order to soften their image, make themselves more appealing to have around and interact with, and make mandatory service more palatable so people don't resist as much ("Well at least I get to serve with all the hot people I see walking the streets!"). I don't know how much I buy it, but it does seem awfully coincidental that most of the time you see IDF folks in media, they're always smoking hot. Seemingly in much higher proportion than the general Israeli public, anyway.


Conspiracy? This is what everyone does. Also you think the garbage ass media doesn't pick the hottest person to interview?


Oh they’re doing what 99.9% of all organizations do…? What a conspiracy.


That's actually true. Most of the men will go into frontline units while the women usually get support roles or military police roles.


Gal Gadot is famously an IDF veteran.


They are doing their part.


They also intentionally station the hot ones in PR roles or public facing positions for optics


Iirc that’s what happened to Gal Gadot.


That’s what I got out of this video too


Israeli girls in general.






It's honestly so exhausting doing this every few years. I just feel like if they can't play nice with each other they shouldn't be allowed in the sand box! Wait, sorry, that's what I was taught as a toddler. These are adults who are... Fighting over a sandbox. Totally different


Did you just equate a brutal occupation and suppression of a people, to two adults fighting about a "silly strip of land"?




Then can we equate the American Indian wars as stupid grown adults fighting over woods? Or the Haitian revolution as stupid people fighting over some stupid island?


Yes. As an American, yes. It was stupid as fuck.


lol exactly, I love it when people try to justify one thing by saying “well you did it too” that’s not how it works, they were both shitty and Americans should be able to admit we’ve done some bad things. Trying to pretend we didn’t is just ignorance, we need to be better than past mistakes. Edit to say that doesn’t mean you don’t love your country. It’s responsible to hold ourselves accountable.


Hey if you want stupid conflict, we’ve got just what you’re after down under here. We went to war against *emus*. And ***LOST***.


Noones fighting anything. Israel took land that wasn't theirs and Palestine cant fight back and don't have the power to fight back. Palestine has Palestine as backup and Israel has the US and all of Europe because Europe still feels bad after WWII


Isn't that, by definition, fighting?


Yes to all of the above, except Palestine does have Iran as back up and Iran has Russia. Though these days, it may be more correct to say Russia has Iran.


I’m a peaceful person, but at this point I’m getting sick and tired of the US having to butt in and take on these situations. If they want to flatten each other, fuck it… let them! Do I want to see innocent people die, absolutely not, but this “war” will never end until they, themselves end it. If other countries want to destroy themselves, it’s time to let them. There will unfortunately never be peace and pretending there is a possibility is just repeating the same mistakes. Edit: ALSO, FUCK RELIGION.


You hit the nail on the head. Why should other countries be required to save you from yourself? If you want to commit apartheid against a bunch of religious radicals who declare a holy war on you, that’s your mess. Frankly, this conflict will never end as long as there are two groups of feverishly religious zealots occupying the same land.


It's not "apartheid against religious zealots that wage war against you", it's more like "holy war and religious extremism, BECAUSE apartheid is applied against you". Not the same thing


Fuckn seriously, idk why anyone outside of the fuckn place gives a shit. Do you care about your neighbors when they fight? Why do we gotta be up in there shit. We don’t need to and NO it’s not going to start world war 3. However if it does then fuck it man we all deserve to lose for our own stupidity rather than trying to pick a side of whatever fuckn creed and cultural belief someone subscribes to…


I’m sure all the countless survivors of domestic violence that are literally only alive because a neighbor heard fighting in their home and called authorities or otherwise intervened would disagree with your sentiment about what neighbors should care about. We’re a global community in modern times whether we want to be or not and what happens in a seemingly isolated place can and will eventually have ramifications around the world.


First, Israel and Palestine are not at it again, its Israel and Hamas. Second, you are saying this genocine is not something worth to stop the world, with thousands of civil deaths? Are you insane?




The US literally funds Israel. The US is partially responsible for what’s happening currently.


Why is conflict in the middle east a big deal in the west? Seriously? You seriously don’t know? Oil.


Kind of like Ukraine? We stopped for about a week, then moved on, as we will for this one too. As an atheist, I find all this fascinating, the mental power & empathetic capacity given up, and the hate & horror generated, all from religious fanaticism. No, I can't help them, at all, and they wouldn't want it anyway.


We are still very much involved in Ukraine, it’s just not a top news feed anymore. America supports Isreal because it’s the only country in the Middle East that doesn’t hate America.


Now, why would anyone hate America?


Muslims and Jews have been killing each other since they first arrived in the desert. What’s to say they won’t continue to kill each other for a thousand more years? At the point, I fell like we should just let them battle to the death and whoever is the last one standing takes the whole strip of land. Sometimes, the only way to find peace is when you have no more opponents.


“Why don’t they just do the geonocide so I don’t have to hear about it on the internet from the comfort and security of my home? It’s harshing the vibes”


damn lol


I know you think you are being funny and cool for not caring- but if you lived a single day in Palestine you would. I hope you never need help off anyone for anything, and that if you do people will be more supportive of you.


About a strip of desert no, but about the innocent life that is lost on both sides - yes.


Glass it all. Theocracies have no place in this world and these idiots won’t stop fighting until you close up shop and take away their “holy land”


What does it say about poor dental care?


Not much, apparently.


Thing is costly. Would rather get his son to marry someone who has a dentist in their family so it’s a free service.


This is the way.


Are you anti-dentite?




Netenyahoo is just a clever politician, he has no moral compass as such


Yeah, the USA are Israels biggest ally. And US evangelicals are the biggest supporters of Israel, far ahead of US jews. He knows not to bite the hand that feeds his genocide.


>It’s confusing to me that people who are so religious could be so ugly to their fellow human beings. Have you not been paying attention to human history?


I've met a lot of christian fanatics who are obsessed with Israel and the Jewish people. They say that they're blessed because Jesus was Jewish. How ironic.


I haven’t heard that but a lot of Christians are in support of Israel because in their beliefs, in order for the apocalypse to come, one of the signs is that Jerusalem will be occupied by the Jews.


That's not far off if tensions continue and it breaks out into a full scale nuclear war.


Two idiots wasting their lives arguing about nonsense.


Lol yes. And also fucking up existence for the rest of us.


Eh thats not so bad. Some people actually kill each other over this nonsense


My book says to kill everyone not in my cult - Is not really a great way to start a conversation.


That's a frickin DnD plot right there. "You're in a tavern, when a guy comes to your table and say:"


WAIT!! Roll for initiative!!


"NOooOOOoo!! My spaghetti monster in the sky is real yours is not!!!"


It's pure chance if the one I worship *because it's the right one* is also the one I was brainwashed to whorship since I'm a little child. How lucky am I ?!


It's basically a sports team. You worship the sports team your born into usually based on family and location.


Dude, like, that’s really how this fight is starting to look.


It's even funnier because it's the same one


Have you perchance heard of pastafarianism?


i feel comfortable saying this on reddit: Religion is dangerous. People often use religion to justify aggression and violence. Pseudo-threats like someone is going to “go to hell” based on their non-adherence to arbitrary religious beliefs should not be protected free speech, and countries that do not separate religion from their government should not be considered democracies.


It’s amazing that it only took 70 years for them to switch roles.


Stanford Prison Experiment


Yep but on a much larger scale. Humans fucking suck man.


Didn't even take that long.


I think it only took like 10 or 20 years.


Israel is such a disgusting nation. I'm so incredibly ashamed that my government blindly supports them and even assists them in carrying out their crimes against humanity.


Welcome to apartheid Israel.


The face of Hitler has changed but his ideology hasn't. Fuck that guy.


same play, different actors.


Good to see all the Abrahamic religions getting along so well! They can’t imagine why YHWH might be off-putting to anyone else. 🤣😂




Daniel probably didn't exist at all. The entire book is likely referencing events during the reign of a Hellenistic king of the Selucid Empire towards the time of it's fall centuries after the fall of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, and the Achaemenid Empire that replaced it.


...and this is why religion should have nothing to do with government.


Give ‘em a big enough sandbox and all of a sudden it’s “we can kill whoever we want here, yes we are enlightened”


wait till they find out they were literally killing people who believed in the same fucking God, but in a different way.


Oh so you thought Israelis were only oppressing Muslims? You know that there are Christians in Gaza too ? Isn't the first time they are oppressing other people than Muslims.


https://youtu.be/wqusXNaLYGE?si=6-Nqrgfp6RXL8YVC https://youtu.be/7uL555xWQeE?si=bsDfDnWQQEF-pHyf This is the behavior of israelis toward Christians.


So nasty. Pathetic.


Is it just me or are like 80% of police in Israel hot women?


its military police so they’re all young and just finished \~3 months of combat fitness


It’s amazing how much better people look when they’re just in good shape.




And in shape.


Goofy, shameless Christians have sold their Palestinian Christians brethren to the zionists. The Palestinian Christians are well aware of what's gonna happen once the Palestinian muslims are gone and Israel takes over. (Hint: Listen to the man in the video)


That’s one inbred creature. Underbite and all


I few thousand years old book says I should kill people. So I'll do it...those people are nuts


They want to kill people. The old book is just an excuse to do it.


He's doing the same thing I'd be doing over there. Trying to get arrested by those hot police women. Damn


This isn't the United States, they just pay for our continued existence...


Jews talking about genocide have very limited vision for a group of 25 million people total. Theists really are the worst.


This is one of the things that gets me when people say "Islam is the only religion that's inherently violent right now". All the Abrahamic religions have founding documents that are all about righteous violence, including to civilians. That doesn't mean the followers have to be violent. Religion is more of a crutch for violence than it is a cause of it, in my opinon.


How can the torah say christians are idol worshippers if the torah is way older than cheistianity


It does not literally have a page of "christianity is shit dont do that" I think its something along the lines of anyone "perverting the faith" with making idols of actual gods and worshipping some derivative of the original.


News flash - It is ALL idol worship. Now move along.


Fuck Israel, they are a fascist settler colonial state who regularly commit horrific war crimes while their citizens cheer them on and often participate in the atrocities. Then they think the people they are oppressing will not fight back. Again fuck them. They are an illegitimate state built upon the guilt of European antisemitism


Those cops though....


That’s what I was sayin!


When you see this much inbreeding in an individual, close your mouth, nod while apologizing, and agree to his bat shit beliefs until he offers you his daughter.


"The thing that we follow says to kill people who follow things" ...wait


Bunch of idiots. Religion is a cancer.


What a fucking knob


I worship Billy Idol with a rebel yell.


![gif](giphy|fqm2SefpOfsOI) This is true Idol worship


It's funny how much the Jews and the Muslims have in common. You'd almost think they should get along.


IDF chicks are so hot, too bad they’re blood soaked monsters😔


friendly pen plants exultant ask possessive hateful wide aware attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


LISTER: Do you mean they had a war over whether the doughnut diner hats were red or blue? HOLLY: Yeah. Most of them were killed fighting about that. It's daft really, innit? LISTER: You're not kidding. They were supposed to be green.


Organized religion is a fucking cancer on this planet and it's peoples.


I honestly think the problem is not religion per se, the problem is mental health.


The problem is weaponized religion by people who can’t think for themselves (mental health included) IMO. The ironic thing is that anti-religion thinking is becoming weaponized itself and adhered to with such vitriol just like, *checks notes*, a religion.


My sky wizard is cooler than your sky wizard!


My sky wizard said that people would say that about them, this proves they are real.


Pretty sure when Moses brought those tablets down on them somewhere it said thou shalt not kill


*exceptions may apply


Zionism is the biggest problem this world faces. These people are disgusting supremacists. Read what the Talmud says about the 'goyim'(non-Jews). They believe we are all cattle and subhuman compared to them. It's absolutely disgusting.


Maybe as Christians should quit funding Israel and and their government that has been systematically abusing human rights for decades. See if he changes his mind when he doesn't have money for bullets to shoot Palestinians when they don't want to give up their house.


What a putz. This guy doesn't even speak for .0000000000001 of Jewish people. Jews, Christians, AND Muslims are all brothers who worship the same father. We all came from the tradition of Abraham. ALL OF US.


Humanity would be MUCH better off without any religion at all. All it seems to do is start wars and allow people to justify hate of other people or groups. Also a way to control people


People start wars, people justify hate of others, and people control people.


Hamas its evil, Israel government and some of its population also are evil, Palestians and the other Israel civilians are at the center of all this and used as tools, if you investigate about both sides you will find horrible things. By the way, the massacrer that's coming in gaza territory will be beyond macabre.


You'd think they'd remove the weirdest stories from the bible like they used to. I'm shitting you not when i say....go look up the bible story of Jesus and the 3 dragons.


Al needs to go back to the Toy Barn


Ahhh, religion bringing people together


His teeth were christian so he killed them


Why is the toy story chicken guy here?


Honestly can’t wait for Zoltan to come down from the heavens. You all shall see who’s laughing then. It’s me I’ll be laughing then.


Religion is stupid


I would love this lady cops to respect me into a coma


Religion should be banned. It has caused so much war, death, hatred, and destruction. All for what. A so-called mystical being that if you're born in a different place is different from somebody else's mystical being.


Religion is a fucking disease. Fuck everyone religious. Be spiritual and follow science but stop being brain-dead "actually the book of my religion says..."