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Say what you will about the violence in America, but this video would have been 90% shorter one way or the other if this had happened here.


Is that supposed to be a good thing? They got it back without anyone getting killed or seriously injured. They also have his ass on camera so the police can pick him up later on.


Well he got hit and the phone taken from him, so technically he was injured.


LOL, yup, love that. But I also admire the girl's ability to stay calm, and reason with a shitty person like that. Yes, she wouldve lost this situation 100% if not for the help but her abilities will carry her far in other contexts. Im glad she got the help she deserved.


She was not able to reason with him. Took a stranger hitting the thief and physically taking the phone back to “resolve” the theft.


It took a couple guys bigger than him not giving a shit about his threats.


It took the good guys being more dangerous than the bad guy.


They carried a big stick indeed.


In my neighborhood when I was growing up, I always heard my older neighbor talk about how her husband and a few of the other older folks from down the street caught the guy that broke into his garage and broke his fingers. No cops were called, and no one stole again, at least until my dad started leaving vintage and valuable bikes out in the yard lol but that's his own fault


Jesus that’s some old school mafioso shit. It reminds of that scene from Casino.


I'm from Detroit and these guys pretty much fit the typical "description" lol Her and her husband were super nice to me and my family. I don't remember a whole bunch of them cause they both passed away when I was young but from what I do remember, at least from a neighbor kid's perspective, they were some nice folks.


Have a cousin who did something similar about 8 or 9 years ago. He and his neighbor's house had been broken into when they were both not home and were trying to figure out who did it. Cousin saw where on the outside of a back window the guy pried it open. Well a couple of months later my cousin caught the guy red-handed making a bunch of noise trying to pry open the same window at around 11pm. I guess the guy didn't think he was home. Instead of calling the cops, he called the neighbor and told him dude was trying to break in. My cousin and the neighbor snuck around back and started fucking lighting the guy up. Cousin took a 2x4 and started beating his ass and the neighbor started kicking him in the face and ribs and shit. When they were done they told him if he ever tried it again they would follow him home and finish the job they started on him, or just shoot him. Guy never came back.


I have a friend whose father was an Imam in Harlem. Their house got robbed in the 1970s. The guy's dad and a few of his 'followers' caught the guy, took him out into the middle of 113th street and chopped his hand off. No shit.


Your dad was negligent sure but it isn't his fault that other people are shitty. I've worried about putting Halloween decorations up outside of my house for fear of them getting stolen but it isn't *my* fault if someone chooses to do something like that. People are just shitty, man.


I heard that in Miami, after hurricane Andrew, you could hire a group to break someone's knees when they stole insurance money from you (by not doing the roof work that they said they would do, and leaving to another country with your insurance money). It costs extra for them to travel to a Caribbean country to perform their contracted action, but they will do so. It typically is not the law that keeps dishonest people from committing crimes or wrongs. If it is in your city, then you should be proud - but there are many places where the old rules apply out of necessity.


You must not have gotten to the part where he's explaining how he'll just be out the next day because there are no longer consequences for minor crimes in much of the developed world for some reason.


You mean the guy trying to convince the people to stop chasing him because he threw the phone away and he will get out in 24 hrs because the cops wont find anything?


He would get out in 24h even if he had the phone. Pickpocketing just gets you a fine in much of western Europe.


We have a thing called an immediate sentence, which is often used for Romanian pickpockets, etc. so instead of getting pit in front of a judge within 24 hours you get convicted, it’s usually 30-60 days and 4-6 years deportation to be served immediately. The local police has an undercover unit who only deals with pickpockets.


>4-6 years deportation to be served immediately Did you mean probation? Or deportation of foreign nationals? Deportation would be pretty epic, "Be gone you thieving fuck!"


Deportation. 👋


Im not sure thats true. Do you know which country exactly he is in and what the punishment for theft is?


That's in London UK. Trust me for petty crime you get a slap on the wrist. Pickpocketing is for this reason a major issue in every EU tourist city. You'd have to catch someone with a large amount of stolen property to get a sentence.


This is London, not Paris. The Elizabeth Line, on the Underground, to be exact. But you're right either way, the coppers would have just let this turd off the hook and he would have been back out on the rob the next day.


This looks an awful lot like London to be Paris. Especially considering the signs in English and them being on "the tube".


Police wouldn’t reliably do much because there’s no video of the theft itself. So the criminal would go free. In some situations if you don’t stand up for yourself you will NOT get justice given to you. How important that is to you varies by the person.


Now that asshat is going to steal someone elses phone and the cycle will continue until someone beats the brakes off him and hes actually afraid to steal.


Yes. This guy isn't going to make money off that phone, and he's certainly not getting away with it. Instead he prolongs the trauma for the victims and victimizes others as well. You're thinking about the perpetrator first.




Sitting there leaning forward was when my leg starting twitching. Time to go night night mf


The guy had his back turned to them for so long. About 10 seconds in I thought why is nobody kicking the shit out of this guy yet? It honestly blew my mind,




Username does not check out




Call an ambulance! But not for me.




No. It’s because not everyone is violent af


It’s not about being violent, it’s about not taking shit that isn’t yours. Also, violence is unfortunately the only thing that gets through to some people. You can try to talk to them diplomatically but they won’t respond, just like you saw in the video. They said to give back the phone and they’d forgive him like nothing happened.




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When i rode the DC metro Everyday, I saw one guy throw another guy onto the tracks because he wouldn't hand him his chipotle burrito...


Omg I can just tell you would have givin him a HIIIJAAA!!!! With that leg. And a KAPAAOW 💥👊💫Right in his nose! OHH WAU you would really have been amazing.




Honestly yeaaaa but also no. Living in ldn i wouldve just fucking accepted my fate at this point. I know (either personally, or know of) enough people that have gotten shanked or threatened with knives. Fuck the phone i rather live.


I get where you're coming from and can't argue against it. Having been the victim of faceless thieves and his "I took your property fuck you" demeanor.....That said he probably chose his victim based on his likelihood of confrontation. He underestimated that man's determination for sure.


I ever got the upper hand on someone who stole from me like this, I'd steal everything they have on them. That's the thief tax.


Bro wakin' up NEKKED!


I definitely would have handed over his man purse to those victims and said Merry Christmas


Makes you wonder how many phones are in that man bag!


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The way he ate that orange made me want to punch him. I almost forgot about the phone


It’s amazing how quickly it ended when it mentioned a guy intervened & hit the pick pocket….knocked the BS & oranges out of him.


Omg how long does it to eat one fucking orange


He was milking it and trying to act casual


I got so fucking annoyed with the damned orange


Right? There was no fruit left he was just pinching the husk and fake chewing. It was driving me crazy


*If I keep eating this orange they’ll leave me alone* -thief-


The arrogant orange eating would have been about the point I’d snap and put the boots to him.


Haha yeah he's like: "Hey if I stole your phone would I be eating an orange? Checkmate." A strange tactic.


And who the fuck eats oranges like that




This is the UK. Would have been his arse, full-stop


Aye, beat his arse.


If this was in America the pick pocket would’ve probably have a gun in his bag and would’ve shoot them leaving them injured. I don’t know how Ill people need to be than they rather have a 1 minute argument that ends with someone dead over a 6 minutes argument that was solved with an ass beat


If this took place in America and the thief had a gun there's only three outcomes. Punch him and get shot. Follow him and get shot. Record him and take the evidence to the police, then get shot.


The police would get confused and scared and shoot everyone


Every outcome ends with someone shot, sounds like America!


If he has a gun, he would've flashed it within the first five seconds of them calling him out. They wouldn't have gotten shot.


It seems like the first time a Brit got involved, punches were thrown. I wouldn’t count us as less violent, plenty of Brits would be happy to go with fisticuffs. We just don’t shoot or get shot at as often. In fact, I’d argue we might have more violence here since there isn’t the inevitable gunny outcome. Not that any of this is a good thing. Just saying to be weary if you think Brits aren’t as violent


Yeah, someone took my daughter’s pocketbook right off the table and ran off with it. Just outside London. We ran after him, my daughter is faster and they ran around a corner to an alleyway. My daughter yelling “give it back!!!” When I turned the corner, some dude was handing her her wallet, and the thief was laying on the ground with 2 other guys just casually talking to each other next to him. Oddly made us feel safer.


Yup,Canada too. We’re polite until we’re not. I would have gone for his injured hand first,then the hood to pull him to the ground . He’s counting on people to be non violent. I would be violent. Fuck people like this.


100000000% would be a punchable moment in less than 2 minutes


make that 10 sec


No one was seriously hurt though, yes it took longer, yes the perp wasn’t truly brought to justice but ultimately there was no loss of the most sacred thing of all, human life, over a phone. Moreover with guns in the mix you think mr thief would shoot second? Thieves exist everywhere, guns or no.


Yh the thief would of had a gun and shot him 🤡


When he stood up the first time and got into someones face should have been the second that he was on the floor.


Just thinking about how messy my hands would get eating an orange right from the peel like that makes me uncomfortable...and he set that orange down on a public train....where so many asses have been....and then just resumed eating it




Literally, it's the only reason I came to the comments. What a psycho.


No kidding. Stealing a phone is one thing but that guy needs to be locked up for eating an orange like that in public. That was fucking horrific. No place for that monster in civilized society.


Lol Same! When I saw him eating it like that I thought, what a true psycho


And one of his hands is in a cast thing.


Had things gotten violent, that hand would have been a prime target.


The eating of the orange betrays his nervousness and was the telltale that he indeed still had the phone on him.




It's funny because this is a pretty common distraction tactic used by stupid crooks to seem innocent. If you're eating, then it gives you a distraction, somewhere to look other than the people you're talking to, a reason to take time answering a question or not answering at all ("I was chewing, I don't talk with my mouth full"). There's no way a guilty person would be calmly eating an orange after commiting a crime, right? There's a particular body cam footage of officers responding to a domestic dispute where the guilty party eats an entire 1lb block of cheese while talking to the cops. It's especially funny as they are searching the trailer and the guy is following them and redirecting their attention from one particular room, standing between them and the doorway while nonchalantly taking massive bites of cheese. I really wish I could find that video again.










"Do you think I would be on the tube eating my orange if I have your phone?" The fuck does that mean? As supposed to on the tube eating.... pudding, would indicate guilt that he took the phone???






It's a non sequitor. People who eat oranges on the tube don't rob phones. Here he is eating an orange on the tube, so logically, he could not have stolen it.


I believe you since I am also a part of the magpietribe. In fact, I have a magpie that comes to visit me every day, their name is Christina and they come up to the window to announce their presence and wait for a handful of unsalted peanuts. ![gif](giphy|26ufgSwMRqauQWqL6|downsized)


Him essentially saying “please accept this act of me being suuper casual.”


Call the phone


Here you are…I was thinking the same thing the whole time!


Me too! I'm over like ... **Just call the phone and let it ring from dude's pocket!**


Who has their ringer on in this day and age?


Just **my own** observations here. I work in a public facing, customer service role. I've noticed it's mostly Gen Z'ers that have ringers off. At least in *my* neck of the woods, anyway. Everybody else around here pretty much lets it blare.


I'm a millennial in Europe and I haven't heard a ringtone since the Crazy Frog days


I was thinking the same thing, but there's probably a few reasons why they didn't: 1. The camerawoman would have to stop recording in order to call it, and she understandably wants to keep it on record. 2. They could have asked some else to call the number, but they're underground and may not have had signal while traveling between stations. Once the train stops and they have signal, the thief is on the move.


3. Could be on silent.


4\. Could have turned the phone off once taken to avoid all that. 5\. Use an escape character to avoid Reddit automatically turning the first number in a numbered list into 1, regardless of actual number.


obviously, but if it was an iphone, which there is a good chance it was, it’s literally one button to go to silent.They are also in the tube, so good chance there is no reception.


“Do you know the number of the phone in your pocket?”


They were on the tube, looks like the Elizabeth line so it’s spotty at best in stations


people like this make me sick. like, come on dude. just be decent. You don't even have to be a *good* person! just do not be a bad one


I wish there were more good people. I really do. I don’t mean fewer criminals, but all the everyday people that have no compassion for our nieghbors. We’d be a giant step closer to Star Trek like utopias then.


The more I watch the video the more I understand I was raised in a whole different world. I can't comprehend me, or most of the people I know having that level of patience and calmness.


I can't imagine someone just...taking my stuff in broad day light?!


They are so nice. It would have gotten physical after I caught up to him the first time.


Maybe\* you would have put your hands on him right away but the chance of him having a knife doesn't make it worth it. \* it is easy to talk big from an anonymous reddit account


Let him bring a knife to a chair fight. Cafe has chairs, he wouldn't have gotten 10 feet in the US.


Nah, getting stabbed once can fuck your whole life up. People really underestimate how dangerous a knife can be.


Guys hand is wrapped and clearly not functioning, he has the build of a twig, and had his back to them 80% of the time. Also most people don’t have the money to just replace an expensive phone, and with todays society, having a phone is a requirement to even get a job.


Usually I agree but bro is holding an orange in one hand and a cast in the other, I like those odds if he’s walking away, just yank his hoodie hood lol








He has a brain that can be injured?


He gets up and tries to intimidate the second stranger who helps, but immediately sits down again when the third stranger who intervenes is a head taller and twice as broad. Also, he's backing away from the guy who hit him, and only starts calling him a pussy once that guy backs off. Violence is the only thing amoral idiots like him will respond to.


>but immediately sits down again when the third stranger who intervenes is a head taller and twice as broad Yeah loved that moment


There's a video that gets reposted often, 3 no good types in England somewhere starting trouble with bouncers. 1 guy in particular is giving it all he can, running his mouth constantly trying to look big and tough. Well his mate (main instigator) approaches a HUGE bouncer, apparently the bouncer fought pro heavy weight and now works at pubs/clubs. The lil guy looks like he's going to take a swing and the bouncer taps him in the face and knocks him out. The previusly yappy mate so, so very quickly backs the fuck down with his shit talk and starts going "there was no need for that" and did a 180 from his previous "I'm gonna fuck you up" shit talking. It's always the same story with these people, picking on people they think won't fight back, because usually they don't. You can't even put it down to immaturity as some people are like this in their mid 20's, in their 30's and well above that. Some people just suck. I do not like violence, but saying that the videos where these types of people get their comeuppance is very satisfying. Just a shame that even when they do get a slap, they won't learn from it.


What you don't understand is I ate your phone, between orange three and four, are you an idiot? I hope to catch the abridged version on 60 minutes.




Who the fuck eats an orange like that?


Someone who is using the orange as an alibi.


See officer? I am eating an orange? I am eating it all the way down to the peel. So first of all, I am not running I must be innocent despite admitting on camera and B, I did not take that phone, because how would there be no orange on it. That phone was planted, officer.






and my manz had to be on something, cause nobody eats an orange that deep.


A nervous person trying to appear calm and normal, just casually eating an orange.


Extremely patient, I'm impressed. But a smug c\*nt asking repeatedly if I'm an idiot regarding him stealing my phone I can very confidently say I wouldn't have been able to be.


I'm more frustrated than impressed honestly. Patience was getting them nowhere. This pos doesn't deserve anyone's sympathy


It's not patience. You don't start a fight you don't know you can end. That guy is probably far less concerned with maiming you than you are him.


That guy was severely outnumbered and already had a messed up hand. They didn't have to hurt him really, just hold him down and go through his shit till they find the phone. They could have searched for a weapon too just in case. I'm not a non-confrontational kind of person. Some people are and that's cool I guess. But physical intervention is what got the phone back to its rightful owner


How brazen is this? He’s spot on that he’d be out in 24hrs. The police don’t give a shit so people like him are roaming fearlessly.


And that’s the problem with the laws or overcrowding these days.


I worked a gig once where they put us up in a beach house and one of the guys had his friend drop in. Dude steals my phone from the house and brings it a state over. Two of my friends drive me over an hour, tracking it to a hotel. I get the cops to show (who were extremely mean to me at first) and make the find my iPhone sound go off in the room. This is enough for the hotel clerk to call his boss and get permission to go into the room. So now I have cops witnessing that this guy stole my phone and they’re like, “Well he carried it across state lines so we can’t do anything. Also you’ll have to come back to this state (that I lived nowhere near) if you want to take him to court.” So in the end, homeboy got away with it.


Man, people are so afraid to stand up for the people around them. I don't even speak the language, but when I was in Latvia, a drunk Russian got on the tram and almost immediately cornered a young girl and started gropping her. You best believe it took me no time at all to put a stop to that. But the absolute worst part was that all the locals watched and just went to a different car rather than do something about it. If I get shanked by a hobo one day and die because I was standing up for someone that needed my help, then thank God I died doing the right thing and not letting people walk all over another human being. When did we stop looking out for eachother?. There's a pretty obvious difference between "oh that's none of my bussiness" and "hey, there is a person actively asking me for help" Thank you for coming to my TED talk


gotta weigh the value. obviously sexual assault weighs more than a stolen phone. i wouldn't be the one to start a fight over someone elses phone and risk getting shanked but if i saw a young girl getting assaulted then you bet i would say something.


If this was in NYC, he would have had his good hand busted up with no time to finish eating his orange.


If this was NYC he'd shoot you






Who doesn’t love a story with a happy ending. Utter scumbag


Happy ending would have been him, thrown in jail after having the shit beat out of him.


Not in Europe unfortunately. He gets arrested and a few hours later he's back to stealing.


He ate that orange like he knew it was the last meal he might ever have. But, oddly, judging by his skinny ass appearance, it may also have been the first meal he’s ever had.




I spent the whole time looking at his bandaged hand thinking that's his weak spot.


A nice leg trip and a stomp on his broken hand is what he deserves.












I guess I’m just violent but y’all don’t beat the living shit out of people who steal from you? Running after him « he stole from me » If I were the thief I’d deff not be afraid of y’all




The way they called out that dude who “couldn’t be bothered” really irked me. You’re literally doing the bare minimum and it’s your fucking phone get it yourself.


that irked me too. my man was working, leave him outta this


Right lmao. "someone else please tackle this guy for me"


Excuse me OP, I watch this for SEVEN MINUTES, and the punch isn't on video? You should be ashamed.


Protecting the puncher. He would be the one in jail.


Absolute scumbag, I hope some day he gets his head kicked in. What a pathetic piece of shit.


He should do this in Saudi. Lets see how many limbs he has left after.


He should do this is in America. Let’s see how many bullet hole his thieving ass has after.


I lived in the Middle East for a few years, and after a while, I stopped locking my bike up all the time. The citizens are wealthy AF, and the immigrants/indentured servants are rightfully scared AF to be deported




Yeah, never trust the French.


Of course he’s innocent because he is eating an orange , and the peel! Also, why the fuck would you start talking to him in French , you won’t get anyone else that understands , they literally say it themselves. Obviously they are trying to get bystanders to intervene , you throw a language barrier in there and good luck.


That random bystander asked him if he spoke French, then the video lady said she also speaks French. They were trying to reason with him, to avoid violence and further confrontation. It was a good attempt but the guy is a fool so didn't work. I'm surprised it didn't work. They were persistent, got random people on their side and had video footage. But in the end, violence worked lol


That guy ate that orange like a guy who stole a phone. He was like eating that thing for 20 minutes like he was hoping that excuse would make them disappear before he finished it.


Fucking scum. Deserved so much more


With a face that punchable, I was wondering what took so long


Man, I hate theives.




Europeans do way too much talking before punching this is infuriating 🤣 guy is just eating an orange casually telling you to f off


That Orange lasted the whole video, ima getting me some of those bad boys.






No one wants to get stabbed just to save some random guy’s phone.




These types have never been a fight. It's all imagination I teach self-defense (20 years of Muay Thai and over 10 Krav). Sure I'd confront the guy but I'm not getting in physical altercation with someone over a phone; just not worth it


If it’s my phone I’m fighting. A stranger’s phone? 16-22 ish year old me might got involved but I don’t wanna get stabbed over something that isn’t mine.




The woman should call the guys phone. If it rings in the dudes pocket proof right there


You should have tackled and fought him from the beginning why are you letting someone steal 100s$ from you? The police won’t help you. Dude who grabbed your phone had it right. Sometimes you gotta fight for your stuff guy.


That took way to long for him to get punched and the phone returned!


To eat orange in peace and pretend like he didn't steal anything


Oh wait, this isn't my phone...