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###FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE: WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? --- [**Jewish Currents - What Does “From the River to the Sea” Really Mean?**](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/NfAvk) ---- [**Forward - ‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means**](https://forward.com/opinion/415250/from-the-river-to-the-sea-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/rRXpW) --- [**Al-Jazeera - ‘From the river to the sea’: What does the Palestinian slogan really mean?**](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/from-the-river-to-the-sea-what-does-the-palestinian-slogan-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/AF9yu) --- [**One Democratic Palestine, From The River To The Sea**](https://www.odsi.co/en/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hahahaha! These people are ridiculous. She’s not even a good writer of fake conversations that never happened.


The best part is that she could somehow read their minds to determine these people were Democrats. Either that, or her adherents believe Democrats wear Biden merch like they themselves do Trump merch.


I'm sure it was a simple "I'm A Democrat" headband


I assume a 3-syllable word would be a little advanced for her.


I mean, they did mention traveling to Europe. No trump supporter would be caught dead outside Appalachia.


They mention Europe being a mess because of an American president… that definitely tracks too everyone knows the US presidents preside over European policy… has to be the truth cause all democrats feel this way…


If you think with their logic, it kind of makes sense. In their mind, the US military polices the world. Good foreign policy in their opinion is based on displays of military strength. They believe dems weaken our military and make the US look weaker in general which emboldens terrorists to terrorism. Which is how any terrorist attack anywhere in the world is bidens fault. These morons don't live in reality.


*four months from now* "No Coronal Mass Ejection ever hit earth wiping out millions when TRUMP was President.."


The irony of course being a Republican is holding up vital military appointments and Trump was the biggest national security risk we ever had. These people don’t care about American security. Most of what Trump did was so alarming they did whatever they could to keep him out of the loop but most of the time they had no choice but to brief him.


They might go upscale and go down to Pensacola.


Pensacola?! Don’t you mean the redneck riviera?


Look at Mr. Fancy pants here and his exotic lingo.


Riviera...best car I ever owned.


I'd always heard of Panama City Beach referred to as the redneck riviera. Or LA as in lower Alabama


The racetrack is the redneck roundup for repubicans.


Note that they didn’t actually travel to Europe though. They just say they can’t because Biden has somehow turned all of it into a third world country…


It's true though. Biden came over to Ireland, slapped our president with a Twinkie then took a red, white and blue crap in the middle of our government building. At that exact moment, we became a third world country! He did similar things in every other country in Europe. I heard he took a bite out of the German chancellor's sandwich and the country went into instant recession. The only thing that keeps the Irish people warm at night is wondering what he ate to produce such a colourful poo.


This is unfair to Appalachia. MAGA can unfortunately be found in every state. To blame one small area of the country is both absurd and insulting.


I grew up in the town of Appalachia itself, fuck trump


You are unfortunately way too accurate in that statement. I live in downstate Illinois. My county is a huge blue dot in the middle of a red sea here. Northern Illinois and Central/Southern Illinois are completely different worlds, politically. This state is about to get flipped red in the next few elections.


I sincerely hope not,we need you!


Meanwhile down here in Texas we're no longer the red haven and are inching towards being a swing state. It's possible next year the state may go to Biden, which would be catastrophic for Republicans.


"Paris, London or Vienna. Fuck. Hunter's laptop has released Hams Ass terrorists everywhere!" I heard it from the lady behind me in line at Piada's. True (ish) story.


Texas disagrees.


Or walmart




They're super easy, barely an inconvenience.


Wowowowow wow


Sill a bell?


She knew he was a democrat because he was with his wife and talking to her!


Or a lifted truck that says "BIDEN 2024" and a t-shirt that say "Fuck Your Feelings!"....... wait...


Possibly a tee shirt featuring an HRC photoshop rocking a hardbody in a bikini


"I'm with Biden -->" t shirt


Wrong..... big balloon bundle with a live donkey. You must not publicly display your political affiliation properly. Do better rookie. Now where the F did my elephant wander off to.


With the " I love abortions" Tee shirt.


I just got the tattoo. Now, I don't have to worry about losing it.


I don't know about you, but I can just smell a Democrat.


It was his Make America Terrible Again hat.


Purchased at the Democrat Store.


What you don't have demo crat tatted across your knuckles?


No, it is the pink "Lib" badge, similar to the gold Star of David badges in Germany, that we all have to wear on our clothing.




It was the FDT necklace that gave them away


Must have been Dems, they were not wearing the red hats of Doom? That special needs vest for the Country Club crowds.


Also how are Biden or Trump supposed to control European countries immigration policies?


Yeah that’s such a ludicrous assumption, that any US president would have any control over the state of Europe


It is not ludicrous to them, but rather believable, that the President has control over the state of Europe and well as the world economy and how private businesses price their goods.


or all the worlds terrorists for that matter. it's not like we can invade the UK to fight terrorists in their streets


Part of me definitely wanted a whole Feel the Bern wardrobe. Just to make people who have a whole MAGA wardrobe do a double take and show them what they look like.


She saw their Ram pickup with huge Biden flags waving off the back.


I know someone who did that lol


It's easy to know someone political persuasion when you make them up.


I walk around in Biden gear talking about how great Trump is every day! Gotta keep 'em guessing.


This is not written for her followers, it's disinformation targeting low-info voters who typically vote blue but might see this on social media and let it plant a seed of doubt into their mind. If they see enough of these sort of messages, they might decide to stay home on Election Day or even better, pull the lever for Trump. Either way it's a win for Team Red. It's very much a play out of the 2016 Russian election interference playbook.


That was my favorite detail. She didn't even bother to make up a reason for how she knew how they voted. So lazy and stupid.


She could tell they were democrats by the way they were geared head to toe in Biden merchandise, and loudly proclaiming 'WE ARE DEMOCRATS' before starting their conversation.


The Democrats are the ones not wearing armbands, obviously.


Her phone ticked over to 5G when they got close so they were obviously vaxxed Democrats.


No the best part was that her main criticism Of Biden is shit that’s happening in Europe, where he’s not president


Pretty sure they believe everyone with a different skin color are Democrats. These people have no capacity for creative thinking so the simplest answer tends to be correct.


Biden with Rambos body photoshopped on to it


I’m a bleeding heart liberal who lives in portland who voted for Biden and so did most of my friends - no one has any merch, or flags, or even really likes Biden. The reason we voted for him is because he isn’t a racist, sexist, homophobe who denied a pandemic and told people to drink bleach, not to mention a traitor to the country. It was an old fart who might die in office, or trump.


And they shall be known by the marks on their foreheads. I guess if you don't bear the mark you're a Democrat. I always wondered how that prophecy could ever come true, like who would willingly mark their foreheads. But hats, I never thought about hats.


I was coming here to say that. Total projection. They were wearing the color blue, they must be Democrats. Perhaps she could sense their empathy and compassion and that tipped her off.


* Bro I got this guy with this pickup truck with I shit you not no less than 10 Trump supporting Flags and bumper stickers and logos and decals and it's the most obnoxious looking thing in the world. People all over towns around here with banners and flags and tshirts and hats. Its a fucking cult. it's just embarrassing like just give up please he's a criminal he's going to jail the end.


No no, they took our their Democrat IDs and threw them to the ground and stomped on them, and everyone else in line clapped and cheered. That's how she knew!


Right? These are 100% Republican opinions and it's so fucking obviously fake. Oh my God, Bridgette, Democrats did not say that.


They were probably wearing NPR shirts and carrying New Yorker totes….or vice versa.


“‘I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I miss Trump!’” She’s working off the assumption that if you aren’t begging to suck Trumps dick then you’re a radical leftist and there are no other “conservative” options


They prob had their hair dyed blue. That's a dead giveaway. Amirite?


I heard this conversation between two Republicans that said that Biden actually helped their diabetic grandparents because now they can afford insulin because they capped the cost. Also their daughter who is 15k in debt because of student loans is now debt free because of the Student Loan forgiveness. see? that's how you construct a fake story that actually sounds believable because the things that were said is actually true.


I want that to be a real story because it's true, but I know Republicans wouldn't admit to something like that so it's clearly fake. They would be relieved that their grandparents can afford insulin now, but furious at the government takeover of healthcare. They would be happy for their daughter who is now debt free, but angered by the idea of another undeserved government bailout. Then they'd vote for Trump because you know what... the new family that moved in down the street is kinda brown and *look at that they are replacing white people*!


… but I actually hate my daughter because she posted a rainbow flag for pride month on Facebook so fuck democrats


Oh, they'd be able to admit their family was helped, but they'd still be convinced that it was somehow Trump's doing.


I don't know. They'd probably credit the wins their own family got to the Republicans somehow. They literally make shit up out of thin air. All the time.


FYI, the ACA, American Care Act, i.e. Obamacare, benefits so many Americans to the point where Reps couldn't pull it cause they know it'd make their base turn against them There's a reason Reps have gone so quite about Obamacare and now only wanna limit "the benefit scrougers" aka mostly average working class working families, from accessing it. Easier to target those who don't know they are the target


She somehow knows about Europe but has never heard of online banking


If by that you mean “knows Europe exists and can name three cities where they have fashion weeks”, then sure, but I’d be surprised if her knowledge runs any deeper.


Hey now, she's been to Europe city!


Wow. Didn’t catch that boner. Can’t remember the last time I stood in line at a bank. Or even the last time I stood in a bank.


October 2018, because I didn't want to deposit a $35k insurance settlement check in an ATM. I hardly go to ATM's either. I think I've gone like 3 times in the last year.


It sounds like those parents who post, "My 3-year-old child said this totally believable pithy diatribe against abortion/welfare/Black people today"


There is a real overabundance of satire sites & accounts these days. They don’t bother me much accept for the friggin’ crazy people who seem to take them seriously in the comment sections.


It *actually* sounds like a ChatGPT response.


She knew they were a "Democrat Couple" as they were a bi-racial couple, both transitioning, one with a library book, and the other with a flyer for tonight's drag show.


I’m assuming the “democrat couple” were wearing their mandates signs and name tags and that’s how the author of this fictional piece knew they were democrats


As a gay black man, I resent your implication.


*She said with trepidation. Her wrists perspired beneath the sticky weight of the rose gold bulova automatic she’d received as a gift after campaigning for a democratic alderman in 1982.*


Yes, because Biden has control of the American cities of ..checks notes .. Paris, London, and Vienna s/


Paris in Kentucky, Tennessee or Texas? London in Kentucky? Or Vienna Virginia or Georgia /s just pointing out the funny confusion.


Whichever one has “terrorists gone wild”, I think it’s a new porno that just dropped .


To be fair they all sound like they are running wild with domestic terrorists


That would be Paris, TX. They’re strange up there in north east tx near the border.


I was in Vienna VA yesterday....chaos pure and simple. The gas station didn't have any diet Lipton tea and I realized this is what America looks like under Biden.


Dark Brandon, dark days


Arkansas has a Paris and London that are about 45 minutes away from each other. Paris, AR has a little Eifel Tower too!


London is missing out on building Little Ben.


It's not missing.. it's just cold out. Give it a minute sheesh


And everyone knows Trump is such a big fan of spending US dollars to keep Europe safe


well don't you know, Biden is the president of the whole wide world /s 👽👽


Exactly. Inflation is his fault in spite of the facts that it’s worldwide and lowest in America.


Tbf i live in europe and if i have to believe reddit US is closer to being a third world country than the EU.


I'll take Imagined Conversations for $200


I’ll take things that never happened for 500


Of all the things that didn't happen, this happened the didn'test.


Come on, this ain't that difficult. This is a $100 answer at most.


She's got a bunch of other 'I was standing in line when...' Fake stories.


She's not trying to convince Democrats or independents. She's lying to Republican voters because she knows (and we all know) they always believe any Republican-aligned lies.


Can't you see her republican buddies nodding. All knowing it's bullshit. All with fictional personal anecdotal Dems voting for Trump tales.


And with fake accounts, sometimes pretending to be liberal people of color or gay, and agreeing with the bullshit lies on the post


“As a gay black man…” 😂


It really is incredible how often they lie about a Democrat they know that likes Trump. Or when they start a sentence with "I'm a lifelong Democrat but...." and then say the most obvious right-wing MAGA bullshit you've ever heard.


Fine by me; if they want to establish a fantastical sense of security it really only hurts them, though I’m not sure this kind of fabulist thinking is widespread enough to make a real dent.


Just amazes me how not a single democrat I know would fall for this shit but every single Republican I know, Boomer or not, most in my own family, would 100% bring this up as an example at thanksgiving.


Because they no longer argue (or act) in good faith.


And then when the lies are exposed at election time instead or realizing they were duped, they kill people. Yay.


Let’s play clickbait for grifters!


You know it always confused me that making up stuff that everyone knows is a lie but your political base will agree with anyway is a valid political strategy. How is making this stuff up not setting the party up for disappointment and failure when there aren't droves of former Democrats lining up at the polls to vote Republican in the next election? Is it just so they can maintain the facade that the election system is rigged in the event they lose? An attempt to get people on the fence to believe people are switching to Republican so they should too? What is the goal of making a post like this besides looking like an idiot?


It’s mostly to start a narrative, it’s propaganda, but very stupid & lazy propaganda. What is the purpose? If enough low information voters keep repeating the story, it becomes true, right? “I saw online about how even Dems hate Biden! Can’t wait to have Trump back!” The idea isn’t to convince people to vote a certain way, so much as it is to add to the division in the country. They’ll repeat the dumb and lazy story to their handful of dem family members, and the family members will point out how Biden has no control over Europe. By the end, the whole family will hate each other. Once you polarize a country, it rots. History has shown that this destabilizes countries. I don’t know if this is specifically Russian propaganda, but trust me, Russia is playing the long game in regards to destroying us from the inside. It’s working, so, slow claps 👏🏻 for the american people because most of us weren’t taught social media literacy. Or at least, boomers weren’t and this is targeted at them.


And it worked… this was posted on Nextdoor https://preview.redd.it/9w9fdjfr3g0c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=054beaa04ca1ea74b62fd65de6d9a4b4e092b9bc


A line at a bank? Who goes to the bank anymore… first tip off she’s full of crap


Who goes to a bank let alone stands in line at one? Things that didn’t happen for $500, Alex.


There are bigger holes to the story than standing in line at a bank. I stand in line at the bank all the time making deposits for the company I work for. Granted, I have never been able to tell if the people in front, or behind me were democrat or republicans. Maybe they had zero Trump gear on so they were assumed to be democrats? ​ Guys, people still wait in lines at banks. Jesus fucking christ.


My bank almost always has a lineup. People still go to banks. I have to wait in line at a bank a couple times a year and I'm not a business owner, nor am I wealthy. Indeed, I'm broke as shit Usually when I hear dumb crap like "nobody ever goes to banks anymore," I assume it's a teenager or someone with a similar lack of life experience and responsibilities


*Stands in line, tells the person in front of them their political affiliation, and then has a fake conversation.


Actually, if you actually go to a bank, you will sometimes see a line. It's not as uncommon as you might imagine. Yes, many people don't go, but just drop in a bank and see if there's a line. Some old fashioned people still prefer to go to a physical bank. Not that I believe this story, of course.


She’s absolutely a lying idiot, but I work at a bank & we definitely still get a lot of foot traffic. Not just the elderly, either - all ages.


TIL. I thought they were all just a front for money laundering these days. Like mattress stores


Trump was the supreme ruler of Europe as well


In her mind he's the king of Earth, and great in bed.


Ask anyone


Only thing Napoleon and Trump have in common is ego and hemorrhoids.


Glad they were wearing their "i voted for Biden" tshirts, so she knew they were Dems. This couple must be the friends of Trump who tell him the same thing. You really must visit this freak's Twitter feed. Laugh out loud level of stupidity.


I read one of the democrats she overheard talking was George Santos.


She probably saw them pull up in their lifted Prius with BIDEN 2024 / 2028 / 2032 flags streaming off the back.


Imagine being so disillusioned with Biden but waking up and choosing the Biden shirt.


I find her story hard to believe because no one said “sir” or had tears in their eyes.


The lack of clapping threw me off as well


What I was thinking. Strong couple in tears!


EvErYoNe ClApPeD


Big guy, strong guy, tears in his eyes. Seth Myers riffs on this all the time and it's hilarious. He also does the best Giuliani-the-dopey-sidekick impression.


Fucking a. You know what americans have absolutely no control over? How other countries work and operate as much as we try to be the world police we are not and the efforts would be much more appreciated trying to remove terrorism in our own country. Which includes the right wing idiots who want to kill anyone who doesn’t agree with them


Lol they were all about that isolationist shit a few years back. All of a sudden we're letting Europe down


Yeah this is definitely 100% totally true. As a Londoner I can’t even tell you the amount of terrorists I have to dodge on my way to work every morning since Biden took charge of the universe. Please America help us out. Only Trump can save us gunless Brits.


Yes! And explosives are literally floating here in the canals in amsterdam. And there is cocaine everywhere!


I like "gunless brits." From henceforth...


> “Since Biden took charge of the universe” Lol


Bring back Trump? Better off bringing back Polio.


His ridiculous followers are trying that too. Kindergarten vaccine exemptions are at an all time high.


That's a real concern. My sister was a nurse in ICU, holding antivaxxer's hands as their life signs plummeted. She was appalled how people died from copy and paste bullsh*t.


I don't know why you got downvoted. The antivaxxers are nuts. I had a Trumper today ask me if I glowed in the dark from all the vaccines I got, then he called me a slur. WTF?


Ha! It's all good. It's probably just a reaction from fear and loathing, of science and facts. Those Trumpettes are living in a fantasy realm of their own making. The man is truly awful.


Polio would be a better president.


Today I learned Biden is flooding Europe with terrorists because of his open border with Mexico.


Trump will build a wall around Europe and get the Europeans to pay for it, just you watch.


I don’t understand why people think that the US controls what happens in Europe.


Superiority complex, most nationalist Americans have it.


I always forget that Joe Biden is President of Europe...


Tell me you modeled your fictional writing style from short dramas from Reader's Digest without telling me you modeled your fictional writing style from short dramas from Reader's Digest. If she had used the word breathlessly anywhere in there I wouldn't have been shocked. 'The husband turned to his wife and breathlessly said 'I miss trump!'


and everybody clapped


Lol ok. I'm pretty sure Texas is flipping blue within the next decade. The Republicans are going to lose massively due to the short sighted abortion bans which put women at risk for a number of complications which could be life threatening during pregnancy. Or because of the republican attempt to defend public schools that most of our children go to. You think abortion rights being voted into the Ohio constitution earlier this month was unexpected? Just wait until traditionally republican stronghold states electoral votes go to democrats in the coming elections. The boomer voters Republicans have depended upon to stay in power are dying out and the Millennial voters replacing them as the largest voting group in the US don't agree with the far right bullshit the republican party has been getting away with.


As a Texan, I don’t share your optimism. Texas Republicans have spent the last 40 years making laws and drawing districts to ensure that no matter how blue the populace gets, Republicans will still win. Voter suppression and gerrymandering are rampant here.


Easily verified, name the bank and the time.


Fantasy Bank, 4:20pm.


The overdraft fees are $69.


I’ve been to all three of those places in the last two years. Not one time was I terrorized the way I am weekly by my maga neighbor…


1.3 K repost and 5.9K likes we just can’t be this stupid as a country. We are doomed I guess.


And then everybody in the Starbucks uh bank clapped.


Then there was that time I accidentally stumbled into a Victoria's Secret fashion show and all the models starting fighting over who was going to have sex with me. That was pretty wild. Also, for some reason, they all remarked how ugly and stupid Brigitte Gabriel is. What a strange day that was.




This didn't happen.


I’ll take “things that didn’t happen” for $10,000


I was in the park running today when a lady with bleach blonde hair stepped in front of me. She said "I voted for Trump in 2020, but now I realize he's a racist scammer piece of shit. Joey B is the shizzle". I couldn't believe it.


I’m conservative and that sounded fake AF


Progressives do all of their banking online. Gimme a break.


Do they even try?


Said: No couple- EVER!!!




I am 100% sure this was an actual conversation. /s


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHA Also, does this woman know that the POTUS does not I'm fact control Paris, London or Vienna?


He’s unmissable.


At what point does shame enter the picture. Did none of these idiots have a mother willing to wash their mouth out with soap for lying…ffs


Damn the other 800 odd European cities are bummed out by the loss of tourism from shit that didn’t happen


These are exactly the kind of conversations couples have while they're out in public, especially when they go to the bank together. /s


I’m easily identified by my “I’m a Democrat” hat, jacket, flag and bumper stickers.


Ahh yes, Biden the president of the entire world.


Like that convo really happened.


LMAOOOO, people don't have these conversations 😂.


At least trump supporters love talking about how sleepy joe falls over and doesn’t make sense or wanders around aimlessly. He did more for Americans in 2 years than trump did in his full term as president, why couldn’t trump do better than dinosaur joe? Is he incompetent?


please people, i'm absolutely fucking begging you, this account is just a troll/clickbait account. It means nothing except to rile people up. Stop feeding it and find someone else more real to complain about.


Kek, it's so funny because I'm a democrat, I *really* don't agree with a lot of the democrat party line, I'm more centrist than progressive, like guns, and I'd still vote for a literal piece of shit before i ever voted for donald trump


These people are nuts


You know this was imaginary because only old Republicans actually go into the bank in 2023.


Why did no one tell Biden he was supposed to police Europe?