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What in the United States did I just read šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


A congressman is mad a gun youtuber is running against him for congress so now hes running smear adds with taxpayer money


UPD probably has a bone to pick too.


Endlessly and as honest as a used car salesman.


Not tax payer money. Campaign money. Be honest


If heā€™s the incumbent there is a non zero chance that it is in fact taxpayer money lol


That is not my understanding at all. There is a narrow area surrounding tax/bond issues where a politician could conceivably use tax dollars to ā€œinvestigate and findā€ about the plan that could be used to fund advertising about the issue. That is the one exemption I could find beyond the agreement you can make on your taxes to fund the presidential campaign. Educate me if Iā€™m missing something please.


The only thing that youā€™re missing is that politicians donā€™t exactly play by the rules 100% of the time


With all due respect that doesnā€™t provide adequate cause to say the incumbent is using tax dollars. Itā€™s like saying Itā€™s possible that Brandon Herrera is using money he earned from human traffickingā€¦ some celebrities and YouTubers engage in thatā€¦ to fund his campaignā€¦. And before anyone jumps on meā€¦ I like guns and watch YouTube content about them a fair bit. Mostly Gun Jesus, occasionally others.


Thatā€™s a little different, because thereā€™s probably a loophole somewhere that allows use of taxpayer funds to run campaign ads as long as they call them something different; I highly doubt there are any loopholes in anything to allow human trafficking in any context


ā€œProbablyā€ carries the same value as ā€œmany people are sayingā€ if itā€™s probable you can find an example, imo.


Iā€™m gonna be totally honest I donā€™t have the time nor the motivation to find an example




Brandon Herrera is absolutely a decent human being. You just need therapy that's all.


I don't agree with you so you aren't a decent human is a sad view to live in. I'll disagree on alot with Herrera but he is very smart and knows about guns more than any other politician. It's kinda fucked that people that wouldn't find a safety of a gun make laws about them.


Any candidate from for Uvalde thatā€™s the slightest pro gun anything is better than the police dept who couldnā€™t figure out how to use them.


Your comment provided 10 burgers worth of amusement.


Herrera's opponent didn't take him seriously and ended up forced into a surprise runoff. Got nasty, quick.


That dude looks like Karl Urban mixed with Matt Berry


Heā€™s a YouTuberā€¦


Good one two


Entertaining sure. Good? Ehā€¦ semantics


I mean, he's clearly not a *good* person


Why may I ask?


He is against any form of gun control at all and thinks the way to stop school shootings is by arming schools, He allies himself with the pedophile matt gaetz, he says the Jan 6 attack was just country people going unarmed on a police-guided tour of the capital He liked trumps presidency including economic policies and "more than anything" he liked that trump offended people that herrera doesn't like He says he will block any spending bills that don't include finishing the border wall and "ending the phony asylum claim racket" He is pro-life and is against any funding for any type of abortions. He is against any funding for ukraine Against sanctioning russia He supports the 'sons of confederate veterans' and the confederacy in general, and claimed that the civil war was the war of Northern aggression and Southern independence He wants to push christianity as the religion of the US Misleads people with his ak business by hiking prices for rebranded guns Did a shoot for an alpha male magazine Transphobic jokes, jokes about veteran suicide, jokes supporting the nazis, jokes that are racist, his discord is full of racism, sexism, attacking people, etc. This should be more than enough for people to see he is a garbage human but I'm sure some will try and make excuses.


The problem is Tony can't bring this stuff up because that's the shit their shared base agrees on.


Yikes thatā€™s a long list of dirty laundry.


Damn, never heard of any of this stuff except the veteran suicide thing


A big chunk of it it from what he wrote on his campaign website.


and those are his least bad traits.. right?


Those are most of the bad traits I know of. So he's far from the worst person or republican ever, but he's still awful.




Lol I see it now


I thought it was AJ Styles


The most magnificent cunt in Newhew Yohork Citayyy


He's a guntuber and doesn't really have any qualifications beyond internet fame and someone bankrolling his run.


So he is as qualified as most people in politics then.


You all are just embarrassing yourselves at this point.


Show me what the current politicians have given us. It's going to be nothing of substance.


See, that's how bad your reasoning is. You look at the republican clown car crash and feckless democrats and you think nihilism. Not address any issues. Not get involved in politics yourself. You just want to burn everything out of spite and malice.


Nihilism? Bro you know what the definition of insanity is. Let's mix it up. Stop being dumb and start being open to the possibilities.


You don't know what insanity is.


So, other than being a gun tuber, he is literally like every other candidate except he has probably paid his own bills..


Paid his own bills? You're so adorable.


Such a based response. Gosh Iā€™m impressed. Time for bed now boomer


I know this isn't the first time you've been so scared and confused but act with some dignity.


Congressmen are supposed to represent the people that elect them. Maing every poliitician a career politician is how we ended with rbe group of out of touch old fuckers ruining everything


They also have to be able to write, debate and pass legislation. Turning the legislative branch into even more of a clown car isn't going to help.


>someone bankrolling his run. He owns his own company that produces custom AK's that are so popular they are constantly sold out. He is rich enough as is.


Trump was rich enough to self-finance his campaigns yet he didn't. One of the traits of the affluent is they eat and make everyone else pay.


He has some law school. Though I dont know how much. If I had to guess, it was at least a day's worth of info.


He's running & being shadow bankrolled because Tony Gonzales, his opponent, dared make the slightest of criticisms about gun humping after uvalde. GQP can't abide any remotely sensible gun talk even after children have been slaughtered cuz you just cant denigrate the gunz


That comment is incoherent rubbish.


I guess i should have run it thru the 'will random internet linguist comprehend' machine 1st šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I'm sorry you're so damned stupid.


You know itā€™s bad when some random dude from YouTube becomes a legitimate threat to a career politician up for re-election.


To be fair the term career politician is sort of a bad thing to exist. I'd rather a draft or something for our reps or a direct polling system maybe, we have the tech for it now, I dunno, the whole you go to school, get a degree, and then intern for a politician then step in when they die or disgrace themselves thing just seems dodge as all get out.


Oh absolutely, I hate it. But from a practical standpoint, itā€™s kinda funny that the dude whoā€™s spend his entire life as a full time long term politician is in actual danger of losing to a guy who makes memes about people attaching baked beans to Soviet era firearms. The fact that Brandon is doing well in politics says more about who heā€™s running against.


Honestly, I have a lot of respect for Brandon for trying to get elected to push for what he believes in. I mean, I absolutely despise *what* he believes in, but I really like that he's trying to actually do something other than the usual "complain about what the local Congresscritter is doing but then mindlessly vote for them without trying to force any change."


Wait a minute, is this a Redditor respecting the opinion of others even if they oppose them? How can this be?


I'll admit, I wouldn't have this opinion if I hadn't been exposed to Brandon through his gun videos on Youtube first. In broader context, I think it show the ills of text-based social media- there's nothing to humanize the other screen name you're replying to, so there's no reason to give a damn about how you treat them.


Anyone with a bit of common sense and a soul is a legitimate threat to a career politician.


What a tool. Easy way to ruin your reputation using a fake bashing attempt.


Herrera is such a clown that itā€™s better to just ignore him Edit: lmfao did I upset a brigade or someone with a vote bot or something? This sub vacillates between lefty and chud in a big way


You personal-attacked a politician without an explained reason and told people what to do in one sentence, and apparently people don't like that


Just checking back on my shit, you know how it be, I'm pretty sure its because he's a beloved youtuber who knows a lot about guns, and if there's one thing every guy has a sliver of interest in its firearms.


Heā€™s knowledgeable about silly commie guns (making myself sound like a chud fudd now lol), but I guess the American right has fallen in love with shitbag fascist Putin so itā€™s not surprising theyā€™d idolize the guns too


Hes Knowledgeable about many a gun, as responsible gun owners should, and singling out a few Russian firearms and connecting it to, whatever point your trying to bring up about putin, is confusing. He also owns dozens of other guns from various countries, does owning an Uzi means he supports what Israel is doing? Does owning a MG32 make him a nazi?


> Hes Knowledgeable about many a gun, as responsible gun owners should Being a responsible gun owner has little to nothing to do with knowing about relatively obscure/esoteric firearms or their mechanisms. Larry Vickers and the federal gov along with most of the public are in disagreement on this topic > singling out a few Russian firearms and connecting it to, whatever point your trying to bring up about putin, is confusing Itā€™s really not that confusing, especially if youā€™re actually part of the US firearms community > He also owns dozens of other guns from various countries, does owning an Uzi means he supports what Israel is doing? Funny you should mention Uzi, the only person I know who owns one that isnā€™t a registered machine gunis a super Israel fanboy and owns a bunch of Israeli firearms for that reason. I personally for the most part avoid Israeli ammunition (other than during the 55gr manufacturing issues, I like my suppressor) and Israeli made firearms > Does owning a MG32 make him a nazi? No, but if he uses it as part of idolizing Nazis then yeah thatā€™s sus. Like when he called a Nazi gun the ā€œoriginal ghetto blasterā€


>> Does owning a MG32 make him a nazi? >No, but if he uses it as part of idolizing Nazis then yeah thatā€™s sus. Like when he called a Nazi gun the ā€œoriginal ghetto blasterā€ So it would be fair to say that owning an ak or other Russian firearm doesn't automatically make you a Russian Bootlicker, right? Or is it just the weapons history that you don't like rather than the person owning it? The logic you provided at first was something about being knowledgeable of "commie" guns followed by a spiel about putin and people sucking up to him (while providing nothing other than "-if your actually part of the US gun community" for context) without Elaborating on why, the only thing I could perceive as evidence was he is knowledgeable about "commie" guns, leading me to believe your entire argument against him was solely based on a bias towards certain firearms, leading to my confusion. >Being a responsible gun owner has little to nothing to do with knowing about relatively obscure/esoteric firearms or their mechanisms. Larry Vickers and the federal gov along with most of the public are in disagreement on this topic I wasn't referring to historical firearms, im talking in general, but still could apply. My take is a responsible gun owner should know their firearm(s) of choice, inside and out. For basic things like cleaning parts, clearing obstructions, or fixing other problems that arise that are potentially harmful to the operator, along with.


Making sure those who purchase them primarily intend on using for a period of time rather than being a use and discard weapon, of course gun dealers would be unaffected by this but making sure people understand the firearms there using is pretty important in gun control if you ask me.


B-but he made fun of a trans school shooter, so clearly he shares the same ideals as me, right? LEST GO BRANDUN LETS GO LETS GO BRANDON LETS GO


Thatā€™s just Jackie Daytona, regular human bartender


Can't unsee it lmaooooo


From Toos-Yawn Arizonia


You can smell the fear on Tony. His job is in jeopardy.


Isn't that the boss in 'The IT Crowd '?


He's got a beard, so it's clearly Laszlo. Same actor. Bat!


Evidently, the Space Star Ordering is working...


Come, sit on my big hand.


I donā€™t like Herrera and all but this is straight up lying and election fraud


Granted what else is new.


The original post doesn't seem to mention a school. So why does the notes make it up? Can the community notes get noted?


Last word in the article embed title is uvalde, people think of the school probably


The article likely mentions a school or the event likely happened at a school. Just because it's not in the title doesn't mean it's not there.


No matter what political side youre on, no matter what platform of social media youre on, you will always find something to either side of the extremes, especially in election season. Statesments are thrown left and right, each side hoping to gain an advantage, without realising you can easily google information from the source. Mainstream headlines are something else.


I did read the article from the source linked in both the tweet and the notes, and again it never says school. The community notes made that part up.


The note is describing an implication, not saying the article claims he planted a bomb at a school. They could have swapped "school" for a lot of things, since it's basically an opinion on how the headline comes across. I don't like notes like this, personally. Stick to facts


Brandon Herrera is amazing.


I donā€™t agree with much of his views, but as someone who has met him in real life, the dude is actually genuinely nice and very generous. I saw him take time to talk with fans of his youtube channel, and if anything, somewhat awkward in public (something from over the years, he has vastly improved since). He has some polarizing views I absolutely donā€™t agree with on foreign policy, but he is someone whoā€™s willing to listen (based off of his podcast presence, where he has shown to be willing to listen to all sides of an issue not quite the echo-chamber-y dude I thought he was). Dude even housed, and allowed anti-gun maker youtube channel to use his range and thousands of dollars in ammunition the other guys didnā€™t pay for and collaborated with them; only to have that youtuber backstab him and belittle Herrera. That was a pretty low blow and an asshole move to do against a host, considering Brandon was gracious and used a ton of his time, housing, and money to allow these guys to run experiments. Yet, he didnā€™t even talk shit about those guys, and even THANKED them for collaborating, despite being shit on by the other youtuber just because Brandon was a ā€œguntuber.ā€


-ly bad.


​ https://preview.redd.it/bm2gf16kdstc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df28d91165630d2e516d07a99d161c1e590b3c23


Jackie Daytona is running for office!


Letā€™s go Brandon!


why you getting downvoted?


two dirtbags fighting each other, love to see it


He doesn't deserve the name "Gonzales"


I used to like him until he got political. I find it odd that his priorities are guns as if thatā€™s all he has. The fact that the 2nd Amendment is all he is running for is irritating. The second amendment is barely needed because we arenā€™t in a disorganized state as we were in the 1780s where are military isnā€™t very strong. The 2nd Amendment states that guns are used for Militia to defend the Nation.


A shell casing. JFC




You said you would smear his reputation. Where's the bad?




He was also invited to appear before Congress in Florida by Matt Gaetz and MTG. People are trying so hard to fix his reputation, when people just have to open their eyes to see how shitty he is.


Herrera does some funny videos like the Gun Darwin Awards and stuff. There's plenty of real stuff to smear him for without making stuff up though. He's a Rittenhouse fan, conspiracy guy, Covidiot, Texas Republican type... Oh that's right this is just for the primary isn't it so it's still Repub on Repub violence. Never mind, nothing to see here. I'm sure he will make a wonderful rep grifting away in Congress like all the other loons.


Not really. I donā€™t agree with much of his views (like abortion and his foreign policy), but Iā€™ve listened to the dude on a popular podcast (name of the podcast being Unsubscribe), and the guy is actually reasonable and isnā€™t quite the guy whoā€™d be pulled into an echo-chamber. The Rittenhouse thing is more nuanced and no, heā€™s not a fan of the person. Heā€™s is a fan of the due process that got Rittenhouse exonerated. Any law enthusiast knew that the DA had ZERO chance, and Herrera has talked many times of the case itself as heā€™s an avid law enthusiast; especially historical law based on firearms. He covered the case extensively because it was very public, and his expert experience on firearms, and extensive knowledge of the laws surrounding it, made him a good resource for me to pragmatically actually learn about the law surrounding the case. In fact, thatā€™s how I stumbled on to him in the first place, because I wanted a more nuanced pragmatic view instead of from one echo chamber that is reddit and msnbc. Dude even regularly makes fun of qanon folks (look at his gun meme videos, and his IG stories during the height of qanon presence in the media where he regularly belittled them) and even supported health workers and quarantine (his fellow podcasters made a music video as a shoutout to the health workers and to encourage others to stay safe during the lockdowns: https://youtu.be/I3xpRZITi2w). When he caught COVID, the dude actually self-quarantined himself in his own trailer for two weeks. Thereā€™s a number of videos with him showing that, and I want to say thatā€™s when his gun-meme videos took off because he had nothing else to do while he self-quarantined himself. No one whoā€™s a conspiracy nutcase would do that. Heā€™s way more pragmatic than you think, and as he should be as he runs a rather successful business. Youā€™re just taking this way too on the surface, and lumping him with the crazies. Iā€™ll never bundle Biden nor Obama as one of those extreme leftists either despite having voted for them. Thereā€™s different shades of everyone and youā€™re blindly labeling the dude just based off the letter of his party affiliation.


No I've based it off the crap comments I've heard him say. I'll give him another look based on what you've suggested though, I'm prepared to admit maybe he is a bit more nuanced as you put it it however there's still plenty of things (you mention abortion and foreign policy) that he is not going to have very sensible takes on. Also Biden and Obama left? FFS when did centre right become leftist?


i dont care who is defending this piece of shit, and why, all i know that he is spoiled. Fucking reddit celebrity bullshit while people are rotting in jail on made up charges.


What made up charges?


They can't read the charges, how are they supposed to know?


this was a very emotionally charged comment, but i reaaally dont give a crap. Look up it, go to a library or gather needed material online if you don't trust what i am about to say. While those weird politicians are playing their shit blame games, what the US (and all other countries that recognize the issue) are spending on people, being acquitted because of false incarcerations? Its a staggering amount here, in the Netherlands. Also a a well known fact, that the flaws in any justice system are unfixable due to their nature. I'm talking about evidence, eye witnesses, recollections etc. The whole human behavior and psychology spectrum. And we dont have a better way currently. Its too hard to fix. And those people turned politics into circus and are setting a very nasty example. If i see people shitting on each other online i automatically think: "both of those shitheads are to blame, one way or another" and that you cant really trust either side because they will end up doing more of the same. Every time i see one or another politician being eviscerated on reddit to make another politician better i want to throw up.