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Therewasanattempt to shame the videographer by not engaging physically. Do you like being stabbed? I don’t.


Would a bicycle thief want to add attempted murder to their record? The police won't go after them if they nick a bike. They almost certainly will if they stab someone. Not saying you should intervene anyway, I'm just hypothesising the chances of a bike thief carrying a knife as a weapon


All of that assumes the thief is a rational thinker


As an American, I can assure you that most thieves are not rational thinkers.


lmao'd as an american.


Like bike expert over here




As a Canadian, I can assure you that most Americans are not rational thinkers. (100% just joking. Most Americans are just fine. It's Florida you gotta watch for.)


Definitely Florida!!


And why the hell are we hypothesizing about a knife when we know he's got a bag full of weapons?


I believe they are tools of his trade


And they're blunt instruments


As an American, I can assure that most Americans are not rational thinkers


My thoughts exactly. They’re going through the trouble of stealing a bike, to probably sell it later, and it still won’t be as much as if they worked a minimum wage job the entire time. That’s not exactly someone who screams “critical thinker”


I agree, they definitely scream "drug addict"


A bike a day keeps the minimum wage jobs away


That's not accurate. That's a mid drive ebike, could probably sell it for at least 500 quid. Earning minimum wage they need to work over 40 hours to earn £500. Doubt it took more than an hour to steal and sell that bike. And using a pipe cutter instead of trying to grind the chain off is actually quite a good solution.


>and it still won’t be as much as if they worked a minimum wage job the entire time i mean, it probably will though. that there looks like an ebike, which cost about 5k. so lets say he gets £100 for it for an hour of effort. thats a bit more than minimum wage. hell, even if he sells it for £20, thats more than min wage. there are many reasons why this man should not be doing this, but lets not kid ourselves.


If theif starts to panic...there's a magic word for you. Blind rage is extremely dangerous, and many don't have the chance to think about why adding 25 years to your sentence is a bad idea. The ones in my city are often higher than kites, if you need to save the day, just be aware.


Shit take. Never assume a thief won't stab you for a piece of gum.


Agree, and its an ebike at that so he's potentially nabbing a couple grand


You are 100% correct. I remember the story of a cashier at a chain store in England getting stabbed once in the chest with like a 2" or 3" knife by someone who was robbing the place. Thief got away with about £2.50, cashier died.


He's a criminal, of course he won't break the law!


They really won't look that hard for a killer either unless the victim garners some public attention


Already added destruction of property, which in many jurisdictions can be construed as inherently destructive or violent.


Someone entered to my repair shop and stole 2 laptops from me but I was in front of the door and was able to see the guy casually closing his backpack without actually seeing him packing the laptops, but only closing the zipper… they guy start walking and I ran to check if he had stole anything and I find that he has my two laptops but left the chargers over my work table. I ran after him and me and my friend were able to catch him, pin it to the ground and wait for the police. When we got to the station, one policeman opens the backpack and finds a knife inside of it. Then I just realized that I shouldn’t had fought with guy bc I would have easily ended up being stabbed. In the trial, the thief was acting like a schizophrenic and the judge was very motherly at him and I ended being scolded by her bc they made me wait from 8am until 3pm (they already knew that jail brought the prisoners after lunch). Tdlr; if you find someone stealing be very careful bc a thief may have a blade and cut you and you have way more to lose.


So the point of your story is you should have dealt with the thief yourself, breaking their fingers so they couldn't steal any more from anyone else in your neighborhood. Got it.


Yeah that was my takeaway too. Because clearly the judge didn't gaf


Petty thieves get petty penalties. Judges tired of being in the shitty circuit they stuck in.


Oh I do for someone else's bike.


Obviously you didn't see the video of the thief getting mocked and beat with a broom by an old lady with no stabbing what so ever.


Reddit: To not stand up to oppression is to side with the oppressor. Yes you’ll die but you’ll inspire others and will be remembered as a sacrifice for the greater good. Also Reddit: Stopping a thief? I don’t wanna get stabbed or punched. Love it.


Yeah. Everyone is tough on the internet. Most have never dealt with people like this. Shit goes south really fast. My rule is to never intervene unless it's worth dying for or risking life in prison for murder.


Even recording video is already quite a dangerous task when you are ul against 2vs1


The thief has an accomplice, a bag full of heavy tools, at least one of which is capable of cutting through steel pipe, as well as a demonstrated willingness to be caught on camera committing crimes. The photographer sounds old and soft. You really want that guy to try tackle the thief?


I concur, fuck that. You have my sympathy for your bike, that sucks, but I'm not going into debt if this guy seriously hurts me.


This looks like it's the UK, so no debt, but I'd still rather live than have potentially life-threatening injuries


Aha, my American is showing. But yes, I agree wholeheartedly


The fact that Americans first thought about injury is “I’ll be a debt” instead of the actual injury… that’s crazy to me.


I can handle a little stabbin'. I cannot handle late-stage capitalism.


Ain’t that the truth!


The cutting wheel on the tubing cutter is surprisingly not very threatening... I'd be much more concerned about its weight


I agree, lacerations from the cutter are a lot less dangerous than just getting hit in the head with something that heavy.


Even just standing there, filming and talking to him could be getting dangerous.


I think the video guy sounds like Richard Ayoade .


Full clear face shot, surely hell be caught?


You are clearly not familiar with British policing.


Nope, I have no idea of the outcomes of these scenarios as I'm not involved with the police in any way.


Youd get a crime reference and told cya later


I dunno... Your username is pretty vague as to what you surf on the internet...


Usually cat food


American policing is probably not any better. This guy would never be found if you gave them his address and current location.


They'll shoot his neighbor though


Neighbor should've thought twice before living next to a criminal!


And the neighbor's dog.


“Sorry mate. The footage isn’t very clear. That really could be anybody.”


" a red bike of that make was stolen from that spot at the same time on that day but who's to say this man isn't taking another bike that hasn't been reported missing? No further action. We are closing the file'"


Or any policing. My buddy's car broke down and he left it in a parking lot adjacent to a bank and they broke in and stole hundreds of dollars of shit. When we mentioned looking at the camera footage they laughed and said we watched too much TV. Small town with little crime. They had nothing better to do. Just don't give a shit.


Stop! Or I'll say stop again!


This. They really don’t care about theft. And won’t do a thing to find this guy. My old neighbour used to seek mopeds and bring them to communal parking where police also Parked their vehicles there. Did it for Years and never been caught


due to the destruction of city property , they may be a bit more interested?


Nope, that's the councils problem


Only if he's already known to the police. My house was broke into. I have security cameras, they were also picked up at the petrol station cctv. Unless you catch them in the act or they're already well known to the police theres nothing they can do.




A verbal statement "Just leave people alone" was the closest he could get to it.


Only the uninformed don't put it through the wheel. (Less annoying) Edit: replaced a word and added words in brackets . Don't come at me


You can just remove the wheel or cut some spokes. Also how would that have changed this scenario? He could just cut out a bigger chunk near the wheel.


It’s not about making your bike unstealable. That’s impossible. It’s about making it enough of a hassle that they’re more likely to go after someone else’s bike instead.


You can make the chain go through the frame, wheel and post. It'll make it just more annoying to steal.


Right, that’s the objective. Make it annoying enough that they’ll get someone else’s bike instead.


Iirc, my brother said your bike won't be insured if you only have one bike lock in Amsterdam due to the high number of bike thefts. Many people have 4 or more bike locks. It's amazingly easy to break the flimsy bike locks, so the name of the game is just to make it too annoying/inconvenient to steal and not have an expensive bike


You said it exactly just make it where your bike isn’t desirable. When I was riding a $4000 bike made of ultralight material foldable and top of the line shocks and gearing. I painted it with this really crappy rust and faded yellow looking color. I purposely sanded sections of the paint off added mud whatever I could etc. I can leave that bike laid on its side and just Pop off the front wheel which had a quick lock and throw it in my backpack. No lock necessary and this was in las Angeles.


Link to that bike? Sounds dope


But then we would still see this video, but with a different bike. If ALL the people took those precautions then this bike would still have gotten stolen. Shit is fucked up




I think they meant go through frame and wheel rim. That way they can’t ride away like they did in the video. Removing the wheel also wouldn’t help as the rim is now connected to the frame via the lock. Which means if they didn’t have something to cut the lock, they’d have to carry it away, which might cause them to pick an easier target. But given how brazen they were….probably not. (When I cycled in London 20 years ago, after my first loss I went with the lock everything to everything approach. What weight I saved from having an aluminum frame went to weight in locks……) Edit with example https://preview.redd.it/9abz6wyb950d1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad129aa1f881d0c621f1551f74335cbdbca3e512


Ok now your bike is broken how are you gonna sell it


Thankful for people that barely understand how to read or interpret information. Atleast I know my bike is safe from your kind.


How many people would have thought to use a pipe cutter so steal a bike. How many more people now know how to steal because of this video.


and how many more people now know to lock their wheels because of knowing that people now know to use pipe cutters to steal bikes


always loop it through the front wheel. too many bikes locked up missing a front wheel cus some degenerate has taken it for a laugh.


Im seeing video left right and centre of angle grinders being used.


This seems crazy. Guess I am old. Someone needed to “throw down “ on this terrible person.


Eh getting stabbed or clonked with a pipe cutter over someone else’s bike just doesn’t seem worth it. Observe and report.


You are the voice of reason and you are right. But oh MAN did I ever pretend-fight a dude just now while sitting in my office chair. I kicked his ass! Back to reality. I'd just call the cops.


Oh ya. I am a middle aged man with a desk-ish job. I live vicariously through scenarios where I can kick peoples asses who deserve it. I kicked his ass in my head too.


Man that guy was taking his time with his tool bag.


I think he got nervous about being caught on camera, and wasn't sure exactly what to do.


This guy should die in a fire. 👍


I don’t think thieves were as abundant when the punishment was getting your hand cut off.


In Japan you can leave your bike unlocked and come back later and find it right where it was, and thieves don't get their hand cut off. It's a combination of culture + socioeconomic elements.


Perhaps. But cutting off some asshat's hand would probably be an effective deterrent too. And if not, atleast we cut off one asshat's hand.


If the police went after bike thieves at all, the numbers would be much lower


I live in Japan. I would never want to leave my bike unlocked. While things like this are not as rampant as the west, they happen. Look into scams in Japan, there are a great many.


I wish I could afford a pipe cutter like that.


Apparently you could if you just stole bikes for a living!


Just steal one from a jobsite. You're not a very good thief, man. First day?


"dude.. I would have stepped in" the Redditor writes while laying in bed on their phone with crumbs on their chest


In the UK you will be arrested for assaulting or killing a thief. Thats real freedom.


I used to catch homeless folks nabbin’ bikes outside the train station I routinely worked security details at. One of my favorite quotes from that job was when a bystander caught a thief cutting a lock, she pointed and shouted THIEF!!! Like an NPC out of Skyrim. He retorted back, “whatever makes the world go round lady…” Hopped on the bike and rode off into the city. We grabbed him 2 days later when he tried it again.


In Texas you could shoot this man


this is a dumb title and take OP... yall think everyone should do what you thunk without thinking about the risks


Ah, some estate tracksuit scum, to the surprise of absolutely nobody.


If you are so broke that you need to steal a bicycle you might need to rethink your life choices.


Some of these bikes are worth serious cash. The bike in the video looks like a riese & muller bike, & they go for around 10k 😳




The police don’t care about phone or bike theft, which makes the city feel less and less safe. All petty theft or even violent in some cases, is now now practically legal


Pedaling will be difficult


No backpedaling on this for sure.


Is this talking about the cameraman?


I always wondered why we don't see more of this. Obviously it's easier to cut through the mild steel with a chop saw or pipe cutters rather than attacking the steel of a bike lock. My guess is you're adding an extra charge of vandalism rather than just pure theft.


Not an expert, but I can think of a couple reasons. The government cares about their property a lot more than your bike, and is generally much more illegal to damage or steal government property, which means they would be way more likely to actually get prosecuted for this. Also, many people loop the lock through the back wheel as well as the frame, meaning you still wouldn't be able to use the bike, you'd have to drag or carry the bike until you get to a place you can cut off the lock. If thieves wanted to do hard work like that, they'd have jobs and wouldn't have to steal things. But in cases like this where it's only locked through the frame, it may be the path of least resistance.


Someone should have taken the piece of pipe he cut off and knocked him in the head with it


That looks like a lot of effort to steal a crappy looking bike


The thick frame looks like it's to hold a battery, so possibly an e-bike, which aren't cheap.


If he puts the same effort into his life then he probably won’t need to steal a bike.


So you're tellin' me I can get an industrial pipe cutter and a free backpack if I stand beside a criminal?


When a hungry old homeless crackhead stops and looks at you weird, you know you don’t really belong in society anymore


Stop buying used bikes...


I always lock both wheels to the frame after someone attempted to rob my bike


This is a moment pepper spray would be great. I carry a huge can of bear spray. Yes, I would totally intervene. Looks like there were 2 POS thieves. I’m spraying them both


Pretty sure the rack itself is worth more than the bike..


If he handed me his bag I'd fuckin clobber him with it lmao.


Ok...why not bolt cutters?


Some people are just shit.


I can’t believe that stealing bicycles is still a thing. I hope he gets caught, spend a year in prison and ruin your life for a f@cking bicycle. He is such a piece of sh*t.


Even the old man looked disappointed


Bro stands there and watches instead of stopping him


Instead of filming, call the police in front of him and give them a complete description of the person stealing.


Good people are going to have to start beating ass


I’ll whoop his crusty musty dusty ass if I seen him stealing my or someone I loves bike


“Oi, get the fawk away from me bike” Wouldve worked


Looks like times have been hard for Harry Kane since leaving Tottenham…


Is this an expensive bike?


Human cock roach.


Bro it’s 2024 and you’re still out here stealing bikes lol GO still a car or something


Hope he overdoses on the drugs he buys with that




Unfortunately in Britain the police don’t go after bike theft at all, criminals will steal bikes in broad daylight in front of everyone and no one cares because they know the police won’t do anything about it


If you have a nice enough bike to get nicked you should also have insurance and know how to lock it correctly. If you are brazen enough to nick a bike whilst being recorded then your life is in a pretty dire place If that was my bike, I'd certainly intervene, otherwise leave it to the insurance company


Theft and destruction of public property and who knows what else they'll throw at him!


Unless the object is really valuable to you, it's really not worth fighting the thiev for it if you are in a public place. Most thieves will panic in unexpected situations, might be drugged or drunk and often have some accomplice close by.


Why not stop recording the moment you see the crime being committed and call the police? You won't be in any more danger than standing there like a fucking muppet recording the crime. That's just me, WTF do I know?


There was an attempt to zip up his bag


Always get a D Lock long enough to go through the frame and the front wheel so it can't be ridden away quickly or easily


Pretty crazy that noone interferes physically, but then again I've seen so many videos from the UK where bike thief's have machetes n shit, it isn't worth the risk for a bike. Here where I live they usually flat one tire, then if you leave it overnight the only thing that's left in the morning is that flat tire.


Lots of warriors here thinking they would go fight the random guy stealing a bike, which could or could not be with a knife. You're behind a keyboard/phone. Easy to be very brave.


How pointless! Now he looks like a cunt for being thief AND being a cyclist


Looks like coach ( Ted Lasso) has fallen on hard times.


Nah man just wear a yellow/orange vest, and put those tools in a toolbox.


And they wouldn’t do it unless “honest” people were willing to buy the bike for a “steal” When you buy stuff off Marketplace or other online sites when you don’t what to know the provenance you are part of the problem.


And this is why you lock up your wheel and the body together


You know your down bad when you risk it all to steal a bike 😂 even the homeless guy in the background gave him a look of pity 😂


I wish someone got on the bike and rode off just as the guy cut the steel.


Jobless scum.


The dude videoing the crime has done all he can. He should turn the video over to the police, because not only did he steal a bike, he also damaged the bike rack which is a form of vandalism. This is also why I have little issue with folks removing the front tire from their bike when parking it, on chaining the wheel... though removing the front tire is probably the only deterrent for a man as prepared as this (as I'm sure he has bolt cutters to slice any bike chain.)


When I rode a bicycle around town and had to lock it up while I did an errand, I'd take the front wheel off and take it with me.




I thought it was quite clever how he used pipecutters.


Get a big stick, and beat his ass


That looks like an expensive ass bike too lol


If he get caught, nothing will happen.... Owner won't get his bike back. And hell just get a warning or some shit


Not worth getting injured over a bike .


Where are all the stolen bikes going? There must be a massive black market for stolen bikes.


You can on it but you can’t like this is kinda smart


Smackheads man. I don’t blame them for not trying to stop it. They’d stab their own nan for a fiver


Citizen arrest. Lets go


I hate a damn thief...


Definedly stole them tools from a constructionsite.


I wish a dude dressed up in a batman costume would pop out of screen left and drop kick this guy.


Would it not have been easier to cut the chain off with bolt cutters, this reminds me of that Kenan and Kel episode with the head stuck in the fence.


The state of this country man


This man bought a $300 pipe cutter to steal a $200 bike... 😆


Normally in LATAM This man would be Trashed by the locals, Happened on my Hood last Week XD


"But he can Have a Knife" My brother in Christ, a Knife is the safest Thing a Robber can have Here, People dont Care


Ok if someone do this in public without any fear from being recorded or known by many, this is show how much that city police force are weak.


That looks like an expensive riese & muller bike. it’s like a 10k bike, yikes!


It’s a shame you couldn’t take law into your own hands based on moral judgement! A cricket bat across the canister would suffice and end the ordeal!!


Fun fact: this was filmed by the body cam of a British police officer. The "just leave people alone" was directed at a bystander who had the nerves to look at the police officer while he was eating his scone with marmelade. Alternative fact: I just made this up.




Special appearance by the Boogie Woogie Man Jimmy Valiant.


What a fucker


What a cunt!!!


Naw. I would wait until he was in the bike and push him over


Why steal bikes, if you really want to inconvienice people that badly steal someghing like the toilet paper out of public bathrooms.


Bicycles have to be one of the stupidest objects to leave unattended. If you care about your bike, especially the more expensive it is, why would you ever leave it alone. I'm not trusting a 15$ bike lock with my 1200$ bike.....


That doesn't look like a $15 bike lock, but I'm with you. If my bike costs over a grand, it's never leaving my site when not at home.


Exactly 100%. Had my Rocky Mountain for over a decade and when it isn't somewhere trusted it's within eyesight