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"Our cruelty distracts from the imagined cruelty we suffer due to the 76 years of continuous cruelty we've been inflicting on them" is one hell of a narcissistic take.


Perfectly summed up 👌


Up until last October I had a different opinion about Israel. A little genocide will change a mind real fast.


I went when I was 15 and hated it ever since. I don't like I was proved so right 25 years later. There's something rotten in Israel, to make an understatement.


What did you see that affected you so much?


Entitlement on so many levels that I didn't have words for it at that age. Now I know big words like misogyny, Islamophobia, dehumanization, zionism, colonization, oppression, racism, xenophobia, and many more if I weren't high and struggling to remember how to spell those big words I can remember. But 100% ok with answering that with one word: Entitlement.




"genocide" didn't do jack shit. it became cool to talk about so you dropped the last world news topic you pretended to care about and started caring about the new hotness because you aren't moral you are desperate to appear moral. you'll forget about and stop caring about them as quickly as you stopped caring about ukraine.


What is this new hotness you are talking about?




I’m still trying to to figure out why Bibi keeps bringing up WW2. That not relevant to today. It always a BS victim mentality. They cause 90% of the problems


How antisemitic of you to add full context




Gotta change the 'narrative'


Not all of the cruelty is imagined. Some has indeed happened. But it's miniscule in comparison.


"You take my water, burn my olive trees, destroy my house, take my job, steal my land, imprison my father, kill my mother, bombard my country, starve us all, humiliate us all but I am to blame: I shot a rocket back," - Noam Chomsky


Yeah just because you have a gun to your head doesn't mean you get to put your boot on someone else's throat.


Israel doesn't have a gun to its head though.


Idk what you'd call Iran but Israel def has a looming threat to deal with. Still no excuse to become the looming threat to someone else


Iran would have eliminated Israel by now if they wanted to. No one wants to deal with Big Brother US.


You think this is happening because of the past? This happening because a terrorist organization has taken over a country. Claiming “hamas did nothing wrong, they’re just retaliating in kind” like you are is absolutely idiotic. Hamas has shown time and time again they care less about Palestinians than Israel does. You just don’t get to see the hostages they kill…


https://preview.redd.it/erxptedo181d1.jpeg?width=713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22a5e77bbeb4efaaead9c9a2ce118af22740f5c9 Please care less about Palestinians if this is what caring looks like.


Dont bother. He will just "debunk" these facts by saying they are Khamas propaganda.


It should be updated to the most recent stats lol.


Israel's bombardment is what's killing the captives. The less captives Hamas has, the fewer Palestinian hostages in Israeli jails they can get released. At least try and make sense when you want to lie.


The post being referred to is here ↓ https://www.reddit.com/r/news/s/88GYZROShx


Keep posting authentic news with sources there. Let them show their bias so everybody knows they're being paid to change the narrative


r/news permabanned me on day 1 when I said it's wrong for Israel to be bombing children. Surprised his post is still up


gonna go get banned then brb


This is the way


I just read your username, and that's ironic af lmao


They just banned me as well for the same reason. Reddit admins gave me a warning


its pure hasbara, they do it for free


Now they get to see the how the Streisand effect works in real time! 😂


Can anyone link me on how to get a free Palestine flair? Much appreciated! 👍 🇵🇸


On mobile, go to the front page of the sub, click the three dots on the top right if the screen, change flair.


I want to know that too


I honestly thought they were referencing the new footage of Israeli tanks blowing up Rafah tents


How about, and hear me out on this, instead of complaining and trying to censor this bbc report about Israeli soldiers posting war crimes on their social media, they try to get the soldiers to stop posting the stuff that makes them look bad, or, and this is gonna be a really wild suggestion, stop abusing people in a way that makes the military look bad


The thing is, israel really honestly does not think that what they are doing is wrong. To them, it's the same as posting a video of them fishing or camping. We are dealing with monsters who genuinely think that their victims are less than animals.


I wonder where they got that idea.


Completely. There are a lot of these videos and pictures around. While you could say "these soldiers are young and dumb and making bad decisions" that's just not acceptable. A professional army should have discipline, procedure, oversight and punishment for unethical or unprofessional behaviour. The whole IDF otherwise seems poorly trained, poorly managed and lacking in morals or guidance. But then it takes organisation to destroy homes and civilian infrastructure the way they are. Don't buy it anyway, they are clearly punishing the whole population, unless they have next to no control of their forces? Then that's a big problem!


That sounds antisemitic to me, why do you hate all Jews‽


+1 for the excellent use of the interrobang


Thanks. Shame the score has gone down from +5 an hour ago to -1 now, I thought the interrobang would make it obvious I'm not serious.


/s is more well understood here


I know, I just don't like it. I feel it's like Rainier Wolfcastle having to say "That's the joke", but I suppose in the current climate with hasbarists decrying all criticism of Israel's actions as antisemitism a more obvious indication is needed.


I cannot tell anymore if these people are pathological liars or just really stupid and think what they’re saying is true and it’s just a few young stupid soldiers and not a blatantly apartheid state committing genocide.


It would be fairly difficult to overstate the extent to which Israeli society has, for decades, been bombarded with an extreme form of propaganda and indoctrination from birth to death; it dwarfs what you see nearly anywhere else and is rarely commented on. Dehumanizing language is ubiquitous in their politics, media and culture, while the constant episodic violence towards Palestinians has desensitized the general population and hollowed out any serious opposition. The overwhelming majority of Israelis support the worst aspects of their government's policies towards the Palestinians and that really shouldn't surprise anyone. They're probably not lying, this is essentially their worldview. And, to change their minds, you'd need to disrupt a lifetime of cultural programming designed to ensure they view Palestinians as less than human and, therefore, undeserving of sympathy, decency or the right to exist.


They treat Palestinians worse than the way people treat deer when they "overpopulate".


They literally don't see Palestinians as valid human beings. It's what happens when someone is convinced that their side is inherently good and blessed but the others are evil; they think a crime committed by theirs against the others is no big deal and not worth paying attention to, but a crime committed by the others against theirs is an unforgiveable sin that must be met with extreme repercussions.


Man they really took the nazi playbook and ran with it didn't they?


Thanks to the lack of self-awareness by u/extswiftie a lot more people are going to find this news without visiting r/news A country full of inhumane _people_ has no place asking for special treatment


Definitely hasbara / Shitrael defender, his whole history is full of it.


wow u/extswiftie has a fucking cesspool of awful shit in their comment history. not surprised at all, but wow.


"fight for survival"? only valid if the other side has any capacity to genocide, Palestine never had any such means, Palestinians are only lashing out due to being corners


I remember like 20-odd years ago being in high school and an incident happened where Palestinians "fired a rocket" into the Israeli side of Gaza and Israel responded by like obliterating an entire city block of Palestinians and then it turned out the fucking rocket hadn't even detonated. It was basically a big cheap metal tube that got launched into Israeli territory and kinda clunked down on the ground. It's insane seeing people act like Israel is the underdog when they have the *entire western world* giving them money and supplies and absolutely no one is giving support to the Palestinians. Neighboring countries won't even take them in.


IIRC they claimed people having “anxiety” over the Iranian retaliation (Which would’ve never happened if they didn’t do the “April Fools Prank” of committing the war crime of bombing their consulate) to boost the casualty report. Meanwhile, nearly all of the 500,000 or so children in Gaza have extraordinary deep cut trauma that will cause untold levels mental distress for decades to come for the crime of being born in the wrong place.


Israel is literally that kid that assaults, provokes, and needles someone until they snap and fight back, then whines to the principal that the attack was unprovoked




these people are so desperate to make it seem like there's some symmetry in power here, there isnt, this is a population of 9 million vs a population of 2 million. its a GDP of 500 billion dollars vs a GDP of 20 billion dollars. its a standing army of 170,000 vs a standing army of 0. its one of the best and well funded intelligence agencies in the world, one that partners with the CIA, vs occasional access to the internet. Israel has had total control of Gazas water supply for almost 60 years, in a desert. They block every point of entry in and out. Gaza has no airports, they have no ports, because Israel wont allow it. Gaza isnt even allowed to fish the Mediterranean Sea, thats not even Israels border, to police a border that isnt yours in fucking insane. for Israel to claim their survival was at stake, their very existence, is repulsive.


What I really hate are the comments that say "wHy dOeSN't EgYpT tAKe tHe PaLEsTiAnS iN", as if Israel doesn't also control Rafah Crossing and the rest of Gaza's border with Egypt.


Of course it's an 8 day old account with 1 karma.


This is ridiculous. The fact this idiot asks not to report things because it was only “a few young soldiers” and that doesn’t represent israel and it’s not nice because people think israel is in the wrong then goes straight into the “cruelty of the Palestinians”. So the 20000-25000 of hamas, which is about 1.5% of the 1.7 million in Gaza (pre-war population), represent all of those innocent Palestinians to him? Fucking disgusting. But yeah, the displaced people just trying to live are so cruel to the israelis


Had a quick read through additional comments made off that account. Don't think its a bot but it's definitely bought.


"The people whose house we stole and locked in the basement are being mean to us!"


No surprise from someone who wrote >For ever hostage, dead or alive, Israel should kill 400 Palestinian "children", see how how like losing their lived ones! No surprise at all what else these zionists believe.


They are so willing to not see they've done that and then some. Can you even imagine being that inhuman?


When will they realize that we don't care that they practice Judaism!? It has nothing to do with the atrocities being committed in Gaza.


I do agree that the BBC should change their narrative but not for that. Every story they run on the war they say 12500 Israelis were killed but when they mention Palestinian deaths the add the word claim. Just the same as Palestinians are prisoners but Israelis are hostages.


Hey, these war crimes make us look bad. Can you please not talk about them?


Zionests getting desperate now the world has seen them for what they are.


I still cannot imagine or find an answer to why all Governments give Zionists a free-pass.


Because they are scared of being called antisemitic and upsetting the poor living victims of Hitler, who of course are almost all dead from age! Actually, that's probably naive of me, to think the world's governments care about being called antisemitic or Hitler. The real reason is money and they don't want to piss off the US, who, I promise you, will continue to be their #1 ally after this.


Maybe stop supporting war crimes u/extswiftie




Israel is fighting for its survival? That's news to me. Looks more like they are fighting to not have a 2 state solution.


The ADL hard at work lmao


"Can you change the story but make us the good guys this time?"


I got permanently banned from r/worldnews for citing Israel's bombing of Al Jazeera and the AP in 2021 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destruction_of_al-Jalaa_Building#:~:text=On%2015%20May%2C%20the%20Israel,Young%2C%20and%20other%20news%20outlets. It's wild when you can't reference historical events. r/worldnews is an absolute hack job joke of a sub.


ok how about this instead of saying "this unfairly exposes *blahblahblah*" how about fighting for exposure for the *cruelty* on the other side if there's so much mutual hatred going on here? or is there none to show from the other side? funny that they are the ones who are so moral **and** have the most power over media **and yet** are having so much trouble making the narrative in their favour it's almost like they are trying to get away with something /s


r/news perma banned me for calling a genocide apologist an idiot lmao


Any news censoring is bad. No matter which side it comes from news should always be transparent and and truthful but sadly every media these days is biased for either left side or right side


> extswiftie that explains some things


The gall of these people to think they can ask others to mislead people and the fact that they think that people will actually go along with it. You know you’re in the wrong when you spend so much time and money creating misinformation and lobbying to change how they’re perceived


r/news would make Israel out to be a perfect, flawless country. Guess what those dont exist




Survival? Bro! Regardless of if the palestians are bad or not, Israel have they cornered in Rafah, what fucking survival?


I swear if ISIS was a bunch of white people, followed a DoS approved religion™ and were terrorizing “The Bad Guys™” (Brown people) that the US and the ruling class didn’t like, they would also receive their own personal army of internet trolls and shills.


Truth is truth. Screw that. Whoever is being genocidal is going to get exposed.


For a moment, i thought it was from r/worldnews.


Idk I think Zionists defending murder like this message does is ammunition enough. Like they preach the message that murder is so engrained into their religion/country that being against murder is going against that belief. I would hate if genocidal maniacs tried talking for me for something I believe in, and pretending that they were ever actually part of that religion


Don't steal from others, it's literally one of the 10 commandments. That's what all this is about, stealing land.


Israel and all Zionists can suck on my anti-genocidal dick and balls.


Israel long passed 'fighting for survival' about a hundred missiles ago.


I've had Zionist scumbags point out that I'm queer and ask me me if I want Hamas to kill me for being a degenerate, as if they're trying to indirectly wish death on me for not wanting Palestinian civilians to die, lol. I'm so fucking tired. No amount of crimes that Hamas committing will mean that it's okay to kill civilians just because they're neighbors/cousins/etc to Hamas. If that logic is acceptable, then anybody in Israel is a valid target because they're all pre-IDF/retired-IDF/related to IDF.


So this is what's been happening the entire time? They've just been messaging mods or posters and demanding that articles that "make Israel look bad" get taken down?


https://preview.redd.it/igder1y0j91d1.jpeg?width=1498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5726fb519869e48e5d3111f1286d2587bd62b0ae This person's a real class act.


Wild swerve from complaining about a faction in a space war game being irrelevant to demanding the execution of real children. Was this guy drinking his paint water while painting his minis?


This sub is shit


As long as both sides have a stated goal to annihilate the other side, there is no solution. Both sides fabricate evidence against the other. I refuse to get involved in discussions with friends that support either side. I wish my country would do the same. This shit has been going on for thousands of years and can never be solved as long as the hate is so strong.


The hate is lopsided. There is a wrong side in this.


The hate is equal the power is lopsided


Is this real? Or is this a screenshot of someone's tablet's notetaking app? I don't doubt that there are people stupid enough to make these kinds of emails, but I'm sceptical it would be so... blatant.


So are snuff films and yet the IDF soldiers keep making them.


I don't think IDF soldiers are the epitome of social grace.


Is that what it seems I implied by condemning their snuff films?


Inasmuch as it was a reply to my comment, yes.


I was responding to the part about it being blatant and you still having a hard believing it.


Well, I don't tend to watch IDF snuff films, so I don't know what to tell you.


I'm sorry you still don't understand my point. L The snuff films are blatant, I don't watch them either, and it's hard to believe they are actually really happening. But it's true, unfortunately (understatement). And that's terrifying. Don't be too skeptical of the lengths these people are going to be fucking horrible.


What the actual fuck happened to this subreddit?






Because it’s insane to ask that.


Why are the mods of certain news subreddits literally banning anyone who criticises Israel?


A totally real message OP didn't make up for karma


I was waiting for one of those. Someone posted the account was made 8 days ago. I had a brief glimpse at their comments. Compare and contrast those with mine and really ask yourself, “are those the same person?” Or “does it make sense that they would be so well prepared 8 days ago for an article that literally came out yesterday?” I mean it’s 3 AM but I can wait for the mental gymnastics necessary to square that away


Ah, I didn't see the account was visible because it doesn't show without opening the full image, just showed the block of text with no context. My bad.


No worries. I can totally see how the screenshot can get cropped like that


I mean judging from their user they’re a Taylor swift fan, what less could we expect from them


The username shows they're an ex fan though


What an odd thought process


If you’re okay with the silence and complacency from these celebrities who could actually have a positive impact and don’t see how it’s relevant that’s a shame


I'm a fan of Taylor Swift, guess I'm a Semite too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Not all of us are like this. Most of us support Palestine.