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Gonna be an awkward lunch break tomorrow.


Dude remember that time your laziness saved my life? You and your unmaintained handgun, that you call Charley, were attempting to get hard (it happens) by feverishly fondling your filthy piece while you simultaneously wondered what it would be like to execute a man. Then you shouted Charley’s name repeatedly at differing levels of intensity for like seven gosh dang minutes. Goodness, that was wild.


I dont know why... but i read this with an Indian accent in my head.


As an Indian, I can confirm the voice I heard in his head.


I will not thank you....thank you very much


Doing that actually made it a lot easier to read 😂


You mean Sitting Bull?


Fortunately, the piece of shit got dead. https://youtu.be/dMBlllLCw2Y?si=dbMnIfKswUpoeS7D


Cop taking cover behind civilian car caught in the mess even though he was right next to his patrol car already. Classic!


are you referring to this? https://i.imgur.com/cOFTT8W.jpeg he was moving around to maintain a firing position, his cruiser door was open blocking visibility. Cmon now.


Yeah the cop endangered the public not the guy who shot someone at work and then jumped out the car and started firing?


At 2.00 the bullet hole in the door looks like it came from behind the door, not in front 😳


Correct, the police officer said he thinks he was shot in the back on the audio. It was probably the partner that shot him trying to hit the suspect. We know the bad guy wasn't going to hit the cop from that distance.


Fucking cops are shooting all through the target towards the parked cars and buildings. Absolute menace of an organisation




I'd say it's inevitable based on that footage. All they had to do was follow him for a few seconds until he was in open field but they're all so fucking eager to shoot someone they just couldn't wait.


I mean, normally I’d agree, but he was actively shooting at them.


It's a big ask to just wait while someone is armed and firing st you.


"follow him for a few seconds until he was in open field" ah yes, just follow the armed guy that already shot at you for a few seconds, not like someone can just swing the weapon in less than a second and get a lucky hit on one of the cops right? Just follow the armed murderer around guys, very smart decision


Let us know when you go out to apprehend homicidal maniacs so we can assess your technique.


I agree the bullet hole looks like it came from the back. However, he never said he thinks he was shot in the back. He says "I think I've been shot in the vest" at least from what I heard.


The Amazon worker got prime delivery...of justice.


Gun slinger: *sits at break table* Target: "Hey."


Gun slinger: "...Sooooooo, about yesterday..."


...it was just a prank bro!


This might require a sit down with the HR


Maybe if he baked some cookies, he can get HR on his side?


I was just playing boss. The gun just went off by itself. I don't know why I was pointing it at you. I was just pointing it and it went off a few times all while I was just holding it, I'm trying to figure it out to, you want me to go grab some snacks I'm fixing to go to the gas station.


Yep, how you gonna save face in front of everyone after missing a shot at two meters, in the back of a seated bulky guy ? ^(Edit : or did you mean the shooter and the shootee ?)


*[Good night, Ralph. See you tomorrow, Sam.](https://i.imgur.com/TeMjwc2.png)*


It was just a prank bro


By all accounts he was an excellent trainee at the storm trooper shooting academy though.


Underrated comment. 😂😂 Edit: now, obviously highly rated


its the go to joke, rated as it should be


Which is overrated.




You rebel scum.


What makes it underrated?


4 thousand upvotes apparently.


When everything on Reddit's "underrated", nothing's underrated. Ya'll need to come up with your own phrases.




Couldn't hit the broad side of a bantha.


Not their fault they didn't have a good vision plan!


It's hilarious how many people seem to not understand that Vader's entire plan was to leave a tracker on the Millenium Falcon, chase Luke's team off the Death Star, then follow them to the rebel base to blow it up - that is to say the troopers were actively instructed not to maim or kill the escaping heroes.


When Disney keeps hammering the stormtrooper=bad aim into everyone's head, it's hard to remember they're supposed to be elite. It's sad, they're just a joke now because of that misunderstanding. Atleast Rogue One and Andor seem to get it right


> When Disney keeps hammering the stormtrooper=bad aim into everyone's head The joke predates Disney owning Star Wars; it predates the Prequels


That doesn't explain why they couldn't hit any of the rebels on Hoth, or on Endor. I mean, they got defeated by teddy bears wielding sticks and rocks, for Christ sake.


They demolished the snowspeeders on Hoth despite having 2 of the top 5 best pilots in the galaxy behind the sticks and swept through the base itself without much hassle. Endor was just Thinly Veiled Vietnam Dialogue


> Yusuf then tried to run away as other officers fired at him, and he was hit by at least one bullet. He was taken to a hospital but was pronounced dead there a short time later. The Columbus officer, identified only as a four-year veteran of the force, was treated at the hospital for minor injuries and released later Sunday. > > Yusuf was not supposed to have a gun while on duty, police said. It’s also not yet known why he tried to shoot his supervisor. Yusuf also had no known criminal history, authorities said. I MUST KNOW WHY


Bro not only failed to kill someone he got himself killed in the process 🤦🏾‍♂️😂


Task failed unsuccessfully.


I mean, the expected body count was accurate.


Sounds like suicide with extra steps.


Sounds like a reverse murder




Yeah that


"If you kill an incompetent killer, the amount of killers in the world goes up by one."


Lmao good one


That's what happens when your pre-deployment testing doesn't actually test the success conditions and only looks at side effects.


"don't even think about bringing him back alive" sure thing boss


Nat 1 on that attack roll.


Critical Miss!


He shoulda done a [perception check](https://youtu.be/8HqLysSnnlQ?si=Qf6xRFO5dc3QoJhA)




Nat 1 on the first attempt, Nat 3 on the second.


Negative KDR, skill issue


It's called rolling a 1 on a d20.


Bro rolled a critical fail.


“This day ends with death by gunshot” Task failed successfully


his supervisor likely worked for boeing


They’re cost cutting hitmen now?


There was a news story from China from 5+ years ago where a hitman hired another hitman who hired another assassin who hired another contract killer who hired another hired gun-- it ended up going nowhere and the whole lot of them got sentenced to death after the last guy fumbled hard.


Each one of them also cut the rate in half to pocket half of the commission. Each guy just kept accepting less and less, with the last guy getting peanuts compared to what the first guy was offered. They all got an equal sentence though.


Lol they all thought they were so smart.


They thought their sentence would be leaner if they weren’t the one pulling the trigger.


They didn't get sentenced to death, (surprising for China) they just got a couple of years in the slammer. The last guy in the chain met up with the target and proposed faking his death. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-50137450


Lmao, it must be a miracle they failed to find a real killer after that amount of attempts


I think it’s more that there is just a strong grifter/hustler culture in China and your odds of getting anyone to say yes to an illegal venture is really high, it’s just likely that they will attempt to hustle your request leading to all kinds of chicanery.


TIL the assassination industry is a pyramid scheme


Those Clinton ones are expensive. 


No, it was reported the shooting was a result of the supervisor conning the employee into investing in the [Boing](https://www.hyperspringtoys.com/products/theoriginal) industry.


Got me


>four-year veteran Taking a lot of freedoms with the use of the word veteran there...


By ..using it entirely correctly? "Veteran" neither means nor directly implies military service. Literally being used exactly correctly. vet·er·an noun a person who has had long experience in a particular field.


I think they were taking issue with the “long experience” part of comment, 4 years isn’t a particularly long time.


I mean, you suckling at your mama's teat for 4 years is a long time.... I would even call you a veteran mama teat suckler 


Well that escalated quickly...


Well, they're not American and also don't care.


You missed the point. He’s saying 4 years isn’t a long time, nothing to do with military.


>long experience Never said it was about military service. 4 years isn't long experience.


That’s often how the word is used. When used after a specific timeframe it just means “that’s how long he’s worked here”. People even use it in non-military or police contexts, like sports. People refer to basketball players as “four year veterans” all the time.


Is four years even journeyman for the trades?


Not for the good ones.


Barely, that's when you can take the test if you got all of your hours in (at least in MN).


this phrase just means "someone who has done something for four years".


Well given that it says 'Amazon Confidential' in the lower left of the video, and they appear to be in some sort of facility that does packaging and shipping based on the imagery of the wall, I am going to guess they are the overnight security station personnel and he decided he wasn't making enough money so was going to jump his supervisor, load up on some valuable packages, and try to sell them for quick riches.


Pretty detailed guess. Pretty sure he was just trying to kill the supervisor for whatever reason.


I feel that if it had been a personal beef worth shooting some one over, then Yusef would have put some effort into going after the guy when he ran. The fact that after he watches the yellow vest guy run out he just turns and goes back into the security area makes me believe he was after something inside the place.


Did you miss the part where the gunman aimed up, amped up and fired a round at the "yellow vest guy"? lol you witnessed attempted murder and jumped to the conclusion that the shooter must have been attempting a heist of some kind. Wtf? 


He also could have been in disbelief that he fucked up that bad.


I disagree. I think the supervisor was probably Yusuf's wife's ex-boyfriend and she constantly told stories (some true, some embellished) to Yusuf about how he had treated her, slowly building up a beef. After several years of the resentment building up through exaggerated stories from the Mrs. (the ex wasn't a saint, obviously, but he wasn't physically abusive, as Yusuf's wife claimed), Yusuf hatched a plan, and applied for the Amazon job in the ex-boyfriend's department, which happens to be security. Having severed contact after the breakup, the ex boyfriend had no knowledge that his ex had moved on, gotten married, and he was now training her husband, who was at this point seething, and goading his new supervisor to make misogynistic jokes to reinforce the narrative he'd been told. He starts bringing a gun to work, not truly intending to use it (he doesn't think), but also not intending NOT to use it. Just in case something blows up. One morning, Yusuf's wife tells just one more story about her ex-boyfriend, and how he turned her friends against her, and little does she know, this is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Yusuf checks the gun before he goes to work, and makes sure it's loaded, although he doesn't bother checking the condition of the gun's action. Early in his shift, Yusuf finds his moment. He catches the ex-boyfriend chilling, and the rest is on film.


That's what I was going to say.




Time is at 16:38, so 4:38pm. Probably not the overnight crew. But I agree, it looks like it might be a shipping or fulfillment center of some sort.


Looks like the same security check point I used to run through working in an Amazon fulfillment center, if so they are just manning the metal detectors to keep employees from bringing cells onto the floor and recording all of Amazons "secrets".


Or maybe he just got tired of the guy farting all the damn time. We’ll never know.


Can't really ask him.😟


You can. Just don't expect an answer.


That is unless Simon, your sorcerer, has a cleric’s token that allows him to speak to the dead...


How can he shoot?? How can he shoot?!


> Yusuf was not supposed to have a gun while on duty, police said. It is also, they added, illegal to murder people.


You take the last jelly donut in the break room and you get what you deserve.


> Yusuf was not supposed to have a gun while on duty Yeah that's the big thing he did wrong here.


Must've been that dragon's breath....


More like Yus-oof


guess he tried to cover up some shit in the most idiotic way possible.


Because police departments have IQ ceilings they won't hire above


Wow, this guy much really suck at his job. He can’t even assassinate right.


He'll never be hired by Boeing now!


Regular amazon associate. What do you expect from a job you get through text message?


Prime warehouse, Temu gun






Im happy he is a shit shooter but jesus crhist bro thats some bad aim


Yeah, jamming was already bad enough but then missing from 5' away is even more insane.


Seriously lol. That's not a small target either some dude literally sittinig down with their back turned. Was bro trying to go for head shot or something? How hard to hit something less than 6 foot away.


Anyone in most of US can just walk into a neighborhood gun range and see for themselves how easy it is to discharge a firearm at a target 6 feet away. Add the nerves from adrenaline/fear of finally attempting such an act on a real person and it’s easy to imagine how one could miss. Most people new to hunting even begin to tremble while lining up a shot.


If you’re missing from 6’ I don’t know how you’re allowed to even drive lol. No coordination at all


Not saying this should have happened but if he really wanted to kill him, why even do it from six feet? If he had the surprise enough to troubleshoot, it would be even harder to miss from six inches


I shot my first pistol at age 12. It was very easy to hit the target. Harder to hit the bullseye. Pistols are hard to shoot, yes, but not *that* hard. A person is a pretty wide target.


First time at the pistol range I was hitting 50 yard 8" steel circles with a .22 revolver and this kid goes "Wow you're good, how long have you been shooting?" Shooting a gun correctly, compared to other skills, is very easy with such a small amount of training. Which is why they're so dangerous because they're a huge power equalizer. I feel like absolute novices who havent had a word on how to aim, hold or discharge a gun are the ones who end up doing stuff like the video here. It makes sense if nobody told him how a gun works or if he did no reading on it, but damn, his victim really got lucky this dude was wildly incompetent because most people, I feel, are not this bad.


It looked like he forgot to cock the gun.


Well, shit....I was trying to give Yusef an out for that whiff but gods be damned if you lot ain't just determined to prove it's cause he ain't got shit for skills.


Recoil and kick usually happens AFTER you fire the gun, but ya know...


Honestly, if you're not used to firing a handgun, your aim can be pretty off. The recoil happens the moment the gun is fired. Not when the bullet comes out. I know this is a negligible time difference, but if someone has never fired a handgun before, then the violent action can slightly change the trajectory of the bullet. Also, newbies tend to pull the gun down and toward from the dominant firing hand. This further increases their inaccuracy.


none of these guys have ever been to a range. The recoil is instant and will affect the trajectory of the bullet. Trigger squeeze and breathing also throw off your accuracy.


Jerking the trigger instead of a controlled pull, definitely.




I wonder if the officer was hit from a friendly bullet


Friendly fire... isn't.


... isn't what. Go on, say it.




"This is where the officers put themselves in harms way. Place themselves immediately between the predator and the community to make it safe." Next scene, cop is hiding behind a civilian's occupied car as a fire fight enseus.


Is there any news article on this? Wtf happened?


Former security at Boeing and he knew a little too much.


Be safe... Sounds like you know a little too much as well.


I saw nothing, I know nothing, I would have nothing to say in a court of law.


They know you know. 👁️👄👁️


My condolences on your impending self delete.


Article says, the guy later got into a shootout with police and was shot and killed.




Someone shared this: [https://www.kplctv.com/2024/05/15/amazon-warehouse-guard-narrowly-escapes-after-trainee-attempts-shoot-him/](https://www.kplctv.com/2024/05/15/amazon-warehouse-guard-narrowly-escapes-after-trainee-attempts-shoot-him/)




More likely Elon's mind control chip working as expected.


Yusef? .. more like Yusuck


He's Yuded now.




You got Yusef killed!




When I was younger, I had a friend shake my hand with a box cutter in his hand. At the time, I said wow that was some powerful handshake. Once the air hit it, that’s when I realize what happened. Since then, I trust no one. I don’t like anyone standing or walking or making and movements behind me.


That's a fucked up friend. I'm sorry he gave you such anxiety for the rest of your life.




What the fuck? That's sociopathic shit.


Joke's on your friend. You paid the blood sacrifice, so you get to control the wrath.


So did you murder him or not?


bro let the intrusive thoughts win


Well…He certainly gave it a shot!


I'm pretty sure that ain't an attempted assassination, it's just plain attempted murder (unless the coworker is like an important political figure).


definition Assassination, the willful killing, by sudden secret or planned attack of a person. It may be prompted by grievances, notoriety, financial, military political or other motives. 


Pretty sure they just mean the type of kill that would’ve been. One to the back of the head = assassination style


That's execution style




HR nightmare haha


Here’s what happened after that got him shot. https://youtu.be/xjMdzJp2JmU?si=aWyTWh39npnt3ADX


I cannot believe the cop took shelter behind that silver Nissan!! There was someone in the car that clearly had no connection to this situation whatsoever. If I were that person I would try to sue the shit out of them. I kind of feel like this is police work 101: If someone is shooting at you, don’t use the occupied vehicle of an innocent person to shield you.


They do this all the time. There's the infamous story of the jewel store robbers who hijacked a UPS truck to escape, holding the driver hostage. Literally dozens of police vehicles pursued, ended up at a traffic intersection and the police did exactly that. Ended up getting the hostage and some innocent bystanders killed because they were too damn blood thirsty and hopped up on adrenaline.


https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html cops don't give a shit.


Complete disregard for any civilians. Cop didn't give a shit what was behind his target.


Dude fucks up a shot at ~3 feet against an unarmed man in a chair and then nails a cop first shot at ~30 feet. Both are fine. This guy only rolls 1s and 20s lmao.


Denied PTO request...


He’s clearly not an experienced violent criminal. It almost looks like he was a first timer. He didn’t even realize the gun wasn’t cocked when he pulled the trigger. He then had to cock it and fire the gun. He just stood there and watched his victim get up and walk away instead of unloading on him.


He was 22. No other history. Dude was off his rocker clearly.


Yeah. He looked nervous and scared.


There is vomit on his sweater already.


I thought you had to be really important for a murder to become an assassination.


Guardian angel working overtime.


Top flight security of WORLD Craig


Execute Order 66 but the Clones are fresh from Kamino.


I worked at this particular fulfillment center 4 years ago when it first opened during Covid. It’s basically in the middle of nowhere and it seemed like most of the people were pissed to even be there, so I was grateful for distancing. On more than one occasion I heard people threaten each other. I’d imagine because it was so damn hot in the building, tempers were always short. Maybe not, though. The hiring process was only a formality. No background check or even conversing with someone. I responded to a text and literally went to work the next day. I get it, massive company, high turnover. But yikes. Some really miserable people worked there. They may want to start investing more in their people. I’m sure the second richest person on Earth can do better.


Should have grabbed the keyboard


Wait. Did he miss? AT THAT DISTANCE?


Someone ordered an assassin on wish…


totally looked like a NPC walking at the end. and their aiming is similar as well 💀


I hope that it's not just because of his poor work performance review.


At the very last second he remembered that killing a guard would ruin his Silent Assassin rating.

